HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-04-20, Page 10ilmore l • 70 A!IArSTER/Yi4T OF non PAGE TEN CLINTON NEWS -RECORD BADMINTON PLAY CONTINUES THIS EVENING Clinton Badminton Club is holding a round-robin"'tournament on the local courts this week. Ladies' and men's doubles played, Tuesday evening, with mixed doubles, ladies' and men's 'singles, and junior doubles, this • evening. The draw will be made at 7.30 p.m., and all members are re- quested to be on hand early, so that the tournament may be com- pleted tonight. Results, by points, of Tuesday night's play,, were as follows: Ladies' doubles (possible 120)- Betty Jackson, 108; Merla Palm- er, 107; Margaret . Atkey, 99; Gwen • Wood, 89; Erma Hartley, 87; Agnes Mason, 85; Marion Fitz- gerald, 77; Betty Stein62. Men's doubles (possible 90) - Harry Holmes, 90; Dick Atkey, 82; Ken Livingstone; 80; Bob Allan, 73; Don Symons, 71; Jack Stein, 68; Charles Johnson, 67; Hugh Patterson, 65; John Soren- sen, 60; Bob Hale, 59; Jean Caron, 47; Glen Wise, 42. Play London May 12 All members of both Clinton and RCAF Badminton Clubs are requested to keep Friday even- ing, May 12, free for a friendly team match with London YMCA Badminton Club. With the kind permission of Wing Commander Robert F. Miller, DFC, this match will be played on the six fine courts of the new Recreation Centre at RCAF Station. 0 MILVERTON LOSES A battling bunch of youngsters from South River grabbed off. the OHA Junior "D" champion- ship at the Classic City Arena, Stratford, Saturday night. The northerners took the series in three straight games and Satur- day defeated Milverton Lions, 8-2. It was a repeat perform- ance of the first two tilts. Clinton Jr. Farmers Appoint Delegates The regular monthly meeting of. Clinton Junior Farmers was. held in Clinton Collegiate Audi- torium on Tuesday, April 11 with President Bob Allan in the chair. Joe Gibson end Bob Allan were chosen to attend the annual meet- ing of the Junior Farmers Assoc- iation of Ontario to be held at OAC, Guelph, April 23-24-25. Don Finnie, district direetor of the Provinncial Junior Farmer Association from Perth County, gave a very interesting talk on his impression of farming in the States of New York, Pennsyl- vania and West Virginia, where he and other delegates journeyed P: LIVERMORE HEADS CLINTON LAWN BOWLERS Percy Livermore is the 1950 president of Clinton Lawn Bowl- ing Club, with Hugh R. Hawkins as vice-president and J. G. Mc- Lay as secretary -treasurer. Committee chairmen are as follows: Property, J. A. Sutter; Tournament, F. B. Pennebaker; Jitney, J. E. Cook; New Lighting, C. W. Draper. A canvass of the town will be made for members. The Club will affiliate with Provincial Lawn Bowling Assoc- iation. Chief plans for this year are to provide new lighting and facil- ities so that the new greens will be ready for use this summer. At the re -organization meet- ing of the Club, it was decided to send a letter of thanks to the ladies for their cooperation last year and requesting their con- tinued cooperation this year. A letter of sympathy w a s ordered forwarded to Mrs. James McVicar, Goderich, in connection with the recent death of her husband. Specials: "HOSTESS" PAPER SERVIETTES in Cocktail, Tea and coasters to match -in three colors -- Coasters @ 25c pkg. Cocktails @ 15c pkg. Serviettes @ 25c. pkg. Danish Paper Serviettes and Cocktail Napkins in beautiful designs and colors. A large as- sortment to choose from -Cocktails 25c pkg. Serviettes 29c pkg. Birthday, Shower and Wedding Serviettes with table cover to match ............ Napkins 17c pkg. Table Covers 25c ea, Paper Doilies in lacey, linen, oval, round, in white. Also in silver, green and pink. Sized from 5 inches to 12 inches, priced 10c to 28c pkg. Royledge Shelf Paper in flower, fruit and lacy designs. Many patterns to choose from -- 15c pkg. Shelf Edging only in three patterns 25c pkg. McEwan's (WNrINMMI.I,1 Maw, Weekend Specials a t RUMBALL'S I.G.A. GROCERY NPEASature's Best 15 oz. tin --•2 for .21 Old South ORANGE JUICE --15 oz. tin --2 for .35 Cream -filled COOKIES lb. .29 Eagle. Brand CONDENSED MILK .. 15 oz. tin --.23c Sasco HONEY 1 lb. carton --.25 Nabob COFFEE SUGAR PHONE 86 1 lb. bag --.89 10 lbs. •-•.93 We Deliver BILTMORE SKY RIDER A NEW LIGHT WEIGHT HAT FOR SPRING BUY YOURS TODAY at Herman's Men's Wear Biltmore Hats -- PHONE 224W - Forsyth Shirts BRUCEFIELD Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Aikenhead,` Calgary, Alta., visited ' relatives in the village a few days last week. Miss Ina Ellen Scott, London, visited relatives in the village over the weekend. Miss Janet Watson has return- ed to Aylmer after spending the holidays, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Watson. Successful Baking Sale Grade ,IV' of the WA held a very successful baking sale in Don McKay's store on Saturday. Present Cantata Brucefield Church choir pre- sented their cantata "Redemption Song" in Varna United Church, on Sunday evening which was much enjoyed by all. ' Special Services Next Sunday special services will be held in Brucefield Unit- ed Church, both morning and evening at 1.1 and 7.30 o'clock (standard time). There will be a special speaker and special music. In the evening 'a t"rtple quartette from the Clinton Radar School will sing, On Monday evening, a play "Never Say Dye" will be presented by Blyth tal- ent at 8.15 and will be sponsor- ed by the Adult Fellowship group. Brucefield WMS Meets The regular meeting of Bruce - field WMS was held in the school room of United Church on Tuesday, April 11 at 2.30 p.m. with. the president, Mrs. A. Zapfe, in the chair. The meeting was opened with minutes and roll call. A letter was read from Miss Courtice expressing regret at not being able to speak at Brucefield for the Easter Thank - offering. The secretary was re- quested to ask Miss Sperling, St. Marys. Delegates were appointed to attend the WMS Huron Presby- terial, in Ontario Slb. Church, Clinton, on April 29. Mrs. W. Moffatt, Mrs. B. Keyes and Mrs. R. Scott had charge of the Easter worship service; the theme be- ing "Christ is Risen" Mrs. Mof- fatt taking the part of leader, Mrs. Keyes the first reader and Mrs: Scott the second reader. At the close of this service the CGIT girls under the leadership of Mrs. William Scott, affiliated With the WMS for the first time. Taking part in the service were Verna Eyre, Ruth Snelling, Olive Aikenhead, Marion Ross, Eileen McCartney, Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs. R. Allan. The president of the WMS presented each with the World Friendship insignia, and closed the meeting with -the hymn "These things shall be a Loftier Race," and Benediction. SUMMERHILL Ladies' Club Meets The April meeting of the Summerhill Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs. William Lovett with 24 members and six visitors present. The meeting was opened with the singing of "In the evening by the .moonlight" followed by the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and adopted, The roll call was answered by a joke or a riddle. It was decided that the members prepare for the bazaar and bring their donations to the meetings. Mrs. Wes Hoggart conducted a completion contest which was won by Dorothy Blake. Mrs. Keith Tyndall gave an interest- ing paper on "The Princesses." Mrs. Stephenson favoured with an instrumental. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Hayward. The lunch committee is .Mrs: Norman Ball, Mrs. Ar- thur Hayward, Mrs. William Lovett and Mrs. Ed. Farquhar. The programme will be in charge of Mrs. Norman Wright, Mrs. George Wright, Mrs. Orval Rap- son and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart. BOWLING IS FUN FOR ANY AGE Come on, Mum and Dad, get the kids together for a swell evening of funl Come on down to our lanes and really enjoy yourself while you take in some healthy exercise and a few thrills. OPEN BOWLING NIGHTLY except Mon. & Thurs. PHONE 799 Clinton Bowling Alley B LL--MACAULAY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Lime - Cement - Coal - Wood PHONE 97 - CLINTON HOLME'SVILLE 7,VIr. and Mrs. Taverner visited Bluevale friends on Monday. Mr. end. Mrs. Lloyd Bond were guests of relatives in 'Clinton on Sunday. ' Carl meciin.ehey and Nelson, Kippen, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. McClinchey. Varna Sold The farm known as Connodale, the property of Mrs. William Connell, Clinton, has been pur- chased by Leslie Jervis. Music Festival This is the week of the music festival in Goderich. The public school, under the direction of Mrs. E. Wendorf, music super- visor, and Miss K. Holmes, teach- er, is preparing several numbers. The piano pupils of Miss Eileen Gliddon also are ready for the annual competition. We wish them the best of lurk in this enterprise. AUBURN Mr. and Mrs Reg, Carter, Port Elgin, spent Sunday with r. Joe and Miss Sadie Carter. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Johnston and Miss Laura' Philips spent Thursday at a London hospital, Mrs. Ronald Pentland has re- turned to North Bay after spend- ing the Easter holidays with her mother, Mrs. C. M. Straughan. Mrs. F. Ross, Donald Ross and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graham at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Wil- liam Maize at Dungannon last week. William Craig, Jr., who is presently attending Stratford Normal School has been appoint- ed to the staff of Meaford Public School. Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrand and son, Jordan Station, were recent visitors with Mrs. Hilde- brand's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightmen. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Robert- son and family, Cappercliff, have THURSDAY; APRIL -20,. 1931»' West Huron WI - Plans Activities The Executive' of West Huron District • Women's Institute met. on Monday afternoon in Mem- orial ' Hall, Blyth, with an at- tendance of 35. Nine senior branches and one junior branch were represented, namely -Aub- urn, Belgrave, Blyth, Clinton, Colborne, Dungannon, Goderich, St.Helens, Wingham and Calwan-. osh Juniors. Mrs. L. M. Scrim- geour, district presidept, was in the chair. The date for the annual district picnic was set for July 6, in Harbour Park, Goderich, The picnic programme will include ceremonies to mark the 50th an- niversary of West Huron District, A nominating committee was appointed, comprising a repre- sentative from each branch pres- eat, with ' Mrs. William Ford Wingham, convener. Plans were completed for the District Annual to be held in Wingham United - Church o June 16, when the guest speakers will be Miss Helen McKercher of the' Women's Institute Branch, Toronto, Mrs. Edmund }Iansuld, Tavistock, chairman of the Lon- don area, Mrs. J. Myers, Zurich, a member of the Federated board for Huron sub division, and Miss Jean Scott, county coach for Junior Institute work. Mrs. Ernest Radford, Clinton, favoured with a piano solo and graciously responded with en encore. Blyth branch served a delic- ious lunch end was accorded a hearty vote of thanks by the guests. been holidaying with Mrs. Rob- ertson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan. Recent visitors with Mrs. Wil- liam Jackson and Miss Margaret were Miss J. J. Gordon of P.E.I., Dr. R. Martin, Owen Sound, and Rev. J. H. Martin, Belmore. APRIL. Brick Of The Month Cherry Pineapple 23c , 2 for 45c SHEARING'S RED & WHITE STORE CLAYTON'S ICE CREAM BAR ......N+..•.w.r Philips Radios are outstanding in performance • For your home we now offer The New MODEL 921 V Smartly designed cabinet V Improved tonal qualities V Broadcast and 2 short wave bonds V Exceptional value at only $79.50. is For more discriminating listeners we recommend the unrivalled performance of the CM33A, 10 -tube AF/FM, Radio or CM27A, 8 -tube selectivity controlled Radios. - See them! Hear them! Try them in your own home! Electric Floor Polisher for Rent MERRILL RADIO and ELECTRIC PHONE 313 -- -- CLINTON MOTORISTS W atch for I hese W arning Signs 1. Grinding, sticking gears 2. Faulty clutch action 3. Uneven braking action 4. Annoying squeaks , 5. Thick blue exhaust smoke 6. Excessive oil consumption These warning signs let you know it's time for o spring tune-up at Lorne Brown Motors where trained mechanics will give your car the attention and service recommended by the maker. Remember too this is the thrift spot for Bargains on the Used Car and Truck Lot Lorne Brown Motors CHEVROLET -- OLDSMOBILE Sales and Service "Chevrolet -The Thrifty Car for 1950!" WEDDINGS GOULD-MURRAY A wedding of ,wide interest in this vicinity wa,s''•solemnized at Gould Ranch, Council'.' Idaho, on Saturday, March 25, 1950, when Mrs. Myrtle Murray, Reg.N„ only daughter of Mrs. Mary Young, Blyth, wes united in marriage to John H. Gould, son of George Gould and the late • Mrs. Gould, Council, Idaho. Rev. E. )3. Treipbo officiated. The ranch house was beauti- fully decorated with lighted candles and spring flowers for the occasion. Only members of the immediate family were present. • The bride was lovely in a gown of navy faille and wore a corsage of pink carnations. Mrs. Clar- ence Gould, sister-in-law of the groom, was matron of honour and socially. wearing a royal blue 'crepe drew, with white accessories. Garr Johnston was best man. Following the ceremony a din- ner was served in the ranch dining room with Mrs. R. Eng- lish end Mrs: Lester Gould as- sisting, A few days following their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Gould were pleasantly surprised when over 50 friends gathered at their. home for a reception and sho'tver. Many lovely gifts were present- ed and delicious refreshments rounded . out a very happy even.-. ing, The bride for a number of years served as the assistant superintendent of Clinton Public - Hospital, severing her connection with the institution during the winter, and was well -loved by all who knew her both professionally Eavestroughing. Remember those leaky troughs last fall:" Now is the time to put your name on our list. We have a stock of 28 and 26 gauge shop -made trough on hand to take care of your early needs, 18 years' experience at the trade and satisfaction guaranteed. Your own date as closely complied to as possible, WISE and BATSMAN -Phone 147 - PLUMBING and HEATING - SHEET METAL WORK ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Successors to Sutter-Perdue's Shop Work SPECIAL VALUES for April 21, 22 & 24 Paramount PINK Salmon . l's tin 45c ALL -SWEET Margarine 1g. pg. 35c Country Kist KERNEL Corn tin 10c Nature's Best TOMATO Juice . 48 oz. tin 21c Smith's Chili Sauce bottle 21c 0 \`IIIiiit 1/ j Ideal WAFER Pickles 1 jar 19c Clayton's Ice Cream 2 bricks 45c •�\ '`ce Ni -*;,,1c ,.. =� fMoarw""�' Clayton's Cream brick 23c NEW SUDSMAKER BYE. 2 pkgs. 41e eF� It 4/oeR sp,O LB. PKG, 32c WOODB'UIIY'S SOAP 1i 4 cakes 30e I! Carrots - Cukes Green Onions Tomatoes -Pe ppers CauliflowerDutch New Green Cabbage lb. 8c Celery - Lettuce Radishes - Beets New Potatoes Sets SHEARING'S MODERN SELF SERVE FOOD MARKET PHONE 48 - Free Delivery - CLINTON Remember!! TROUT SEASON • OPENS APRIL 29 We have a complete stock of Drop in and make your selection NOW! "Trout King" HIP WADERS . pr. $10.50 Lee -Enfield RIFLES - converted to .22 Hornet Calibre and .218 Bee Calibre ea. $37.50 Prices Lowered on. CCM Tricycles! We now offer them at: Small Size $18.00 Medium Size 18.50 Large Size 19.95 Boy's Juvenile BICYCLE $47.50 PLEASE NOTE: We are completely sold out of standard and balloon -tired Bicycles, and would advise your placing your order early to ensure delivery out of next shipment. WE SELL CCM! - WE REPAIR CCM! THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL MAKE -A -LITE Generator Sets - Lost week $4.25 This week $4.00 spotibui seal otNatlip- CLI NTON - ON'TAR 1O PHONE 42 - _ CLINTON