HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-06-29, Page 7ItTIIIIRSD'AY, JUNE 29, 1950 INIM11111P. efol.~...1.04.4....1,0404,0411,04,1,11.,NONO‘MI.A.P..~...S.WM4141FIN~i GREY COUNTY'S GRASSLAND DAY , • Wesley Magwootl's (Second farm East of Hanover) Highway 4 WED., JULY 5 •Special speakers include: Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister 1 of Agriculture: Dr. Ridley, Chief, Forage Division,Ottawa•; : lion. F,, R. Oliver, 1111PP: Dr. Macliinnen Phillipa, 1Plailion. l'ittlEll'elt,74, 11111rielasftfd,f gtOczettnfigis .1Coil ralinimemnielliton• loC:linin 1 , Demonstrations and Display of Hay Making Machinery in 3 ' operation and Weed Spraying Equipment — all makes of • machinery. Lunch on Grounds. Convenient Parking. Grant W. Sweiger, Assistant Agricultural Repregerttative, Grey County; 1'. Stewart Cooper, Agricultural RepreSereta- live, Grey County. 26-b 4...........easeaaasetaegeseaaesseeesateareeeeedeeseereattea John Deere SALES Quality Farm Equipment SERVICE Bell, "Imperial" Threshing Machines W. •G. Simmons & Sons Farm Equipment Ltd. GODERICH EXETER• HAUGHTON'S WELDING SHOP CLINTON ••••••IM•114111•10. CARBURETION The last item to cheek in a diagnosis is carburetion, and with it, the fuel supply system. The carburetor itself is last in this check. In many cases fuel troubles are diagnosed incorrectly as carburetor trouble. A complete cheek of the fuel simply system includes the vent in the fuel line, flexible connection, fuel pump and the intake and exhaust manifolds. After this has been completed, then the carburetor should be checked. In diagnosing* carburetor troubles, the apparent condition , usually can be phi -pointed to one of the five circuits 'in the carburetor. This makes it mueh easier to locate the trouble after the carburetor has been disassembled. Consult Specialists WELLS AUTO -ELECTRIC • W D. Wells, Proprietor Supertest Products Ontario St. Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 349W -- Clinton 41111111.111111111MMINIMINICINIIIIM11111.1 Housework is much Easier with a DURO Pump Plenty of clean fresh water at the turn' of a tap ... with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. Every Farm can be rnodern NOW! DURO PUMPS are designed to meet farm requirements „ . in the house . . barn . . . truck garden . . . cows stables and fire protection as well for all your buildings, EMCO Fixtures,and Fittings Working in an trico kitchen . . bathroom and laundry is a pleasure . . Pro. tea the health of your family add to the com. forts of daily living. 5117.50 F.0,0. London, Canada Sao us TODAY for complete Information For Sale by HUGH R. HAW KIN •EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED London - Hamilton - Toronto - Sudbury - Winnipeg VoncouVOY and METALS LIMITED Calgary - Edmanton - Vancouver CLINTON NEWSellECOIM • LO1SIDESBORO,' Laura Saundercock spent'a coup of days with Loricion friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adam and Jean, Clinton, visited wi Mite Lillie Webster and Jack. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Austi and family have moved to Seafarmforth, forth, having sold their farm Mrs, Harry ltacEtvan, Clint spent last week' with her par- ents, Mr. and' Mrs. Will •Govier. Henry Yungblutt, Niagara Falls, is holidaying at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yusg- blutt. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart, Clinton visited with Mrs. de Stew- arsister, Mrs. W. Lyon, on Sunday. • . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riley and Sharon, Hensalli spent the week- end with the lady's mcither, Mrs. C. Watson. Mies Ann Yungblutt, Ingersoll, is visiting at the home of ,her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Good. Mrs. J. IVIoroso and . children, Hamilton, are visiting with the former's mother, Mrs. 'William Lyon for a time, Mrs. H. Lyon is visiting at the home of her son-in-law and. dau- ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ker- slake, near Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. John McCowan and Shirley Marie, Porter's Hill, and H. Oakes spent Sunday with lVfr. and 1VIrs. George 1VIeVittie. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vodden spent Saturday at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Pipe, Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lansing accompanied by Mrs. Lela Ball and Mrs. Ira Merrill, returned Friday from a motor trip to Flare, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook and Mrs. Percy Gibbings motor- ed to Grimsby on Friday to at- tend the funeral ni their uncle, the late William Montgomery. Mr. and, Mrs. Joe Yungblutt, Mr, and Mrs, Carl Longman, Mr. and Mrs. Russel 'Good and Helen spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yungblutt, Ingersoll, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter, Clinton, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Erank Tamblyn on Sunday and also attended the Decoration Service held at the Union Cemetery, Blyth. • Delivers Fine Sermon Rev. S. H. Brenton delivered a very fine sermon on "Sunday Sports" last Sunday morning. Garden Party Planned The Sunday School of the United Church is planning for a garden party to be held on July 4 at the Community Hall. The Walton players will be the enter- tainment, Building. New Horne William Govier has started to build a new house, the location being between the White Rose gas station and Will Campbell's residence. rmirreavegole.seem; PAGE SEVEN s. boole was given by Doris Grier= ,•••••••••••0 le son, Mrs. Shobblook and gvelyn • w ante Young. Ola Fangrad gavels read- s ing. Meeting cipsed with hymn All Wool shipped to JACKSON'S Mrs. Alice Carter arid Mr th 256 and. closing prayer by Mrs. Shobbrook. n, Londesboro WA Meets The regular meeting of Lon- desboro WA was held in the basement of the church- on Thurs- day, June 15, with the president, Mrs, B. Shobbrook, in charge. The opening,hymn was sung and was followed by the Scripture reading and prayer in unison. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted, and the treas- urer's report was given. Roll call was answered by "My Maiden Name and Birthplace." Next month's roll call to he "My first school teacher," Program com- mittee for Jelly! Mrs. T: Fair - service and Mrs. S. Carter. Mrs. W. Howatt gave an inter- esting account of her tripwest last fall and Gail Manning played a piano sutra The ladies .spent the afternoon quilting. The clos- ing hymn was sung and was fol- lowed by the Benediction, Lunch was served by the hostesses. There were 16 present, Mission Band Meets The Mary Grierson Mission Band held their June meeting in the basement of the church with the vice-president, Evelyn Young, in the chair and Doris Grierson at the piano. Meeting opened with call to worship and hymn 257 and God Save the King, followed by Lord's Pnayer in unison. The Scripture Was read by Marjorie Young. Minutes of last meeting were read. Birth- day pennies were given by Barry Lovett and Billy Shaddick (omit- ted from May). Roll call was [answered with 24 present. Offer- ing was taken by Barry Pipe; World Peace was given by Buster Shaddick. David Ball and Freddie Lobb favored with a duet ac- companied by MrS. Ball Study C B ENTERPRISES GODERICH Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service Wet Wash .08c Ib. Rough Dry .10c Ib. Semi -Finished • 12c Ib. Minimum Bundle $1 Called for and Delivered PICKED UP TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Leave Calls at Phone. No, 29, Clinton .40.101•2•1.7•••1,ZOOrmilgrf e•Mll ,M1.8.1.4•00 •ONTARIO DrPARTMENT OF 1-1 IG,HWAYS • GEO. H. 000 ETT, Minitier SUMMERHILL • Ladies' Club Meets Summerhill Ladies' Club held its June meeting at the home of Mrs, Russel Good with 29 mem- bers and 3 visitors present, The meeting opened with the singing of "Home on the Range" and the repeating of the Lord'e Pray- er in unison, The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and adopted and thank you letters were read from Mrs. M. Johnston, IVIrs. Percy Gibbings, Mrs. Sohn Gibb- ings and Mrs.- A. Hayward. Plans were made for the annual picnic which will be held in con- junction with the school and committees were formed to set tables etc. It was decided to send $25 to the Manitoba Flood Relief *Fund. Faiddthe programme Mrs. Clar- ence Ball gave a travelogue on her trip to Toronto, Mrs, E. Du- Bois gave a reading and Mrs. G. Mills conducted a contest which was won by Mrs, Ivan Hoggart. The raffle was won by Mrs. L. Wright. The July meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Merrill on Wednesday, July 5, The ladies are asked to note the change in date. The lunch com- mittee is Mrs. Ivan Hoggart, Mrs. Wes Hoggart, Mrs, Graydon Neal and Mrs. 'Chester Farquhar. The programme will be in charge of Mrs. Clark Ball, Miss Dorothy Blake, Mrs. L. Blake and Mrs. Glen Cornish, LONDON ROAD Club Holds Meeting Mrs. Clegg opened her home for the June meting ..ef the London Road Club when 12 mem- bers and two visitors were pres- ent. Mrs. Managhan, the presi- dent, opened the meeting with the singing of "Long Long Ago." The minutes .were read and adopted. A "titanic you" letter was read from Mrs. Bruce Hol- land. A quilt teas raffled and won by Mrs. Norris. The mystery box was won by Mrs. Anderson, The Club decided to hold a pic- nic at Hayfield on July 8, Mrs. N. Manning was in charge of the programme. A contest on getting the most names out of "F4akhead was won by Eileen Layton. A . humourous reading was given, The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem after which the hostess served a delicious lunch. The next meet- ing will be the picnic at Bayfield on Thursday, July 8, at 3 pen. Everyone on the London Road is welcome. ,a-cmcoaccansautusecnoscr Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs REPAIRED and RE-COVERED Free Pick -Up and Delivery Stratford Upholstering Co. 203 Waterloo Si., Stratford Inquire at Clinton Electric Shop Phone 479 Clinton 402216212122:01=s211=32=22.212Z7raMIRREIRD. 11.0,0,41,4,44,04,1`64,04,04.1,04.11NINI,044, 1 INA'S Mending Service Invisible Mending Reweaving Moth Holes Tears and Rums on Men's Suits and Ladies' Dresses Collars and Cuffs Turned Mending of all kinds. SEAFORTH Phone 780 will, take mail service 23-24-25-26-b `eeraveomanleeNswe.r.sreNae‘moo.secus• E ENT LOCKS immediate Delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS PHONE 684 : SEAFORTH • 13 -39 -la is Graded in Seaforth and full settlement • made from them. Ship Your Wool To H. M. Jackson SEAFORTH Write for sacks and twine Phones: 3-W and 3-J tfb teiraMaIMMVIS BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANCY INCOME TAX RETURNS Private Business Farm Reports Bookkeeping records installed and checked monthly or as requested ROY N. BENTLEY 36 Regent Ste Box 58 Goderieh ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Ete. Ann Street Phone 355W Exeter ERNEST W. HUNTER Chartered Accountant 57. Bloor St, W., Toronto R. G. MeCANN Accountant and Auditor Rattenbiary St. E. Phone 561 Clinton CHIROPRACTIC D. H. alcINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction OFFICE HOURS: Hotel Clinton, Friday, 1 to 8 p.m. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday, 1 to 8 pan. HERBERT, B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic Goderich Office Hours: Mon., Thurs.—t) a,m. to 5 p.m. Tues., Fri. -9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m, to 8 p.m. Wed, & Sat. -9 a.m. to 11,30 OM. Vitamin Therapy, Electro Therapy Office—Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. DENTAL DR. D. B. PALMER Dentist Albert St —Phone 676—Clinton INSURANCE Be Sure : Be insured K. W. COLQUI1OUN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative: Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 9W J. E. HOWARD, Bayfield Phone Clinton 824r31 Car - 'Fire - Life - Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy. H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res, 251J Insurance -- Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. R. L. illeIVIILLAN, Bayfield Life, Accident, Sickness, Auto- mobile, Hospitalization, Household Phone: Clinton 634r15 LOBE INSURANCE AGENCY Cor. Williem and Rattenbury Sts. Phone 691W — GENERAL INSURANCE — Representative: Dom. of Canada General (Life) Howiek Farmers' Mutual Eire Insurance Co. Buy LIFE Insurance To -day? To -morrow may be too late! JOHN R. & LLOYD X BUTLER Representative CONFEDERATION LIFE , INSURANCE Phone 274 — Clinton — Box 315 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL 'FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Ofifce, Seaforth ..Offieers 1950—President, E. J. Trewartlia, Clinton; vice-presi- dent, J. L. Malone, Seaforth; man- ager and secretary -treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Other direct- ors: S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonlxualt, ,Boenholm; Ro- bert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; W. S. Alexander, Wal- ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. Agents: J. E. Pepper, Brucefieid; R. F. Mciaercher, Dublin; George A. Watt, Blyth; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagere Selwyn Baker, Brus- , sels, • MEMORIALS T. PRYDE' and SON Cemetery Memorials Showrooms open every Friday and by appointment. See J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103 OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE; R.O. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Goderich - Phone 33 RUTR itiotAelint Huron St. --Phone 69—Clinton RADIO SERVICE , • PERSAN and MADSEN Fast Efficient Radio Service Ten Years Previous EXperience on all Auto and Home Radios Free FM Informatoin PHONE 471eW, 'CLINTON • SIGNS Signs of alt Types — cut-out letters; wooden display fixtures; truck lettering; storefront signs; overhanging signs. - HUB SIGNS "In the Ilub of Huron County" Clinton 589R : : PHONE : : 797W ' VETERINARIAN DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinarian Phone 203 Clinton Pointing is fen with Flo-Zon ttuick drying enmel. Just flow it on, Flo-Zon levels itself. 18 beautiful colours, black and white. J. W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Clinton, Ontario Albert Ste Phone 120 APP: ,..#10,04"9,00)03504t#01000 LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY NIGHT NEIL McKAY and His ORCHESTRA featuring Kay Jennings, Vocalist MIDNIGHT DANCE—July 3-12.05 am SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT—July 1 3 Games 1 p.m.—Parkhill vs. Grand Bend 2.30 p.m.—Sylvan vs. Thedford Final Game -6:30 p.rn. Between Winners of Afternoon Games VIINIMIERMINISIatalygma.11111MING1111111111711111111/11MIEM, Clinton Flooring Mill We are now taking orders for all kinds of MILL WORK We also have a full stock of FLOORING and MOULDING made to any special pattern BUILT-IN CUPBOARDS OUR SPECIALTY! Fre ow Phone 362 41 ie TES * throughout 76 Countries JUNGLES... M00,111AINS... COUNTRY ROADS AND SUPER HIGHWAYS *Standard Vanguards are owner adjust- -ed because they are owner tested. Throughout 76 countries of the world, Standard Vanguards have been driven in. every climate --on every kind of road. Owner suggestions, the findings of research experts and the superb engineering • staff at the Standard Motor Co. Ltd. have all combined to give you the new unbeatable Standard Vanguard. It is the car of the future • yours in 1 9501 Drive it today. The famous attadne "STEEL SLEEVED" engine (removable cylinder liners) gives you top performance throughout the life of the car. Ask your dealer about this exclusivefeature. 'r THE STANDARD MOTOR The modern factories of The Standard Motor Co. Ltd. at Coventry, England (CANADA) LTD. comprises ovor 200 acres. WO over 2.A million sq. IL Or 601. 4 Lawton Blvd. Toronto, Canada space and nun- 10,000 skilled poems. Standard Vanguard Cars; Standard estate Carte "Standord", builders .1 Ow caro Once . Standard Panel Dolorery and Pickup Trucks* 1903. Triumph Cars. V1453 Distributor: BRITISH CARS and VANS, 880 Bay St., Toronto CAMP.BELL'S GARAGE' St. David's St., Goderich