HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-01-26, Page 4SAGE ';FOUR CLINI'ON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1950 as 4. Paul's WA Hears Of Early History A happy day for members of be WA of St. Paul's Church®was `uesdey, January 37, when they, net at the home of Mrs. G. M. ::ounher to commemorate the ounding of this branch. It was in the late, autumn of 887 that the women organized vith Mrs. Craig, the rector's wife, Ls first honorary president, end Mrs: "Major" Murray as first president, and surprisingly ;rue, with a membership of L12. Every woman -member of the ;hurch had been contacted and had paid her fee. Although membership dwindled, activity oeMnued, and the present time finds the WA a valued factor in the life of St. Paul's Church. Mrs. L, M. McKinnon gave a complete history of this branch from its beginning to the pres- ent time when Mrs. May R. Mac- Kinnon is president It was in- teresting to hear of the women who had held offices so capably in former years, a challenge to ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. Mary Currie, Goderich, wishes, to announce the engage- ment of r' her daughter, 1Thelma. Louise, to Raymond George Lambie, son of Mr. and Mrs. George ' Lambie, Midland, the wedding to take place in Febru ary. WESLEY-WILLIS WA. , The WA of Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church wile meet in the church parlour on Thursday afternoon, February 2, at three o'clock. 0 James Scott, Seaforth, is show- ing moving pictures of his trip overseas on Friday, Jan. 27, in the basement of Constance church. A Silver collection will be taken. the current group to further the work. The study period followed when the new study book, "Dawn over Japan," was introduced, A social. time was enjoyed, the hostess serving refreshments. A birthday .cake was cut byt Miss Doan, a charter member of* the W.A. rt/ (ERWOOD 1S PRE -FINISHED. • AMERWOOD IS EASY TO APPLY • AMERWOOD IS BEAUTIFUL PeRSuNAL. 's \\ WESLEY-WILLIS I.O.O.F. NOTES REPORTS .:YEAR tip ward of loo were present at �I OF FINE SUCCE'SS the regular meeting of Clinton. Mr, and Mrs• George B. Beattie word of the illness of her "sister - attended the furniture show in in -flaw, Mrs. Myrtle Robertson, Toronto last Week. Williams, Iowa. She suffered a Miss. Ruby V. Irwin has return- stroke before Christmas and at ed after spending a vacation in the present time is very, ill. Mrs. the Church School which showed Montreal and other points. Robertson will be eemembered by a balance on hand of $48.96. Mrs. Miss Florence Burke, St. Thom- many here as the former Mrs. W. M. Nediger reported for the as, was a weekend guest at the .Alfred McKeown of town. Primary Department which has Weekend guests at the home of an enrolment of '120. Benson Sutter gave the report of the M. and M. fund which allowed $1,595 sent to the United Church treasurer. Mrs. Charles Nelson, in report- ing for the WMS, announced that $650 had been sent to the Pres- byterial treasurer, which was over the allocation. Miss Gwen Grif- fiths gave the Mission Band re- port and this group of children had rained 830.96, sending $25 to the Presbyterial' treasurer. A very unique report was giv- en by members of the Wilhelmine Trewertha Explorer group. Sev- eral of these young girls stood up together and each gave a por- tion of the report. Mrs. Arthur Griffiths reported for both the Young Mothers' Study Group and also the Baby Band. Mrs. W. A. Oakes gave the re- port of the WA which showed, a balance of $2.28. During the year the receipts amounted to $1,126.67, and most of the expenditures' clueing the year had been for the refurnishing of the Manse. Mrs. Milton' Steepe reported for the e r a Cornish. been a recently in Girls' Club showing a balance clruroh• on hand of $51.77 and a Domin- Mrs. M. Watson who has been. ion of ,Canada Bond of $250. nth her mother Mrs A D. Beat- Mrs. Alan Maxwell introduced „ d The report of the YPU was Pre -Finished AMERWOOD PRE -FINISHED AMERWOOD is the new and beautiful wall panelling that arrives on the job completely finished.,Ready to apply in the lengths that suit your job. No waste. PP,E-FINISHED AMERWOOD is the new and beautiful wall panelling where the hard growth stands in bold relief. It has been stained, lacquered, baked in an infred oven (the same as your modern car bodies), waxed with a polish meaty times harder than the simonize you would apply to your car and then polished to a satin finish. s PILE -FINISHED AMERWOOD is %" in thickness, ocmes in 6", 8", 10" widths and 8', 1.0', 12', 16' in length. Packed 6 boards to the package and in three attractive colors, Walnut, Mahogeny, and Natural. When PRE -FINISHED AMERWOOD is applied and your last nail is driven the job is then complete, no paint, no fumes, no extra muss, It requires no extra tools, just hammer, saw and square. Drop in and see it at our yards. SOLD ONLY THROUGH YOUR RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS Ball --Macaulay Builders' Supplies LIME CEMENT COAL COKE Phone 97 -- -- Clinton Lodge on Tuesday evening when (Continued from Page One) visitors from Exeter, Brucefield ha occurred that day. a. and Goderich were present. Exe- '. d oe Sutter gave the report of ter First Degree team conferred the First Degree in an excep- tionally fine manner on ten candidates from Goderich . and three candidates from Clinton. Short speeches were made' by Fred Boyce, Brucefield, DDGM of Huron District, Clyde Mock, God- erich, NG of Goderich Lodge, Garnet Johns, Exeter, NG of Ex- eter Lodge, and Benson Sutter, Clinton, . NG of Clinton Lodge. Delicious refreshments rounded out a pleasant evening. • Wildey Night, Jan. 30 Monday, January 30, will be celebrated as Wildey Night in honour of the founding of the Order, when Huronic Rebekah Lodge will entertain the members of Clinton Lodge and their hus- bands and friends. Brucefield Lodge will hold its regular meeting. in Clinton Lodge room on Tuesday next, in place of the meeting of Clinton Lodge. Brucefield will confer the. Second Degree on a number of candidates from lodges in the district. , home of Misses Hattie and Sybil Courtice. Mrs. Lucy Bezzo were"Mr. and Miss Emma Lavis has returned Mrs. William Bezzo and daughters, home after a ten days' visit in' Stratford; ,Mr. and Mrs. Steve Detroit, Mich., with Mr, and Mrs. Cook, St. Thomas;' Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lavis. Douglas Bezzo and `daughter, Mrs. John Bennett, • Port Al- Dashwood; . Mr. and Mrs, Fred bert, visited on Tuesday after- Bezzo and son and daughter, noon at the Manse, with. her Clandeboye; Pat Wheal, Strat- cousin, Rev. D. J. Lane. ford; and Miss Myrtle Bell; Mr, and Mrs. NI. D. Elliott, Seaforth, Toronto, spent a few days fhis week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Elliott._, Ross Certer and son, John, Chatham, were weekend guests at the home of the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carter. Mrs. George Roberton left yesterday to spend a few days with her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rob- erton, Aylmer. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Gibbings are sending a few days in Strat- ford with their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Gib - bines and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. McFadden, wasis Indian Reserve was describ- Cookstown, are in Clinton this ed by Mrs. John Snider. Mrs. week, coming on account of the Lane gave a report of the Pres - death of the latter's sister, the byterial Executive meeting which late Miss Z m > Iliad b held the Presbyterian'WMS Hear About Moderator A good attendance of members of the WMS 'of Clinton Presby- terian 'Church fnet at the home of Mrs. George 'Roberton. The president. Mrs, R. W. McKenzie, opened the meeting with a New Year's message. The Scripture was read by Mrs. James Makins and prayer was offered by Mrs. Charles Clifton. The Moderator's visit to Mista- on, for the past nine months, re- the new study book, Towers a turned to Toronto this week to New i;awn n Japan." Mrs. Mc - resume her former position. Kenzie closed the meeting with MEN'S and BOY'S Jackets and �' arkas 25% FF Mrs. John A. Sutter is visiting ,prThe • hostess. assisted by Mrs. in Pittsfield, Mass., this week, Snider and Mrs. Nott. served where she was called lest week refreshments. owing to the sudden death of o her brother, the late Fred F. PRESENTATION PLANNED Chant. An interetsing dramatization es Mrs. Lorne Eedy, St. Marysis one phase of the church work spending a few days at the Wes- will be presented in Ontario St. ley -Willis Manse, the guest of United Church on Sunday even - her brother and sister-in-law, ing, January 27, at seven. o'clock. Rev. and Mrs. Hugh C. Wilson. The following are taking part in Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Lane the first act, "Quite Unlikely of visited their daughter, Mrs. Clay- Course": B. Olde, H. Swan,. W. ever, he cautioned the members ton Edward, Goderich, on Mon- M. Aiken, D. M. Maltby, F. Town- that there were heavy expenees day, taking part in the celebra- send, R. Wheeler and Rev. W. J. Ito be met during the year and tion of the fourth birthday of Wooifrey. The second and third he trusted that the givingswould their first grandchild, David Lane acts are in the nature of a dem- keep up with the present. Edward. onstration of the wrong and right Rev. Mr. Wilson spoke briefly Mrs. Lucy Bezzo has received way of making an every -family- telling the congregation of his visitation. This cast includes E. pleasure and also that of Mrs. W. Elliott, R. G. Bennett and Wilson and the family in becom- Ross Merrill. The presentation ing residents of Clinton, and be - promises to be both interesting ing privileged to serve in Wesley - and instructive and an invitation Willis Church. He said that they is extended to all, had all found 0linton a very —e friendly spot and would strongly AN recommend that if any slogan were ever needed Clinton could PERMANENTS TELLS OF EARLY as dequriiendly 'te reatodilywn. be It wcalled cidtheed FINGERWAVES I ACTIVITIES HF ERE that the anniversary of the SHAMPOOS church would read by Mr. Foster, and this re- port showed that the group was now part of a joint group with Ontario St. Church. In place of the regular choir report, Mrs. W. M. Nediger sang, very sweetly, "Bless This House." One of the most encouraging reports of the whole' evening was given by Benson Corless, the church treasurer, whose report showed a balance of $1,077.93, and all accounts paid. Also the endowments received had been transferred to bonds and $3,000 was held in this manner. How - 'S Phone 2 Clinton Ball & Mutch Funeral Home HIGH STREET, CLINTON Beauty Salo 1 be held in the fall (Continued from Page One) rather than in the :airing as usual FACIALS which may inspire other stories on account of the celebrations at no distant date. which would he held in connec- tion tion with the 25th anniversary of Full of History Church Union. Bearing out whet I said about The meeting closed with the the importance of recording minister pronouncing the Bene - events before ,they= are lost from ° memory I quote from a letter a, Currie just received from Harold Ship- Tliel.m ley Turner of Goderich, formerly Phone 542J of Clinton: "The old town is full of history and good stories if they were only recorded. 1 re- call an impromptu gathering s„„,,,, there one evening almost twenty- five years ago. I went into W. D. Fair's store to pick up my 'evening paper and Col. Rance was there talking to Mr. Fair, and I stopped to listen to the yarn. In a few minutes Dr. Shaw dropped in for his paper, then in came Fred Jackson. No one intended to stay, but one good yarn brought on another, and it was almost midnight before we separated. I heard .more stories about the old timers than would fill a book. Can't recall a time when I laugh- ed more. Fred Jackson could mimic any of the old tuners re- gardless of their dialeot; and the memories of all four covered a lifetime in the one town." If some person could get the three remaining members of that 4As quartet together in an improm- tu � �� II take shorthand notes of the evencontest t, what an interesting account it 1111 would make of a day that is past. PROMPT Local and Long Distance TAXI SERVICE PHONE 110 BEAUTY — ECONOMY — RELIABILITY PRICES REDUCED The Popular 1950 AUSTI NO BETTER VALUE ANYWHERE IN CANADA! One Traveller Reports 98,000 miles on his 1948 Austin without even a valve grind at, a gas -and -oil saving of $1,960, from his last car operating cost. THE FINE APPOINTMENTS OF THIS FUNERAL HOME ARE BEAUTIFUL AND APPROPRIATE, AMONG WHICH THE LARGE PLEASANT ROOMS AND ELECTRIC ORGAN ARE NOT THE LEAST. There is No Extra Charge for, Services Held Here' Under Such Ideal Conditions BALL AND MUTClit FUNERAL DIRECTORS. D. G. BALL W. J. MUTCH Phone. 361-W Phone 361-J Phone 195 USED CAR SPECIALS!! ,1950 AUSTIN SEDAN—used as demonstrator 1915 FARGO PICK-UP TRUCK—One-Ton Dodge Chrassis. With Cab. 1941 CHEVROLET. DELUXE COACH—Loaded with extras, including bank -up light, radio, fin and heater 1940 DODGE COACH—in good condition. AND OTHER CHEAPER CARS Austin Sales and Service Jonathan Hugil LI Sons Phone 784W Residence 616r34 diction. Church Directory St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader 1 Sunday, January 29 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sunday' School. Mr. H. South- cott, London, will speak on behalf of Huron College. '7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Ser- vice in Ontario St. United Church. Kirk Closes - Splendid Year (Continued from Page One) Ed. Gibson for two years, and Royoe, Macaulay for one year. The other members were asked to continue their work. Frank MacDonald is chairmen. The Women's Association pre- sented another report of faithful service. It showed the methods pursued and accomplishments undertaken. The Association was able to augment the general rev-. enue in the treasurer's hands by splendid contributions each six- month period of the year, and Attain a good balance on hand. A very pleasing feature 'of the meeting brought ,it to a close when Dr. Shaw vacated the chair and spoke in behalf of the con- gregation to the minister and his wife, ,' te, ttaamking both for their labours in the congregation and asking them to accept "rhe gift of this cheque" as a mark of the affection of the people. Mrs. Lane replied with her apprecia- tion as did the minister. After the business was con- cluded and the Benediction pro- nounced, the gathering enjoyed a social hour together. Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, January 29 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Divine Service, "The Christ Life es a Career" 2.30 p.m.—Service at Bayfield Let us all bow down . and worship our God. Everyone very welcome. Baptist Church REV A. FORSYTH, Minister J. R. Butler, Choir Leader Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Sunday, January 29 11.00 a.m.—Worship Service and Sunday School. EVERYONE WELCOME Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR J. E. CORRIGAN, Pastor Sunday, January 29 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a•m,—Worsliip 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service Tuesday, 8 p.m, -=Cottage Prayer Meeting. Thursday, 8.00 p.m.—Bible Study. Friday—Young People's Meeting: Films will be shown featur- ing Christena's journey to Heaven. You are. all welcome. Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, January 29 11.00 am.—Morning Worship 12.15 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 pan.—Union Evening Ser - vise in this church. 'Service in charge of Official Board. Wesley -Willis United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs. IVlorgan J. Agnew, Organist A. R. Persan, Choir Leader Sunday, •Eanuary 29 11.00 a.m,—Morning Worship "The Tyranny of Things" 12.15 p.m—Church School 7.00 pans—Union Evening Ser- vice in Ontario St. United Church., January SALE Continues!! Many New Items Added!! SKIRTS and BLOUSES— We have selected a quantity of garments to *sell at One -Third Off. ALL WINTER DRESSES on Sale -- Some as low as Half Price. - ALL WINTER COATS — One -Third Off HOSE— A selection of Crepe- Lisle, Rayon at One -Third Off WINTER BREVITIES and VESTS— Cotton and Cotton and Wool, Girls' and Ladies' sizes — One -Third Off. WOOL— There is still some left from last week's sale — Values to 43c a ball — ONLY 25c HOUSE DRESSES and SMOCKS— We have selected a quantity of garments to sell at One -Third Off. PAPER DRAPERIES— While they last — $1.00 A PAIR. WE HAVE A RACK OF SPECIALS that will be worth your while to investigate—see it now! We are your "HOLEPROOF" Dealer in Clinton Makers of Hose, Lingerie and Sleep Wear. Winners of the "FASHION ACADEMY GOLD MEDAL AWARD" for 1950• "Wear a LUXITE Garment" I RW IN 8 Looping for the Staff of Life? Ask for it by name BARTLIFF'S MILK LOAF Plain or Sliced SPECIAL for SATURDAY: Maple Buds 69c lb o BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 -- — CLINTON Orders taken for Cottage Cheese Valentine's Day Is Portrait Time Fowler Bros. offer 1 8x10 Coloured Portrait and 3 4x6 Black and White Portraits All for $7.95 (These are not photographs of type made by coupon studios) They are finely finished portraits made with the same care and attention that go into all • Photographs by Fowler Bios. MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY (This offer expires February 14) Fowler- Brothers a dre'rs in Gl'i'nto r1.-McEwan's Phone 84— Your Pho��o�r p ,