HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-11-16, Page 4Hospital. Aid Hears
Convention Reports
The monthly meeting of the
Hospital Aid was held . in the
Council Chamber, Tuesday even-
ing, November 7, with the Pres-
ident, Mrs. F. Fingland, in the
'The minutes were read by
Mrs. Lorne Brown, while the
treasurer 1Vllss L. Walkinshaw,
reported a balance of $583:44.
Committee reports included
those by Mrs,'A. Iiaddy for Hos-
pital Supplies; Mrs, B, Olde for
the Jam and ickle shower and
Mrs. J. M. Elliott for Finance,
The latter reported $126 raised
from the recent concert,
A striking committee was ap-
pointed consisting of Mrs. D,
Bartliff, convener, Mrs} C. M.
Shearing and Mrs. R. S. Atkey.
Excellent reports on the three-
day Hospital Aid Association
Convention at the Royal York,
Toronto, the end of • October,
were given by, the delegates;
Mrs. L. McKinnm and, Mrs. D. 'J.
Lane. They brought back a com-
prehensive report of all the ev-
ents, including speeches, meet-
ings," banquets, the lieutenant-
govenor's reception and Ideas
learned at Round Table discuss-
ions. From the reports of the
other Aids in the province they
found that the local H.A. had
stood up well both in money rais-
ed, and work accomplished for
the Hospital, Their reports were
a real inspiration to the Hospital
Aid to carry on this fine com-
munity effort.
The Women's Missionary So-
ciety of Clinton Presbyterian
Church will meet at the home of
Mrs, W. Shaddock on Tuesday,
November 21, at three o'clock.
and Lions'
Friday,' November 24
Card Games, Chess, Canasta, Bridge
Door Prize
Deer Hunters
Goderich Township!
box of 5 90
.16 -gauge 85
.20 -gauge 80
.410-gauge��++... „ .... 75
"Imperial" .12 -gauge SSG,
"Buckshot" . ! ... box of 25 $3.50
Reversible Red Hunting Caps . ea. 1.60
Red Plaid Hunting Caps , .. ea. 1.35
Hunting Knives ea. 1.00 to 4.50
Shotgun Rubber Slip-on Recoil
Pads ea. 2.10
Palma Gun Oil 3 oz. .50
Sheath Rust Preventative .. 3 oz. 50
CIeaning Rods .22 and .30 -calibre
5004 cf -2datibi
C L$ N T O N - O N T A R I O
PHONE 42 - - - - - CLINTON
Rebekahs to Sponsor
Big Comedy Show
Huronic Rebekah' Lodge is
sponsoring the comedy hit "Aunt
Silly" in Clinton Town Hall on
Thursday and Friday evenings,
November 23 and 24. Well-known
throughout the UnitedStates and
Canada, it is an American version
of "Charlie's Aunt." The caste
is made up of local talent,
Besides the play/ itself there
are many special features, such
as the "Adorable Toyland Revue"
featuring local first grade young-
sters, dancing choruses of local
high school girls, and the show -
stopping Business Men's Revue,
featuring local young oldsters
with George Beattie as "Teach-
er's Pet," John Sutter as "Miss
Sweater Girl of 1953," and
Eddie Dale as "Mis Fortune." The
boys also have a chorus dumber
-they go tiptoeing through the
At the lest there is a stirring
Patriotic. Finale, featuring local
Scouts, -
Mrs. Ron, MacDonald
Again Heads Auxiliary
Mrs. RonalddMMacDoneld was
re-elected president of ,the Lad-
ies' Auxiliary of the Canadian
Legion at the regular meeting
on Monday evening, held in the
Legion Hall, with a good attend-
Other officers elected were:
honorary president, Mrs. Alex
Inkley; first vice president, Mrs.
S. E. Castle;, second vice, presid-
ent, Mrs. 13.. Stanley; treasurer,
Mrs. A, Heddy; secretary, 1VIrs.
W. E. Jervis; standard bearer,
Mrs. H. C. Lawson; press secret-
ary, MI'd. Wiilliiarcn S' iaddoek,;
social convener, Mrs. Hartley
Managhan; programme conven-
er, Mrs. W. E. Perdue; flower.
convener, Mrs. H. A. McIntyre.
Arrangements were made for
a Christmas party to be heldat
the December meeting. It was
decided to give each new baby
o..bank book containing a dollaI
deposit. -Mrs. J. W. Shaw, the
oldest member of the organizat-
ion was remembered on her
birthday recently. It was ann-
ounced that $42 more had been
sold in poppies this year than
Ontario St. Girls' •
Club `Hears Nurse
Miss Kathryn Coleman, a pro
tfessional director from Kansas
City, Mo., is in charge of the
production. The company she
represents was formerly the Red-
path Horner Chautauqua Co.
A baby contest is being run
in conjunction with the play,
starting `"Thursday, November 16.
The contest will close at five
o'clock Friday afternoon, No-
vember 24. Children up to five
years of age will be accepted as
entrants. Contestants will be
presented from the stage just be-
fore the aglow. The coronation
ceremony will take place just
prior to the show, Friday, No-
vember 24. There will be first,
second and third' prizes for both
the boys and the girls. A central
display window will be made of
the large pictures of the contest-
Mothers wishing to enter their
children should contact Mrs
Lorne Brown, Mrs. Robert Jer-
vis, Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. Herry
Gould, Mrs. David Wilson or
Mrs. George Jenkins.
Presbyterian W A
Plans Potluck Supper
The WA of Clinton Presbyter-
ian Church met et the home of
Mrs. Charles Clifton on Tuesday
November 7, with a good attend-
ance of members and two visit-
ors. Owing to the absence of
the president, Mrs. William
Shaddock, the vice-president
Mrs. D. J. Lane, presided. A
hymn was sung and Mrs. Lane
read from Phillipians 4, and led
in prayer.
The secretary -treasurer, Mrs
Alan Maxwell, read her reports
Mrs: Lane thanked the members
of the WA for their assistance
at the Mission Band Rally held
recently. -Plans were made for
the annual pot luck supper to be
held in the church basement on
Tuesday, December 5, at which
time the election of officers wil
he held.
A hymn was sung and the
Lord's Prayer, repeated in unis-
on, dosed the meeting. Mrs
Clifton, assisted by Mrs. Scott
served refreshments,
Gordon Harrison Heads
St. Paul's Men's Club
The men of St, Paul's Anglican
Church met • recently to form a
Men's Club. The following of-
ficers were elected: president,
Gordon Harrison; vice-president,
Ray Gibbon; secretary, Dick
Dixon; treasurer, Albert Kirby.
Meetings are to be held every
second Wednesday at 7.30 p.m,
At the meeting on November 3,
considerable business of organiza-
tion was transacted, followed by
a social evening. Lunch was en-
joyed to round out e good even-
at Regular mail order Prices
"A" Gauge Inlaid
6' wide $5.50 running yard •
"A" Gauge Inlaid
9"x9" 19c ea.
"C" Gauge Inlaid
6' wide $3.50 running yard
"C" Gauge Moulded
Gold Seal
6` wide ...... $1.40
9' wide .... 2.25
in all sizes and patterns
at regular prices
6' wide 85c running yard
6' wide $1.20 running yard
6' wide $4.20 running yard 9' wide $1.95 running yard
Hardware and Furniture
.. _ -- CLINTON
Wesley -Willis WMS
Hears About • Korea
The Woman's Missionary So-
ciety of Wesley -Willis United
Church met in the Church Parlour
on Thursday, November 9, with
the president, Mrs, Hearn, in the,
chair, and Mrs. Pennebaker at
the piano.
The president . opened the
meeting with a short reading
from the Missionary Monthly, fol-
lowed by the singing of a hymn.
Reports from the secretary and
treasurer were read. Miss Stone,
Christian Stewardship secretary,
reminded her hearers of the need
for prayer' for our brother Chris-
tians in Korea.
Mrs. Cooper gave an interest-
ing report for temperance quot-
ing Sir Harry Lauder and George
Bernard• Shaw on their reasons
for being total abstainers. Miss
Ruby Erwin reported for the
Literature department and Mrs.
R. Shipley read a letter of ap-
preciation from Miss Marjorie
Grigg for a gift of money sent
her by the Auxiliary.
Mrs, H. C. Wilson presented
the birthday box. It was decid-
ed that a letter of congratulat-
ions be sent to Mrs. H. ,G. Maw -
son, the former Miss W. Trew-
artha. The supply committee
reported having packed three
bales of clothing to be sent to
the relief department in Toronto.
A striking committee was ap-
pointed with Mrs. McGill es
chairman, Mrs. H, C. Wilson and
Mrs. Pickard.
Tring was receivand
Mrs, George Beattie and her
groupheoffetook charge of theed pra-
gramme part of the meeting,
the theme being "Christ's Dis-
ciples bring light." Mrs. Mary
Sutter and: Mrs. Eileen Rbbbins
sang a duett. Psalm 703 was read
in unison.
Mrs. Beattie took up the sec-
ond chapter of the Study Book
"Japan begins again" assisted
by Miss Ruby Irwin, Mrs. Wil-
son and Mrs. J. McLaren. Mrs.
Beattie displayed a cleverly
drawn map of Japan to illustrate
the study. Mrs. Addison led in
prayer. Mrs. Beattie read a poem
by Kagawa which was much en-
joyed. The meeting closed with
the singing of a hymn arid the
The Girls' Club of Ontario St.
United Church met at the home
of Mrs, Charles Brown on
Thursday evening last, with the
president, Miss H. Courtice, in
the chair. The meeting opened
by repeating the Commandments
in unison.
The devotional period was in
charge of Mrs. If Tyndall. After
the singing of a hymn the Be-
atitudes were repeated and pray-
er offered. Routine business was
Miss Ruth Glazier favoured
with two solos "Harbour Lights"
and "Mona Lisa." Mrs. N. For-
bes gave a reading and , Mrs. E.
Radford gave two Iovely instru-
mentals "Sweet Hour of Prayer"
with variations, and "Minuet in
G." The guest speaker, Miss Nora
Cunningham, of the Huron County
Health Unit, gave a very inter-
esting talk illustrated by moving
The meeting, closed with the
repeating of the Mizpah Bene-
diction after which the hostess
served dainty refreshments and
an enjoyable half hour was spent.
0 -.-
Baptist Ladies' Aid
Hears Fine Topic
The Ladies' Aid of Clinton
Baptist Church held its regular
meeting at the parsonage on
Tuesday afternoon, November 7,
with Mrs. Clark in charge. The
meeting opened with a song con-
test, followed by the singing of
"What a Friend we have in.
Jesus." The theme of the Scrip-
ture lesson was "Fashion of this
world passed away."
Mrs. Clark chose as her topic
interesting letters written by two
tax 'collectors, John end Zac-
cheus, exchanging their views of
their visit with Jesus, and seeing
the need • of changing their lives
after meeting Him. Mrs. Clark
also read a poem "Contract
Heart" and led in prayer.
Mrs, Cochrane, vice-president,
was in charge of the business
period. The secretary -treasurer,
Mrs. Clifford, read her reports
and had the roll call answered.
The meeting closed after arrange-
ments were made for the fall
bazaar to be held the end of
A dainty lunch was Served by
the hostess. •
St. Paul's Guild Hears
About Heating System
The monthly meeting of St.
Paul's Guild was held in Owen
Memorial Hall on Tuesday after-
noon, November 7. The Presid-
ent opened the meeting with
prayer. The minutes of the pre-
vious meeting were read and
adopted and 14 members answ-
ered the Roll Call, The Treas-
urer gave a very interesting and
encouraging report.
The representative to the
Board of Management advisedis
that the heating system com-
pleted and should give satis-
faction for many years to come.
Also that the Board of Manage-
ment gave their approval of the
coming Christmas Auction and
offered their support and assist-
The Convenor of the Christ-
mas Auction advised that it
might seem advisable to alter
all our arrangements for the
holding •of the Auction onThurs-
day evening, November 30th, as
it had just been confirmed that
the Commencement ofClinton
District Collegiate Institute was
being held on that night and the
following one. Members were
told that the Council Chamber,
the Auctioneer and clerk were
all availeble for Wednesday ev-
ening, November 29th, so upon
motion of Mrs. Counter and Mrs:
McKinnon. the Christmas Auct-
ion wes changed from Novemb-
er 30 to November 29. The Con-
venor asked permission , to ad-
vertise and this was given.
The Quilting Committee ad-
vised that an order for a quilt
has been received, and, in the
absence through illness of the
Conyenor, the other members
presi$nt offered to contact their
committee and to have the quilt
reedy when required.
, ,. Mrs. Robinson, reporting for
her Proper'•ty committee, referr-
ed to commitments from the last
meeting and was authourized to
order the necessary serviettes.
The Flower Mission reported
the number to whom flowers and
treets had been sent during the
past month and the acknowled-
gements and thanks were re-
As the Travelling Aprons have
now been called in to be at the
Recto y by November 15, the
Officers were commissioned to
deal with them and to be in a
position to report the proceeds
at the next meeting. •
Following the offering, the
Rector closed the meeting, With
Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott, Forest, weekend with the former's par-
visited Mrs. Irene Henri o n ents, Mr. and Mrs: H. McCartney
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Coates
Elwin Merrill visited over the and daughter, Peggy, Dundas
weekend with Harvey Sperling, and Miss Maude Coultes, Toronto
Elimville, , and Ronald Coultes, Hamilton,
Mr. and ,Mrs. Frank Mercer, visited their aunt, Mrs. Margaret
St. Marys, visited over the week- Johnston end cousin, Mrs. C.
end with Mrs. G. E. Saville. / Farquhar, on ,Sunday.
Mr. and IVirs. George Scotty' o
Mount Hope, are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Ronald MacDonald.
Alvin Leonard, • member of
Milverton High School staff, and
Mrs. Leonard, spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs, 3'ames Livermore,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leppington
and two sons, Brucefieid, ,spent
Sunday with the former's par-
ents, Mr,; and Mrs. Thomas Lep-
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Web-
ster and Mrs. James Webster.
Luoknow, visited at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. C. Farquhar on
Miss Maude Torarnce and John
Torrance left Tuesday to spend
the winter in Toronto where
their address will be 2001 Bloor
Street West.
Mr. and Mrs. Armitage and
Mrs. 'Watson, Toront,o and Mrs.
Durkin and daughter, Barbara,
Grand Valley, were Sunday visit-
ors with Mrs. A. D. Beaton.
Miss June : McCartney, Toren-
Church Directory
Baptist Church
Mrs. W. Alkenhead, Organist
Sunday, November 19
11.00 a.m.-Worship Service,
12.00 -Sunday School.
Pentecostal Church
Matilda St„ South of CNR
K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor
Sunday, November 19-
10.00 a.m.-Sunday School
11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship
7.30 p.m. --Gospel Service
Each Friday -
8.00 p.m, -Young Peple's meet-
ing, showing Biblical Iantern
slides in colours.
Each Tuesday -
8.00 p.m, -Bible Study and
Prayer Service
Each Saturday, Special Afternoon
meeting 3.30 p.m. for Child-
ren up to 14.
All Welcome
"Therefore if any man be in
Christ, he is a new creature."
II Cor. 5:17
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rentor
Mrs, Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon,
Choir Leader
Sunday, November 19
8,30 a.m.-Holy Communion
10,00 e.t.a. -Main . Sunday School
11.00 a,m.-Morning Service and
Primary Sunday School,
7,00 p.m, -Evening Service
No Bible Study Group this week.
Tuesday, Nov. 21, 3 p.m. -WA
at home of Mrs. Ed Nicicle.
Wednesday, Nov. 22, 8 p.m. -
Men's Club.
Thursday, Nov, 23, 6.30 p.m. -
'Chancel Guild pot -luck sup-
per at home of Mrs, Fred
Presbyterian Church
REV. D. J. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, November 19
10,00 a,m.-Sunday School Hour.
11.00 a.m.-Divine Service
The Fourth in a series of
sermons on the Church in the
.midst of . the world. "Place
of Revival."
2.30 p,m.-Knox Church, Bay-
Men's Club will meet on Friday
evening, November 24, in
place of Wednesday. evening,
November 22.
Every person is indebted to God -
Worship Him.
Everybody Welcome
Wesley -Willis United
Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister
A. R. Persan, Choir Leader
Sunday, November 19
11.00 a,m.-Morning Worship:
"The Ways of Life"
12.15 -Church School
7,00 -p.m. -Union Evening Wor-
ship in 'Ontario St. United
Come to the House of Prayer
Ontario St. United
REV, W J. WOOLFREY, Minister
Mrs. R. Wendorf, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, November 19
11.00 a,m-Morning Worship
"Redemption Now anil 'or -
12,15 -Sunday School
7.00' pm. -Union Evening Wor-
ship in this church,
"Needs Fulfilled."
Engagements Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton
wish to announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Marg-
aret Harriett, to John William
Counter, only son of Mr. and
Mrs. G. M. Counter, the mar-
riage to take place in St. James
Church, Middleton, on Satur-
day, December 9, at 2.30 o'clock.
Boris Berlin, member of the
staff of the Royal Conservatory
of Music of Toronto, festival ad-
judicator, and composer of num-
erous piano pieces for children,
will give a lecture entitled
"Pieno Technique and Essential
Daily Exercises" on Monday,
NSvember 20 at 8 p.m, in the
assembly room of the Public
Library in Brussels. The occas-
ion is the November meeting of
the Huron County branch of the
to, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Registered Music Teachers' Ass -
McCartney, Detroit, spent the oeiation.
Winter Weight Snuggles - Panties
and Vests
New stocks are on hand of the famous
Harvey Woods and Turnbull lines -
Don't wait until stocks are down
before you procure your needs.
Flannelette Blankets
Sizes 70x90 and 80x90
Priced from $5.25 up
Baby and Children's Near
Make our store your headquarters for:
Hose, Underwear, Coat Sets,
Snow Suits, etc.
Priced right to meet every requirement
W 1
For Nov. 16-17-18
NABOB COFFEE 1 Ib. bag 95c
RED BIRD MATCHES 3 boxes 21c
QUICK QUAKER OATS, Ige. pkg. 34c
LIBBY'S MINCEMEAT, 28. oz. jar 37c
VEL Giant pkg, 7 3c
Large pkg. 380
TIDE Lar a pkg. 75c
g pkg. 38c
ROBINHOOD FLOUR, 7 Ib. bag 49c
DAINTY RICE, 1 Ib. pkg. 18c
KRAFT DINNER 2 pkgs. 27c
PINK GRAPEFRUIT, size 96's 4 for 29c
COOKING ONIONS, No. 1 10 Ib. bag 25c
P.E.J. POTATOES _ 50 lb. bag 99c
FLORIDA ORANGES, size 250 doz. 31c
T. . Tho ps n
Men and Boys
(Select from 4 Leading Brands)
Luggage and Shoes