HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-01-26, Page 5-'16.11IItSDA"'Y, gANCARY 26, 1050 News -Record ClaSsified Adlets Bring Quick. Results IN MEMORIAM rsesday following date of inner- COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE GIRL, BIRTHS IN loving memory ROXY THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE tion) --One cent a word first in- part-time; full-time employment BERTRAND - In Clinton Public of a dear daughter, Phoebe Ford, CLINTON GODERICH' SR A F o R' T 19 -sertion (minimum 35 •cents); sub -during summer vacation. Clay- Hospital, on Wednesday, Jan- who passed away'. January 25, Sequent insertions onecenia word ton',, Ice Cream Bar, phone 134. nary 25, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. ]827: —. Now Playing - NOW: h In Teo nicolor "TH Cyril Bertrand; Clinton, a "The evenng char shines on the ((minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- 4-5-b daughter. grave — Thurs. - Fri. r Sat. �— YOUNGER. BROTHERS" starring era for box number or for direr- LOST' AND FOUND GIBBINGS--In Stratford General Of one we loved but could Wayne Morris -- Janis Paige Wayne Morris and Janis Paige GOES TO COLLEGE" to NEWS -RECORD Office.Hospital, on Wednesday, Jan -not save, !Bruce Bennett, Geraldine Brooks IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. LOST — ' REWARD WILL Be uary 18, 1950, to Mr. end Mrs. The call was sudden, the Shock Robert Hutton —MON., TOES., WED —• —MON., TUES., WAD. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. given for information leading to John A. Gibbings, Stratford, a severe, "The Gregory Peek - Valli -Ami Todd Robert Douglas - Helen Westoott recovery of small Harrier hound daughter. To lose the one we loved so & Charles Laughton. A screen & Robert Aida—Telling awater "The Paradine Case" "HOMICIDE" the law and the lawless. on tap, . twwith black, white and brown HAY—In Clinton Public Hospi- dear. YOUNGER classic from that maker of hits penseful story of conflict, between you'll never forget. FOR RENT markings, white tail, brown eyes, cal on Thursday, January 26, 'Tis sweet to- know we'll meet B R O T I'I E R S " O. Selznick, the ,pieture and brass -studded collar. W. F. 1950, to Mr.,. and Mrs, Charles again Bas- le E N S A L L, THREE -ROOMED Corson, phone 567W, 4-p Hay, Zurich, a daughter. When troubles are no more, The outlaw brothers who she heatedeontap,, two-piece bane LOST — STRING OF BUBBLE MHaspifiMal, an n cliesday,P Public And tWetlthe one we loved so their etrWgh esent stt,.- ghkER they W. C. Pearce, 'Realtor, Exeter. Beads between Herman S Men's uary 25, 1950,to Mr. and Mrs. Has just gone, on before." — Color byTechnicolor — q_5 -p Wear and Bartliff s on Monday, HarryMcAda, R.R: 3, Zurich, —Sadlymissed . byfather, sister January 23. Finder leave at Bartliff's. 4-b a daughter (stillborn). Roxanne, and brothers Bill and ARTICLES 'FOR SALE THOMPSON—In Clinton Public Glen. 4-b — MON., TUES., WED. — Hospital, • on Monday, January Cary Ann 23, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Palmer GRANT SHERIDAN Thompson, Clinton, a son. in CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FI VF:; CASH.RATE--(If paid by Wed- HELP ' WANTED—Female NOW: Clifton Webb and Shirley Temple in "MR. BELVEDERE. ENGLISH -STYLE Perambulator; 'baby Seal fur coat, both for quick :sale. Offers. B. M. VanSickle, Rabtenbury St. W., phone 164J. 4-b CLARE JEWEL ELECTRIC Range; •chrome breakfast table and chairs; washing machine; ^utility cabinet. Phone 292 Clin- ton. 4-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1942 NASH SEDAN WITH AIR •conditioning, radio, and seat cov- ers, in good condition. Apply C. D. Simpson, ' Brucefield, phone 'Clinton 632r23. 4-b 1934 FORD SEDAN, OFFER, for -quick sale. Phone Clinton 161J. 4-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE EIGHTEEN LITTLE PIGS, SIX weeks old, T. Booth, R. R. 3, Clinton, phone 911r16. 4-b EIGHT LITTLE PIGS, six weeks old; three or four ton baled hay. Warren Gibbings, R. R. 4, Clin- ton, phone 617r1.6. 4-b MISCELLANEOUS LIVE HORSES WANTED FOR mink feed; one male collie pup for sale. Elmer Trick, phone 907r5. 4-5-b JACK RABBITS WANTED — will pay 20 cents for fresh Jack Rabbits; also cabin for sale or rent, size 18x8, well. insulated, can be lived in the year round. Mervyn Batkin. 4-p CLOTHING FOR SALE SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT 'WINTER BLACK BOUCLE Coat, C. none's orchard, mile north of 'Persian trim, size 16-18; two suit town. Will work odd days, moats, grey and blue, size 16-18.Iharvesting, eta 1-10-p Numerous other articles in good ! ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD •condition. Apply Box "5", NEWS- animals. If suitable for niink feed RECORD. 4-5-p will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone (tolled, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 2btfb EQUIPMENT FOR SALE RUBBER TIRE WAGON, 16-600 'tires, nearly, new; two -wheel 'trailer with stock rack and ball 'hitch. Ferg VanEgmond, phone '187. 4-5-p 'SPECIAL DISCOUNT of winter and spring orders for George "White No. 6 all steel threshers; 'have in stock Letz Grinders—will grind grain or corn on. cob. Gor- don Radford, George White deal- er for 'Clinton, Londesboro, and 'Blyth district. 3-4-5-b FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE "TABLE TURNIPS FOR SALE, 'delivered. Phone Clinton 907r24, 4-5-p FARM HELP 11"E LIABLE, EXPERIENCED 'Holland families, arriving soon. Apply to Ode' Haan, Belgrave, 'Ont. 52tbfb FARMS FOR SALE 80 ACRES CLAY LOAM, Stanley 'Township, bank barn, henhouse, freme house. Quick possession. 'Bargain. Apply William Pearce, TYPEWRITERS 'Realtor, Exeter. 4-6-p FOR SALE 66 ACRES, HAY TOWNSHIP, UNDERWOOD PORTABLE Type - small barn, comfortable house. writer, practically new. Phone hydro passes. Quick possession. 459W. 4-b 'Bargain. Apply William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 4-6-p WORK WANTED—Female NOTICES WILL THE PERSONS WHO MiS- takenly took a gentleman's brown felt hat from Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church, on Sunday, January 22, and a pair of men's overshoes with clippers on heels, on Wed- nesday, January 18, please return to Garnet Cornish and exchange for their rightful clothing. 4-b ROBERT WEEKS, Radio Service, member of National Schools, Los Angeles, Calif. Radio service, construction, installation of an- tennae, adjustment and repair, installation all types receivers, latest test equipment. For prompt service phone Clinton 633r3 or write R.R. 4, Clinton. 3-4-5-6-p STOVES FOR SALE NEW CLARE JEWEL ELECTRIC range, phone 'Clinton 619r2. 3-4-p 50 ACRES GPAVEL LOAM, GENERAL OFFICE WORK or "Teeswater, eight acres bush, bank clerking, Apply Box "T", NEWS - barn, comfortable house, Delco RECORD. 4-p lights. Quick possession. Bargain. 'William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 4-6-p HOUSES FOR SALE MEDIUM-SIZED BRICK HOUSE containing two apartments. Must 'be sold to close estate. Contact Jabez Rands, Clinton, phone 80. 2-3-b YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE job as clerk. Has had three years' experience clerking in dry goods store. Apply Box "K", NEWS - RECORD. 4-p WANTED TO BUY USED PIANO; tractor on rubber with starter and lighter, must be FOR QUICK SALE—NEW Five- under $1,000; pigs; pullets; and ruroomed cottage, insul brick sid- a hoose. p B]Lonnee 619r32: Cann, R 4 -p R. R. ing, asphalt roof, oak floors Clinton, throughout, three-piece bath, built-in cupboards, basement, all connected to sewer, water and 'lights, immediate possession. Ap- ply Bert Huller, King St., phone '319J. 50-tfb HOUSE TO RENT CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the neighbours and friends for their cards and fruits sent to me, and also the. doctor and nurses for their kind- ness while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. (Signed)—Mrs. Henry Flunking. HOUSE TO RENT IN HAYFIELD, CARD OF THANKS 'Hydro, immediate possession. Ap- S. A. Spencer wishes to take ply Mrs. Albert Leitch, South St., this opportunity of expressing his 'Goderich. 4-p sincere appreciation for all flow- ers, card, and other acts of kind - Canadian private banks ere no ness 'extended to him while a longer allowed to issue bills. The patient in Clinton Public Hospi- government bank alone has 'the 'tal. Special thanks to the nurses 'right, and Dr. Oakes. 4-b VISIT OUR STORE for our JANUArY S4aveaale! Electric Stoves Combination Stoves Gas, Stoves at . GREAT REDUCTIONS Hug H.H1 wkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE 244 - CLINTON Notice to Creditors In the Estate of FANNY MONTGOMERY All persons having claims against the Estate of Fanny Montgomery, late of the Town of Chilton, in the County !of Huron, Married Woman, deceas- ed, who died on the 23rd day of December, 1949, are hereby not- ified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of February, 1950. after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 19th day of January, 1950. 1VIcCONNELL & HAYS, S•eaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors 4-5-6-b 'DEATHS COOK -- At her late residence, Blyth, on Tuesday, January 24, 1950, Ella May Taylor, beloved wife of Leonard Cook, Blyth, in her 61st year. . CORNISH — In Cookstown, on Sunday, January 22, 1950, Zemila Cornish, beloved dau- ghter of the late James and Annie Cornish, Clinton. Fun- eral from the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High St., Clin- ton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Tuesday, January 24. CRAMPTON—In Saginaw, Mich., on Thursday. January 19, 1950, Fame Kay (formerly of Clin- ton), beloved wife of Louis C. Crampton, Lapeer, Mich., aged '74 years. Funeral and inter- • ment at Lapeer, on Saturday, January 21. JOSLING—In Detroit, Mich., on Tuesday, January 17, 1950, Henry Jesting, Detroit, for- merly of Clinton, beloved hus- band of the late Martha Mason, in his 87th year. Funeral and interment at Detroit, Thurs- day, January 19. SHANAHAN — In Clinton, on Sunday, January 22, 1950, Anna McIntosh, beloved wife of the YPU SPEAKER late John Shanahan, in her 86th Dr. Grierson, a retired mission - year. Funeral from the Ball ary doctor, who has serve -faith - and Mulch Funeral Home, High fuIIy for many years in Korea, St., Clinton, to St. Joseph's will be the guest speaker at the Church for Requiem High Mass, Community YPU meeting in On- to R.C. Cemetery, Hullett Town- tario St. United Church, on Sun - ship, on Wednesday morning, day evening, January 29. Every - January 25. one is welcome. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. M. E. McFadden and G, W. Cornish wish to express their sincere appreciation to all specci fore the end of the period, the bourn and,friends, with second thanks to Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, goal being an easy one for all floral tributes and other acts of kindness and sympathy extended to them in their recent sad bereavement -in the death of their sister, Mists Zemila Cornish. 4-p -"I WAS A MALE -WAR BRIDE" Coming: "The FOUNTAINHEAD" Adult Entertainment vary Cooper and Patricia Neal ensommom — THURS., FRI., SAT. — Wallace Beery - Marjorie Main & Richard Conte — Comedy - - - lusty, robust and rugged - with a dramatic punchful story and a cast capable of its impact. "BIG JACK" — THURS., FRI., SAT. — Paul Douglas - Celeste Holm and Linda Darnell—Here it is! The comedy you have waited' for, about a bathroom baritone and his operatic wife. "Everybody Does It" Coming: Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers in "THE BARKLEY'S OF BROADWAY" LONDESBORO AND DRAYTON IN 2-2 DRAW (By Jack Webster) Londesboro B -A's and Drayton battled to a two -all tie before a crowd of cheering fans in Clin- ton Lions Arena Friday night In a scheduled game in the group 1, WOAA Intermediate "B" -hockey schedule. Lee and Snell proved them- selves the spark plugs for the B -A's, notching both their goals in the first period. Drayton managed to tie the score up be - In conjunction with our FREE PORTRAIT offer of the last three weeks, we are now pleased to announce a supplementary and outstanding offer of 3--4x6 Black and White Portraits 1-6x8 Oil Color Portrait all. for $6.95 24-HOUR DEVELOPING AND PRINTING SERVICE One 4x6 Enlargement FREE with every Roll of Film Developed and Printed; offer closes January 31 CAMERA REPAIRS Bring us your Photographic troubles } D. HYSL P CO. YOUR RESIDENT CLINTON PHOTOGRAPHERS For Appointments Phone Clinton 203 LAST C LL OVER COATS Men's and Browns Greys Blues Men's Scarves 1/2 Price sizes 28 to 42 • 0 1/2 Price BOYS' PARKAS /2 Price 50 Men's MEN'S SUITS .jackets reg, up .to $59.56' $29 & $3.950 25% off ,Sale ends Tuesday, -Jan. 31 ant ellO, PICKETT a CAMPBELL STETSON HATS ARROW SHIRTS PHONE 25 " CLINTON AUCTION SALE OF 30 COWS at Lot No. 31, 6th Concession of Goderich Township, 1 mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, January 31 at 1.30 p.m. consisting of: Five Jerseys; balance Holsteins and Durhams. Some of these cows are fresh; some springers; balance due February and March. Plan to attend this sale' if you want cows as they are hard to get. These cattle are of good quality and T.B. tested. Sale Under Cover TERMS—CASH A. E. TOWNSHEND and SON, Proarietors EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colqulmun, Clerk. 4-b • .�'oy unil0Imoars CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K. C.Cooke FLORIST. Phones: 66w and 66j which rolled between the goal - tender's skates. However, from then on it was a battle between the goal -tenders With both of them stopping a lot of rubber. DRAYTON: goal, Brown; de- fence, Forwell, Makepeace; centre, Weak; wings, Downey, FleweIling; subs—M. Sehieck, A. Schieck, Hefkey, Ralston, J. Smith, G,. Duff, D. buff. LONDESBORO: goal, A. Riley; defence, Tunney, D. Snell; centre, Lee; wings, J. Snell, Shaddick; subs—Millar, Carter, Armstrong, Johnson, Madill,. Hernia, B. Riley.. First Period 1—Londesboro, Lee. 2—Drayton, Flewelling (Forwell) 3—Londesboro, Snell. 4—Drayton, S. Wank (Flewel- ling-. H ;.4,4• Q{R4MM...,: i»;w:! 3M»,,: ; "THE ~WAYH H K :.4 ; '44. ; -14.. , "A WAY" OR " ire "• WHICH WAY ARE WE GOING? t: * There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but i' 3t the end thereof are the ways of death.—Proverbs 14:12; 16:25. '4 The Lord Said: : I am THE WAY, the truth and the life; no man cometh *' { unto the Father (God) but by Me.—John '14:6. :_- CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. '_ 4 4�. • Clinton Badminton Club Third Annual Valentine Dance --i11- COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM THUR. FEB.9 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. ROSS PEARCE and his Orchestra SPOT DANCES LUNCH Dress Optional $1.75 a couple; $ 1 a person 4-5-b If You Require FINE PRINTIN consult us Lowest Prices! Fastest Service!!.. Superior Quality!!! We Quote on Anything That's Printable! Clint 1 Y - y f,�wsieRecord 'LET YOUR DOLLARS WORK AT HOME!"