HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-07-20, Page 4PAGE FOUR PERSONALS If you have guests or are travelling, phone 4, ,The NEWS -RECORD. F/O and Mrs. Harry. Holmes are vacationing in .Detroit, Mich. W. Robert Miller, Dunnville, is spending a vacation with his father, W, J. Miller. Mrs. Paul Rempel is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fines. Miss Pauline Holland has ac- cepted a position with the Bell Telephone Co., -Clinton. Wesley Cook, Fonthili, was a visitor at the home of ltlrs. F.W. Johnston for a few days last week. Fred H. .Elliott, Toronto, is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Elliott. E. A. Fines and Robert Fines are spending a vacation with relatives in the Orangeville district. Robert Kennedy, Toronto, is spending a few days with his grandparents,, Mr. and Mrs. N. Kennedy. Miss Clara Harrison spent the weekend with friends in London and attended the Hunt-Aikenhead wedding. Miss Dorothy Cornish, Aylmer, spent the weekend with her par - encs, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet. Cornish. • T. Joyce, Toronto, was a recent visitor with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs., Norman Fitzsimons. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cueing- .name are vacationing this wee r at Lookabout Isles "Lodge, on the Bruce Peninsula. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gilddon and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neilans are enjoying a motor trip to the. Manitoulin Island. Miss Shirley Sutter is visiting this week with her brother-in- law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. R. P. Robbins, Crediton. Miss Joyce Hawkins left Sat- urday to attend the Church of England Summer Camp on Lake Huron, south of Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Colquhoun and children, Donnie and Jackie, left last Thursday on a motor trip to Maine and the Maritimes. Dr. and Mrs. Harvey F, Potter, Brooklyn, N.Y., are spending this week with the forhter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Potter. Miss June McCartney left on Thursday last to visit her broth- er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schuiha, Edmonton, Alta. Mr. and Mrs, Leigh H. Snider, Toronto, and A. V. Ashdown, Cooksville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. H.Robinson. Mrs. W. Seeley has had as her guests at the lake, Lieut. and Mrs. Roger Dickeson. Lieut. Dickeson was stationed at RCAF Station, Clinton, in 1941, and is at present in Washington, D.C., attached to the U.S, Navy Chief of Staff . Department. Only a perfect BLUE RIVER Diamond for the girl you love: Select her en- gagement ring here. Every ring guaranteed per- fect. John A. Anstett Jeweller and Watch Maker PHONE 562 -- -- • CLINTON •!aascrw� . , Look! Here It Is! The New Eureka Complete: $39.50 Groves Electric Phone 688-j Ball & Mutch Funeral Home. HIGH STREET, CLINTON THE FINE APPOINTMENTS OF THIS FUNERAL HOME ARE BEAUTIFUL AND APPROPRIATE', AMONG WHICH THE LARGE PLEASANT ROOMS AND ELECTRIC ORGAN ARE NOT THE LEAST. There is No Extra Charge for Services Held Here Under Such Ideal Conditions BALE AND M.UTCH FUNERAL DIRECTORS D. G. BALL W. J. HUTCH Phone 361-W Phone 361.4 Phone 195 Alge CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Brucefield Girl Weds Pictured above are MR. AND MRS. RICHARD STANLEY HUNT, who were married in St. Peter's Cathedral, London, on Saturday, July 15. Mrs. Hunt, the former Amy Louise Aiken - head, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Aikenhead, Bruce - field, and her husband is a son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hunt, Renfrew, The young couple will take up residence in. London. — Engraving courtesy The London Free Press Elwin Merrill and Mrs. Ira Merrill spent Ithe weekend in Toronto, and attended the wed- ding of a relative while in the city. , Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. (Teddy) Kennedy, Toronto, spent part of their honeymoon with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Kennedy. Mrs: Jean I. Kyle attended the Mitchell -Wink wedding in Wind- sor on Saturday and before re- turning home visited friends in Windsor and Chatham. Fit. Lieut. and Mrs. James H. Lynch and two sons, Fred and Paul, left by motor Friday on a month's visit to their old home in Prince Edward Island. G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Hall, Toronto, left Sunday on a holi- day motor trip to the Manitoulin Island, Sudbury and Northern Ontario. G. N, Davies and Miss Margaret Davies left by motor Thursday night for Chicago, IIS, where they are visiting friends and at- tending the Lions International Convention. Chief of Police J. P. and Mrs. Hinchberger returned home Sun- day evening after a motor trip to the former's home at Edmon- ton, Alta., and other Western Canadian points. Benson Sutter visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cole, Highland Park, Mich., and on Sunday attended com- mittee meetings of London Con- ference YPU in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Royce S. Mac • allay and children, Mary and Diaglas, returned home Monday night after visiting relatives in Detroit, Mich., at the weekend. Miss Karen Hintz returned to Detroit with them. Mrs. E. W. Colquhoun and Laurie Colquhoun spent last Friday at a, reunion of former teachers and pupils at S.S. No. 5, Hibbert Township, Perth County. Bath are former pupils. Mrs. Colquhoun visited at Cromarty for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hill, To- ronto, have returned to• Toronto' after visiting for the past week with the latter's sons and other relatives in town. On their re- turn they were accompanied by Mrs. Hill's granddaughters, Misses Je, nee and Betty Fitzsimons. Mr. and Mrs. William G Fleis- cheuer and son Douglas, returned home Saturday evening after a fortnight's motor trip to several points in Saskatchewan including Saskatoon, Melfort and Kerrobert. They report crops generally; in excellent condition but, of course, not as far advanced as in this area. CDC! Cadets Attend Summer Courses Clinton District Collegiate In- stitute Cadet Corps was well rep- resented at a ten-day general camp at Camp Ipperwash, Lake Huron, which concluded last week. with more than' 1,200 cadets in attendance from all parts of On- tario. Lieut, G. W. McGee, cadet hi- structor, was attached to "B" Battery, Royal Canadian Artil- lery, while five cadets were at- tached to Royal Canadian Arm- oured Corps: Kenneth Armstrong, who acted as Lieutenant of No. 1 Squadron; Robert "Toby" Taylor, who acted as Corporal of No. 1 Squadron; Victor Harding, Garry Cooper and Howard Tait ('Blyth). The general course consisted of drill, bren gun Instruction, .22 range, fieldcraft, special arms (large guns), flame throwing, tanks, and supervised sports, in- cluding softball, volleyball, ping - pang, quoits and swimming. "Toby" Taylor excelled in vol- leyball. The next course in trades train- ing commenced Thursday and will Iast six weeks. It is being at- tended by Garry Cooper, while Harris Oakes sand David Fair- service have gone to Velcartier, Que., for a course in radar fire control. CLINTON WI Clinton branch of the Women's Institute will hold its annual picnic at Lions Park, Seaforth, on Thursday, July 27. The social. committee will be in charge. with Miss Harrison responsible for sports. Come and bring your basket. Beauty Salon 'PERMANENTS FINGERWAVES SHAMPOOS FACIALS MANICURES THELMA LAMBIE Phone 542J (wvw+ww.smeNPAAsv+w.v P.`P..P+NNNl.MPf.N LOOK! MEAT SPECIALS With meat being so expensive, take advantage of these low prices:. Smoked Hann—whole or half per lb. ••59c Smoked Cottage Roll—mild and lean :,_ per lb. 69c Peameal Cottage Roll per lb. 59c Smoked Picnic Hams -5 to 6 lbs. per lb. 55e Lovely Mild Cured Side Bacon -in the piece only per lb. 59c Pure Pork Sausage per lb. 49c Homemade Head Cheese—in the piece ,, per lb. 29c Choice Spring Chickens ---5 to 6 lbs., for roasting or frying per lb. 55c (No charge for drawing or cutting up) SUGGESTION FOR SUMMER SUPPERS Sliced Tomatoes, Cabbage Salad and Hot Meat Pies —• a real treat to ea`, --- Modern - Modern Meat Market Stanley Bros. Phone 76 ' Asr rU•.uw trJie� - .44.04.000e04 S and BOY'S • Summer Weight Footwear ® Shirts and Dungarees • Straw Hats - Sport Caps AIKEN'S Phone 2 ••- -- Clinton I W -W WMS Hears About Moosonee The Woman's Missionary So- ciety of ; Wesley -Willis United Church held its July meeting in the church with a good attend- ance. Mrs. Addison presided and opened the meeting with prayer and the singing of 'the hymn, "Jesus, Ring, shall reign victor- ious." The minutes of the June meeting were read and adopted, The 23rd Psalm was read in unison after which Mrs. Hearn read a beautiful meditation on it. Mrs. Wilson Ied in prayer. Part of Hymn 261 was sung. Mrs. McGill, for current events, spoke of the new 55 -bed hospital for the Indians Which is being built at Moosonee, and told some- thing of the life and customs of Korea. Mrs. Potter read a most inspiring article on Christian Stewardship. and Mrs. A, T. Cooper brought interesting tem- perance thoughts to the meet- ing. A very interesting talk on "How Home Missions have met. new calls since Union," was giv- en by Mrs. Norman Holland. Hymn 252 was sung and Mrs. A. T. Cooper closed hte meet- ing with prayer, I0OF NOTES Clinton Lodge IOOF No, 83, will join 'with the rest of Huron District No. 8 in a district picnic to be held at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Wednesday after- noon, July 26. All Odd Fellows and their families are urged to attend this function, the first of its kind to be held. Anyone wish- ing transportation kindly notify the Noble Grand, Benson Sutter, and this matter will be taken care of, -'_--p PASS EXAMINATIONS The .following pupils of Mrs. Bert Boyes have been successful in passing' their piano examina- tions of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto, held recently with Dr. Drummond -Wolfe as the examiner: Grade 1: Judy Ogston, Jane Batkin, both with first class honours; Grade 2: Doris 'Cooper, honours; Grade 3:' Mary Golds- worthy and Barbara Hattin, both with honours; Grade 4: Dorothy Managhan, Bev. Boyes, both with honuors; Grade . 7: Ruth Clarke, first class honours, and Marjorie Webster, honours. 0 ONTARIO ST. GIRLS' CLUB The members of the Girls' Club of Ontario St. United Church are asked to meet at the home of Miss Lucile Grant on Tuesday, July 25, at 3.30 p.m., when "a shower for the bazaar in the fall will be held. c MOTHERS' STUDY GROUP The Mothers' Study Group of Wesley -Willis United Church will hold a weiner roast at the sum- mer cottage of Mrs. William Murah, on Tuesday, July 25. Cars will leave the church at eight o'clock. Church Directory (All services on Daylight Saving Time) THE UNITED 'CHURCH OF CANADA During July the congregation of Ontario St. Church will worship in Wesley -Willis United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist A. R. Persan, Choir Leader Sunday, July. 23 9.45 a.m.—Service at Turner's Church. 11,00 a.m.—Morning Worship, "Control Thyself" Second in a series of three sermons. 12.15—Church School. Morning Service only Everyone welcome Presbyterian Church REV, D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, July 23 10.30 a.m.--Sunday School 11.15 a.nt.—Divine Worship: Anglicans and Presbyterians; "One Main Function of Christians" Knox Church, Hayfield 9,45 a.m.-Divine Worship. Let us not neglect to worship God, ALL WELCOME Baptist Church PASTOR CLAIR CLARK, B.A. F/L P. O. Jones, Choir Leader Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Organist Sunday, July 23 11.00 a.m.—Worship Service "A Blind Man Sees" 12.00—Sunday School 2.00 p.m.—Sunday School at Auburn. 3.00 p.m.—Worship Service at Auburn. EVERYBODY WELCOME Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR JOHN OSTLER, Pastor SUSSIONARY WEEK Sunday, July 10.00 a.m,—Sunday Scho23ol 11.00 a.m.—Worship 7.30 p.m,•-ilvangelistic Speaker at all services: Miss Harriet Brown, R.N., mis- sionary from Alaska. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Bible Study, Prayer. Thursday, 3 pari. --Outdoor games. 4 P.m.—Happy Hour Friday—Special service for alit Come and see coloured ' pic- tures of Alaska, shown by Miss Harriet Brown, R.N., who has just' returned from that land after four years in ti eousness which we h missionary work. "P 3-5: "Nby have done, bitusutaccordingot to Hisworks mercyright- Z He saved us, by the washing of regeneratitheHolyonGhosnd , arenewing of t;" THURSDAY, JULY 20; 1950 Wedding LIGHT,—MILLER Delphiniums, hydrangea and ferns decorated Kpox Presbyter- ian Church, Iroquois, on Satur- day, July 8, 1950, for the mar- riage of Margaret Anne Wylie Miller, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Russell Miller, to Walter Frederick Light, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Herbert Light, Cobalt, withi Rev. W. H. Heustin officiating. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor length gown of embroidered Swiss organdie over satin, the full skirt ending in a slight train. Her finger-tip veil Was of tulle and she carried art all -white bou- guet of carnations and sweet peas HUNT—..AIKENHEAD St. Peter's Cathedral, London, was the scene Saturday. morning, July 15, of the wedding of Amy Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Aikenhead, BrucefieId, to Richard Stanley Hunt, London, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hunt, Renfrew. The Rev, leather R. J. Langan officiated. The bride's father gave her in marriage. She wore white slip- per satin, fashioned with a Nylon yoke and off -the -shoulder neck- line and long pointed sleeves. Her veil of silk embroidered net fell ,from a headdress of orange blossoms. The bride carried a white prayerbook, with red roses The bride was attended by her and rosebuds. sister, , Miss Jean Miller, in pale gold, and her cousin, Miss Fran- ces Wylie, in pale blue. Their gowns were fashionedalikealike of embroidered organdie over taf- feta with wide sashes and match- ing poke bonnets, and they car- ried colonial bouquets ofmixed sweet peas, Ralph Light, Port Hope, was groomsman for his brother, and the ushers were Douglas Light and David Miller. Miss ' Anna Pond, ATCM, Guelph, played the wedding music. After a reception at the home of the bride's parents, the happy couple left' by train for a trip to the Laurentane. On their return they will live in Toronto For the wedding trip to North - Miss Mary Lane, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor, in blue chiffon over taffeta, The bride's sister, Miss Olive Aikenhead, was her bridesmaid, wearing pink chiffon over taffeta, They carried cascades of roses and blue corn- flowers. Donald Hunt, Renfrew, was his brother's groomsman. James Aik- enhead, brother of the bride, and Donald St. Louis ushered. At a reception at, Knotty Pine Inn, the bride's mother received wearing printed jersey, with a corsage of pink carnations and blue cornflowers. Assisting was Mrs. Hunt, smother of the groom, in white jersey, with a corsage of pink carnations and sweet peas. oth bride and groom are graduates of Queen's University, The bride hes been a member of the teaching staff of Clinton ern Ontario the bride chose an aqua dress, with white accessories and corsage of red rosesG. District Collegiate Institute for frew, Clinton, present from Ren - the past two years. Lonon and Bruc Kippen, Hensall, Old Boys' Reunion will bring company to every home. There will be a big demand for Sheets Pillow Slips Towels Tea Towels as well as many other household articles. CHECK YOUR WANTS NOW AND LET US FILL YOUR ORDER. Maternity Dresses Washable Chambrays, Spuns and Crepes as welt as Sun Dress styles. Artificial Flowers A new shipment has just arrived. SPECIAL SUN DRESSES and SUMMER SKIRTS in Gabardine, Frostpoint and Wool Plaid All Reduced 20% IRWIN'S Treats for your Table Saturday Specials BANANA CAKES LEMON PIES BLUEBERRY MUFFINS BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE I --' -- -- CLINTON Take Home a Brick of Silverwoad's Ice Cream (�`tI,M�'.Md^Y'MAr�pN.f.NDN.MaA9AyANVFVd•Y�dPYWw'✓'p"pO•I•bMMV'.Od.O, Brides-to-be For full coverage of Wedding photography, whether at the Studio, Church or home, get in touch with Fowler Bros, FOWLER B . PHONE 84 CLINTON "Your Photographers in Clinton"