HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-07-20, Page 8PAGE EIGHT marrow NaWS-RECORD will continue 'to reside here for the present. • Teachers Honored Miss Agnes Fleming, junior room teacher for the past foul' years, was ,honored by her pupils with a gift before leaving to spend the summer vacation'at her home in Port Elgin. Miss Flem- ing' has accepted a position on the staff of Southampton public school for next year. Pupils of the entrance class took advantage of the occasion to •hohor Bert Gray, principal of the school,with a gift, Only one change will be made in the teaching staff. Miss El- eanor Kenny of Gadshill, a Strat- ford Normalite, will succeed Miss Fleming. Mrs. Woolfrey and Mr. Gray have been re-engaged for next year. Blyth We Meets Blyth, Women's Institute met in Memorial Hall Thursday, af- ternoon, July 6. ' The roll call was answered by naming a fav- orite flower. Mrs. Robert Powell, district director, gave a complete report of the district annual meeting in Wingham.. A committee, comprising Mrs. L. M. Scrimgeour, convener, and Mrs. R. J, Powell, Mrs. R. D. Philp and 'Mrs. H. Phillips, was appointed to secure numbers to be presented by Londesboro Women's Institute in Memorial Hall September 1. Beth Powell contributed a vocal solo and Clare Taylor two piano solos. A resolution was present- ed and accepted, requesting "that jars, in which commercial jams, jellies, or marmalades are sold, be put up in half pint or ,pint jars with uniform tops making H'ENSALL BLYTH (Intended for last week) Rev. W. J. Rogers, Mrs, Rogers, and Carol Ann, are on vacation for the -month of July. Dr. and Mr's. 5, G. Goddard, Beth 'and Peggy, left Saturdgy for a three weeks' vacation. Mr, and Nits. William Cook, London, visited over the week- end with Mrs. Catherine Devlin. Mrs. Wa G. Reid, Port Rowan, who has been the guest of Mrs. Bertha Bell, returned home on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Manley Sinks and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks are spending this week vacationing at Drysdale. Mrs; Elgin McKinley„ who un- derwent an appendix operation in Clinton Public Hospital, is im- proving nicely. Mrs. George Hess has returned home after visiting with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie McCloy, 'Toronto. Mrs. Orville Twitchell, and Mernie, left Sunday for Port Col- borne, where they will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Davidson. ' Miss Lois Henderson and Miss Jean McAllister left Sunday to spend a week bathing at the United Church Summer ""School. Goderich. Rev. P. A. Ferguson occupied the pulpit in the United Church Sunday morning, July 2, and de- livered a very inspiring message; the choir rendered an anthem, "Seek ye . the Lord." • Died in Flin Flon, Man. Mrs. John Henderson received a long distance telephone call advising her of the tragic death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Hubert Bates, Min Fion, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Bates and their family were In bathing in the lakeside and when one of the little girls got into difficulty, her niother•rushed to her aid but was drowned in A Non -Denominational Bible and Missionary Conference and Christian Summer Resort TUNE IN .. . CFCO Chatham 030K Daily except Saturday 10 a.m. (DST) BLUE WATER BROADCASTS bring HEAVENLY SUNSHINE TO THOUSANDS 26-29-b her heroic efforts to save her. Mrs. Bates whois in her early thirtys was drowned Sunday af- ternoon and is survived by cher. husband and seven children under, ten • years of age. Funeral ser- vices will'' he held this Thursday afternoon (July 13). Oddfellows', Picnic Some 200 members of the SOOF and Amber Rebekah Lodges' of Hensel',' and their families en- joyed a delightfulpicnic ah Jow- ett's Grove, Bayfield, Wednesday afternoon, July 5. Bathing, boat- ing and sports were the high- lights of the affair. The youngest child was Larry Elder, six -months -old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elder. A program of races was staged. A softball game, IOOF vs• Re- bekahs was played with the Re- bekahs the winners. Affair was climaxed with a ball game. Sports committee were: William. Brown, S, Ronnie, Ed Corbett, Harold Parker, Hensel";Tom Meyers, Milton Deitz, Zurich; Mrs. S. Ronnie, Mrs.. William Parke, Hen- sel'. Entertained at Blyth Hensel' Legion Ladies' Auxil- iary motored 'to' Blyth Monday evening, July 10 and were guests of Blyth Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. The guests were received by Mrs. Charles Salter, Wingham. President Mrs. Edith Phillips' was in the chair. One ceandidate was admitted into membership in an initiation ceremony conducted by the president. Mrs. McGowan reported that $50' had been raised from a booth held at a, frolic conducted by the Legion. This money has been converted into very attractive kitchen cupboards for their Leg- ion Hall at which the meeting was held. A program was en- joyed consisting of harmonica selections by Mrs: Mary Taylor; reading, Mrs. Morritt; vocal solo, Mrs. Edith Phillips; piano solo, Mrs. Phillips, all of Blyth; vocal solos by Mrs. W. Oameron, Mrs. Maude Redden; piano solos by Mrs. Fred Appleby. all of Hen - sell, Mystery prizes were won by Mrs. Edna . Bell, and Mrs. Rhoda Bowes, Blyth, Members of the Blyth Auxiliary presented a very amusing skit which was much enjoyed and appreciated. Bingo was one of the highlights of the affair. Prize winners from Hensel" were Mrs. H. Horton, Mrs. A: Foster, Mrs. C. M. Red- den, Mrs. B. Kyle, Mrs. G. Smale. Refreshments were served. Mrs. F. Beer, president of 'Hensel' Auxiliary, expressed thanks for a lovely evening. AVERAGED $400 DUBLIN -A recent shipment of choice cattle from Dublin aver- aged $400 a head. t, Clinton Flooring Mill We are now taking orders for all kinds of MILL WORK . a. We also have a full stock of FLOORING and MOULDING. made to any special pattern BUILT-IN CUPBOARDS OUR SPECIALTY! Fred J. Hudie Phone 362 John Deere Quality Farm Equipment SALES SERVICE Beni "I'nperial" Threshing Machines W. G. Simmons & Sons Farm . Equipment Ltd. GODERICH" - EXETER HAUGHTON'S WELDING SHOP ' " CLINTON New Spring Stock arriving at CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP Open Every Friday and by appointment for further information contact J. J. Zapfe, corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury St. E., PHONE 103 Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every Description ' T. PRYDE and SON ( Clinton Exeter Seaforth i (Intended for last week) Personals: Mr. and Mrs Nott, Egmondville, with. Mr. and .Mrs. Keith, Webster; Miss. Lorna Bray, Ottawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Gar- field Doherty; Miss Mary Kyle, Chatham, with Ann Jeanette Wat- son; Dr. land Mrs. Dennis C. Draper, John and Luanne, Mont- real, with friends here; Mrs, Alderson and Linda, •Alliston, with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ber- tha; Grover Clare, Jr., Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Grover Clare. At Summer Course Miss Edith Lockhart, Blyth, is in Toronto where she is attend- ing a summer course in Home Economics. She will resume her teaching duties at Sarnia in September, Appointed Teacher Miss Joan Whitfield, eldest daughter of. Mr and Mrs. Lewis Whitfield, Blyth, and a gradu_a.te' of CDCI and Stratford Normal School, has accepted the position of teacher of S.S. No. 5 Morris Township. Miss tirhitfield suc- ceeds Miss Isabel McDonald, Blyth, who has accepted a 'posi- tion on the teaching staff at Brantford. Rejoins ,RCAF • Glenn Tasker has rejoined the RCAF and left Thursday morn- ing, July 6, for Aylmer where he has been posted. Glenn served three years as a WO2 in the Sec- ond World War. A farewell party. was held"in his honor at the home of Mr. and Mre. James Lockwood. Mrs. Tasked and son, Douglas, tomes ,NE• W S - ,O F AUBURN (Intended for last week) Mrs. Mac Allison, Parkhill, is visiting her parents, Mr. .and Mrs, D, W. Hamilton. Miss Mary Asquith, Phm.B., Stratford, was a weekend visitor with. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Asquith. Mrs. Charles Straughan is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. Ronald Pentland and Mr. Pentland, North Bay. Mn and Mrs,. Elvin Wightmen and daughter, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and•Mrs. Earl Wightman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keller, Woodstock, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Harry Arthur and them more use to the housewife when empty." Six dollars was allocated to Blyth Agriculture Society to be divided equally three ways for special prizes for children's aca- demie Work, a festive centrepiece for a dining room table and a dark fruit cake. A splendid demonstration of flower arrangement was given by Mrs. Annie Lyddiatt and• Miss Josephine Woodcock. Mrs. Lyddiatt gave some unus- ual hints on the propagation, care and culture of the African, violet saying that when starting a new plant from a leaf,, break rather than cut the leaf from the parent plant and with a sharp razor blade taper the stem of the de- tached leaf, elongated, then lay flat on a table for two hours before planting in moist sand. Mr. Arthur. Per. and Mrs. Carr, Dresden, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry`Sturdy and Mrs, George Sturdy. Mrs. Clara Moore and grand- daughter, Miss Moore, Val d'Or, Quebec, are visiting Mrs. Moores brother, Edgar Lawson and Mrs, Lawson. Mrs. Rinderkneeht and Mrs. Maclntyre have returned to De- troit, following a week's visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beadle. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Little and Joan have gone to the Grimsby district for the summer months where Mr. Little plans to assist with the fruit harvest. Mrs. Mary Halstead, Detroit, leas been visiting Mrs. Annie Wolper and other relatives in this. dist- rict, Mrs. Halstead was former- ly Mary Plaetzer. She left this district 45 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Harold'Nicholson, Karen and Gary, Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bennett and John, Port Albert, visited on Sun- day with John Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradnock. Mrs. George Hamilton was in Goderich on Saturday attending the wedding of her grandson, Garth Hamilton, third son of Me` and Mrs. Thomas Hamilton, to Miss Betty Taylor, also of Gode- rich. Buys Doyle Property David Hamilton has purchased the home of Mrs. Thomas Doyle. He gets possession of his prop- erty in October. THURSD4Y, JULY 20, •1950 Village of Exeter • Seeks Town Status (Exeter Times -Advocate)" Clerk C. V. Pickard • will ask the Ontario Municipal Board to erect the Village of Exeter to a town. Council passed' a by -'law Mon- day night, July 3, to authorize the clerk to apply for a change in status. ' Application will not 'effect the boundaries of the municipality. ' The portion of Stephen Township to the south will not be included in the town. At their last meeting council considered annexing part of the township but they decided against it Monday night. Main. reason was the extra cost which council' felt would be incurred by an-, nexing the land. Council esti- mated more than $25,000 of work would have to be done on side- walks, sewers and water mains. Process of the changewill take more then three months. Before the Municipal Board will give the final order to incorporate the town, notice must appear in local and provincial papers for a period of three months. Population of the village, ac- cording to the latest count, is over 2,400, well over the 2,000 requir- ed for a town. With the change Exeter will be in the same cate- gory as Seaforth, Wingham, God- erieh and Clinton. , There will be an increase of three on the council with mayor, reeve, deputy -reeve, and six councillors. EW TELEPHONE RATES The Board of Transport Commissioners has ordered our first general rate increase in 23 years EFFECTIVE JULY 22, 1950 too, have gone up in price in recent years, and nearly all of them more than the revenue increase we asked for. The temporary rates now ordered by the Board give us only part of the revenue we require. If we are to continue towards our goal of providing service to all who want it, when and where they want it, we must receive the balance of the increase for which we applied. Although the cost of telephone service has finally gone up, when you think about it, the value of telephone service has gone up even more. In terms of convenience, security and friendly con- tacts, a telephone is worth far more than it costs I In accordance with an interim order of The Board of Transport Commissioners, telephone rates will be increased on July 22nd. These rates will apply until the Board makes a final decision on the application for higher rates that we made' last October. No one, of course, wants to pay higher prices for anything. Though our costs have been going up faster than our revenues for some time, we delayed applying for increases until it was clearly evident we could not continue to operate satis- factorily without higher rates. Most things you buy and the things we buy HOW TO FIND YOUR NEW RATE Look up your exchange area in TABLE "A". Its rate group appears beside it.. Below, under the cor- responding rate group column in TABLE "B", you will find the rates for the most widely used classes of service. If you need any information about other rates, please call our business office. You'll find the cost of telephone service has not gone up as much as most other things you buy. Its cost is still low - one of the smallest. items in your budget. Today as always your telephone is big value. TME BELL TELEPHONE COMPANiY OF CANADA TABLE "A" -ALPHABETICAL LIST OF EXCHANGES EXCHANGE RATE GROUP EXCHANGE RATE GROUP EXCHANGE RATE GROUP EXCHANGERATE GROUP EXCHANGE RATE GROUP EXCHANGE RATE GROUP Acton Acton Vale Agincourt Val g Ailsa Craig Alexandria Alfred Allocate Atvinston Amherstburg Ancaster Arnprior Arthur Arundel Atwood Aurora Avonmore Aylmer Ayr Barrie Baysvilie Bcatrtsville Beauharnois Beaverton Bedford Becton Belleville Bdoeil BerUtierville Black Lake Blenheim Blind River Bobcaygcon boudterville Bouchette Bow hette le flowosu sgc Bradford Brompton Brantford ' Brighton Brockville Brockv Brownsburg Brownsville - Bruce Mines Buckingham Burford Burk's Polls Buriington Campbeliford Canning, Cardinal Cargill Carleton Place Chalk River2 Chemist), J Champlain, Chanty 5 Ch Ch:teaugnay Chatham Chelmsford Chelmsford 1 2 3 1 2 , I 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 ¢ 1 3 1Oil 2 I 5 3 2 ¢ 1 t I 1 3 3 2 4 6 2 4 4 4 '4 1 3 1 1 4 3' 1 1 3 3 1 I 3 i 3 2 5 2 1 Cheeky Chcstcrvilic Clarenceville Clarkson Clinton Cobden coboconk CobourNupii Colborne CollIngwood Coniston Cookstown Cookeville - Cornwall Cowansville Crediton DeserontoKirk's Drayton Dresden Drummondville ' Dundalk Dundas Durham Dutton East Broughton Elmira Elora Embrun Espanola Essex Exetct Farnham Fcndon Falk Fergus. Finch Plesherton Freelton Galt Gananoqut Gatineau Georgetown Gilmour Glencoe Goderich Gracef[eld Granby Grond'Mere Gravenhurst Grimsby Guelph Hamilton Hannony Hanover Itarriston Harrow I-larrowsmith Hastings g Havelock Hawkesbury rp Ficnspll 2 2 1 5 3 1 1 4 3 1 2 5 5 3 3 I 3 4 2 4 2 I 1 3 2 I 1 2 2 3 3 I 3 I I 1 53 I a 1 2 3 ! 4 s 4 3 4 5 S 2 2 2 2 I I- 3 2 Hepworth Hespeler Holstein Hudson Huntingdon Huntsville Islington Joliette Kazabazva Kemptville Kingston Kingsville KirkIeld Ferry Kitchener -Waterloo Knowlton Labelle - L'clsine a-Plouffe Lachine Lachute Lakelle Lakcfield Lanark. Lancaster Laprairic L'Assomption Leamington Lefro5 L'Epiphanie Levis Lindsay Listowel London Longo cull Loretteville L'Orignaloutev Louiseville Low - Lucan Lucknow Lyndea Madoc Magog Mallon Marton Msniwakt MarkdaleWest bfarkdale Marmora Maskinonge Masse , Mattawa Maxville .. Meganti Megantic Merlin2 Medlin vide Midland Milton Mitchell 1 3 1 2 3 3 2 4 1 2 6 3 1 1 6 2 i 3 5,St. 4 I 2 1 2 2 3 4 2 4 4 3 7 4 3 5 3 1 5 1 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 - 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 41 ¢ 3 3 Montebello Montreal Morin Heights hiorrisburg Mount Forest Centre Napanac New Dundeeu New New Hamburg Newmarket Toronto New Niagara Falls Niagara -on -the -take North Bay North Gower Norwood Notre -Dame -des- Laurentides Oakville Sittings Oka Omcmce Orangeville Oniric Oshawa Ottawa Otterville Owen Sound Pakenham Palmerston Papineauvitle Pars Parkhill Parry Sound Pembroke • Penet[nguishene Perth Peterborough E'ctrolia l.'icton Plattsv llest Pointe.aux-Tremble Pointe -Claire Port Credit Pott Credit Port Hope Port ort McNi Poet P rs'ycoU 1'owassan , Prescott Preston - Quebec Rawdon Renfrew Richmond Hill Rtdge[own Ridgeville 2 10 I 2 2 ! 3 I I 2 3 6 2 5 2 5 i i r 4 13 1 I 3 ¢ 6 g 1 1 2. I 3 I g ¢ 2 3 6 3 4 2 3 4 . 5 5 6 k 1 1' g 4g g I S 3 3 5 Rigaud Riviere-des•Ptairles Roche's Point Rockland Rockwood Ruiet littsadl Ste -Adele Ste -Alphonse -d •Monts St -Alphonse -de. c- Rodrigues goer St- Andrews East Ste -Anne -de -Bellevue St -Barthelemy --Duca nsabi St-BrunoCatharines Ste -Cath rine Stc•Cathcrisb de-Fossambault St•Garaire Eugene St-Eflv'c. e St -Felix -de -Valois St•Gab ovidse•Bratrdon Ste-Gertevlckc•de- Picrrefonds St, GeotSe St•Hyac[nthe St -Jacques St -Jean St -Jean -de -Maths St•Jean, Ile d'Orleans St -groom St•Jovite St -Lambert St -Lin Ste -Marguerite- du -Lac -Masson St. Marys St-Ilichel•des•Saints St-Paul,i'Ermite Ste-Petronille St d'Etchemio Ste -Rose Stc-Seholasti ue q St. Thomas Se. Thomas St-Zenoent•dbPaai St-Zenon Sault Ste, Marie Scarboto Seaforth SevernhawBridge a Shawbridge Shelburne Falls Shelburne Sherbrooke- Lennoxvtlle Smiths Falk Smiths Smithville 1 1 2 I 2 2 1 3 4 1 I E 1 1 6 1 1 1 3 1 I. I 2 4 2 I 1 4 2 4 1 I g 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 1 1 8 4 g I 52 5 6 4 4 2 Sorel Southampton South Mountain Spanishg Stirling Stoney Creek Stratford Streehrooyy Sturgesvitle Sturgeon Falk Sturgeon Point Sun idge Sudbury -Copper Cliff PP Sutton e Sutton Sydenham Tara Tecuebon toek rhesal ne Thessalon Thetford Minos rhornhury Thornhill Thurso Tilbury Toronthurg Toronto Tottenham Trenton Trois-Rivieres Tweed Vaileyyfeld Vankleek Hill Varennes vandre,U Vcrchlres Verner Victoriavilleneis. Vineland Walke ton Wuterd wn Waterloo, Waterloo Qui. Watford Wellaaushene Welland Weltandport Wellington Lorne Weston Wheatley Wiarton Winchester WindsorWids Wingham Winona na4 Wolfe Islandocle5 Woodstock Woodville Yamachiche 1 1 1 2 3 g 2 2 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 I 3 4 Ip 1 4 6 2 4 1 I 2 r 2 3 3 2 4 4 2 2 5 3 2 2 g 2 4 7 3 5 3 TABLE "B" --- MONTHLY EXCHANGE RATES BY RATE GROUPS 'LONG DISTANCE New rates apply on Long many points in Quebec from 5 cents to 25 cents, tense and class of call. calls outside Ontario and Details are available at our OTHER RATES AND Information about other may also be Obtained from RATES Distance calls between and Ontario. Increases depending on P o Long Distance rates Quebec are unchanged. Business Offices. CHARGES new rates and charges our Business Offices. die. on CLASS OF SERVICE ! RESIDENCE SERVICEvary Individual Line 2 -Part Line Y2,15 Rural Extensions. BUSINESS SERVICE Individual Line Individual 1..,ine Message. Kate* Message Allowance 2 -Party Line Rural Extensions RATE GROUPS 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 10 $2.40 1.85 1.00 3.2$ ' •,,, .... 2,65 2.20 1.25 .. $2 50 2.20 . 1.90 1.00 3.65 ... ..•, 3.00 2.35 1.25 $2:65 2,25 2.00 -- .1.00 4.i5 •„ -,•. 3.40 2,50 1.25 $2.90 , 2.40 2.15 ' 1.00 4.65 ,,., 3.90 2.75 1.25. $3.15 2.55 2.35 1.00 5.25 ;,• 4.40 3.00 1.25 $3.40- 2.75 2.50 1.25. 5,90 4,90 3.40 1.65 $3.55 2.95 - 2.70 1.25 6i5 4,65 75 ; 3,65 1.65 $3,70 3.10 2.85 1.25 7.90 5.00 80 4,00 1.65 $4.00 3.25 3.15 1.25 9.50 5.55 90 4.50 ' 1.65 *MESSAGE RATE- The. monthly rale provides for tse number of outgoing local calix shown opposite 'Message Allowance", and unlimited incoming calls. The rate for each outgoing local call in excess a/ the Message Al mance is. Sc, NOTE - The rater quoted for individual (including Message Rate), a -Party and Rural Service are for Wall telephoner. Desh telephones arc god' more andhand telephones 3.0 more than shown, The Extension rales quoted arefor any Type of instrument. You'll find the cost of telephone service has not gone up as much as most other things you buy. Its cost is still low - one of the smallest. items in your budget. Today as always your telephone is big value. TME BELL TELEPHONE COMPANiY OF CANADA