HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-05-18, Page 5THURSDA.Y, MAY 18, 1950 , CLINTON NEWSeRECORD News -Record CASH RATE—if paid by Wed- 40esdaY following date of inser- tion)—One cent a word first in- eertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- ssequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direr:- dton to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ARTICLES FOR SALE MAROON PRAM With white tires; Nay pen; girl's nile green flan- nel coat set, age 2 or 3; boy's blue coat set, age 1 or 2; all in good condition. Mrs. Howard Currie, Joseph St. 20-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1935 FORD COACH. Phone 252. 20-b 1942 CHEVROLET two -door ‚sedan. . A. M. Jackson, phone 794. 20-b 1935 CHEVROLET Standard 'coach; four tires; wrecking 1931 Chevrolet. E. Grealis, Huron Bt., ;Clinton. ' 20-p MERCURY "118", 1942, deluxe five -passenger club coupe, velvet, 'black finish, factory -built radio, 'heater, defroster, seat covers, new -tires, owner driven, recently -overhauled, owner has new car. Best offer takes it. Any time after 5.30 p.m. at Fa W. Aber - :horns, Egmondville. 20 -lo BOARDERS WANTED GIRL BOARDER or ROOMER. phone 4823 after 6 p.m. 20-p BUILDING LOTS 'TWO LOTS FOR SALE. Phone 1661W. 19-20-b CLOTHING FOR SALE 'TWO SUITS—One brown tweed size 36, never worn; one blue .ray size '36, second hand.* Gild - 'don Cleaners, phone 466W. 20-p COTTAGE FOR RENT :SU1VL1VER COTTAGE on Blue - water Highway, for rent by month or season, F. Cuninghame, 'Phone 176, Clinton. 19=20-b 'TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE, Three miles north of Bayfield on Make Huron, water from drilled -well on tap, electric rangette, 'screened porch, good beach. Mrs. 'Ed. Welsh, R.R. 2, Hayfield. 20-x EQUIPMENT FOR SALE *LAWN MOWER in good working shape, $6. John Plumtree, phone '29611. 20-p FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 'COLONY HOUSE, 10x12. James Mast, phone 80'7r6. 20-p 'TWO RUBBER -TIRED WAGONS. •Griese's Garage, Londesboro. "10-p BAKER OIL -BATH WINDMILL -with force pump, in excellent 'condition, price -$35; also car radio 120. Wesley McBride, R. R. 1, *Varna, phone Hensall 8'7r21. 19-20-b FARM HELP ELIABL E, EXPERIENCED Holland families, arriving soon. Apply to Cde Haan, Belgrave, ,Ont. 16-b-tfb FARMS FOR SALE 150 ACRES, good agricultural farm, barn 40' x 60', driveshed '20' x 40', seven -roomed dwelling, "hydro available, situated in Sten - !ley Township three miles from Brugefield. Apply H, C. Lawson, 'Eealtor, Clinton, phone 251W. 18btfb FARMS FOR RENT :80 ACRES TO RENT for pasture, -plenty of water from spring 'creek. Phone 616E21. 20-21-p GARDEN FOR RENT rG-ARDEN FOR RENT on Albert 7,St, Phone 7805. 20-b HOUSE TO RENT 'FURNISHED SEVEN -ROOM artorey-and-e-half house for rent 'for summer months, all modern -conveniences. W. E. Jervis, phone :910r16. 20-p HOUSES FOR SALE "SIX -ROOMED DWELLING, insul , 'brick siding, hardwood floors, newly -decorated throughout. all 'modern conveniences, ideal loca- tion, Possession to be arranged. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W. 20-btfb SIX -ROOMED GREEN shingled house with large sunroom, con- veniences: new two-storey hen house, fruit trees and berry hushes on three-quarter acre of land. Owner going to Toronto. Must sell. S. Wellbanks, Erie St,, Clinton. 20-21-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE *ELEVEN PIGS, nine weeks old; ten pigs, six weeks old. Roy "Pickett, Concession 14, Goderich 'Township. 20-p 'SEVEN LITTLE PIGS, six weeks add. R. J. Semple, phone 909r25. 20-p TEN :PIGS, six weeks old; also seed Soy Beans for sale. Keith 'Tyndall, phone 807r23. 20-b NUMBER OF PIGS, six weeks old. Andrew Lawson, phone 804r16. 20-b FOUR CHOICE GUERNSEY heifers, around nine months old. W. H. Weeks, phone Clinton 633r3. 20-p 'SOME CHUNKS about a month old; seven steers rising two years ;old; Holstein cow, just freshen- -ed. Lorne Tyndall, phone 904r4. 20-p WOODWORKING WOODWORKING band and jigsawing. Reg. Smith, phone 797W. 16btfb PAGE 'EWE Classified Acilets Bring Quick Results HELP WANTED JUNIOR CLERK for local office Work, penaion and insurance benefits. Reply, stating age, education, and previous exper- ience, to Box "R", NEWS - RECORD. 20-p KITCHEN EQUIPMENT SMALL ICE BOX, white enamel- led. Phone Clinton 205-w. 20-p LAUNDRY WILL DO LAUNDRY WORK at my home. Mrs. Lucy Bezzo, Walker St., Clinton. 20-21-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 19-26-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for nilnk feed will pay snore than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 2btfb NOTICES FOR FURNITURE, PIANO. and radio cabinet refinishing, see W. G. Pickett, Box 351,• Clinton. 19-20-21-p ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING upon part lots 40, 41, 42 and 51, Huron Road and London Road Surveys, Tuckersmith, will be presecuted by order of owner, A. E. Parry. 16-23-p PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 550R. 20-p PLANTS FOR SALE WILLIAM BELT STRAWBERRY plants. Rey Tyndall, phone 907r3. 20-21-p STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ready for planting. Apply to James Barry, Egmoridville, phone Sea - forth 668r15. 19-20-21-b PREMIER STRAWBERRY plants, good canning berry. Dig your own at $1 per 100 or $8 per thousand. Also have all kinds of garden plants ready now. A. E. Leibold, RR. 2, Clinton, phone 910r13. 20-p PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60c. All druggists. adv. POTATOES FOR SALE BIRTHS HICKEY—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, May 16, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Hickey, RR, 3, Auburn a daughter. ROBINSON — I n Clearwater, Florida, on Sunday, May 7, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. James A. Robinson, .a son (James And- rew, Jr.). MARRIAGES TORRANCE-FALCONER—At the Ontario St United Church Parsonage, on Saturday, May 13, 1950, by Rev. W. J. Wool- frey, Mergaret Jean, eldest de -tighter of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ealconer, Brucefield, to John Henry, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. Reid Torrance, Porter's DEATHS COPP In Phoenix, Arizona, Clara (Daisy), beloved daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Copp, Clinton, and dear sister of Stella, Mrs. William Greig, and Dr. J. C. Copp, To- ronto, and Dr. E. F. P. Copp, La Jolla, Calif. Funeral and interment at Phoenix on Sat- urday, April 29, 1950, FLYNN—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, May 17, 1950, Andrew J. Flynn, in his 83rd year. Resting at the Ball and 1Vlutch Funeral Home, High St., Clinton. Requiem High Mass will be sung in Se Jos- eph's Church, Clinton, on Fri- day, May 19, at 9;30 a.m., to R.C. Cemetery, Hullett Town- ship. , DRESS RECOVERED Chief of Police J. P. Hinch- berger reported that a dress valued at $13.95 had been stolen from the Exclusive Dress Shoppe Saturday evening last, and that with the assistance of the staff and the police, the article was recovered. He said a charge would be laid against a woman from out of town. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. G. R. Taylor wishes to take this opportunity of expres- sing her sincere appreciation for flowers, cards, fruits, and other acts of kindness, with special thanks to Miss Sinclair and the nurses at Clinton Public Hospital, shown during her recent illness. 20-b CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Bruce Holland wishes to take this opportunity to express her sincere appreciation to all those who sent flowers, cards and fruit, and other acts of kindness, special thanks to Dr. J. A. Ad- dison and the nursing staff of Clinton Public Hospital, during her recent illness. 20-p QUANTITY OF GREEN Mountain (Potatoes. Morgan Jones, R..R. 2, Clinton, phone 902r1. 19-20-b 100 BAGS IRISH COBBLER Potatoes, $1.25. George Dubs,. Londesboro, third road east, phone Blyth 27r5. 20-b PUPS FOR SALE TWO COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE. Mervyn E. Falconer, phone 615r24, 20-b RADIO and SOUND SERVICE ROBERT WEEKS SOUND AND Radio Repairs. I have purchased public address system which can be secured for all occasions and used anywhere, car, outside or inside. Inquire for information. Radios, appliances, etc., repaired; bring your car batteries to be charged. For prompt service and work, phonea274 or bring work to S. R. Butler end Son, Electric. 20-p STOVES FOR SALE BEACH KITCHEN RANGE, Balmoral style, cream coloured trim, hot weter front and reser- voir, warming closet, burns either coal or wood. Good stove in first class condition, you are going to need a stove within the next few months, come and see this one. It's a beauty! Phone 662, 20-p SEED GRAIN FOR SALE MIXED GRAIN $2,75 per hundred at the barn. Bert Murphy, R.R. 5, Clinton, phone 620r22. 20-p TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER wanted for S. S. No. 4, •Stanley, tom' miles south of Bayfield on Blue - water Highway. Modern school, 15 pupils on roll, books supplied by board, hydro and air condi- tioning furnace installed. Apply stating salary expected to Russell Grainger. secretary - treasurer, R.E. 2, Zurich, 20-b PROTESTANT TEACHER f a r S.S. No..6. Hullett, duties to commence .'September 5. Apply stating salary expected, qualifi- cations and last inspector ,to John H. McEwing, secretary - treasurer, R.R. 1, Myth. 18-19-20-b TRUCKS FOR SALE, 1939 DODGE STAKE ONE -TON Truck, less than 50,000 miles. Good rubber. Phone Bayfield 59r6. 19-20-p TRICYCLES FOR SALE USED CCM TRICYCLE in good condition. Phone Clinton 625r3. 20-p WOOD" 'FREE WOOD — Large tree in Clinton, already cut and lying on ground. Who will remove it for the wood? Speak fast! Apply NEWS -RECORD. 20-21-x WINDOWS FOR SALE LARGE WINDOWS, complete with sash suitable for hot or cold frames or in erection of chicken lhouse; formerly store windows, ;May be seen at NEWS -RECORD Office. • 20-21-x CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Herbert Oakes wish to thank their many friends, relatives and neighbours, for their acts of kind- ness, messages of sympathy, and beautiful floral tributes sent to them during their recent sad bereavement, with special thanka to Mr. Leslie Pearson for his lov- ely solo and to Rey. C.P. Tavener, 20-p CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my Clinton friends who SO kindly sent me cards, letters and gifts during my long stay in Brockville General Hospital; special thanks to Mr. G. Jefferson in forwarding me the roll of letters from my recent classroom friends. (Signed) ---Don- ald Ross, Brockville. 20-b al9EIRROPMeem9EVARNMMINI HOUSEWIVES!! Two married ladies over 25 Lo fill vacancies in display department, for Clinton and surrounding section, with well- known commodity company. Working hours can be either afternoons or evenings, Invest- ment or experience not neces- sary. Not house-to-house work. A car is necessary. Earnings will average $30 weekly and upwards. Write immediately for ap- pointment with section super- visor, Box "W", Clinton News -Record 20-b nevenananeasesaeassseassnansessanstatassr ODDFELLOWS REBEKAHS AT DIVINE SERVICE A large number of members of Clinton Lodge IOOIT' No. 83 end linronic Rebekah Lodge No. 306, With a number of visitors from Exeter, Brucefield, Sea -forth and Goderich, attended divine service in St. Paul's Anglican Church on Sunday evening, May 7, The service was in charge of the rector, Rev. R. EL P. Bulteel. Headed by the Noble Grands end Vice Grands of the two lodges, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter, Edward Dale and Mrs. W. 0. Johnston, and parade mar - shall, H. E. Hartley, the members occupied the centre section of the church. - Mr. Bulteel chose fpr his text 1 Corinthians 13:13: '"and now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." He spoke on the three links of Odd Fellowship— friendship, love and truth. He reviewed the friendship of Jon - &hen and David and stated that truth was the greatest asset we had in our daily living. If a man viere true to his Christian principles then he coutti be a true citizen. The speaker declared that he was very glad that the "Love" link was in the centre because without it either friend- ship or truth were worth little. He explained the parable of the Good Samaritan, and showed what real love of one's brother could mean. J. V. Corran, accompanied by Mrs. T. Frernlin at the organ, sang a very fittingsolo,. "Con- sider and' Hear Me,', CDCI CADET CORPS HAS INSPECTION (Continued from Page One) No. 2 Platoon—Cadet Lieut Rob- ert Elliott, Cadet Sgt. Robert Tay - or, Cadet Cpl. Harris Oakes, Cadet L/Cpl. Lloyd Holland; No. 3 Platoon — Cadet Lieut. Leslie Harding, Cadet Sgt. Ron- ald Carter, Cadet Cpl. William Ross, Cadet L/Cpl. Edwin Dunn; No, 4 Platoon — Cadet Lieut. Gail Manning, Cadet Sgt. Maxine Hunking, Cadet Cpl. Shirley Cooper, Cadet L/Cpl. Eileen Kelly; No, 5 Platoon — Cadet Lieut. Rosemarie Arkell, Cadet Sgt. Phyllis Mack, Cadet Cpl. Betty Jean ,Talbot, Cadet L/Cpl. Vera Lyon; No. 6 Platoon — Cadet Lieut. Lenore McGuire, Cadet Sgt. Cath- erine Falconer, Cadet Cpl, Marg- aret Sterling, Cadet L/Cpl. Anne Watson; No. 7 Platoon — Cadet Lieut. Margaret Durham, Cadet Sgt. Delphine Thinking, Cadet Cpl, Betty Parks, Cadet L/Cpl. Helen Ball; No, 8 Platoon — Cadet Lieut, Margaret Porter, Cadet. Sgt. Leota Freeman, Cadet Cpl, Fern Potter, Cadet LI Cpl., Donna Rich- mond. Colour Party: Flag bearers — Cadets George Coleman, Gerald Holmes; Guards—Cadet Sgt. Louis Ducharme, Cadets Thomas Con - sit -I, Boyd Taylor. Band: Drums—Cadet Sgt. Alex Wilson; Cadets Ronald Philp, Gerald Elliott, Ken Howes, Mac Taylor, Jack Cowan, Lorraine Hamilton, Marg. Hall; bass drum —Cadet Sgt. Cam Maltby; bugles —Cadet Lieut. Bill Andrews; Cadets John Wilson, Bill Nediger, Don Shanahan, Clare Maltby, Ken Wood. Lewis Tebbutt, Ken Gibbing's, Bob Fines, Rhea Hall, Murray Maltby, Rickey Elliott, Richard Andrews, John Hartley, David Fairservice, Shirley Fal- coner, Jane Hartley., eetengtantstettantateltetesatatentetelotstotets EARLY CABBAGE and CAULIFLOWER SPANISH ONIONS Big Healthy Plants Well hardened and ready to plant out LIMITED SUPPLY K. C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 tointnastoteintranatteanstotonaeleastegas BY TOWNE HALL The finest in all -wool English Gabardine, cut on young men's lines in one- and two -button D,B. models. BLUES - GREYS - SANDS all sizes one -and two -pant suits 1 SUGGESTIONS SPORT COATS SLACKS ,SPORT SHIRTS T-SHIRTS ,SOCKS TIES SUMMER UNDERWEAR . . . ETC. . . . PICKEtT#ICAMiI Arrow Shirti Stetson Hats . PHONE 25 — CLINTON LIONS CLUB ELECTION Primary ballots will be passed at next Tuesday evening's dinner meeting of Clinton Lions Club in St. Paul's Pariah Hall for the election of officers for 1950-51. These are returnable at the next ensuing meeting on June 13 when the final balloting will take place. AUCTION SALE -- of — 30 Young Dairy and Beef Cotes at Lot No. 31, 6th Concession 'of Goderich Township, half mile south of Porter's Hill on Tuesday, May 23 at 7:30 pin. (DST) These cows consist of the usual type cows we have been offering for sale in the past. Some of these cows are re- cently freshened, the balance to freshen soon. One Registered Holstein heifer, and a number of calves. All cattle are T.B. tested and will be sold under the usual guarantee. TERMS—CASH A. E. TOWNSHEND & SON, Proprietors EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 20-b AUCTION SALE of Household Effects front the home of BERT FITZSIMONS, Huron Ste Clinton, one-half block west of main intersection, on Saturday, May 20 at 1:30 p.m., consisting of: Chesterfield chair; Morris chair; occasional chair; leather - covered chairs; arm chair; three- piece settee; davenport; day bed; beds and bedroom furniture; Singer sewing machine (tailor's model); Quebec heater; 3 fernery stands; Connor washing machine; racing model bicycle; 2 Congol- eum rugs 9'x12'; Congoleum rug 7Es.'x9'; hand -embroidered mater- ials; also crochet work; bed- spreatia; blankets; drapes; cur- tains; pillow slips; towels (never used); linens; English China miss; antique dishes and glassware; cooking utensils; pyrex dishes; electric iron; bed lamps; garden tools and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH Bert Fitzsimons, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE of Property and Household Effects from the home of the /ate SAMUEL ROBERT REID, Ontario Street, Clinton (one block east of Clinton Public School), on Saturday, May 27 at 1:30 p.m., consisting of: Dominion piano and stool; Wil- ton rug 9'x.12'; Axminster rug 9 x12 ; linoleum rug 9'x11'; two chesterfield chairs; Marconi radio; wicker rocking chair; wielder arm chair; Mohair settee (walnut); dining room buffet, table and chairs; 3 small tables; table lamp (antique); 2 complete bedroom suites; 2 inner -spring mattresses: 2 rocking chairs; chest of draw- ers (walnut); Seth Fisher weight clock; wardrobe; kitchen table and chairs; bar -room chair; 2 lawn chairs; kitchen cupboard: kitchen range; coal oil stove; coal oil heater; 2 complete toilet sets; carpet sweeper; chemical toilet; electric iron; White sewing ma- chine; canner; dishes; sealers; extension cord; approximately 11/z tons of coal; approximately 7 cords of summer wood; quantity of cedar. 1930 Chevrolet Sedan; garden tools and numerous other articles. At the same time end place, there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid, the prop- erty on which is situated a well- built brick cottage (insulated) In the dwelling is a furnace, nearly new. There is also a garage situated on this property. TERMS: on household effects, cash; .terms on the property, 10 per cent down on date of sale and the balance in 30 days. GORDON ELLIOTT, Executor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 20-21-b Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF Samuel Robert Reid. All persons having claims • against the Estate of Samuel Ro- bert Reid, late of the Town of Clinton, County of Huron, gentle- man, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of April, 1950, are hereby notified to Send them in to the undersigned on or be- fore the 3rd day Of June, 1950. After which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims Thep received. DATED at Seaforth this 9th day of May, 1950. ALVIN W. $ILLERY, • ,Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 19-20-21-b PROMPT Local and Long Distance TAXI SERVICE PHONE 1 1 0 Adidaies riax4 ROXY THEATRE CLINTON — NOW PLAYING THURS. -- FRI. -- SAT. — Bud Lou Abbott Costello MEET THE KILLER" — MON. - TUES. - WED. — Joan CRAWFOR.D ZACHARY SCOTT In "FLAMINGO ROAD" -- THURS. - FRI. - SAT. — Yvonne De Carlo CHARLES COBURN "THE GAL WHO TOOK THE WEST" Color by Technicolor REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTII—ONTARIO NOW: "STATION WEST" Jane Greer and Dick Powell — MON. - TUES. - WED:— SPENCER TRACY KATHARINE HEPBURN Judy HOLLIDAY & Don WAYNE A Blue Ribbon winner and one of the funniest films of the sea- son. "ADAM'S RIB" — THURS. - FRI. - SAT. — FRED MacIVIURRAY CLAUDETTE COLBERT and RITA JOHNSON A widow with three youngsters marries a bachelor and takes the children along on their honey- moon; with riotous results, "FAMILY HONEYMOON", PARK THEATRE GODERIC fl --Phe 1150 Now: "DAKOTA LW' with Tech- nicolor & Rod Cameron — MON. - TUES. - WED. — "THAT FORSYTE WOMAN" Technicolor and a great east make a screen event of one of the year's best stories. GREER GARSON — WALTER PIDGEON — ERROL FLYNN and ROLAND YOUNG — THURS. - FRI. - SAT. — Ruth ROMAN -- Paul STEWART KIRK DOUGLAS Based on a short story by Ring Lardner and telling of a fighter's rise to ring fame. "CHAMPION" Coming: "FRANCIS" the story of a mule who talked — Donald (Coming: "FLAMINGO ROAD" O'Connor and Zasu Pitts Joan Crawford Si, Zachary Scott Corning: A Technicolor Musical "YES SIR, THAT'S MY BABY" CAPITAL THEATRE GODEEIC 11—Phone 47 NOW: Yvonne De Carlo - Charles Coburn "THE GAL WHO TOOK THE WEST" MON. -- TUES. — WED. — DEANNA DURBIN DON TAYLOR and EDMUND O'BRIEN Musically treated and fault- lessly psesentee by ill popular cast, you will enjoy this com- edy romance. "FOR THE LOVE OF MARY" THURS,2.. FRI. SAT. — JANE GREER DICK POWELL and BURL IVES A hard-boiled army man tracks and solves a murder in a remote Frontier outpost. "STATION WEST" Four Babies Baptized The Sacrament of Baptism featured the morning service in Wesley -Willis United Church on Sunday. It was in charge of the minister, Rev. Hugh C. Wilson. Children receiving this rite were: Mark Angus Stephen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephen, Toronto, the child's mother be- ing the former Norma Cook, Clinton; Mary Joyce Rathwell, daughter of Ma and Mrs. Arnold Bothwell; Elizabeth Ann Liver- more, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Livermore; and Ronald Craig Robbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Robbins. The service—combining Family and Mother's Day—was in charge of the Sunday School and the minister Ives assisted in conduct- ing the service by the superin- tendent, John W. Nediger. A short drama, depicting the call of Timothy, was enacted by Mrs. Reg. Shipley, Miss Isobel Chowen and Richard Andrews, with Mrs. Norman Holland as narrator, TOWN CONCLUDES SEWAGE PLANT NEGOTIATIONS (Continued from Page One) meeting in Goderich May 26. It was decided to pry $10 fee to this Association. The Meyer urged members to attend if they could. Request to Erect Sign Robert G. We.ekes wrote re - guesting permission to erect small sign in front of his place of business, he to accept full respon- sibility. Request was deferred. Navy League Tag Bay Navy League of Canada was granted permission to hold a tag day on Saturday, June 17. Vacation Granted Constable James A. Thompson requested his annual two weeks' vacation from June 1-15, 1950, The request was granted, Chief Hinchberger to make arrange- ments for supply. (Additional items of business were reported in last week's issue.) Is Christ YOUR Ark of Salvation? "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord ' shall be saved."—Romans 10 ; 13 "Whosoever believeth in Him (CHRIST) shall, receive remission of sins."—Acts 10 :43 "For by grace are ye saved by faith, and that not of Yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast,"—Ephesians 2 :8,9 "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that we may know that ye have eternal life and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." -1. John 5 ; 13 CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Can We are now showing on our floor: • New Beatty Electric Stove * New Beatty Electric Washer • Clare Jewel Electric and Gas Range • Clare Combination Gas and Coal See our new coloured fixtures for bathrooms at prices that will startle you, Let us help you in your PLUMBING AND HEAT- ING needs. We have the experience. Hugh R. Hawkins 'HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE 244 — — CLINTON