Clinton News-Record, 1950-04-06, Page 5THURSDAY, ,ATRII4 6, 1950 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE News -Record Classified Adieu Bring Quick Results CASH RATE -(7f paid by Weis- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE nesday following date of inser- THREE YORKSHIRE BOARS, 'tion)—One cent a word first in- erviceable age. Ross Lovett, 'ss ertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- hone Clinton 804r4. 13-14-p +sequent insertions one cent a word p (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex - era for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE --6 p.m. Wednesday. • ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT THREE -ROOMED FURNISHED apartment, Phone 463M. 14-b THREE ROOMED FURNISHED apartment for rent. Phone 1999w. 'SEVEN -ROOMED HOUSE with hydro and telephone, about 11/2 miles from Clinton, Apply Roy Tyndall, phone 907r3. 13-14-b THREE -ROOMED HEATED UP - stairs unfurnished apartment in I3ensall. Water on tap, $20 per month, William Pearce, Realtor, 'Exeter. 13-14-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1937 FORD COACH with heater. J. Savage, RCAF Station, Clinton, phone 382 local 10, 14-b 1931 CHEVROLET, re -overhaul - 'ad, good condition, 1950 license plRates, good tires, Apply Paul Cleave, Hayfield. 14-15-p SEVEN PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Apply Harold Tyndall, phone 14-b 905r2. BULL CALF suitable for wal- ing. Apply Grant Stirling, phone Clinton 900r32. 14-p YOUNG HOLSTEIN COW,due in April, R. J, Semple, . phone Clinton 909r25. 14-b NUMBER OF YOUNG PIGS, six weeks old; cream separator, practically new. Joe Corey, phone 807r12. 14-p TEN TAMWORTH PIGS, seven weeks old, choice stock. Roy F. Pepper, R.R. 3, Seaforth, phone Clinton 615r5, 14-p ONE POLLED HEREFORD Bull, nine months ,old; one Far - mall cub tractor, Apply Francis Powell, phone 907r4. 14-b BIRTHS CALVERT — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, March 31, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Calvert, Clinton, a daughter (Dawn Marie). SCHROEDER—bn Wipgham Gen- eral' Hospital, on Thursday, March 30, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schroeder (nee Audrey GreeIis, Clinton), a daughter (Paulett. Faylein). MARRIAGES McINNES-EASTABROOIt. — At the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. H. F. Appleyard, Brant- ford, on Saturday, March 25, 1950, Donna Evelyn Taylor,. daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Lloyd Eastabrook, Watford, to Rex Ferrier Whines, Windsor, son of Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Mclnn,es, Clearing AUCTION SALE _of_ Farm Stock' and Implements and Household Effects on Friday, April 14 at 12 o cloak At Lot 30, Concession 1, East Wawanosh Township, one mile: east of Auburn HORSES:1 roan mare, 8_ yrs. old; 1 gray mare, 9 yrs, old; HARNESS: 1 set breeching harness; 1 set back -bank har- ness; horse collars. CATTLE: 2 choice Durham cows with calf at foot; '3 Durham Stratford, formerly of Clinton. cows, due in spring; 8 fat cattle, ready to market; 7 yearling steel's. PIGS: 2 Yorkshire sows, one with litter 5 weeks old; 11 chunks; BUTCHART--in Tempa, elorida, 50 hens, IMPLEMENTS: Massey -Harris 7 ft. binder; MIL 6 ft. mower; 10 ft. dump rake; New Idea manure spreader (new); power cream separator; 4 -section har- rows; sleigh; cultivator; walking plow; rubber -tired wagon; 15 ft. hay, rack; harrow cart; scuffler; turnip drill; 300 bus. mixed grain; 10 ton hay; 3 bus. red clover seed; quantity hardwood; quarter - horse motor; crosscut saw; forks; shovels; chains; 1938 Ford coupe. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: Princess Pat range; heater; kit- chen tables; 6 chairs; drop-leaf table; 2' glass cupboards; tables; rockers; chairs; 3 compelte bed- room suites; organ; floor cover- ings; sealers; quantity dishes. TERMS—CASH David Lockhart, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 14-15-b DEATHS F OUR HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, on Thursday, March 30, 1950, springing, T,B. tested and vac- Dr. Thomas Butchart; formerly cinated. Seldon Ross, phone • of concession 2, Stanley. Fun - Clinton '628r12. 14-b eral and interment in Florida, • Saturday, April 1, 1950. ONE CALF, ONE WEEK OLD, suitable for raising; one young sow, due at end of April. Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton 904r4. 14-p 1934 DODGE, 'new starter, bat- tery, and. four real good tires, also new brakes and carburetor, reiasonable. A. E. • Leiboid, R.R. '2, Clinton, phone 910r13. 14-p CLOTHING FOR SALE 'NEW MINK SCARVES; maple syrup. Elmer Trick, phone 'Clinton 907r5. 14-b 'TWO CLOTH COATS, one with fur collar, size 40, one plain, size 38. Priced reasonable. Phone 575W. 14-p BROWN SPRING COAT, dresses, 'gabardine suit, size 11-12, all in excellent condition. Phone 115W. 14-p LADY'S TIP-TOP TAILORED suit, size 40; blue alpine dress, size 40; black crepe dress, size •40; misses' yellow fall and win- ter coat, size 16; misses' blue satin raincoat, size 18; misses' grey alpine dress, size 16; misses' pink alpine dress, size 16; misses' green alpine suit, size 16; all 'these clothes are In real good condition. Phone 88. 14-p 'TWO SILVER FOX Neckpieces. Initial cast was $150, will. sell for '$75 cash. For information see Flt. 'Sgt. Perrault, % E. H. Epps, Ming St., anytime after 6 p.m. 13-14-p TWO JERSEY COWS; two fat pigs, about 350 pounds each, suitable for butchering; also quantity of mixed hay, timothy and alfalfa. Roy Connell, phone 807r4. 13-14-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 9-18-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 2btfb PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, .WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vieer. New "get acquainted size only 60c. All druggests. adv. PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned, Just call G, W. Cox at Clinton 550R. 14-p PROPERTY FOR SALE )BABY CARPI AGES ( BUILDING LOT FOR SALE, corner of James and Maria Sts. (Apply A. B. Gardiner, phone 'BRAND NEW MAROON BABY I Clinton 31. 14-b carriage. Original price $50, will PET STOCK sell for less. Mrs. J. E. _ Mac- -Donald, phone 445. 13-14•-p PUPPY WANTED, small breed, as child's pet. Phone Clinton BUILDINGS FOR SALE 666W. 14-p EIALLIDAY'S GARAGE; two •sows bred about four weeks. James East, phone 807r6. 14-p SERVICE STATION. owoecl by major oil comuany. in town of DRESSMAKING Clinton. Excellent location with large area for car storage or re - 'DRESSMAKING. Phone Clinton pairs. For further particulars '323. 12-13-14-b apply K. Cates, Commercial Hotel, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Seaforth, phone 227. 14-p dressmaking and alterations. PUPS FOR SALE Button hole making, buttons ,covered, Mrs. Desjardins, 150 ONE BLACK COCKER PUPPY, James St., phone 573M. female, for sale. Phone 191W. 14-15-p 14-p FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR RENT FARMS FOR SALE 'FARM IN STANLEY Township, concession 5, (Forrest farm), 80 acres, seven -roomed house with .basement, bank barn with fair stabling, henhouse. Some fall wheat and fall ploughing $3,000 cash takes it. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 13-4-5-p FARM HELP RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED Holland families, arriving soon. Apply to Cde Haan, Belgreve, 'Ont. 7 -b -Nb FLOORING AND TILING 'CONTRACTOR FOR TILE, 'marble, terazzo, mastic, plastic and claytiling, fireplaces, good work for less money by Kitchener «Cera:nic Co., Kitchener, 87 Bhr- ,rher St„ call 2-9113. 8-17-p HOUSES FOR SALE 'MEDIUM-SIZED BRICK HOUSE containing two apartments: Must be sold to close estate, Contact Jabez Rands, Clinton, phone 80. • 2-b-tfb 13STOREY FRAME DWELLING; 'living room, dining room, kitchen, den, down; four bedrooms and sunporeh up; three-piece bath down; furnace; garage; small garden; good location: possession about April 1. H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone Clinton 251W. 6 -h -tib LIGHTNING RODS and EAVE TROUGHING "WORK PROMPTLY completed by competent and licensed work- men, For guaranteed contract Prices, write or phone A. H. 'Steep, Clinton. 12-13-14-p LOST AND FOUND 'UNLINED LEATHER GLOVE' :Lor left hand lost in main busi- ness section. Please' leave at NEWS -RECORD Office. 14-x STOVES FOR SALE FINDLAY QUEBEC S T 0 V E. Jack Plumtree, barber, phone Clinton 296R. 14-b NORGE OIL SPACE HEATER in good condition. Apply Melvin 'Crich's Barber Shop, Hotel Clin- ton. 14-b TEACHERS WANTED 'TEACHERS WANTED for Gode- 'rich Township School Area. For further particulars apply to Frank 'Yeo, secretary -treasurer, R. R. 3, Clinton, 14-15-p 'HELP WANTED—FEMALE 'GIRL AS CLERK and Waitress. Bartliff Bros., Clinton. 14-b SEED FOR SALE RED CLOVER SEED, cleaned by Jones & McNaughton. Exeter, Orders taken now. $28. Cash when you get seed: Elgin Porter, phone Hayfield 55r21. 13-14-p F E W BUSHELS OF YELLOW Clover and Alfalfa and a limited quantity of Beaver oats, grown from certified seed, Price on request. If interested phone Fred Bell, R.R. 2, Goderich, 934r22. 14-15-b F1l8;SBYTERIAN GIRLS' CLUE The Girls' Club of Clinton Presbyterian Church will hold its monthly meeting in the Sunday School Room of the church on Tuesday, April 11, at 8 p.m, AUCTION SALE — of -- Cows and Pigs at Lot 31, Concession 6, Goderich Township, one mile south of Porter's Hill, on ' Tuesday, April 11 at 1.30 p.1n. •Consisting of: 25 young cows, holstein, Jersey and Durham; 1 registered Holstein cow with heifer calf; Others are fresh and the bal- ance to freshen in April end May; Some grass cows. All cows are T.B. teetod and will be sold under the usual guarantee, '20 Yorkshire pigs. •Sale will be held under cover if weather is unfavourable, TERMS—CASH A. E, Townshend and Son, Proprietors Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk BINGO 'Every Saturday Evening COUNCIL C'HAM'BER • CLINTON 8.30 o'clock under auspices of Ladies' Auxiliary to Canadian Legion SMALLACOMBE—At her home in Hensall on Tuesday, April 4, 1950, Isabella Ellis, wife of Fred Smallacombe, in her 76th year. Funeral from her late residence to Hensall Un i on Cemetery Thursday, April 6, at 2 p.m. STEVENSON At the Ewart House, Belmont St., Toronto, on Wednesday, April 5, 1950, Eva Jane Stevenson, dear aunt of G. W. and Miss Florence Cuninghame and Mrs. H. E. Rorke, Clinton, in her 96th year. Resting at the Beattie and McRoberts Funeral Home, Rattenbury St. E.. Clinton, where service will be held on Saturday, April 8, at 2.30 p.m., to Clinton Cemetery, VAN EGMOND=At her home, No. 4 Highway, Hullett Town- ship, on Monday, April 3, 1950, Mildred lone Guymer, beloved wife of J. Willis Vhn Egmond, in her 49th year. Funeral from the Ball and Muteh Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, on Wednesday, April 5, to Clinton Cemetery. —o WESLEY-WILLIS WMS The WMS of Wesley -Willis United Church will hold its April meeting in the church on Thurs- day, April 13, at 8 p.m. The meeting will ,be in charge of Mrs. Douglas Bartliff's , group. Mrs. Frank Fingland will present the Study Book, A cordial in- vitation is extended to all the women of the church. 0 CLINTON JUNIORS Clinton. Junior Farmers and Junior Institute will hold their regular meetings in CDCI on Tuesday evening, April 11, at 8.30 o'clock. Special speakers for the evening are Den Finnie, USA 'farming expert, and Bob Carbett, Wingh•am. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K. C.Co ' lie FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j 2ew..u..,.a.s.....ew i PROMPT Local and Long Distance TAXI SERVICE PHONE 1 1 0 sidh' 'd `/ CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all who so kindly remembered me with cards, flowers and visits; also the doctors and nurses while I was in the hospital, with special thanks to my special nurses. (Signed)—MRS. W. GRAY. 14-b , CARD OF THANKS J, W. VAN EGMOND a n d family wish to express their sincere appreciation to all who in any way brightened Mrs. Van Egmond's days during her long illness, and to those who sent floral tributes, cards and extend- ed sympathy in so many thought- ful ways during their sad bereave- ment. 14-p S -year guaranteed BERLOU Mothproof protection for woman's suit, 44 cents only 9 cents per year! PENNEBAKER DRUGS Phone 14 - - Clinton, Ont. BERLOU 5MOTr HPROOF EASTER Moving Pictures under auspices Clinton Presbyterian Men's Club EASTER MONDAY, APRIL 10 at 8 p.m. in PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH! Double Feature: "THE POWER OF GOD" ALSO: Two Easter Hymns in Technicolor This is meant as an educational Easter programme for our community. Adults: 35c Children: 20c 13-14-b Help .Wanted --Female The Bell Telephone Company of Canada offers you a permanent position as Telephone Operator PAY WHILE TRAINING SCHEDULED INCREASES FIVE-DAY WEEK EXTRA PAY FOR SUNDAY AND EVENING WORK TWO YEARS' HIGH SCHOOL PREFERRED ' APPLY TO: Chief Operator Bell Telephone Co., Clinton • 15-b ru�-c�a•�rusv-:a: _ Your Easter Ensemble ROXY THEATRE CLINTON REGENT THEATRE SEAF0RT1i—ONTARIO — NOW PLAYING — ANN ALEXANDER SOTHERN KNOX "THE JUDGE STEPS OUT" Now: "ADVENTURE in BALTI- MORE" Shirley Temple and Robert Young - MON. - TUES. - WED. — Ronald REAGAN '•Virginia MAYO "THE GIRL FROM JONES BEACH" — MON. - TUES. - WED. JUNE HAVER — RAY BOLGER GORDON McRAE The technicolored life -stagy of Marilyn Miller, a song and dance show with a host of top enter- tainers. "Look for the Silver Lining" APRIL 17th: ' June Haver Ray Bolger "Look for the Silver Lining" APRIL 20th: Yvonne De Carlo Howard Duff "Calamity Jane and Sam Bass" — THURS. FRI. SAT. -2 - Walter PIDGEON—Prier Lawford Janet Leigh Rated by critics everywhere as one of the best pictures produced during the pest year. "RED DANUBE" -PARK THEATRE. GODERIC H --Phone 1150 Now: "The GREAT DAN PATCH" Dennis O'Keefe Be Ruth Warrick Coining: "LUST FOR GOLD" Glenn Ford Adult Entertainment CAPITAL THEATRE GOD ERI CH—Phone 47 Now: "CALAMITY JANE AND SAM BASS" in Technicolor with Yvonne De Carlo MON. - TUES. - WED. — CLARK GABLE—Loretta Young Marilyn Maxwell Straight from a long and suc- cessful Toronto showing comes Gable in his newest and fighting - est film. 'KEY TO THE CITY' — MON. -- TUES. -- WED. GREER CARSON — WALTER PIDGEON — ERROL FLYNN Whether you've heard the gos- sip or not you will enjoy Gerson in her portrayal of: "THAT FORSYTHE WOMAN" THURS. -_FRI. - SAT. — Loretta YOUNG—Van JOHNSON RUDY VALLEE A grand comedy cast and a rollicking story promise an even- ing of rare entertainment. `Mother is a Freshman' Coming: "ANNIE GET YOUR GUN" A great Broadway musical THURS. - FRI. 7 SAT. — WALTER PIDGEON MAUREEN O'HARA A picture you will never for- get, a story of the Welsh coal miners and their struggle for freedom. "HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY" Coming: "LUST FOR GOLD'! Ida Lupino—Adult Entertainment APRIL Brick Of The Month Cherry Pineapple 23c 2 for 45c SHEARING'S RED & WHITE STORE CLAYTON'S ICE CREAM BAR JOHN 3:16 FOR GOD, the Lord of earth and heaven SO LOVED, and longed to see forgiven THE WORLD, in sin and pleasure mad THAT HE GAVE, the greatest gift He had ITIS ONLY SON, to take our place THAT WHOSOEVER, oh! what grace BELIEVETH, placing simple trust IN HIM, the righteous and the just SHOULD NOT PERISH, lost in sin BUT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE in Hen. LORD, help my unbelief! Give me the peace of faith To rest with child -like trust on what thy gospel smith That whosoever will believe Shall everlasting life receive, OJIA,g, B. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. A r r i v e•d All Colors and White S '1.J I T S •— -- __gabardines, worsteds. serges. Blues, ' greys, browns, $39.50 to 559.50 TOPCOATS —;gabardines, coverts, cords, tweeds. Blues, Greys, Browns. $29,50 to 547.50 S HIRTS -- —ARROW and B.V.D. H A T,, S --' '-- --STETSON,DAM, MALLORY, 55.00 to 510.00 FOOTWEAR— •SCOTT -1% 14aLE SHOES Complete line of men's and boys' Rubber Footwear Pickett -e CampbeIl ARROW SHIRTS STETSON HATS a cents a game PHONE 2 5 (opposite the theatre) CLINTON 13-14-bic=to=o=o1==or=3`' 0. Be sure and see them before buying GET OUR PRICES TOILETS -- BATHS and BASINS See the new . STAINLESS STEEL SINK on display at our store Hugh Ri-Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE 244 CLINTON