HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-06-08, Page 4sr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKee
are at present with the lady's
mother, Mrs. H. B. Combe.
Robert Miller, Dunnville, spent
the holiday weekend' at the home
of his father, W, J. Miller.
Mrs. R. S. Atkey left yesterday
afternoon via CNR to spend a
few days with friends in Barrie,
Rev. and Mrs. G. G.. Burton,
Moorefield, were renewing
' acquaintances in town Tuesday.
F. A. Bennett attended a re-
union of the Elgin Regiment in
St. Thomas over the . weekend.
Mrs. R. Williamson, Miss Helene
and Elgin, London, were guests
on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Miss Jessie O'Neil, London,
spent the weekend with her sis-
ters, Misses Dell and Winnie
George Addison, Iroquois Falls,
is spending this month with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W.
Trewartha. ,
Mrs. George F. Elliott and'
Miss Doreen tent the weekend
in Detroit visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Ball.
Charles F. Lockwood has re -
cupolated from
his p recent ill-
and now is able to be work-
ing in his barber shop again.
Mr, and Mrs. John R. Cook,
Ingersoll, spent the holiday week-
end with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Robbins
and son, Ronald, spent the holi-
day weekend at the home of the
lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
A. Sutter.
R. G. Bennett and F. 0. Wilson
attended a conference of Agricul-
tural Representatives ` at OAC,
Guelph,, Tuesday to Thursday of
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent,
Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Stewart spent the week-
end with friend$ in London and
Port Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scribbins
left by CNR yesterday afternoon
to attend the graduation of their
son from Ontario College of
Pharmacy, Toronto.
Mrs. F. Jowsey, Toronto, is
visiting her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ball,
and for the present is doing the
bookkeeping at Ball -Macaulay.
E. T. Bagshaw, Prince Albert,
Sack., returned home via CNR
yesterday afternoon after spend-
ing three weeks with his son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. arid Mrs.
D. M, Pegg.
Mrs. May Rance MacKinnon
was in New York last week at-
tending . the silver
s v r el -
brations in connection with Dr.
S. M. Shoemaker's pastorate in
Calvary Church.
Mrs. Jgseph Watkins a n d
granddaughter, Barbara, a n d
Miss Violet Watkins,. Kitchener,
spent the weekend with the
Howard 'T'urner's
(successor to Harvey Kramp)
We are fully experienced in automotive
service and are prepared to give complete car
George Hanley, a long time resident of
Clinton, will help take care of your mechanical
We Have Pleasure in
,that we have purchased the jewellery
business formerly carried on by
A. M. JACKSON in Clinton.
We should appreciate the privilege of serving
you --both in the jewellery and gift fields and also
in watch and clock repairing. We know that our
experience will he of value to you,
John" A. Anstett
Phone 562
Mr. and Mrs. Sherleck Keyes,
Varna, announce the engagement
of their elder • daughter, Mary
Minerva Maude, ,to, Chester
Ridgeway Malloch, .Sc.,.`son of
Mrs, Cheeter , Malloch and the
late Mr. Malloch; Elstree, Herts,
England. The former is a grad-
uate of Stratford General Hospi-
tal, and the latter a graduate of
the University of London, Eng-
land, The marriage will take
place the latter part of June.
School of Commerce
Announces Awards
School of Commerce awards
received from the Gregg Edu-
cational department,, are as fol-
Junior O.G.A. (Order of Gregg
Artists), Audrey Baird, Ethel
Blair, Lois Cruickshank, Frank
MacDonald, Doreen Proctor, Joyce
Weeks. Senior Ot,G.A. Certifi-
cate and Gold Pin, Ilene Hessel-
wood, Pauline Holland, Madeline
McCullough, Eileen Pocock, Joyce
Sly, Joyce Stephenson. Junior
O.A.T. (Order of Artistic Typ-
ists) -Certificate and Silver Pin -
Ethel Blair,
MaryHolland, Eileen Pocock,
Doreen Proctor,
Joyce Weeks,
former's daughter, MTs. William
Draper, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter
have returned after spendine the
past week in Toronto. While
there Mr. and Mrs. Hiles Carter
entertained in honour of their
parents' 40th wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Chum Shepherd,
Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shep-
herd, Toronto, and Miss Grace
Shepherd, Ottawa, have been
visiting their aunt, Mrs. Alice
Robson. Miss Shepherd is re-
maining for a longer visit
Recent visitors with Mrs. L.
M. McKinnon were Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Hall, 'Pasadena. Calif., re-
newing acquaintances of 36 years
ago. Mrs. Hall is a sister of the
late Dr. Bob Agnew, Clinton, and
Mrs. Hall's father was editor of
the Wingham Advance.
John Cuninghame visited his
parents at their summer home in
Bayfield during t h e holiday
weekend. Other weekend guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuning-
hame were Mr. and Mrs. Roy A.
East, Toronto, and Mrs. Catherine
Johnston, Owen Sound.
Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Woolfrey
and Miss Bette were in Toronto
on Thursday last attending the
graduating exercises in connec-
tion with the Toronto General
Hospital School of Nursing, when
the formers' daughter, Miss Marg-
aret Woolfrey, was among the
Guests at the home of Mrs. H.
Castle on Sunday included Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Castle, Mount
Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Livermore, Toronto, and Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. McDermid, Ceylon, Ont.,
all of whom had come to town
for the golden wedding celebra-
tions of Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Elliott and
Richard spent Sunday in London
attending the Christening in St.
Paul's Cathedral' of the formers'
grandchild, Candace Janet, dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C.
Elliott. Mrs. George H. Channer,
London, great grandmother, was
among those present, thus com-
pleting four generations.
Among the many guests 'of Mr.
and Mrs. James Livermore, who
have been with them this week
on account of the golden wedding
celebrations, are their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest S. Livermore, and Wilfred,
London; their son-in-law a n d
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Green, and Miss Audrey, Grand
Bend; Mrs. H. E Smithendorf,
Essex; and Mrs. Wallace Wheat-
ley, Woodstock.
0_=1 O
Large Stock of
at Regular Mail Order Prices
"C" Gauge i
Inlaid Marboleum 1
6' wide $3.50 running'yard
"C" C Gauge
Inlaid Linoleum
6' wide $4.20 running yard
"A" Gauge
Inlaid Marboleum
6' wide $5.50 running yard
"A" Gauge
Marboleum Tile
9"x9" . 1.9c each
Rexoleur Standard
6' wide 85c running yard
Rexoleum DeLuxe
6' wide $1.20 running yard
9' wide $1.95 running yard
Gold Seal Congoleum
6' wide .. $1.40
9' wide 2.2.5
Congoleum Rugs
1 R
in all sizes and patterns
at regular prices
Hardware and 'Furniture
PHONE 195 -- ' - -- -- Clinton
+Qll=i.0 0=o 0=101= old io
H'UDIE-WISE` Austin Nediger. The bride is
A quiet wedding • took place
Saturday,; June 3, at St. James
Church, 1Vliddleton, when Rev.
LaVerne Morgan united in, mar-
riage Evelyn •Mary, eldest daugh-
ter oft Mrs. Wise and the late
William Wise, and „Alfred Per-
cival Hudie,t,,youngest son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. John Hudie.
The bride, looked lovely in a
navy blue gabardine suit, with a
white hat and navy accessories
and a corsage of red Killarney
Miss Mary Hudie, • as brides-
maid; was lovely in a wine gab-
ardine suit with hat to matchand
navy accessories and a corsage of
white carnations.
George Wise,brother of the
bride, was best man.
Later, Mr. ,and Mrs. Hudie left
on a honeymoon trip to Mani-
toulin Island and other points.
On their return they will reside
on the groom's farm, Goderich
A lovely summer wedding was
performed mel atthehomeof
bride's parents, Mitchell, on Mon-
day, June 5, 1950, at 12 o'clock
noon, when Margaret Amelia
Inglis became the bride of Charles
"Youth for Christ"
Hear Talented Family
Clinton Area Youth for Christ
held 'its regular meeting in CDC1
auditorium on Saturday evening,
June 3, with a very good at-
tendance. The director, Frank
Collar, led in an opening sing-
song and prayer.
The Norris family, London,
featuring Margaret, ten years old,
at the piano, Bobby, 12 years
old, playing the trumpet, and Mr.
Norris on the xellophone, pI;ayed
"Search me, 0 God." Sgt.' A. R.
Persan, co-director, favoured with
two solos, "Victory in Jesus" and
"Over in the Glory Land." Marg-
aret Norris played very accept-
ably "Jesus is the sweetest name
I know."
The speaker of the evening, Dr.
Albert Hughes, Toronto, was in-
troduced by Frank Collar. Dr.
Hughes is a well-known radio
preacher and took for his subject
"Saul of Tarsus and his conver
sion," the Scripture being taken
from the ninth chapter of Acts.
The meeting closed with the sing-
ing of the hymn "Just as I am",
and prayer by Mr. Collar.
The next meeting will be held
in Exeter. '
Local Woman Attends
New York Festivities
'Calvary Church, New York
City, was the scene of great
activities last week when friends
from five continents gathered to
honour Rev. Samuel Moore Shoe-
maker, D.D,, on his completion of
25 years as rector of the church
Affectionately known to thous-
ands of men and women as Sam,
Dr, Shoemaker has extended his
ministry far beyond the bounds
of his New York parish. His
name and his written word is
known to the ends of the earth.
Men of every race and colour,
many of whom attended the an-
niversary conference last week,
owe their Christian faith and
peace to the busy Rector of Cal-
vary Church. •
Canon Quinton Warner, Lon-
don, well-known in this locality,
is an ardent follower of Dr. Shoe-
maker and was present to share
in the celebrations. Mrs. May
Rance MacKinnon, Clinton, also
was present at the fectivities in
New York last week.
- o
Junior Institute Hears
About Africa in War
Clinton Junior Institute held
its May meeting in Clinton Dist-
rict Collegiate Institute.
The meeting opened by the
Institute Ode followed by the
Lord's Prayer. The roll cell,
"What age of child would you
like to take care of," was answer-
ed by 11 members, The secre-
tary's report was given by Doris
A letter regarding the Junior
Farmers' 'Camp Club, and the
Field Day in Gorrie, was read
by the president.
Guest speaker for the 'evening
was Miss White of HuronCounty
Children's Shelter, Goderich.
Miss White was most interesting
as she told of her nursing ex-
perience in Africa during the war.
years. She had been one of the
privileged nurses of 300 to be
called from Canada. Miss White
was stationed at the Springfield
Military Hospital,: six miles from
Durban, South Africa.
Next meeting will be held on
June 13 in CDCI. Everyone is
to bring lunch.
The WMS of Ontario St. United
Church will meet on Tuesday,
June 13, at 3 p.m., in the Church
Hall. The programme ' will be
given by the Mission Band and
lunch will be served to both the
Baby Band and Mission Band
:Beauty Salon
Phone 542J
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Val
lance Inglis, Mitchell, and th
l'groom is the only son. of Mr. an.
'Mrs. W. M. Nediger, Clinton. Th
ceremony was performed by Re
R.'G. Hazlewood, Walton, assist
ed by Rev. A. H. Johnston, Mit
chell, before an effective settin
of standards of purple and whit
lilacs and multi -coloured tulip
Mrs: E. J. Hingst, Mitchell, wa
pianist, and accompanied th
soloist, Miss Muriel Valiance, sic
ter of the bride, who sang "Th
Lord's Prayer" and "Because"
Miss Inglis wore a floor -lenge
dress of sea green taffeta wit
rounded neckline, puff sleeves
and a long full skirt, and a cor
sage of coloured sweet peas.
Given in marriage by her Fath
er, the bride was lovely in a
ivory taffeta gown which featur
ed a fitted bodice with sho
sleeves, an embroidered portrai
(neckline, and a full skirt witl
side peplums. Her finger-tip vei
was caught with a halo headdres
embroidered with pink forget
me-nots. She wore a rhineston
I m tc
necklace with a ni
n bra
and earrings, the gift of th
groom, and carried a bouquet o
sweetheart roses:
Miss Evelyn Paris, Toronto
was bridesmaid, wearing a go
of mauve net over matching'baf
feta with short sleeves, shirrs
bodice and full skirt. She car
ried a nosegay of yellow roses
mauve sweet peas and pink snap
Arthur Ballantyne, Toronto
was , best man.,
the ceremony a re
ception was held when the bride'
mother received wearing a nay
sheer frock over taffeta wit
white hat and accessories and
corsage of red roses. She was as
sisted by the groom's mother w
chose grey sheer over Me -re
with grey and wine hat and cor
sage of red roses. The bride'
table, decorated with pink an
white streamers, was centre
with a three-tier wedding cake
and had bouquets of lily -Of -the
valley and pink and white candle
in silver holders The assists
were Miss Leota Meehan, St
Marys, and Miss Millicent Mc
Kenzie, Toronto. cousin of th
For travelling to the Muskok
Church Directory
(All services on Daylight
Saving Time)
Ontario St. United
REV. W, J, WOOLFREY, Ministe
Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, ,Tune 11
11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship
25th Anniversary Service
12.15 -Sunday School.
7.00 p.m. -Union ' Evening Ser
vice in Wesley -Willis Unites
St. Paul's Anglican
REV, R. M. P. BULTEEL, Recto:
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organis
Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon,
Choir Leader
Sunday, June ii
11.00 aen.--Morning Prayer anc
Sunday School.
7.00 p.m -Evening Service.
Wesley -Willis United
Rev, HUGH C: WILSON, Ministe
Mss. Morgan J Agnew, Organic
A. R. Persan, Choir Leader
Sunday, June 11
11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship,
Celebrating the 25th Anni-
versary of Church. Union.
Rev. S. H. Brenton, chairman
of Presbytery, guest preacher.
12.15 -Church School
7.00 p,m.-Union Evening Wor-
ship in this church,
Dedication of the Flag service
for the Boy Scouts.
Presbyterian Church
REV. D, J. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Bayes, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, June 11
10.00 a.m.--Sunday School,
11.00 a.m.-Divine Worship;
The Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be observed, New
members received.
2.30 p.m. -Service at Bayfield,
The Sacrament of the Lord's
The RCAF Male Chorus will pre-
sent a concert Sunday even-
ing, at 8.30 o'clock. The
whole community is welcome
-offering for Manitoba Flood
Pentecostal Church
Matilda St., South of CNR
Sunday, June 11
10.00 a.m.-Sunday School
11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship
7.30 pen. -Evangelistic Service
8.00 p.m. Tuesday -Bible Study
4,15 p.m. Thursday -Boys' a u d
8.00 pen. Friday -Young
Boys and Girls attention -Start-
ing Monday, June 12, special
services just for YOU. Songs,
stories, contests, prizes, from
Monday to Friday 4.15-5.15
p.m.'Come and bring a friend.
Baptist Church
F/L P. 0. Jones, Choir Leader
Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Organist
Sunday, June 11
11.00 a.m.-Worship Service end
Sunday School,
2.00 p.m. -Sunday School at
3.00 p.m. -Worship Service at
District the bride donned a three-
piece suit in cocoa gabardine with
matching accessories and hat in
natural straw. ' On their return
they will reside at _380 ,Douglas
a Ave., Toronto.
The groom's gift to the soloist
5 was a bedroom clock, and to the
i pianist and other attendants cups
and saucers.
V. Guests were 'present from
Clinton, Toronto; Exeter, . St.
Marys, Seaforth, Walton and
, _
e (By our Bayfield corresponklent)
"Fairview Farm," Blue Water
" Highway, Stanley Township, was
e the scene of a very pretty wed-
]• ding on Saturday, June 3, when
h Agnes Marie, elder daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Talbot,
became the bride of George Wil-
- liam, son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Leitch, Goderich.
- Rev, Peter Renner, pastor of
i St. Andrew's United Church, of-
- ficiated at the double ring cere-
rt mony which .had been planned
for the garden, but, owing to the
1 inclement weather, was held in
the living room, massed with
i lilacs and fern.
- The beautiful bride, who was
e given
ven in marriage by her
r father,
,ewore a gownof white nylon em-
ern -
!,bossedorgandie overbridal satin,
with a full ankle-lengt
skirt, bodice finished with a
, double collar fitted to a low neck-
, line and long sleeves ending in
d a lily point. She wore a white
picture hat and carried American
Beauty roses and white stephan-
Her sister, Miss Betty Jean
Talbot,,, was bridesmaid. Her gown
was of heavenly blue satin made
with tight fitted bodice and full
ankle -length skirt, with which
she wore white accessories. She
carried `a fan -shaped bouquet of
pink carnations and white. per-
ennial chrysanthemums with fern.
The groomsma was Leo Mil-
ler, Goderich,
Mrs. A. H. Ahrens played the
wedding music.
For the reception which fol -
lowed, Mrs. Len Talbot ware a
navy crepe dress with navy ac-
cessories and Mrs. William Leitch
chose a turquoise crepe frock
with grey accessories. Each wore
a corsage in shades of pink and
For a wedding trip to points
east, the bride donned an aqua
gabardine suit with which she
wore black accessories, and a cor-
sage of white Queen lilies and
Delight roses.ese in On their re-
turnk they
best wishes to the young couple,
•tastes best
when served ice cold
Attention, Parents!
All parents having children for Kindergarten
Class in Fall Term commencing in September, must
register same by letter not later than June 24, 1950,
with H. C. Lawson, secretary, Public School Board.
be admitted pupils must be four years, eight
months old by September 1, 1950.
s On day of enrolment in September, definite
proof of age must be submitted to the Principal of the
' Public School. Owing to limited accommodation it is
necessary that these regulations be strictly adhered to.
H. C. LAWSON, Secretary
Going Lawn Bowling?
Men's Fine Quality
Lawn Bowling Shoes
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A handsome
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Bakers and Confectioners
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FOREVER - - a. �
The beauty and charm of your
Wedding Day will last for a life- til < t -
time if you have a brush oil
a portrait of the bride to beautify • ,
♦ your home. Its enduring life-
like qualities will bung back '.
many happy memories in the , �. i,
years to come. See samples of i r ,,,
this lovely portraiture in our
studio window at Mc5wan's
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