Clinton News-Record, 1950-02-23, Page 1i
No. 8
The Home Paper with the News
be first
become "February in February,"
with typical weather conditions
prevailing during the past few
days . .• Monday was the coldest
Ferbuary 20 on record, a low of
8 below zero having been reached
hence... The violent ?term, which
lanevailed throughout Ontario and
this dish ict the first of the week,,
has now abated . , . For the first
time since the winter season
opened,' there has been a solid
week of skating at Lion% Arena, .
•-a * *
respondent, ' who should know,
tells us there Is not much money
in hogs these days, and then
proceeds to prove it . , lie
says: "The writer was in touch
with one farmer who bought
seven young pigs at $14 each,
totalling $98 and bought all the
feed mixed., which cost $189.75,
and sold them .three weeks ago
far $305.45, This left. only $17.70
fpr his work" .
doubt about the sale*" being paid
the town assessor and tax col-
lector, es reported in last week's
issue, the figure is $550 .It
was noted that the 1949 ennolu-
meat was $550 plus an extra $500
for conducting .the county equal-
ization, recently completed .
n 4 R
usually thought of as a day when
"sweet young things," both male
and female, can be forgiven if
they "drip, a bit of slush" .
However it is also an occasion
when a little extra thoughtful-
ness isgreatly appreciated , •
the N.C.O. Wives' Club of the
RCAF Station, Clinton, sent two
large hampers of fruit, cookies
and candies as •a Valentine to
the "Boys and Girls" at Huron
County Home . Another
thoughtful gesture came from the
McGillvray Mission Band. God-
erich, who sent a Valentine and
a gift of candy for each member
of the Home.,
fuss which addedreciate ha veryfes-
tive note to this "day of re-
membering others"
M * $
of Roumania, who came to Can-
ada in November, 1949 is inter-
ested in contacting Join Heinz.
'Who mine 'te'Canada in 1928 from'
the same Roumanian town as Mr.
Offner ... Mr. Heinz is thought
to ' he somewhere in Huron
County . Mr, Offner is now
at the hme nt' Harvey Taylor,
Brucefield, Pecs he would apprec-
iate any information concerning
his friend .
a's a
fellow picks up $100 in cold
cash . . But that's whet jack.
Plumtree, Clinton barber, did the
other day' as a prizewinner in
the second prize group in The
Toronto Daily Ster's "Famous
Sayings Contest". The cam-
paign ran for 48 issues ,
"You got plenty of fun and hard
work," Jack commented . . .
ro " a
er, containing extremely intri-
cate mechanism was found last
week a couple of mics south of
Rolmesville By two local men,
Clifford Proctor and Norman
TyndallThis instrument
had been tangled on a fence with
the deflated and torn• balloon
which had beencarrying it, and
thus had not become damp as it
otherwise would have been if it
had been on the ground . It
i5 thought that the instrument
belonged to the United States Air
Foa'ce. s "The gentlemen planned
'to have it examined by those in
the, know of thea instruments' at
the 'RCAF Station, Clinton .
Huron County Juniors
Plan Tour February 27
Two tiuv loads of young farm'
e e end faxinerettes are to go to
Toronto from 'Huron .County Feb-
ruary 27,.according to -plans now.
being drafted by the Ontario
Deemthere of Agriculture office,
CliThe educational tour to Toron-
to will take boy membees of Jun-
ior• Farmer clubs to see the Can-.
'oda Packers establishment and
Massey -Harris factory in Toron-
to: the girl members . of the tour
ing party, meanwhile, will be.
making conducted tours of a big
department, store and of a chain
grocery headquarters.
Bays and girls ' are to join.
forme/ear a visit to Queen's Park
to see. the Ontario Legislature.
Eight boys and eight girls from
each of the five Junior Farmer
units in tire• county are to make
ire the 80 members of the party.
The Junior Farmer clubs are at
Exeter, Dungannon, Clinton, Bel -
crave, aid to Howick Township.
Clinton is to be the main assembly
point for the party.
Fred O. Wilson, assistant agri-
cultural representative for Huron,
is to be the conductor of the
party, with Mies Jean Scott, home
economics coach, in charge of
the girls.
The Weather
1950 1999
Hise low Bien Low
Feb. 16 32 23 35 24
17 31 13 33 16
18 35 17`•48' 22
19 34 ii ` . 44 33
20 11 15 23
21 10 I 32 19
22 15 6 34 28
SnaNe 6 ins. Snow: I inch
Below zero
Lions Plan County Crippled Children's Survey
Clinton Lodge IOOF No. 83,
was host to over 200 members of
the order coming from Stratford,
Granton, Exeter, Hensel', Bruce -
field, Seeforth, and Goderich, on
Tuesday evening, February 21.
The meeting was heed in the
Town Hall and during the even-
ing Romeo Lodge, Stratford,
conferred the third degree on
31 candidates, coming from the
various lodges in Heron District
No. 8, as well as Stratford and
Benson Sutter, Noble Grand of
Clinton Lodge, was in charge of
evening's proceedings. Romeo
degree team was introduced to
the gathering by PDDGM's J. A.
Sutter, Clinton, and Ross Scott,
Brucefield. Priorto the degree
being exemplified, Harvey Spar -
ling, Exeter, favoured with piano
Following the conferring of the
degree PDDGM George H. Jef-
ferson, Clinton, pinch-hitting for
the Grand Chaplain of the Grand
Lodge of Ontario, Rev. J. H.
Martin, Belmore, who was unable
to attend on account of weather
conditions, addressed the candi-
dates, stressing their need in
daily life of living more closely
to the teachings of Holy Writ.
DOOM Fred Boyce, Brucefield,
and William Ruddoek, Goderich,
expressed the appreciation of the
District to Stratford far coming
to Clinton and conferring this
degree in such an exceptionally
fine manner, especially for com-
ing oe such a nasty evening.
Mervin Johnston. Noble Grand of
Romeo Lodge, spoke briefly in
reply. Garnet Johns, Noble Grand
of Exeter Lodge and William
Dougall, secretary of Remelt
Lodge, expressed the apprecia-
tion of the district to Clinton for
having . this gathering to which
John A. Sutter replied. Louis
Eckmier, Stratford, who always
has a fund of humourous stories,
spoke briefly and gave one of
these stories.
Following the meeting those
in attendance gathered In the
Odd Fellows Hall where delicious
refreshments were served. This
was one of the largest gatherings
in Huron District for quite some
Forty-four teen sat down to a
supper meeting of Clinton Pres-
byterian Men's CIub on Friday,
February 17, and went to town
over a real dinner prepared and
served by male waiters from the
The business of the Club was
in charge of the president, Royce
Macaulay, who outlined the pur-
pose 'of the Club as social, edu-
cational, spiritual and with spec-
ial interest in advancing the
welfare of the Church 'life among
the men of the congregation.
It was decided to conduct, the
meetings every alternate Friday
evening end with an Interesting
programme in view for each
meeting. The whole group was
divided into four smaller groups,
with a group captain, es leader.
These captains and their teams
are to be responsible for the
successive evening programme
and are to be changed from time
to time.
The company agreed on a
uniform Club fee and decided to
accept any work that would
further the development of • the
common interest of the church.'
The secretary, Elmer Mulley;
tabulated•'the names of • those
wishing to. . be full-time members•
of the Club, and on completion
of the scene it was discovered
with satisfaction that the 44 men
present had recorded their name.,
,Treasurer Bob Morgan. . was
Little Girls Have "'Big" Activity
nickeled ABOVE is the active "Wilhelmina' Trewartha" Explorer Group 'of Wesley -Willis
United Church, Clinton. Mrs. N. W. Trewertha, Leader of the group, is at left, and Yonne
Dales, the Counsellor, is at right.
Reading from left to right, members of the group include:
FRONT ROW—Carlyn Ashton, Darlene -Durr, Shirley Carter, Janet Elliott, Gloria Cooper,
Donna Haines, Pat Murch;
MIDDLE ROW -Ruth Glazier, Fay_ Foster, Mary Ladd. Darlene Stanley, Judy Ogston, Irene
Beticin, Marjorie Currie, Beverley Ashton; Gwen Griffiths, Deanne Durr, Marian Dales:
BACK ROW—Doris Cooper, Shirley 'Dales, 'Barbara Oliver, Donna Sharp, Marilyn Miller,
Sharon Thompson, Joan Ladd, Helen McKay, IVlarie Refausse;
Absent through illness or unavoidably delayed Marilyn Ashton. Jaen J1ackenn, Janie
Batkin, Jean Moore, Mary Moore, Diane Cooper' —Photograph by D. Hyslop Co.
W. E. Jervis, President
County Conservation
Huron County Conservation
Association was organized on a Mr. & Mrs. G. Cornish
countywide basis at a well at-
tended meeting held in the Board I-ionored by Friends
Room, Ontario Agricultural Of-
fice, Monday evening with rep- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Coreish who
resentatives present from all parts have recently moved to their new
home' which has just been built
on No. 4 Highway north of town
were the guests of honour at a
party given in their honour on
Wednesday evening last. •
Mr. and Mrs. `.Wesley Hogged,
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Ellis, Mr. and
Mrs. William 'Lovett and Mr. and
lV£rs. Percy Gibbings represent-
ing the Base Line and surround-
ing community gathered at the
Cornish home aid a very pleasant
social evening was enjoyed. Be-
fore the visitors departed, Mr,
and Mrs. Cornish were present-
ed with a large wall mirror, and
their son, Wray, with a pair of
kid gloves. These gifts expressed
to a smell but tangible way the
best wishes of the Base Line
community to their former neigh-
bours and wished them every
happiness in their new home, yth and duan c ships to raise money for the emboli should be amended to
o Robert Lepper, Bntssels a n d Federation of Agriculture by change the proportion retained by
Juniors Discuss district, Miss Vera Gardiner levying not more than one-half Township Federations from..40
Clinton• and district, Fred Elliott; mill against property owned by per. dent tc 25 per cent.
he county.
W. E. Jervis, president of
Huron Fish and Game Club, Clin-
ton, opened the meeting and ask-
ed' for nominations . for chair-
man,' Judge T, le Costello God-
erich, was selected. He conducted
the election of officers, which
resulted as follows'
President, William E. Jervis,
Clinton; secretary -treasurer, Glen
Lockhate, Clinton; Wingham,
Joseph Clarke; Lucknow, Roy
Collier; Blyth, Lorne Scrimgeour;
Goderich, William Joseph John-
ston; Hensall, Alfred Clarke; Zur-
ich, . Charles Rau: Exeter, Dalton
Finkbeiner; Seaforth, Scott Haw-
thorne; Winehelsea, Fred Walters;
Speakers included K. J. Jude
game overseer, Goderich; and E.
R. Meadows. Galt, district in-
spector, Wildlife Division, Ontario
Department of Lands and Forests.
alert in collecting the fee and the
expense of the stag dinner of the
evening. The group captains
chosen for the next four meet,
Ings were "Dick" Jacob, G, W.
Nott, Clarence Neilans, and Ken
The dish washing crew for the
evening clean-up received their
notices by discovering it in the
form of an invitation to take part
in the kitchen at the close of
the meeting. There was a wild
scramble to get the invitation.
The next. meeting. is in charge
of "Dick" Jacob and his group
and will convene on Friday
evening; March 3; et :eight o'clock.
it is hoped that ell pres-
ent for another ,• pleasant and
profitable hour, A, welcome is
extended to any one not present
at the inaugural .meeting last
istorica1'. Sketches
XIII-Biogra ihical•' Sketches'
This is the 29th of a series is. justly considered one, of the ass{ t ons ur es Substantial, increases in the Ernest e. Walton, seeretaty
of . historical articles on' the brightest. ornaments of the On- o number •of patients treated and treasurer, presented the 1949
municipalities in this area, taken earto, Bench; and his standing as . the • amount of.revenue received, financial report, which was in.
from "Historical Atlas of Her- either a 'jurist or a. gentleman were.. reported at the annual part, es follows;
on County,." published in 1879, is one of which his friends may meeting of Clinton Hospital As- 1918 1949
sedation in the Council Cham- Total operating .
Ten Clubs Combine;
Names. Requested
Local Club Interested in Help-
ing Crippled and Handicapped
Children; Names Must be in
by March 10 and Free County-
wide Clinic will be . held
May l0
With the cooperation of the
Ontario . Society for Crippled
Children and Huron County Pub-
lic Health Unit, the ten Lions
Clubs of Huron County are bend-
ed together to conduct a Huron
County 'Crippled Children's Sur-
The immediate object of this
Survey is to discover children who
might benefit by medical and
surgical treatment, but whose
parents are not in a position to
provide such 'care.
However. the Survey is ex-
pected to'determine the name of
every child in Huron County,
handicapped in any way, irrespec-
tive of family financial considera-
tions. With this end in view, the
full cooperation of the public is
earnestly requested.
Teachers, doctors and clergy-
men, as well as the members of
the Lions Clubs of Huron County,
are cooperating 'to the fullest
extent in assuring the success of
the Survey. All names must be
in the hands of the Secretary
by March 10. The Clinic itself
will be held in the Public Health
Unit, Clinton, on May 10.
The committee in charge of the
Survey comprises the following:
General chairman, . Dr. E. A.
McMaster, Seaforth; secretary -
treasurer, C. H. Epps, Clinton;
clergy, Rev. R. G. Hazlewood,
Walton; medical, Dr. J. A. Ad-
dison, Clinton; teachers, J. H.
Kinkead and G. G. Gardiner,
Public School Inspectors, Gado.
rich; Women's Institute, Mrs. L.
Scrimgeour, Blyth; Children's Aid
Society, Miss Clare McGowan,
Blyth; = Ontario Society for Crip-
pled Children, Miss Helen War-
ing, Reg. N., London; ' Public
Relations, R. S. Atkey, Clinton.
Lions Club representatives
(welfare committee chairmen—
Bayfield, John B. Howard; Blyth,
W. N. Watson; Brussels, Rev. R.
G. Hazlewood; Clinton, Dr. J. A.
Addison; Exeter, Andrew Snel-.
grove; Goderich, Gordon J. MC-
Manus; Howick, Dr. R. B. Palmer,
Wroxeter; Seaforth, H. E. Smith;
Wingham, Stewart Beattie; Zur-
ich, M. Schilbe.
Names and addresses of child-
ren 16 and under should be
handed to the local welfare
chairman, Dr. J. A. Addison,
or forward direct to the Secre-
tary -treasurer, C. H. Epps, Clin-
ton, at the earliest possible date,
and in no case after March 10.
Federation Requests
Double Present Levy
More revenue for Huron Fed- Huron, would raise more than
An taro will be $12 000
Huron County Old Boys' As- emeion •of A ricin
sociation of Tor
under the sought in a campaign to establish
leadership of Mrs. Doris Parton, a tax levy of two-fifths of a mill
1950 president, is planning some on all farm property in the
interesting events to celebrate county, it was decided at a meet -
the Golden Anniversary of its. ing in Clinton '
ivy Strong, Gerrie, and Ross
Marshall, Kiekton, were the pro-
posers of the resolution that
township councils be asked to-
organize eon 50 yeses ago, �ucsday of the raise two-fifths of a mill for the
g directors of the County Fedora- Federation. A counter -proposal,
For the first time in its hist- tion. The campaign for which that the Federation ask for all
ory the ,Association is headed by the directors voted, will, if it is of the half mill that the law
a member of the fair se c. Mrs. successful, take effect at the 'allows, was made by Harry
Parton tanto prior to h
ea rn-1r- time f i
ridge, was Doris Ti". daughter me o Huron's
copal lax roll
!i 3n Huron's 16 townships at the
of 1121 rod haus. Huge Htii t,•,re end of 1951.
ri.A. demi the fiii ti • ilits. Most of the townships
has tn,» faithful and cones- t s in Huron
iastic worse in the Association are now levying one-fifth of a
and is well qualified to give the mill forsFeddgrationtof Agriculture nships, in-
onit tlde eapable ieadership eluding Turnberry; McKillop,
ire it.. Golder, Jubilee Year. tr
�_.., and West Wawanosh, do
Other executive officers re- not make a levy for the Indere-. can get it the same all over the
cently elected for 1950 were: tion, but instead make a stated county," commented C h a r l e s
First vice-president, Montague R. grant from municipal funds to Courtes, Belgrave, president• of
Complin, formerly of Exeter; the Federation. • the Federation, "but we'll cer-
second vice-president, T. Harvey By a vote of '2t00 to =ix, the talirly attempt to get it the same
iVlesser (Wingham); secretary, directors decided ask each of in all the townships."
Kenneth C. Stanbury (Exeter): the 16 townships to levy two-. The directors decided that if
assistant secretary, Miss Eva fifths of a mill for the Federa- the campaign to raise the Federa-
Brians (Brussels); treasurer; El- tion. The levy would be made tion levy from. one-fifth mill to
gin Coutts (Wingham). by authority of Ontario legislation
The seven district chairmen of 1946, which authorizes town -
are as follows: Bl
rtrdy, Auburn, and George
Feagan, Goderich Township.
Twenty directors voted for the
two-fifths mill proposal; aix.•for.,
the half -mill; three, led by W
R. Lobb, Clinton, voted to post-
pone the decision until budget
estimates ate ready, .
"We can't guarantee that we
two-fifths proves successful, the
constitution of the County Fed -
Farm Price Question Exeter and district. Verne Mc- farmers; the legislation, provides 'Malec/el leathers, president of
Leen: Goderich and district, Mrs. that any taxpayer may avoid the Goderich Board of Tilde,
D. Thompson; Seaforth and diet- paying the half mill by filing a appeared before the Federation
The regular monthly meeting riot, Mrs. J. A. Brodie; Wingham' written objection with the town- directorate to extend an invite-'
of Clinton, Junior Farmers was and district, Mrs, A. G. Smith, ship clerk. • tion to .hold the annual county
held in Clinton Collegiate Inti- To open the year's activities farmers' •field day at Goderich
tete on Tuesday, February 14, a- social eveningis beingFew •Objectors
with Bob Allen plan- this year, The directors votedn
presidit+.g. red for Saturday, February 25, Most of the townships in Perth to accept the Goderich invitation, .
Plans were made for a number at the West End YMCA, College and Huron are now making the. and set the date of this year's
of boys to take in the bus -trip' and Dovercourt . Road, Toronto. one-fifth mill levy; experience field day for Wednesday, June 14.
to Toronto on:February 27, Spon- There will be cards, games, dant- has been that very few property- o ..
ing (oId time and modern) •and o'w'ners•. take the tiaubl
sored by Huron County Junior
John Deeves led the • boys in'a
very lively discussion on farm are a annual competition for
Mites. IViany suggestions
e to make
refreshments, • • • formal. objection to paying the
Other events being arranged Federation levy along with their
th re!gular •township. taxes. In the
rhe,. McLaren`! Trophy
AS -
brought forth •such ' as 'controlled Trophy for the
production, and support riots euchre championship of the As -
for farm produce. Concenstis of sociation, to be held in March,
opinion seemed to be that neither and the annual picnic which will
one was the answer: to the farm probably •be he'd at High Parll
price question, • on Friday,' lune 16. • '
Women throughout' the world
will gather on Firday afternoon,
February 25, the first Friday in
Lent. The service in Clinton will
be held in the Baptist Church
at 3 p.m., and +she ladies of the
town and community are invited.
Mrs. Robert Grierson. Londes-
boro, a former Missionary in
Korea, will be guest speaker.
Ladies of • the various churches
wills withthe service.
ease of a• farm assessed at $5,000,
the annual payment to the Fed-
eration. through the medium of
township taxes is .$1; the action
taken by the Huron Federation
Tuesday is intended to increase
the • payment' in such a case to $2.
Il is estim;ated that a two-fifths
Greyhound racing is, one of the mill levy, if it were made uni-
most popular sports in Britain. formly in all of the townships of
More 'Hospital Patients;
Small Surplus. Reported
, well feel proud.
Isaac Francis Torics; Juteor Robert Gibbons, Sheriff " of
Four cents ,aword
mbtimtwr 75 cents
bee, Town Hall, with only a small revenue after .'
Judge of the County, of Huron, Huron County, whose name 'op- number lis attendance outside the provision f o r
is a son of Mr Albert Toms and cupids a Board of Directors.. , ' doubtful debt $37,08928 00,1.70.56
prominent lilacs in `our' $
was' born et Charlotteville, Nor- political and municipal histories
fold County; Ont., Feb. 14th, 1841, is of Scotch origin, having' been
and inherits U.E.'Loyalist blood born in Glasgow, December:24th,
from both his ,parents. He re- • 1811. ' In 1832 he emigrated;to
ceived his education in his native :Canada, and: on the 16th of May
county, end in 1860 removed- to ref that year arrived at Goderich,
Huron. Having taken pp the ;then a village of less than 250
study of Law, he was called. to l inhahite:rits. Here he launched
the Bar in: 1865, and the follow- into business, and at an early
ing year was appointed to , the age took a' leading part in muni -
eh as Deputy Judge of Huron copal affairs; subsequently sere -
and .Bruce; but on the severance ing terms es Mayor of Godericb.
of the judicial union of these and:was for many years Reeve
Clinton Lions Skating Car-el-
vad, Lions. Arena. Friday, Febru-
ery'24. Ladies' hockey match at
7.15 p.m.; Carnival Queen crown-
ed at 9 pm.. Exhibition of figure
skating. Adults 25 cents, child-
ren 15•cents.. Skaters' in costume
free. 8-x
Dance, Town Hall,.. Clinton, Fri-
day, February 24, popular orch-
estra, admission 50 cents, dancing
10-I, . Auspices Huron Fish and
Gonne Club. 8-b
De W. A Oakes, president of County of l ue •
the ,Board, who was in the .chair, 'on grant • _ 1,000,00 1,000,0.0
briefly reviewed the •year's work.' Towne of ..Ion
A .letter was received from the ton grant .. 500.00 500.00
County of Huron announcing the '
re -appointment, of Dr. P. G. Total revenue 38,589.28 61,870.58
Thompson to the Board as county Total expend
representative, Mrs. Frank ring- hetes ...... 38,600:28 61,189.89
land or Mrs. D. J. Lane will
attend Board meetings as repre- Deficit 1948 $ 101/5
sentatives of the Hospital Aid. Surplus 1949: $ 480,88
Miss Annette Sinclair, is her Total assets at December 'ii
annual report, indicated increases 1949, were $203,684.70, subject to
1949 in all' departments over a first mortgage on, the property
948, as follwos; of $25,000.
1948 1948 Total number of patient days
Patients admitted , . 710 872 (number of patients times' num-
from Clinton .. 231 230 bar of days in hospital) in 1949
f r o in surrounding was 10,512, as compared with
district 461 602 8,577 in 1948, an increase.of more
rom ou e 18 40 than 23 per cent.
Births'.. . 191 204 A. M. Knight and G. M,
Reporting for the Hospital Aid, Counter were re-elected directors
Miss Luella Walkinshaw, tress- for a term of. three years, Frank
urer, indicated r e c e i p t s of Fingland, KC,' was elected'for
$2,887,32 and ' expenditures of 1950-51 to fill the unexpired
$1,121.66, with the. sum of term of 'the late' V. D. Falconer.
$1,396.96 spent op equipment' for Monteith and Monteith,' • Strat-
the hoepifel last ,year. ford, were re -appointed auditors.
Dr,; Oakes thanked; the ladies Dr. W. A. Oakes, W. H. Robin -
most heartily,their coopers -son, and A,. Ad. Knight were ap-
tion and Sha ..
Dr W. w made a pointed a'sliomiitatlrig' committeecommitteemoti.:J
on . to• this' effect,' winch to ori s' n i epdrt 'at the. March
pealed. meeting: •
counties, Judge Toms was ap- of that town and Warden of the in
pointed Junior Judge of Huron County. It's so different, : dancing at I
County, December 2nd, 1872, and Mr. Gibbons was elected to Crystal Palace:BaRroom, Mitchell,
on the 1211' February. 1879,he represent South Huron in the every Friday night to music of.
received the appointment o f first Parliament of Ontario, and Don Robertson end Rands Boys.
Surrogate Judge of the Maritime, four years later (in 18711 was re- . 7-8-p
e d t., a egislature, each
Court of :Ontario ' lected t h L •
Apart from his judicial duties, time as the candidate of the
the Judge has found time to Liberal Paste, whose doctrines
mingle in society. to whichhe is ,he effectually advocated; hut
an ornament. For several years after serving in that capacity
he has 'been a prominent member during two terms of the second
in the Maso•mc fraternity, and is Parliament, he resigned his sett
at present Grand Superintendent' to accept the Shrievalty of Hur-
for the Huron District in Royal on County, and has since admin -
Arch Masonry. istered the affairs of that Ito -
Though appointed to the Bench ' portant office in a manner ac -
at the eerie age of 25. years, oeptable to all patties,
Judge 'thins' • judicial,' centea''-,hes >..Oaniel MCD t
onald, Depu y clerk
•beet► of . uritisiial brillia '' Ile Page'Twp) `
+'+GS':• ." (Contnited' cis
One -act comedy, "A Tempest
in a Rat Shop," Town Hall, Varna,
Wednesday, March 1, • 8.15 p.m.
Admission 50 cents and 25 cents.
Also musical numbers and black
face entertainment. • presented
and ',mongered by WA, 'Veins
United Church. . • 3-p
Dance, old and new. Town
Hall, - Clinton, Friday, March 3.
Desiardins orchestra.Admission
54) cents. Sponsored by Lor.., No.
710, 7-43-9-b
Tomorrow. evening, ,F r i d cier, •
February 24, will be the leide• :
night to howl when the Clinton
Lions Club's annual Skating
Carnival is held in Clinton Lions
Arena: There will be fun foe
young and old alike. ,
• Russell E. Holmes, committee
chairman, stated today that the.
1950' edition of the Ceenival Is . ,
expected to be the biggest arid:
best. The Queen of the Carnival
will be crowned ' at 9' p.m., and
Clinton Citizens' Baled will bein
attendance. Full detail's are pith
lished in an advertisement on
Page Three today.
One of the features will be en
exhibition of fancy skating by a
Ole of experts.
The big laugh feature of the
'Carnival. however, Mr. Holmes
aayS, will be the ladies' hockey
match at 7.15 p.m. sharp between
Manager Ted Fines' Clinton Col-
legiate girls, and ' Menages. Cliff
Epee' "Lady" Lions (very lady
like to be :surer) This is billed
as "a startling exhibition of the
national' pastime."
The "Lady" Liors' will be
comprised of the following- well
known players, spearheaded by
that former professional, "Carol"
Draper, and the rest will be:
Wilhelnlina". Perdue, "Georgina"
McLav, "Hiia'iemonie" Hawkins,
"Rosalie" Holmes, "Tubina" Law-
son, "Mitzi" Shearing, "Roycina"
Macaulay, "Giardina' Bennett,
"Jemima Lynch, "" co
"Matilda" • Ball and "AnVickitoineJatte"b,
Geron. Club physician - a n d
her" services may he badly
needed—will be Dr. "Alexandra"
A Smile for Today
Mone Stamps!
"I don't understand," Mr. Mer-
, rite exclaimed; "you saye
,advocates all the large countries
of the, world bup nto
small'. countries.being Whetrokis he --•a
Oh, no ,his friend Roger re=p
piled '''"Haven't.;; yctu, ..h e a r d—
Clvorte'has become e• rabid •tatsrps