HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-06-22, Page 4PAGE FOUR OUNrONf NEW$-IiPcoRD THURSDAY,' JUNE 22, 1950 PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper are Ross' and, Mrs. Bayer's heather holidaying in the Muskoka dist- and sister -in law, Mr. and Mrs ' riot. J. E. Cook. • Mrs. Campbell and daughter, Mrs. W. A. Oakes and two sons, Bella,, Seaforth,'called or} Mrs, 'Harris and David, are spending Elizabeth Kennedy recently. Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Elliott the summer at their cottage near spent the weekend in Toronto with their son, Fred H. Elliott,' Min. O. C. Hellyar is visiting in Barrie with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter spent the weekend with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Len Evans, St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. William Mutch and son, Douglas, Midland, have been vacationing with the for- mer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wil - Liam Match, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Ruelle and four children returned to their home in Farmington, Mich., alter visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wiltse for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kendall, Detroit, visited on Sunday with Mi, and Mrs, Thomas Lepping- ton and also with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leibold and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mallough and Misses Joyce and Shirley Jean and George Bolton, Gode- rich, spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Colquhoun, Mr. and Mrs. George Drone, and Mrs. Ada Herbert, Moorefield, visited Mrs. Elizabeth A. Ken- nedy on Sunday and enjoyed a picnic lunch together. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. George Boyer and Mr. and Mrs J H McKay, all of Bala-. Dr, Oakes .also was with them, over the weekend. After a short vacation Harris Pians to take a cadet course at Valoartier, Quebec, Miss M. D. Fairbairn, Detroit, while at her summer cottage, Bayfield, had the misfortune re- cently to break her arm and is now a patient in Clinton Public Hospital where she was visited during the weekend by Mrs.. Gerald Kendall, Detroit, both be- ing members of the First Pres- byterian Church. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. John W, Aiken - head, Brucefield, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Amy Louise, to Richard. Stanley, son of Mr. and Nfrss Richard Hunt, Renfrew, the mar- riage to take place early in July. * * *. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Raymond Kitty, Toronto, announce the engagement of their eldest dau- ghter, Margaret (Peggy) Madelon, granddaughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Shaw, Clinton, to Roger Earl Lillie, son of Mao. J. F. Pearce, and the late Mr. W. R. Lillie, Dryden. The marriage will take place on Saturday, July 8, at 3.30 p.m. in St. Paul's Angli- Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. can Church, Runnymede, 24 -Hour Service on all Ronson Lighter Repairs John A. 'Anstett JEWELLER Phone 562 Clinton WEDDJN til HOLLAND-McMUILLAN c i �1 onions Baskets f Mies and at ICnox ,Presbytertnn G�lpturcb, Goderieh, formed the bnelrgi'pund Saturday afternoon, Junc 17, 1950, for the eerenn0,ny uniting in marriage Phyllis Arlene McMi1- lan, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs, W. G. McMillan, Godorich, t Lloyd pougais ,Holland; Serrata, son of Mr. and Mrs C. l; t, Hol- land, Goderich, and grandson of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. l'l'ediger, Clinton'. Rev; R, G. MacMillan officiated, The traditional wed- ding music was played by W. H. Bishop, and Dan Walter, as solo- ist, Sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Because." The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked exquisite in. a floorelength period gown of chalk white heirloom ].ace and swiss net over satin, styled with, fitted bodice of lace with winged shoulders, and yoke of nylon net, em'broid'ered with seed pearls and long fitted sleeves pointed over the hands. Her fingertip veil 01 embroidered net was held in place by a headdress of seed pearls. She carried a fan -shaped bouquet of mauve ostrich plumes centred with an orchid and white carna- tions. Miss Mary Joyce Strachan, Goderieh, as 'maid of honour, and Miss Jean McGinnes, London, as bridesmaid, were gowned alike in dresses of yellow and mauve taf- feta with matching hats of net and lace, and carried fan -shaped bouquets of mauve and yellow ostrich plumes with yellow roses and mauve and white sweet peas. George Holland, London, was his brother's groomsman, and ushering were C. D. Purdon, Hamilton, and Murnay Holland, Goderich, another brother of the grogm. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the church. The bride's mother receiving with the bridal party wore a rose crepe sheer with white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. The mother of the groom assisted wearing navy sheer with match- ing accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. For a wedding trip to the United States the bride chose a figured white silk dress with gold colour shortie coat, white accessories, and an orchid cor- sage. Mr. and Mrs. Holland will reside in Sarnia. Guests were present from De- troit, Toronto, Hamilton, Port Dover, London and Clinton. Prior to her marriage the bride was entertained at a tea given by Mrs. C. R. Holland and a trousseau tea given by her mother. Ontario St o Girls' Club Boys Blue Jeans "BIG CHIEF" SANFORIZED BLUE DENIM, roomy cut 2.69 "RED STALLION" JEANS by Car- hartt's, sanforized, with red leather- ette pocket covers and belt loops. 2.95 "BRONCHO BUSTERS" with leather belt loops and pocket trimYour name branded on free 3.25 IKEN'S Luggage and Footwear Ontario St. WMS. Holds June Meeting The June me i �otn of oaf WMS Ontario St. Churehgwas. held in the eburch hall on, Tuesday af- ternoon, ,Tune 13. The Baby Band and Mission Band were enter- tained at this meeting. The president, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes, presided, and opened the 7noeting With the use of hymn 671 and psalm 752 read respon- elvely, followed 'by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The worship service was taken by Mrs. W. M. Aiken (in the absence of Mrs. McMurray), using the. hymn, "i heard the Voice, of Jesus say" and the 23rd psalm read respon- sively. The Scripture lesson was taken from Luke 2: 25-$8. •Prayer and hymn 376 closed this part of the meeting. The minutes were read by Miss Courtice (in the absence of the secretary), and received as read. The treasurer, Mrs. Wheatley reported $6.95 from envelopes in .April and $7 more for the Easter Thankoffering. The visiting committee reported ten calls made and community friend- ship eight home calls and nine hospital calls. The supply com- mittee secretary, Mrs. Sly, re- ported a quilt ready to be quilt- ed and asked for , blocks 18"x2" of woollen goods, The July, meeting, it was de - Hears Talk on Mexico The Girls' Club of Ontario St. United Church met at the home of Mrs. Norman Tyndall on Wed- nesday evening last. Miss Hattie Courtice, president, was in the chair and read the call to wor- ship. The devotional period was in charge of Mrs. Maltby, the thence being 'Prayer a n d Thanks." Reports were given and busi- ness discussed. It was decided to disband the meetings for July and August. Mrs. N. Heard favoured with two whistling solos and Mrs. Thompson gave a reading "Ruth and Naomi." Mrs. Battin gave an interesting talk on Mexico which she visited recently. Her talk was descripture of ' the country, the people and their customs and life in general. ' A delicious lunch was served and brought to a close a very enjoyable evening. Large Stock of FLOOR COVERING at Regular Mail Order Prices "C" Gauge Inlaid Marboleum 6' wide $3.50 running yard "C" Gauge MOULDED Inlaid Linoleum 6' wide $4.20 running yard "A" Gauge Inlaid Marboleum 6' wide. $5.50 running yard "A" Gauge INLAID COngoleu>tn Rugs Tile in all sizes and patterns J"z J" .. 19c each. at regular prices Rexoleum Standard 6' wide 85c running yard Rexoleum DeLuxe 6' wide $1..20 running yard 9' wide $1.95 running yard Gold Seal Coagoleum 6' wide . , $1.40 9' wide .. 2.25 BALL and MUTCH Hardware and Furniture PHONE 195 -- -- Clinton 1 0 WESLEY-WILLIS WA The WA of Wesley -Willis Unit-' ed 'Church will hold a Straw erry Tea at the home of Mrs. Frank. Fingland> on Thur sday June 29 at 3 p.m, Each member is asked to bring a ,guest, CHURCH MARKS ANNIVERSARY AT BAYFIELD IWOTHERS' STUDY CIROUP The Mothers' Study Group of Wesley -Willis United Church will hold its regualr meeting on Tues- day evening, June 27, at the home of Mrs. Howard Currie. Mrs. F. Miller will be in charge. cided, was to be an outside meet- ing at the home of Mrs. R. Fear with the Turner's' ladies as guests who were to supply the program. The roll °all subject for July was to be a verse on flowers. The executive was to supply the, lunch ,with Mrs. N. Carter as. convener. Miss E. Wiltse favoured with a solo, "When you come to the end of a perfect day." After four o'clock, the Mission Band supplied the program under the leadership of Douglas Batkin as president and Jane Batkin as secretary. They, sang He loves ine too" and repeated their motto.. Their Scripture lesson was read by Douglas Batkin, followed by the Lord's Prayer. A reading by Irene, Batkin. A ,trio by Ruth Ann Batkin, GaiOrpen and Bonnie Thompson, and a piano solo by Jane Batkin followed, after which five girls presented a playlet "Lessons from little things." Happy birthday was sung for Mrs. J. Johnston, "Jesus Loves Me" and the Mizpah closed the meeting after which lunch and chocolate milk was served the children and a cup of tea for the adults. The president of the Mission Band annormeed they had "Get Well cards to sell. 0 TEACHER. APPOINTED GODERICH-Goderich Public School Board has appointed. Miss Christine Leishman to a position on the teaching staff of the public school. (Continued from Page One) Altar frontals, pulpit and pray- er desk hangings, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cameron, and their san, Charles Henry, given by the Cameron family; porch light, in memory of Miss Louise Morley, given by Mrs. A. M. Woodward, Detroit; Ionic cross and outside light, in mem- ory of Mr. and Mrs. John Pol- lock, given by members of their family; organ light, in memory of Charles H. Parker, given by his wife and children; Chalice and Bread Patten, in memory of Samuel T. Widcombe, given by his 'wife, Winnifred, sister, Mary and parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Widcombe, Windsor; tile floor in vestibule, in memory of Mrs. Ransom Fields, given by the Baker family. The Wardens accepted t h e gifts for the church and presented them tg Dean Brown for dedica- tion. First, the gifts in the Chancel and then those in the nave and porch, were dedicated. Dean Speaks Eloquently The Dean commenced his elo- quent address by expressing his pleasure in being present. He liked these occasions but some- times his Church Wardens at St. Paul's Cathedral asked him with twinkling eyes when he was go- ing to be home. He compliment- ed, the Rector and congregation on the re -decorating. The beau- tiful ceiling reminded him of the blue sky 'with the Cross shining through. He spoke of the many clays up and many days down which there must have been for this church in 100 years "God will give you strength to go on. One hundred years are very im- portant, Granting that there may be in the congregation some who came from England who can point to their churches built in 1300, 1000, 800 or 600 A.D.-here in this new country a very con- siderable portion of our history Is in a hundred years." Emphasizing- his texthe asked: "Who is responsible for' the Par- ish? Do you accept to obey?" "We must have sacrifice. Re- member the sacrifice of the Cross in heaven's blue! Be followers of Christ! "What is your measure 'of sacrifice?" "Are you Christ's follower?" "All you have done in the past, all you do to -day, what you have clone in time, may only be the outer side. During the offertory, Mrs. M. Corrie and Mrs. J. E. Hovey sang beautifully the duett, "I'll walk the path that Jesus trod." Flowers on the altar and in the nave were placed there in memory of the first Rector, Rev. Robert Francis Campbell, (1849- 1860), and the members of the pioneer families who built the church. The singing of the hymns and canticles was very hearty. Mrs. E. A. Featherston presided at the organ. Rt. Rev. George N. Luxton, Lord Bishop of Huron, will be present to administer the holy rite of confirmation on Sunday, June 25, at 11 a,m. tt..6 rHK�N1HTHtH t T 4«:» H -44:4; •441:4 4. f 1950 Custom Ford Caach, new 1.934 Ford Coach 1934 Chevrolet Sedan 1934 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Plymouth coupe '1929 IVicdel 'A' Ford. Clinton Motors Phone 205W - Huron St. Clarke Stanley, Proprietor 4-44 4.4 r m NHTN} i f ?4.441 :A M Beauty Salon PERMANENTS FINGERWAVES SHAMPOOS FACIALS MANICURES THELMA LAMBIE. Phone 542J Church Directory (AU services nn Daylight Saving Time) Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South 01 CNR JOHN OSTLER, Pastor Sunday, June 25 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m,-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m. -.Evangelistic Service Tuesday, 8 p.m. -Bible Study Thursday, 4.15 p.m. Boys' and Girls'. Friday, 8.00 p.m. -Young People's Baptist Church PASTOR CLAIR CLARK, B.A. F/L P. O. Jones, Choir Leader Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Organist Sunday, June 25 11,00 a.m.-Worship Service "What's the Difference" 12.00 -Sunday School 2.00 p.m. -Sunday School a t Auburn. 3.00 p.m, -Worship Service' at Auburn. EVERYBODY WELCOME Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader /AF ] hi DRESSES •- New shipments re arriving daily. See �o v g Y them often! SUN SUITS -' Bolero styled, plain and pr,inted materials. T-SHIRTS All sizes, plain and striped materials. SHORTS -Tomboy styled, Gabardines Suns Cords, Spuns, SLACKS -Have you seen the "Windwood" materials. They are dressy and washable too. CHILDREN'S WEAR - Prepare now for their coming vacation. Outfit them in shorts; jeans; sun- suits, dresses, bathing suits, etc. We have a good selection on hand. MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR SUMMER GOODS. IRWIN'S Sunday, Jmre 25 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship, Communion Service 12.15 -Sunday School 2.00 p.m. -Worship at Turner's, Communion Service Reception of new members into full communion. 7,00 p.m. -Union Evening Ser- vice in Wesley -Willis United Church. Wednesday, July 5 - Sunday School and congregational picnic, Lions Park, Seaforth. Presbyterian Church REV. D. J, LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, June 25 10.00 ann.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m,-Divine Worship; Celebrating 75th anniversary, Dominion -wide order of ser- vice followed, Subject: "Planting o u r Church 1 n Canada Every Presbyterian should be present. 2.30 p.m. -Service at Bayfield, 8.00 p.m. -Mass Assembly of all the Presbytery members and adherents at Knox Church, Goderich. Professor David Hay, Knox College; 100 voiced choir.. ALL WELCOME St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Frem.lin, Organist Mrs. J. G. Macleinnon, Choir- Leader Sunday, June 25 11.00 a.m.-Holy Communion end Sunday 'School, 7,00 p.m. -Evening Service. During July services will be held with the Presbyterians in their church at 11.00•a.m. No Sunday School during July and August. Wednesday, June 28 - Sunday Schoor and congregational picnic, Lions Park, Seaforth. Cars leave Sunday Sohood at 2.00 p.m. Wesley -Willis United Church Rev, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs, Morgan J .Agnew, Organist A. R. Persan, Choir Leader Sunday, June 25 11.00 a.m,-Morning Worship, Holy Communion, Reception of members. 12.15 -Church School. 7.00 p.m. -.Union Evening Wor- ship in this church,, "A Great Belief" (first, in a series of sermons on Genesis). Huron -Maitland Presbytery Observance of Seventy -Fifth Anniversary of the Presbyterians Church in Canada win be held at 8 p.m. (DST) in KNOX CHURCH, GODERICH Sunday, June 25 Assisting the guest preacher, Professor David W. Hay of Knox College will be clergy of the Presbytery and two former Moderators of the General Assembly, Very Rev. Dr. C. H. MacDonald of Bkuevale and Very Rev. Dr, J. S. Shortt of Kincardine. AMPLE ACCOMMODATION - SERVICE AMPLIFIED MASSED ROBED CHOIRS - GLORIOUS MUSIC Broadcast for shut-ins from 8.30 on CKNX Have a Sundae at Our Fountain Take Some Home To -Day! It's cooling! It's refreshing! It's delicious! It's the creamiest . . . tastiest ice cream you've ever tasted! A perennial Summertime treat for all the family. In your favorite fruit and candy flavours. SATURDAY SPECIAL Banana Cake BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 -- -- -- CLINTON eMOM11.041.011,4•041,M0,1•04,,INNNIVINOWINI`PdaNPO 6.414P-,14,. IT LASTS FOREVER - - 'Phe beauty and charm of your Wedding Day will last for a life- time if you have a brush oil s portrait of the bride to beautify your home. Its enduring life- like qualities will bring back many happy memories in the years to come. See samples of this Lovely portraiture in our studio window at McEwan's. 4 FOWLER ,t ss, PHONE 84 CLINTON "Your Photographers in Clinton" I..talwr..wed .+se ier.