HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-05-25, Page 6CLINTON NEWS -RECORD "rHTJ'RSDA7i,. MAY 25, 1950 $�ws-RecOrd ClasSified Adiets Bring Quick ResUfts PAGE FIVE CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed aresda3 following date . of inner- hies) -One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- aequent insertions one cent a word (Minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direc- tlon to. NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ARTICLES FOR SALE 16 - MK BELL AND HOWE Sound Projector, ideal for school or ',church; also two cabins 12'x6'.2 Phone 692W. 1-b PHILCO REFRIGERATOR; Mc - Clary four burner range; J. Greg- orchuk, 7 Quebec Rd., RCAF ;Station, Clinton. 1-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1935 .FORD COACH. Pho 0 2 52.. -b 1947 PONTIAC COACH, in ex- ,eellent condition; underseat heat - or, new tires. Phone Clinton 191-W. 21-p 1949 CHEVROLET Tudor stand- ard sedan. True mileage 9,930. In new car condition. G. R. Foster, phone residence 138W,21 office 144. LAUNDRY WILL DO LAUNDRY WORK at my home. Mrs. Lucy Bezzo, Walker St., Clinton. 20-21-p BICYCLES FOR SALE 5$SCOND-BAND )Ba1'loan-tired. 'Bicycle in good shape. Phone 312. 21- BUILDING LOTS GOOD LOT FOR HOUSE or 'warehouse, excellent location in Clinton. Reasonable. James El- liott, Box.79, Seaforth. ' 21-b FARM HELP MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of. town. Will work odd days, harvesting, ete. 19-26-9 ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink' Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. NOTICES FOR FURNITURE, PIANO and radio cabinet refinishing, see W. G. Pickett, Box 351, Clinton. 19-20-21-p ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING upon part lots 40, 41, 42 and 51, Huron Road and London Road Surveys, Tuckersmith, will be prosecuted by order of owner, A. E. Parry. 16-23-p RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED Holland families, arriving soon. Apply to Cde Haan, Belgreve, Ont. f6-b-tfb FARMS FOR SALE 150 ACRES, good agricultural Yarm, barn 40' x 60', driveshed -20'x 40', seven -roomed dwelling, 'hydro available, situated in Stan- ley Township three miles from 'Brucefield. Apply H. C. Lawson, 'Real'tor, Clinton, phone 251W.Sbtfb FARMS FOR RENT '80 ACRES TO RENT for pasture, plenty of water from spring an'eek. Phone 616r21. 20-21-p HOUSES FOR SALE PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 55011. PLANTS FOR SALE BIRTHS BEDARD — In Clinton Public Hospital, on ' Wednesday, May 24, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Emery Bedard, Goderich, a son. COTTON—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on 'Saturday, 'May 20, 1950, to. Mr. and Mrs.. John Cotton, Clinton, a daughter. HEPHURN—In St. Joseph's Hos-. pital, Toronto,, on Sunday, May 21, 1950,,to Mr. and Mrs. George Hepburn, Toronto (nee Audrey Colquhoun, Clinton) a daughter, ZONDAG — In Clinton Public Hsopital, on Wednesday; May 24,-1950, to Mr. ad Mrs. Gerrit Zondag, R.R. 3, Bayfield, a daughter, (Elizabeth Mildred). MARRIAGES WILLIAM BELT STRAWBERRY plants. Roy Tyndall, phone 20-2 x3. STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ready for planting. Apply to James Barry, Egmondville, phone Sea - forth 668r15. 19-20-21-b ROOMERS WANTED ELDERLY PEOPLE, abstainers, quiet home near lake, modern conveniences. Box 93, Hayfield. 21-22-b SIX -ROOMED DWELLING, insuI brick siding, hardwood floors, newly -decorated throughout, all modern conveniences, ideal Inca - 'Lion. Possession to be arranged. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W. 20-btfb SIX -ROOMED GREEN shingled `house -with large sunroom, con- veniences; new two-storey hen house, fruit trees and berry IN MEMORIAM 'bushes on tluee-quarter acre of SHOBBROOK In loving memory land. Owner going to Toronto. of a dear wife and mother, Must sell. S. Wellbanks, Erie St., Mrs. Fred Shobbrook, who pas - *Clinton. 20-21-p sed away May 24, 1949. "Time speeds on, a year has passed Since death its gloom, its shadows cast Within our home where all seem- ed bright And took from us a shining light. We miss that light and ever will, Her vacant place there is none to fill, Down here we mourn but not 'TEN CHUNKS, ten weeks old; in vain, tubber -tired wagon. Phone 903r12. For up in Heaven we will meet 21-p again." -••Sadly missed by husband, child- ren and grandchildren. 21-p RADIO and SOUND SERVICE Remove Last Remnant LIONS REPAIR Horse -and -Buggy Days, ARENA: GRANT Probably one of the last rem- $100 TO RELIEF of the horse and buggy •— era, wlren rail travel was the (Continued from Page One) only other means of tnansporta- in behalf of the Club by H. C. tion, the Canadian National Rail- way stock perms are being torn down at Kippen-bovging 'to the long-distance livestock truckers. Lawson. Incidentally, F/O Pat- erson was the winger of the lucky draw for the evening. Mitchell Lions Club wrote in- Elzar Mousseau, who:; won the vitirigthe members to closing CNR .contract for dismantling the meeting in that town on June 8 and a number signified their in- tention of attending. Two delegates -H. R. Hawkins and G. N. Davies—were appoint- ed to represent the Clinton Club at the Lions International .Con- vention in Chicago in July. Membership gifts were present` ed to Id. R. Hawkins, W. E. Perdue, and C. W. Draper. W. E. Perdue, chairman of the Election Committee, oiFI sated at the passing of the primary bal- lots, which are returnable at the next meeting, June 13. Hugh R. Hawkins, chairman, reminded members of the ticket sale for the Frolic on June 15. cattle shed and pens, is clearing the whole area, once a. centre's bustling activity in;, the com- munity. HURON OLD BOYS MARK GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY DUNCAN-PICKARD• — At the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. (Continued from Page One) : Mabel Lashbrook, Mitchell, on Douglas Wilson, in the absence Saturday, May 20, 1950, at 2 of the Warden; Cecil H. John - p.m., by Rev. A. H. Johnston, ston, referred to the early settle - Mitchell, Edith Florence, dau ment of the Huron Tract in the ghter of Albert Pickard, Olin- days of the Canada Land Comp- ton, and the late Mrs. Pickard, any,and the staunchand hardy . Clinton, to Kenneth Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dun- can, Listowel. HANEY-EARLE — In St. James Church of England, Seaforth, by Rev. T. Dale Jones, on Sat- urday afternoon, May 20, 1950, Gladys Alicia, younger daugh- ter of. Mr. and Mrs. John Earle, Egmondville, to Lloyd Haney, • son of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Haney, Tuckersmith. SIMMINS-ATKINSON—In Dun- das Centre United Church, London, by Rev. George W. Birtch, Brrbara Jeanette, dau- ghter of Mrs. Atkinson and the late Major G. S Atkinson, Lon- don, formerly of Bayfield, 'to Richard Beaufort Simmins, son of Major and Mrs. R. G. Sim - mins, Ottawa. TRAQUAIR-NORMINTON — In United ,Ohtlrch, Hensall, on Saturday, May 20, 1950, at 2 p.m., by Rev. R. A. Brook, Hensall, ,Jean Lenore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nor- minton, Hensall, to Arthur Melville Traquair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Traquair, Hensall, ROBERT WEEKS SOUND AND Radio Repairs. I have purchased public address system which can be secured for all occasions and used anywhere, car, outside or inside. Inquire for information. Radios, appliances, etc., repaired; bring your car batteries to be charged. For prompt service and work, phone 274 or bring work to J. R. Butler and Son, Ele 2ric.. WORK WANTED—FEMALE PART TIME HOUSEWORK. Ap- ply Box "M", NEWS-RECORD.Z WINDOWS FOR SALE LARGE WINDOWS, complete with sash suitable for hot or cold frames or in erection of chicken house; formerly store windows. May be seen at NEWS -RECORD Office. 20-21-x LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Wes 'Iioggart, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone 1102x33. 21-b SEVEN LITTLE PIGS, ten weeks 'old. Ed. Glen, phone 620r24. 21-p stock of pioneers who cleared the land, and settled in what is now Huron County. He ,said that al- though many other County As- sociations were formed in Toron- to around the turn of the cent- ury, the Huron County Old Boys Association of Toronto was the only one which had survived and was still active. Others who spoke briefly in- cluded H. M. Jackson, R. C. King, and 1VIrs. D. Thompson. The dinner was convened by Mrs. Doris Parton, the' president for 1950, and the first woman who has ever held that position. • Those Attending, Those attending included Mr. due Oct. 30; roan cow, farrow, and Mrs. E. J. B. Duncan, Miss black heifer, 2i yrs., due Jan. 27; Mary DougMcGlas Wilor, J. , Mrs.G. Anderson, D. Douglas Wilson, Mrs. G. C. blue heifer, 3 yrs., due Dec. 28; Young, Misses M. and L. E. Mc- black heifer, 3 yrs., due June 21; black heifer, 2 yrs., due Nov. 5; Clearing AUCTION SALE • Farm Stock and Implements At LOT 21, CONCESSION 11, HULLETT TOWNSHIP i/ mile East of Londesboro Thursday, June 1 at 1 p.m. CATTLE: White Durham cow, fresh 2 weeks; blue cow, 8 yrs., due July 13; roan cow, 44 . yrs., • . DEATHS GRANGE—As a result of an ac- cident, in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, early Friday morn- ing, May 19, 1950, Judith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Grange, Auburn, in her ninth year. Funeral from Knox United Church, Auburn, Sun- day afternnoon, May 21, to Colborne Cemetery. HOGG—At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Gordon Bailey, Woodstcok, on Sunday, May 21, 1950, Reverend John Edward Hogg, D.L., former minister of 'Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, in his 83rd year. Fun- eral from the F, E. Rowell Funeral Home, Woodstock, to Mount Pleasant Cemetery, To- ronto, on Tuesday, May 23. 0 SEVEN STEERS about 650 two. Holstein cows clue 'in one week; chunks two months old; also pigs six weeks old. Lorne 'Tyndall, phone 904r4. 21-p WOODWORKING 'WOODWORKING, band and jigsawing. Reg. Smith, hone "797W. HELP WANTED—FEMALE 'GENERAL HELP WANTED. 320 a week. Above school age. Apply Clinton Grill, 21-b 'HOUSEKEEPER, middle age, for 'retired gentleman in small village with small modern home. Ref- •arences. Box 294, Hensall, Ont. 21-b IN MEMORIAM BELL—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, May Elizabeth Bell, who passed away one year ago, May 29, 1949. "In our hearts your memory lingers Sweetly, tender, fond and true. There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you. 'Tis sweet to know we'll meet again Where troubles are no more, And that the one we loved so well Had just gone on before." —Sadly missed by Fred and her 12 children, Arnold, Arthur. Gerald, Willis, Walter, Norman. Jean, Phyllis, Lois, Shirley, Irene and Luella. 21-b EVERYBODY AND HIS BROT HER wears a Shirt and Pants and Brother, we have them! Odd Slacks Keep cool in Gabardine or Tropical Worsteds, all shades, all sizes. 8.95 to 15.95 pr. Sport Shirts . Plains and fancies, solid shades or two -tones, long or short sleeves $3.50 up Laughlin, H. M. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Harrison, Mrs. T. 11. Noble, Misses E. J., B. and 5. V. McLaughlin, Miss Eva Bryans, Miss Ruth McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leiper, Mrs. C. J. Parton, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Stanbury; Miss Vera Gardiner, Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Coutts, Mr. and Mrs. M. Scarlett, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. E. Blacker, Mr. and Mrs. W. Proudfoot, Miss M. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pringle, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Ferg- uson, Miss Zelda Scott, Mrs. C. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones, Miss Grace E. VanStone. Hon. Mr. Justice and Mrs. R. I. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Athol McQuarrie, Rev. and Mrs. And- rew H. McKenzie, Mrs. D. Thomp- son, Mr. and Mrs. , J. H. Messer, Miss Laving Knox, Miss Jean Turner, Mrs. C. Hollingshead, Reginald Williams, Mrs. Mary Lee, Mrs. Evelyn Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Fowler, H. B. Stowe, R. C. King, Mrs. Lloyd M. Grose, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Duncan, Mrs. Annetta Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rance, Miss Mary McPhedran, Campbell Sab- iston, Mrs. Fred Thompson, Miss Ilma Freeman, and Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson, DISPERSAL AUCTION SALE Ex -Residents Named To Executive Group "Vigorous" protest against civil marriage and Sunday sports was directed to the provincial govern- ment Tuesday night by the Angli- can Synod of Huron meeting in London. At the same time delegates considered expressing to mayors and reeves of municipalities in the diocese, their condemnation of any further secularization of Sunday. Such a resolution was being drafted for discussion. The exectuive committee, as elected by the delegates Tuesday, includes Archdeacon W. A. Town- shend, London, formerly o f Goderich Township, as secretary - treasurer, and Rev. J. R. Thomp- son, St. Thomas, formerly of Goderich Township, as a member. T -Shirts Crew or Goucho collar styles, Grey, Blues, Sands, Maroons, Whites. All sizes. $1.15 to $2.95 ea. ' PICKETT a CAMPBELL Stetson Hats Arrow Shirts PHONE 25 CLINTON CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere apprecia- tion to all my friends who sent flowers, candy, fruit and cards, and for their many acts of kind- ness; also many thanks to Dr. Oakes and the nursing staff of Clinton Public Hospital during my recent illness. Mrs, Lee Mc- Connell. 21-b ROXY THEATRE CLINTON - NOW PLAYING — -- THURS. -- FRI, -- SAT. — Yvonne De Carlo in 'THE GIRL WHO TOOK THE WEST" Technicolor REGENT THEATRE SEA'FORTH—ONTARIO. NOW: Dick Powell' and Jane Greer in "STATION WEST" • — MON. - TUES. - WED. — ROBERT and ELIZABETH TAYLOR IN MGM's Suspense -filled "CONSPIRATOR" JUNE 1st FOR SIX DAYS "FRANCIS" MON.- TUES. - WED. — DONALD O'CONNOR GLORIA DE HAVEN and CHARLES COBURN A Technicolor musical hit tells of campus life and the conflict between football and domesticty. "YES SIR, THAT'S MY BABY" DETHUFtS.NNIS O'KEEFE -SAT. -- RUTH WARRICK• and GAIL RUSSELL The swiftest hooves on the pac- ing tracks thunder, a tale of faith and devotion to ideals. "THE GREAT DAN PATCH" Coming: "MRS. MIKE" a tale of the Northwest, with Dick Powell dos PARK THEATRE GODERICII—Phone 1150 NOW: Kirk Douglas in a prize - ring story "The CHAMPION" — MON. -- TUES. -- WED. - DONALD O'CONNOR ZASU PITTS and. RAY COLLINS You'll remember Francis as long as you are able to laugh, as the Pacific mule who talked too much. ' registered Aberdeen Angus bull, 16 months; 3 calves, one year old; 1 calf, eight months old; 1 calf, four months old; 1 calf, three months old; 1 calf, 2 weeks old. PIGS: 13 York pigs, seven weeks old; 1 York sow with 9 pigs, six weeks old; 1 Tamworth sow, due time of sale; 9 pigs, 4% months old; 1 pig, 3 months old. IMPLEMENTS: Massey -Harris cultivator; M -H 51/ ft. mower; M -Ii; steel rake; M-11 3 -drum roller; walking plow; riding plow; farm wagon; new pair of sleighs; seed drill; scuffler; set of disc; M -H electric cream separator No. 9; 3 iron kettles; 4 -section har- rows; new pulper; turnip drill; cut box; Portland cutter; 2 gal- vanized pig troughs; fanning mill; gravel box; set heavy harness; 16 ft. hay rack; set plow harness; new flat rack; single harness; 4 sling ropes; - chicken shelter, TERMS—CASH fM 4 BHT . R. ieloi el a fet T. alt a-4 '1iH - EARLY CABBAGE and CAULIFLOWER SPANISH ONIONS Big Healthy Plants Well hardened and ready to plant out LIMITED SUPPLY Monday next, May 29 AT LOT 9, CONCESSION 1E.D COLBORNE TOWNSHIP two miles east of Benmiller — of — Sixty Head of High Grade Guernsey Cattle All ages, milking and springing cows and heifers. Bred and open heifers and calves, Herd fully accredited for 17 consecutive years and all are vaccinated except a few of the older cows. The health status is good. The herd is being disposed of on account of the owner's health. Sale starts at 2 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time). TERMS—CASH Hugh Hill, Owner K® C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j PROMPT Local and Long Distance TAXI SERVICE PHONE 110 fl dlth)#'d 4n/a4 Donald Blue, Auctioneer 21-b Albert Austin, Proprietor • HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk 21-b "FRANCIS" — THURS. - FRI. - SAT. — VAN JOHNSON RICHARDO MONTALBAN JOHN HODIAK and GEORGE MURPHY A truly grand and great picture, the story of a company of men in pleasure and in peril. "BATTLEGROUND" Notice to Creditors. IN THE ESTATE OF Samuel Robert Reid: All persons having claims against the Estate of Samuel Ro- bert Reid, late of the Town of Clinton, County of Huron, gentle- man, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of April, 1950, are hereby notified to send them in to the undersigned on or be- fore the 3rd day of June, 1950. After which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth this 9th day of May, 1950. ALVIN V. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 19-20-21-b AUCTION SALE of Property and Household Effects from the home of the late SAMUEL ROBERT REID, Ontario Street, Clinton (one block east of Clinton Public School), on Saturday, May '27 CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICII—Phone 47 — MON. - TUES. - WED. — NOW: Fred MacMurray, Claudette Colbert in "Family Honeymoon" JOAN CRAWFORD ZACHARY SCOTT and SYDNEY GREENSTREET Present the thrilling story of a courageous dancer who fought a political mob to clear her own name. "FLAMINGO ROAD" — THURS. - FRI. - SAT. — DONALD O'CONNOR ZASU PITTS and RAY COLLINS This is it! The greatest laff-show of the year and the tale of an lazing `FRANCIS" Coming: "SAXON CHARM" and "ILLEGAL ENTRY" Coming "MY GAL SAL" starring Rita Hayworth FARMER KILLED WHEN TRACTOR FALLS 15 FEET In the second fatal tragedy on the same farm within nine months, James Arthur McCallum, father of seven children, was killed instantly Friday when he toppled 15 feet over a cliff on his tractor which struck him in the chest and pinned him with the front wheel. He was found dead by his wife and seven-year-old son, Donald, who were milking at the time in a nearby barn and rushed out to see what was wrong when they heard the tractor's motor stop with a sudden crash. Mr. McCallum, formerly of London, had just moved to the farm, which is lot 5, concession 13, Howick Township, one mile north of Wroxeter, a week previously, According tc his wife, he had lust gone to work plowing in a at 1:30 p.m., consisting of: Dominion piano and stool; Wil- ton rug 9'x12'; Axminster rug 9'x12'; linoleum rug 9'x11'; two chesterfield chairs; Marconi radio; wicker rocking chair; wicker arm chair; Mohair settee (walnut); dining room buffet, table and chairs; 3 small tables; table lamp (antique);2 complete bedroom suites; 2 inner -spring mattresses; 2 rocking chairs; chest of draw- ers (walnut); Seth Fisher weight clock; wardrobe; kitchen table and chairs; bar -room chair; 2 ]awn chairs; kitchen cupboard; kitchen range; coal oil stove; coal oil heater; 2 complete toilet sets, carpet sweeper; chemical toilet; electric iron; White sewing ma- chine; canner; dishes; sealers; extension eord; approximately 11 tons of coal; approximately 7 cords of summer wood; quantity of cedar. 1930 Chevrolet Sedan; garden tools and numerous other articles. At the same time end place, there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid, the prop- erty on which is situated a well- built brick cottage (insulated). In the dwelling is a furnace, nearly new. There is also a garage situated on this property. TERMS: on household effects, cash; terms on the property, 10 per cent down on date of sale and the balance in 30 days. GORDON ELLIOTT, Executor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 20-21-b LES 1 ION' BINGO Friday, May 26 TOWN HALL, CLINTON 5.30 p.m. sharp Proceeds for Manitoba Relief Fund Support this worthy cause OVER $200 IN PRIZES VALUABLE PRIZES FOR EVERYONE Check Irwin's Store Window DOOR ,PRIZE 21-b back field when the accident happened. One of the tractor wheels slipped over the edge of a small cliff throwing Mr. Mc- Callum and the tractor over the edge. Nine months ago Stirling Fin- ley, son of the previous owner of the farm, was killed when a slab of cement fell from a silo and struck him. Funeral service was held Mon- day afternoon from the residence of his father, Noble McCallum, lot 16, concession 11, McKillop Township; Rev. R. G. Hazlewood was in charge and burial was in Walton Cemetery. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fremlin include their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Adams and two child- ren, Brenda and Billy, St. James, Man., their son, Gerald, who graduates this year in 'English and Philosophy from the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, Lon- don, and Mr. Adams' mother, Mrs. Lucy Adams, Toronto. Is Christ YOUR Ark of Salvation? "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."—Romans 10:13 "Whosoever believeth in Him (CHRIST) shall receive remission of sins."—Acts 10:43 "For by grace are ye saved by faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest , any man should beast,"—Ephesians 2 :8,9 "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of ('rod; that we may know that ye have eternal life and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." -1 John 5 : 13 CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, las Angeles 53, Calif. We are now showing on our floor: • New Beatty Electric Stove • New Beatty Electric Washer • Clare Jewel Electric and Gas Range • Clare Combination Gas and Coal See our new coloured fixtures for bathrooms at prices that will startle you, Let us help you in your PLUMBING AND HEAT- ING needs. We have the experience. ■ R® H awkii Hu h HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE 244 -- CLINTON