Clinton News-Record, 1950-02-16, Page 5THURSDAY,FEBRUARY 16, 1950 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE't. News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results -CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed- nesday following date of inser- tion)—One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED --IS cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. AC FOR REPAITION `TARE' -ROOMED APARTMENT, bath, hot and cold water, for sent. , Phone 907r3. 7-8-b FURNISHED ROOM TO. RENT. Apply Miss E; Becker, Erie St, Clinton, 7-p ARTICLES FOR SALE 'KITCHEN CABINET: small ice 'box; oil brooder; water draught and fountain; feeder roost; as- sorted windows. A Garen, phone '512. 7-b PLAY PEN AND MATTRESS; boys' skates, size 5; baby car- singe; electric .fan; Frigidaire, six cubic feet, one year old. Phone ZZ51J. 7-8-p AUTOMOBILE PARTS FOR SALE. HOUSES FOR SALE 11/ STOREY INSTIL BRICK six -room dwelling with hardwood floors, furnace, bathroon, water on tap, garage, . all in Al con- dition, good location. Cecil Wheeler, Realtor, Blyth, phone 88. 6-7-b MEDIUM=SIZED BRICK HOUSE containing two apartments. Must be sold to close estate. Contact Jabez Rands, Clinton, phone 80. 2-b-tfb 11 STOREY FRAME DWELLING; living room, dining room, kitchen, den, down; four bedrooms and sunporch up; three-piece bath down; furnace; garage; small nod1. location; p about April . Laawson, Realtor, phone Clinton 251W. 6-b-t'fb FOR QUICK SALE—NEW Five - roomed cottage, insul brick sid- ing, asphalt roof, oak floors throughout, three-piece bath, built-in cupboards, basement, all connected to sewer, water and lights, immediate possession, This house will be sold for highest cash offer on or before March 20. Subject to reserve bid: Apply Bert Huller, King St., phone 319J. 5-b-tfb !' HELP WANTED—Female -WRECK1,,NG 1934 FORD — One I good radiator; two good snow - grip tires, 556x7T; and other parts. Harold Glew, Victoria St., Clin- ton, phone 355J. 6-7-p EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 'SET OF TWO SPRING -TOOTH Massey -Harris harrows in good ,condition. Clarence Ball, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone 804r5, 7-p FARM HELP RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED Holland families, arriving soon. Apply to Cde Haan, Belgreve, 'Ont. 7-b-tfb FARMS FOR SALE 125 ACRE FARM on County Road; 80 acres No. 1 land, 25 acres bush, 20 acres rough land, 17 acres wheat, bank barn, drilled well, windmill, good stabling, -ten-roomed red brick house, hard -and sfot water, furnace, garage, 'driving shed, hydro throughout, 'close to village and school. Pric- 'ed to sell. See this farm before you buy, terms. For particulars en this and other farms see Cecil "Wheeler, Realtor, Blyth, phone B. 6-7-b GRAIN FOR SALE FEW BUSHELS "CASCADE" 'heavy yielding spring wheat; also a few bushels Clinton oats; two - wheel farm trailer with stock rack. Ferg VanEgmond, phone 187. '7-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SEVENTEEN LITTLE PIGS, sev- en weeks old, Edgar Rathwell, 11.11. 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton '00954. 7-p SOW DUE FEBRUARY 28; 11 weaner pigs; three tons baled Straw. Apply F, P. Arkell.• R.R. `2, Bayfield, phone Clinton 906r25, 7-p RADIO SERVICE ROBERT WEEKS, Radio Service, member National Schools, Los Angeles, Calif. Radio service, construction, installation of an- tennae, adjustment end repair, Noise and interference elimina- tion caused by fluorescent lights, motors, etc. Phone Clinton 633r3, 'Or write R.R. 4, Clinton. 7-p WANTED BABY CARRIAGE OR PRAM in •mood condition, Phone 191W. 'GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK five clays per week, Apply Cpl, Neilson, phone 382 Clinton. 7-p M1SCECELLANEO1JS LIVE HORSES WANTED FOR mink feed; mink scarves for sale. Elmer Trick, phone 907r5. 4 -b -tib SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 1-10-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices, If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mint Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- tele 2btfb ROOF REPAIRS SAVE TROUGHING — get your eave tr"u'h on now, or repaired. For info• e•,'ion and prices phone Clinton 807i'S, or Brussels, 96x4. 5-6-7-p CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Harold Emmerson wishes to express her appreciation to all. friends who so thoughtfully re- membered,her while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital with flowers and cards; special thanks ary 14, to the nurses and the WA of MacMATH — At the home of her Wesley -Willis United Church. daughter, Mrs. Ewan Ross, CARD OF THANKS Holmesville, on Saturday, Feb- Iwish to thank all those who ruary 11, 1950, Wi ifs red E. Goodwin, beloved wife of the late Samuel MaclVfath, in her 70th year. Funeral from the Beattie and McRoberts Funeral Home, Rattenbury St. E., Clin- ton, to Maitland Cemetery, Goderich, on Monday, Febru- ary 13. BIRTHS A SCHOOL BOARD OFFICIAL CRICH—In Clinton Public Hos- • puts us right regarding the alleg- pital, on Wednesday, February ed tack of a school tractor and 15, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- plow in Clinton, whereas Sea- bur Crich, R,R. 1, Clinton, a forth has one . . . Apparently,. son. this equipment was ordered By GINGERICH — In Clinton Public the local Board as long ago as Hospital, on Tuesday, February July 1948 . Our apologies!.:, 14, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G•ingerich, Zurich a son. JOHNSTON— In Clinton Public SLOAN—In Clinton Public Hos- Hospital, on Friday, February i phial, on Thursday, February 10, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. , 16, 1950, Olive. Moon, beloved Howard Johnston, R.R. 4, Chu- wife of William Sloan. Rest ton, a son, ing at the Ball and Mutch Fun- eral Home, High Ste Clinton, MARRIAGES where the funeral service will LAMBIE-CURRIE—At the Pres- be held on Saturday afternoon, byterien Manse, Clinton, on February 18, at two o'clock, to Saturday afternoon, February Londesboro Cemetery, , 11, 1950, by Rev, D. J. Lane, Thelma Louise, daughter of Mrs. Currie and the late John Currie, Dungannon and Code - rich, to Raymond George, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lam- bie, Midland. MUNN-TAYLOR—At the United Church Manse, Hensall, at 2 p.m., on Saturday, February 11, 1950, by Rev. R. A. Brook, Thelma Jean Taylor, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Richard Tay- lor, Sr„ Kippen, to James Gor- dan Munn, son of Mrs. Munn and the late Robert M. Munn, Hensall, SUTHERBY-LAMPMAN — At Wesley -Willis United Church Manse, Clinton, on Saturday, February 11, 1950, at 1.30 p.m., by Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, Doris Jean, elder daughter of Mrs. Viola Lampman, Clinton, and the late Harold Lampman, to James Albert, son of James Stttherby, Winnipeg,' Man., and the late Mrs. Sutherby. Clearing - AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements at Lot No. 26, 16th Concession of Goderieh Township, one. mile west of Clinton and 1/ mile north, on Wednesday, March 1 at 1 p.m. sharp. The sale consists of: Clydesdale filly, 4 yrs. old; Clydesdale X Percheron gelding, 2 yrs. old; Clydesdale, filly, 1 yr. old. 12r caws, mostly Herefords, some are fresh, all are milking, some are due in spring end summer. Pour baby beef (3 steers, 1 heifer); yearling steer; 11 steers and heifers ranging from 1 to 6 month, old. All Battle are TB, tested once, TEBBUTT-MALLOUGH—At the subject to a 60 -day re -test. Four Yorkshire sows, bred Dec,, Jan, and Feb.; 1 pig approx. 200 lbs,; 14 chunks; 12 pigs, 7 weeks old. Farm Implements include M. -H. binder, 7 ft. cut; M. -H. mower, 5,k ft. cut; rubber tire wagon; flat rack; double cisc; quantity of white ash lumber. Full listing in next week's paper. TERMS—CASH. HERBERT JENI{INS, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Coiquhottn, Clerk. 7-8-b manse of Knox Presbyterian Church. Goderich, on Satur- day, February 4, 1930, at 4 p.m., by Rev. R. G. MacMillan, 'Norene, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mallough, Gode- rich, to John Arthur Tebbutt, eldest son of lVir. and Mrs. Ir- vine Tebbutt, Goderich Town- ship. DEATHS BALL—In Windsor. on Friday, February 10, Sandra Ball, be- loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Ball, aged six months. Funeral from the Morris Walkerville Chapel, to Green Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery, Windsor, on Sun- day, February 12. EDWARDS—In Sauna, Man., on Sunday, February 12, 1950, Mag- gie Cantelon, beloved wife of the late W. V. Edwards, . and dear sister of A. J. Cantelon, Clinton. Funeral and interment e at Souris on Tuesday, Febru- sent cards, flowers, boxes and called on me while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital; special thanks to Dr. Oakes, special nurses Mrs. W. Forbes and Mrs. MacDonald, also to Miss Sinclair and her nursing staff.—Leonard Hunter. 7-p CARD OF THANKS— Roy Connell wishes to thank his friends, relations and neigh- bours for the lovely cards, fruit, flowers and treats while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital; spec- ial thanks to Di'. Addison, Dr. Oakes, nurses end hospital skiff. CARD OF THANKS William McCli•nchey wishes to express his h'eartfelt'apnreciation to all who in any way brightened his days with flowers, carcls„and treats while a patient in. Clinton Public Hospital; special thanks to the nursing staff, special nurses, Dr. W. A. Oakes and Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel. 7-b Distinctive Portraiture TO SHOW YOU AT YOUR BEST Keep for tomorrow the most memorable moments of to -day! Take advantage of SPECIAL OFFER now ' by phoning CLINTON 203 for your appointment D. HYSLOP CO. Your Resident Clinton Photographer Behind the Post Office Have Your Suit TAILORE J TO-MEASU RE PICKETT STETSON HATS PHONE 25 See the new SPRING Samples, Just Arrived! Gabardines -- Worsteds Serges -•- Sharkslcins and the New "Bermuda Cords" • • • BLUE is the SHADE for spring o • • NEW STYLE BOOKS! The latest fashions for Ladies and Men. • • • WARREN K. COOK TOWNE HALLE REGAL PARK W. 'R. JOHNSTON . TIP TOP TAILORS CAMPBELL ARROW SHIRTS CLINTON CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K. C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 $andsawing Jigsawing Cut out Letters, interior or ex- terior advertis- ing, Woodworking REG. SMITH High St Ph. 79 7w doesmiammatac nraeraos�: PROMPT Local and Long Distance TAXI SERVICE PHONE 1 1 0 Atittaiel O Y THEATRE CLINTON - NOW PLAYING '•-- Robert Douglas - Helen Westcott "HOMICIDE" CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH — MON. -- TUES. -- WED. -- Humphrey Humphrey BOGART in A Y DOOR' 'KNOCK 0 — Adult Entertainment — — MON. -- TUES. -- WED. -- BOBBY DRISCOLL BARBARA HALE "THE WINDOW" NOW: Errol Flynn - Technicolor "The Adventures of Don Juan" — TUES., WED. — Ingrid Bergman - Charles Boyer & Charles Laughton—The great love story that caught the heart- beat of our time. Eric Maria Rensaaque's "THE ARCH OF TRIUMPH" — THURS. -- FRI.. -- SAT. — Joel McCrea - Virginia Mayo & Henry Hull—A hard-hitting tale of the west jammed with rugged action and breath -taking, back.: REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW: Janis Paige, Wayne Morris in "The Younger Brothers" — MON., TUES., 'WED. — Glenn Ford - Nina Foch & Barry Kelly—Packed with suspense and dramatic action comes an adven- ture story that will hold your interest, throughout, The Undercover Man' — THURS., FRL, SAT. •— Virginia Mayo - Eddie Bracken & Ronald Reagan -:--Fizzing with fun and bubbling with infectious situations, you will enjoy every grounds. moment with— "COLORADO "The Girl from TERRITORY" Jones Beach" Coming: Bette Davis in "JUNE BRIDE" Coming: Humphrey Bogart in "KNOCK ON ANY DOOR" 'TOWN SALARIES (Continued from Page One) water consumption of such owner or occupier and sewerage rentals shall be calculated on the gross water consumption, less the amount passing. through such outside." "That where the Board of Health recommends that sanitary conveniences should be installed in any building and is of The opinion that the owner of the premises is unable or, unwilling to pay the expense of the same at once, the municipality may, with the approval of the Minister of Health, instal suitable sanitary conveniences and connections re- quired to connect such sanitary conveniences with the common sewer of the municipality, and the costs thereof, including interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, on the deferred pay- ments, shell be paid by the own- er in equal successive annual payments extending over a per- iod of five years, and that such annual payments shell be added by the Clerk of the municipality to th,e Collector's Roll and • col- lected in like manner as muni- cipal taxes." IF YOU ARE GOING TO PAINT UP • AND BRIGHTEN UP -- USE -- MARTIN SENOR PAINTS From Our Well -stocked Shelves Be sure and see the KEN GLO MIRACLE PAINT now in stock. -- ALSO — A Complete Stock of PLUMBING' FIXTURES — SINKS TOILETS — BATHS and BASINS and LAUNDRY TUBS. — COME AND SEE OUR STOCK — Hugh R. Hawki HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE 244 ' '' -- CLINTON ' 3w•S:i.. .�+�: MWi.+$'1 :'Ma �, WW HM �.+`"A,i`f+'.+q.+�«jHr H«. :+: i++•'•±:: ice: :•'.wj++°Y "BE YE ALSO READY FOR 1N SUCH 'AN HOUR AS YE THINK NOT = —THE SON OF MAN COMETH" Matt, 24: 44 3 "The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with . his mighty angels in flaming fire taking .vengeance on them 3 that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." -2 Thes, 1:7,8. : . "SEEK YE THE LORD WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND" '> Ise. 55: B 3 ,g • CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif- •',',O'Vt.". V-CQFi7M+t» 'C4:«: '•":+fi•t«d"i' :»w«i rcrO:•+«;»i»`•. r,•-•« • LION'S INDUCT FOUR MEMBERS ON DDG VISIT (Continued from Page One) ern and Midget teams entered in WOAA hockey series, "a good bunch of kids"; Lions Arena, E. J. Jacob, "still in the red." In his official address as Deputy District Governor, Dr. E. A. McMaster dealt with the theme, "Dreams can come true," refer- ring particularly to the world- wide growth and influence of Lionisin which has 400,000 mem- bers in 8.000 separate Clubs in 27 countries of the world. "If you want to be happy, do things," he advised. The speaker was introduced by J. G. McLay end was thanked in behalf of the Club by Caryl W. Draper. Draws were won by Lorne Brown and F/O J, H. Lynch. Draw at the previous meeting on Burns Night—a two pound haggis—was won by George B. Beattie and presented to Dr. J. W. Shaw. Clinton Citizens' Horticultural Society The Spring planting list will shortly go out to hold- ers of 1950 Membership Tickets. If you have not joined yet send $1 to the secre- tary, Rev. It.: M. P. Bulteel. 5-6-b Clinton Old Boys' Reunion August 5-9, 1950 This is YOUR Reunion! OFFICIAL INVITATIONS are being mailed on or about March '15. Please forward names and addresses of your friends and relatives, before March 10. To assist the Secretary, please have these writ- ten out in legible form and send to . H. C. LAWSON Secretary, Clinton Old Boys' Reunion 7-3-9-b AMERWOOD IS PRE -FINISHED AMERWOOD IS EASY TO APPLY • AMERWOOD IS BEAUTIFUL PreFinished MEMO 0 PRE -FINISHED AMERWOOD is the new sand beautiful wall panelling that arrives on the job completely finished, Ready to apply in the lengths that suit your job. No waste, PRE -FINISHED AMERWOOD is the new and beautiful wall panelling where the hard growth stench in bold relief. It has been stained, lacquered, baked in an infred oven (the same ' as your modern car bodies), waxed with a polish many tunes harder than the simonize you would apply to your car and then polished to a satin finish, PRE -FINISHED AIVIBERWOOD is Ili" in thickness, comes in 6", 8", 10" widths and 8', 10', 12', 10' in length, Packed 6 `boards to the package' end in four attractive colors Walnut, Mahogany, Natural and White, • When PRE -FINISHED AMERWOOD is applied and your last nail is driven the job is then complete, no paint, no Rimes, no extra muss. It requires no extra tools, just hammer, saw and square, Drop in axd'see it at our yards, SOLD ONLY THROUGH YOUR RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS Ball --Macaulay .Builders"' Supplies .LIME CEMENT COAL COKE Phone 97 - -- Clinton SEW — SEW -- SEW National Sew & Save ' Week FEB. 18 to 25 ' , It's Smart to Sew So we SEW and SEW to SAVE WABASSO PRINTS All Patterns 45c to 59c BROADCLOTH All Shades 49c to 75c GINGHAMS • Checks - Plaids 69c to $1.19 Dimity-Opaleen-Krinklecrepes Nationally Advertised CHESTERLAINE ALL WOOL BROAD CREPE New Spring Pastel Shades 54" wide $2.95 per yard Simplicity Patterns Carried in Stock - -- Also --- NOTIONS -- NOTIONS — NOTIONS 36w 8125211 Martids"'6j ..... IF YOU ARE GOING TO PAINT UP • AND BRIGHTEN UP -- USE -- MARTIN SENOR PAINTS From Our Well -stocked Shelves Be sure and see the KEN GLO MIRACLE PAINT now in stock. -- ALSO — A Complete Stock of PLUMBING' FIXTURES — SINKS TOILETS — BATHS and BASINS and LAUNDRY TUBS. — COME AND SEE OUR STOCK — Hugh R. Hawki HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE 244 ' '' -- CLINTON ' 3w•S:i.. .�+�: MWi.+$'1 :'Ma �, WW HM �.+`"A,i`f+'.+q.+�«jHr H«. :+: i++•'•±:: ice: :•'.wj++°Y "BE YE ALSO READY FOR 1N SUCH 'AN HOUR AS YE THINK NOT = —THE SON OF MAN COMETH" Matt, 24: 44 3 "The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with . his mighty angels in flaming fire taking .vengeance on them 3 that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." -2 Thes, 1:7,8. : . "SEEK YE THE LORD WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND" '> Ise. 55: B 3 ,g • CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif- •',',O'Vt.". V-CQFi7M+t» 'C4:«: '•":+fi•t«d"i' :»w«i rcrO:•+«;»i»`•. r,•-•« • LION'S INDUCT FOUR MEMBERS ON DDG VISIT (Continued from Page One) ern and Midget teams entered in WOAA hockey series, "a good bunch of kids"; Lions Arena, E. J. Jacob, "still in the red." In his official address as Deputy District Governor, Dr. E. A. McMaster dealt with the theme, "Dreams can come true," refer- ring particularly to the world- wide growth and influence of Lionisin which has 400,000 mem- bers in 8.000 separate Clubs in 27 countries of the world. "If you want to be happy, do things," he advised. The speaker was introduced by J. G. McLay end was thanked in behalf of the Club by Caryl W. Draper. Draws were won by Lorne Brown and F/O J, H. Lynch. Draw at the previous meeting on Burns Night—a two pound haggis—was won by George B. Beattie and presented to Dr. J. W. Shaw. Clinton Citizens' Horticultural Society The Spring planting list will shortly go out to hold- ers of 1950 Membership Tickets. If you have not joined yet send $1 to the secre- tary, Rev. It.: M. P. Bulteel. 5-6-b Clinton Old Boys' Reunion August 5-9, 1950 This is YOUR Reunion! OFFICIAL INVITATIONS are being mailed on or about March '15. Please forward names and addresses of your friends and relatives, before March 10. To assist the Secretary, please have these writ- ten out in legible form and send to . H. C. LAWSON Secretary, Clinton Old Boys' Reunion 7-3-9-b AMERWOOD IS PRE -FINISHED AMERWOOD IS EASY TO APPLY • AMERWOOD IS BEAUTIFUL PreFinished MEMO 0 PRE -FINISHED AMERWOOD is the new sand beautiful wall panelling that arrives on the job completely finished, Ready to apply in the lengths that suit your job. No waste, PRE -FINISHED AMERWOOD is the new and beautiful wall panelling where the hard growth stench in bold relief. It has been stained, lacquered, baked in an infred oven (the same ' as your modern car bodies), waxed with a polish many tunes harder than the simonize you would apply to your car and then polished to a satin finish, PRE -FINISHED AIVIBERWOOD is Ili" in thickness, comes in 6", 8", 10" widths and 8', 10', 12', 10' in length, Packed 6 `boards to the package' end in four attractive colors Walnut, Mahogany, Natural and White, • When PRE -FINISHED AMERWOOD is applied and your last nail is driven the job is then complete, no paint, no Rimes, no extra muss. It requires no extra tools, just hammer, saw and square, Drop in axd'see it at our yards, SOLD ONLY THROUGH YOUR RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS Ball --Macaulay .Builders"' Supplies .LIME CEMENT COAL COKE Phone 97 - -- Clinton