Clinton News-Record, 1950-02-23, Page 53, 1950• s, CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed- nesday following date of 'riser- tion)—One cent a word first in- wsertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direc- tion to . NEWS -RECORD Office, IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. 'DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT. `THREE -ROOMED APARTMENT, bath, hot and cold water, for vent. Phone 907r3. 7-8-b ACCOMMODATION WANTED YOUNG COUPLE WITH TWO etrildren wish to rent house in town. Don Smith at Lorne Brown Motors. 8-9-b ARTICLES FOR SALE 300 PRE-WAR SAP PAILS; 300 spiles, all in good shave. Apply Box "H", NEWS -RECORD. 8-p "SUNSHINE" BABY CARRIAdE, nteiroani, good springs, in good FOR QUICK SALE—NEW Five- son.dition; high chair and plaype n, Phone 688R. 8-p roomed cottage, 'gena brick sid- ing, asphalt roof, oak floors KITCHEN CABINET: small ice throughout, three-piece bath, box; oil brooder; water draught built-in cupboards, basement, all connected to sewer, water and lights, immediate possession. This house willhe sold for highest cash offer on or before March 20. Subject to reserve bid. Apply Bert Huller, King St., phone 319J. 5-b-tfb CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE ecord Ciassified fi 4*!S BringQuick Iiesults LOST AND FOUND FOUND CHILD'S BICYCLE left 'in front of house about two weeks ago. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Miss Maizie Grealis, phone Clin- ton.219W.: -_. .9-p HOUSES• FOR SALE SEVEN -ROOMED HOUSE, Mor- ris St., Blyth, attic insulated, asbestos shingle siding; two -car garage, two Sots. Mervin Govier, R.R. 2, Blyth, phone 13r8. 8-11-p MEDIUM-SIZED BRICK HOUSE containing two apartments. Must be sold to close estate. Contact Jabez Rands, Clinton, phone 80. 2-b-tfb 1 i/zSTOttEY,FRAME DWELLING; living room, dining room, kitchen, den, down; four bedrooms and sunporch up; three-piece bath down; furnace; • garage; small garden; good location; possession about April 1. H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone Clinton 251W. ' 6-b-tfb and fountain; feeder roost; as- sorted windows. A Garan, phone .312, 7-8-h 'PLAY PEN AND MATTRESS; boys' skates, size 5; baby car- riage; electric -fan; Frigidaire, 'six cubic feet, one year old. Phone MISCELLANEOUS :5513. ' 9:8-p FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE LIVE HORSES WANTED FOR mink feed; mink scarves for sale. Elmer Trick, phone 907r5. 4-b-tfb- SIX TONS BALED SECOND - tut Alfalfa. Ernie Crich, phone 'Clinton 614r24. 8-9-p FARM HELP RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED 'lEIolland families, arriving soon, Apply to Cde Haan, Belgreve, 'Ont. 7-b-tfb FURNITURE FOR SALE ONE MADE-TO-ORDER Kitchen Cabinet with top 24 inches wide "by 60 inches long; four drawers; two 100 -pound bins; top section 12 by 60 inches with three doors and three shelves. Mrs, Frank Lobb, phone Clinton 290J, M1 8-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 'SOME GOOD GRADE COWS to freshen soon; one Clyde mare, Alfred Buchanan, R. R. 1, Clin- ton, phone Seaforth 841r4. 8-b 'PUREBRED YORKSHIRE' BOAR, six month's old, priced reasonable. vl. W, Durst, phone Carlow 1112. 8-p 13 LITTLE PIGS, SIX WEEKS old; two sows dtie in one week; calf suitable for raising. Lorne 'Tyndall, phone Clinton 004r4. 8-p SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare s orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 1-10-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for Mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone eo1lect. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- lch. 2btfb FLOCR1NG AND TILING 'CONTRACTOR FOR TILE, marble, terazzo, mastic, plastic and claytiling, fireplaces, good work for less money by Kitchener Ceramic Co., Kitchener, 87 Blu- cher St„ call 2-9113. 8-17-p RADIO SERVICE ROBERT WEEKS, RadioeService, member National Schools, Los Angeles. Calif. Radio service, constriction, installation of an- tennae, adjustment and repair. Noise and interference elimina- tion caused by fluorescent lights, motors, etc. Phone Clinton 633r3, or write R.R. 4, Clinton. 8-p TOWN OF CLINTON APPLICATIONS will be received by the under- signed on or before the first (1st) day of March; 1950, for the position of CARETAKER of the Municipal Buildings of the Town of Clinton. Duties, under the direction of Council, may be received at the office ' of the Town Clerk. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The Corporation of the Town of Clinton, M. T. CORLESS, Clerk - and Treasurer 7-8-b Distinctive Portraiture TO SI -IOW YOU AT YOUR BEST Keep for tomorrow the most memorable moments of to -day! Take advantage of SPECIAL OFFER now by phoning CLINTON 203 for your appointment D. HYSLOP CO. Your Resident Clinton Photographer Behind the Post Office Have Your Suit TAILORED-TO.EASU E PICKETT STETSON TIAT$ PHONE `2S See the new .SPRING Samples, ,lust Arrived! Gabardines -- Worsteds Serges ••- Sharkskins and the New `Bermuda Cords" • tai • BLUE is the SI ►ADE for spring • , • NEW STYLE BOOKS! The latest fashions for Ladies and Men • e WARREN K. COOK' TOWNE HALLE REGAL PARK W. R. JOHNSTON TIP TOP TAILORS GAMPBELI, .ARROW SHIRTS CLINTON BIRTHS CR,OWE—In Clinton Public 'Hos- pital, on Thursday, February 16, 1950, to Mr. and Mss. D. G. Crowe, Clinton, a son (Gregory Garnet). LAVIS—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Thursday, February 16, 1950, to Mr, and. Mrs, John -B. Levis, Clinton, a son. WILKINS — Ln Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, February 20, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex- ander Wilkins, R.R. 1, Londes- boro, a daughter (Elizabeth Audrey). YOUNG—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on .Friday, February 17, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs, Henry Young, Clinton, a son (Stewart Henry). , MARRIAGES WEBER-BRODERICK - In the' United Church Manse, Hensall, on Friday, February 17, 1950, by Rev. R. A. Brook, Joyce Pauline Broderick, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Broderick, Hensall, to Jack" William Weber, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Weber, Dashwood. . DEATHS BROWN—.In Clinfon Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, February 18, 1950, William C. K. Brown, beloved husband of the tate Elizabeth Jane France, in, his 97th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, on Tuesday, February 21, to Clinton Ceme- tery. MacDONALD—In Colfax Hospi- tal, Washington State, on Thurs- day, February 16, 1950, Annie Druscilla Crich, beloved wife of the. late William MacDonald, end dear sister of Mrs. J. E. 'Ball and Gifford Crich. Funeral services were held on Sunday, February 19. Lions Midgets Take Winghaan Kids 6-4 'Clinton Lions Midgets contin- ued their winning ways by de- feating Wingham in the northern town in a WOAA Midget group hockey match Monday evening by 6-4. Lions led 3-2 at the end of the first period, and 5-3 at ttie end of the second. Each team scored once in the final stanza. Ron Carter amassed four goals foe the winners and Coleman one goad and an assist, Holmes scor- ing the other goal; while Stainton bulged the twine twice for the losers, Young and MacDougall• getting the others. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation tor the kindnesses shown in the 'passing of my dear undle, the late Wil- liam Brown; for floral tributes, pallbearers and nurses at Clinton 'Public Hospital; special thanks to Rev. D. J. Lane, Dr. J. W. Shaw, ,Rev. A. B. Sinclair, Mrs. M. Mur- ray, and the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home.— (Signed) —Mrs. M. Barron. 8-p CARD OF THANKS William Sloan wishes to take this opportunity to express his sincere appreciation for all tdkens of sympathy, floral tributes, cars loaned, and all other thoughtful acts shown to him in his recent sad bereavement. 8-b CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. GIen Cornish and Wray would like to express then sincere thanks to all their friends on the Base Line and surrounding community for the lovely gifts and all the good wishes which were given to them on the oc- casion of their moving to their new home on No, 4 Highway. 8-b CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this op- portunity to thank my many friends for kindnesses shown to me while I have been sack — for flowers, fruit, candies, cards, calls and good wishes,—(Signed) Mrs. David Stephenson. 8-b kiggig lith K Not CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Ke w ®o e FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j PROMPT Local and Long Distance TAXI SERVICE PHONE Add 'c/cam Farm Prices. Are Nov Stabili2ng "Farmers are beedming . more optimistic: with the atabilizing, of farm prices," A. G. Bennett, Ag- ricultural representative for Hur- on County, declared tg-day, Duhring the past Week, there has been quite a demand for live poultry on the part of some pro- cessors in the area, with real ,good prices for live poultry be- ing paid, Mr. BermelGt.stated. .A 'number of larger poultrymen have their 'chicks for next year, but the over-all purchase of young (chicks would appear tobe lower ,than a year ago. The cattle market remains steady, Mr. Bennett stated. The demand for seed is step- ping up. Thereis an actide de- mand for seed barley, but the supply is not too large:- So far, wheat and, for the most part, hay meadows look' all right; although there is some evidence of damage in alfalfa fields, due to persist-, ent freezing and so bn, according. to Mr. Bennett, The extreme weather during the winter has made it very dif- ficult to gel any wood cut. AUCTION 'SALE of Cows and ' Pigs At Lot No. 31, Gth .Concession of Goderich Township, one mile south of Porter's Hill on Tuesday, February 28 at 1.30 p.m„ consisting •of: 30 young cows, consisting of Durhams, Holsteins and Jerseys; seven are fresh, balance due in March and April. Also 11 York- shire pigs, 6 weeks old. If in need of cows, plan to attend this sale, as the market is inakin-g cows mbre difficult to obtain. All cows T.B. tested. TERMS—CASH A. E. Townshend, Son, Proprietors EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun/ Clerk 8-b -- 0- ' Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm, Farm Stock and Implements At Lots No. 14 and 15 on the Bayfield Line, and corner of the 7th concession of Gode- rich Township, 7 miles southwest of Clinton on Thursday, March 9 at 12.30 sharp, consisting of: HORSES: Belgian mare, aged; Belgian horse, aged, CATTLE: Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, due Feb. 28; Hereford cow, 5 yrs. old, due March 1; Hereforci cow, 5 yrs. old, 'due March 3; Durham cow, 7 yrs. old, milking, due April 30; Hereford cow, 7 yrs. old, milking, due June 9; Durham heifer (winter calf). Alt cows are T.B. tested, stTject to re -test in 60 days. PIGS: 11 Pigs, 6 weeks old. POULTRY: 3 geese; 1 gander. IMPLEMENTS, Etc.: 1948 Chev- rolet Sedan, fully equipped, mil- eage 3,000 miles, tires like new; W. D. Allis Chalmer tractor, equipped with lights, PTO hyd- raulic lift and pulley; 2 -furrow hydraulic plow and 8 ft, hydraulic .cuffler and cultivator; set of tractor chains; Allis Chalmer 5 ft. combine, equipped with bin, bag- ger, scour screen, rotary pick-up, straw spreader and set of screens for ,all grass -seeds and beans; Cockshutt tractor hitch power lift; 13 -row disc drill; Bissell Otaco 2 -wheel manure spreader (large size) never used; George 1White silo filler on rubber with 45 ft of pipes and emery wheel; AIlis Chalmer 2 -furrow tractor - plow on rubber; rubber tire wagon, all steel frame, complete with flat rack; M.H. double disc; 80 ft. of 7 -inch 5 -ply threshing belt; 20 ft. of 4 -inch belt; Ren- frew electric cream separator; 125 ft, of hay fork rope; 2 pres- ,nre guns; set of truck chains, 750x8,25. NOTE: The above implements and. equlpmen"t are only one to two years old, and all in the best of condition. M.H. 10 ft. hay rake; M.H. root pulper; M.H. walking plow; single row scuffles; set of bench sleighs: all steel circular saw, on runners with 30 and 32 inch. saw blades; 2 hay cars (1 new); sling 'chains; sling, rope=; hay fork; 150 ft. of snow fence; quantity of barb wire; 3 -ring wire silo;-, wheel. barrow (on rubber); lawn mower (on rubber); quantity of cedar posts (hundreds to ohoose from); set of double harness; horse col- lars; vices,, sledges, wedges. log- ging chains, tants, shovels, whiffle trees; neck yokes and numerous other articles. 1PARM: At the name time and place there will be offered for sale,- subject to resrve bid, the farms consisting approximately of 248 acres cif clay and clay loam with 60 acres of maple bush and permanent .nasturei. about 170 acres of workable land, all tiled. with 24 acres of fall wheat and 32 acres aC glowing done. On the farm is a never -tailing well with windmill, a sprint; creek running through the farm, and the river at the back of torn: The 'buildinas consist of a •two- torev frame -hone with furnace; bank barn 65x85 (stable .room for 90 head of cattle),• with a uou]try houre •ebnvt: the stable, a ,driving shed 26'x36'. This, farm as equipped with hv,o. Tr'r1'RMS on Stock and Imple- me to CASJf. TERMS on Farm: 10 per dent, down with further particulars made known on day of sane, or write to the auctinnce'r, Gordon Turner, ' Prepr ietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Anetioneer • K. W. Colgidionn, Clerk refreNuneirts served by Ladies' Auxiliary Of Hie Clinton Canad- ian `Legion.. 8,9-b ROXY THEATRE CLINT` O'.N —NOW FLAYING' THURS., FRI„ SAT. -- 'TheWindow' Win d Bobby Driscoll - Barbara Hale —Mon - Tues. - Wed -- BETTY CRADLE and DAN DAILEY • with Jack Oakie - June Havoc Richard Arlen - James Gleason 'When my Baby CAPITAL THEATRE OODERICH NOW: Joel McCrea & Virginia Mayo in "Colorado Territory" — MON. -- TUES. -- WED. — Bette Davis Robert'14Iontgonl- ery Fay Bainter—Bette Davis reveals a new talent in this joy- ful comedy concerning a fetching young lady. "JUNE BRIDE" — THURS. -- FRI, -- SAT. -- Walter Pigeon Peter Lawford Ethel. Barrymore in "THE RED DANUBE" REGENT THEATRE S.. E A' F O` R T H NOW: Ronald Reagan & Virginia Mayo in "THE:GIRL FROM JONES BEACH" — MON., TUES., WED. — Adult Entertainment Humphrey Bogart - George Mc- Cready - Allen'e Roberts — The sizzling, smashing story of a boy turned killer, told with all the punch of the book. "KNOCK ON ANY DOOR" = THURS., FRI., SAT. — "BIG JACK" with Wallace Beery - Marjorie Main A Real Drama Here's a Real Comedy SMILES AT ME"' Coming: "THE GIRL FROM (Color by Technicolor) JONES BEACH" Coming: "FOUNTAINHEAD" Notice to Creditors In the Estate of OLIVE SLOAN. All persons having claims against the Estate of Olive Sloan, late of Town of Clinton, County of Huron, Married Woman, de- ceased, who died on or about the, 16th day of February, 1950, are hereby notified to send in to the undersignedon or before the 18th day of March, 1950, full partic- ulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there. - to, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then halve notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the .undersign- ed will not be liable to any per- son of whose claim.. the under- signed shall not then have notice for the assets so .distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Setaforth, this 17th day of February, 1950. By their solicitors, ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate 8-9-10-b Clearing AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and ,Implements At Lot No. 26, 16th Concession of Goderich Township, 1 mile west of Clinton and 1, mile north, on Wednesday, March 1 at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: HORSES: Clydesdale filly', 4 years old; Clydesdale x Perch- eron colt, 2 yrs. old; Clydesdale filly,, d ,yr. old, CATTLE: Hereford cow, 5 yrs. old, due June 14; Hereford cow 4 yrs, old, recently freshened, Hereford cow, 5 yrs. old, due Sept. 2; Hereford cow, 3 yrs. old, due Aug. 31; Durham cow, 3 yrs, old, clue Aug. 12; Hereford cow, 4 yrs. old, recently freshened; Hereford cow, 3 yrs. old, due Sept. 26; Holstein x Hereford cow, 7 yrs. old, due Sept. 17; black Polled cow, 4 yrs. old, due May 23; Hereford x Polled cow, 8 yrs. old, due May 16; Here- ford x Polled heifer, in calf:: Hereford cow, 4 yrs. old, due July 26; 4 Hereford baby beefs (3 sneers, 1 heifer); Holstein yearling steer; 11 Hereford steers and heifers, ranging from 1 month to 6 months old. All cattle are T.B. tested. subject to 60 days re -test. PIGS: 4 Yorkshire sows, bred Dec. 26. Jan. 8, Jan. 11 and Feb. 4; 14 chunks; 12 pigs, 7 weeks old; 1 pig approve 200 lbs. IMPLEMENTS: M.H. binder, '7 ft. cut; M.H. mower, 51/2 ft. cut; M.H. 2 disc riding plow; Inter- national hay loader; Internation- al 10 ft. hay rake; International manure spreader; spring tooth cultivator; double disc; 4 -section drag harrows; steel drum roller; 1 -furrow riding plow; 1 -row scuffler; rubber tire wagon, flat rack; stock rack; farm wagon and flat rack; steel wheel wagon; steel tire wagon; set of sloop sleighs; 2 cutters; steel tire bug- gy; Clinton fanning mill; 2,000-1b. beam scale; ci.rculer saw; post hole auger; 40 gal, gas drum; DeLaval dream separator; turnip drill; grind stone; -set of breech- ing harness; horse collars; quan- tity of white ash lumber; neck yokes; whiffle trees and numer- our other articles. TERMS—CASH Herbert . Jenkins, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Coleuhoun, Clerk 8-b HORSES $2.50 each COWS $2.50 each HOGS°er , ea.0 50� lbs: cwt. according to size and condition PHONE COLLECT: CLINTON - - 910r16 SEAFORTH - - 655r2 INGERSOLL - 21 Willia'nl Stone Sons, Ltd. • ( r ,;.1NGERSOLL, ONTARIO HOW SHALL WE ESCAPE - �Y! IF WE NEGNOLLVA'IVS ,LVRIUD OS Jowl l 7 Heb. 2:3 ¢ 't: ESCAPE WHAT? The wicked shall be turned into HELL Psalm :e ESCAPE HOW? Believe on the LORD JESUS CIIRIST9:17 ;_ and thou shalt be SAVED.—Acts 16:31 3: ESCAPE WHEN? Behold, now is the accepted time; nowt is the day of salvation. — II Cor. 6:2 CHAS. E. � R, Box .123, Los Angeles 53, : Oalif, - Clinton Old Boys' Reunion August 5-9, 1950 This is YOUR Reunion! OFFICIAL INVITATIONS are being mailed on or about March 15. Please forward names and addresses of your friends and relatives, before March 10. To assist the Secretary, please have these writ- ten out in legible form and send to H. C. LAWSON Secretary, Clinton Old Boys' Reunion 7 -S -9-b The New 1950 VANGUARIJ Now on Display at CLINTON MOTORS Phone 205W C. L. Stanley, Prop. r..rr.s.. ..v..,,nna•r..rw..v..+..v,.,.,. 1 a TOWN OF CLINTON APPLICATIONS will be received by the under- signed on or before the first (1st) day of March, 1950,. for the position of CHIEF CONSTABLE, also an ASSISTANT CONSTABLE, for the Municipality of the Town of Clinton. Salary for Chief $1,500.00; Assistant Chief $1,350.00. For particulars, enquire at the office of Town Clerk. The Corporation of the Town of Clinton, M. T. CORLESS, Clerk and Treasurer nr,nros�wm.n..►isso,evwawawosr; IF YOU ARE GOING TO PAINT UP AND BRIGHTEN UP = USE -- MARTIN SENOR PAINTS From Our Well -stocked Shelves Be sure and see the KEN G.I..O MIRACLE PAINT now in stock, -- ALSO — A Complete Stock of PLUMBING FIXTURES — SINKS • TOILETS - BATHS and BASINS and LAUNDRY TUBS. COME AND SEE OUR STOCK — Huh'R. Hawki HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE ` 244 -- -- CLINTON