HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-01-12, Page 6I
Interesting Items Fro cord s Cor•respondtmits,
fall GRAND BEND Following a I ....... ---"-.-----.= ‘1.11"atilmalmillmlaulammmilmmilmlamenaata"
' m which she fractured, her •
long resident of Grand. Bend died I e -e• -..-------e
Miss Lucy IL Woods Phone Bayfield 45r3
41•111.1111Meimreammiaamomr •••111.6.
Miss Beverley York, Lucan,; on Wednesday of last Week to
spent the weekend at het. home. tvisit at St. Thomas.
IVIiss Janet Manson left Last week' John MacLeod, who has been
to spend a few days at Goderich. Id in Port Dover, returned
Rebert Penhele left on Friday to his home on Monday.
of last week to spend the winter i Mies Betty Heard, London,
at Dashwood. • spent the weekend with her par -
Mrs. John Sturgeon, Sr., left ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Heard.
WeItevettlieetel eitetteeletteetetteeetteetettekeleteetaeleWeeleartettlekaileaetWestettiltV
Used Car Bargains
1949 CHEVROLET deluxe -Coach,
t 948
green in colour, less than 5,000
CHEVROLET Coach, with less
than 16,000 miles. Priced to
sell at $1,595. .x
CHEVROLET Fleetline Coach
PLYMOUTH Sedan, special de-
luxe, with radio, sun visor,
heater, and many extras:
CHEVROLET Fleetrnaster ;
CHEVROLET Coach, priced to ?
sell at $1,395.
CHEVROLET Coach, in excel-
lent condition with 42,000 :
actual miles.
1938 DODGE Coach
1937 GRAHAM Sedan
1936 DODGE Sedan
1948 CHEVROLET One -Ton
Pick-up Truck
1946 CHEVROLET Half -ton Pickup
And Many Others
As low as $50 will drive a car away
from Brussels Motors. All the above
vehicles equipped with heaters.
Convenient Terms
?it Open Every Evening
gta44.4FffiliezteXceeza4114$284. - Fe;adla1414`. " --- 4 -
BRUCEFIELD hip, IVIr s. Sarah Deyine 84, life- EBENEZER
St. 11
Bob Allen was in Toronto the
first of the week.
IVIrs. 0. Johnston and Ronny
are in London this week,
Mrs. G. Anderson and Marjorie
were in London on Friday.
IOOF at Goderieh
/Several car loads of members
of Brucefield Odd Fellows Lodge
were in Goderich on Friday
evening putting on •the Initiatory
Degree there.
Transferred in Bank
• Frank Mustard, formerly on the
staff of the Royal Bank, Clinton,
and latterly at Stratford, has been
transferred to Rouyen, Que., and
will have the position of head
Miss Gloria Westlake, London,
spent the weekend with her par
eats,- Mr. and Mrs. Walter West-
LOL Dance
A large crowd attended the
euchre and dance held in the
Town Hall on Friday evening of
last week. Prizes for euchre
were won by Lindsay Smith and
Mrs. Fred Telferd. Collins orch-
eipa supplied the mete and
lunch was seryed in the basement.
Prayer Services
'Week of Prayer Services were
held ori Tuesday and Thursday
evening of last week. On Tues-
day evening in Trinity Anglican
Church, Rev. P. Renner gave as
his lesson "How shall we get
eadiance into our lives," and
Thursday evening in St. Andrew's
United Church Rev. L. Morgan
gave as his lesson "Be ye doers of
the word and not hearers only."
Trinity Guild Meets
The annual meeting of the Trin-
ity Guild was held on Thursday
of last week at the home of Mrs.
Alma Ba'esett. The meeting was
opened with a prayer by Rev. L.
Morgan. The officers reports, were
then read.
Election eif officers for thel
coming year resulted as follews:
President, Mrs. Willard Sturgeon;
vice-president, Mrs. R.H.F. Gand-
ner; secretary, Mrs. Sam McEwen;
treasurer, Lucy R. Woods; visit-
ing committee, Mrs. E. A. Feath-
erston, Mrs. R. J. Larson and
Mrs. Lloyd Scatchmer.
Plans were discussed to hold a
pot -luck supper in connection
with the annual vestry meeting
which is to be held in the Orange
Hall on Monday, January 16. The
meeting closed with a prayer by
Rev. L. Morgan, after which
lunch was served by the hostess.
WA and WMS Meet
A joint meeting of the WA and
WMS of St. Andrew's United
Church met on Thursday of last
week at the home of Mns. L.
Maknis. The new president, Mrs.
P. Renner, opened the meeting of
the WMS and Mrs. L. Metrics
opened the meeting of the WA.
The WMS treasurer reported
their givings for the year were
$206 which exceeded their al-
: location.
The WA -treasurer reported a
balance of $273 with all payments
• made to date. Arrangements were
made to hold a pot -luck dinner
in connection with the annual
congregational meeting.
. . eaeteeeeseletet edieetzeataletailaetia
The New 1950
Is Here!!
On Display
at our Showrooms on
JANUARY 13 and 14
Phone 465, Clinton Huron and Orange Sts.
at lice home Friday, Jan, 6. She
was twice mamied, her first hus-:,
band being John Deveraux, and
her second George Devine.
Scouts' Banquet
The Boy Scouts and their pare
ents had a very enjoyable ban-
quet in the school room of the
church on Friday evening. Dur-
ing the evening films were shown
by Don Adams and Ross Milton,
Brucefield WMS
The January meeting of Bruce -
field WMS was held in the church
on Tuesday, January 10. The
President, Mrs. A. Zapfe, was in
the chair and Mrs. E. R. Stanway
conducted the worship service,
the theme bang "The Bible Our
Guide to Chrigian Faith and
Conduct.1' Hymn 183 was sung
and Scripture reading taken from
Psalm 51. A reading on the use
of the Bible as a guide to Christ conduct and which dealt with
Sunday sports was given by Mrs,
Stanway. The program, Chapter
IV of "Growing with the Years,'
was taken by Miss E. Bowey and
Mrs. W. Scott, who were ably
assisted by Mrs, T. , Baird; Mrs.
B. Keys, Mrs. C. Haugh, Mrs. R,
Scott and iVirs. H. Dalrymple. Re-
ports from the secretary showed
an increase in membership and
attendance and the treasurer's re,
rort showed that the allocation
had been exceeded. Mrs. T. Baird
was appointed to the Missionary
Education committee. The meet-
ing closed with the Mizpah Bene-
Ebenezer WA
The WA of Ebenezer United
Church met at the home of Mrs
Wilfred Biggin for the first ineet-
ing of the new year, with an
attendance of 15 members. The
president, Mrs. Frank Jones, pre-
sided at the meeting, which was
opened by singing the hymn, "I
am Thine, 0 Lord," followed by
the Lord's Prayer in unison.
The. Scripture reading was
given by Mrs. Bert Lobb, follow-
ed by prayer by 1Virs. C. Tavener.
The roll call was responded to
by the ,paying of membeelship
fees. The minutes of the prev-
ious meeting were read, and the
annual report was given, read by
the secretary, and the treasurer
read the lemma' treasurer's re-
During the business discussion
it was decided that we continue
to contribute to the Holiday
Card" method of collecting extra
money for the Association. Two
of Edgar Guest's poems were
read by Mrs. Ira Merrill, and
Mrs. F. Jones gave a reading.
The meeting was closed by sing-
ing the hymn, "What a Friend
we have in Jesus," and Rev.C.
Tavener dismissed the meeting
with prayer -and the Benediction.
Mrs: Frank Janes then conduct-
ed a contest, and the hostess
served lunch at the close of the
meeting. The eet meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs.
Charles Williams,
IVIr. and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe and
family, Brussels, spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Vodden. •
- Mr. and Mrs, Ken Scott and
family, St. Catharines, spent last
weekend at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Scott,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 'Young-
blutt, Guelph, were recent visit-
ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed oungblutt.
Guy Longman, Saskatchewan,
and H. Locgman, Drayton, visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. James Mc-
Cool on Monday.
Mission Band to Meet
The Mission Band will hold its
monthly meeting next Sunday
morning, January 15, at 10.30, in
the basement of the church. The
roll call will be answered by
paying of fees.
Londesboro WA Meets
The regular monthly meeting
of the Woman's Association will
be held in the basement of the
church on January 19 at 2,30, The
roll call will be answered by
paying of fees. All the ladies of
the congregation are invited to
attend, The hostesses are Mrs.
11 Lyon, Mrs. James Fairservice,
Mrs, Laura Saundercock and Mrs,
L. Pipe.
Londesboro Ladies
Enjoy Fine Banquet
Londesboro Ladies' Bowling ,
Club completed their 1949 sea-
son with a turkey banquet serv-
ed at the Park House, Goderich.
Thursday evening, January 5.
After prizes were awarded, the
remainder of the evening was
;spent in bowling at the Goderich
Bowling Acadamey.
Betty Archambault was present-
ed with a tablecloth. far the high
single of 266; to Edythe Beacom
went a cup and saucer for the
high triple of 638.
- Team Standings
"Kittycats" — 78 points (Rose
Greise, Edythe Beacom, Doreen
Armstrong, Mabel Scott, Helen
Lee, Mary Shobbrook); "Cop -
cats" -49 points (Jean Little. Pat
Bloor, Isabel Colson, Nona Pipe,
Jean Caldwell, Irene Knox);
,"Alleyeats"--48 points (Genevieve
Allen, Beryl Reicl, Mavis Brent-
on, Madeline Radford, Thelma
iShobbrook. Mail. Carter, Hazel
Reid); "Repeats" — 35 points
(Betty Archambault, Marg. And-
erson, Rita Little, Mamie Ross,
Lois Fell, Ora Riley).
1 All members of the Kittycats
were given a cup and saucer. A
box of handkerchiefs were given
, to each bowler 'of the second
place Copycats. Gifts of apprec-
iation for work done for the
league were given to the treas-
urer, Marg. Anderson, and the
secretary, Doreen Armstrong.
Other results were: team triple.
Kittycats, 2,331; team single.
Kittycats, 834; high average, E.
Beacom, 165,4; league average,
The next meeting of the
Huron County Council
will be held in the Council Chambers,
Court House, Goderich, commencing
Tuesday, January 17
at 2.00 P.M.
All accounts, notices of deputations and other
business requiring the attention of Council should be in
the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday,
January 14, 1950.
(Signed) N. W. MILLER,
County Clerk,
Goderich, Ontario
Community Club Meets
Stanley Ladies' Community
Club held its January 'fleeting
at the home of Mrs. Glenn Broad -
foot with the president, Mrs.
Broadfoot, in the chair. The
meeting opened with the Lord's
Prayer and the secretary's- and
treasurer's reports were given.
Roll call was answered by hints
and suggestions on quilt -making.
There were 11 members and one
visitor present. Several letters of
thanks were read, It was decid-
ed to send $10 to the UEFB fund
and $10 to the Hospital for Slcit
Children, Toronto. Plans Were
made to have another party in
the school on Friday, January 27.
Readings were given by Mrs.
Glenn Broarbot, Bars. John Mc-
Gregor, Mrs. Cliff Stewart, and
Mrs, John H. McEwen. The mem-
bete enjoyed a social time to-
It was planned to hold the
February meeting at the home of
Mrs. Frank IVIeGregor, the roll
call to be answered ;vith ways
and means of improving the
10% off
• How about a nice
Television Set installed with antenna
for $275 --- 7" screen
Any one interested, come over to house, Princess St.,
any night and see for yourself.
Johnston Rag — 75c
Old Master Painter — 75c
Music Goes Around and Around
Dear Hearts and Gentle People
Blue Bird on Your Window Sin
Huron Street
These cars are worth a lot more considering the
condition and appearance
1947 PLYMOUTH Special Sedan,
Heater, Clean Inside ... „ "LY sl 485 00
1949 FORD Custom,
Like new; Radio; Air Conditioning
Slip coyers; spotlights. See this car
1947 CHEV. Torpedo Coach,
Only 15,000 miles
1948 CHEV. Torpedo Coach,
Like New
1937 CHEV. Sedan,
Without Knee Action
1937 CHEV. Coach,
Without Knee Action,
New motor last year
1937 FORD Coach,
Re -finished; Clean Inside
1930 FORD "A"Coach
1929 FORD Coach
1936 DODGE Coupe,
Extra clean
1940 FARGO Panel,
Far above average.
1940 OLDS. Club Coupe,
Low mileage; like new; one owner, neme on request
1948 DODGE Sedan
Supertest Station
North End
Exeter, Ont.
WARD FRITZ, Dealer, phone Zurich 78
The First Picture of the New Plymouth
An entirely new profile with1°.::peaked,crown
twa,Walt la xt.
fenders extending beyond the trunk line, com-
pletely new grille and • massive new attractive
front and rear bumpers, together with the greatest
all-round visibility Offered in Plymouth's history,
naroewdoinstdinisgpuliasyhi.eig features of the new 'models
Ample head room, leg room, seat width, and
famous Plymouth restful chair -high seats,Rare
other roomy comfort features of the new 1950
In addition to the Plymouth Special DoLuxe Club.
Coupe shown above, there is a special DeLuxe
4 -door Sedan, and DeLuxe 4 -door Sedan, Club
Coupe, 2 -door Sedan, 3 -passenger business coupe
and all metal Suburban.
Automatic choke, ignition key starting, 97 H.P.
engine,aafety«rim wheels and super cushion tiren
are standard equipment en all new modeis.