HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-07-20, Page 6I
THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1950"
ews of Bayfield
'Miss Luoy, It. Woods Phone .Hayfield " 45r3
El. A. Featherston, London, . was
home over the weekend.
Miss Norma Sturgeon, Zurich,
is home on 'vacation this week,
J. McTague, Toronto, spent
Monday With his aunt, Mrs. V. C,
Miss Joyce Bell is spending
this week in Goderich with her
sister, Mrs. B. Beaton, Jr.
Mr' and Mrs. J. Ingeld and
sorb Detroit, Mich., are occupy-
ing Mrs. W. M, Purves' cottage.
John Elliott, Waterloo, is
spending a vacation with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Lorne King, Moose Jaw, Sask.,
is visiting his nephew, Walter
Westlake, and other relatives in
the vicinity.
Mr. ands
Mr . R. B. Johnston
went to London on Saturday
where the former has entered
Parkwood Hospital.
Mrs. H. IVlcClinchey returned
home onun
S day after having
spent a fortnight with her'dau-
ghter at Clair, Mich.
Mrs. Clayton L: Guest and Miss
Morah Guest, Guelph, are visit-
ing the former's sister, Mrs. Mal-
com Toms this week.
Mrs. L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Smith, London, Mr. ' and
Mrs. H. Tiling, Sarnia, spent the
weekend with Mrs. C.W. Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted TyIack and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scotchmer
attended, the Lions International
convention in Chicago this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Catling
and daughter, Mrs. S. Taylor,
Port Stanley, are visiting Mrs.
C'atling's brother, Herbert Stun -
Mrs. Lloyd, Westlake returned
to her home in Mount Forest ori
Sunday after having spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. M. Toms,
Walter Grierson, Waterloo, was
the guest of Mrs. F. A. Edwards
over the weekend. Mrs. Grierson
and two children returned to
Waterloowxt h him.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and
Gwen, who have been vacation-
ing with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker, re-
turned to their home in London
on Sunday.
Garfield Westlake motored to.
Thornton on Sunday where he
spent a few days with his sister,
Mrs. Beverley McClinohey, and
visited his brother, P.C. Lloyd
Westlake, Mount Forest.. on his
We are sorry we had to disappoint some people„
otheryears, so we urge you to get your order in for.
raspberries NOW!
We will pick them for you or you will enjoy
picking your own at a big reduction.
Please do not bring children unless attended.
(West of Hospital)
Cowper St., Clinton Phone 587J
Take advantage of our New Machine
for grinding valves of any,size.
We are experts in: • Engine Tune-up
• Ignition
• Carburetion
W D. Wells, Proprietor
Phone 349W -- Clinton
Mrs. Beverly McClinchey visit-
ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Westlake, from Wednes-
day until Sunday, She returned
to Thornton with her husband
who also was here ' over the
Mr. and IVlrs. Charles Ferguson
and family, Sudbury, who have
been visiting the former's Bath-
er, William L. Ferguson, for a
fortnight left on Sunday. Charlie
returned to Sudbury and Mrs.
Ferguson and three children went
to 'Embroil Ont. .
Miss Betty Heard, who has been
vacationing in Washington, D.C.
and Phoebus, Virginia, for a
fortnight, spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Emerson Heard, before resuming
her duties on the staff of the
Bell Telephone; bonder'.
Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Sharrow and
Della, Pillion, Mich„ Mr, and Mrs.
Sharrow, Jr. and two daughters,
Dianne and Myrna, Detroit, vis-
ited Miss Maud and Herbert Mc-
Gregor on Saturday. Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Haggerty, Memphis,
Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hag
gerty, Kathleen and Alvin Hag-
gerty, Detroit, were their guests
on Monday.'
Happy Family Reunion
Sunday was a very happy day
at the summer home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Bauer when their eight
married children with"their hus-
bands and wives and six grand-
children joined Mr. and Mrs.
Bauer, David, Marjorie and Ther-
esa for a family reunion.
Mistakes Corrected
Miss Lucy Woods, The NEWS-.
RECORD's Bayfield correspond-
ent, has an eye to the future.
She feels that perhaps in 50 years,
time some one may be referring
to the story she wrote for last
week's issue concerning the auc-
tion sale at the D. H. McNaugh-
ton farm; and so would like two
minor mistakes corrected.
Mr. Ritchie emigrated from
Perth, 'Scotland, and not from
Bannockburn, as was stated, and
the date should have read. July
10, 1835, instead of 1837. It was
thMaNaughton's who emigrated
from Bannockburn.
Mr. Ritchie represented Stan-
ley on the Huron District Council
in 1845, rather than in 1848, as
was printed.
11'11 iplhpli1111L1Clltilili;! i'I U1llillhllu' uu'uuLII!
Community Centre
Wed., July 26.
Dancing 10 - 1 a.m.
11111111111! 111111111111111 N11111111111 - 101 111111111111, •
Laundry and
Dry Cleaning Service
Wet Wash .08c lb.
Rough Dry .10c lb.
Semi -Finished 12c lb.
Minimum Bundle $1
Called for and Delivered
Leave Calls at
Phone No. 29, Clinton
"Old it40,50,60?"
—Man, You're Crazy
react your eget Thousands are peppy at 70. Try
rundown .1," ll With dile solely tto body e lack of iron
which many men and women call "old," Try
Carex Tonic Tablets for pap. younger feeling, this
very day. New "got aeaualetcd" size cads cos.
nor sale at as drug stores everywhere.
I. The nonrisbing glass of milk
from. Grandma is the happy ending
to this story. It started when
Ndture pat aluminum in the earth
itself. That is why this important
miseeral issightiin the milk we drink.
2. And Nature gave aluminon
qualities that make it ideal in
corners with food. Many milk pails
.. manyporta of modem milking
machines ate made of aluminum.
3. From farm to dairy.::. from
country to city.., rich, wholesome
Canadian milk is being increasingly
4. And to cap it all, many bottles
1 of milk arc protection.aealed with
shining aluminum foil tops.
earned inaluminum containers 1 Aluminum assures cleanliness for
to reach you fresh and pure, this most sensitive of all foods.
... othermaterialis more "food -friendly"
than aluminum. 'Whenever you see
aluminm' on the outside ' of a food or a
drink, there's an "inside story" of perfectly
protected flavour, quality and purity.
gOinlS fie the Joug ifs i
leave' daik minerals in foods water
deposit on and
deposits are harmless? ndtare easily
by standard cleaners or d are t so p.
steel wool mid ,cap
the' letters start Then
many readers of THE CHRIS-
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Goderich Township
Jerry Stirling spent last weeic
with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Turner.
Miss Helen McDougall has ac-
cepted 'a position with the John
Ingram Co., Toronto.
Miss Barabra Johnston, Wind-
sor, is visiting 'a few days with
Mr. and Mrs, Bill McGuire.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig, London,
are vacatdotiirig in Phil Heit-
bohmer's cottage, "Cedar Crest"
at Lane O'Pines Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Mackie, To-
ronto, are starting a three week
vacation in Mrs. Ed. Welsh's cot-
tage at Lane 'OPines Beach.
Miss Patricia McInnes, Regina,
Sask., is guest of Mr. and Mrs.
James Barnes in their Lane 0' -
Pines Beach summer .home.'
Miss Elaine Rathwell and Mips
Cathryn Wallis have returned t•o,
their homes after a ..ihort holiday
with 'heir grandparents, Mr., and
Mr,:. Ed Welsh,
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Cooley,
Detroit, are spending the week
with the lady's . parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Woods, also on vaca-
acation at Lane O'Pines Beach.
Mr. and rid 'Mrs. James Stirling.
spent a few days last week visit-
ing friends in Tara, Wiarton and
Tiverton. He reports a very light
fruit crop in that district.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Heitbohmer,
George and Neva, Stratford, spent
the weekend in "Cedar Hollow"
at Lane O'PTmes Beach. Mrs.
Heitbohmer and Neva ,remaining
for the week.
John McNaughton; Miss Kath-
leen McNaughton and Mr. and
Mrs. Ritchie McNaughton, all of
London, and D. H. McNaughton,
Hayfield, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Merkley,
Wingham, had as their guests on
Sunday, Mr. and MIS Robert
Hall, Miss Dorothy Piper and
Roy Manuel, all of Wingham,
and Sam Wright, the ladies' fath-
er, from Markdale.
'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bower,
Detroit, are spending a two -
week's vacation at their Lane
O'Pines Beach summer home.
Weekend guests with them were
Mr. and Mrs. Torn Feeney and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Moser, Detroit;
Mrs. Feeney remained with her
parents for a week's vacation.
A Question
Does rain on Su.id 'aSt.
Sw thin Day, mean a wet har-
vest': '
S.S. 4 Community Club
The July meeting of the S.S.
No. 4 Community Club' was held
at the home of Mrs. Harvey Mc-
Cartney with 12 members and
two visitors present. The meet-
ing was opened by repeating the
Lord's Prayer.
The secretary's and treasurer's
reports were given. Plans were
made for the picnic ' which was
to be held at the school on
July 19. '
The August 'meeting is to be
held at the home of Mrs. Morgan
Jones, the roll call to be "sug-
sug-gestions for roll ` calls."
The afternoon was spent in
quilting. A delicious lunch was
served by Mrs. E. Little, and Miss
June McCartney.
St. James WA Meets
A special •meeting of the WA
of St. James, Middleton, was
held at the home of Mrs, Stewart'
Middleton on Thursday evening,
July 13, with 23 ladies present.
This meeting was called to make
final arrangements for the ba-
zaar and
a-zaar'and baking sale to be held
yin Mrs. Edwards' store one Satur-
day, July 22. The articles for
the bazaar are of excellent qual-
ity,, including aprons, children's
clothes, and notions suitable for
Highlight .ofthe evening was
when the WA had the pleasure
of honoring one of its members,
Mrs, Alf Hudie, a bride of recent
weeks, by presenting her with a
silver cake plate,
Mrs. W. Clolclough madg the
presentation, Mrs. Hudie grac-
iously thanked the members.
Committees for the bazaar and
baking sale are as follows: ba-
zaar—Mrs. W. Colclough, Mrs. C.
Wise, Mrs. B, Rowden, Mrs. C.
Cooper; plants—Mrs. J. Grigg,
Mrs. E.l Trick, Mrs. A. Rathwell;
treasurers - Mrs. J. Middleton,.
Mrs. R. Middleton; baking—Mrs.
H. Tyndall, Mrs. W. Wise, Mrs.
F. Middleton, Mrs. B. McCullough,
Mrs. K. Merrier, Mrs. A, Miller,
1Vfrs.' O. Cole, Mrs. J Cluff; treas-
urers -Mrs. A. Hudie. Mrs. M.
The hostess served a delicious
lunch and a pleasant hour was
You will be delighted with
this fragrant tea
011371E :
'+F%i i,, . �i:: 'i ! :1: R« r•�'i i «�'.+,-.�:. .i a;4.; .r«.+a+. 44� , real ,P��� i:+y+ " u ;
Special Announcement
Dancing Every Wednesday
50C per person
Old and New Time Music by
Proceeds in aid of New 'Bayfield Agricultural' Hall
and Hockey Arena
DANCING 10 p.m. -- 1 a.m.
Every Friday Night
�F, 10 p.m. -- 1 a.m. Admission 75 cents
, , , r..»44:'oq«.:kntr,te,, cit«+::
The pa:'s
that refreshes
cbntinuo.us quality
is quality you trust
i4.aE ..rix REG.
Ask for it either way .:. both
trade -marks mean the same thing.
Authorized bottler el Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola ill,
1111111111111111101 101111110 1111111111111111110 011111111111Ii111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II''11011111111111111111111111111111111111111 DI1IDil111mI1Mi11001 1- 01111 l l i„ I III 111RIffllill110111-11 lfl h1111lltll II I it II1M11IIIIIIilhl11 6@'
(raisin (hail)
tratt:.;rd. and District
Hardware Association
50 feel,
all -rubber, including couplings
Sutter -Perdue
Phone 147
Ball and Mutch
Phone 195
Hugh R. Hawkins
Phone 244
1' Ili@ 11 111111 111(111 (11111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111;;111111111N1 IIIN' 1119'111111111111111111 1111111111111111 111111!11111111 111111111111111116111 1111111111111111(1! W11111ontmonii11111111niminsi go lillllll : IIIi11111i1111,111nuoi 1