HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-03-02, Page 4PAGE FOUR .• CLINTON NEWS -RECORD' T PERSONALS ' Beaton. emother.. Mrs. A. D. Mrs. J. G. Sloman, London, visited Miss Sarah Sloman over the, weekend. Miss 'Lisbeth Sloman, London, visited relatives in Clinton over the weekend. Gerald; C. Elliott, London, vis- ited during the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr.. and, Mrs. J. M- Elliott. Dr. H. Bowers,- principal of Stratford Normal School, was in town yesterday checking on student teachers,,,, Mrs. Clarence Moffatt `has 're- turned to her home in Bickford ` Mr,. and Mrs. ' Clarke Stanley, and family were, in Kinlough yesterday attending the funeral; of . the lady's mother, the late Mrs. Freeborn Hodgkinson. Sym- pathy of their friends is extended to them in this bereavement. /Mr. and Mrs. Ian McLeod have returned to . their home in Dun - vegan after visiting the latter's parents, Dr. and Mrs, 3. S. Evans, for a week. Other visitors at the (Evans home during the McLeod visit were Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Evans, St. Marys, and Mr. and Mrs. William Helm and children, after spending the past month ' Lucknow. I Ju-at,ARRIVED New Spring Dresses 2nd Floor "Crisp" Cotton Spuns TO APPRECIATE THE VALUE SEE 'THEM THE POPULAR COTTON DRESS DEPARTMENT AT PRICES YOU EX- SLUBS - SILKS PELT TO PAY. in Such Material's as SHAN-RAY - NORMANDY CREPE CRUISE COTTONS - SHAN-TUNE MIRACHORDS -and DAN RIVER and TING -LING PRINTS PRICED FROM House Dresses. A Good Selection FLORALS - STRIPES SHORT SLEEVE and REGULAR SLEEVE Neatly Tailored and Trimmed PRICED AT $2.69 and $2.95 Afternoon Dresses 3.95 to 7.95" "Lady in Waiting" Maternity Dresses NEATLY TAILORED IN STRIPES -- CHECKS Priced at $2.95 PHONE • AriPHONE 36J 11/ 36j 36W LOCAL WOMEN ,St. Paul's WA Hears MARK WORLD About Missionary PRAYER DAY St, Paul's Chutch branch of the W, A, met on Tuesday after The Women's World Day of noon February 21, in the home" Prayer was observed on Friday of ML's' Clifford Epps. Though afternoon last. with the service t11e weaftlrer' proved haw extreme it could be in cold and storm, 11 in Clinton being held in Clinton members and two visitors proved Baptist Church. More than 100 in contra* how warm were their interests in the work of the or- ganization. The president opened the meet- ing land Mrs. Roy read the Scrip- ture passage from 2 Cor. 10. The treasurer reported a grow- ing bank balance needed for the June bales. The Dorcas secret- ary and quilt committee also re- ported saltisfacilory progress. Many letters of appreciation from former members were read. The Study Book period was taken by Mrs. Bulteel who bro- ught to the attention of those present, Mid Japan, a diocese where many of the missionaries' are engaged in active work, Var- ious aspects of the work In Japan were shownby contrasting past and present conditions. ' Mrs. Bulteel also spoke of that great Japanese Christian-Kagawa, who as a boy had learned the effects of kindiness in shaping the future life of a child. She stressed Kag- awa's four point requisite for a full. life. The meeting over, Mrs. Epps served refreshments. Mrs. L. McKinnon thanked Mrs. Epps for her hospitality. ladies were in attendance. Mrs. A. Forsyth presided for the meeting and Mrs, Wilfred Aikenhead- was at the organ for the service. Miss Eileen Pocock. was soloist, The speaker of the afternoon was 11/Irs, Robert Grierson, Lon- desboro, a former missionary in Korea, who gave a very timely and' inspiring message, and was listened to with keen interest. Those assisting on the plat- ; form were Mrs. J. R. Cooper, I Mrs. H. C. Wilson, Mrs. May Mac- Kinnon and Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes. Prayers were offered by Mrs, R. M. P. Bulteel, Mrs. S. Castle, Jr., Mrs. Gemmell, Mrs. W. M. Aiken and Mrs. M. Addison, The offering for the afternoon amounted to $25.66. 0 ONTARIO ST. WA • The WA of Ontario St. United Church will meet on Tuesday af- ternoon, March 7, at three o'clock, in the Church Hall with the ladies of St. James' Ward serv- ing lunch. Mrs. Gibbings and Mrs. Crich are in charge of the programme. The ladies are re-, quested to bring something for the Bazaar. HOSPITAL AID TO MEET 'Clinton Hospital Aid will hold its March meeting in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, March 7, at 8 p.m. Presbyterian WLS Observes Silence In spite of stormy weather there was a good attendance of members with three visitors at Clinton WI Prepares the W.M.S. of Clinton Presby - For Old Home Week ter Church which was held at thense. The president, Mrs. 11. W. Mc - The regular monthly meeting, Kenzie; opened the meeting with of Clinton Women's Institute was a call to worship. She paid tri - held in the Board Room of the bute to Mrs. Charles Twitchell's Agricultural Office on Thursday • devotion to "the society and a afternoon last. The meeting open- period of silence was observed ed in the usual manner with the yn.her memory. Miss Shaw read president, Mrs. Sturdy, in the psalm 66 and Mrs. James Makins chair, and Mrs. A. Holmes at the led in prayer. piano. After the secretary's re- I Princess Elizabeth's call for port was read the roll call war re-establishment of a wise and answered by a display of antiques. well balanced code of right and These proved very interesting and wrong was given by Mrs. George comprised articles of glassware, Roberton. Mrs. 'Charles Clifton etc., some of which were over gave a description of the people 100 years old. of Japan from the Study Book. Business items were discussed. The supply allocation for the' It was decided to help with a year to the W. M. S. bale was re - bale of clothing for Europe by ceived and accepted. sending the woollen knitted art- I The president closed the meet- icles, from two baby layettes ing with prayer after which tea which are on hand, also each was servt, Mrs. Roberton and member bringing a new or made- 'Miss Shaw assisting the hostess, over garment for a child or adult During the tea hour Mrs. Clifton to the next meeting. Prepara- left a Bible quizz with the mem- tions for Old Home Week were hers. A similar questionnaire tions It was decided to ask will be given at each meeting. For the Lenten Season .. . Rot Gross BUNS Special Every ..Saturday While shopping, stop in for 'HOT CHOCOLATE, , COFFEE or TEA —oma--_---- BAR.TLIFF . BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 Orders taken for Cottage Cheese . CLINTON for space for a booth and have some -banners made. The idea of having a raffle on a quilt or some other article and selling tickets on same was left with the finance committee. • Reports were heard from the standing • committee conveners. Finance convener, Mrs. Batkin, announced that a quilting would be held at her home next week. The next meeting. being the election of officers, the members decided to have nominations from the floor for the various officers. Mrs. E. Radford entertained those present with two very pleasing piano numbers. Mars, L. Scrimgeour, Blyth, district presi- dent of West Huron WI, was present and gave a very inter- esting talk touching on many items of interest to the ladies. She announced that in 1050 the West Huron Women's Institute will celebrate the 50th year of.its organization. She stated that all members should be good forget- ters and not hoard grievances. Do not forget the kindness of your neighbours; revenge will not bring peace but forgiveness will. She ended her talk by quoting •verses from her note- book. Mrs. M. Wiltse gave a reading about the Cid Rocking Chair and compared things of the present with those of bygone days. Cur- rent events were given by Mrs. Charles Nelson. On motion of Miss .Brigham and Mrs. A. Cudmore e vote of thanks was tendered to the district president and all who helped make the •meeting such a success. The meeting closed with the singing of the National An- them, following which Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes and her committee served refreshments to the 40 ladies; who were present., Wanted Your portrait by Fowler Bros., for advertising purposes. Yes, we need portraits of girls, old or young, 'thin or pinny, tall or short; plain' or pretty. Call in at our studio on Friday afternoon and our photographer will interview you and explain the details. FOWLER BROS. PHONE 84 CLINTON "Your Photographers in Clinton" Church Directory St. Paul's Anglican • Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday,' March 5 11.00 aan,—Holy Communion and Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Ser- vice in this church. Monday, 8 p.m. — Bible Study Class •at Rectory. Tuesday. March 7. 3 p.m.—Ladies' Guild at the Rectory. 'Beauty Salon PERMANENTS FING,ERWAVES SHAMPOOS FACIALS MANICURES THELMA LAMBIE Phone 542J Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes. Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, March 5 10.00 a,m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Divine Service, 2.30 p.m.—Service at, Bayfield We owe it to ourselves to worship Almighty God. ALL WELCOME. PHONE 175 for 'QUICK 'TAXI. SERVICE FRANK'S TAXI i THURSDAY; MARCH 2,. 1960 of o "" o o1==01 7Co1 OI1‘ 40 Years sivio 40 Years •40 years ago Irwi'n's started business in Clinton. Now the third generation takes over. Help us to honour this anni- versary by seeing ,you' at IRWIN'S We offer you a month of money -saving opportunities, Watch our add weekly for many attractive specials. Drapery Materials Reduced 25% This offer is good for this weekend only. Measure your windows now and come prepared bn buy. All Blouses Reduced 25% (this weekend only) Dresses to sell at 1/2 price We offer you the balance of our win- ter dresses including Wools, Crepes, Taffetas, etc., at only Half the Original Price. There are many dresses here suitable for spring wearing. Rack of Specials Other 1/2 Price Articles include Skirts, Blouses and House- dresses. Don't let this opportunity slide by. • Girdles Reduced One -Third We have selected the balance of a number of discontinued lines to sell at a reduction of One•'Chird off the Reg- ular Price. There may be something • here in your size! Printed Tablecloths 36 inches square, and 54 inches square -- while they last — only Half Price. IRWIN'S .1; 0)====i0ho. , 0 =20i==10=10= Baptist Ladies' Aid Elects New Officers The Ladies' Aid of Clinton Baptist Church held its February meeting on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. R. Butler. The meeting opened with prayer by Rev. A. Forsyth. The Scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. J. Butler. Mrs. Clifford, the secretary - treasurer, gave her reports and the roll call and also gave quite a satisfactory report on the work of the year. Baptist Church REV A. FORSYTH, Minister F/L P. O. Jones, Choir Leader Mrs. W. Alkenhead, Organist Sunday, March 5 11.00 ase.—Worship Service and Sunday School. Dedication Service — the Junior Choir will sing. (Communion Service will be held on March 12th at 7 p.m.) EVERYONE WELCOME Mrs. Leppington gave a hum- ourous reading, ` Glas- ses," followed by two cornet selections by Eric Gemmell en- titled "Near the Cross" and "Stand up, Stand up for Jesus." The topic for the meeting was taken by Rev. Mr. Forsyth on "The Secret Place of the Most High," emphasizing the fact that God will take care of those who put their trust in Him, and will bring them safely through the dangers and periIs� seen and un- seen. The business part of the meet- ing was in charge of the presi- dent, Mrs.. Forsyth. New officers for the coming year were elected as follows: president, Mrs. For- syth; vice-president, Mrs. Coch- rane; secretary -treasurer a a d press correspondent, Mrs. Clif- ford; parsonage committee, Mrs. L. Butler, Mrs. W. Pickett; visita- tion committee, Mrs. J. Butler, Mrs. T. Leppington; pianist, Mrs. Aikenhead; work convener, Mrs. Clifford. Rev. Mr. Forsythclosed the meeting with the Benediction af- ter which a dainty lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Butler. eeeee + •ee,e ""^" Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR J. E. CORRIGAN, Pastor Sunday, March 5 • 10,00 a.m.-Sunday .School 11.00 am.—Worship 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service • Wednesday, 8 p.m. —• Midweek Bible.• Study and Prayer Meetin Thursday, 8.00 p.m,—Bible Study. Friday Young People's, Meeting; Lantern Slides featuring Pil- grim's Progress will be shown. A special Anvitdtion to all young people. Ontario St. United Church REV, W. ,I'. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist " ' and Choir Leader Sunday, March ti 11,00.a.m.—Morning Worship 12,15 p.m.—Sunday School. 7.00 p.m—Union Evening Ser- vice in St, Paul's Anglican Church. Ce BUY Kitchen Peabody "Stream- liner" Overalls More Comfort More • Wear Sanforized Blue Denim or Sanforized Dairy Stripe AIKEN'S PHONE 2 CLI'NTON Wesley -Willis United Church llev, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs. 'Merger J. Agnew, Organist A, R, Pc rn.,n, Choir Leader. SuIulae, '.March ti 11.00 a,m Mornhig Worship "Whet Think Ye of Christ" l''2.15 pain—Cu'tcthumen Class • Church School. 7.(lvice to If St, Pi's lulil�ngliee- cae Church Real Values at Our D18 unt Clearance Sale on: LADIES' SKATES and BOOTS (White) MEN'S SKATES and BOOTS HOCKEY STICKS' TOBOGGANS HAND SLEIGHS SKI OUTFITS BABY SLEIGHS (with cushions) Visit our Store and see the above on display BALL and MUTCH Hardware and Furniture PHONE 195 -- -- -- Clinton i