HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-04-06, Page 6PAGE• SIX • CLINTON NEWS -RECORD NEWS Miss Lucy, R. Woods OF BAYFIELD Representative: Phone Bayfield 45r3 Miss Betty Lou Larson, Lon- don, was home over the weekend. Fit. Sgt. and Mrs. Bruce Ken- nedy are spending s Week in Ottawa. John Toms returned •home on Sunday after spending the winter at Port Dover. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Furter, 'London, visited the latter's moth- er, Mrs. W. J. Stinson on Sunday. Flt. Sgt. and Mrs. William Hawkins and family left on Mon- day to reside at RCAF Station, Clinton. Misses A. M. and E. J. Stirling returned home on Sunday after havingspent the winter in Bay City, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. James, W. Cruick- shank and Berthena, Clinton, spent Sunday with Mrs. William Sturgeon. Mrs. Mabel. Wallace returned to Detroit on Tuesday after having spent the month with her mother, Mrs. William Howard, Mrs. Henry McClincbey return - to the village on Saturday. Ac- companying her were Mr. and a ONCE AM! (MADE FROM 100% WHOLE WHEAT) here's whole wheat in its most popular form! You need all the goodness, all the nourishment of whole wheat in your diet! It contains vital food elements, And NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT is made from 100% whole wheat! To- morrow, serve fresh, golden NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT with ,MILK and brown sugar. You'll love it! 12 one-ot.'biscuits in Every Box vow • s Mrs. John Jefferson and Robert Queigg, Preston. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart, Hamilton, who have been holi- daying in Florida, arrived ,on Monday to spend a few days at their home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson and baby, Mitchell, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.' Ed. Sturgeon. Mrs. Sturgeon who spent last week in Mitchell, re- turned home with them. Carnival Planned The committee in charge of the annual masquerade carnival on April '2, plans to make the event bigger and better than ever. So get your costume ready! Joins His 'Ship George Bell left on Sunday to join the S.S. "Windoc," which berthed at Milwaukee for the winter. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Bell, motored to. Port Huron with him and spent the day with relatives, Mr.. and Mrs. Cecil Daly and Mr. and Mrs., Sterling Gorrow. Returns From Toronto Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner return- ed to her home in the village on Wednesday of least week affair having spent the winter in To- ronto. 'Little Miss Katie Scott Arrived on Monday to spend Bast- er with her grandmother. She accompanied her father from To- ronto and visited his mother, Mrs, Harry Scott, Seaforth, ever the weekend. Business Change It was with regret that friend's and patrons learned some time ago that E. R. and Grafton Weston had sold their business—Weston's Bakery. They will sever the con- nection on April 12, when Donald E. Kingsbury of Dundas will as- sume ownership, We will wel- come Mr. `and Mrs. King,sbuhy and small son to our midst and wish them success. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weston will continue to occupy the flat over the store, 83RD BIRTHDAY • D•UBLIN---Congratulations were received by Frederick Eckert, Dublin, on the occasion of his 83rd birthday, April 1, A native of 1GIeKillop Township, he resided there until moving during the past year to Dublin. while Mr. and Mrs, Grafton Wes - ten and Judy will vacate the lower apartment and leave next week to make their home in God- erich. They will be missed in the village. Trinity Services Service will be held at 11 .am. in Trinity Church on Easter Day and will continue at that hour for the summer months. The teachers and officers of Trinity Church Sunday School are arranging for a bake sale on Saturday afternoon, the proceeds of which will go to the Lenten Mite Box offering. Also, the children ere asked to gather at the church at two o'clock fbr the Easter egg hetet. Cocoanuts for Joyce Last week, Miss Joyce Greer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Greer, received three cocoanuts with their outer shells still on from Ms's. F. X. Sarre,, Miami Beach, Florida. These nuts in their natural state as they are taken from the tree are as inter- esting to residents here as a threshing was to Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Sarrey and another couple, from Florida. They drove in to the Greer farm off the Blue Water Highway, Stanley Town- ship, one day last autumn to watch a threshing machine op- erated by William R. Talbot .in action. Only one lof the four. persons had ever been in Canada before and none had ever seen grain being threshed, They watched for sometime and chat- ted with the Greers. When Mrs. Sarrey found that Joyce had never seen a cocoanut, she promised to send her one. Time went on and when it didn't arrive after a few weeks, Joyce forgot all about it, So she was pleasantly surprised to receive three and also a letter from the lady stating that she had gather- ed them that morning. Attention! We now have the most Artistic Blends and Colors of Asphalt Shingles and INSUL BRICK SIDINGS that have 'ever been on the market at lower cost. It does not cost one penny, to call in and see our new samples and get FREE ESTIMATES. Also for month of April we are selling out all last year's stock at 10 to 20 per cent Discount to make room for new materials coming in. Don't miss these bargains on Ship -lap, Lumber, Paints, Ten/Test, Masonite, Plywoods, Roll Brick Siding, and Builders' Hardware, all kinds. Come and see for yourself. Get them while they last, Bert Huller Phone 319-.1 King St. 13-14-p . Used Car Bargains' 1949 CHEVROLET Fleetline Sedan, 3f blue in color, with less than 8,000 ;F miles, whitewalls. . T. 1948 PONTIAC Sedan 3r 1948 CHEVROLET Fleetline Coach, :€ green in colour 3; CHEVROLET Fleetmaster Seclan . 1948 1948 CHEVROLET Coach, $1,500 1948 CHEVROLET Fleetline Coach, two-tone gray 1948 CHEVROI..ET Fleetline Coach, blue in colour, 84,725 1948 CHEVROLET Coach, $1,575 1942 PLYMOUTH Sedan, $775 1938 PLYMOUTH Coach, new motor 1938 DODGE Sedan, $450 Two '1937 CHEVROLET Coaches 1937 GRAHAM Sedan, $325 1937 NASH Sedan, needs motor job,$250 1936 CHEVROLET Coach 1935 CHEVROI.-ET Master Coach, $200 F 1935 DODGE Sedan. 8250 4931 CHEVROLET Coach 19:30 FORD Model "A" Coach 1946 CHEVROLET Half -Ton Pick -Up Truck 1937 FORD three -ton Stake Truck 1935 FORD half -ton Panel Truck, ' only $98. As low as 850 will drive a car away from Brussels Motors. All the above vehicles equipped with heaters. TRADE or TERMS • Brussels Motors "THE HOME OF BETTER USED CARS" Convenient Terms Open Every Evening PHONE 73-X ` 'BRUSSELS THURSDAY, 'APRIL 6, 1D69! LONDESBORO Mrs. Richard 'trodden, Clinton, visited with Mrs. W. T. Brunsd:on, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McEwan Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gooier Sunday. Alex Riley, Meredith Young and 'Clarence Crawford motored to Toronto on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young.• blot were guests of their son- in-law and, daughter, Mr. and Mrs W. D.`, Wells, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lyon, Park- hill, Mr.. and Mrs. Gordons Lyon and Miss Fern; Watson, London, Were the guests of Mrs. C. Wat- son on Sunday, Good Friday Service There will be church service at 11 a.m. on April 7, Good Fri- day. Left for Ottawa Mr. and Mrs. Evard Dewar, who have been visitors, with Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Dewar's moth- er, Mrs. E, Lyon, who is a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hospital, left for their home in Ottawa Monday. Easter Thankoffering The • Mary Grierson Mission Bond will hold its Easter Thank - offering meeting in the basement of the church on Easter. Sunday evening, April 9, at 8 p.m. Mrs. W. J. Rogers, Blyth, will be the guest speaker. Home From Hospital Mrs. Martha Gray, who had been a patient in Clinton Public Hospital for snore than nine weeks, was taken to her home at Mr. L. McNeil's. She is great- ly improved in health but still far from well, We wish her a complete recovery. . • • Easter Cantata Next Sunday is Easter Sunday, April 9,. The church service will have a special attraction, An East- er Cantata will be presented at the usual hour of service, 10.30 a.m. We hope the fluvictims and bad roads wiII be greatly im- proved this week. So there may be a good turnout to this special Easter service. United Church IVBYIS The WMS of the United Church will hold its Easter Thankoffer- ing meeting in the basement of the church on Thurs,tae, April l3, at 2 p.m. Mrs. C, P. Tevener, Holmesville, will be the guest sl'eaker. Members of Burns and Constance societies are expected to he present. All the ladies are co: dit.11y invitee, to attest!. Lunch will he served by the local auxiliary. Goderich Township St. James WA The WA of St. James Church, Middleton, will meet 'Wednesday afterneon, April 12, at the home of Mia. Ben McCullough. There will be a quilt and the Drrca;, outfit will be on display. Al: members are urged to attend this neeting. CEMENT BLOCKS Immediate Delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS PHONE 684 : SEAFORTH 13-39-b CASH FOR DEAD ANIMALS HORSES .. $2.50 each COWS , ... $2.50 each HOGS 50c over 250 lbs. ea. cwt. according to size and condition PHONE COLLECT: CLINTON - - - 910r16 SEAFORTH - - - 6551,2 INGERSOLL - - - . 21 William Slane Sons, Ltd. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO • • HOLMESVILLE tit--- Miss Helen Bond, Lond»n, was a guest at her home this past weekend. Miss Ave< Marie O'Riley, Kl- chener, visited Miss Eileen Gild- don over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bill .MeCiinchey, London, were weekend visitors with relatives in the village. Presbytery Meeting A pleasant and profitable eyen- ing was spent in Holmesvilla United Church last Sunday when the Huron YPU Presbytery con- ducted a meeting with Halmes- ville and Ebenezer young peaph present. Esther Ross, on behalf of the local union, welcomed the visitors, then handed the meeting over to Elwin Merrill, Presbytery president, who introduced the members of the Huron executive. An opening sing -sang was led by Donald Yungblut, Auburn, and Elwin Merrill, with Elaine Welsh, Belgrave, as pianist, Shir- ley Bennett, Walton, read the Scripture, arid readings were contributed by Benson Sutter, Clinton, Lawrie Cousins, Brus- sels, and Mary Lou McFarlane, Brussels. contributed a solo. A fine address on the subject, "Personal Consecration" was giv- en by Harvey Sperling, and Benson Sutter gave an enlight- ening summary of the manner in which the United Church YPU organization is run across Can- ada, Rev. Campbell Tavener, minist- er of Holmesvilie and Ebenezer, expressed his delight over the nature of the programme pre- sented by the presbytery, after which a hymn -sing was led by Howard Blake, Ashfield. Esther Ross added a few words to Mr. Tavener's, and then invited the young people to remain for a cup of tea, Spring Concert The Ladies of the church enter- tained the community on Friday evening with the presentation of their annual spring concert which was greatly enjoyed by a large audience, Mr. Tavener, as chair- man, welcomed the community in his address, and then led in a •sing; -song. Musical numbers en the programme were a trio by Beta Yeo, Molly Finlay and Mrs. E. Grigg; two solos by Jim Corran; two by Mrs. Lance ,Sad- dler; a solo by Eleanor Driver; and a duett by Ila Grigg and Helen Potter. Besides the above vocal contributions which were all very well done, there was a piano solo by Sandra Williams, and violin selections by Mrs. Driver and by Eleanor Driver, and a piano duett by Kathleen Holmes and Eileen Glidtlon. Mrs. N. Heard gave a humorous reading, and Mrs. S. Walter also contributed 'one, complete with the , singing of "Sweet Afton" and "The Girl I Left 'Behind Me." A reading of a serious nature was given by Ewan Ross. The final number was a 40 - minute play entitled `Rumours Wanted," with Mrs. H. Cudmore directing. This play which had been gotten up in a short time, was very well done, and kept the spectators highly amused, 11w lending part of the would-be•ill Mrs. Spratt was taken by Mrs. Palmer in her usual capable manner. Bill Norman played the hen-pecked husband, Mrs. C. Freeman the young niece, Lloyd Bond the doctor, Mrs. E. .1. Tre- wartha the lugubrious visitor, Mrs. L. Bond the obnoxiously cheerful caller, and Mrs. Ewan Ross the man -hunting widow. Second Annual Old Time Fiddlers Conte- t HensalI Town Hall Wednesday, April 12 1950, at 8 p.m. sharp Bigger And Better Than Ever PRIZES: Over $100 in Cups, Cash and Merchandise Amateur, open to those who have never competed -15 years and under, 16 years to 25 years. Ladies Open Class, any age 26 years to 50 years; 51 years to 65 years, 66 years and over. Stepdancing & Square Dancing open to all ages DANCE after Contest Sponsored by Hensall Chamber of Conunerce. Admission 50e - We Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a anti, !kitty limbs so out; Ugly hollows ell up• nook no longer seraway: body loses halt. starved Moldy '•been -polo" look. Thousands of girls, women, men, wpho never weld gain before, They thank Elle epeelal visor-buliding Boossh-gbudding tomo, Osten. Its tames, stimulants invigorators, iron, vitamin B , calcium, enrich blood, improve mei appetite adigestion se food glare you Moro atreogeh and nourishment', PUS flesh on bare bones. Don't tear getting too tat. tns when you've gained the 6, 10, 16 or I0 in. you need for normal weight. Costs little, New "got nepunlnted" also only 80o. Try famous astrak Tonto Tablets for new vigor and added pounds, this very day. At as druggists, You will be delighted with:. this fragrant tea rr ALABA: 03h� 'h 'Cl., x Flying Saucers ! ! ARE THEY REAL? WE DON'T KNOW But we DO KNOW Christ's Power to SAVE and TRANSFORM Be with us at CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL Saturday,April at 88, pm REV. RICHARD ADAMSON, Speaker, with Crusaders Quartette—all of London (HEARD EVERY THURS. NIGHT, CFPL, 10.10) YOUTH FOR CHRIST' c $I , , . 14-b Masquerade Dance under auspices Bayfield Agricultural Society TOWN HALL, BAYFIELD Wed., April 12 A Good Prizes Offered for, Costumes D Girls, up to seven years—lst and 2nd Girls, 8 to 14 years—lst and 2nd Boys, up to seven years -1st and 2nd Boys, 8 to 14 years—.Ist and 2nd Ladies, fancy—lit and 2nd Ladies, comic -1st and 2nd Gents', fancy -1st and 2nd Gents', comic—;est and 2rid Best Couple National Costume—Open Judging at 9 p.m. sharp Music by KEN WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Refreshment Booth ADULTS: 50 cents CHILDREN: 25 cents X* 14-b ammssalgall IMMUNIZATION CLINICS The Huron County Health Unit is arranging Immunization Clinics in the following schools on FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1950 9.30 a.m Tuckersnnith S.S. No. 4 10.15 a.m Tuckersmith S.S. No. 7 10.45 a.m Tuckersmith S.S. No. 8 11.15 a.m. , , Tuckersmith S.S. No, 5 1.15 p.m Tuckersmiih S.S. No. 9 2.00 p.m, Tuckersmith S.S. No. 2 3.00 p.m Tuckersmith S.S. No. 3 infant and pre-school children who have started these immunizations may attend. Small Pox vaccinations will be given on the last day of these clinics which will be announced at a later. BE WISE! IMMUNIZE! Your new telephone book is GOING TO R a CLINTON'S NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY is now being given its final touches before going to press. 5hotriu you wish to arrange for extra listings in the alphabetical section, or to make any bast -minute changes in your present listing, please call your Telephone Business Office today. C. B. SYMONDS, Manager THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA