HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-06-08, Page 6PAGE SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD News of Baytield ''Representative: Phone Bayfield 45r3 Miss Lucy R. Woods 4. O. Doyle, Ottawa, is at his cottage in the village, E. A. Featherston, London; was home over •the weekend, Mrs; J. H, Cobb, Toronto, is here to spend the summer at her cabin. • . Miss Betty 7:.ou Larson London, spent the weekend with ' her Save ,Time! Save ,Labour! Order a CHOREMASTER one -wheel GARDEN TRACTOR to -day! Itsellsat a new kw price. SEE R. N. ALEXANDER LONDESBORO 23-b 2 parents., Mr. and Mrs. W. Cotton, Lon- don, were at their cottage over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. S. Bryant, Lon- don, spent a few days last week at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. G. Churehward, London, occupied 'their cottage over the weekend. Prof. and Mrs. Pemberton and family, London, were at their cottage over the weekend. Miss Margaret Ferguson, Toron- to, spent the weekend with her father, William L. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. W. ' H. Dunn and two 'daughters, London, were at their cottage over the weekend. Mrs. V. C. Quarry, Hamilton, spent several days last week .at "Llandudno", her home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Howard and Margaret spent Sunday at Moore - town with Rev. and Mrs. H. G. E. Crosby. • Mr. and ' Mrs. J. M. Stewart, Hamilton, were at their home in the village frim Friday until Monday. Misses Jessie L. Metcalf and Agnes Savage, Detroit, were at their homes in the village over the Weekend. Bill Aberhart and Bob Turner, DANCING! Bayfield Pavilion EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT• FRANK TRAHER'S Popular Orchestra featuring VIRGINIA MAY, on vocals 10.00 - 1.00 (DST) Admission 75c The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Coun- cil Chambers, Court I -louse, Goderic'h, commencing MONDAY, JUNE 12, at 10.00 a.m. (DST). All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 10th. ....._................. (Signed) Ni. W. MILLER, County .Clerk, Goderich, Orton ; 22-23-b fin ea pmt ,, • 101 NI •--: ".arc Most important Paint Advancement in 25 years New Fume -Proof, Sun -Proof House Paint produces a filum of unusual whiteness. 11Awlt OUTSIDE 90 OW Q"'w rlrrssurtcN It will nor discolor or darken from coal smoke or industrial gases. It's self-cleaning, too—removes surface dirt. Years of extensive exposure tests under many types of climate conditions, from strong sunlight and salt air to heavy industrial fume areas, have proved the superiority of` this new formula over ordinary house paint. Come in and ask us about new Fume -Proof, action .1 5 Sun -Proof House Paint. lVV/ 0 D. A. KAY and SON PAINTERS and DECORATORS Phone 234-w -- Clinton London, have been spending a vacation at the Aberhart cottage on Bayfield Terrace, Rev. and Mrs. P. Renner and daughter Delores; left on Sunday to spend a, month at :Sault Ste. Marie and Rydal Bank, Miss Ruble Fisher returned to Kitchener on Monday after hav- ing spent the weekend with her aunt. Mrs. F. A. Edwards. Dr, and Mrs. R, Hunter and family and Charles Rogers, Jr., Toronto, occupied their home in the village over the weekend. Mrs• Charles Guest who has been a resident of Bayfield for a number of years left last week to make her home in London. Donald McLeod, Port Dover, visited his mother, Mrs. Emma McLeod, and brothr, John Mc- Leod, and family over the week- end. Mrs. L. G. Bassett and Mrs. George Davison, London, and their guests, Mrs. E. Trapp and Mrs.. J. Smyth, 'Buffalo, spent' Sunday at the former's home in Bayfield. Mr.land Mrs. A. W. Reid, Wind- sor, are Vending this week at the cottage on .Colina Street, re- cently purchased by Miss Kath- leen and Bernard Reid from John and Gerald'Churchward, Miss K. Reid, Mrs. E. Cook, Jim Maguire and Bernard Reid, Windsor, were also here oyer the weekend. Miss Doris MeE wen, Misses Margaret Lang, Sheila Gibson and Marion Moss of the University of Western Ontario, London, and Miss Kate Pritchard, Edmonton, were the guests of the former's mother, Mrs. F. W. McEwen, over the weekend. This wasMiss Pritchard's first visit to this dist- rict and she was enchanted with Bayfield, ' Change in Service Through the kindness of the Rev, D. J. Lane and the con- gregation of Knox Presbyterian Church, Anglican Church service and Sunday School were held there on Sunday last and will be held again this coming Sunday at the usual time. Church Re -decorated Trinity Church is being re- decorated for thespecial services marking the hwndredth anniver- sary of the forming of Trinity Church Parish. Gordon Young, Kitchener, is doing the work and is being assisted by Leslie Elliott. Trinity Guild Meets The June meeting of Trinity Church Guild was held at the home of Mrs. Sam McEwen on Thursday evenig last. The meet- ing was opened by the president, Mrs. Byrd Sturgeon. Mrs. S. Me - Ewen read the minutes of the last meeting. The treasurer's report showed a substantial balance on hand which it was voted, be ap- plied to the re -decorating fund of the church. Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner was named convener of a committee to take cherge of the tickets for ,the banquet and Mrs. E. A. Featherston convener df a hospitality committee. Fol- lowing the closing exercises, the hostess served refreshments. United Women ,Meet $t. Andrew's United Church wornen.met on Thursday last at the home of Mrs. Sparks, Bronson Line, with an excellent attend- ance. The two 'presidents, Mrs. Renner and Mrs. 'Makin were in charge of their respective meet- ings. Miss A. M. Stirling gave a fine talk on Christian Steward- ship in which she reviewed the work of the WMS in the past 25 years since its organization, and urged an increase in memebrship andivin s The financial C� g • goal set for this year is $ 1,80 000. The WA had many itemsto discuss and plans were, made for the annual supper at July 1. The committee, , Mrs, Cleave, Mrs. Penhale,Mrs: Bert ;Dunn, Mrs. Sparks arid Mrs. Campbell, pro- vided a fine lunch et the close. Bribe -elect Feted About 35 friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mrs. Charles Seotehmer, Bluewater Highway, Stanley Township; on Friday evening, May 26, to hon- our Miss Marie Talbot prior to her marriage. The first part of the evening was spent in con- tests after which quite a humour- ous mock wedding was staged. The bride 'was Miss Betty Jean Talbot and the groom was Mrs. Bert Greer. Mrs. Vernon Oeseh played the part of the bride's mother, and Miss Elane Denby, best man. Mrs. Peter Renner was the minister. The bride was given in marriage by her father, Mrs. Charles Scotchmer, who carried a shotgun. The mock bride , and groom cut the wedding cake. The bride-to-be was presented with a blonde coffee table, after which she thanked her friends very graciously. A delicious lunch was served. Miss Talbot also was honoured in Goderrch when girl friends from there gathered at the home of Mrs. Leo Miller on Wednesday evening of last week and present- ed her with a-miscellaneoud shower. Late Friday afternoon, follow- ing business hours, the staff of the Royal Bank of Canada, Gode- rich Branch, of vebieh Miss Talbot has been a member, held a little farewell ceremony and. presented a setting of International Sterling silver in the"Enchantress' pat- tern. cewea TRADE MANN AEN. makes hospitality easy MMMMMMIVIMMMMMMMMMMM MASTER GROWING PELLETS for birds on range have these advantages: 1. There is no waste. 2, in open range hoppers Pellets are not blown out by the wind. '3, Loss from spillage and billing out is elimin- ated.' Pellets spilled on the ground can be picked up readily by the birds. 4. Birds cannot "pick over" feed for certain more palatable ingredients. They get a complete balanced ration. 5. Pellet feeds; because they are compressed, have Tess ,exposed surface to the air thus retain the vitamin content longer. 6, Pellets are compressed Mash in appetizing form. The birds like them. pig MMMPtrj MMMMM MASTER BALANCED FEEDS r ALL CLASSEVDF POULTRY FARM LIVE STOCK FUR BEARING ANIMALS & DOGS MMMMM MNMMMM i@pN,N t,EYAUAL unma See us for your CONCENTRATE and FERTILIZER Requirements Your friendly MASTER FEEDS Dealer is: S.,RIDDICK and SONS Phone 114 - - Clinton "Remember, It's Results That Count!" KEiP pAiittiALLY.$ir MASTER AUBURN Congratulations! • Mrs., Fred Ross was in London on Saturday„ attending Convoea; tion exercises at the 'University of Western Ontario; when her son, Donald Ross, Galt, received the Bachelor of Arts degree, Died in Toronto "Word has been received here of the deathrecently of A. P. Walker, Toronto, following a lengthy illness, Mr. Walker was the husband of Carolina (Carrie) A. MacKenzie, formerly of 'Au- burn. Surviving are his widow and two daughters: Barbara and Mary, both of Toronto.: Interment took .place in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. Pour Sons Graduate Mr. and Mrs. F. O. McIlveen attended on Saturday the grad- uation of their second youngest son, Gilbert, from Queen's'tini versity, Kingston. Gilbert grad- uated' with his MD degree .and. will now interne in a hospital in Kingston. He is one of four sons who have graduated with a uni- versity degree. A fifth son, Eric, is a student at Queen's Univer- sity. Pastor Clark Here Services in the Baptist Church Sunday were conducted by Pastor Clair Clark who is ass"suming the Auburn -Clinton pastoral charge' for the summer. months. Mr. Clark is a student at McMaster Univer- sity, Hamilton. He, along 'with his wife and infant daughter are occupying the parsonage at Clin- ton. Both Mr. and Mrs. ' Clark graduated from University of To- ronto two years ago. Successful Concert A men's choir of 24 members from RCAF Station, Clinton, pre- sented a highly enjoyable pro- gramme in the Foresters' Hall. Thursday. The concert consist- ed 5f four groups of songs, also INA'S Mending Service g I Invisible Mending Reweaving Moth Holes i Tears and Burns on Men's t Suits and Ladies' Dresses Collars and 'Cuffs Turned Mending of all kinds. SEAFORTH Phone 780 will take mail service 23-24-25-26-b i BLOCKS BLOCKS Immediate Delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS PHONE 684 : SEAFORTH 13-39-b THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 19, vocal and instrumental solos' un- was under the auspices of Auburtu, der the direction of Flight Lieut: Community Memortal Ban, A. . C. L. Harding. The entertainment sociation. You will be delighted with. this fragrant tea Lakeview Casino, Grand Bend Dancing Every Saturday JUNE 10, 17, and 24 to LABOR DAY to Neil McKay and his Orchestra 1 W46.M.K6Weg»: :SLSHWtre' .:.?.$ett it'; git'egt✓.tetiu3Y'+sm 4t!1di l • Used Car Bargains 1949 Chevrolet Coach, metallic in colour 1948 Chevrolet F'leetmaster Sedan, two -toned green in colour 1948 Pontiac Coach- , Two -1948 Chevrolets, prided to sell at $T,495 Two -1948 Chevrolet Sedans 1948 Chevrolet Fleetrnaster Sedan, radio, sun visor and many extras 1948 Plymouth five -passenger coupe '1947 Chevrolet, priced to sell at $995 '1940 . Dodge Coach with new motor 1938 Dodge Sedan 1938 Chevrolet Coupe 1937 Pontiac Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Standard Coach, $200 1935 Dodge Sedan TRUCKS 1949 . Ford Half -Ton Pickup 1937 Ford 3 -ton Stake, $125 1935 Ford Y2 -ton Panel, $98 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM CASH — TRADE — TERMS Open Every Evening for Your Convenience brussels Motors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealer Phone 73-X BRUSSELS TO VISIT YOUR AIR FORCE ON First thing to do in Detroit is check in at Hotel Tuller! You'll enjoy every minute. Newly modernized. Beautifully decorated. Within walking distance of all downtown stores, theatres and business activ- ities .. yet, you enjoy the ever- green atmosphere of Grand Circus Park ... The Tuller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excellent food modestly priced. COCKTAiL LOUNGE -,;. ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST SOO ROOMS $275 WITH BATH FROM .atetVulfe H E Pndselt. Mar. DETROIT'S "FIRST" iN CONVENIENCE • COMFORT QUALITY RCAF *FOkC[ DAY SATMBAY MU nom Meet the men ... See the modern equipment... Of your Air Force. RCAF yyy • .2,;E ..1''3 �O 1', a ������� a de /4.84114°col AIR AND GROUND .DISPLAYS �`r"1'°"" -' Bring your family and friends, Saturday afternoon to; R.C.A.F. STATION, CLINTON 1 P.M. to 1 A.M. ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE