HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-06-15, Page 10PAGE TEN messemeileme===i, PRIZEWINNERS GIVEN CLINTON SPRING SHOW (Continued from Page Nine) J. Fuleher. Single pony hitched, 12-2 and over, other than Hack- ney, C. Johnston, Atwood; T. Ful - cher; C. Johnston; 3, Fletcher; Sandra , Ironside, Arva. Single pony hitched, 12-2, other than Hackney, J. Fuleher; Sandra Iron - side; Layton Schantz, New Ham- burg; C, Johnston; Layton Schantz. Pony tearn, hitched, other than Hackney, Sandra Ironside; C. Johnston; Layton Schantz; A. W. Etherington, Hen - sail. Single pony hitch, driven by child under 13 years, Sandra Donside, Arva: A. Johnston, At- wood. pony race, child 13 years and under, A. W. Etherington• ; Shorthorn Cattle CLINTON NEW -RECORD THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1950 Bull born before September 1, 1948, John Goetz, Mildmay; W. R. Parker and Son, Watford; Melvin Taylor and Son,13elgrave; McKin- ley Farms, Zurich; W. Turnbull and son, Brussels. Bull born be- tween September 1, 1948 and Ap- ril 1, 1949, W. It. Parker; McKin- ley Farms; C. W. LeBeau. Bull born between May 1, 1949 and August 81, 1949, John Goetz; Dr. Stapleton, Seaforth; Roy Pepper, Clinton; W. R. Parker and Senn W. Turnbull and Son; Ilea -Win Taylor and Son; John Goetz; Mc- Kinley Farms. Champion bull, John Goetz; W. H. Parker; John Goetz. Female barn before May 1, 1947, John Goetz; Parker aria Son; Melvin Taylor; female born between May 1, 1947 and Aprll 30, 1948, W. R. Parker and Son; Melvin Taylor and. Son; John Goetz; Dr. Stapleton; female born between May\ 1, 1948 and April I, 1949, W. R. Parker; John Goetz (2nd, 3rd and 4th); M. Taylor and Son; Dr. Stapleton; W. R. Parker and Son; M. Taylor and Son. Female born after May 1, 1949, W. R. Parker and Son; Turnbull and Son; W. R, Parker; Dr. Stapleton; John Goetz. Get of sire, three animals, W. R. Par- ker and Son; John Goetz. Hereford .Cattle Bull born befere September 1, 1948, 11, C. Wright and Son, Cromarty; Frank Thompson and San, Winghann Bull born before April 1, 1948 and April 1, 1949, John McGregor; LeBeau Bros. Bull. born after May 1,- 1949, H. C. Wright; John McGregor; O'Neil Bros.; Frank Thompson and Son (4th and 5th). Female born be- fore May 1, 1947, John McGregor; H. C. Wright (2nd and 3rd); Frank Thompson (4th, 5th and 6th). Female born between May 1, 1947 and April 30, 1948, Frank Thompson and Son; J. M. McGreg- or and Son. Female born be- tween May 1, 1948 and April 30, 1949, John McGregor, O'Neil Bros,; , John McGregor; Frank Thompson and son (4th and 5th); H. C. Wright. Fernale born after May 1, 1949, O'Neil Bros, (1st and 2nd); H. C. Wright; John Mc- Gregor; H. C. Wright; Frank Thompson (6th and 7th). Get of sire, three animals, John McGregor; O'Neil Bros.; Frank Thonapson. lAberdeen-AngusCattle I Bull born before September 1, 1948. Edward Bros. Bull born be - e9 ettotectio" _ • -- Most important Paint Advancement in 25 years New Fume -Proof, Sun -Proof House Paint produces a film of unusual wl-siteness. It will not discolor or darken. from coal smoke or industrial gases. It's self-cleaning, too -removes surface dirt. Years of extensive exposure tests under many types of climate conditions, from strong sunlight and salt air to heavy industrial fume areas, have proved the superiority of this new formula over ordinary house paint. • Come in and wltius about new Fume -Proof, GAON, 6 15 Sun -Proof House Paint. I''l •••'1 A. KAY and SON PAINTERS and DECORATORS Phone 234.w -- Clinton tween September 1; 1948 and Ap- ril 30, 1949, Edward Bros. (1st and 2nd); D. B, Weldon, London. Bull born after May 1, 1949, Ed- ward Bros. (1st, an'd and 3rd); D. B. Weldon. Female born be- fore May 1, 1941, la. B. Beldon., female born between May 1, 1947 and April 30, 1948, Edward Bros, (1st, and and 3rd); D. B. Weldon. Female born between May 1, 1948 and April 31,,1949, Edward Bros, (lst, 2nd, 3rd and 4th); D. B. Weldon (5th and dth). rernale born, after May 1, 1949, Edward Bros. (1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th); D. le Weldon (3rd and 6th). Get of sire, three anhnals, Ed- ward Bros., John Goetz; H. C. Wright. Champion thinale, Ed- ward Bros. Champion and Re- serve :bull, Edward Bros. Market Cktle Senior, belay beef, W. Turnbull and Son; Frank Thompson and Son; Warren Brock (3rd and 4th). Junior baby beef, O'Neil Bros.; Frank Thompson; John Goetz; W. Turnbull and. Son. Finished beef steer or cross -bred heifer, Roy Pepper, R. R. 3, Seaforth; Frank Thompson and Son. Holstein Cattle Bull, two years and over, Jar- rott Bros., 13rucefield. Bull, one year and under two, Howard Fea- gan, Godericla. Cow, three years and over, Jarrott Bros.; Baxter and Turton, Goderich; Jarrott Bros. Heifer, two years and•un- der three, Jarrott Bros. Heifer yearling, Jarrott 131`0. Heifer calf, Howard Feagan; Jarrett Bros. (2n5 and 4th); Howard Fea- gan (3rd). Ayrshire Cattle Bull, two years and over, Lang - .ridge Bros., Brussels. Cow, three years and over, Langridge Bros. (1st and 2nd). Heifer yearling, Langridge Bros. Heifer calf, Langridge Bros. (1st, 2nd, 3rd). Jersey Cattle Bun., two years and over Irvin Trewartha, Seaforth (is t and 2nd). Bull, one year old and un- der two, Thomas Rathwell, Clin- ton. Cow, three years and over, Thomas W. Rathwell (lst and 4th); Irvin Trewartha (2nd, 3rd and. 5th). Heifer, two years old and under three, Thomas Rath - well (ist and 3rd); Irvin Trewar- tha (2nd and 4th). Heifer year- ling, Irvin Trewartha (lst and 3rd; Thomas Rathwell (2nd). Heifer calf, Thomas Rathwell (lst and 3rd); Irvin Trewartha (2nd and 4th). Guernsey Cattle Heifer, two years and under three, R. W. Gibbings, Clinton (1st and 3rd); G. R. Dunn, Lon- don (2nd). Heifer, two years and under three, R. W. Gibbings. Heifer calf, R. W. Gibbings (1st and 3rd); Donald W. Owens, Kin- cardine (2nd); G. R. Dunn. I3uIl two years and over, R. W. Gib- bings; G. R. Dunn. Cow, three years and over, R. W. Gibbings; G. R. Dunn (2nd and 3rd); R. W. Gibbings (4th and 5th); G. R. Dunn. Champion male, R. W. Gibbings; Reserve, G. R. Dunn. Swine Boar littered since October 1, 1949, William Pinkney and Sons, Cooksville; Robert E. 1VIalillan, Seaforth; James W. Sinith, Brus- sels; W. Turnbull and Son, Brus- sels; W. R. Lobb and Son, Clinton. Boar littered between Dec. 1, 1948 and Oct. 1, 1949, Alfred Warner. Bayfield; rjhhjajn Pinkney and Sons; Robert E. IVIcIViillan; James W. Smith; W. Turnbull and Son. Boar littered before December 1, 1948, W. Turnbull and Son; .Tames W. Smith; Robert F's, Champion boar, W. Turnbull and Son. Sow littered since October 1, 1940, William Pinkney and Sons; Alf. Warner; W. Turnbull and Son; W. 5. Lobb and Son; W. Turnbull and Son. Sow littered between July 1, 1949, and October 1, 1949, William Pinkney and Sons; W. Turnbull and Son; W. Turnbull and Son; William Pink- ney and •Sons; James 'W. Smith. Sow littered between December 1, 1948, and July 1, 1949, Wil- liam Pinkney and Sons; James W. Smith; Robert E. McMillan.; William Pinkney and Sons; W. Turnbull and Son. Aged sow, 'William Pinkney and Sons; W. R. Lobb and San; Wil- liam Pinkney and Sons; W. Turn- bull and Son, 4 and 5. Champ- ion sow: W. Pinkney and Sons. sludge, D. 3. Lerch, London. Herd class, William Pinkney and Sons; W. Turnbull and Son. .ne eelgetatie, iterigNAR V4 4A•sas,:k THE 1954) STANDARD *Owner Adjusted is an unbeatable combination of features found in no 'other car of its class. A completely deluxe auto- mobile. NOT TOO SMALL . . . it seats six people in luxurious comfort with plenty of headroom, . . it is priced right, sized right, (not too large) and styled right. Ask your dealer about the Vanguard and its 12 -plus features to -day, The STANDARD MOTOR CO. (Canada) Lirilited 4Lawton Blvd. Toronto, Ontario Standard Vanguard Cars; Standard Estate Cars; Standard Panel Delivery and Pick-up Trucks; Triumph Cars DISTRIBUTOR: British Cars & Vans, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto DEALER: Clinton Motors, Clinton, Ontario , A S T TO CO A ST R. G. MONTEITH, Vice -President a n d General Manager of The Lowe Brothers -Compeny Limited, announces the appointment of Rimy 5. Van Zant as Sales Manager. Mr, Van Zant bas been as- sociated with the company for 23 years, serving in many deg partments, latterly as manager of the Induetrial Sales Divis- ion. He will now be responsible for the direotion and develop- ment of Trade Sales as well as Industrial a n d Maintenance Sales. 0 • Salkeld Reunion Elects Goderich Man Head The Salkeld annual reunion was held in Lions Park, Seaforth, on Saturday, June 10, with 66 mein bers of the clan present. Dinner was served. at 1 p.m., after which an hour of sports was enjoyed by young and old alike. Winners included: three-legged nate, Andrew and Betty Mathie- son, Goderich; relay race, Ann Todd, St. Helens, and Margaret Bouskill, Winnipeg, Man.; wheel- barrow race, David and George Hume, Milton; time' race, David Hume, Margaret Bouskill, George Hume; spot race, Mrs. R. Boas - kill, Mrs. W. Wallis, Clinton; minute raee, , Mrs Jennie Wise, Clinton, Mrs. William •Dalling, Monkton; kick -the -slipper race, Mrs. Wise, Mrs. W. Wallis, Mrs. George Salkeld. Election of officers was held resulting in the following being installed for 1951: president, Roy Rundle, Goderich: vice-president, Mrs. S. Rae, Stratford; secretary-. treasurer, Mrs. F. Townsend, Clinton'' ' assistant, Miss E. Wash- ington, Auburn. It was decided (11 to pay $5 to the Lions Club for the use of the park; (2) that a donation be giv- en to the caretaker; (3) to hold the picnic next year on the third Saturday in June; (4) that Mrs. F. Rowed be responsible for the writing up of the "Spectator" for next year with Miss M. E. Sal- keld assisting. A programme was given with the president, Mrs. William Did - ling. in charge and which con- sisted of: a sing -sang which prov- ed that the vocal talents of the group had not been used for some time; a solo by Ann Todd; some history of the clan by Mrs. Rowed; a reading on "Sheep" by Mrs. George Salkeld; reading. George Hume; reading, David Hume; reading of the 1950 "Spectator" by Miss M. E. Salkeld on the "doings and ochlevements" of the members fox' the past year; speech by Mrs. R. Bouskill, 'Winnipeg, who received the prize for having come the farthest for the picnic. Supper was served at 5.30 and all reported having had a good day. Guests were present from Clinton, Dungannon, Auburn, St. Helens, Stratford, Goderich, Monkton, Lucknow, Milton and Winnipeg. 0 GODERICH GIRL WINS GODERICH - The Ida Lozar prize for grade 11 student with highest standing in home eco- nomics at Alma College, St Thomas, was won by Kay Thorpe, Goderich. It was presented at the graduation ceremonies at the col- lege amphitheatre June 6. SERVE CarerZ AT YOUR PARTY TENDERS FOIL COAL and COKE Federal Buildings - Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal" will be receiv- ed until 3 p.m. (EDST), Thursday, June 22, 1950, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Prov- ince of Ontario. Forms of tender 'with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the Supervis- ing Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Depart- eent and in accordance with de- partmental specifications and con- ditions attached thereto. Coal dealers' licence numbers must 1pe given when tendering. The Department reserves the right to demand from any success- ful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit, in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Hon- ourable the Minister ei Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the 'mount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Rail- way Company and its constituent companies unconditionally guar- anteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bond and a certified cheque 11 required to make up an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper meat of the contract. By order, ROBERT FORTIER, Acting Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 6, 1950. 23-24-b Forrest -Love Reunion Held at Grand Bend The 50th annual Forreit-Love reunion was held at Grand Bend with 150 members of the clan attending from Grand Bend, Thedford, Seaforth, Kippen, sail, and points from the USA. A chicken dinner was served, and a full line of Sports run off, dir- ected by Ross Love, Hensall. Prizes for the oldest lady present went to Mrs. Mary Turnbull, Grand Bend, 80 years of age. Hiram Blanchard, Walton, cap - lured the prize for oldest gentle- man, 85 years young. Henors for youngest baby went to Helen Ann Sturdevent, Grand Bend. Best looking gentleman, Garnet Pat- terson, Grand Bend. Officeds elected are: president, Robert Lee, Thedford; secretary, Fergus Turnbull, Grand Bend, sports committee, Mrs. Elgin Webb, Carlyle Taylor, Ross Love; lunch committee, Mrs. Lorne Luker, Mrs. Albert Keys, Mrs, William. Love. BUSINESS AND •PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY / ACCOUNTANCY INCOME TAN RETURNS Private Business Farm Reports • Bookkeeping records installed and checked monthly or as requested ROY N. BENTLEY 36 Regent St. Box 58 Goderich ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. Ann Street Phone 355W Exeter ERNEST W. HUNTER / Chartered Accountant 57 Bjoor St. W., Toronto R. G. McCANN Aecountant'and Auditor Rattenbury St. E. Phone 561 Clinton CHIROPRACTIC D. H. MINXES Chiropractic - Foot Correction OFFICE HOURS: Hotel Clinton, Friday, 1 o 8 p.m. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday, 1 to 8 p.m. HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic Goderich Office Hours: Mon., Thurs.-9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues., Fri. -9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat. -9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy, Electra Therapy Office -Corner of South St. and Britannia .Rand. Phone 341. DENTAL DR. D. B. PALMER Dentist • Albert St. -Phone 676 -Clinton INSUFRANCY- Be Sure : : Be Insured K. W. COLQUROUN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative: Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 9W J. E. HOWARD. Hayfield Phone Clinton 624r31 Car - Fire - Life - Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy. IL C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res. 2513 Insurance -- Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. R. L. PlIcIVIILLAN, Bayfield Life, Accident, Sickness, Auto- mobile, Hospitalization, Household Phone: Clinton 634r15 LOBE INSURANCE AGENCY Cor. William and Rattenbury Sts. Phone 691W - GENERAL INSURANCE - Representative: DOM. of Canada General (Life) Bolick Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Buy LIFE Insurance To -day' To-rnorrow may be too latel JOHN E & LLOYD K. BUTLER Representative C OINFEDER ATION LIFE INSURANCE Phone 274 - Clinton - Box 315 THE 11CKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Ofifee, Seaforth -Officers 1950 -President, F. J. Trewartha'Clinton; vice-presi- dent, J. L. Malone, Seaforth; man- ager and secretary-breasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Other direct- ors: S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonharcit, Bornholm; Ro- bert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. MeEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; W. S. Alexander, Wal- ton' Harvey Goderich. Agents: J. E. Pepper, Brueefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; George A. Watt, Blyth; J, F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brus- sels. MEMORIALS T. PRYDE and SON Cemetery Memorials Showecorns open every Friday and by appointment. See J. 3. Zapfe, Phone 10.3 OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE R.O. Eyes Examined and GlasZes Fitted Goderich - Phone 33 RUTH HEARN, R.O. Optometrist Huron St. -Phone 69 -Clinton RADIO SERVICE PERSAN and MADSEN Fast Efficient Radio Service Ten Years Previous Experience on all Auto and Home Radios Free FM Infortnatoin PHONE 471-W, CLINTON SIGNS Signs of all Types -- otut-ont letters; wooden display fixtures; truck lettering; storefront signs; overhanging signs. HVB SIGNS "In the Hub of Huron County" Clinton 5895 : PHONE : : 797W VETERINARIAN DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinarian Phone 203 Clinton •• • -• THE NEW 1950 STANDARD VANGUARD four dopr deluxe sedan, seats six people comfortably with plenty of headroom and lots of luggege space. Its uncluttered, streamline styling conforms to Canadian taste. Standard Canadian three -speed gear shift and powerful Standard "Steel -Sleeved" engine snake it ideal ,for Canadian use. 6ufrela Flewourd psALADA VACUUM -SEALED OFFER •-• First thing to do in Detroit is check in at Hotel Tuner: You'lk enloy everyminute. Newly modernized. Beautifully decorated. Within walking distance of all downtown stores, theatres and business activ- ities ... yet, you enjoy the ever- green atmosphere of Grand Circus Park ... The Tuner Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excellent food modestly priced. COCKTAIL LOUNGE ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS pN75 WITH BATH FROM Zs Rotel Wier Harry E. Paulsen, Mgr. DETROIT'S "FIRST" IN CONVENIENCE . COMFORT QUALITY THE PROTECTION OF YOUR •FAMILY HERE is a booklet which takes a careful*, look at the subject closest to any man's heart - his family's future welfare. If you 'have any dependents, you should have a copy. There is one for you at the near- est 'Canada Trust office. If it is more con- venient, ask for a copy by phone or mail. Wrr.wn Use This Coupon Will you please mail me a copy of THE PROTECTION OF .YOUR FAMILY NAMEL., kANADA RU ST company preisch0 in 6 Provinces' J. W. McLachlan, Trust Officer Dundas at Clarence London, Ont.