HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-03-23, Page 5'THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1950 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE News -Record Classified Adlets_Bring Quick Results VASH RATE—(If paid by Wed- nesday following date of inser- nion)—One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- :sequent insertions one cent a word ' .(niinimunz 25 cents); 15 cents ex- 'are for box number or for direc- Von to NEWS -RECORD Office, IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. 'DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT, 'UNFURNISHED HOME For rent, hot waiter heated, combined liv- ing and dining room with fire- place, glass and screened sun porch, two bedrooms, shared bath- room and kitchen with elderly lady. Attractive back lawn and garden. Phone 467. 11-12-p ACCOMMODATION 'YOUNG• COUPLE WITH TWO 'children wish to rent house in town. Don Smith at Lorne Brown 'Motors. 11-12-b SMALL SELF - CONTAINED Apartment required by elderly lady with possession the early part of April. Apply Box "H", NEWS -RECORD. 12-13-b ARTICLES FOR SALE 'ELECTRIC CAR CLOCK, almost mew, would fit any 1942-1948 Dodge or Plymouth. Apply `Frank's Taxi, phone 175. 12-p NUMBER 'O F BUSHEL'S O F Alfalfa seed; oar radio; battery 'radio. Apply William Harris, Phone 908r3. 11-12-p AUDITING .AUDITING DONE, monthly books supplied. Income Tax statements compiled. Apply Box "G", NEWS - 'RECORD. 12-b CLOTHING FOR SALE BLUE SILK JERSEY EVENING gown, size 16. Phone 907r13. 12-p DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING. Phone Clinton 323. 12-13-14-b EQUIPMENT FOR SALE INTERNATIONAL B.M. Farman row crop tractor with scufflers attachment; spring wheat, Red- mond variety. Apply John Ostrom, 'Varna, phone Clinton 613r2. 11-12-13-b FARM HELP Ii E L I A B L E, EXPERIENCED Holland families, arriving soon. Apply to Cde Haan, Beigreve, Ont, 7 -b -tib FEED FOR SALE PIONEER CHICK STARTER 'Crumbles, giving sensational re- sults. Try them. See Fred Ford, Q"linton. 11-12-13-p FLOQRING AND TILING CONTRACTOR FOR TILE, 'marble, terazzo, mastic, plastic and claytiling, fireplaces, good work for less money by Kitchener 'Ceramic Co., Kitchener, 87 Blu- cher St., call 2-9113. 8-17-p FURNITURE FOR SALE SOFA -BED, COLOUR GREEN. Apply J. Heffel, next to Lorne 'Brown Motors. 11-12-p GRAIN FOR SALE E130 BUSHEL "BEAVER" OATS .(seed grain), 31 per bushel. F. W. Andrews, phone 33, Clinton. 9-b-tfh HOUSES FOR, SALE 'MEDIUM-SIZED BRICK HOUSE containing two apartments, Must lire sold to close estate. Contact Mabee Rands, Clinton, phone 80. 2-b-tfb 1r/ STOREY FRAME DWELLING: living room, dining room, kitchen, den, down; four bedrooms and sunporch up; three-piece bath down; furnace; garage; small 'garden; good location; possession about April 1. H. C. Lawson, 'Realtor, phone Clinton 251W. 6-b-tfb T'OR QUICK SALE—NEW Five - roomed. cottage, insul brick sid- '1ng, asphalt roof, oak floors throughout, three-piece bath, Ibuilt-in cupboards, basement, all connected to sewer, water and lights, immediate possession. This home will be sold for highest cash offer on or before March 20. 'Subject to reserve bid. Apply Bert Huller, King St., phone :3193. 5-b-tfb LIGHTNING RODS and EAVE TROUGHING "WORK PROMPTLY completed 'by competent and licensed work- men. For guaranteed contract prices, write or phone A. H. 'Steep, Clinton. 12-13-14-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PUREBRED TAMWORTH BOAR, reasonable, John Lindsay, phone P10r14. 12-p 14 LITTLE PIGS, SIX WEEKS old. Apply Murray East, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone 8051.41. 12-p 11 LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE. six weeks old. Apply Stewart Schoenhals, phone 9031712. 12-b EIGHTEEN LITTLE PIGS, SIX weeks old.. Apply H. Monaghan. phone Clinton 376W. 12-p 'FOURTEEN PIGS, SIX WEEKS old; two young sows due April 12. Apply Lorne Tyndall, phone Clin- ton 904r4. , 12-p LOST AND FOUND LOST—LOWER DENTURE near 'Post Office on Saturday, March, 18. Finder please phone 46. 12-p 'LOST—WRIST WATCH at 'Clin- ton Lions Arena, Saturday after- noon, March 18. Finder please return to Jack Cowan, Rattenbuly St. 'E. 12-p ..PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. :Just call 'G. W. (Cox at Clinton :5508. 12-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 9-18-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer• prices. If not, will pay fertilizer pricer. If dead phone at once. Phone coiled, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Coder- lch. 2btfb PETS THREE LITTLE KITTENS, AN excellent Easter gift for a child, to be given to first persons _ in- quiring. Mrs. Binnie, over Ex- clusve Dress Shop. 12-p 'PIANOS FOR SALE UPRIGHT PIANO. Wilbur Welsh, Rattenbury St. E,, phone Clinton 4473. 12-13-p SEED FOR SALE TEN BUSHEL OF ALFALFA seed; some baled alfalfa hay. Robert Taylor, phone 906r33. 12-h RED CLOVER SEED, cleaned by Jones & McNaughton, Exeter. Orders taken now, $25. Casli when you get seed. Elgin Porter, phone Bayfield 55r21. 12-13-p STOVES FOR SALE NORGE OIL .BURNER. like new, cost $116. Will sell for best of- fer. F/Sgt. Knoblauch, No. 9, Quebec Road, RCAF Station, Clinton. 12-p FOUR -BURNER PORCELAIN Stove, automatic oven. Just over one year old. $125. F. McKellor over R: L. Jervis' store, phone 456M. 12-p TRUCKS FOR SALE 1935 FORD SEDAN DELIVERY, new ring job, radiator blown out, new clutch, good rubber, heavy duty back springs. Gordon Scotchmer, Bayfield, phone Clin- ton 909r12. 12-13-p CARD OF THANKS The McClymont family wish to express their sincere thanks to those who sent flowers, fruit, cards, etc. to Violet while she was in the hospital; to Dr. God- dard, the staff of Clinton Public Hospital and Rev. Reba ]!ern; also to those who helped in any way in their recent bereavement. 12-b CARD OF THANKS Flight _ Sgt. and Mrs. Earl Knoblauch and daughter, Merle, would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank the personnel of Summerhill community for the lovely gift which was presented at a card party in their honour on Monday night, March 20. 12-p CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mr. Henry Adams wish to thank the neighbours and friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes extended to them in the loss of a kind and loving father. 12-b Piano FOR SALE Heintxman and Company Cabinet Grand Piano, beautiful walnut case. APPLY AUSTIN Sales and Service PHONE Clinton 784-W t l -b BIRTHS CORNISH — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, March 20, 1950, to Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Cornish, R,R. 3, Bayfield, a son (Charles Robert), a brother for - Victor John: KENNEDY — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, March 22, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Kennedy, Clinton. a son, a brother for Bonnie. LEE—In ,Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, March 15, 1950, to Mr, and Mrs. Jack Lee, Londesboro (nee Helen Rad- ford), a daughter (Beverley Alice). McMICHAEL—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, March 15, 1950, to Mr. and Mas. Alex McMichael, Clinton, a son (Alexander Jack), a brother for Bobby. NORRIS—In St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, on Saturday, March 18, 1950, to Squadron Leader and Mrs. H. R. Norris, Clinton, a son (John Ronald). POTTER -- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, March 18, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Potter, R.R. 3, Clinton, ' a son (Brian Douglas), a brother for Wayne. SCOTT—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, March 15, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott, Brucefield, (nee Lorraine Fowler), Clinton, a son (Ronald Kenneth). DEATHS BROADFOOT—Suddenly, at his home, Parr: Line, Hay Town- ship, on, Monday, March 20, 1950, James Broadfoot, son of the late Mr. and Mes. Tames Broadfoot. Funeral from the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Allister, Parr Line, Hay Town- ship, on Thursday, March 23, at two o'clock, to Menaggert's Cemetery. DUNBAR — In Lambeth, Emma Jane Burnett, beloved wife of Thomas Dunbar. Funeral from the A. A. McFarlane Funeral Home, Lambeth, on Monday, March 13, 1950, to Woodland Cemetery. GARRETT — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, March 17, 1950, Elizabeth Parks, beloved wife of 'the late George Gar- rett, in her 87th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch Fun- eral Home, High St., Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, an Mon- day, March 20. MacALLISTER—After a long ill- ness, in Toronto, on Tuesday, March 21, 1950, Hannah Sproat, beloved wife of the late Charles MacAllister, formerly of 22 Mountain Ave., Toronto, dear mother of Mrs E. F. Brooks (Maud), Toronto, and J. S. E. MacAllister, Galt. Funeral from Bonthron and Son's Funeral Chapel, Hensall, Thursday, March 23, at 2 p.m. Interment Hensall Union Cemetery. McKENZIE—Suddenly, et Innis - fail, Allta., John Aldrid Mc- Kenzie, o-Kenzie, CPR agent at Bowden, Alta., brother of Peter McKen- zie, Tuckersrnith, in his 62nd. year, Interment in. Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Bowden. Alta. SCOTT—At his home at Harpur- hey, en Tuesday, March 21, 1950, James Robert Scott, in his 84th year. Funeral from his late residence to Maitland - bank Cemetery, Seaforth, Thurs- day, March 23, at 2 p.m. WHITESIDE—At the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Sims, Wingham, on Wednesday, March 22, 1950, Ellen Palmer, beloved wife of the late 'Albert White- side, and mother of Mrs. E. A. Fines, Clinton, in her 75th year. Funeral from Currie Funeral Home, Wingham, to Hensel' Cemetery at 2.30 p.m„ Friday, March 24. WILSON—At his home in Gode- rich, on Sunday, March 19, 1950, James Albert Wilson, formerly of Goderich Township, in his 82nd year. Interment Maitland Cemetery, Goderich, Wednes- day, March 22. BE SMART! LOOK SMART! WEAR A HAT! See the me w Spring lines of Men's 'HATS by STETSON ADAM BROCK • MALLORY complete range of shades and sizes $5.00 to $ I0.00 EASTER, SUITS Now is the time to pick your new Spring Suit. Choose yours from our complete stock. All sizes. Over 150 suits to choose from in the season's newest shades and materials from $29.50 to $59.50 "The Doorway to a Man's World" PICKETT a CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts Stetson Hata PHONE 25 — CLINTON MARRIAGES HAGGITT - McCLINCHEY — I e James St. United Church Manse, Exeter, by Rev. Harold J. Snell, Eileen Florence, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc Clinehey, Auburn, to George Wilson Haggitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haggitt. TUFFIELD-MdDOWELL—At the Parsonage of First -St. Andrew's United Church, London, on Fri- day, March 10. 1950, by Rev. John Y. MacKinnon, Elva Eliza- beth, daughter of Mrs. Isabel McDowell, London, formerly of Clinton, to K enneth, son of Mrs. Tuffield and the late William Tuffield. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs George Garrett wish to express their sincere appreciation to all those who sent floral tributes, cards, or showed their sympathy in any other way; special thanks to the nurses_ at Clinton Public Hospital, Dr. W, A. Oakes, Dr. J. A. Addison, and all others who brightened Mrs. Garrett's days during her illness. 12-p Fire Brigade Respond Fire in Kitchen Pities During the height of the bliz- zard' Friday noon last, Clinton's volunteer Fire Brigade was sum- moned to a fire at the residence of Mrs. Thompson, Princess St. East. The firemen found the pipes in the kitchen, leading from the stove to the chimney, afire. The blaze was soon extinguished, be- ing confined to the pipes. Fire Chief Grant W. Rath yest- erday received a nice "thank you" note from Mrs. Thompson, expressing appreciation for the good work of the Brigade. Clearing AUCTION SALE — of — Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Feed & Grain at Lot Nos. 31 and 32, Huron Road Sit r i' e y, Tuckersmith Township, 3 miles east and r/ mile south of Clinton on Wednesday, March 29 at 1 p.m., the following: HORSES: Bay mare, 9 yrs. old; black mare, 12 yrs. old. CATTLE: Durham cow, 8 yrs. old, due April 28; Durham cow, 8 yrs. old, due June 23; Durham cow, 5 yrs: old, due July 6; Dur- ham heifer, 3 yrs. old, due June 2; Hereford x Durham heifer, 3 yrs. old, due Nov. 7; 4 heifers, 1 bull calf (all June calves); The above cattle are all TB. - tested, PIGS: Brood sow, bred; ten chunks, approx. 110 lbs. SHEEP! 10 young purebred Leicester ewes with lambs; pure- bred Leicester rain (from Mc- Cowan's breed at Atwood). POULTRY and EQUIPMENT: Approximately 125 New Hamp- shire x Sussex hens, 1 yl. old; Colony house, 14'x10'; 2 range shelters; Jamesway coal brooder stove with hoover; feeding troughs; water fountains; chicken netting; 5 fattening crates. IMPLEMENTS, Etc.; M.H. bind- er, 7 ft. cut; two M.H. mowers, 5 ft. cut; M.H. side delivery rake; M.H. hay loader; two M.H. 13 -hoe drills (one with fertilatorae M.H. root pulper; M. H. cultivator; clump rake; manure spreader; 4 - section harrows; 12 -plate out - throw disc; walking plow; Quebec riding plow; two 1 -row mufflers; farm wagon; flat rack and sliding rack; wagon box; steel wheel truck wagon; light wagon with stock rack; gravel box; set of bench sleighs and rack; cutter; Chatham fanning mill; cutting box; 12" grain crusher; 5 grain lifters; 11/2 h.p, gas engine; 3 h.p. Fairbanks Morse gas engine; wheel barrow; 2,000 lb. scale; 240 lb. scale; 16 steel posts, 7 ft. long; post driver; post -hole augur; circular saw; emery wheel; 2 steel water troughs; 2 sugar kettles; sap pails and miles; blacksmith's vice work bench; 32' extension ladder; 22' cedar ladder; 8' cedar ladder; pair lineman's spurs; 3 cement feed troughs; stone boat; carpenter's tools; stone hammers; 25' of 31 gal. pipe; set of brass mounted breaching harness; set of single harness; set of chime bells; 3 horse collars; set of power clippers; 40 gal. gas drum; feed bins; feed barrels; quantity of lumber; 250' of maple flooring; forks, shovels, chains and num- erous other articles. PEED and GRAIN: Approxim- ately 300 bushel of mixed grain; approx. 50 bushel of wheat; ap- nrox. 10 ton of alfalfa and mixed hay; quantity of mange's. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: De Laval cream separator; Eureka 25 gal, crock churn: Liberty washing machine (equipped for power or hydro); hand washing machine; wood circulating heat- er; bedroom suite; chairs; bar- room chair: pulley clothes line; some dishes. TERMS—CASH No reserve as favi is sold. Fred C. Cook, Propi•:et r EDWARD W, ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Coiquhorur, Clerk 12-b MRS. THOMAS DUNBAR Funeral for Mrs. -Thomas Dun- bar, formerly Emma Jane Bur- nett, was held at the A. A. Mc- Farlane Funeral Home, Lambeth, on Monday, March 13, 1950. Rev. R. A. Joselyn of Trinity Anglican Church, assisted by Rev. A. E. Duffield of Lambeth United Church, officiated. interment fol- lowed in Woodland Cemetery. Pallbearers were William, Gor- don and Roy Dunbar, Fred Town- send, David Welsh and Roy Ryckmen. Surviving Mrs. Dunbar are her husband, Thomas Dunbar, two daughters, Dorothy, Mrs.' Lorne Walker, and Bessie, Mrs. Gordon Brodie, and one son, Barry. Also surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Robert Dunbar, Lambeth, Mrs. Will Townsend, Souris, Man., and Mrs, A. Colclough, Goderich Township. AUCTION SALE — of -- 35 Young Dairy and Beef Type Cows and Calves at Lot No. 31, Concession 6, Goderich Township, one mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, March 28 at 1.30 p.m. The cows consist of Holsteins, Durhams and Jerseys of which 6 are fresh, 10 to calve in March and early April, balance due late April and May. Six young calves, This is an exceptionally good lot of cows. All are T.B. tested, some are vaccinated and will be sold under the usual guarantee. Sale under cover. Terms—cash. A. E. Townshend and Son Proprietors EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk 12-b AUCTION SALE — of — Household Effects in the SEAFORTH SKATING RINK on Wednesday, March 29 at 1 p.m. White fire place mantel and electric log grate; 1 small Astrol frigidaire (used 6 months); flat- top office desk (new); coffee table; end tables; chesterfield, chair and foot stool to match; 1 telephone table with 2 draw- ers; 1 modern bed, dresser and bench; chest of drawers; odd chairs; 1 corner stand; Simmons spring mattress and springs; kit- chen table and chairs; 1 kitchen stove; arm chair; drop leaf table; kitchen set; number of small tables; veranda chairs; 2 antique chairs; 1 Rosewood chair and foot stool; 1 electric fan; bed lamps; wall lamps; table lamps; 2 boud- oir lamps; electric toaster; 2 elec- tric plates; iron bird cage; polar bear rug; hooked mats; fern stand; 1 drop -head Raymond sew- ing machine; 3 mirrors; 1 large living room mirror; 2 pair drapes, 3 yards long; trunks; sealers, dishes; kitchen utensils; coal scuttle; pressure cooker (new); bed linens, wool blankets and a host of other articles. TERMS—CASE Estate of the late Mrs. Olive Sloan, Clinton HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer A. W. SILLERY, Solicitor for Estate 11-12-b CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Ks C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66i' on.cosav PROMPT Local and Long Distance TAXI SERVICE PHONE 1 1 0 4th o '9 Signs For EVERY PURPOSE!! i • MODERN RAISED WOOD LETTERS • EXPERT LETTERING ON ANY SURFACE TRUCK LETTERING A SPECIALTY CALL ON H B SIGNS yp Phones: G•.r.re.ro+wav+d+ A. Kirby 589R R. Smith 797W CLINTON e ROXY THEATRE CLINTON REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTII—ONTARIO, — NOW PLAYING - - THURS. -- FRI. -- SAT. — JOEL ' 111 c C R E A VIRGINIA MAYO 'COLORADO TERRITORY" NOW: Betty Gamble & Dan Dailey in "WHEN MY BABY SMILES, AT ME" Technicolor — MON. - TUES. - WED. --- Open 6.45; Commence 7.00 Walter , Maureen PIDGEON O'HARA "HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY" — MON. - TUES. - WED. Errol Flynn - Viveca Lindfors Robert Douglas Colorful and exciting as ever the irrepressible Castilian tells an- other episode in his matchless career. "ADVENTURES OF DON JUAN" — THURS. - FRI. - SAT. — Dick Marta POWELL TOREN "ROGUES REGIMENT" PARK THEATRE GODBRICH—Phone 1150 NOW: Richard Widmatk & Lionel Barrymore in "DOWN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS" - THURS. - FRI. - SAT. — WALTER PIDGEON in a picture you will never forget, a story of the Welsh coal miners and their fight for freedom. "HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY" Coming: "YOU GOTTA STAY HAPPY" Joan Fontaine and Jimmy Stewart — RayMMILLANDID- ESJean- WPETERS Paul DOUGLAS & Alan Hale, Jr. As fresh and cheerful as a May breeze, a romantic comedy that touches a theme of the season that has just begun. "IT HAPPENS EVERY SPRING" June THURS. -Ray SAT. Gordon McRAE The songful, danceful, tuneful and joyful story of Mariln. Miller, with Technicolor to bring it alive. "LOOK FOR THE SILVER LINING" CAPITAL THEATRE ODERICII—Phone 47 OW: Clark Gable and Walter Pidgeon in "Command Decision" MON TUES. -- WED. — — TWO FEATURES -- Penny Penny Singleton - Arthur Lake & Larry Simms—The Bumstead family returns in their newest matri-farce. "Blonclie's Secret" Ron Randall - June Vincent and Alan Mowbray—Adventure, hum- or and swift -moving action in the latest exploit of a fictional fav- orite. "The Lone Wolf and His Lady" Coming: "DANCING IN THE DARK" William Powell & Patsy Drake reeeensmomemmemomemaimmeer — THURS. - FRI. - SAT. — Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. - Helena Carter - Richard Greene A swashbuckling tale of knights without armor and of a lady who liked her heroes rugged—Techni. "THE FIGHTING O'FLYNN" JOHN 3:16 FOR GOD, the Lord of earth- and heaven SO LOVED, and longed to see forgiven THE WORLD, in sin and pleasure mad THAT HE GAVE, the greatest gift He had HIS ONLY SON, to take our place THAT WHOSOEVER, oh! what grace BELIEVETII, placing simple trust IN HIM, the righteous and the just SHOULD NOT PERISH, lost in sin BUT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE hi Him. LORD, help my unbelief! Give ire the peace of faith To rest with child -like trust on what thy gospel saint That whosoever will believe Shall everlasting life receive. CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. SPRING and EASTER run hand in hand — Spring is here! EASTER will be here very soon! We have chosen the' smartest styles of COATS — SUITS and DRESSES obtainable. See them NOW! Give us a chance to have special orders here by Easter. Check Your Wardrobe, What Do You Need? COATS — SUITS — DRESSES SKIRTS — BLOUSES NYLONS — New Shipments are arriving daily — Let us fill your requirements today IRWIN'S esonaisMESSICOMMIS From Sea to Sea they ALL agree Kem-Tone. The Modern Miracle Wall Finish is the Winner! NOW Sciencebrings you KEM—GLO an entirely new finish that LOOKS and Washes like' Baked Enamel! The Miracle Lustre Finish for Kitchens, Bathrooms, Finest Woodwork. kins HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE 244 - - -. CLINTON