HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-06-08, Page 5E'kIURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1950 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE., News -Record. Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results i'+CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed- enesday following date of .inser- •iion)—Onecent a :word first in- aertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- 'sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex - 'tan for box cumber or for direc- tion, to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 pace. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 'HOUSE IN RURAL AREA, five miles from Clinton.' Immediate possession. Phone Clinton 463M. 23-p ARTICLES FOR SALE 'TENT, EIGHT BY TWELVE FT., sin read good condition, price $20. Lorne Brown Motors. 23-b PRACTICALLY NEW WHITE 'enamel "Ice King" ice box, large size, $35; also gendron baby car- riage in good condition, $8. Phone 2565W. 23-b KITCHEN CABINET, ivory with red trim, porcelain top; also ice `'box, both in excellent condition. Mrs. Herbert Bridle, 113 Huron :St., Clinton. 22-23-p GENERAL ELECTRIC 8 -TUBE radio, both F.M. and A.M. bands (built-in antenna for each), G.E. ,Guillotine tuner for F.M., also 30' F.M. ward' magic wand aerial complete with guy wires and 100' .ant, lead-in. L. M. McKinnon, phone 128J. 22-23-p BOATS FOR SALE. USED PETERBOROUGH AUTO boat, 12 ft. long, weight 75 lbs., cedar ribs and planking, canvas 'covered, with oars and top car- rier for oar. Less than half price -for cash. Evenings phone 270. Bill Shearing, Gibbings St., 'Clinton. 23-b BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE "THREE BUILDING LOTS ON Shipley St. Ross Fitzsimons, phone 559. 23=24-b GOOD LOT FOR HOUSE or warehouse, excellent location in Clinton. Reasonable. James El- liott, Box 79, Seaforth. 21-22-23-b CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE CEDAR POSTS, ALL SIZES. 'Porter Bros., phone Goderich 5934r5. 23-p EQUIPMENT FOR SALE . "TWO -WHEEL GARDEN Culti- vator, scarcely used, $5.50. John Plumtree. 23-p FARM HELP RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED Holland families, arriving soon, Apply to Cde Haan, Belgrave, • Ont. 16-b-tfb FARMS FOR 'SALE HOUSES FOR SALE SIX -ROOMED DWELLING, Instil brick siding, hardwood floors, newly -decorated, throughout, all modern conveniences, ideal loca- tion. Possession within 30 days. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W. 20-btfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 20 WEANED PIGS. Apply David Campbell, Bayfield Line, phone 909r31. 23-b 40 CHOICE PIGS, six to, eight weeks old. Ivan Steckle, phone Bayfield 55r5. 23-b HEREFORD COW, four years old, to freshen soon; grade Hereford bull, one year old; will exchange for other cattle. William Hog- gart, phone Clinton 683. 23-p TWO PUREBRED SHORTHORN bulls, 12 months old, by a good son of Klaymore Elector, T. B, tested. Apply to George L. Reid, Varna. 23-b MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 1941 INDIAN (45) with sidecar. Has just been completely over- hauled,'rings, valves ground, new brake linings back and front wheels, new ammeter, switch, etc. $150 cash or nearest offer, Lloyd Mundy, Wingham, phone 510. 23-b MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 19-26-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for think feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone et once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 2btib NOTICES ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING upon part lots 40, 41, 42 and 51, Huron Road and London Road Surveys, Tuckersmith, will be prosecuted by order of owner, A. E. Parry. 16-23-p PIANO TUNING- YOUR UNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 55011. 23-b SEED FOR SALE WE STILL HAVE a few bushels of Capital Soybeans, grown from registered seed. R. -N: A %hander, Londesboro, phone Clinton 803r22. 23-b TRAILERS FOR SALE BEAUTIFULLY -FITTED BEACH cabin trailer, custom model, $650. John Hindmarsh, RR 2, Goderich, phone 1190J. 23-p 'FIVE ACRE FARM With modern ' mouse and barn; also 1941 Ply- WOODWORKING, band and -mouth sedan, Stan Doucette, jigsawing. Reg. Smith, phone "phone Clinton 619r33, 22=3-p 797W. 16btfb WOODWORKING 150 ACRES, good agricultural farm, barn 90' x "60', driveshed 20' x 40', seven -roomed dwelling, hydro available, situated in Stan- ley Township three miles from Bracefield. Apply H. C. Lawson, 'Realtor, Clinton, phone '251W. 18btfb FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 'COLONY HOUSE 10' x 12'; two new chicken shelters. James East, phone 807r6, 23-p FRAME HEN HOUSE, with tfi'ree good windows. Mrs, John Rath- -well, Varna, phone Clinton 622r32. 23-b 'THREE RANGE SHELTERS, 'seven by nine feet, with hinged roofs. Apply Jack Muff, phone Minton 906r21. 23-p BELL THRESHING MACHINE, 20 -inch; International power binder, 10 -foot; Massey -Harris hammer mill, 14 -inch. William 'Cox, R.R. 1. Goderich, phone Clinton 903r2. 22-23-b FURNITURE"FOR SALE DINING ROOM SUITE, eight piece, solid oak. Phone Clinton '5J. 23-24-p WINDOWS FOR SALE LARGE WINDOWS, complete with sash suitable for hat or cold frames or in erection of chicken house; formerly store windows. May be seen -at'NEWS-RECORD ':Office, 23-x WESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Club of Wesley - Willis United Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Fing- land, Ontario St., on Tuesday evening, June 13, at eight o'clock. Mrs. Filrgiand's group will be in charge of the programme. b CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all those who visited me, sent flowers, cards, fruit and other rifts to me while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital; special thanks to Dr. Oakes, Miss Sinclair and all the nurses for their kindness. (Sign- ed)—Mrs. John McAsh. 23-p Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE BULK SALES ACT, And in the matter of a Sale from Arnold McDonald Jackson to John A. Anstett, All persons having c .l aim s against the above-named, Arnold McDonald Jackson, are required to file the same with the under- signed Solicitor on or before the 26th day of June, AD, 1950, after which date the proceeds of the sale to John A. Anstett will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the dolma of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 7th day of June, A.D. 1950. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario. 23-24-25-b RELAX IN 1 CONMFCDRT SPORT SHIRTS Plain or fancy patterns, all' sizes and shades. $3.50 to 6.50 T-SHIRTS Plain or patterned,' Keep cool this summer. All sizes. $1.00 to $2.95 SLACKS 'Gabardine and Tropical. . All shades, all sizes. $8.95 to $15.95 Visit RCAF Station, Clinton, on Air Force Day, June 10 PICKETT IN CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts Stetson Hats -PHONE 25 — 'CLINTON BIRTHS HODGINS— In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, June 3, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Hodgins, Blyth, a son (George Ross). HOPSON — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, June 8`, 1950. to Mr. and Mrs. "Oliver Hopson, R.R. 1, Bayfield, a' son. SCHOENIIALS--In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Tuesday, June 6, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert John Schoenhals, Clinton, a son. SNELL—In Blyth, on Tuesday, June 6, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Snell, R.R. 3, Blyth, a son (Leslie John). MARRIAGES CHISHOLM-WATSON — At the' • rectory of the Roman Catholic Church, St. Augustine, by Rev. Fr. Smith, Wilma Marion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson,. R.R. 3, Auburn, to Benson Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chisholm, R. R. 3, Goderich. HUDIE-WISE — At St. James Church, Middleton, on Satur- day, June 3, 1950, y Rev. La - Verne Morgan, Evelyn Mary, eldest daughter of Mrs. Wise and the late William Wise, to Alfred Percival, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hudie. LEITCH-TALBOT — At Fairview Farm, Bluewater Highway, Stanley Township, on Saturday, June 3, 1950, by Rev. Peter Renner, Agnes Marie, elder daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Leon- ard E. Talbot, to George Wil- liam, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Iiam Leitch, Goderich. MANNING-TORRANCE—At the home of the bride's parents, Goderich Township, on Friday evening, June 2, 1950, by Rev. Peter Renner of Grace United Church, Porter's Hill, Mary Catherine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A, Torrance, to Gor- don, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manning. NEDIGER-INGLIS—At the home of the ,bride's parents, on Mon- day, June 5, 1950, by Rev. R. G. Hazlewood, Walton, assisted by Rev. A. H. Johnston, Mit- chell, Margaret Amelia, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Valiance Inglis, Mitchell, to Charles Austin, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Nediger, Clinton. DEATHS JOYNT—In Hensall, on Monday, June 5, 1950, Thomas Cleveland Joynt, beloved husband o f. Florence Welsh, in his 59th year. Funeral from Bonthron Funeral. Home, Henson, to Hensall Union Cemetery, Wednesday afternoon, June 7, TAYLOR—At her home in Sea- forth, on Thursday, June 1, 1950, Elizabeth Leitch, widow of the late Henry Taylor, in her 91st year. Funeral from her late residence to Nlaitland- bank Cemetery Saturday after- noon, June 3. WEBER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, June 16, 1950, Lena Deer, wife of the late William Weber, in her 85th year. Funeral from Arthur Funeral Home, Auburn, Thurs- day afternoon, June 8. YEO—At her home, 80 Carrick Ave., Toronto, on Sunday, May 28, 1950, Margaret Emma Bea- com, beloved wife of Nelson A. Yeo, in her 80th year, Funeral from the Jerrett Funeral Home to Riverside Cemetery, on Wed- nesday, May 31, 1950. YUNGBLUT—At his home on the Base Line, Hullett Township, on Sunday, June 4, 1950, John Yungblut, beloved husaband of Sarah Galley, in his 79th year, Funeral from Baptist Church, Auburn, to Ball's Cemetery, Hullett, Wednesday afternoon, June 7. 0 CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this op- portunity of expressing my sin- cere appreciation to all those who sent flowers, cards or other re- membrances while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital; special thanks to Dr. J. A. Addison and the nursing staff of the hospital. (Signed)—Tom Turner. 23-p CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K. C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 445HeeilHHHMT elect Tei le tNelet see PROMPT Local and Long Distance TAXI SERVICE. PHONE 1 1 0 telkia 'd eIai LONDON' ROAD Club 'Holds .Meeting The May meeting of London. Road Club was held at the horn of Mrs. Doucette with 12 mem- bers and two visitors present. The president, Mrs. Managhan, was in the chair, and opened the meeting with the singing of "I'll take you home again, Kathleen." The roll call was answered by slips and flowers. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were given. It was decided to send $15 to the, Manitoba Flood Relief Fund. The programme was in charge of Mrs. B. Watkins in the absence of Mrs. M. Wiltse, and consisted of a spelling match won by Mrs. Doucette, a cake scramble won by Mrs. A. Wiltse, The mystery box was won by Mrs. N. Manning. The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem, after which the hostess Served a delicious lunch. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, J. Clegg on Thursday, June 15. RRUCEFIELD Miss Leona Anderson left this week for Kirkland Lake. Miss Margaret Aikenhead, Lon- don, spent the weekend at her home. Mr. and Mrs. D. Skaife and family moved to Clinton during the weekend. Mrs. Alice Ham has returned home from Toronto where she has been spending some time. IVfr. and Mrs, Hugh Berry and Mr. and Mrs. Alec Paterson left this week by motor on a holiday trip to Montreal and Ottawa, Mr. 'and Mrs. W. Henry attend- ed Convocation at• University of Western Ontario on Saturday when their son, Cameron Henry, received his B.A. degree. Keep in mind the play, "Cover- alls"' which group 1 of the WA are sponsoring. It will be held on June 19 at 8.30 p.m., by the Elimville WA. Further notice next week. 23-b Improving The many friends of Mrs. T. Baird will be glad to know she is improving after her recent illness, and is able to be up and around again. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE of Property and Household Effects from the home of the late ED SPARE, 50 Nelson• Street, Goderich, —on -- Saturday, June 17 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Three-piece box spring Chest- erfield (velour velvet);. Phonola cabinet radio (nearly new); 7 rugs; congoleum rug; walnut end table; fireside bench; fireside screen; buffet, table and 6 chairs (golden oak); dining room table and 6 chairs (leather seated); walnut jardinere stand; large mirror; small mirrors; cherry top table; cherry dresser; iron bed and springs; 3 mattresses; 5 small tables; arm chair; rocking chair; 5 ,bird cages; 2 bird cages with stands; radio cabinet; 3 -section book case; book stand; set of books; quantity of books; mahog- any music cabinet; laundry bas- ket; quilts; quilting frames; down comforter; Gurney electric range; McClary annex; large kitchen cupboard; 4 -burner oil stove; steamer trunk; small trunk; suit- cases; set of 4 car jacks; 2 oak kegs; two 6 -gal. stone crocks; gal. Thermo jug; set of car chains; 3 clarinets and other musical in- struments; dishes; cooking uten- sils and numerous other articles. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subjetc to reserve bid, the prop- erty consisting of a two-storey red brick insulated house with an oil furnace, nearly new. Also on this property is a one -car gar- age. This is a very desirable property in a good location. TERMS on Household Effects: Cash. Terms on Property: Ten per cent down on date of sale and balance in 30 days. N. C. Lanaway, B. J. Hogarth, Administrators for the Estate of Ed. Sparr, EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auc- tioneer; K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk. 23-24-b I EXECUTORS' SALE of Property and Household Effects at the home of the late ALFRED STAFFORD, at the Village of Walton, on Friday, June 23 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Bedroom suite; dining room table; 2 ,bedroom chairs; kitchen chairs; sideboard; chest of draw- ers; drop head sewing machine; glass cupboard; kitchen stool; 2 clocks; 5 small tables; kitchen. cabinet; 2 step ladders; extension ladder; .22 rifle; cook stove; couch; quantity of Alberta coal; approx. 3 squares of asbestos shingles; lawn mower; coal oil stove;. coal oil heater; wheel- barrow; quantity of garden and carpenter's tools; dishes; glass- ware; cooking utensils and num- erous other articles. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid and other conditions of sale, the residence and appurtenant lands of the said deceased. This property consists of a remodelled 11,1 storey frame house, 24'x18', with a good cel- lar; also a good workship 24'x14' on the said property. There is said to be a good dug well, and a good garden. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. DATED this 7th day of June, AD. 1950. W. J. Humphries and Edward Dougan, Executors of the Estate of Alfred Stafford. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Clinton, Ontario, Auctioneer 23-24-h AUCTION SALE — of — Household Effects from the home of Mrs. L.L. Knox, on the corner of Newgate & Victoria Streets, Goderich, on Saturday, June 24 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Quarter -cut oak' bedroom suite; walnut finish bed, dresser and chiffonier; inner spring mattress; felt mattress; single cot; inner spring mattress; floor lamps; table lamps; Rosewood desk; Rosewood magazine stand; walnut tear drop table (antique); walnut chair (antique); walnut watchback ladies chair (antique); walnut watchback gentleman's chair (an- tique); 6 foot, 3 -shelf open book case; small gate-leg table; wal- nut drop leaf table; Chesterfield (down filled); variety of water colour pictures and prints; Mad- ame LeBran and daughter picture (antique frame); brass jardinere (antique); 2 Chinese vases; teak- wood vases; Moorecroft a n d Wedgewood china; cross and olive cutglass ware; heavy silver large coffee and tea pots (Mellon pat- tern); other silverware; cutlery; dishes; cooking utensils; General Electric 7 cu. ft.. re- frigerator; Easy washing machine with siphon; insulated ice box; lawn chairs; 5 ft. step ladder,and numerous other articles. No reserve as property is sold. TERMS—CASH Mrs. L. L. Knox, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 23-24-b Special Offer! NEW SUBSCRIBERS Clinton News -Record until the end of 1950 ACT NOW! ~4..4,4,./..~4 'al Stock Reduction Sale By Auction 30 Head of Purebred Registered AYRSHIRE COWS and HEIFERS. including the present herd sire The Herd is fully accredited and most of them vaccinated Owing to the shortage of help and extensive alterations needed in the stable, the undersigned has been forced to sell by Public Auction on Monday,.June 19 1,950, at 2 p.m. (DST) AT THE FARM, LOT 26, CON. 2, GODERICH TOWN- SHIP, AND CORNER OF CUT LINE AND BLUE - WATER HIGHWAY, 41/2 MILES WEST OF HOLMESVILLE. All animals are the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold, All animals will be 'cared for without charge for a reasonable. length of time; All Certificates of Registry will be transferred free of charge and mailed to the purchaser as soon as possible after the sale. Terms of Sale: CASH All animals must be settled for the day of the sale before removal from the farm. WILMER HARRISON, Proprietor DONALD BLUE,Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk N!1.0.414., ROXY THEATRE CLINTON REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH—ONTARIO • JUNE 8th to 10th • Gregory Anne - and PECK BAXTER' " if ' YELLOW SKY with Richard Widmark, Henry Morgan NoW: Sabel and Joanne Page in "The Man Eater of Kumaon" — MoN. - TUES. - WE'D. - Katharine Grayson--�- Jose'Iturbi and Ethel Barrymore With Iturbi at the piano and vocals by Mario Lanza you will enjoy and remember this Techni- • All Next Week • JUNE 12th to 17th MARJORIE MAIN PERCY KILBR1DE "MA and PA KETTLE GO TO TOWN" colored musical, "That Midnight Kiss" THURS. - FRI. - SAT. — Gregory Peek — Anne Baxter and Richard Widmark A super adventure tale tells of the West and its desperadoes in post Civil War days. • JUNE 19th to 21st • Edmund Gwenn Donald Crisp it" „ Challenge to Lassie" "Yellow Sky" Coming: '' „ All Week FRANCIS The riotous tale of a talking mule PARK THEATRE G ODERICII--Phone1150 CAPITAL THEATRE GO D ERI CH—Phone 47 NOW: Abbott and Costello. in "AFRICA SCREAMS" NOW: Randolph Scott In 'A Fighting Man of the Plains' a'MON. - TUES. WED. — TWELVE O'CLOCK . HIGH"and starring GREGORY PECK An unforgettable achievement by Twentieth Century Fox that soars' as high as the screen can reach. With Hugh Marlowe, Dean Jagger and Paul Stewart, MON. - TUES. - WED. — William Powell—Shelley Winters Marsha Hunt Whereas a dignified professor solves the mystery of a missing blonde to save his own reputation. "TAKE ONE FALSE STEP" THURS. - FRI. - SAT. -- Bill Williams — Ralph Morgan and Jane Nigh The rolling hills and verdant countryside of a storied state form the background for a ro- mantic adventure. "BLUE GRASS OF KENTUCKY" — THURS. - FRI. - SAT. Spencer Traey—James Stewart and Valentina Cortese A unique and entertaining ad- venture story about a group of apner Y nto a strange "MALAYA" Coming: "TIGHT LITTLE ISLAND" In answer to many requests Coming: "The Lady Gambles" etarrine Rarharn. CS .,a. nrr IN WHAT ARE YOU TRUSTING FOR YOUR SALVATION? IS IT,-- oai4:i>.1 Mew); til.", • Church membership or ritual?•' • The efforts of another man? • Good works? .• Second chance? • Keeping the Law? OR IS IT IN CHRIST WHO SAID: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no call cometh unto the Father but by Me." --John 14:6. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."—Acts 16:31, CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. i Vacation Specials a t •,i'?':;: Aberhart's Garage,Goderich MERCURY — LINCOLN --- METEOR SALES and SERVICE 1947 Willys Jeep Station Wagon • Completely reconditioned — All steel Almost new condition. 1940 Ford Deluxe Tudor Di top condition — practically new motor. 1939 Mercury Sedan 1937 Chevrolet Coach In nice shape. 1935 Ford Coupe New motor — a real buy. In stock—BRAND NEW MERCURY HALF -TON PICKUP TRUCK — liberal allowance made on your trade-in. body — New paint — Very popular model. ``Help" The Lions to Help Others!" DRAW FOR PRIZES AT FROLIC Thur., June 15 1, SHERLOCK-MANNING PIANO and BENCH 2. KROEHLER,REST ROCKER 3. CCM BICYCLE' 4. SUNBEAN MIXMASTER 5. WALNUT NEST OF THREE TABLES and 15 other Prizes. Tickets: 25c each or 5 for $i at Hugh R. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE 244 - - CLINTON