HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-06-29, Page 5TE1Th Y, JUNE 29, 1950 CLINTON';NEWS-RECORD PAGE °FIVES rews-Record Classified Adlets Brlm.g Quick Results VASH RATE,--(If,-.paid by Wed- nesday • following date of iaser- tion)—One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number; or for three - lion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE 'HOUSE AVAILABLE for looking after aged gentleman. Share ex- penses. Apply Box "J", RENS- -RECORD. 25-26-p ACCOMMODATION ' WANTED THREE OR FOUR ROOM FUR- wished or unfurnished apartment. Air Force officer and wife, F/O Hiallady, Hotel Clinton. 26-p TWO BEDROOM DOWNSTAIRS 'furnished apartment or house. Tenancy for approximately two years. Contact F/O D. E. Smith, RCAF, Clinton. 26-27-p ACCOMMODATION for Rent LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM. Phone 677W. 26-p ARTICLES FOR SALE .UST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT of extension ladders 30 to 35 feet in .Iength. H. W. Charlesworth, phone 199W. 26-p WOODEN ICE BOX, 50 lb. cap- acity. Phone 550R. 26-p TENT, 8x10 FEET. Miss P. R. 'Cuninghame, phone 176. 26-b W. DOHERTY ANTIQUE Solid 'walnut small organ, for sale, cheap. Apply P.O. Box 25, Bay- field. 16-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1935 FORD COACH. Phone Clin- ton 252. 25-26-b 1937 FORD ,V-8. New motor, radiator, dutch, windshield, gas tank. Good tires. $400. River- side Rest Home, phone Mitchell 69. 25-26-p 1949 AUSTIN A 40, in first class condition. Willing to trade on 'bigger car. Contact F/L Baxter, RCAF, Clinton. 26-7-p FARM PRODUCTS FOR SALE 12 ACRES RED CLOVER AND timothy; 18 acres alfalfa and timothy. J. Smith, R.R. 4, Clin- ton, phone 617r11. 25-6-p FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE DEERING MOWER, six-foot cut, in good repair; also dump rake. William Fotheringham, R. R. 3, Seaforth, phone Clinton 628r11. 25-26-p FARM HELP E L I A B L E, EXPERIENCED olland families, arriving soon, pply to Cde Haan, Belgrave, t. 16-b-tfb FARMS FOR SALE 50 ACRES, good agricultural arm, barn 40' x 60', driveshed 0' x 40', seven -roomed dwelling, ydro available, situated in Stan- ey Township three miles from rucefield. Apply H. C. Lawson, ealtur, Clinton, phone 251W. I8btfb FURNITURE FOR SALE SIMMONS STUDIO LOUNGE. new and reasonable. Phone 443R. 26-p HOUSES FOR SALE TWO-STOREY FRAME HOUSE, 24x32, and one storey kitchen, 20x28. L. M. Fisher, R. R. 4, 'Goderich, phone Carlow 1221. 26-7-p HELP WANTED 'WANTED — YEAST -RAISED "Baker for Mac's honi-dipt donuts, 18 Springbank Drive, London, 'phone Metcalfe 71513. 24-25-26-p TRICYCLES FOR SALE 'CCM TRICYCLE, large size, in 'excellent condition, Phone Sea - ;forth 83,3r2. 26-p PERSONAL 'SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain '.5 to 15 lbs, New pep, too. Try -famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for -double results; new healthy flesh; 'new vigor, New "get acquainted" ..size only 60c. All druggists. adv. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SIX CHUNKS OF PIGS, ten weeks old. It. J. Semple, phone Clinton 909r25, 26-b ELEVEN CHOICE PIGS, ready to wean; sow due in August, Jack McGuire, phone Clinton 802r5. 26-b TWO HEREFORD,X DURHAM cows, one with two weeks old calf, one to freshen in month. Phone W. R. Billings, 617r34, Clinton, on Saturday. 26-p TWO COWS, five and 'six years old, Hereford and Durham, re- cently freshe}red., George Col - dough, phone Clinton 805r31, 26-p, LOST AND FOUND LOST — A DRESS STEWART motor rug at the Clinton races, June 21. Finder please call Carlow 237 collect. 26-b MJSCELLa N EOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will \ work odd days, harvesting, etc. 25-34-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- rich. 2btfb NOTICES FOR FURNITURE, PIANO and radio cabinet refinishing, see W. G. Pickett. Box 351, Clinton. 24-25-26-p WILL BE ABLE TO DO CUSTOM baling, reasonable rates, side rake supplied. George Colclough, R, R. 2, Mayfield, phone Clinton 908r23. 25-26-b POULTRY FOR SALE 150 PULLETS, New Hampshire x Sussex, ready to lay. Apply D. S. Farquhar, phone 805r5. 26-b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call. G. W. Cox at Clinton 550R. 26-b STOVES FOR SALE MOFFATT ELECTRIC Hot Plate, heavy wiring, two large elements; also Tudhope oven to fit above. Both in first class condition. Phone Clinton 619r4 or contact Harry Plumsteel. 25-6-p THREE -BURNER COLEMAN gasoline stove, in good condi- tion, with or without oven. Phone 477W. 26-b TWO -BURNER HEAVY DUTY electric range, with oven heat control; Maxwell washing mach- ine; both nearly new; four -bur- ner Gurney electric range. Mrs. INoble Holland, phone Clinton 617r22, 26-27-b WOODWORKING WOODWORKING, band and jigsawing. Reg. Smith, phone 197W 16btfb CARD OF THANKS Mrs. H. L. Wise and family wish to take this opportunity of expressing their sincere apprec- iation to all those who sent flow- ers, and the many messages of sympathy, and to those who loan- ed cars or helped in any way during their recent sad bereave- ment. 26-b CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Townshend wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for the kindness shown them; special thanks to Dr. Oakes and the nurses dur- ing Mrs. Townahend's stay in Clinton Public Hospital. 26-p CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the Varna Orange Lodge and the Goshen WAITS and all the friends and neighbours who sent me flowers, gifts and cards, and called to see me while a patient in Clinton and London hospitals, and aleo those who came to visit me miter I came home. (Signed)—WILLIAM HAYTER,. 28-b BIRTHS GOLDSWORTHY - In Clinton Public Hospital;' on Wednes- day, June 21, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Goldsworthy, R,R. 1, Clinton, a daughter. MILLER In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, June 25, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Miller, Clinton, a son. SMITH—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, June 25, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Smith, RCAF, Clinton, a son. MARRIAGES MALLOCH-KEYES—In the Uni ed Church, Varna,' on Saturda June 24, 1950,.by Rev. Reba Herr}, Mary Minerva Maude Keyes, Reg N„ elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Sherlock Keyes, Varna, to Chester Ridge way Malloch, B.ScB.Sc.,son of Mr Chester Malloch, Elstree, Hert England, and the late Malloch: WEST HURON WI VOTES AGAINST SUNDAY SPORT Officers named at the district annual meeting of West' Huron Women's Institute in Wingham were as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. Lorne Ivers, Dungannon; president, Mrs. L. M. Scrimgeour, Blyth; 1st vice- president, ,, Mrs. A. R. Duval, Wingham,' 2nd vice-president, Mrs.. A. Campbell, Auburn; sec- retary -treasurer, Mrs, , 0. Popp, Dungannon; federation repersen- t_ tative, Mrs. Norman Keating, Wine:tam; district delegate, Mrs. L. M. Scrimgeour, Blyth; alter- nate, Mrs. Tait` Clark; agricul- ture and Canadian industry, Mrs. George Ginn, Clinton; citizenship and education, Mrs. Earl Ander- s son; community aetivities, Mrs; s Fred Toll; historical research, Mr, Mrs. A. Wiles, Goderich;' home economics and health, Mrs. H, Miller, St. Helens: Plans are to hold next annual meeting at Kintail and the district picnic at Goderich. Present at the meeting were delegates from 12 branches throughout the district and pre- sided over by the district presi- dent, Mrs. L. M. Scrimgeour, Blyth. Reports Presented • At the morning session reports were given by the district treas- urer Mrs. 0. Popp, of Dungan- non, and by the following con- veners of standing committees: Mrs. G. Gann. Clinton; Mrs. Earl Anderson, Belgrave; Mrs. Fred Toll, Auburn; Mrs. A. Milken, Goderich; Mrs. H. Miller, St. Helens; Mrs, Tait Clark. The Rev, W. A. Beecroft gave the address of welcome which was replied to by Mrs. A. Campbell, Auburn, second vice-president During the course of the opening session, a demonstration by junior institutes was given by Miss Jean Scott, of the Huron County Home Economics Brapch. Afternoon Speaker Speaking at the afternoon ses- sion, Miss Helen McKercher, de- partmental supervisor of home economics, urged individual branches to have objectives, dis- cover end stimulate leaders. "If you don't know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?" asked the speak- er. "We may know our wants but do we know our needs? People like recognition. Make your branch meetings more in- teresting. You must plan your meetings." Miss McKercher ex- plained the co-operative program in home economics which pro- vides opportunities for everyone. Against Sunday Sport Presented to the meeting and accepted were the following re- solutions: "Whereas at the pres- ent time many communities are voting for Sunday sports and whereas Sunday night dances are held in many centres and where- as such activities desecrate our Sabbath, therefore be it resolv- ed that we as institute members voice our protest against opening the Sabbath day to organized sport and against Sunday mid- night dancing" Petition County A further resolution from the Belgrave branch was accepted: "Whereas the practice of com- mercialized amusements on Sun- day is harmful to the morals of the youth of our country, there- fore be it resolved to petition the county council at their next meeting to prohibit the practice of commercialized amusements on Sunday in Huron County." Further resolutions asking stif- fer penalties for drunken drivers and equalization of hydro rates to all consumers were presented but will not be dealt with until a later date. DEATHS CARTER - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, June 27, 1950,. William James Carter, beloved husband of Lillian Ferguson, in his 82nd year. Funeral from the Beattie -Mc- Roberts Funeral Home, Rat tenbury St. E., Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, this after- noon (Thursday, June 29), at 2.30 o'clock. SMITH—In Varna, on Wednes- day, June 28, 1950, Marion Agnes Fisher, beloved wife of John F, Smith, in her 57th year. Funeral from, the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, to Varna Anglican Church, ' for service at 2.30 o'clock, Friday afternoon, June 30, to Baird's Cemetery. TAYLOR—At his home on Fri- day, June 23, 1950, Alfred Tay- lor, Hensall. Funeral to Hen- sall Union Cemetery, Monday, June 26. c Robt. Weeks, Clinton, Wins Car at Exeter For .Robert Weeks, Clinton, operator of a loud speaker sys- tem, his first assignment in Exeter proved very profitable. He was engaged by Exeter Legion to advertise their frolic, which was held on the main street Thursday night. Upon'ar- riving in town he 'bought a ticket on a car from Bill Chambers, secretary of the Legion At mid- night Thomas Pryde, MLA, made the draw for the car and Robert Weeks, Clinton, was announced as the winner. Three other draws were made, whtgh won a blanket for Tom Walker, Exeter, groceries for Ross Alexander, Hensall, and a pair of shoes for. Lloyd Hern, Woodham. 0 Magician Entertains Clinton Legionnaires Members of Clinton Branch No. 140, Canadian Legion, turned, out in force for the monthly meet- ing of the Branch in the Legion Hall Monday evening. Feature of the evening was the presentation of feats of magic by Roy Head, London, assisted by Mrs. Head. Their show was well received. Several members of Branch No. 468, Hensall, attended the meet- ing. A number of members, includ- ing band and colour party, at- tended the official opening of the Legion Memorial Hall of Mc Donald Branch No. 183, Kincar- dine, on Sunday. It is planned to take band and colour party to the Zone drum- head service at Mitchell on Sun- day, July 2, during Mitchell Old Home Week, Canadians spent mare than seven and a half billion dollars in retail stores in 1949, an all-time high. Cool! Classy! Comfortable! TRADE MARK REC.- 6 ; bottle on 25� Just Arrived 4 -Burner Pr�pane Gas Stove a ,t I SEE IT NOW at Hugh R. Hawkins HARDWARE and PHONE 244 -- PLUMBING CLINTON T-SHIRTS Plains, Patterns Crew. and Goi.icho collars $1.00 to - $2.95 BOXER and SATIN Swim Trunks Plains, Patterns all sizes from 2.95 to 5.95 Andrew -Lane Clan .A Centennial July 12 '(L" unknow Sentinel)" The centennial celebration of the Andrew -Lane Clan is to be held on the July 1 weekend, and promises to be a red-letter event in the history of these families whose ancestors first settled in the Lucknow district a century ago. William Andrew was the orig- Mnal member of the Clan to come to Canada in 1850 with a family of ten. A sister was married to William Lane and they came out a year or two later. The observance of this 100th anniversary will take the form of a family ricn'ic at Poplar Beach, July 1, and a memorial ,service in Lucknow United Chuch . on Sunday afternoon. July 2, at 2.30. Friends or associates of this clan will be made most welcome. The sermon at this memorial service will be preached by Rev. D. J. Lane, Clinton Presbyterian Church, end a member of one branch of the Lane family which has made an extraordinary con- tribution to religious affairs. Three brothers, David, William, and Andrew Lane are all mini- sters, and their sister, Jean, mar ried Rev. William. MacDonald. whose death occurred Just three weeks ago. Rev. D. J. Lane will be assisted in the service by Rev. Andrew Lane, Brussels, Rev. William Lane, Toronto, Rev. William Taylor, Dorchester. and Rev. B. F. Green, Lakeside, the latter two having married members of the Andrew -Lane clan. The committee In charge of the church service is Steve Stothers, chairman; Mary Andrew, Tillie Wilson and Fred McQuillin, The picnic committee is Art Andrew, chairman; Bob Barkwell, Melds Heard, Charles McQuillan and John McDonagh. Officers of the organization are: Mac Lane, Kinlough, president; Mrs. J. A. Crispin, Lucknow. sec- retary; William Andrew, R.R. 7, Lucknow, treasurer. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of JOHN PEAR - SON SHEPPARD, late of the Town of Clinton, Ontario, Retired Merchant. Creditors and others having claims against the above Estate are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned Administrators de bonis non with the Will Annexed on or before the 17th day of July, A.D. 1950, after which date the estate's assets will be distri- buted, having regard only to claims that have then been re- ceived. THE CANADA TRUST CO1ViP- ANY, London, Ont., by FRANK FINGLAND, K.C., Solicitor, Clin- ton, Ontario, 26-7-8-b Notice to Creditors In the estate of ELIZABETH TUDOR SCOTT. late of Hayfield, Ontario, Married Woman, Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor on or be- fore the 8th day of July, AD. 1950, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. THE CANADA TRUST COMP- ANY, London, Ontario, Executor, by ELMER D. BELL, K,C,, Solic- itor, Exeter, Ontario, 25-26-27-b Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE of Agnes Foster, late of the Town of Clin- ton in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased: All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned solic- itor for the said Estate, on or before the 30th day of June, A.D. 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 9th day of June, A,D, 1950. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said • Estate. 24-25-26-b CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion See our racks of SPORT COATS and GABARDINE SLACKS PICKETT le CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts • Stetson Hats PHONE 25 - CLINTON FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 •_ PROMPT Local and Long Distance TAXI SERVICE ROXY THEATRE CLINTON. • ' NOW PLAYING . • Open 6.45; commence 7.00 RICHARD WIDMARK LIONEL BARRYMORE, "Down to hte Sea in Ships" • Mon. -Tues. -- July 3-4 AVA GARDNER DICK HAYNES "One Tquch of Venus" • Wed.-Thurs.—July 5.6 • BARBARA STANWYCK ROBERT PRESTON "The Lady Gambles" • Fri. -Sat. July i-8 • GUY MADSON-DIANA LYNN "Texas, Brooklyn and Heaven" PARK THEATRE GODERICII—Phone 1150 NOW: "CANADIAN PACIFIC" with Randolph Scott & Cinecolor — `ThMON. BLUE LAGOON' A ' melodramatic romance in. technicolor tells the story of a boy and a girl who were cast- aways on a remote island. Jean Simmons - Donald Huston Noel Purcell THURS. - FRI. - SAT. Randolph Scott - Louise Albritton George Macready and Virginia Huston Out of the West comes a tale of desperate men and the in- fluence of a woman with high purposes. "The Doolins of Oklahoma" Coming: Red Skelton as "THE YELLOW CAB MAN" REGENT THEATRE - SEAFORTH-0 NFARI0 NOW: "Down to the ln. Ships Sea " e with Lionel Barrytnore All Week -- Percy Kilbride and Marjorie Main with the Kids, the Indians, and all the ether Kettle char- aeters, in the hilarious fun I film that is tickling funny- ` bones from coast to coast. I "MA and PA KETTLE Go . To Town" At the Regent all this week! Coming: GREGORY PECK in "TWELVE O'CLOCK HIGH" CAPITAL TACEISIMEMORMID HEATRE GOD ERICH—Phone 47, NOW: "EYES OF TEXAS" with Roy Rogers & Andy Devine — RoMON. Od -RTUES. C,WE•pD, oung and Robert Cummings A picture to chase your dampest mood end keep you . chuckling all evening. "Tell It to the Judge" -- THURS. - FRI. - SAT. JOHNNY WEISSMULLER Virginia Grey & George Reeves In which a jungle character heads a safari for a woman scientist in search of a native drug, "JUNGLE JIM" Coming: "OLIVER TWIST" Dickens' immortal story becomes a screen classic IN WHAT ARE YOU TRUSTING FOR YOUR SALVATION? IS IT,— • Church membership or ritual? • The efforts of another man? • Good works? 0 Second chance? • Keeping the Low? OR IS IT IN CHRIST WHO SAID: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no can cometh unto the Father but by Me."—John 14:8, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thoushalt be saved."—Acts 16:31, CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. Mr. & Mrs. E.C. Nickle Silver Anniversary A very pleasant surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Nickle on Sunday, June 25, when members of the latter's family gathered to hon- our them on the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary. Present for the occasion were their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Holloway, Toronto, and Mrs. Nickle's four sisters and one brother, Mrs. W. E. O'Neil and Miss Peggy, Hali- fax, N.S.; tali•. and Mrs, Milton Cook, Sarnia; Mrs. George Mc- Cague and two children, Mary and Michael, Harriston; Miss Freda and M. J. Schoenhals, both of Clinton. 0 Successful Festival A very successful strawberry and ham festival, was held at St. Andrews United Church, Kippen, Thursday evening June 22, The affair was well patronized and the door receipts were $197.69. The strawberries and hams were donated, A concerf was held with professional talent, from Sea - forth, and Zurich. Including the Zurich quartette, and readings by Mrs, Newell Geiger, Zurich, Walker Hart of Seaforth, sang; Rev, A. E. Hinton, rendered solos. AUCTION SALE — of — VALUABLE ANTIQUES from the 'tonic of David H. McNaughton, Bayfield Road, Lot 7, Stanley Township, one and one-half miles east of Blnewater Highway corner, Bayfield, on Saturday, July 8 at 1,30 p.m. This is an outstanding sale of walnut and mahogany furniture; Sterling, Rogers and Sheffield silver; oid china dishes; glass- ware; oil paintings; water col- ours; steel engravings; and a number of Dutch paintings. TERMS—CASH David H. McNaughton, Prop, EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Culquhoun, Cleric 26-27-b AUCTION SALE -- of -- HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS from the home of A. M. Chapman, Piston Street, Goderich, across from the Goderieh Collegiate, Goderich, on Wednesday, July 5 at 2 p•m., the following; Three-piece modern Kroehler chesterfield suite; 2 settee sets; settee rocker and arm chair; magazine rack table; 2 combina- tion tables and book cases; 2 card tables; rug 6'x9'; floor lamp; 3 table Iamps; 2 three-quarter metal tubular beds and 'springs; inner spring mattress; bedside table; 5 chrome chairs (new); 1 breakfast nook cupboard; metal utility table; garden table; rang- ette (automatic oven control); pictures; radio cabinet; curtains; cooking utensils. No reserve as the property is sold. TERMS—CASH. A. M. Chapman, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk • 26-b i;H;t � THtH�H�HTH;H T �H;H�� Ta�H H H�H�H;H�H�N� Cars for Sale 1950 DeLuxe Ford Sedan with over- drive (new) 1934 Ford Coach 1934 Chevrolet Sedan 193.4 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Plymouth Coupe 1929 Model 'A' Ford Clinton Motors Phone 205W — Huron St. Clarke Stanley, proprietor Automatic Water Systems ELECTRIC MOTORS All Sizes Piping, Fittings & Supplies Manufactured by C. H. EPPS PHONE 264 CLINTON 18-20-22-24-b