HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-05-25, Page 13PAGE TWELVE .` QLINTON • NEWS-RECORIY ® P�' SPORTS Huron -Perth League Schedule Announced May 10—St. Marys at Mitchell 24—Exeter at Dashwood, 2 p.m. Lucan at Mitchell, 10.30 am Hensall at Clinton Colts 1,0 a.m. 26—St. Marys at Lunn Zurich at Goderich 29—Clinton Ciolts. at Mitchell Exeter at Goderich Centralia at Hensall Clinton RCAF at St. Marys 30—Lucan at Dashwood 31—Mitchell at Zurich Goderich at Exeter June 1—Clinton Colts at Clinton RCAF Hensall at Centralia 2—Dashwood at Mitchell Exeter at Lucan 5—St. Marys at Goderich Mitchell at Clinton RCAF Lucan at Centralia Clinton Colts at Hensall 6—Zurich at Dashwood 7—Mitchell at St. Marys Hensall at Clinton RCAF Centralia at Exeter 8—Goderich at Zurich 9—Dashwood at Lucan St. Marys at Clinton Colts 12—Lucan at Hensall Zurich at Mitchell Goderich at St. Marys Clinton RCAF at Clinton Colts 13—Exeter at Centralia 14—Mitchell at Dashwood 15—Hensall at Zurich 16—St. Marys at Clinton RCAF Clinton Colts at Lucan Dashwood at Goderich 19—St. Marys at Hensall Dashwood at Exeter Goderich at Mitchell 20 -Zurich at Clinton Colts 21—Mitchell at Goderich Lucan at Clinton RCAF 22—Exeter at Zurich Centralia at Clinton Colts 23—Goderich at Dashwood Clinton RCAF at Lucan 26—Dashwood at Hensall Clinton Colts at Goderich Clinton RCAF at Centralia Zurich at St. Marys 27—Mitchell at Lucan 28—St. Marys at Exeter 29—Goderich at Clinton Colts Centralia at Zurich Lucan at St. Marys 30—Clinton RCAF at Dashwood July 3—Zurich at Centralia Clinton RCAF at Hensall Clinton Colts at Exeter 4—Goderich at Lateen St. Marys at Dashwood 6—Lucan at Zurich Exeter at ClintonColts Dashwood at St. Marys 7—Hensall at Goderich Exeter at Hensall Goderich at Centralia Clinton Colts at Dashwood 11—Zurich ` at Clinton RCAF 12—Mitchell. at Centralia 13—Hensall at Exeter Dashwood at Clinton Colts 14—Lucan at Goderich Clinton Colts at St. Marys 17—Mitchell at Hensall Dashwood at Clinton RCAF St Marys at Centralia 18—Zurich at Lucan 19—Hensall at Mitchell Exeter at St. Marys 20—Dashwood at Zurich Clinton Colts at Centralia 21—Lucan at Exeter ' Clinton RCAF at Goderich 24—Goderich at Hensall Exeter at Mitchell Centralia at Clinton MAF 25—St. Marys at Zurich Lucan at Clinton Colts 26—Hensall at Dashwood Mitchell at Exeter 27—Centralia • at Goderich • Clinton RCAF at Zurich 28-1Iensall at St. Marys 31—Zurich at Hensall Centralia at Mitchell Exeter at Clinton RCAF August 2—Mitchell at Clinton Colts Clinton RCAF at Exeter 3—Centralia at Dashwood 4—Zurich at Exeter l-Iensall at Lucan 7—Clinton RCAF at Mitchell Centralia at Lucan Clinton Colts at Zurich 9—Goderich at Clinton RCAF 10—Centralia at St. Marys 11—Dashwood at Centralia Londesboro Defeats Radar School 11-2 (By Jack Websthr) Londesboro 11—Radar School 2 Londesboro B -A's started 'the ball season off with an 11-2 win over Clinton Radar School in an exhibition softball game played in Londesboro Wednesday night last. The 'highlight of the game was a home run by Millar for B -A's in the sixth inning. Taros was on the mound all the way for the -B-A's, whereas the Airmen used four pitchers. PRINCIPAL LEAVING BRUSSELS—John C. Shultz, who has been principal of Brus- sels Continuation School for the past three years, has; accepted a position as principal in Morris - burg. r • 9 • • • AND THAT'S HOW we bwJHuosckot" It's the biggest contract I ever went after, so I lost no time in getting over to my ' bank manager. "George," I said, "I'll need some help to handle a job this size." We went over the whole thing, discussed how much.I would need. When I landed the contract he gave me a line of credit and I was able to go right ahead. Now the school's as good as built. r)) It is an everyday part of your local bank manager's job to ii !'71,13, provide short-term credit— so that payrolls can be met, material bought, goods produced and marketed. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK 1 THURSDAY, 1VfA t 25, 1951Y'' 4 RECORD BREAKER: The newly -reconditioned flagship of the Canadian Pacific's Atlantic fleet, the 26,000 -ton "EMPRESS OF SCOTLAND", is pictured ABOVE as she passed Father Point on the St. Lawrence River just 120 hours and 36 minutes out of Greenock, Scotland, to establish a trans-Atlantic record between those two points on her post-war maiden voyage in May 1950. Plying between Liverpool, Greenock, and Quebec City, the three -funneled speedster car- ried on her first voyage the All -England Football Team (LOWER LEFT), which included among its ranks such stellar performers as Stan Matthews, Britain's "Mr. Football." The team, on a tour of Canada and the U.S., was scheduled to play in Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Regina, Vancouver, Victoria and .Detroit. LOWER RIGHT inset shows the skipper of "Scotland," Captain E. A. Shergold, who was largely responsible for the record passage. The "Scotland" was known in pre-war days as the "Empress of Japan," largest and fastest passenger vessel on the Pacific ocean, and just two years ago she ended a protracted war service of eight and a half years, during which time she steamed over 712,000 miles, the greatest mileage total of any troopship. Blyth Raising $18,000 Toward New Arena A canvass to raise at least $18,000 toward building an arena at ' Blyth will get under way as soon as possible, following a' de- cision made at a well -attended public -meeting in Memorial Hall, Blyth. George Sloan, chairman of the meeting, called on Verne Speir- en to explain the plan used by the village of Clifford, where a $25,000 arena was built this past year, and was completely paid for plus a bank balance of $2,000. Considerable discussion follow- ed and all present were enthus- iastic. The result of this meet- ing was the setting up of a temp- orary committee. comprising George Sloan, Verne Spieran, and Donald Howes to contact men in the surrounding communities. After much discussion, a motion was made by Gilbert Nethery and Leonard Rooney "that we pro- ceed to get the necessary forms printed for going ahead with the project; and the minimum amount Committed for Trial Manslaughter Count The three Dublin district men, charged with manslaughter in death of 69 -year-old Bernard McDonnell following a scuffle in. his Mitchell home, on Monday at Stratford were committed for trial before the Supreme Court of Ontario. The trio—John J. Krauskoff, 21; Thomas Gormley, 39, and Ryan Jordon, 26—were released on bail. of $5,000 each immediat- ely following the hearing. One of the crown's six wit- nesses. Dr. J. L. Penistan, staff member of Stratford General Hospital and a provincial peth- ologist, said McDonnell was suf- fering from a rare type of tuber- culosis and would probably have died in another six months. to be pledged or raised must be $18,000." An amendment by Dr. J. C. Ross and Rev. W. J. Rogers to raise the minimum to $20,000 was defeated, and the motion carried. 15th Annual Perth County Horse Show Sale and Show of Swine Machinery Demonstration • Agricultural Grounds — STRATFORD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7 Ontario's outstanding One Day Heavy and Light Horse Show Judging will commence at 12.30 noon and will include the following: Clydesdale, Percheron and Belgian Stallions: Agricultural and Heavy Draft Teams, ifour horse hitch; all line classes of heavy horses. Thoroughbred, Standard Bred, Hackney and Coach Stallions; Carriage and Roadsters, Ponies, Express and De- livery; Hunter, Saddle on the. line; Tandem Hitch, Road races. SWINE SHOW AND SALE Judging at 12.30 — ' Sale at 2.15 32 Registered Yorkshires, including bred and open sows, young boars and market hogs. For catalogues of sale or prize lists of Horse Show, write to: R. E. WHITE, Secretary, Stratford, Ont. FOSTER DEMPSEY, JACK McCRACKEN, President Managing Director VI..WMMN�.N + vra.m.,w.Nw.,i Turkey Dinner on SUNDAY at Clinton Grill Served from 11.30 a.m. to 2 p.rn. Served from 5.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. $1.25 per plate Please reserve ahead if more than six in party I.00IVIS FOR RENT Clean — Private — Good Beds By the Night or Week - Reasonable Prices CLINTON GRILL Dismiss Cruelty Count a heavy snow late in February.,' "The deeper the snow, the fatter' Against Stanley Man the horse replied the witness. A charge of cruelty to three horses in February against Thom- as Ryan, 61, Stanley Township farmer, was dismissed by -h Magist- rate D. E. Holmes in court at Goderieh Thursday last. Leslie McGuffin, London Town- ship, testified he saw the animals in April and they were "full of life and like a bunch of colts." Crown Attorney H. Glen Hays asked if he was aware there was All-Star Ball Team To Represent League Fred H. Young, Chippewa, was elected president of the Ontario Baseball Association at the clos- ing of the group's 33rd annual meeting at Niagara Falls, Ontario. W. G. Nickel, Stratford, was elected vice-president and sec- retary -treasurer W. J. Snyder was returned for the ninth con- secutive year, his 23rd as sec- retary. Elected to the executive were: Garrett Frankland, Wind- sor; M, L. Gregg, Wingham; Otto Manske, Waterloo; and A. E. Stirling, Chatham. President Gregg and vice- president Hugh R. Hawkins, Clin- ton, represented the WOAA at the meeting. The Intercounty Baseball Lea- gue won in their defence of the packed all-star team idea. The OBA rule stated that "a winning team and not a selection from all teams from any league shall represent the league in play - downs" was deleted from the association's constitution. The association also changed the deadline date for players to qualify under the residence rule. Formerly May 1 for all players, the general rule was changed to June 15, while students have until July 15 to qualify. • The association ruled that the zone system of playoffs will re- main in force with the executive empowered to add more zones when necessary. It was also de- cided that no player be able to revert beck after playing in a higher series. • Ryan said the horses had access to the 100 -acre grass farm. He- was in Westminster Hospital for ten weeks, After his release he had been at the farm six or eight times. Hay had been supplied' at one time by the township. Provincial , Constable Helmas Snell gave evidence that there - was plenty of water but no feed.. The appearance of the horses was reasonably good. 602" DRINK TRADE MARK REG. The pause that refreshes i too ,,,„, thedif ITS FRAGRANCE IS SEALED IN VACUUM T h e CULBERT—GAUNT—KEYS ANNUAL SHORTHORN SALE of FIVE BULLS and 35 FEMALES will sell at CLINTON FAIR BARNS on Thursday, June 1 Write for at 1.30 (DST) catalogues to W. A. CULBERT, Dungannon 21-b • -atThe V j fele 2i ° Better 1l> .Butter On Fish, Sizzling Steaks and Chops, in Soups and Sauces — butter makes all the difference in goodness wherever it is used. So buy more butter now — at the new low pricel MARKETING SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE,` OTTAWA "Drive and Walk -with Care As Nater Traffic increases" —Minister of Highways Travel by motorists and pedestrians promises to reach a new peak volume this year. The seasonal upswing in holiday motor travel has begun. More vehicles than ever before are operating on Ontario streets and highways. Pedestrian hazards are increased. Extreme care must be exercised by all to prevent accidents, Pedestrians are urged to walk carefully. MOTORISTS -- il Check your car and be assured that it is in a safe conditions if Check your driving and he assured of a safe journey. OR ME SAFELY :: Wolk SAFELY ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS GEO. H. DOUCETT.