HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-06-08, Page 3THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1950' CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, PAGE THREE `YES, No More Messy Bag Emptying!" with the lIRDY Sanitation System Kirby Features: * SAI' I EM -TOR, does away with messy bag emptying. * TOE -TOUCH CONTROL, adjusts the rug -cleaner nozzle to the right height for efficient cleaning. • * SAFETY -SWITCH, eliminates danger from moving parts. e DETACHABLE CORD,eliminates cord troubles. * ADJUSTABLE FL'OODLIGHT,. used to spot -light dirt in dark corners or for more general illumination. * INDESTRUCTIBLE START -STOP ; SWITCH, does ,away with switch trouble. * FLEXIBILITY AND ADAPTABILITY of the variouk units to accomplish all home renovation tasks. * Exclusively "Kirby" Triple -Cushioned Vibration Cleaning Action: IMPORTANT IN. THE CLEANING OF RUGS! 1. Rubber sleeve cushion 2. Cushioning resilient bristles 3, Air cushions under rug Kirby . `Power Polisher Unit ONLY THE .KIRBY SANITATION SYSTEM has this Outstanding Unit! SEE IT! TRY IT! IT'S AMAZING! Get Free Demonstration from Clinton _ Electric ` Shop D. W. Cornish — WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS — PHONE 479 -- -- Residence 358 "EVERY HOUSE NEEDS WESTINGHOUSE" A Woman's Viewpoint on This and That By MBA A bride -elect of this week, Joan Fines was feted at an enoyabie trousseau tea, given by her moth- er, Mrs. E. A. Fines, Satufclay afternoon . . Mrs. Fines, gowned in navy blue chiffon with cor- sage of narcissi and lily -of -the - valley, was assisted by her dau- ghter, who looked attractive in a dress of pink with black and white • pattern and corsage of nar- cissi . and lily-of-the-valley, who inn receiving the many guests called during the afternoon . Mrs. A. Crozier had charge of the door . , a. * THE tea table, handsomely ar- ranged with a hand crocheted lace cloth and centred with pink tulips and narcissi in a silver bowl and pink tapers in silver holders, was presided over . by Mrs. Douglas Ball and Mrs. J. J. Zapfe during the, first part of the afternoon and later by Mrs. W. H. Robin- son and Mrs. William Sinurls, Wingham . • Tea assistants were Mrs. F. O. Ford, Mrs. A. Knight, Mrs. Frank Fingland and Mrs. R. S. Atkey.. Showing the trousseau upstairs were Mrs. Gordon Osborne, Toronto, Jean Nediger, Isobel Chowen and Aud- rey Jervis . SATURDAY was a busy clay in town ..And the weather clear- ed .in time for shoppers to get out to take advantage of the many "Clinton Day" bargains... * * MANY of the ladies dropped into the tea and bazaar in the lecture room of the Presbyterian Church which was given by the WA of the church ... The room was fragrant with lilacs and tul- ips, while the tea tables looked attractive, centred with lily -of - the -valley_ and forget-me-nots ... Mrs. D. J. Lane received the many guests ei .• IN charge of the home -baking table were Mrs, John ECook,. k,G..M s John Hall, Mrs Mrs. A. F. Cudmore and Mrs. R. W. McKenzie . Mrs. G. D. Roberton and Mrs. John Sinder looked after the apron and nov- elty table, while Mrs. M. D. Mc- Taggart and Miss D. Shaw had CLINTON civ FROLIC Thur., June 15 CLINTON COMMUNITY PARK Draw for Five Prizes 1. PIANO and Bench, "Strathmore" De- sign by Sherlock -Manning Pianos Ltd. 2. KROEHLER REST ROCKER 3. C.C.M. BOY'S OR GIRL'S BICYCLE 4. SUNBEAM MIXMASTER 5. WALNUT NEST of THREE TABLES and 15 other Valuable Prizes ® Proceeds for Children's Recreational Facilities f SVIJNVJ MNN• ."i.~.•MMN••41.~ IMWNIMW ~.. Variety Entertainment JACK McLEAN—Impersonator MARC BRENTON—Novelty Singer BOLL CONWAY—Tap Dancer HARRY CALVERT—Cowboy Singer THE CONTINENTALS— Four Boys with Eight Instruments, Novelty Arrangements. BERN CONWAY and JOHNNY BRENT— Masters of Ceremonies FUN GALORE GIANT BINGO -- Games of Skill REFRESHMENTS l.I n'r.. 'Jfl'nn_ nnn,t'#N./.NW_SENO ,4,11 .E'N'.'�'�'rNWVWNNJMI.M Clinton Citizens' Band In Attendance Admission to. Park 25 cents; Children under 12 Free Prises on Display in. Beattie and McRoberts' Furniture Store Window If Rain Interferes, Frolic will be held in Clinton Lions Arena Tickets on Draw available from any member of the Lions Club charge of the touch -and -take table and the sale of tickets on a beautifully ';dressed doll , Lucky winner of the doll Was Mrs. Haines ... Mrs. Elmer Mur- ray and Mrs. Howard Cowan had charge of the candy booth . z * * SUPERVISING the tea tables and afternoon tea were Mrs. G. W. Nott and Mrs. R. G. McEwen Tea assistants were Mrs. Clarence , Neilans and Misses Beatrice Gibson and Emily Scrut- ton . Mrs. T. W. Morgan made the t.ea and coffee . .Assist- ing in the kitchen were Mrs. William Mutch, Mrs. David Wil- son, Mrs. Robert Scott and Mrs. Charles Clifton e. a *' THE bazaar was decided suc- cess, with the proceeds exceeding other years . . , The WA wishes to thank members of the Girls' Club who helped because' of the illness of several WA. members .. I OBITUARY 1 JOHN YUNGBLUT (By our Auburn correspondent) A life long resident of llulleti Township in the person of John Yungblut, died at his home on the Base Line on Sunday, June 4, following a lengthy illness. He was in his 79th year, having been born on January 28, 1872, in the Maitland Block, the son of the late George Yungblut and Elizabeth Plaetzer. The most of his life `was spent farming in his native township. He was a mem- ber of Auburn Baptist Church. He was married to Sarah Gauley, Crewe, in 1914, who sur- vives as does three sons and one daughter, Eldon, London, Nonnan and Gordon, at home. And Jean, also one grandson. Four sisters also are left to mourn his passing, Mrs. Jasper McBrien, Goderich, Mrs. 'Gordon Snell, Westfield, Mrs. Annie Waiper, Auburn, and Mrs. Andrew Horne, Walkerville. Three brothers and two sisters predeceased him. The funeral service was held ever since, Mr. Weber died three on Wednesday afternoon, June 7, years ago. from 'the Baptist Church, with Surviving are two daughters; interment in Ball's Cemetery. Mary Anne at home and Mrs. Thomas Hamilton (Fromilda) Goderich; six grandsons: one granddaughter; also one sister, Mrs. John McClinchey, R. R. 1, Auburn, ship, a daughter of the late James and Anna Eliza Beagom, sister of, the late James and Robert Bea corn, Pickford, .Mich., the late Jane Sterling and Elizabeth Bea- com, Pickford, Mich., the late John and Sarah Beacom, Clinton. She lived 14 years on the Hay- field Line, moving to Goderich, where the family lived for five years, moving to Toronto in 1918 where she had resided till her death. She was a member of. Perth Ave. United Church for the past 30 years. Funeral services were conduct- ed at the Jarrett Funeral Home, on Wednesday, May 31, with Rev.. Charles Jay officiating. Interment followed in Riverside Cemetery, Pallbearers were Charles Pringle, Fred Miller, William Halligan, William Marston, Andrew Cock- erline, and R. J. Gauley, a for- mer Bible Class teacher for 16 years. Mrs. Yeo enjoyed good health up to two years ago when her eyesight failed, d. two weej s. before her death 'she lost her sight completely. he was in bed just a week, sufferingrno pain, and peacefully sleeping Away. Thosefrom a distance included Mr. and Mrs. Russell Erratt and Miss Helen, and Mrs. Bruce Mc- Clinchey, Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Merner and Mrs. Mamie. Beacom, Clinton; Mrs. Noble Leach, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; Andrew Cockerline, Pickford, Mich., and Mrs. Effie Yea, Weston. The family received many mes- sages of comfort and sympathy from Detroit, Bay City, Mich., Tacoma, Wash.. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Sarnia, Mitchell and Clin- ton. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. The . late Mrs. Yea will be sadly missed by her family and many friends. MRS. WILLIAM WEBER A highly esteemed resident of East Waw,anosh, Mrs. William Weber, 84, died in Clinton Public Hospital Tuesday, June 6. She had been in failing health for some time and had been a pa- tient in the hospital for ten days. Mrs. Weber •*ras the former Lena Daer, daughter of the late John Daer and the former Katie Wiener, Hullett Township, Six- teen years ago she fractured her hip which since has necessitated the use of crutches. Sixty -tour years ago she mar- ried William Weber and has re- sided on the same farm three miles east of Auburn practically MRS. NELSON A. YEO There passed away on Sunday, May 28, 1950, at her home, 80 Car- rick Ave., Toronto, Margaret Em- ma Yeo, in her 80th year. Mrs. Yeo was the beloved wife of Nelson A. Yeo, and dear mother of Mrs. Gertrude May Halligan and Clifford Yeo, who passed away October 24, 1918, and grandmother of Sandra, Ronald, Glenda and David Halligan, Mrs. Yeo was born on the Hayfield Line, Goderich Town - TRADE MARC PEG. belongs in your ice box PORCH and FLOOR ENAMEL Super tough elastic finish' in your choice of 14 eye• catching colours. Ideal for porch or interior floors. J. W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Clinton, Ontario Albert St., Rhone 120 Woodworking SCREENS for Your Home, Etc. CABINET WORK BAND and JIG SAWING REG. SMITH High St. — Phone 797-W C&B ENTERPRISES GODERICH Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service Wet Wash .08c lb. Rough Dry .10c Ib. Semi -Finished 12c lb. Minimum Bundle $1 Called for and Delivered PICKED UP TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Leave Calls at Phone No. 29, Clinton Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What n thrllll Bony Minim nil out; ugly hollows fill ull; nook no10ngor pornwny; body loses half. ptorvet� , sickly boan;pola'".look. Th0nsgnde of girls, women, men, who never could Mon before, 000 now proud df e5050W, heoltn0'looking'50,100. taunt. ant, the epeolnis,etibnndlng, invigoUsdiOQ tonic. vitamin rte tonics, otlmulnnta 100igoratove Iron, tvltemin' n1, gatelum, conch blood, mora apootlt° And dlrishmn 0c food hloe. you mora strength anti tiro; too put *0000 on bore bones. Don't 1000 5010105 loo 100.1Stouneed when you've gaind the d, 19, e. or 25 Alm. you 005,1 torr Nee etc 6q00. Coate little. New Ottrer bt'oeiunintotl" or. new iioo. Try famous ands, Tbplo y day. a t°r• new vigor and Added 500010, 10010 very day, At MI druggmta, DRUG STORES DANGER LURKS IN EVERY OPEN WOUND! APPLY IDETTOL'AT ONCE For Cuts, Bites, Scratches, Sore Throat and all Personal Uses TONI SPIN CURLER SETS $2.79 TONI REFILL with CREME SHAMPOO , $1.59 TONI REFILLS $1.25 RICHARD HUDNUT REFILLS with EGG CREME SHAMPOO $1.75 DOROTHY GRAY DEODORANT Reg. $1.25 for 75c WILDROOT CREAMOIL with SHAMPOO both far 69c D ETT O LPRO-PHY-LAC-TIC ' Nylon TOOTH BRUSHES Reg. 25c — 3 for 59c KREML HAIR TONIC with. SHAMPOO 59c THE MODERN ANTISEPTIC KRIS Germs Fast Won't Hurt You. • Apowerful antiseptic o Does not burn or sting like iodine • Non-poisonous • Non -staining • Agreeable odour • concentrated— econasnwal in use 59c Bottle 11011111•11•111111111111MIs LEMON SOAP 15e cake FACELLE in Pastel Shades 25c JERGENS FACE PO. and LIPSTICK 49c JERGENS LIQUID SHAVE with large Woodbury's Shave Lotion 69c UNIQUE PHOTO SERVI@E F. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST PHONE 14 Engine Tune-up consists of restoring an engine to its original operating standards, or as nearly to them as possible, taking into consideration age and usage of the vehicle. The basis of a good Engine Tune-up is a com- plete and accurate diagnosis. In making a diagnosis, the fundamental facts of good engine performance must be considered, . These factors are COMPRESSION, IGNITION and CARBURETION. ("Compression" discussed in next week's advertisement) WELLS AUTO -ELECTRIC W. D. Wells, Proprietor Supertest Products Ontario St. Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 349W -- Clinton AIIMPINENOUNIMIIMEMOSINIIIM �����®M! INR lei na'xaYi�tDa::il�r'L•+�I:@OJc.I.JI>�Vv �r 2 U EXC IEDRESSL SHOPPE { All Stock Must Be Sold At Once CLOSING - FOR - SUMMER - MONTHS Suits 1/2 Price Shortie Coats $12 and up Full Length Coats 1/2 Price GREAT REDUCTION ON ALL DRESSES Slips Peacemaker Silknit Formula R.eg. $3.00 Now $1.98 glazers $2.00 each Sweaters Reg. 3.98 & 4.98 for $2.49 NYLON f; 42 45 51 gauge Reg. $1.50 and $1.65 for .98 cents 1=01=0=0 03="'d � �r0i 0IC1=0r0 X7=',101= or-