Clinton News-Record, 1950-02-16, Page 6PAGE SIX
Miss LucyR. Woods
Phone Bayfield 45x3
E.A. Featherston, London, spent
the weekend at his home.
Spencer Ervine was a weekend
visitor of Mr. and 'Mus. Phil.
Rhyeas, Toronto,
Fred Turner, Goderich, spent
the weekend with his son, Grant
Turner, end family.
Harry Baker, London, spent
the weekend withhis parents, Mr.
and Mrs, F. W. Baker.
Mrs. Spencer Ervine and dau-
ghter, Mary Elizabeth, ' spent the
weekend at Southampton.
Mrs. G. E. Mulhern and baby
eon returned home last week
from Clinton Public Hospital.
George Castle, Kitchener, is
visiting at the home of his par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Castle.
Mrs. Hazel Murray and family,
Owen Sound, are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pease and fam-
ily, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Barron,
London, 'spent Sunday in the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson
and baby. Mitchell, 'spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert MacLeod,
Goderich, spent Sunday with the
former's parents; Mr. and' Mrs.
L. H,° MacLeod..
Attended Reunion °
J. Ernest Hovey was in Toron-
to during the weekend, attending
a reunion of RCAF' instructors,
formerly stationed at St, Eugene,
Valentine Party
The Junior and Senior pupils
of the Bayfield Public: School
held their annual Valentine
party in the school on Tuesday
afternoon, Valentines were dis-
tributed to the children after
which a box social was held.
Valentine Social
A social . evening sponsored by
the Trinity Guild was held in
the Orange Hall on Friday even-
ing of Iast week. Euchre and
Court Whist were played. Prizes
were won by Dorothy MacLeod,
Mrs. P. Weston, Mrs. Fred Wes-
ton, Ellen MacKay and Fred
Middleton, Lunch was served by
the Guild,
Miss Mary Ellen Prest, Strat-
ford, spent Wednesday afternoon,
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Prest.
Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Young
and family, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford
Shobbrook and Charlie, visited
with Mr. and Mra. Tack Partridge,
Brantford, on Sunday.
Mission Band to Meet
The Mission Band will hold its
meeting on Sunday, February 19,
at 10.30 a.m., in the basement of
the church.
Mission Circle Meets
The Aimwell Mission Circle
held. its February meeting on
Tuesday, February 7, at the home
of Miss Edith Beacom, with the
president, Lois Wood, in the
chair. The meeting opened with
hymn 112. The theme was "Jesus,
the Lord of Life," The offering
, was taken up during which Joyce
Fan'grad favored with a solo, Mrs.
Brenton presented the next chap-
ter from the study book; hymn
172 was then sung, Francis Lyon
gave the treasurer's report. Min-
utes of the last meeting were
read by secretary Thelma Shob-
brook. The roll call was answer-
ed with a Bible verse beginning
with "F", with 22 present. Mrs.
Fangrad gave• a temperance
story. The Christian Stewardship
story by Mrs. Allan Shaddick.
The meeting closed with hymn
354 and prayer by Mrs. Joe Shad -
diet, after which Iunch was sew-
ed -by the hostesses, Miss Edith
Beacom, Mrs. Tom Allan and
Miss Thelma Shobbrook.
Social Evening Held
A social evening of the Young
People's Class was held on Sat -
244' x 73'
TENDERS will be' received by the undersigned to
March 4
for a frame building with metal roof on West Street in
the Town of Goderich.
Building to be removed within sixty days from
acceptance of tender. Highest or any tender not necessarily
• (Signed)
S. H. BLAKE, Town Clerk,
180' x 75'
TENDERS will he received by the undersigned to
March 4
for a frame exhibition building in Agricultural Park in
the Town of G,odcriclt.
This is an octagon shaped building, 75' in diameter
and 40' high, plus two one -storey wings approximately
35' x 50' each. Building to be removed within sixty days
from acceptance of tender. Highest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
S. H. BLAKE, Town Clerk,
-Applications for Assessor
Applications are hereby called for
the position of Assessor for the Township
of Goderich for the year 1950.
Salary has been set at $500 to cover, all the Asses-
sor's duties. All applications are to be in writing in the
Clerk's hands by March 1.
R. E. TI'IOMPSON, Clerk.
Township of Goderich'
Gravel Tenders
TENDERS are called for the Crushing and Deliver-
ing , of 10,000 yards of gravel to the Township roads for
the year 1950. Tender price should be for (1) gravel pas-
sing through a 5/8 -inch screen; and (2) for gravel passing
through a 3/4 -inch screen. Tenderers are expected to do
both patching and gravelling, and 8,000 yards are to be
delivered by July 15. The Township will supply the gravel.
A marked cheque for $250.00 is to' accompany the
tender, and all tenders are to be in the cle'rk's hands by
MARCH 1. Lowest br any tender net necessarily accepted,
Township of Goderich
*UMW 4•11•11W000011
Ilensall WI 'Meets
A splendid attendance marked
the monthly meeting of Hensall
Women's Institute held . in the
Legion Hall Wednesday night,
February 8, With president Mms.
F. Beer in charge, Roll cell was
answered with 'Name a city in
Canada you would like to see
and why." Mrs, T. Lavender pre,
seated the motto, "It's loving and
giving that make life worth
During the business discussion
the' matter dealt with was the
crib quilts for London War Me-
morial Children's Hospital. •A
special collection was taken for
the purpose of buying linings,
threads, and other supplies. Quilt
blocks and materials. were also
received.'Several tops were dis-
played finished by members,
Members are reminded of the
quilting to be held in the Legion
Rooms Wediiesday, Feb. 22 at
1.30 p.m.
The secretary announced that
as a result of the euchre and
dance held recently the amount
cleared was $45. This, plus $15
from the Institute funds, Com-
posed the share towards the cost
of piano donated to the Legion
rooms by Hensall Institute, Kip -
pen East Institute, and Legion
Auxiliary. Mrs. Stewart Bell ex-
pressed thanks for bank book
given to' her baby daughter, Paul-
ine. Current events were review-
ed by Mrs. Orr. Mrs. A. E. Munn
briefly reviewed highlights from
the book, "The Unknown Conn
try" by Bruce Hutcheson, Con-
tributing to the program: vocal
solos by Mrs. R. H. Middleton;
violin selections, Miss Greta Lam -
sale; piano solos, Mrs. L. Mickle;
readings, Mrs. Anna Walker. Miss
Phyllis Case and Mrs. W. Lee
were hostesses.
At the March meeting at which
Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Orr will
be hostesses, members are asked
to bring in their talent money,
At this meeting a demonstration
will be featured by the Singer
urday evening in the basement
of the church to honour Mrs. F.
Tamblyn on her retirement from
teaching ,that class. The classes
of Mrs. Lansing and Mrs. B.
Shobbrook were also present. The
evening opened with singsong
conducted by Mrs. Brenton, after
which a short programme was
enjoyed, Following this, Mrs.
Tamblyn was asked to come to
the platform and an address was
read to her by Doreen Armstrong, lof
and Jack Webster presented her
with a lovely end table on be-
half of the • class. Mrs. Tamblyn
replied very fittingly. Games
were then enjoyed and .a de-
licious lunch was served.
Goderich Township;
Mr. and.Mrs: Cecil ,Merkley,
Wiugham, Were guests on' day of of Mr. and Mrs, Erect wall's,
Mrs,' Agnes Davidson, 'who hes
spent' several months in London,
is visiting 'her coni -in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Hopson, Fourth Concession.
Forum Did Not Meet
S.S. No. 4 Farm Forum did
not meet on : Monday night, on
account of unfavourable weather.
The last meeting was held at
the home of Mr. and lairs, Robert
Thompson. The meeting next
week Will be at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Welter Forbes, with
Mrs. Forbes and Jim Lobb on the
Sewing Machine representative,
Legion Auxiliary Meets
The LegionAuxiliary.'y met in
the Legion Hall, Hensai'l, Tuesday
evening, Feb. 7, for their Febru-
ary meeting. The chair was taken
by Mrs. R. Taylor, first vice-
president, Mrs. F, Appleby was
pianist for the evening.
Ten candidates were admitted
into membership in an initiation
ceremony, as follows: Mrs. Wil-
liam Parke, Mrs, Keith Buchan-
an, Mrs. C. Kennedy, Mrs. A.
Scholl, Mrs, Bertha Moir, Mrs.
E. Little, Mrs. Jack Tudor, Mrs.
Harold Bonthron, Mrs. A. Foster,
Mrs. Wesley Jones.
A letter of thanks was read
from James Clark, secretary of
the Legion, for the recent do-
nation of a piano to that organ-
ization, from Hensel]. and Kippen
East Women's Institutes and Leg-
ion Auxiliary.
Miss Jean Taylor reported for
visits made and cards sent to
the sick and shut-ins, Discussion
centred around a. bazaar to be
held in the spring. The mystery
prize, in charge of Miss Jean
Taylor, was won by Mrs, Wilfred
Cameron. Refreshments were
served; social committee were
Mrs. Appleby, Mrs. Brown, Mrs.
Beer, and Mrs. Peebles.
Successful Sale
A very successful home bak-
ing sale and afternoon tea was
held in the HOOF Lodge Hall
Saturday afternoon, February 11,
sponsored by Amber Rebekah
Lodge. Many lending their pat-
ronage from the village, district,
Seaforth, anti Goderich, The hall
was lovely decorated with pink
and green streamers the lodge
colours, while the tea tables
centred vases of daffodils. Soft
music was played throughout the
ternoon• One of the highlights
of the affair was tea cup read-
ing. 'After expenses were paid,
$60 will be realized froni the sale,
In Italy the women use their
bare feet to tramp on grapes and
bring out the juice for wine-
Ladies' Club Meets
The February meeting of Sum-
merhill Ladies' Club was held at
the home of Mrs. William Jenkins
with 28 members and three vis-
itors present. The meeting was
opened with the singing of "Sil-
ver Threads among the Gold,"
and the repeating of the Lord's
Prayer in unison.
The minutes were read and
adopted and a "thank -you" note
read from Mrs. McGuire. The
programme consisted of: a read-
ing by Mrs. Norman Ball; a name
contest conducted by Mrs. Charles
Merrill and woe by Mrs. Keith
Tyndall; a singing contest con-
ducted by Mrs. and
won by Mrs. Norman Ball; a
guessing contest conducted by
Mrs. Allen Neal and won by Mrs.
Sid Lansing; a solo by Miss
Sandra Merrill which greatly de-
lighted her audience, The raffle
was won ty Mrs. Wes Hoggart,
The March meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Sid
Lansing, Those in charge of the
lunch will be Mrs. L. Stewart,
Miss Dorothy Blake, Mrs. F. El-
lis, Mrs. W. Jenkins. The pro-
gramme committee will be Mrs.
Graydon Neal, Mrs. W. Penfound,
Mrs. D. L. Stephenson, Mrs. L.
Day -Time! Date -Time!
Beauty .
Depend on our regular
expert beauty care for
charming loveliness. Let'
us style your hair to stilt
your person<abittyI
Verna's Beauty Salon
For your appointment
Phone Goderich
1095-W collect
Newgate and Hamilton,' Sta.
trader; Ch
Weak, Tired, Nervous,'
Pepless Mee, Women ,
Net New Vim ll%, roIVita/
weetq is ere Nue
ti`w a r
ecOrd9 s Correspondents
recreation Committee,
Sgccessful Party
"The Tipperary School," No, 9,
Was the scene of a. successful
party on Tuesday evening, Feb.
7. This party was organized by
John beeves, the proceeds to be
used toward installing hydro in
St. James Church, Middleton.
There were 17 tables of peogres-
sive euchre with Mrs. Charles
Cooper, ladies high, Allan Bat-
tles, Sr,, men's high count. A
door prize of a box of groceries
was won by Wilfred Glazier. A
bounteous lunch was served by
the ladies, Dancing was then
enjoyed till' the wee sma' hours
with Mrs. John 'Middleton at the
piano, Clarence Perdue, violin;
and Allan ' Betties, floor man-
ager. The proceeds of this even-
ing were $51. John to
' leading
George White
'No. 6
made in Ontario
Here's why more
farmers are buying
the NO. 6
... Easier to drive to move
• .. Can be handled with the
average 2•plow tractor
... Threshes cleaner and faster
Handles up to 3 loads per
... Smart appearance -- built to
... Welded frame construction
gives greater strength, with.
out costly weight.
, .. Simpler and easier to adjust.
... More Compact. Easier to Store.
See us today for illustrated fodder'
and price list:—
Phone Clinton 803r41
"George White Dealer"
be congratulated on this, success -`etc., for the social- evening atl party,
Community Club Meet; Mrs.t.son's Feb, in Nit
S.5, No. .4 Community Club Thompson gave a reading, and
met at the home of Mrs. Charles
Williams for the February meet-
ing, which was opened by re,
meting the Lord's Poorer in
unison. The roll call was answ-
ered by handing in print patches
for quilts. There were 15 mem-
bers and three visitors present.
The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and the
tr'easurer's report was given.
Mrs. L. Scrimgeour, district' rep-
resentative of the Women's In-
stitute, gave a talk on the work.
of the WI, Mrs. H, Phillips of
BIyth and Mrs. A. Campbell of
Auburn, also were guests and told
of the Institute work done in
their Institutes. A vote of thanks
was extended to these visiting
ladies, and the meeting was
closed with the Mizpah Benedic-
tion. Lunch was served by the
Mrs. R. Thompson and Mrs. L. hostess. The club will meet at
Tyndall were appointed as a the home of Mrs. U. Thompson
committee to look after games, for the March meeting.
More ° flavour? ?Chi is because
it's better tea
R. R. No. 3
Clinton - Ontario
dealer for
invites your inspection
R'he ideal one man saw The last word in chain
manufactured in answer to saws. A lightweight, pow -
the demand for machine erful one- or two-man
light enough for climbing machine with perfect .bail -
yet powerful enough to ante and no vibration. Fully
efficiently handle up to 30" automate clutch, re -wind
minting attachments. starter and chain oiler. .
(100% owned and operated by employees)
Vancouver, B.C.
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Friday, Saturday, ONLY, February 17-18
No. 8
Enamel� � Dishpan
White Trimmed with Red
Regular _.$1.25
Special .83
Stratford and District
Hardware Association
SutterPerdue Ball and Mutch
PHONE 147 Phone ,195
Hugh . R. Hawkins