HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-06-15, Page 9Second Section Pages ' 9-12 TM, W ERA --84th YEAR Second Section . Pages 9-12 tBE NEWS; -);RECORD -71k YEAR No. 24 CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1950 '. The Home Paper with the News Prizewinners Given Clinton Spring Show Prize winners at Clinton Spring !Elmo Pritchard; O.A. Bannerman. Show were as follows:Team in' harness, Bert Lee; Ed, !Schroeder; Elmo Pritchard; O. A. Heavy Horses Stallion foaled in 1946 or pre- Pour -horse tandem hitch, Zim- vious—Thomas McMichael, Aub- merman Bros (1st and 2nd); W. urn; Percheron, Belgian stallion foaled in 1946 or previous — Thomas McMichael; stallion foal- ed in 1947 or 1948—George Fox,. Walter Rae. Special Township Competition —(three horses .in any one town- ship)—Zinunerman Bros (Tavis- tock) Oxford Township; W. J, Dale (Clinton) Hullett Township; Peter Graham (Ilderton)- Lobo Township; Bruce Miller (Ches- ley) Elderslie Township. Brood mare -Charles Halliday, Chesley; filly or gelding, three years or over, Zimmerman Bros., Tavistock, ` 1st and 2nd; W. J. Dale, Clinton; Peter Graham, I1- derton, 4th and 5th. Horse colt or gelding, W. J. Dale. Heavy draft team, Zimmerman Bros., W. J. Dale, Peter Graham. Champ- ion and Reserve. Zimmerman Bros. Bannerman. Agricultural brood mare, Chas, Halliday; filly or gelding foaled in 1946 or previous, Bruce Miller, W. J. Dale (2nd and 3rd), Zim- merman Bros.. Peter Graham (5th and 6th). Agricultural team, Bruce Mil- ler, W. J. Dale, Zimmerman Bros., Peter Graham. Champion, Bruce Miller; reserve, William J. Dale; grand champion, Bruce Miller. Peroheron and BelgiNt_ Filly or gelding foaled in 1946 or previous, Zimmerman Bros., W. H. Tuttle, Woodstock; James McCloy, Southbold; Zimmerman Bros.; W, H. Tuttle. Percheron team, Zimmerman Bros., W. H. Tuttle, Zimmerman Bros., James McCloy. Champion Belgian or Perch- eron, Zimmerman Bros.; reserve, W. H. Tuttle.. Wagon and Experss Filly or gelding, three years or over, Ed. Schroeder; Bert Lee, London (2nd and 3rd); Elmo Pritchard; O. A. Bannerman; Elmo Pritchard. Single horse hitch, Ed. Schroeder; Bert Lee; J. Dale; Peter L. Graham. Best matched team in harness. Zim- merman Bros. Light Horses Single Hackney or Carriage in harness, 15'2 and over, Wal- lace Munro, Embro; Dr. Foster, Galt. 15'2 and under, Dr. Foster; Waliaee Munro (2nd and. 3rd). Single'. roadster in harness, 15-2 and over, Wallace Munro; J. L. Wright, Dorking; Wallace Munro. Single- roadster in harness, Dr. Foster; Wallace Munro; J. L. Wright; Wallace Munro. Carriage team, W. N. Munro; Dr. Foster. Roadster team, Dr. Foster; Wallace Munro; 3, L. Wright; Wallace Munro. Single Hackney on line, Wal- lace Munro: Dr. Foster; Wallace Munro; Dr. Foster; Norman Lam- bertus, Walkerton.. Two-year-old Hackney or Carriage on line, O. A. Bannerman; Stewart Henry, Walkerton. Standard colt foaled in 1949, E. J. "Dick" Jacob, Clin- ton; O. A. Bannerman; C. W. LeBeau, Clinton (3rd and 4th). Hackney tandem, Wallace Mun- ro; Dr. Foster; J. Lambertus. Gentleman's half mile road race single, Wallact Munro (1st, 2nd and 3rd); Dr. Foster. Half mile road race, team,•W. N. Munro (1st and 2nd); Dr. Foster. Gentleman's turnout, J. L. Wright; Wallace Munro; Dr. Pbs- ter; Norman Lambertus. Special standard colt, two years old, hitched to bike, half mile, heat, C. W. LeBeau. Lady driv- er, Mrs. Wallace Munro; Mrs. Dr. Foster; Mrs. Lambertus. Half mile running race, Ray Barber, Goderich; Ronald McGee, Goderich. Hurdle jump, Ray Barber; Ronald McGee. Single Hackney pony, hitched, 13-2 and over, Norman Lambertus (1st and 2nd). Single Hackney pony team, Norman Lambertus; (Continued on Page Ten) Winners At Clinton Spring Show To Thur., June i s■ CLINTON COMMUNITY PARK <w:r.xrxOw.s+r+.Nrw.s. Draw for 20 Prizes 1. PIANO and Bench, "Strathmore" De- sign by Sherlock'.Manning Pianos Ltd. 2. KROEHLER REST ROCKER 3. C.C.M.BOY'S OR GIRL'S BICYCLE 4. SUNBEAM.MIXMASTER 5. WALNUT NEST of THREE TABLES and 15 other Valuable Prizes • Proceeds for Children's Recreational Facilities Variety Entertaiirnent JACK McLEAN--.Impersonator MARE BRENTON--Novelty Singer BILL CONWAY—Tap Dancer HARRY CALVERT—Cowboy Singer GIANT BINGO THE CONTINENTALS Four Boys with Eight Instruments, Novelty, Arrangements. BERN CONWAY and JOHNNY BRENT-- Masters of Ceremonies • FUN' , GALORE. Games of Skill — REFRESHMENTS , c Clinton ° Citizens' Band In Attendance Admission to Park 25 cents; Children under '12 Free Prizes on Display in Beattie and McRoberts' Furniture Store Window If Rain Interferes, Frolic will be held in Clinton Lions Arena % Tickets on Drawavailable from any member °of the Lions Club , TWO 02' THE FINE ANIMALS, exhibited at Clinton Spring Show, are pictured above. TOP is two-year-old "Service Grove Franky",' herd sire on the Langridge Bros. farm, R.R. 5, Brussels, adjudged best Ayrshire bull. BOTTOM is the best two-year-old boar, shown by Alfred H. Warner, R.R. 1, Bayfield, in a good Yorkshire swine show. STOP DREDGING DITCHES 'URGED CONSERVE FISH Huron Fish and Game Conser- vation Club, at its monthly meet- • lug in the Board Room, Ontario Agricultural Office, C T i n to n, ing, adopted a resolution that the Department of Lands and Forests be requested to use its influence to stop dredging of ditches as a measure in the conservation of fish life. Expected action of the Depart- ment in allowing the use of shot- guns only in the hunting of deer was approved by the Club. It is expected that there may be an open season in some areas this fall at the option of the Town- ship Councils. President G. , L. Falconer was appointed the Club's voting rep- resentative on Huron County Fish and Game Conservation Associa- tidn. Mitcheal McAdam, Thomas Twyford and Douglas Freeman were appointed a special com- mittee to enquire into the erec- tion of a club house, on the Club's farm, using anold founda- tion, and also to investigate the offer of another property owned by Stan Doucette. In the cumulativd draw, num- ber 228 was drawn but the holder was not present and the "pot" now will total $14 at the July, nieeting. Club draws were won as follows: fishing rod and reel, Earl Livermore; fishing line and hookmaster, William E. Jervis. The Club decided to hold a socials evening at the farm on the evening of June 30. Legion Bingo Friday, June 23 8.30 p.m. GRAND PRIZE OF $50.00 TOTAL PRIZES OF $150.00. Admission; .7.5 KEEP THE DATE OPEN—Be on hand early Attention, Parents! All parents having children for Kindergarten Class' in. Fall Term commencing in September, must registe ; same by letter not later than June 24, 1950, With H. C. Lawson, secretary, Public School Board. To be admitted pupils must be four years, eight onths old by September 1, 1950. On day of enrolment in September, definite proof of age, must be submitted to the Principal of the public School.; Owing to limited accommodation it is. necessary that these regulations bestrictly adhered to. SIGNED ON BEHALF OF CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL, BOARD, H. C. LAWSON, Secretary 28-24-25-P. WEEKLY EDITORS HOLD DIVISION_ Three Ontario weekly news- papers were named as winners of awards in competition sponsored by the Ontario -Quebec division of the Canadian Weekly News- papers Association in the final day of the two-day annual con- vention in Windsor. A. L. Coiquhoun '.represented The NEWS -RECORD at the con- vention. Representatives of Wing- ham Advance -Times, Exeter Times -Advocate, Listowel -Banner, also were in attendance at the two-day gathering. John. A. Meyer, publisher of The Newmarket Era, accepted the Legge Memorial Trophy 'for the best editorial page. The Joseph T. CIa3k Trophy for the best all round paper in towns of 1,500. or less went to C. V. Nolan, publisher of The Stouffville Tribune. The E, F. Stephenson Trophy, awarded to• the weekly with the best front page in towns of 4,500. orless, was presented E. C. Davis, publisher of The Elmira Signet. Business Session In a business session Saturday, .delegates discussed matters of particular interest to their papers. A forum conducted by Kenneth Walls, Barrie Examiner, on the question of improving relations with provincial governments, re- sulted in the appointment of two committees, one from Ontario and one from Quebec. The committees were authoriz- ed to approach their individual governments in an effort to divert a greater portion of provincial advertising to the weekly pub- lications. - A second forum, handled by Werden Levens, Bolton Enter- prise, touched on the problem of weekly papers getting more cov- erage on national advertising. To do this, it was suggested by Mr. Levens that an advertising bureau be set up to represent the mem- bership of CWNA in Ontario and Quebec. He estimated that the cost of this bureau would be in the neighbourhood of $10,000 an av- erage levy of between $50 and $100 for each member paper, Counter -Suggestion After several representatives of smaller weeklies protested that this sum seemed high for the probable return. R. A. Giles, Lachute Watchman, made a coun- ter -suggestion, He said it would be possible to hire -a fuiltime representative to scout out new fields of advertising coverage. This man, he said, could be a working publisher willing to take on the added burden of, soliciting national advertising for Ontario and Quebec weeklies. Similar schemes now adopted in British Columbia and Mani- toba were discussed by C. V. Charters, , Brampton Conservator, Who doubted, that the bureau was practical at present, although it was "a logical step." Officers Elected D. R. Wilson, Shawinigan. Falls, Quebec, was elected president, of the. Division; succeeding 3. M. Southcott, Exeter. E. A, Spence, . Stnathroy, was elected first vice-president, and Charles Nolan, Stouffville, second vice-president. Robert A, Giles, Lachute, Quebec, was returned as secretary -treasurer. Directors chosen were Kenneth Walls, Barrie; R. G. Shearer, Blenheim; Jack Pickett, Paris; W. B. McCool, Wingham; Clayton Schaus, Chesley; Vernon Farrow, Bracebridge: Ross Davis, Carleton Place; 'Lucien Guertin, Shawini- gan Falls, Que.. The 1951 convention will be held' in Quebec City and Shaw- inigan hawinigan Falls, Que., the latter the -home town of the new president. Home Town Pride The City of Windsor is one of which its citizens can and should be justly proud, Hon. (Rev.) M. C. Davies, rector of St. George's Anglican Church, Windsor, speak- er of the Ontario Legislature and Progressive Conservative MLA for Windsor-Walkerville, told the gathering at the annual trophy dinner in the Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor, Friday evening. Mr. Davies boosted his own adopted home city and urged those present to do the sante for their own home towns and cities. He was introduced by John. Marsh, Amherstburg Echo, who was presented with a watch by the association for his fine work, both past and present, in their behalf, Dr. Hugh Templin, Fer- gus News -Record, thanked the speaker. "Man can snake what he wants of his city, his province, his na- tion and the world, if only he believes in it," Mr. Davies said. "You should say to yourselves, 'I live among the finest people in the world — my neighbors — those people who live around me'," he stated. Ai this way, he concluded, they would come to realize they all lived in the finest portion of the greatest country in the world. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Annual Meeting HURON RIDING Thurs., June 29 8.30 p.m. at CLINTON TOWN HALL Election of officers and other business On the platform will be THOMAS PRYDE, MLA, ELSTON CARDIFF, MP, JOHN HANNA, MLA, and MALCOLM PRATT, vice-president, W.O.P.C.A. AU Conservative supporters cordially invited. Young Progressive Conservatives will meet at. the same time. GOD SAVE THE KING! 2 b Huron -Maitland Presbytery Observance of Seventy -Fifth Anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in Canada will be held at 8 p.m. (DST) in KNOX CHURCH, GODERICH Sunday, J n " 25 GUEST PREACHER FOR THIS SERVICE PROF. DAVID 'W.' HAY f K` College, Toronto will• be assisted by tip former Moderators of the General Assembly, the Very Rev, Dr. C. H. MacDonald of Blueval e and the Very Rev. Dr. J. S. Shorts of Kincardine. Clergy of Huron -Maitland Presbytery will shore in the service. Mu sic' by Massed Robed Choirs in Stately Processional direction of W. H. Bishop, choirmaster of Knox Church, Goderich. ACCOMMODATION ARRANGED FOR 'ALL SERVICE AMPLIFIED FOR THOSE PRESENT BROADCAST, CKNX FROM 8.30 FOR SHUTINS SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY OFFERING will be received by Presybtery Any wishing transportation or able to provide ears communicate with Rev. D. J. Lane, Clinton i