HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-05-04, Page 5'3'HLJRSDAY, MAY 4, 1950 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE'• News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results CASH RATE= -(If paid by Wed- nesday following date of inser- +tion)—One cent a word first in- •aertion (minimum 35 cents);sub- sequent insertions -one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- am for box,number or for direc- t/ken to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ARTICLES FOR SALE • GERIiARD HEINTZMAN Piano; electric table model six tube radio, "Serenader", , nearly new. -Fred McCool, James St. Clinton. 18-b LAWN ROLLER, METAL, '.40 gallon capacity; Globe-Wernick book case, golden oak, top sec- tion, lower drawer,. ;two book sections with sliding glass doors; large family trunk; all in, good •condition. Phone 224J. ' 18-19-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1.947 DODGE BUSINESS Coupe, colour black, 18,000 miles, ex- cellent condition. Apply T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, ..phone Clin- ton 618r13. 18-b 1933 CHEVROLET COUPE with rumble seat. Cheap for quick saale. Phone 8213', Goderich. 18-p ' ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT "r W O -ROOMED FURNISHED impartment, modern, centrally lo- cated, suitable for couple or business ladies. Phone 681W. • 17-18-b THREE -ROOMED APARTMENT on Rattenbury St. Phone Clin- 'torn 352W. 18-p 'THREE -ROOMED APARTMENT, furnished, immediate possession. Phone 463111. 18-b BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE BUILDING LOT ON MARY ST. Apply B. Mittell, phone 588M. 18-p EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 'COLONY HOUSE AND STOVE, will sell cheap. Louis Carbert, 14.R. 1, Clinton, phone 801r5. 18-p TEN -YARD BELL HOPPER, , complete with heavy duty axle and rear tires and air brakes. Built in 1947, never used as a :gravel hopper. For further par- ticulars apply Murray _Johnson, Yingham, 17-18-p FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 'TWO -SECTION Massey -Harris Spring -Tooth Harrows, in good working order. J. R. Torrance, phone Clinton 900r24, 18-p FARM HELP RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED Holland families, arriving soon. Apply to Cde Haan, Belgrave, Ont. 16-b-tfb FARMS FOR RENT 'SMALL 'FARM FOR RENT, ideally suited for light farming or market gardening, Phone 'Clinton 803r2.' 18-b FARMS FOR SALE 150 ACRES, good. agricultural farm, barn 40' x 60', driveshed 20' x 40', seven -roomed dwelling, hydro available, situated in Sten- 1ey Township three miles from 'Brucefield. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, Clinton, phone 251W. 18btfb FURNITURE FOR SALE 'SIX -PIECE DINETTE SUITE, six months old; white kitchen cabinet; davenport. Phone 907r24. 18-b HELP WANTED 'SECRETARY - TREASURER wanted for Stanley Township 'School Area No. 1, Applications 'will be received to May 12, 1950, for above position. Duties to 'commence at once, State qualifi- cations, salary expected, or for further particulars contact Frank McCowan, chairman school area board, Brucefield. 18-b 'HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, .suit- able for apartments, furnace and bathroom; garage and garden. Phone 286 Day, or 482J Night. 18-19-p HOUSES FOR SALE 'MEDIUM-SIZED BRICK HOUSE +containing two apartments. Must Sae sold to close estate. Contact Jabez Rands, Clinton, phone 80. 2-b-tfb SIX -ROOMED HOUSE with large • isnroom end conveniences; also 'new two-storey hen house on N. acres of land with fruit trees. Immediate possession, Phone 'Clinton 552W. 18-b MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Noare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 9-18-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SHORTHORN BULL; ten months old, T.B. tested. Robert Allen, Brucefield, phone Clinton 625x25. 18-b EIGHTEEN PIGS, six weeks, old. Gordbn Scotchmer, phone Clinton 909r12, 18-b Lit^iLE PIGS, seven"weeks old; calf suitable for raising; also William Belt strawberry plants. Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton 904r4. 'i$ -p TWENTY-SEVEN LITTLE PIGS. Frank Flynn, phone Clinton 801r12. 18-p NOTICES FOR FURNITURE, PIANO and radio cabinet refinishing, see W. G. Pickett, Box 351, Clinton. . 17-18-p ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING upon part lots 40, 41, 42 and 51, .Huron Road and London Road Surveys, Tuckersmith, will be prosecuted by order of owner, A. E. Parry. 16-23-p PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60c. All druggists. adv. PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. • W. Cox at Clinton 550R, 18-b PASTURE FOR RENT 100 ACRES or more in Stanley, fenced into fields, water and shade. Write Dr. Moffatt, Lon- don,. Ont. 18-99-20b PUPS FOR SALE TWO MALE BROWN COLLIE pups; also fresh goose eggs. Phone Clinton 906r34. 18-x RADIO SERVICE ROBERT WEEKS, Radio Service. I am repairing radios at J. R. Butler :and Son, Electric. Anten- nae installed, appliances repair- ed, etc. Come and see your tubes tested. For prompt service and guaranteed work phone 274 or bring work to J. R. Butler and Son, Electric. 18-p SEED FOR SALE ALFALFA SEED; also some baI- ed hay. William Cox, phone Clinton 903r2. 18-p STOVES FOR SALE FINDLAY COOK STOVE with waterfront. Apply E. Mittell, phone 588M. 18-p HEAVY DUTY TWO -BURNER Range, oven heat control; also Maxwell washing machine, both nearly new. Noble Holland, phone Clinton 617r22. 18-b FINDLAY COOK STOVE in good condition. John Plumtree, phone 296R. 16-b-tfb BEACH KITCHEN RANGE. Balmoral style, cream coloured trim, hot water front and reser- voir, warming closet, burns either coal or wood. Good stove in first class condition. If you are going to need a stove within the next few months, come and sees this one. It's a beauty! Phone 662, 18-b TEACHERS WANTED PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER wanted for No, 6, Goderich Town- ship School Area, Salary $2,000. Please state qualifications. Frank Yeo, secretary -treasurer, R.R. 3, Clinton, I8 -19-b TEACHER REQUIRED for S.S. No, '7, Hullett. Duties to com- mence September 1, 1950. , Apply in person or by letter, Len Rooney, chairman, Mrs. Elsie McVittie, secretary." 18-19-b PROTESTANT TEACHER for S.S. No. 6; Hullett, duties to commence September 5. • Apply stating salary expected, qualifi- cations and last inspector ,to John H. McEwing, secretary - treasurer, R,R, 1, Blyth, 18-19-20b STANLEY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL Area No. I. requires two Protest- ant teachers for two modern highway schools. Apply stating qualifications, experience if any, salary expected, also name of last inspector, to Frank McCowan, chairman school area ,board, Brucefield. 18-b AREA NO. 1 TUCKERSMITH Township School Board requires one Protestant teacher for S,S, 4, located 3 miles south of Clinton and near RCAF Station, This is •a modern, well-equipped rural school. Congenial surroundings, good accommodation. Duties to commence with start of • new school year. Excellent salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applicants write, giving full particulars to W, P. Roberts, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. 3, Seaforth. 17-18-b WORK WANTED ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals, If suitable 'for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer 'prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone eolleet. Gilbert Bros. Mints Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 2btfb WOOD FOR SALE KINDLING and Summer Wood, $3 per cord. Orders taken for body wood, maple and beech, Robert Taylor, phone Clinton '906r33. 18-b WOODWORKING 'WOODWORKING,' band and jigsawing. Reg, Smith, phone 797W. 16btfb TRAILERS FOR SALE 'H OUSE TRAILER "Factory- 'Built", 21' x 7', three rooms, sleeps :four. Apply Box 368, Clinton. 18-p ANYONE DESIRING LAWNS and gardens cleaned up. ashes removed, etc., contact Arthur St, Amans, Ontario St., phone 783J. 18-19-p Garage Operators Hear Provincial Fieldrnan Huron County Garage Operat- ors' Association held an inter- esting meeting in Hotel Clinton, last week, with the presi- dent, Andrew Dunlop, Seaforth, as chairman, James Reid, Toronto, Heldman, Garage Operators' Association of Ontario, discussed operation costs and shop efficiency, with a view to providing better service to the motoring public. It wet decided to hold a din- ner meeting at ,the Pavilion, Goderich, on June 1, to be at- tended by all garage operators and their wives. BIRTHS GOUTHIER—In Clinton Public Hospital, en Tuesday, May 2, 1950, to Mr. and ' Mrs. Cleo Gauthier, Clinton, a daughter. 1IIcASH—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on. Tuesday, May 2, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. William Mc - Ash, Varna, a son. MIDDLETON—In Stratford Gen- eral Hospital, on Thursday, , April 27, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. F: J .Middleton, Stratford, a daughter (Nancy Elizabeth, a • sister for Denis). POLLARD — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, May 1. 1950, to Mr. ' and Mrs. Ted Pollard, R.R. 1, Blyth, a daugh- ter. !Rural Life Sunday To Be Observed May 7 Rural Life Sunday will be observed in the United Church :of Canada. on Sunday, May 7. (This Sunday is planned so that thought can be given to the "men of the soil" and the invaluable work they accomplish. Such a service will feature the morning service in Wesley -Willis United Church which will be in charge of the minister,. Rev, Hugh C. Wilson. A special feature will be a Junior Farmer choir which will give leadership in song. e WESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Club of Wesley - Willis United Church will meet in the Church Parlour on Tues - 'day evening, May 9, at eight o'clock. Mrs. Les Ball's group will be in charge and Miss Margaret Miller of the CDCI staff will be the speaker. n ONTARIO ST. WMS The WMS of Ontario St. United Church will meet at the Home of Mrs. F. Townsend on Tues - clay, May 9, at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. Fear will bake the Study Book and Mrs. Wiltse will take the devotional exercises. SCULLY — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, May 2, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. DeSale Scully, Exeter, a son (Michael Edward). YOUNGBLUT—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, April 29, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Youngblut, Londesboro, a dau- ghter. DEATHS CRAIG—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal; on Friday, April 28, 1950, Margaret Pollock Barclay, be- loved wife of Edward Craig, in her 49th year. Funeral from the Ball and Notch Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Monday, May 1. CRAWFORD—At his home, con- cession 12, Hullett Township, suddenly, on Sunday, April 23, 1950, Edward Johnston Craw- ford, beloved husband of Ellen Roberton, in his nal year. Funeral from his late residence to Hope Chapel Cemetery, on Tuesday, April 25. HOWES—In Hamilton General Hospital, on Monday, May 1, 1950, Mabel Elvira Clark (for- merly of Goshen Line, Varna), beloved wife of the late Eph- raim A. Howes and dear mother of Garfield Howes, Port Col- borne, and sister of William J. Clark, Varna, and Clifford G. Clark, Hamilton. KNOBLAUCH—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, April 28, 1950, Bernice Smith, beloved wife of Earl Knoblauch, aged 30 years. ` Funeral from the Ball and Mitch Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, to the home of her mother, Mrs. Viola Smith, 18 College St., Trenton, for service on Monday, May 1, to Bayview United Church Cemetery. REID—Suddenly, in Clinton, on Saturday, April 29, 1950, Robert Samuel Reid, beloved husband of the late Charlotte Elliott. in his 72nd year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, on Tuesday, May 2, to Bayfield • Cemetery. SII'OBBROOK—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, May 2, 1950, Jolin Henry Shobbrook, beloved husband of Mary Webb, in his 75th year. Funeral from his late residence, Londesboro, this afternoon (Thursday, May 4) at 2.30 o'clock, to Blyth Union Cemetery, 0 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. James Brown wishes to take this opportunity of expres- sing her sincere appreciation to all those who sent flowers, cards, and fruit, and other acts of kind- ness, special thanks to Miss Sin- clair and the nurses during her recent illness. 18-p CARD OF THANKS Tht family of the late Edward Crawford wish to express apprec- iation to those who sent floral tributes, loaned cars, and helped in any way during their Eereeve- ment. Special thanks to the soloist and accompanist, Mrs. Jack Scott and Mrs. John Armstrong, !and to Rev. S. H. Brenton and Rev. Harold Snell. 18-b CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Martha McClinchey and family wish to express to their many friends, relatives and'neigh- beurs their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for acts of kind- ness, messages of sympathy, beautiful floral tributes, also for the loan of cars extended to them in the loss of a dear son and brother, special the -tilts to Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel for his comforting words. 18-b AUCTION SALE of Farm and Household Effects Estate of the late Fanny Sharpe at Lot 11, Babylon Line, Stanley Township Saturday, May 6 at 1 p.m. Clare Jewel cook stove; Wing- ham Clipper cook stove with wat- er front; 1 box stove; cherry drop- leaf table; 2 extension tables; kitchen chairs; arm chair; sewing machine; day bed; antique up- holstered parlor suite; rocking chairs; small tables; mirrors; or- gan; bed, dressers; new bed springs; chest of drawers; coal oil stove and oven (like new); garden tools; large steel water tank; 4 ft. steel water bank; 1,200 lb. Gurney scales; dishes; kitchen utensils. FARM: 100 acre farm, 20 acres of bush, Ws storey good brick house with slate roof, large frame barn, good water supply, 30 acres ploughed, . remainder in pasture. TERMS—CASH Property sold subject to reserve bid. Balance in 30 days. Proprietor, Mrs, John Cameron, executrix of Estate of the late Fanny Sharpe. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 17=18-b MAY Brick of the Month Hawaiian Delight A delicious combination of Cocoanut and Pineapple 23c 2 for 45c SHEARING'S RED and WHITE STORE CLAYTON'S ICE CREAM BAR "".7s. JS' " for Men and Boys WORK CLOTHES: OVERALLS, PANTS, SHIRTS, SOX, BOOTS. Branded lines at outstanding prices. SUMMER UNDERWEAR: ... . Briefs, Shorts and Shirts, Harvey Woods or Stanfield's makes $1.00 to $1.50 ;OYS' "• LUE JEANS: Sizes 6 to 16. Heavy Blue Denim Sanforized Shrunk, Rivets $2.79 per pair SPORT, SHIRTS and T-SHIRTS: Men's and Boys sizes. All shades, all patterns. PICKETT # CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts Stetson 'Hats PHONE 25 •—• CLINTON ICARD OF' THANKS Edward Craig and family wish to express their deep apprecia- tion for all floral tributes, cars loaned, and all other acts of sympathy, with special thanks to the Town of, Clinton and the police force, shown during their recent sad bereavement, and also special thanks to Dr. Oakes and the nurses at Clinton Public Hospital. 18-p AUCTION SALE —• of — Household Effects and ANTIQUES, from "The Castle" at St. George's Crescent, Goderich, Ont. — on -- Tuesday, May 9 at 1 o'clock sharp (DST) Full 10 -piece dining room suite (walnut finish); tea service (wal- nut finish); 3 -piece chesterfield suite; chesterfield; writing desk (walnut); nest of 4 tables (wal- nut); 2 end tables; gate-leg table; 3 -piece bedroom suite (walnut finish); inner spring mattress; dressing stool; 3 -piece heekroom suite; single bed (walnut finish); bed -side table; dressing tabu.• wall mirrors; coffee table; tele- phone table and bench; 3 -piece wicker settee and chairs; uphol- stered chair; arm chair; Axmin- ster rug 71/2' x 9'; scatter rugs; small tables; wall pictures; steel engraved etching; silver tea ser- vice (antique Old English style): Norfolk 12 -piece wine goblets (Rock -crystal, large size); Nor- folk 12 -piece wine goblets (Rock - crystal, medium size); Norfolk 12 -piece sherbet glasses (Re& crystal); pair of Bambi table lamps; pair of table lamps (large), other table lamps; 3 floor Iamps; 2 large mantel mirrors (excep- tionally good); combination elec- tric radio and record player; portable electric record player; General Electric mangle (nearly new); McClary electric range; brass fireside equipment; electric vacuum cleaner; Winchester .22 rifle (telescopic sight); kitchen table and chairs; Golden Pheas- ant dishes; other dishes; glass- ware; cooking utensils and num- erous other articles. PLEASE NOTE—This is an exceptionally good sale of high quality goods. TERMS—CASH MRS. VYRLE A. KRETSINGER, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, . Auctioneer Clinton, Ontario K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 18-b AUCTION SALE of Property and tIousehold Effects of, the late Mrs. Jabez Rands, Sr., MARY STREET, CLINTON, (2 blocks south of the Post Office) on Saturday, Mu 6 at 1.30 p.m.: Three bedroom suites, includ- ing beds, dressers, wash stands, springs and mattresses; dining room suite; several small tables; rocking chairs; 2 wardrobes; studio couch; living room suite (4 piece); couch; round table; kitchen table and chairs; bar- room chair; Harrison range; 3 - burner heavy duty hot plate and oven; electric washing machine; 8 -day clock; 240 lb. scale; electric brooder; kitchen cupboard; metal cupboard; garden cultivator; gar- den tools; set of dishes; other dishes; chinaware and glassware (some antique); cooking utensils and numerous other articles. At the same time and place, the property will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid. On the property is a medium sized brick house containing two apartments, and a bathroom. TERMS: on property, ten per cent down on date of sale end balance within 30 days. TERMS: on household effects, cash. For further particulars apply t0 the -undersigned names, JABE.Z E. RANDS, Administrator EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 17-18-b CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Ke C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 �I,MY I.W).M PROMPT Local and Long Distance TAXI SERVICE PHONE 110 Id./tkoild `Is. i ROXY THEATRE CLINTON — NOW PLAYING — THURS. -- FRI. -- SAT, --- Donald Donald O'Connor, Gloria deuaven "YES SIR THAT'S MY BABY" Colour by' Technicolor 7i -SPOON MON. - TUBS. - WED. — "SO THIS IS NEW YORK" starring HENRY MORGAN and Rudy Hugh Vallee Herbert. THURS. - FRI. - SAT. - DENNIS O'KEEFE, GAIL RUSSELL "The GREAT DAN PATCH" COMING—May 15th "MRS MIKE" Dick Powell - Evelyn Keyes REGENT THEATRE SBA 1'0RTH--ONTA1110 NOW—Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., in. "THE FIGHTING O'FLYNN" ' — MON. - TUES. - WED. — Henry MORGAN, Rudy VALLEE and VIRGINIA GREY Visit the big town with the gayest'. company of fun -makers you'll ever meet. "So This is New York" — THURS. FRI. - SAT. — LARAINE DAY - RUDY VALLEE KIRK DOUGLAS A picture to chase your blues away, the tale of a secretary who outsmarts her boss. "My Dear Secretary" Coming: "FLAMINGO ROAD" Joan Crawford & Zachary Scott PARK THEATRE GODERICII—Phone 1150 NOW: In Technicolor "CHALLENGE TO LASSIE" with Edmund Gwenn CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH—Phone 47 Now: "ABBOTT & COSTELLO MEET THE KILLER" with Boris Karloff yKTUES. WED. aPercilhridtMarjMain The earthy Kettles return in their latest and funniest con- tribution to your hilarity, "Ma and Pa Kettle Go to Town" THURS. - FRI. - SAT. -- Laraine DAY - Kirk DOUGLAS Keenan Wynn A secretary with writing am- bitions meets a novelist with trio assured income and teaches him many things. "My Dear Sceretary" — MON. -- TUES. -- WED. — ROBERT TAYLOR ELIZABETH TAYLOR RIIONDA FLEMING A superb cast and a story that will hold your interest from start to finish. "The Conspirator" Coming: "MRS. MIKE" with Evelyn Keyes & Dick Powell iiismansmffa. — THURS. FRI. - SAT. — MARJORIE MAIN and PERCY KILBRIDE The lovable, laughable Kettles are back again with a new and riotous adventure. "Ma and Pa Kettle Go to Town" Coming: "THE COUNTESS OF MONTE CRISTO" with Sonja Henie and Michael Kirby BAILIFF'S SALE Sale consists of Power Machinery, Equipment, and Tools at the Oliver Implement Shop Blyth Wednesday, May 10 at 2 p.m, Shoe Repair Finisher (with 2 h.p. motor); 2 Singer Patchers (one nearly new); 1 Skiver; Shoe- makers Jack; Lasts; quantity of Panco soles; shoe polish; shoe laces; tools and other articles found in a shoe repair shop, TERMS—CASH Bernard Hall, Blyth, Bailiff Edward W. Elliott, Clinton, Auctioneer 17-18-b AUCTION SALE — of — Beef and Dairy Cows at Lot No. 31, 6th Concession of Goderich Township, half mile south of Porter's Hill on Tuesday, May 9 at 7 p.m. (DST' consisting of: 30 young cows, Durhams, Herefords, Holsteins and Jerseys. Some of these cattle are recent- ly freshened, balance due May and June. 6 choice Hereford heifers, due May and ikune, The cattle are all of good qual- ity and T.B. tested. TERMS—CASH A. E. TOWNSHEND & SON, Proprietors EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W, Colquhoun, Clerk 18-b Is Christ YOUR Ark of Salvation? `Tor whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."—Romans 10:13 "Whosoever' believeth in Him (CHRIST) shall receive remission of sins."—Acts 10:43 "For by grace are ye saved by faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest any nian should toast."—Ephesians 2 :8,9 "These things have I Written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that we may know that ye have eternal life and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." -1 John 5:13 CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. We are now showing on our floor: • New Beatty Electric Stove * New Beatty Electric Washer • Clare Jewel Electric and Gas Range ® Clare Combination Gas and Coal See our new coloured fixtures for bathrooms at prices that will startle you, Let us help you in your PLUMBING AND HEAT- ING needs. We hove. the experience. h Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE 244. ' - -- CLINTON