HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-06-01, Page 3THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1950 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD )?AGE SEVF. LIONS CONTRIBUTE PASSES IN GODERICII BRUSSELS—A generous gift GODERICH--John Marriott, 84; to Manitoba Flood Relief Fund who operated a cartage and. was raised at the regular Lions transport business here for many Olub dinner meeting. L, E. years, died at his home, on Mon - Cardiff, MP for North Huron, day afternoon, May 29, after a suggested that if each Lion pres- long illness. ent would contribute $1 he would raise the donation to $30. A cheque was mailed ` to : relief headquarters for that amount. 'S T 0.R E extends to all A HEARTY WELCOME TO SHOP AND SAVE ON CLINTON DAY Our Red -Hot . SP ecial" FOR THE DAY ONLY — WILL BE — KELLOGG'S OVEN -FRESH CORN FLAKES 12 oz: pkg. 19c COME AND SEE OUR OTHER QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT LOW EVERYDAY PRICES. } Reg Ball FREE PHONE DELIVERY 111 Turkey Dinner on SUNDAY at Clinton Grill Served from 11.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Served from 5.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. $1.25 per plate Please reserve ahead if more than six in party ROOMS FOR RENT Clean — Private — Good Beds By the Night or Week — Reasonable Prices CLINTON GRILl. VICTORIA ST. PHONE 279 i �7eddin�s ROYC E—OH UTOR Varna United. Church parsonage was the setting for a quiet but pretty wedding on Saturday, May 27, 1950, when Vivian Elizabeth Chuitor was united in marriage to Harvey N. Boyce. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Chutor and the -groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyce', all of Varna. Rev. Reba Hers ;officiated. The bride wore a street -length dragon and tulips, dress of pale blue sheer over Given in marriage by her fath- taffeta, with navy accessories and er, the bride wore a gown of a corsage of pink rose buds, white satin and lace with fitted Miss Mary: Beatty, Varna, was i; bridesmaid, wearing a green taf- bodice and full skirt. She wore feta dress with white accessories a finger tip veil caught to a and a corsage of white carne- crown embroidered withseed tions. pearls and carried a bouquet of James Boyce, brother of the red roses. groom, was best man. ' The bride was attended by For a motor trip through North- three bridesmaids in nylon mar - ern Ontario and United States, quisette• with bonnets and mit- the bride donned a grey gabardine tens to match their gowns. Miss suit, pink shortie, and navy ac- Mabel Seymour, maid of honour, cessories. in pink was carrying blue oar - Mr. and Mrs. Boyce will reside nations. Miss Thelma Trimble, in Varna. BLYTH Cairn Proposed BELL—SEYMOUR A a double ring ceremony in Lincoln Road United Church, Windsor, Dorothy Agnes, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. 'Sey- mour, Windsor, 'was married to Ronald Peter Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Beli,4 Hensall. Rev. M. Bury officiated. W. Martin played the wedding music, and Mrs. Jean Perriot was soloist. The church was attractively de- corated with baskets of snap- McC LI NC H EY--HOLLYMAN A 'canopy of pink and white with white bells and ,e back- ground of ferns in the living room at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollyman, Blyth, formed a charming setting Saturday, May 27, at 12:30 o'clock for the mar- riage of their youngest daughter, Frances Mary, to Robert Donald McClinchey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McClinchey, Auburn. The double ring ceremony was performed b Rev. W. J. Rogers, minister of Blyth United Church. The Bridal Chorus from Lohen- grin and "I'll Walk Beside You," and "Sweet Mystery of Life" were chosen as the wedding music. The pianist was Miss Joan Whitfield, who was in a long gown of pale blue sheer. The soloist, Miss Shirley Phillips, wearing a gown of aqua marine satin, sang "I Love You Truly," accompanied by Miss Whitfield. Entering the living room with her father, the bride looked lov- ely in a full length gown of white silk bengaline fashioned with sweetheart neckline, shirred bod- ice and lily point sleeves. The bouffant skirt, with ruffles of the same material, extended into a short train. Her full-length veil of silk embroidered illusion was held in place with a matching coronet entwined with lily -of - the -valley and she carried a bou- quet of Johanna Hill roses with blush rose streamers. Her only ornament was a double strand of pearls, a gift of the bride- groom. Miss Jewell McClinchey was the bride's only attendant. Her gown was of pink silk bengaline fashioned on identical lines as that of the bride. She carried a bouquet of white carnations and pink -rosebuds. The best man was Andrew Plunkett, Auburn. For her daughter's marriage, Mrs, Hollyman had chosen a printed silk jersey dress, and wore a corsage of yellow rose- buds. Mrs. McClinchey, mother of the bridegroom, assisted, in a goof wn vy printed ssheer. lsoworeaorsage of yellow rosebuds. Fallowing the cere- mony a buffet lunch was served in the dining room. Those as- sisting were Miss Patricia Har- rington, London, Mrs. Stuart Am- ent, Auburn, Miss Doreen Arm- strong, Londesboro, Miss Mary McCaughey, Blyth. After the reception, Mr. and Mrs. McClinchey left for a motor trip to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, and Detroit. For travelling, the bride wore a dove grey gabardine suit, matching hat and navy ac- cessories. On their return the couple will reside at Ruthven. The bridegroom's gift to the bridesmaid was a gold compact, to the soloist and pianist costume jewests were present from!!Londonery. u Woodstock, Lan- desboro, Auburn and Blyth. 0 FOR FINE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD PHONE 4 Armoriwwwwilimorataftiototioweirtamorft 1 I I I Specials for Clinton Day Only Outside White Paint fully guaranteed Per gal., Reg. $6,30 CLINTON DAY ONLY $5 10 o Discount on all 1950 WAT I ..ui 't' RS SEE US FOR OTHER SPECIALS D. A. KAY and SON Painters and decorators Phone 234 Clinton in aqua, was carrying pink car- nations, and Miss Betty Soya, in mauve, also carried pink carna- tions. The best man s, was Donald C. Bell, twin brother of the groom. John A. Bell, Wallaceburg, and William H.. Bels, Hensalll, also brothers , of the groom, were ushers. After a reception held in the IOOF Hall, Chilver Rd., the couple left on a wedding trip to Algonquin Park, the bride travel- ling in a powder blue suit with navy accessories. On their re- turn Mr. and Mrs. Bell will re- side in Windsor. o— DIED IN DETROIT SEAFORTH—Mrs. Alex Kerr, the former Amelia Jane Morrison, who died at Detroit on Friday in her 78th year, was buried here on Monday. May 29. Mrs. Kerr was a member of a pioneer fam- ily in McKillop Township. DOCTOR PASSES WINGHAM — Dr. Robert L. Stewart, 86, well known Wing - ham medical doctor, died Tues- day, May 30, atter a lengthy ill- ness. Dr. Stewart had practised in the vicinity for 37 years. Much interest is being shown in the proposed erection of a cairn in which is known as the park on Dinsley St. The project is being sponsored by the local Horticultural Society which has taken care of the park for the past 27 -years. Sale a Success The community sale sponsored by Blyth Lions Club in Agricul- tural grounds was a decided suc- cess. Three. local auctioneers— W. H. Morritt, Harald Jackson and Lewis Rowland— were kept busy most of the afternoon. Net proceeds of $170 will be equally divided between Manitoba Flood Relief and local child welfare. Arrange for Fair Blyth Agricultural. Society met in the Orange Hall Saturday evening. It was found necessary to rearrange some of the com- mittees in charge of departments for the fair, which will be held. this year on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 22 and 23. Clem Galbraith announced that Huron County Black and White Show will again be a feature of 'the fair. Clinton District Colleg- iate Institute band is to be ex- tended an invitation to supply music for the day. Ways and means were discussed to raise extra money for the proposed arena project. CEMENT BLOCKS Immediate Delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS PHONE 684: SEAFORTH 13-39-b Welcome to Clinton! JUNE BRICK OF THE MONTE Strawberry Clinton Day Special BOX CHOCOLATES 20% Discount CLAYTON'S ICE CREAM BAR Groves Electric Specials for Clinton Day Only 1 Heavy Duty 4 -Burner Automatic Stove .... $169.50 1 Heavy Duty DeLuxe Automatic Stove 189.50 1 Automatic Rangette 71.50 1 Standard Rangette 59.50 (Less 10% on all stoves) RADIOS 1 Philco Console Record Player, plays all speed records $259.95 1 Rogers Console Record Player, plays all speed records 249.95 1 Marconi Console Radio, Standard 139.50 'I Admiral Television Set, 7 in. screen 229.00 (Less 20% on all Radios) Electric fencer DeLuxe, with Batteries, Reg. 18.50 for $14.00 1 Thor Gas Washing Machine $135.00 SPECIAL All Records .... .. 49c each Store Phone .688! CLINTON DAY SATURDAY, JUNE 3 ONLY ASPHALT SHINGLES— Per Sq. INSULBRICi 'SIDIN'G 12.75 Per Sq ,. ROLL BRICK SIDING— 11.50 Per Sq `t . 8.00 BALL-MACAULAY PHONE" 97 Y'oung.$ Old -let's All Go TO YOUTH FOR CHRIST ON SATURDAY NIGHT IN THE CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL Hoar -- Rev. Albert. Hughes, D.D., Toronto. Founder of Muskoka Bible Conference Pastor, Bible Teacher and Writer YOU WILL THRILL. TO LANCE. NORRIS and his Xylophone BOB NORRIS (13 yrs. old) and his Cornet MARGARET NORRIS (10 yrs. old) on the Piano Don't Miss It! We'll Be Looking For You JUNE 3 8.00 p.m. Clinton Day Special DRAPES—lined $1.00 per pair DRAPES—unlined 75c per pair Gliddon Cleaners 3 -Day Service Six . Hour Service on Rush Orders WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Phone 466W Automatic Water Systems ELECTRIC MOTORS All Sizes Piping, Fittings & Supplies Manufactured by C. H. EPPS LINTON >* 18 -20 -2C2 -24-b ft ADJUSTED * 0throughout 76 Countries `COUNTRY ROADS AND SUPER. HIGHWAYS The modern factories of The Standard Motor Co. Ltd. f Coventry, England comprises ayer 200 acres. With over 2% million sq. ft. of floor space andover 10,000 ,killed persons. Standard',bollders of fine ear, since 1903., *Standard Vanguards are owner adiuN- •ad because they are owner tested. Throughout 76 countries of the world, Standard Vanguards have been driven inevery climate --on every kind of road. Owner suggestions, the findings of research experts and the superb engineering staff at the Standard Motor Co. Ltd. have all combined to give you the new unbeatable Standard Vanguard. his the car of the future.., yours in 1.950l Drive it today. The famous ha7Z�/l*h "STEEL SLEEVED" engine (removable cylinder liners) gives you top performance throughout the life of the car. Ask your dealer about this exclusive feature. THE STANDARD MOTOR CO. (CANADA) LTD. 4 Lawton Blvd. Toronto, Canada Standard Vanguard Cant Standard tact* Cares Standard Panel Delivery and Pickup crude, triumph. Cars. VOWS OL DISTRIBUTOR: BRITISH CARS and VANS 880 Boy St., Toronto CLINTON MOTORS, CLINTON usissusawile