HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-06-08, Page 7'THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1950 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. PAGE SEVEN John Deere Quality Farm Equipment SALES SERVICE Bell Imperial'. Threshing 110Ia0ines W G. Simmons & Sons Farm Equipment Ltd. GODERICH - - EXETER HAUGHTON'S WELDING SHOP CLINTON • New Sp'ring Stock arriving at CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP Open Every •Friday. and by appointment for further information contact J. J. Zapfe, corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury St. E., PHONE 103 Memorials, and Cemetery Work of Every Description T. PRYDE and SON Clinton Exeter -- Seaforth Clinton Flooring Mill We are now •taking orders, for all kinds of MILL WORK We also have a full stock of FLOORING and MOULDING made to any special pattern BUILT-IN CUPBOARDS OUR SPECIALTY! Fred J. Hudie Phone 362 ViallENSEVINGSAIRIL 1\tolltyP>O• Ck\l fig PI./ ‘tvitteiw- n1s p,Nt�KNO( run, Si4/0 %Uh hlltl LONDESBORO ,�....Orem... Mrs. Margaret Manning spent last Thursday ,with friends in Toronto. Misses Esther and Mary Jamie- son, Toronto, were at their home over the weekend. Dr. Robert Grierson, who has been 'visiting friends in Toronto, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Young blur, Guelph, visited friends in' and around Londesboro over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. C. Vodden, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youngblut visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. John Pipe, Brussels, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Breen and little son spent a few days with Mrs. Brean's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Griffiths. Mr. and Mrs. T. Pairservice spent the , weekend with their daughter and family, near St. Thomas, enjoying the sights at Niagara Fails before returning home on Monday. Mt. and" Mrs. Walter Hall, Wool Wanted All Wool shipped to JACKSON`S is Graded in Seaforth ' and full settlement made from them. Ship Your Wool To H. M. Jackson SEAFORTH Write for sacks and twine Phones: 3-W and 3-J tib CANADA'S BEST CAR BUY! The new 1950 Standard VANGUARD It has everything you want in your new car NOT TOO BIG , . . NOT TOO SMALL SEE IT! DRIVE IT COAST TO TODAY! COAST IN CANADA Special—Used Car! 1949 Standard Vanguard, demonstrator Price right for quick sale CLINTON MOTORS Phone 205-w — Clinton THE SENSATIONAL NEW HIGH-OCTANE GASOLINE THAT GIVES• AIE W POWER. TO AIL CARS,! JET.ACTION - that's the feeling you get when you drive. with the sensational new Reliance Supercharged Ethyl. Its slepped•up odium rains, its surging anti•hnoch powerond' its flashing response makes your motor purr with new lilt. 'and pep. Ono tankful of thti new powei•pached super "fuel will convince you that it's the Weller gasolineyou've ever used.-- you'll actually feel the difference) Drive In to your nearby Reliance Dealer and get filled up today. NOW ON SALE At OVER 600 RELIANCE STATIONS Ar• i1EGULAR PRICES DRIVE IN AND GET A TANKFUL TODAY, AL HORSES .. $5.00 each COWS .... , $0,90 each HOGS SOc over 250 lbs. ea. cwt. according to size and condition PHONE COLLECT: CLINTON - - - 910i'16. SEAFORTH - 655r2 INGERSOLL - - - . 21 FIRST DO YOU HOLD N IID 5 THIS ISSUE HAS BEEN AN coiled for ` ode z°; pion U e 15th,1950 of 1 for i s't a $100 It is in the interest of all holders to present their Bonds promptly for payment on or soon after June 15th, 1950 because after; that date this issue Will no longer earn interest. Arrangements for redemption may be made throughinvest- ment dealers, banks or .other.savings institutions. Ottawa The Government of Canada IIy: !ANI( OF CANADA, Fiscal Agent. nn9 Pasadena,' are visiting with Miss L. Young. Mrs. Hall vines the former Miss Millie Agnew and Was quitewell known to many here a few years ago. Several here 'attended the Sun- dt,. ayam School Anniversary atSunWingdaY,- nited on it being' also Flower Sunday; the church will filled to overflowing. The'service and the abundance of flowers was very beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn and Jack, Mrs. W. E. Manning, Gail.;: and June, Mr. E" Bunking and Maxine and Deiphine, at- tended the graduation exercises ambl of Miss Margaret R1 ynhich w took place at the University of Western Ontario, London, on June 3. Miss Tamblyn will enter the Ontario College of Education in Toronto in September, for her final year ,of study. Congratula- tions! Congratulations! Stanley E? Youngblut, Guelph, son of Mr, ' and Mrs. Edward Youngblut, graduated as a Bach- elor of Science in Agriculture at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Ministers to Change Rev Hugh C. Wilson of Wes- ley -Willis United Church, Clin- ton, will take the church ser- vices here next Sunday, June 11. Rev. S.' H. Brenton will take the an'niverscary services in Clinton. Londesboro WA The regular meeting of Londes- boro WA will beheld in the base- ment of the church on Thursday, June 15, at 2.30 o'clock. Roll pall will be answered by "My maiden name and birthplace." Program committee, Mrs. J. Lyon, Mrs. L. Hunking. Hostesses; Mrs. W. Brunsdon, Mrs. T. Adams, Mrs, Clifford Adams, Miss Lily Adams. Come prepared to quilt. A cor- dial invitation is given •to be present. `Londesboro WI Meets The regular meeting of Lon- desboro Women's Institute was held in the Community Hall, Londesboro, on Thursday after- noon, June 1. The president, Mrs. Robert Fairservice, was in the chair and opened the meeting with O Canada, The Lord's Pray- er, the Institute Ode and the C THIS 'SELF -CLEANSING WHITE PAINT ,�iwsAol��re HIGH STANDARD HOUSE PAINT SELF ClE4NSINO Whites stay fresh and clean - throughout life of paint film. EXTRA COVERAGE Better hiding ability means paint covers more area - perfectly! SLOW 110EINO Slows down wear and finish ages evenly -surfaces are trouble-free for re -painting. 8E/10TY 4ND PROTECT/ON Weather -tested improved. formula adds seasons of wear. FOR VERANDAHS AND INSIDE FLOORS FLOOR ENAMEL o Stays brighton wood or cement, indoors or out. ®.Dries hard and brilliant over- night. • Tough, smooth, ' easy to clean. 'SUPTORT THE BEAUTIFICATION CAMPAIGN IN YOUR COMMUNITY Mary Stewart Collect. Theminutes of the 'last meet- ing were read by Mrs. Allan in the absence of Mrs. Anderson, the secretary. A notice was' given of the district annual to be held in Wingham,on June 16. The Lon desboro Institute was invited to Blyth on' September 1, for Grandmothers' Day. Plans were made to have the piano in the hall tuned, the grass cut, and the swings and; slide put in, repair. Miss Clare McGowan gave a. very interesting talk on her work. with the Children's Aid, and Miss Marjorie Watt rendered cornet a solo accompanied by her mother. An appeal was made for the Manitoba Flood . Relief Fund and it was decided to take a collec- tion at the next 'meeting, July 6. Mrs. Cowan and Mrs. Pipe had charge - of the cookie recipes. Samples were passed and the recipes given. Mrs. Pipe gave Current Events. Sandwiches and tarts were served by the host- esses at. the close of the meeting. BUSINESS AND •PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANCY INCOME TAX RETURNS Private Business Farm Reports Bookkeeping records installed and checked monthly. or . as requested ROY N. BENTLEY 36 Regent St. Box 58 Goderich ARTHUR FRASER Income, Tax, Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. Ann Street Phbne 355W Exeter ERNEST W. HUNTER Chartered Accountant 57 Bloor St. W., Toronto R. G."MCCANN Accountant and Auditor Rattenbury St. E. Phone 561 Clinton CHIROPRACTIC D. II. McINNES' Chiropractic - Foot Correction OFFICE HOURS: Hotel. Clinton, Friday, 1 to 8 p.m. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday, 1 to 8 p.m. HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic Goderich Office Hours: Mon., Thurs.-9 a.m, to '5 p.m. Tugs., Fri. -9 am, to 5 p.m. 7 p,m. to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat. -9 a.m, to 11,30 tun. Vitamin Therapy, Electro Therapy Office -Corner of Sotith St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. DENTAL. DR. D. B. PALMER Dentist Albert St. Phone 676-CIinton INSURANCE. Be Sure : : Be Insured X. W. COLQUHO•UN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative: Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 PHONES Res. 9W J. E. HOWARD, Bayfield Phone Clinton 624r31 Car - Fire . Life -. Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a _Policy. H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res. 251J Insurance Orem Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. R. L, Mc1VIILLAN, Bayfield Life, Accident, Sickness, Auto- mobile, Hospitalization, Household Phone: Clinton 634r15 LOBB INSURANCE AGENCY Cor. William and Rattenbury Sts, Phone 691W - GENERAL INSURANCE - Representative: Dom. of Canada General (Life) Hetrick Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Buy LIFE insurance. To-dayl To -morrow may be too late!' JOHN R. & LLOYD IC. BUTLER Representative CONFEDERATION LIFE INSURANCE Phone 274 - Clinton Box 315 THE McHILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Ofifee, Seaforth Officers 1950 -President, 1. J. Trewartha, Clinton; vice-presi- dent, J. L. Malone, Seaforth; man- ager and secretary -treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Other direct- ors: S, H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonherdt, Bornholm*Ro- e an H. bent Archibald, Seaforth.; orth; , Jo Mclwing Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; W. S. Alexander, Wal- ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. Agents: J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKereher, Dublin; George A. Watt, Myth; J. F. Prueter, Broditagen; Selwyn Balser, Brus- sels. MEMORIALS T. PRYDE and SON Cemetery Memorials Showrooms open every Friday and by appointment. See J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103 OPTOMETRY A. L. " COLE, R.O. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Goderich - Phone 33 RUTH HERRN, R.O. Optometrist Huron St. --Phone 69 -Clinton RADIO SERVICE PERSAN and MADSEN Fast Efficient Radio Service Ten Years Previous Experience on all Auto and Home Radios Free FM Intormatoin PHONE 471-W, CL/NToN SIGNS Signs of all Types out -out letters; wooden display fixtures; truck lettering; storefront signs; overhanging signs. HUB SIGNS "In the Hub of Huron County" Clinton 58911:: PHONE : : 797W VETERINARIAN DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinarian Phone 203 Clinton t ee.++••....1;«a • We Have The Answer! In answer to the often heard question: "Where can I get LUXOR Paints and Varnishes?" i Visit the Jervis ▪ Chick Hatchery& Feed Store144.11,N.M.MsSMI 4NONIAMINTON INI ••~0.044«4.4•110O.411.••••04•M9. POULTRY FEEDS and SUPPLIES Phone 194 Clinton i oR FASTER, EASIER PLOWING Orem% THE .FARMALL SUPER -A WITH •TOUCH-CoNTRot! Just a finger-tip touch -and right now, a Fennell Super•A Tractor with Tomb. Control does what you want done. Yon command 2000 bound, of by. daaulic power to raise the implement, force it into the ground or hold it at. any selected working depth. A full line of matched, quick -change implements -direct -connected and forward -mounted -fits the Formal' Super•A to do a list of jobs as long as your arm -to do every power job for you whatever crops you raise. No use. less wheels, levers, or excess weight on these low-cost implements -and they are easily interchanged, in min.; uses. The Farman Super -A is built to power the diversified farm of up to 80 acres, or be the second tractor on the larger acreage. The Farmers Super.A pulls a one or two -bottom plow, cultivates one row of corn and up to four vegetable rows. You can do effective conservation farming with the Super -A and matched equipment. Ask us all about it, ervieWSi`;t.tn... -•.r See this Formal! at work on your own farm Call us for a demonstration now. McALPINE andDAW Your Friendly International Harvester Dealers VICTORIA ST. — CLINTON — PHONE 338-J wt, I IN THE KITCHEN Bathroom and laundry Clean, fresh running water eliminates house- hold drudgery . . . just turn the tap, no.'snore venter -carrying from the pump. TRUCK GARDENERS Are enthusiastic over a DURO WAI` R SYSTEM . assured of plenty of moisture when needed. IN THE BARN Your cattle • and all livestock are quickly watered . . saves time- r' and labour - besides �7; o, 5{r�,>�. ou have PIRA' PRO. . �i'ECTION for all your •":, yrs_• farm buildings. $117.50 F•0.0. London, Canada n$fry;+?yQ:i vol us ;'!C EIUICO Fixtures and Fittings You can easily modernize your kitchen ... bathroom and laundry ... enjoy the comforts of living. SEE OS TODAY for COMPLETE INFORMATION FOR SALE BY: HUGH R. H:AWKiNS EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED London - Hamilton Toronto - Sudbury - Winnipeg - Vancouver and METALS LiMITED Edmonton • - Vancouver ' Calgary SCSI