HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-05-04, Page 10PAGE TEN' 1 .Fancy Cups and Saucers 75c to 7.25 Fancy Tea Pots 1.00 to 5.00- 20 -piece Set Forest Green Glass 3.50 Plastic Wall Brackets for ivy or flowers, 25c to 1.50 Fancy Cake Notes 50c to 3.75 Fancy Cream and Sugar Sets 85e to 7.95 Ivy Planters in. China 25c to 2.50 Fancy Salt and Pepper Sets in China and Glass 15c to 3.75 Boxed Stationery in fancy and plain 50c to 3.00 Plastic Dishes in many colors and for many uses 15c to 1.29 Book Ends in Chinese Red Figures pair 4.00 Hand -Painted Glass Vases @ 75c DON'T FORGET YOUR MOTHER'S DAY CARDS for Mother, Wife or Friend. A large stock of Coutt's and Rustcraft cards now on display. McEwan's SPECIAL VALUES for May 5, 6 & 8 AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP . 2 for .35c Nature's Best TOMATO JUICE ... 2 for 37c Stokley's CREAM CORN • 2 tins 25c PARRAY Margarine . lb. 33c Quality Chateau COFFEE CHEESE Ib. bag 87c %z Ib. pkg. 25c Nature's Best PEAS 4 'tins 47c Aylmer SUCCOTASH 2 tins 35c MAPLE LEAF TOILET SOAP Pineapple Green Onions Carrots - Cabbage Tomatoes - Bananas 3 for 23c Juicy Mexican ORANGES 288's doz. 39c Raspberry Finger BISCUITS lb. 29c Clayton's •ICE CREAM 2 bricks 45c New Potatoes Celery - Radishes Green Beans Lettuce - Cukes SHEARING'S MODERN SELF SERVE FOOD MARKET PHONE 48 - Free Delivery - CLINTON • 1�� W See the IIG value in the amazing Astral daby Refrigerator! Many cert.tc ;cling features .. , giant capa- city ... low price , . . removable shelves door shelves for extra storage space ... no motor, no moving parts to Wear out, Drop 913.4 in and sem 4' ^ steal Baby Refrigerator today! MERRILL RADIO & ELECTRIC PHONE 313 CLINTON PACKETS for Spring and Summer See our complete range, of Jackets All the popular styles and colors Priced from 5.95 to 14.95 Special This Week .. . A complete selection of. SPORT SHIRTS 3.95 Herman?s,MenLs Wear Biltmore Hats -- 1PHONE 224W - Forsyth Shirts CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY,, MAY 4, 1951 "Roundel Terrace" Opens Friday Night ,`' TRAPPERS TO 1YIEET Saturday. evening at eight o'clock.. C J The regular meeting of Huron Everyone interested in our wild County Trappers' Association will, life is urged to be present as be held in the Board Room, On- there will be . a special-' speaker: tario Agricultural Office, on "IF YOU REALLY \','ant to see 'something, you'd _7;.^i.t: and the grand opening of 'Roundel Terrace', Clinton RCAF's new Recreation Centre in the former Drill Hall, tomorrow (Friday), May 5, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.n:" is The NEWS -RECORD'S advice. Bobby Downs and his Band will play for dancing and there will be "monte cerlo" games. • The assistance of all hands has been nacos .ry to complete the "rec centre" in time for the opening. Everyone has "piled in" to keep the cosi down and the result is a sheen de- light! It must be seen to be appreciated. ' ABOVE, one of the RCAF personnel is seen tacking up fireproof burlap on the ceiling of the cabaret section. HUGH HAWKINS NAMED MANAGER OF JUVENILES Clinton Lions Club again will sponsor a baseball team in the WOAA Juvenile series. An enthusiastic organization meeting was held yesterday af- ternoon, called by Russell E. Holmes, chairman of the Sports Committee, at which the decision to put up a real battle this year, was made. Hugh R. Hawkins was appoint- ed manager of the Lions team, with Jack Hinchberger as coach. The former is retiring after man- aging the Colts, Huron -Perth Intermediate team, for several years. Other officers are: chairman and secretary, R. E. Holmes; treasurer, Antoine Geron; gate chairman, Bob Hattie; transpor- tation chairman, Royce Macaulay, M. L. "Tory" Gregg OHA 2nd Vice -Pres. M. L. "Tory" Gregg, Wingham, president of WOAA, was elected second vice-president of the On- tario Hockey Association at the 61st annual meeting in Toronto Saturday. J. M. Roxburgh, Sim- coe, was chosen president and Stewart McTavish, Oshawa, first vice-president. An annual honorarium of $1,000 to the president and $500 to each of the vice-presidents was voted, Manager Wilbert Gliddon rep- resented Clinton Colts Hockey Club at the meeting. CLUB APPROVES RAISING BOUNTY ON FOXES TO $5 Huron Fish and Game Conser- vation Club, at its monthly meet- ing in the Board Room, Ontario Agricultural Office, Clinton, Monday evening, passed»a resolu- tion recommending to Huron County Council that the bounty onfoxes be raised from 52 to $5 during ilia period, November 1 to March 1. Total paid in 1949 was 43.F50. Mervyn Ballc..n was named to present this motion to the June Session of County Council. Glenn Lockhart, county secre- tary, reported that he hadwrit- ten to authorities in Lembton County that three white trappers and one Indian trapper, sup- posedly from Lambton, had been digging out foxes in Huron County - chiefly in Goderich Township - and had been tak- ing them to Sarnia to obtain the $10 bounty paid in that county. Tt had been raised in January from $5 in the hope that it might prove effective in reducing the number of foxes. With "bootlegging" from Huron County, the change has had the opposite effect, the amount paid out in bounties having increased from $3,000 in the whole of 1949 to more than $6,000 already this year. Lambton County Council held a special session today to consider revoking the $l0 fox bounty, President G. L. Falconer was in the chair and there was a good attendance 'of members. The attendance draw for $10 again was unsuccessful. in finding a winner, present; the total will be $12 at the next meeting. Win- ners 0f other draws were' Joe Steep, fishing tackle; Jim Cruick- shank, minnow pail: Cliff Lobb. minnow trap. John Wilson was complimented on his re -vamped club bulletin. Junior members will be ten to 16 years of age, inclusive, in future. W. E. Jervis, county president, reported on a county conservation meeting held in Clinton last week, when various resolutions were `considered, Mr. Jervis also stated that 20,500 miscellaneous trees were being planted on the Club's farm, concession 14, Goderich Town- ship, Tuesday afternoon and yesterday. ending up with plant- ing of 400 in Clinton Community Park Wednesday evening by Club members. Badminton Club Plans Grand Closing May 12 Clinton Badminton Club will continue to hold practise ses- sions on the Town Hall Courts this evening, Saturday afternoon, and Tuesday and Thursday even- ings of next week. Grand closing for the season will take place on the six RCAF courts in "Roundel Terrace," new recreation centre, Friday evening, May 12, when London 'Y'', Bay- field and Seaforth Badminton Clubs will be guests. Ever y member of the Clinton Club is expected to attend and finish ,oft a very successful season. An in- formal social evening will fol- low play. RFT. A. FORSYTH LEAVING AREA Rev. Archibald Forsyth, who has been pastor of Auburn and Clinton Baptist Churches f or three years, announced that he has raceived a call to Port Rowan Baptist Church and will assume his new duties there the latter part of May. Rev. Mr. Forsyth has made many friends during his ministry in this community and will be missed greatly. 0 FORTNIGHT LATE Huron County farmers - at least most of them - have com- menced seeding operations, about two or three weeks later than last year. Warm Weather is just around the corner, ,but don't •forget the rainy days ahead. Get those Eavestroughs fixed by contacting us. Also PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL WIRING and AiR CONDITIONING. Agents for Anthes-Imperial Furnaces WISE and BATEMAN -Phone 147 - PLUMBING and HEATING - SHEET METAL WORK ' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Successors to Sutter-Perdue's Shop Work Drop in and make your 0 selection NOW! "Trout King" Hip Waders pr. $10.50 South Bend Telescope Rods ea. $7.20 Minno-Mason Minnow Traps ea. 1.25 Gees -Wire Minnow Traps ea. 2.25 Nylon Fishing Lines per 50 yds. -$1. to $3. Casting Rods $2.50 to $19.95 Nylon Double Snelled Hooks per card -.35 SALMON EGGS -just the thing for trout --per jar .35 . Split Bamboo Fly' Rods ...................... ea. $13 to $30 Picnic Jugs, 1 gal capacity ea. $4.50 Picnic Jugs, as above, with tap ea. $7.50 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Fishing Tackle Grab Boxes • - Shopworn Items 34.50 VALUE FOR $2.00 $2.50 VALUE FOR $1.00 Spa's/4y 49004 o aczeitly CLINTON • ONTARIO PHONE 42 ..,...-} - CLINTON C & B ENTERPRISES GODERICH Laundry & Dry Cleaning Service . Wet Wash, .08c lb. ' Rough Dry, .10c ib. Serni-Finished, .12c lb. Minimum Bundle $1 Called for and delivered PICKED UP TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Leave calls at Phone 'No. 29, Clinton 17-18-p CHANGEOVER TIME! A motor flush, refill with new oil, change of greases ,and a tune up will make a whale of a difference. Make your appointment now! Clean Up T ime! PLASTiCOTE-a polish pond cleaner. You'll like it. Easy to use, wears like a pig's nose- -ONLY $1.25 CHROME POLISH -Renews the original finish to all chrome surfaces ONLY Sec GLASS POLISH - Good for your car windows. Handy around home .., ONLY 60c Car Changeover If considering changing over your present car or truck - SEE US. New Trucks and Good Used Cars are available. Lorne Brown Motors CHEVROLET -x OLDSMOBILE Sales and Service PHONE 367W "Chevrolet -The Thrifty Car for 1950!" AF LUXE Cel ®W4LL Illustrated is MODEL DM -90 Has 9 cu. ft. food storage space • Full -Width Freezer Chest • New Ice -Blue interior trim • New full-length door • New Upper -Storage design • New all -porcelain, twin, stack -up Hydrators • New Chill Drawer • Sliding Basket -Drawer for eggs, small items Look k atti aside It Look MatchN 'YoufRIGtpA1RE`, • All -aluminum shelves • New split shelf • Adjustable sliding shelf • An -porcelain Multi -Purpose Tray • Exclusive Quickube'Traya • Famous Meter -Miser mechanism Wherever you live - whatever the size of your family, lcitchen or budget - be sure to see the new Frigidaire Refrigerators for 1950. See the four new models - 6, 7.6, 9 and 9.2 cu. ft. sizes. See why your No. 1 .choice is the world's No. 1 Refrigerator, FRIGIDAIRE& Came in! Get the facts about the new Frigidaire models for 19501 Price Installed $42 .00, SUTTER-PERDUE