HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-06-15, Page 11'THURSD,AY, JUNE 19, 1.950 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD HENSALL 73rd Anniversary .. St. Paul's Anglican Church, lovely, with early summer flow- ers, observed its 73rd anniversary Sunday, June 11, at 10 am., with a large congregation. Rev. C. J. Queen,Ingersoll, presented a very nspiring message. A full choir, under direction of .Robert Cameron, rendered special music. Church Union Anniversary The 25th anniversary of Church Union will be observed in the United Church, Hensall, Sunday, June 18, at 11, a.m., with com- bined services of Hensall and Chiselhurst congregations, Guest minister will be Rev. E. R. Stan- way, Brucefield United Church. At 7.30 p.m., Huron Lodge, A.F. and A.M. 224, will attend divine service. Rev. R. A. Brook will address the brethren. Special music will be, by the choir at both services. At 9 p.m., the RCAF Male Choral group from Clinton RCAF under direction of Pit. Lt. L. Harding will present a concert of sacred and secular music in aid of the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund. This concert is being sponsored by Hen.sall Branch of the Canadian Legion. Mrs. Anna Walker, N.G., Miss Annie Consitt, P.N.G., left Mon- day morning of this week to at- tend the Rebekah Assembly at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, as delegates from Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hensall. Miss Carol Parlmer, Windsor, visited last week with her grand- mother, Mrs. T. W. Parlmer, and with her grandfather and grand- mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher. 25th Anniversary In an attractive floral setting of lovely flowers the Woman's Missionary Society of Chiselhurst United Church observed its 25th anniversary in the auditorium of their church, having as their guests the Auxiliaries from Hen - sail and Kippen, former members and friends. The lovely church, newly redecorated, was filled for the occasion. Mrs. Thomas Britt- nell, president, was in the chair John Deere Quality Farm Equipment SERVICE Bell "Imperial" Threshing Machines SALES : W. G. Simmons & Sons Farm Equipment Ltd. GODERICH - - EXETER HAUGHTON'S WELDING SHOP CLINTON PAGE. ELEVEN and gave the welcome. Mrs. John Glenn presided for the worship period and presented a very in- spiring message, basing her thoughts from the theme, "Stew- ardship." Miss Consitt of Hen - sail, who helped to organize the branch 25 years ago; offered prayer. Farmer members respond- ed to a special roll call in charge of the secretary, Mrs. R. Chapple, and letters were read' from for- mer members from Saskatchewan and other places by the president, who were unable to attend. An in- spiring memorial service for 12 departed members was held and as each name was called out, a flower was placed by Mrs. G. T. Wren, and Miss A. McTaggart. Mrs. Karl Kinsman gave the prayer, Mrs, R. A. Brook of Hensall introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Emery Desslardine, of Grand Benct, vice-president of South Huron section, Presbyterian MIS The. Woman's Missionary So- ciety of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, observed their 60th anniversary in the school- room of the church Thursday afternoon,June 8, and entertain- ed as their guests the auxiliaries from the United and St. Paul's Anglican Churches, and members of the executive of Huron Pres- byterial. The schoolroom was lovely with baskets of early sum- mer blooms. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron and Mrs. C. S. Hudson, were the reception committee. President Mrs. C. S. Hudson, was in the chair and extended the welcome. The opening hymn, "More love to Thee, 0 Christ," was chosen by Mrs. II. Arnold, the only charter member living since the inception qf the organization, and who was unable to be present. The Scripture reading was read by Mrs. Albert Taylor of Gode- rich, and prayer offered by Mrs, Gordon Bisset of Goderich. Mrs. W. A. MacLaren of Goderich rendered a lovely solo, "Leave it with Him." Mrs. Malcolm Dougall accompanying at the piano. Mrs. R. Y. 111aeLaren in- troduced the guest speaker, Dr. Annabel MacEwan of London, former medical missionary In India, who chose for her theme, "What is the quality of your Christian life." Dr. MacEwen said that this generation is to 44,(40' YOU CAN GET k'n.,4 LOW RATE INSURANCE PiEKTECTION $10,000 for your family if you die from a re:aural clause; or— • 620,000 if you die by accident; or— $30,000 if you die by accident while riding as a passenger in a public conveyance (aeroplane excepted), or due to a lire in a public building. Liberal cash payment for loss of parts of your body and total disability. Ask for printed card "$10,000 Low Rate Protection" which explains this policy. It will interest you. Yv'hAz.._A-4 Confederation. Life • HEAD OFF ICE Association OH ONTO LEHHHOINOMI TOTAL. DISABILITY AND , . 'ACCIDENTAL DEATH DISBIEMBERMENT ,BENEFITS Representative J. R. BUTLER Clinton NLID ■11111=31110111Manizillrirellq11111MINOMMEEINIVISSIlliteMerage7P0X111110211M1111Marnalla ' Western Ontario Motorways and Eastern Canaan Greyhound Lines Join hands to bring you "Better than Ever" BUS SERVICE effective June 22 4 TRIPS between DETROIT OWEN SOUND via Windsor, Chatham, Sarnia, Grand Bend, Goderich, Kincardine with IMMEDIATE CONNECTIONS to and from LONDON at Goderich CONVENIENT SCHEDULES Read PM Down AM Read PM Up AM 2 10 8 10 Lv Detroit (EST) Ar "TW.2 00 3 40 9 40 Lv Windsor (DST) Ar 6 00 2 30 5 11 11 11 Lv Chatham „ Ar 4 29 12 59 6 00 12 00 Lv Wallaceburg .... ....... ..... ....Ar 3 40 12 10 6 54 125'3 Lv Sarnia .......,........ ..... . ............ . . Ar 2 47 11 17 8 20 2 18 Lv Grand Bend„. ..... .. .. ..... .. . .... ........Lv 1 22 9 52 9 15 _____ 3 13 —1-31-1- Ar Goderfeh... , .. Lv 12 27 8 57 7 30 Lv London. Ar —2-40 11 254 9 40 3 28 Ar Goderich . , ... . Lv 12 15 9 lir, 9 40 3 28 Lv Goderich. , ... Ar 'TM- 8 42 1038 4 24 , Ar Kincardine . ..... .. . ... Lv 11 16 7 46) 11 14 5 02 Ar Port Elgin, Lv 10 38 7 08 11 22 6 10 Ar Southampton. , .. Lv 10 30 7 00 12 07 midnight 5 55 Ar Owen Sound . .. Lv 945 6 15 1 00 next afternoon 1 40 6 30 7 10 Lv Owen Sound ............ ... ....... ...... Ar As Wiarton Ly 9 35 8 55 5 50 5 10 3 20 9 10 Ar Tobermory (DST) Lv 7 00 3 30 PM PRI AM PA LF—AM 13r—PM EST—raetern Standard DST—Daylight Savb,g *Operatea Friday, Sourdny, Sunday Only, 1 Connootinn maybe taadefor London at tl ill mina on I Itie tan. 'Clinton to Owen Sound—Z-1:45 .---Clinron to Tebermoil7:— '4.85' BARTLIFF'S RESTAURANT 'DETROIT T ; Phone 1 - Clinotn TODERMORY I ARTON OWEN SOUND KINCARDINE !estern Ontario Motorways ,‘\\\i -,6•• 'n»4 PURE HOUSE PAINT Weather and wear resistant. Available in spark., Eng Otto and 19 beautiful, lasting colours. J. W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Clinton, Ontario Albert St., Phone 120 Here's what a kitchen in Morris, Manitoba, looked like after the Red River had done its worst. it•The warped cup. - boards, peeling paint, damaged kitchen utensils and almost ,unlimited quantities of mud and dirt, are illustrative of the damage done to F. Recksiedler's entire home.' Replacement 'of furniture, clothing, and personal effects is the responsibility, of the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund:o Contributions may be mailed directly to the Fund m,Winnipeg, or paid into an bank 'in Canada./• blame for ignorance of younger people concerning the Bible. She concluded her very inspiring mes- sage with the quotation, "The Church wants better methods, but God wants better people." Mrs. Maude Redden and Mrs. George Hess rendered a duet,' "Have you been in the garden with Jesus"; Mrs, T. J. Sherritt at the piano. Mrs. D. J. Lane of Clinton, gave the closing prayer. A delicious luncheon was served, topped off with a birthday cake made and decorated by Mrs. W. B. David- son, and Mrs. George Waiter. The table which centred the three- tier birthday cake was attractive with flowers. Mrs.. W. B. Cross end Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin expres- sed thanks on behalf of the aux- iliaries of Hensel]. and St. Paul's Churches. (Intended for last week) Young People's Service In a setting of attractively ar- ranged floral decorations, the Young People's. Anniversary ser- vice was held in the Chiselhurst United Church Sunday evening, June 4. The church was filled or the occasion. Ross Kercher, president of the YPU, capably conducted the service. Bruce Glenn and Miss Shirley Boyce read the Scripture lessons. An unusually interesting and im- pressive message was presented by Rev. H. C. Wilson, of Wesley - Willis United Church, Clinton, Harry Hern, guest soloist, in ex- eptenally fine tenor voice, pro- vided two numbers, "The Holy City" and "Leave it with Him." The choir, composed of young people, offered the anthem, "As Daylight Closes." Miss Gladys Luker presided at the piano. The offering received amounting to $87 will be donated to church work. BLYTH (Intended for last Week) Miss Melda 1V/cElroy, Guelph, at her home here, Mrs. L. M. Scrimgeour with Mrs. J. Vark s and family, Wind- sor. Miss Eileen Robinson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Robin- son. Miss Gladys Fawcett, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs. Alice Fawcett. Mrs. Peter Brown, Windsor, and Miss Velma Naylor, London, with Mrs, Roy Doherty,. Mr. and Mrs. R. 3, Cameron and Murray, Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. John Morritt and son John, Kit- chener, Mr. and Mrs. James Jack- son, Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. L. M, Scrimgeour. Birth WI Meets Blyth Women's Institute met in Memorial Hall. The entire after- noon was taken up with a demon- stration of the use of sewing machine attachments by Miss Francis Dozois, Goderich. Dur- ing a brief business period, dele- gates were reminded of the West Huron District annual to be held in Wingham June 16. Delegates are: Mrs. H. Phillips, president; Mrs. R, 3. Powell, district direc- tor; 1VIrs. E. Mcldillan, Mrs. W. Cockerline, Mrs. Ida Petts gave a reading. ooircert Successful The community concert spon- sored by Blyth branch of the Women's Institute in Memorial Hall Friday evening Was a decid- ed success, although a downpour of rain prevented many people in the village from attending, Bach of the churches and local organizations contributed t w o numbers to the variety prograth of trombone, saxophone, cornet, violin, trumpet, and piano solos and harmonica selections, inter- spersed with vocal soles and duets. The total proceeds, $64, will be sent to the Manitoba Flood Re- lief Fund. CONSTABLE HONORED GODERICH—James Culp, who retired in May as a constable with the provincial police,was tender- ed a banquet in his 'honor by members of the provincial police of Goderich and district number- ing 30, Cpl. 3. G. Maguire, head of the provincial police detach- ment at Goderich, presided. Sgt. Ben Milligan, Mount Forest, paid tribute to the efficient service given for 24 years by Mr. Culp, and presented him with a hand- some wrist watch. BRUCEFIELD iminommomtwomomerhows Decoration Service The annual Oddfellows Decora- tion service will be held in Baird's Cemetery on Sunday, June 18 at 2.30 p.m. Visitors' Day The WA of Brucefield Church held its annual Visitors' Day on Wednesday, June 7, with a splen- did attendance of visitors from Bayfield and home helpers from bur own congregation. 1Vrrs. Dal- rymple and Miss M. Swan opened the meeting with devotions, us- ing the hymn 490. Miss Swan read the Scripture lesson from John 4, 19-26, and led in prayer. lVf,rs. Stanway rendered the lovely solo, "Moment of Prayer". Mrs. Dalrymple read the topic, "Wor- ship and Prayer." The roll call was answered by 40 members. An invitation from Egmandville was read inviting our WA to be their guests on Thursday, :Tune 15, In a few well-chosen words, the president, Mrs. Elliott, welcomed the guests and presided over a program of musical numbers, both vocal and instrumental. Those taking part being Mrs. Williams, Miss E. Stackhouse, Mrs. A. jolm- sten, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Stan- way, Mrs. W. McBeath and Mrs. 3. R. Murdock, and readings by Mrs. A. McBeth and Mrs. R. Chap- man, At the conclusion of the program, all were invited to the school room where a bountiful 'lunch was served by those in charge. Mrs. G. Scotchmer, Bay- field, moved a vote of thanks to our society for a. pleasant after- noon. 604,00000 6,,,,,,,,,o."00,2,0004Doomeists. • House‘i., E a pleasuee with a DURO Pump • te• • • ::!:•5*?..% • • • • `<••••• • —„— -i'• AD 9 • ooeso••••••••••••••• $117.50 London, Canada Convenient fresh running water in your kitchen . . bathroom and laundry makes to lighten housework. Yours with a DURO PUMPING -SYSTEM. Hun- dreds of satisfied DURO equipped farms are enjoying this modern farmconvenience. Running water at the turn of a tap with a DURO PUMP, de- signed especially to meet every farm requirement, a Install the BEST . . . Install a DURO You can get a shallow or deep well system to meet ALL your farm needs . . . house . . . barns . . . truck garden and it gives you fire protection as well. 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