HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-07-13, Page 4? GE ,POUR;
e tlitl'bl<f News -11 CORD
THURSDAY, JULe 13, 1950
Miss Beatrice Jervis, Toronto,.
wasa recent visitor with Mrs. A.
L. Rodger,
ear.' and Mrs. Fred Seeman and
1rril' Ca reol are spending the
summer at their home here,
Mrs. Wes Driver, Pilot Mound,
Man„ is visiting Mr. and Mrs..
Norman Ball.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crittenden
• have returned from their wedding
trip to the Pacific Coast.
Misses Helen' Turner and Eun-
ice Snow, Tuekersmrth, left on
lelonday for a trip to Vancouver,
British Columbia.
Miss Joyce Grigg, London, is
spendinga fortnight's vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. G. Grigg, Albert St.'
Mrs. Ralph Foster and two,
children. Corson and Miss Helen,
have returned after spending 'a
week with Mrs. W. A, Oates at
her cottage in Muskoka.
Miss Virginia Hoy spent last
week with her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. George Dowson,
and cousin, Garry, Stanley Town-
Mr, and Mrs. John R. Cook,
Ingersoll, were weekend visitors
at the home of the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs'. Charles R.
Harry Schellenberger and son,
Eric, spent last week at the for-
mer's home in Mitchell, and also
attended the Mitchell Old Boys'
• J. G. Crichton, Brampton, of
the Port of Toronto, is relieving
as Customs Collector here during
the absence on vacation of Mel-
vin J. Schoenhals.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray
attended the Horse Show in Dres-
den last Wednesday and' Thurs-
day and spent the weekend in
Windsor and Detroit, Mich.
.Samuel Riddick, well known
local business man, Is a patient
in 'Victoria Hospital, London, and
is under observation. Friends
hope for a speedy recovery.
The following is a list of suc-
cessful candidates in examina-
tions held recently by the Royal
Conservatory of Music of Toron-
to in Clinton. The names are
arranged in order of merit,
Grade VII piano: First class
honours -Ruth Clarke; honours—
Margery Ann Webster, Beth Boyd,
Ruth Keyes.
Grade VI piano: First class hon-
ours Marlene Jervis; pass —
Thelnia Baird, Barbara Jean
Lavender, Margaret T r e w i n
Grade V piano: First class hon -
curs Margaret Ellen Lawson;
honours -= Mary Joyce Ellwood,
Gail Shearing; pass Dwayne
Garwin Tinny,
Grade IV piano; Honours —
Marilyn Martin, Dorothy Man-
aghan, Frances Ruth Alexander,
Barry Whetstone, Bev. Boyes,
Stephen Brown (equal); pass--
ass-Faye Foster.
Grade III piano: Honours ,--
—Barbara Hattie, Mary Golds-
worthy; pass—Marilyn Taylor,
William C. Pilgrim,
Grade II piano: First class
honours -Ellen Boyce, Faye Aik-
enhead, Charles Thomas Mickle
(equal); honours -Doris Cooper.
Grade I piano: First class hon-
ours -Judy Ogston, Jane Batkin,
Roderick A. Ferguson.
Bride -elect Honoured
Prior to Her Marriage
A pleasing event took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ira
Rapson on Wednesday, July 5.
when Mrs. Rapson entertained at
a trousseau tea in honour of her
daughter, Miss Shirley, prior to
her marriage on July 8.
The trousseau was displayed by
Miss Danis McCool
The dining room. was prettily
decorated with pink end white
streamers, silver bells and flow;
ers. A dainty lunch was served,
Mrs. Orval Ranson assisting.
During the afternoon and even-
ing, the bride -elect was the re-
cipient of many beautiful gifts.
Mr. and Mrs, M. T. Corless
and A. B. Carless were in Till-
sonburg Friday last attending the
funeral ' of Mel. (Dr.) ,C. V.
Leonard Johnson, principal of
S.S. 11, Goderich Township, is
taking a summer course at the
University of Western Ontario,
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Proctor
and son, Douglas, are vacationing
at Sauble Beach, Lake Huron.
Their guests for a few days this
week were Mr. and Mrs. Willard
A, Aiken.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Brown
and family, Brantford, were vis-
itors on. Saturday with Rev. and
Mrs. H. C. Wilson, Mr. Brown
is in a legal office partnership
with W. Ross McDonald, Speaker
of the House of Commons, Ottawa.
Mrs. E. W. Colciuhoun and
family, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Col-:
quhotin and family, Mr. and Mrs.
D. C, Colquboun and family, all
of Clinton, and Mr, and Mrs. Len
Caldwell, Londesboro, attended
the, tenth annual McKellar re-
union' at Lions Park, Seaforth,
Sunday, There was a record
attendance of 166 persons.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Gibbing'
and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibbings
were in', Stratford on Sunday
visiting with the formers' sons.
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
William Tasker. The occasion
was the 48th wedding anniver-
sary of Mr. and Mrs. Gibbing'.s,
Sr. The same day Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Gibbings visited the for-
mer's brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tasker,
Stratford, who on Saturday cele-
brated their 24th wedding anni-
The Women's Missionary So-
ciety of Clinton Presbyterian
Church will meet at the home of
Mrs. Robert Scott on Tuesday,
July 18, at three o'clock.
Only a perfect
Diamond for the
girl you love!
Select her en-
gagement ring'
here. Every ring
guaranteed per
John A. Anstett
Jeweller and Watch Maker
PHONE 562 -- -- -- CLINTON
Taylor Family Holds
Successful Reunion
About 70 descendants of the
late John Taylor and Elizabeth
Ingle Taylor met for their sec-
ond reunion in Lions Park, Sea -
Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor were
married in Halton County near
Guelph more than 100 years ago,
and came to the "Queen's Bush"
in the early '505 of the last cen-
tury and settled on the 10th con-
cession of West Wawanosh,
Grandchildren, great grand-
children, and great great grand-
children were present at the re-
union from East and West Wa-
wanosh and Hulled Townships,
Ripley, Wingham, Goderich, To-
ronto. London, Dorchester, Blyth,
and Gerrie. It was unanimously
agreed to hold a similar reunion
in 1951, same time, same place.
Officers elected for 1951 are:
president, Rev. W. J. Taylor, Dor-
chester; secretary -treasurer, Mrs.
Stuart t Robinson, Biyth; conven-
ers: grounds, Murray Taylor,
Wingham; ' sports, E. Johnston,
Blyth; refreshments, Bert Taylor,
Two of the Housewife's
Best Friends
• •
The McClary
Combination Range
Electric Refrigerator
Model No. 126-48
Combination Coal and Electric Range
Floor space 36" wide, 28" deep. Cooking Top—Coal
section 2-8" Covers. Electric Section—four super-
fast Elements, choice of Red-Hed or Tubular. Fire-
box 16%"x9"x10", Electric Oven 16"x20"x123/1".
Oven with balanced door, fibreglas insulation. Stor-
age Drawer. Porcelain enameled broiler pan with
smokeless grid. Automatic Oven Heat Control -5
Heat Switches, Pilot Light. Appliance Outlet. One-
piece Cooking Top and Backguard. Cooks with either
electricity or coal. Bakes with electricity — heats
with coal.
Extra Equipment —Minute Blinder and Lamp.
Water Front and Wood Grate.
DeLuxe Model Refrigerator
Height, 59"; width, 30"; depth, 22:a". Floor space,
33%"x271/2". Shelf area, 121 sq. It. 7 cubic feet
food storage capacity. Interior porcelain enameled.
Exterior "Superlux" finish. Ice cubes 56. Acces-
sories, three ice trays, one porcelain enameled de-
frosting tray, one porcelain enameled Meat Keeper,
one porcelain enameled Crisper with glass cover,
Automatic interior light. Special shelving for ad-
ditional bottle storage. Approximate shipping weight,
31.0 lbs.
BALL and MUT';Cfl
A wedding of wide local inter-+
est was solemnized at the home
of the bride's parents, Ripley, on
Saturday, June 10,' 1950, when
Rev. D. A. Bryden united in mar-
riage Reta Elizabeth, 'eldest dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Walden, and William Harold
Crittenden, only son of Mrs.
Crittenden and the; late William
Crittenden, Clinton. The double'
'ring . ceremony.' was performed
under an arch of spring flowers,
palms and ferns.
The wedding music was played
by Miss Edith Hillen, Reg. N.,.
Clinton Public Hospital, and the
soloist was Gordon- Ross, Brock-
ville. brother-in-law of t h, e
groom, who sang "The ,Lord's
Prayer" and "Because."
Given in marriage by her fath-
er, the bride wore a gown of
white nylon over taffeta with a
matching headdress and finger-
tip veil. She wore a rhinestone
necklace, the gift of the"groom,
and carried' a bouquet of red
Talisman roses with matching
The bride's only attendant was
her sister, Mrs. John MacClrarles,
who ware a gown of pink nylon
over taffeta with matching head-
dress and carried white roses
with matching streamers.
Asa beeves, Goderich, was the
best man.
For the reception which fol-
lowed the bride's mother received
wearing navy embroidered sheer
with a yellow corsage. She was
assisted by the groom's mother
who chose grey figured crepe with
a white corsage.
For travelling the bride donned
a navy suit with pink and navy
accessories, Following a motor
trip to the Western Coast, s, Mr.
and Mrs. Crittenden have now
taken up residence on Orange
St., Clinton.
neckline and buttoned' down the
back Her only ornament was a
string of pearls., She wore a
fingertip veil and carried a show-
er bouquet of American Beauty
Londesboro United Church was
the scene of a quiet but pretty
wedding on Saturday, July 8,
1950, when Shirley Grace, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Iia
Rapson, was united in marriage
to John Wilfred Parent, Clinton,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Parent, Saskatchewan, The double
ring ceremony was performed by
Rev. S. H. Brenton.
The bride was lovely in a
three -quarter -length gown of
white net over satin with match-
ing headdress and a corsage, of
sweetheart roses. Miss Eileen
Glidden, Hohnesville, gowned in
pale green with matching head-
dress and a corsage of pink car-
nations was bridesmaid. The
flower girl was the bride's sister,
little Miss JoAnne Rapson, who
was dressed in pink and carried
a nosegay of carnations.
Alex M. Powell, Clinton. was
the best man.
Following the ceremony, a re-
ception was .herd at the home of
the bride's parents. After a brief
honeymoon, the couple will reside
in Clinton,
The groom's gift to the bride
was a Westinghouse electric radio,
and to the best man a gold tie
pin. The bride's gift to the
bridesmaid was' gold earrings.
(By our Bayfield correspondent)
A quiet wedding was solemniz-
ed in St. Jude's Anglican Church,
Thornton, on Saturday, June 24,
at 10,30 am., when Gloria Lillian,
younger daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. 'Walter M. Westlake, Bay-
field, became the bride of Bev-
erley MoClinchey, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. James McClinchey„
Hensall. Rev. J. A. McGonegel
officiated, this being his first
The beautiful bride, who was
given in marriage by her .mother,
wore a white satin gown fash-
ioned with long full skirt, caught
up in front by lily -of -the -valley
and sweeping into a train; the
close -fitting bodice had a nylon
yoke trimmed with Valencienes
lace, long tight sleeves, round
Hardware and Furniture -
PHONE 195 Clinton', 1.
Matron of honour was the
bride's sister; Mrs, Mertpn..Mer-
rier, who was attired in grey with
white hat and accessories,
Earl Ranting was groomsman.
Following the ceremony a re-
ception' and wedding breakfast
was held at the Queen's Hotel,
Mrs. Walter Westlake wore a
navy sheer frock;' with white ac-
cessories and corsage of American
Beauty roses.
The young couple have taken
up housekeeping in Thornton
where the groom is working
with the Carter Construction Co.
The popular young bride has
been on the Bell Telephone staff
in London for the past two and
a half years. We join in con-
gratulations and best wishes:.
St. Paul's Anglican Church,
Runnymede, Toronto, was the
setting for the wedding of Marg-
aret (Peggy) Madelon Kilty;'
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
R. Kitty,' Toronto, and grand-
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. W.
Shaw, Clinton, and Roger Earl
Lillie, Sudbury, son of Mrs. J.
F. Pearce, Dryden, and the late
W. R, Lillie, on Saturday after-
noon, July 8, 1950.
Dr. H. P. Westgate, uncle of
the bride officiated, with Rev. E.
Morley assisting. The ceremony
was performed against a back-
ground of white lilies.
Given in marriage by her father
the .bride wore a gown of white
lace over satin, fashioned on
princess lines with a strapless
bodice and lace jacket, and a
lace Dutch cap held her long
veil which had also been worn
by her mother. She carried a
bouquet of white carnations and
pink roses.
Attending the bride were Miss
Isobel Althouse, es maid of hon. -
our, and Misses Dorothy and
Elizabeth Kitty as biidesniaids.
They were gowned alike in tur-
quoise marquisette and white
organdy over coral taffeta with
pink mohair picture hats. They
carried colonial bouquets of car-
nations and roses.
Jack Chisholm was groomsman
and the ushers were John, Colin
and Harry Kilty.
At the reception which follow-
ed in Prince Arthur House, the
bride's mother received in navy
lace over coral taffeta and a cor-
sage of roses. T h e groom's
mother assisted wearing pale blue
lace with a rose corsage.
Following a wedding trip to
Parry Sound the young couple
will' take up residence in Sudbury.
Among the guests from out-of-
• The Beautiful
near •
McBrinee "Cuban':
Tiger Grain
with plastic dress hangers,
richly lined.'
The latest in Luggage
and Leather Goods
Phone 2 k- Clinton
Beauty Salon
Phone 542J
Church Directory
(All services on Daylight
Saving Time)
town Caere: Dr. and firs. fl P,
Westgate, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Kitty, Welland; Mr. and
Mrs. Merton, Walkerville; II. F.
Shaw, Hanover, New Hampshire;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fingland,
Ur. .and Mrs. Morley Clounter,
Mr: and Mrs. Ephraim Snell, Mrs.
Johns Jacob and Dr. J. W. Shaw,
MLA. . Clinton.
A quiet wedding was solemniz-
ed in Grace '17nited Church Par-
sonage, Dunnville, on Friday,
June 30, 1950,, when Rev. Ross.
D. Crosby' united in marriage
Hilda Mae Egger, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Feed! Egger, Canboro,
and James Stanley Jackson, Ham-
ilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Jackson, Clinton.
Miss' Rita Egger, Toronto, at-
tended her sister as' maid of hon -
nor while Keith Jackson, nirath-
roy, was his brother's best man.
Only the immediate families
were present at a 'dinner served
at the home of the- bride's par-
After a short honeymoon to
Northern Ontario and Quebec the
young couple will make their
:home in Hamilton.
Presbyterian Church
REV. D. J. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes. Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, July I6
10.30 a.m.—Sunday School
11.15 a.m.—Divine Worship:
Anglicans and Presbyterians.
Rev. John Pollock, Wingham,
will preach.
Knox Church, Bayfield
Anniversary Services
31.00 a.m.---Morning Worship
7.30 p.m.—Evening Service
Guest speaker at both ser-
' vices will be Rev. Alex
Nimrno, BA-, St. Andrew's
Church, Winghene
Special music at both ser-
vices. A Thankoffering will
be taken.
(By our Hensall correspondent)
A wedding of interest took
place in Empress Ave. United
Church, London, Saturday, July
I, at three o'clock, when Rev. A.
le: Boa, uncle of the bride, unit-
ed' me marriage, Pearl Stephan,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Smale, Hensall, and WiI-
liam C. Hooper, Exeter. .
The bride looked charming in
a' street -length dress of white
figured nylon sheer with white
accessories, and she wore a cor-
sage of red roses.
/ Mrs. Fred Peters, Hensall, was
During July the congregation of
Ontario St. Church will
worship in
Wesley -Willis United
Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister
Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist
A. R. Persan, Choir Leader
Sunday, July 16
9.45 a.m.—Service at Turner's
11.00 am.—Morning; Worship,
"Know Thyself"
First in a series of three
12,15—Church School,
Morning Service only
Everyone welcome
Baptist Church
F/L P. 0, Jones, Choir Leader
Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Organist
Sunday, July 16
11.00 am.—Worship Service
"Paul's Interview With
12.00 -Sunday School
2n0 p.m:—Sunday School a t
3.00 p.m.—Worship Service at
Pentecostal Church
Matilda St., South of CNR .
Sunday, July 16
10 00 a,m,—Sunday School
11.00 aan.—Morning Worship
"Why Speak with Tongues"
230 p.m,—Emangelistic
Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Bible Study
Subject, "Coming Events"
Thursday, 3 p.m. -Outdoor games
for, :the boys and girls;
4.00 p.m,—Happy Hour
Friday, 8.00 p.m;—Young People's
Service. Air Force boys in
Saturday, 8.00 p.m,—Street Ser-
vice in the park.
"He that heareth my word
and believeth on him that
sent me batheverlasting life,
and shall not came into cone
demnation; but is passedfrom
death unto life." --John 5 :24.
matron of honor wearing a these
of white figured jersey with
white accessories, and corsage of
red roses.
Fred Peters, Hensall, attended
the groom. •
After a wedding dinner served
at the Knotty Pine, London, Mr.
and Mrs, Hooper left amid show-
ers of confetti on a wedding trip'
to Northern Ontario, the bride
travelling ni a wing blue tri-
cotihe suit with white accessories.
Mr. and Mrs. Hooper will re-
side in Exeter, where the . bride
will conduct a nursing home.
The rectory of St, Joseph's
Church, Stratford, was the scene
of a quiet wedding an Saturday,
June 17, when Etheline O'Hearn
was united in marriage to Lloyd
Longman,. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.
O'Hearn, Dublin, and the bride-
groom, who resides in Stratford,
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Longman, Auburn.
The bride looked lovely in an
afternoon dress of white figured
nylon, with- which she wore a
white picture hat, wMte acces-
sories and a red rose corsage.
Mrs. E. O'liearn, sister-in-law
of the bride, was matron of hon-
or, and E. O'Hearn was best man.
Mr. and Mrs, Longman spent
their honeymoon at Niagara Falls.
They are residing in Stnatford,
Engagements Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Bond,
Goderich Township, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Helen, to Lawson
Woodcock, son of Mr. and Mrs.
B. Woodcock, Fredericton, N.B.
The marriage will take place the
latter part of July.
It Has Happened Again!
Due to the unfavorable weather
this spring we are forced to reduce
our stock of dresses at a saving to
the public.
A Whole Rack of Dresses
including Spuns, Ginghams and
20% All reduced
Hot Days bring a demand for„
Shorts - T -Shirts - Halters
and Bathing Suits
as well as SLACKS for protection
against mosquito hoards; Sun Dresses
too, with bolero tops are worn in all
sizes ---12 to 241/2.
Children's sizes 2 to 12
Women's sizes 14 to 20
as well as O.S. Gowns
Watson's Quality Lingerie
carried in stock
See them at
Bartliff Bros.
Can Serve You?
Bakers and Confectioners
PHONE 1 -- -- -- CLINTON
�w+•►rrsrr+v+w+w++.. �...w a.r.+w+vvw�w.e+vww•�.,�.J,n oav,o«w.00.n
Brides -to -fie
For full coverage of
Wedding photography,
.whether at the Studio,
Church or home, get in
touch with Fowler Bros. ,
FO LER B 054,
"Your Photographers in Clinton"
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