HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-06-15, Page 7THURSDAY, MINE 15, 1950 Automatic Water Systems ELECTRIC MOTORS All Sizes Piping, Fittings & Supplies Manufactured by C. H. EPPS PHONE 264 CLINTON 18-20-22-24-b New Spring Stock arriving at' CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP Open Every Friday and by appointment 'for further information contact J. J. Zapfe, corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury St. E., ' PHONE 103 Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every Description T. PRYDE and SON Clinton — Exeter -- Seaforth SEE J. E. HUGILL when you want a NEW OR USED CAR OR TRUCK Our overhead is low and your saving lit money is big We handle AUSTIN, VANGUARD and MERCURY and GM TRUCKS We have in stock used cars from $75 to $1,700 PHONE CLINTON 616r34 or better still take a drive down—half way between Clinton and Seaforth on Highway No. 8 24-b 4 a ice 1100 1:"4‘ :"4s. pad Off for the ns The neighbors remember how sick young Donny was a few months ago, and how worried the Browns were. But they never guessed what a serious drain his illness had been on the family purse. Wisely, the Browns had made it a rule to put something into their savings account, week by week, almost from the day they were married. So when they consulted their bank manager, their credit was good. With the help of a' small bank loan, they were able to pay all their bills promptly. Now Donny is healthy again—and so is their bank account. at -a a<* Planned saving 'pays off, - 8 it when bargains, opportunities g � or emergencies come along. SPONSORED ,BY. YOUR SANK • • CLINTONNEWS-RECORD Goderich Township Mr. and 'Mrs. George Woods, Detroit, Mich., had as their guests at their cottage at Lane 0' Pines. -Beach, Mr, and Mrs. Royal Cool- ey, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reeves and small son Ralph, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Merkley, Wingharn, spent Sunday at their Lane 0' Pines Beach summer home. Their guests were Mrs. Merkley, London, ' and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Husband. Mr. and Mrs. `Fred Middleton were in London on Saturday, guests at the Service -Mann wed- ding in First St. Andrew's United Church, Miss Elizabeth Middle - top, Ottawa, who wasa brides- maid for her friend, Miss Mary Mann, returned home with iter parents far over Sunday, Plan Reunion The Stirling annual reunion will be held this Saturday, June 17, at Harbour Park, Goderich. Dinner will be served around one o'clock. 'Tea will be provid- ed on the grounds STANLEY Community Club Meets The Junemeeting of Stanley Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. Ed Glen. Th e meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer, followed by reports from the secretary and treasurer. The roll call was answered by your favourite salad. Several business items were discussed and it was decided to donate $10 to the Manitoba Flood Relief fund, Yearly reports were given and the election of officers held, which resulted as follows: presi- dent, Mrs. Frank McCowan; Wee - president, Mrs, George Cantelon; secretary, Miss Billie Stewart: treasurer, Mrs. Bob Glen; roll call, Mrs. Goldie Graham; buy- ers and packers, Mrs. Ed Glen and Mrs. Bert Murphy. The July meeting will be a strawberry supper held at the school with the- date to be an- nounced. The August meeting will be held et the home of Mrs. Norman Baird and the roll call "A penny for each size of shoe you wear." •� .rests Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs REPAIRED and RE-COVERED Free Pick -Up and Delivery Stratford Upholstering Co. 203 Waterloo St., Stratford Inquire. at Clinton Electric Shop Phone 479 Clinton 111110611. Wool Wanted All Wool shipped to JACKSON'S is Graded in Seaforth and full settlement made from them, Ship Your Wool To H. M. Jackson SEAFORTH Write for sacks and twine Phones: 3-W and 3-J tfb INKS Mending Service Invisible Mending Reweaving Moth Holes Tears and Burns on Men's t Suits and n Ladies' Dresses Collars and Cuffs Turned Mending of all kinds. SEAFORTH Phone 780 will take mail service 23-24-25-26-b 5 .....ewes es:cotsewe.+a.oav .eas.ae."-e.s. VSEZZYSEVOISZELL E E L g Jd L S Immediate Delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS PHONE 684. •: SEAFORTH 13-39-h LONDESBORO Mrs. • W. T. Brunsdon spent Sunday at the home of her dau- ghter, Mr. and' Mrs. R. Vadden; Mrs= Nellie' Watson is spending a few days at her "daughters' homes, Mr. and Mrs. 3, Sinclair, Kippen, and Mr. arid. Mrs. Bill Riley, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pollard who spent the past three, weeks at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Chester Rintoul, Brussels, have returned home. Mrs. William Lyon returned to her home on Saturday last having spent the past six months with her daughter and family, Mrs. J. Moroso; Hamilton. Dr. A. Lyon, Windsor and Dr. Kirk Lyon, Leamington. Mrs. Lill Wik, Mrs. Ted Salter and Carol, Stratford, agent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Press: They also took in the Gray and Snell reunion which was held at the Community Hall on Saturday afternoon, June 10. Londesboro WMS Meets The regular monthly meeting of Londesboro WMS was held in the schoolroom of the churn on Thursday, 'June 8. fn the absence of the president, -the third vice-president, Mrs. Ivan Carter, took the chair. Roll call was answered by 12 members. The question of entertaining the Jun- ior societies was left over till next meeting. Quilts for the bale were discussed. Mrs. Car- ter, the Friendship secretary, re- ported nine visits had been made. Group No. 2 then took charge with Mrs. Fairservice in charge. "What a friend we have in Jesus," was sung, Mrs. Carter read the Scripture lesson, Mrs. Watson gave a reading, "The Star in a Chinese city." The hymn 380 was sung. Mrs. Govier gave a reading, "Sinking of the well." Mrs. McCool took up the offer- ing. "Blest be the tie that binds" was sung. Meeting closed with prayer in unison. AUCTION SALE of Property and Household Effects front the home of • WILLIAM A. VODDEN (No, 8 Highway), 2 blocks east of Ontario Street Church, on Wednesday, June 28 at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: Axminster rug 9'x101/z'; 2 Brus- sels rugs 9'x12'; Doherty organ and stool; 8 -piece oak dining room suite; oak hook case; quan- tity of hooks; 3 -place oak bed- room suite; mattress; brass bed, springs and mattress; three- quarter metal bed, springs and mattress; 3 feather ticks; 2 oak dressers; walnut chest of draw- ers; 2 cedar chests; New Home sewing machine; walnut rocking chair (antique); leather arm chair; leather rocking 'chair; wicker rocking chair; 4 rocking chairs; Morris chair; 8 -day Clock; mantel clock; 4 small tables; Princess Pat range; coal oil stove and oven; kitchen table and chairs; hand washing machine; baking cabinet; hooked mats; scatter rugs; 18 ft, ladder; 6 ft. step ladder; lawn mower; curtains; bedding; bed spreads; linens; ap- proximately 2 cord of hardwood; approx. 31/2 ton of furnace coal; dishes; cooking utensils; numer- ous other articles. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid the prop- erty on which is situated a two- storey, eight -room brick dwelling with three-piece bath and furnace. On the property is also located a small barn, converted into' a garage and hen house. There is also on the said property a num- ber of fruit trees and a garden lot. TERMS on Household Effects, Cash. Terms on Property, 10 per cent down on date of sale and balance of terms made known on date of sale. William A, Vodden, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 24-25-b ADMINISTRATOR'S 'SALE of Property and Household Effects from the borne of the late ED SPARE, 50 Nelson Street, Goderich, --on— Saturday, June 17 at 1.30 pan„ the following: Three-piece box spring Chest- erfield (velour velvet); Phonola cabinet radio (nearly new); 7 rugs; congoleum rug; walnut end table; fireside bench; fireside screen; buffet, table and 6 chairs (golden oak); dining room table and 6 chairs (leather seated); walnut1 " , larch ere stand; large mirror; small mirrors; cherry top table; cherry dresser; iron bed and springs; 3 mattresses; 5 small tables; arm chair; rocking chair; 5 bird cages; 2 bird cages with stands; radio cabinet; 3 -section book case; book stand; set of books; quantity of books; mahog- any music cabinet; laundry bas- ket; quilts; quilting frames; down comforter; Gurney electric range; McClary anpex; large kitchen cupboard; 4 -burner oil stove; steamer trunk; small trunk; suit- cases; set of 4 car jacks; 2 oak kegs; two 6 -gal. stone crocks; gal, Thermo jug; set of car chains; 3 . clarinets and other musical in- struments; dishes; cooking uten- sils and numerous other arlcles. At the same time and place there Will be offered for sale, subjete to reserve bid, the prop- erty consisting of a two-storey red brick insulated house with an oil furnace, nearly new. Also on this property is a one -car gar- age. This is a very desirable' property in a good location. TERMS on' Household Effects: Cash. Terms on: Property: Ten per cent down' on date of sale end balance in 30 days. N. C. Lauaway, H. J. Hogarth, Adtninistrators for the Estate of Ed. Sparr. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Aite- tioneer; K. W. Coleuhoun, Clerk. 23-24-b PAGE SEVEN EBENEZER '> Ebenezer WA Mrs. Fred Lobb was hostess for the June meeting of the' WA of Ebenezer United Church, Mrs, F. Jones presided for the meet- ing which was opened by singing a hymn, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Bible read- ing and prayer were given by Mrs. C. Tavener. The minutes of the previous meeting were read -and adopted. The roll call was the bringing in of articles made from a cotton sack, these to be sold at a later date.. There were 17 members and one visitor pres- ent. During the meeting an ad- dress was read to Rev, and Mrs. Tavener and a presentation of a silver cake plate was made. The meeting was closed by singing a hymn and repeating the Mlzpah benediction. The remainder of the evening pas spent in quilt- ing. A bounteous lunch was serv- ed by, the hostess. Clearing AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, one mile south of Bayfield, on Blue Water Highway No. 21, Stanley Township The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction, on Wednesday, June 21 commencing at 2 p.m., sharp. Extension ladder, 32 ft.; step ladder; grindstone; garden tools; clothes wringer; various pictures and frames; 5 oak and wicker rocking chairs; dining room chairs; kitchen chairs: kitchen tables; dining room tables; dres- sers; kitchen cupboards; leather couch, like new; parlor furniture; some antiques; settee; combina- tion writing desk; mantel clock; radio; music cabinet; flower pots and stands; chamber sets; sealers and crocks; silverware; glassware; various quilts; comforters and sheets; linens; full line of kitchen utensils; crockery; oak rocking chain; Morris chair; drop leaf table; Coleman lamp; lantern; coal heater; single harness; hand horse clipper; small clipper; iron gate, 12 ft. long; gas barrel; scythe, and many articles too numerous to mention. ' f+l$ Everything is in first class con- dition and will be sold without reserve, TERMS—CASH FRANK KEEGAN, Proprietor Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer 24-b EXECUTORS' SALE of Property and Household Effects at the home of the late ALFRED STAFFORD, at the Village of Walton, on Friday, June 23 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Bedroom suite; dining room table; 2 bedroom chairs; kitchen chairs; sideboard; chest of draw- ers; drop head sewing machine; glass cupboard; kitchen stool; 2 clocks; 5 small tables; kitchen , cabinet; 2 step ladders; extension is ladder; .22 rifle; cook stove; ; couch; quantity of Alberta coal; approx. 3 squares of asbestos shingles;, lawn mower; coal oil stove; coal oil heater; wheel- barrow; quantity of garden and carpenter's tools; dishes; glass- ware; cooking utensils and num- erous other articles. At the' same time and place there will- be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid and other conditions of sale, the residence and appurtenant lands of the said deceased. This property consists of a remodelled 1r/,. storey frame house, 24'x18', with a good cel- lar; also a good workship 24'x14' on the said property, There is said to be a good dug well, and a good garden. .TERMS: Chattels, cash; on residence and appurtenant lands, 10% at time of sale and balance in 30 days, For further particulars apply to the undersigned, DATED this 7th day of June, A.D. 1950. W. J. Humphries and Edward Dougan, Executors of the Estate of Alfred Stafford. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Clinton, Ontario, Auctioneer 23-24-h AUCTION SALE — of — Household Effects from the home of Mrs. Lite Knox, on the corner of Newgate & Victoria' Streets, Goderich, on Saturday, June 24 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Quarter -cut oak bedroom suite; walnut finish bed, dresser and chiffonier; inner spring mattress; felt mattress; 'single cot; inner spring mattress; floor lamps; table lamps; Rosewood desk; Rosewood magazine stand; walnut tear drop table (antique); walnut chair (antique) ; walnut watchback ladies chair (antique); walnut watchhack gentleman's chair (an- tique); 6 foot, 3 -shelf open book case; small gate-leg table; wal- nut drop leaf table; Chesterfield (down filled); variety of water colour pictures and 'prints; Mad- ame LeBran and daughter picture (antique frame); brass jardinere (antique); 2 Chinese vases; teak- wood vases; Mooreeroft a n d Wedgewood china; cross and olive cutglass ware; heavy silver large coffee' and teapots (Mellon pat- tern); other silverware; cutlery; dishes; cooking utensils; General Electric 7 cu, ft,. re- frigerator; Easy washing machine with siphon; insulated ice box; lawn chairs; 5 ft. step ladder, and numerous other articles. No reserve as propetity is sold, TERMS—CASH Mrs. L. 1... Knox, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer, K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 23-24-b r ELL SPRAYS for • Weeds Thorn Trees i Flies SHELL SERVICE STATION Len Cole, proprietor Ontario St. Phone 463-M i Lakeview Casino, Grand Bend Dancing Every Saturday JUNE 17 and 24 to LABOR DAV to Neil McKay and his Orchestra Stock Reduction Sale By Auction 30 Head. of Purebred Registered AYRSHIRE COWS and HEIFERS including the present herd sire The Herd is fully accredited and most of them vaccinated Owing to the shortage of help and extensive alterations needed in the stable, the undersigned has been forced to sell by Public Auction on Monday, June 1 9 1950, at 2 p.m. (DST) AT THE FARM, LOT 26, CON. 2, GODERICH TOWN- SHIP, AND CORNER OF CUT LINE AND BLUE - WATER HIGHWAY, 41/2 MILES WEST OF HOLMESVILLE, An animals are the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold, AU animals will be cared for without charge for a reasonable length of time, All Certificates of Registry will be transferred free of charge and mailed to the purchaser as soon as possible after the sale. Terms of Sale: CASH All animals must he settled for the day of the sale before removal 'from the farm. WILMER HARRISON, Proprietor DONALD BLUE, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk ✓ nrr�sanr.,ew.rww,.,wrrrwos�re,�: • FOR FASTER, EMIM P!OWING .. . aa Just a finger-tip touch —and right now, a Farman Sup .-A Tractor with 'touch. Control does what you want done. You command 2000 pounds of by draulic power to raise the implement, force it into the ground or hold it at any selected working depth. A full line of matched, quick -change implements—direct-connected and forward -mounted --fits the Fennell Super-A'to do a list of jobs as long as your arm—to do every power job for you whatever crops you raise. No use. less wheels, levers, or excess weight on these low.cost implements—and they are easily interchanged, in min- utes. , The Fatsnall Super -A is built to power the diversified farm of up to 80 acres, or be the second tractor on the larger' acreage. The Farman Super.A pulls a one or two .bottom plow, cultivates one row of corn and up to four vegetable rows. You can do effective conservation farming with the Super.A and matched equipment, Ask us all about it. See this Farmall at work on your own farm Call us for a demonstration now. MeALPINE and Your Friendly International Harvester Dealers -VICTORIA ST. — CLINTON — PHONE '338-J DIED IN GODEII,ICH ,GODERICH -- Mrs. Michael Flick died in Alexandra Hospital here on Tuesday morning, June 6, after a lengthy illness. For- merly Sarah Elizabeth Issard, she Was born in Goderich Township, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Isserd. After her marriage she resided on her hus- band's farm in Colborne Town- ship before coming to Goderich 23 years ago. The greatest heat -thrower ot.them an -7 en foot of hooting specs—more than any other mak Our &signere and Electric Welding experts "Imo how" from go years of experience. Heating hogs ir fire is Ve Boiler Plate, strong and sturdy. We ha se ,Hoch confidence in our Tweed Fireplace Fur*'. we guarantee if it ie not as represented, whelk reaches your station, you may return It at out qgq ving complete satisfaction n use Write fee r C In ug and read the uueolicited praise given Fireplace Furnace by actual coots. TWEED STEEL WORI(S LTD.; TWEED; Q