HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-04-20, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY,, APRIL 20, 1950 Ontario St. Girls' Club Hears of Missionary 'TheGirls' Club of Ontario St United Church met on Thursday evening last at the home of Misses Cnurtice. Mrs. D, Freeman was in charge of the devotional per- iod, using as her theme "Easter." Mrs. Freeman read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Harry Plumsteei gave an appropriate reading. The programme consisted of two vocal solos by Miss Elva Wiltse; a piano solo by Mrs, Rjadford; and two piano duetts by Mrs. E. Radford and Mrs. E. Wendorf. Miss Hattie Turner gave a very interesting and inforiria ve a on the Me of Dr. Albert Schweit- zer, a missionary in Africa, who also is one of the world's great- est musicians. Mev. Mervyn' Bat- kin favoured with several articles from "Andy Clarice's Neighborly News." The meeting was closed with the Mizpah, Benediction after which delicious refreshments were served and a very enjoyable half hour was spent. 0 Clinton Women's Institute will hold its regular monthly meeting on Friday afternoon, April 28. Annual reports will be given and new officers installed. Mrs. Nay will convene the hostesses for the day. The ladies are asked to please note the change in date. SPRING CONCERT Presented by Public School Children ander direction of Mrs. Bert. Bayes Clinton Presbyterian Church Friday, Ari1 21 8 p.m. ADULTS: 35 cents; Children Free 16-b SHOES by W•' Headquarters FOR THE BEST IN CHILDREN'S SHOES NO GUESS WORT( - THE LATEST SCIENTIFIC MEASURING DEVICE USED BABY WHITE JUMPING JACKS WIDTHS B -D SIZES 2 to 6 $3',95 BLACK PATENT STRAP SIZES 81/2 to 12 $4.95 SIZES 121/3 to 3 $5,50 YOUTH'S BROWN CALF OXFORDS WITH NEOLITE SOLES SiZES 121/2 to 3 $5.95 BROWN CALF BOOTS SIZES. 81/2 to 12 $5,50 Children's Shoe Dept. zional �e i Mrs, J. G. Sloman, London, was the guest of Miss Sarah Siomen over the weekend. Miss Gladys Collins, Seaforth, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Stewart. Mrs. Fanny Oliver has returned to her brine after spending the winter in Thedford. Guelph and Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Derwin Carter have moved to the home they purchased from Mrs. Hohner on Ontario St. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lawrence, Hamilton, visited at'lihe home of. Mr: and Mrs, Fletcher Townsend. during Easter week. Douglas McDonald, Wiarton, spent the weekend'at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs Sam McDonald, Mary St Charles Lockwood is making satisfactory progress toward re- covery %allowing an operation in Clinton Public Hospital. Miss Betty L :egford, London, visited with bee grandparents.' Mr, ind Mrs: Bert Langford dur- ing thu Easter racation. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Castle and two children, Mount Forest, visited the former's mother. Mrs, H. Castle, over Sunday. Miss Gladys Addison returned to Sarnia yesterday after spend- ing an Easter vacation . with her mother, Mrs. Margaret Addison, Miss Edith Paterson, Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Counter and Mr. and Mrs. Gordbn Rathwell, over the week- end. Mr, and Mrs. George Gregory, Barrie, were recent visitors. with the latter's sister, Mrs. 0.. C. Hellyar, and Mr. and Mrs. George B. Beattie. Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Whit- more, London, visited on Friday lash with the former's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Townsend. Mrs. Harry Glazier has return- ed to her hone after spending the winter with her son, Borland Giaricr. Toronto, and her daugh- tor, Mrs. Glousher, Galt. Mr, and Mrs. Binford Colquhoun, Chicago, Ill., are visiting the for- mer's aunts, Mrs, Elizabeth Ken- nedy and Mrs, M. T. Corless. and other relatives in this "vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Butler end Lloyd and Mrs. Butler and Garry and Miss Butler „and Mrs. Tun- ney visited Mitchell, liarriston acid Wingham friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Charles- worth, Grand Forks, N.D., are visiting the 'former's brother, H. W. Charlesworth, and the latter's sisters, Mrs. G. D. Roberton and Mrs. G. 1VIcLennan. Mrs. Percy Atkinson and child- ren, Carlyle and Gerald, return- ed to London Monday after spending the Easter week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, Charlesworth. Mrs. John Connelly and son. Harold. Port Hope, are the guests this week of the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Symons. Mrs. Symons re- turned with them on Sunday af- ter visiting them for about a week. Ontario St. WMVIS Easter Thankoffering The Easter Thankoffering, com- bined' with the regular April meeting of the WMS of Ontario St. Church, was held on Tuesday evening, April 11, with the predi- derrt, is. W. 5, R. Holmes, in the chair. The hymn. "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," was used to open the meeting and the Devotional exercises were taken by Mrs. M, Wiltse, using the story of "Mary Magdalene at the Sepulchre," from John 20. The minutes of the previous meeting wore read and received as read. The corresponding sec- retary reported two "Get Well" cards sent. ' The treasurer, Mrs. Wheatley, reported ` $19.50 taken in at the March meeting and $85 sent in i for the firstquarter. Thevisit- ing vist- ing committereported 11 calls and the community friendship secretary six home calls and two hospital calls. The expense fund secretary reported $10.39 on hand. The supply secretary, Mrs. Sly, reported the bale of clothing had been sent and a letter from the C.C.R.A. depot acknowledging the receipt of same, was read. The president announced there would be an executive meeting to plan for the Presbyterial din- ner on Friday at 2 p.m. Mrs, Maltby was called on to introduce the speaker of the evening, Mrs. Hugh C. Wilson, who gave tis an inspiring address on "What does the Risen . Christ mean to you and to me." .A pleasing piano duett was given by Miss E. Wiltse and •Miss C. Wendorf; also a solo was render- ed by Miss Wendorf cups. Mr. and Mrs. Percy M. Brown and daughters, Susan end Shar- on, have returned to Clinton from Port Ryerse and have purchased. the residence on Albert Stain the house formerly occupied b y Charles W. Brown. Mr. Brown Is engaged with his brother, Lorne Brown, at Lorne Brown Motors, • Beauty Salon PERMANENTS FINGERWAVES SHAMPOOS FACIALS MANICURES THELMA LAME Phone 542J TRULY FINE PORTRAITS ,The love and the comforting pros. Renee of the family she {los raised oro best expressed by o porlrolt of the whole family,rhat. Mother Doreen McGuire•Heads Local Junior Institute The election of officers for 1950-51 was held by Clinton Junior Institute in Clintonist- riot Collegiate Institute la week, Elected were: President, Do- reen McGuire; vice-president, Marion Jones; secretar3'- reasur- er, Doris Tyndall; district direct- or, Edith Pepper; institutedirect- ors, Mary Hudie, Marianne Col - dough, Carol Campbell and Lois Jones, Verna Miller: auditors, Eileen Gliddon and Joyce Weeks; press 'reporter, Mrs. Robert Ir- win; gift committee, Mrs. Cecil Elliott, Miss Doris Tyndall, Miss Eileen Gliddon. Miss Edith Pepper presided et this meeting, held previous to a joint meeting of JuniorFarm- ers and Junior Institute t discuss business o importance us f octane o both p clubs. The annual report was read by the secretary and Marion Jones presented current events. Miss Jean Scott, home economist for Huron County, spoke in regard to dull' work in the county. ty. Miss Scott emphasized that t be a good citizen you must havea good eduoatioi good health and broad interests. She stressed the bene- fit of community projects, par- ticularly "Rome Beautification" which the club will undertake soon. Approximately 85 applications for membership in the Garden Club have been received, an in- crease of 30 over last year. A school for Garden Club leaders was held in Brussels. Mra May Rance MacKinnon, Clinton, guest speaker, illustrated her topic, "Art of Expression." She demonstrated three parts of expression, verbal, " vocal and physical. 0 W -W MOTHERS' CLUB The Mothers' Club of Wesley - Willis United Church ill hold its monthly meeting at -the home of Mrs. William Grigg n Tues- day evening, April 25. Mrs, Wes- ley Holland will be in charge of the programme and -the -hostesses will be Mrs. Orval Lobb and Mrs. William Murch, 14 New Members Presbyterian Church e n last n r t n n b s a s v 0 t a s m n 0 n h C f n pl d c Ll r ea i will alt 0 0 The largest communion service in eight years time featured the Sunday morning worship in Clinton Presbyterian Church last Sunday. The minister conducted the service and was assisted in dis- pensing the Sacrament by the Kirk Session, four of whom took their places for the first time. The required questions for admission 'into the full member- ship of the church were answer- ed satisfactorily Jay eight can- didates, all of whom were men and with six others, who present- ed their membership certificates from other congregations, were received by the Session, and given the right hand of fellowship, and the fourteen names were added to the Communion Roll of the church At the close of the service, the Kirk Session 'arranged to serve the Sacrament privately to those on the Roll who have not been present at Communion service be- cause of prolonged illness. W -W Girls' Club Hears Miss L. Johnston The Girls' Club of Wesley - Willis United Church met in the Church Parlour o n Tuesday evening, April 11. The president. Mrs. J. Innes, was in charge with Mrs. M. Agnew at the piano. The singing of a hymn opened the meeting followed by prayer of- fered by the president. The treasurer's and secretary's reports were read and also ack- nowledgements of flowers re- ceived. After a short business discus- sion, Mrs. Grigg, whose group had charge. took the chair. The Scripture Iesson was read by Mrs. J. Nediger from John 19. A short devotional talk on this chapter was given by Miss W. O'Neil, followed by prayer by Mrs. Oakes. Mrs. Kuntzi favour- ed with a piano solo. "The Robin's Return." The guest speaker of the even- ing was Miss L. Johnston who spoke on "Home - What and Where it is," and dealt with the subject from "the standpoint of love, religion, community end social centre and its far-reaching effect on those influenced there- by. The club greatly appreciated. Miss Johnston giving this timely message. Mrs. Kuntzi favoured with an- other piano solo, "Love's Memory." HOLMESVILLE Guests over Sunday with Miss Eileen Gliddon were Misses Shirley Rapson and Doris McCool, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Norman and two little daughters, Kitch- ener, were Sunday guests with relatives in the village, Mrs. Tavener was invited to Londesboro last Thursday to be guest speaker at the Easter Thankoffering service .of the WMS. Mrs. M. Elliott and family, Listowel, visited last week at the homes of Mr, and Mrs. E. Trewertha and Mr. and Mrs. W. Norman. Church Directory (All services on Daylight Saving Time) Wesley -Willis United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs. Morgan J .Agnew, Organist A. R. Persia, Choir Leader Sunday, April 23 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship, "The Great Companion" 12.15 p.m. -Church School. 7.00 p.m. -Union Evening Wor- ship in Ontario St. United Church. Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister F/L P. O. Jones, Choir Leader Mrs, W. Aikenhead, Organist Sunday, April 23 11,00 a.m.-Worship Service enc Sunday School. EVERYONE WELCOME Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Bayes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, April 23 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.-Divine Service, The Sacrament of Baptism. 2.30 p.m, -Service et Bayfield, Come and let us worship God ALL WELCOME. St. Paul's Anglican Church. REV. R. M, P. BULTEEL, Recto; Mrs, Theodore Fremlin, Organis Mrs. 3, G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, Aprll 23 11.00 a.m.--Morning Service end Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. -Evening Service. Thursday, April 27, 8 p.m. - Chancel Guild at home of Mrs. Ray Gibbon. Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR 3, E. CORRIGAN, Pastor Sunday, April 23 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 n.m.-Evening Worship Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. .Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, April 23 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 12.15 p.m. -Sunday School 7.00 p.m Unton Evening Ser- vice in this church. MAKE YOUR CHOICE From Our Greater Range ,pf New Spring Work Clothing SHIRTS $1.59 to 3.25 DUNGAREES $2.85 to 3.95 SMOCKS $3.50 to 4.95 OVERALLS . $3.75 to 5.00 and. Presbyterian Club Host to Sunday School that this worst is to be carried out as soon as possible. The evening entertainment was under the direction of Clarence Neilans and his group, aria -by the evidence of interest, Mani - fested every one present appeared to enjoy the program. A buffet luncheon was served. at the close of the meeting, an efficient staff of waiters made good'their claim to the chief chef; that they could do the job as as the staff of Dick Jacob's. Albert Mitchell on behalf of the choir and teachers expressed thanks for the pleasant evening with the Club. The regular meeting will con - vene next on April 28, and the special program will be directed by Don Colquhoun's men. Forty members of Clinton Presbyterian Men's Club " were hosts to the choir and the teach- ers and officers of the Sunday School on Friday evening last. The president, Royce Macaulay,, conducted the business' of the evening, and received the report of the sound motion ictus. P the committee in charge, from, congratulated men in charge of the sale of tickets and other er_ rangements. T h e grounds committee In charge of levelling the lawn and planting shrubs to beautify the approach to the church, reported WARM DAYSAND COOL N C O bring big demands for Summer Coats Procure yours early to maximum amount of before the hot weather All the latest shades �- from 18.95 up. L NIGHTS Shorties get the comfort arrives. Priced Eyelets here for from Dress over we will from onof If there fit you, any newfk Coat arrived- Blue 6.50 up. to day - and �1l ijy f,'s �i� � list q tJ '1 j L "ssa,� i ' • Suits I } 1, ,., i�. t I , ' , 1 aN \ •-' A 4 11 g. • .r^' .. Dresses for Spring and Summer- Jerseys - Sheers -Crepes'- and Spuns. They are for your inspection. Priced $6.75 up. Weekend Special - With every Coat, Suit or $11.50 sold this weekend give away FREE a Girdle of our discontinued lines. is nothing in these lines to we will allow 10% on garment.A new shipment of Children's and Hat Sets has lust Corduroy and Silk in Pink, and White. Priced from FUR COATS ere being shinned Jackson's in London every Bring yours in now for storage. IRWIN'S Legion Paper Drive -One O'Clack-Wednesday, May 3AERMEMINNIIIIIMERNMENNIMINNURNIk w Specials for Saturday Sunny Peach Pie . - Glazed Cherry Cake '' ".`,.. / Cream Blahs For a quick pickup . . . STOP AT OUR FOUNTAIN Sundaes Sodas Milk Shakes Lunches sr s CLINTON BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 Deservedly popular for its Beauty and Inlaid Durability, 6r Marbolf , _ l �1 xti is a really excellent Pr Y k It A r S � &I �'�� d;1; N FL ORI Ithas ... 'F' Eye -appealing Colour * Lasting Beauty * Foot -comforting Resiliency COLOURFUL MARBOLEUM TILE A RANGE OF PLEASING COLOURS MAKE DESIGN SETTING EASY. • IT IS SIMPLE TO LAY, RESILIENT TREAD, STANDS UP TO THE TRAFFIC. Attractive Prices for HEAVY "A" GAUGE TILE - 9" x 9" _ Per Square Foot , N gunW,p PROVIDES THAT TO THE HEAVIEST 19 .34