HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-01-12, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1950 neINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE • s:sif led Adlets Bring. Quick Results • CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed- vesday following date of inser- tion)—One cent a word first In- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex - ere for box 'number or for diree- 4lbn to NEWS -RECORD Office. IV CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT - 1100MER OR BOARDER Wanted, modern home, centrally located. Apply Box T, NEWS -RECORD. 2-b IN GODERICH, THREE ROOMS 'with private bath, steam heated, lent $50, adults only. Box "3", leEWS-RECORD. 2-p "THREE -ROOMED FURNISHED .ipartment for rent, heated, avail- able immediately. Phone 463M, 2-b TWO FURNISHED APART- ments to rent. Joseph Clegg, •phohe 619r13, • 2-3-p ARTICLES FOR SALE. McCLARY ESCORT WHITE 'enamel coal and wood range; Simmons bed stead; solid oak typing desk; B.F. Goodrich car radio; brown blanket cloth ski suit, size 18; open automatic re- cord player, plays twelve 10" or 12" records; gabardine eouble- lined trench coat, size 16. Phone Hayfield -45r5. 2-b ARTICLES WANTED 'OLD PIANO FOR CHILDREN 'Phone 17, Hayfield. 2-h AGENTS WANTED PROFITABLE steady business with most complete line of house- hold necessities from the most fragrant cosmetics to the most helpful floor cleaners or polishes. 'There is an exclusive territory for you in your city or in your rural area. You are sure to suc- eeed with our fast -selling lines. Write today for free details. F.AMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Mont- real, 52-1-2-b EQUIPMENT FOR SALE MODEL A JOHN DEERE Trac- tor; model A R; 2 model B R; these tractors are all in first 'class condition, ready for trouble- free service. Can be seen at W. .0. Simmons and Sons, Exeter. 2-b FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE -QUANTITYOF CHOICE BEAN straw, under cover. Walter Pel - per, phone Clinton 615r11, 2-3-p . FARM HELP 'RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED Holland families, arriving soon. .Apply to Ode Haan, Belgrave, Ont. 52tbfb HAY FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE. GOOD BIG GELDING, SOUND every way. Will sell or trade for little pigs or hens, F. W. I Andrews, phone 33, Clinton. 2-3-b FOUR-YEAR-OLD DURHAM cow, due in April. A. E, Leibold, R.R. 2, Clinton, phone 910r13. 2-p F OUR YOUNG PUREBRED Jersey cows, one heifer, two years of age, due in April, cows due to freshen in February. Roy 0011- nell, phone Clinton 807r4. 2-3-b SEVEN PIGS, ABOUT '75 ea3S. George Turner, R,R, 3, Seaforth, Phone Clinton 614r21, 2-b 11 LITTLE PIGS, SIX WEEKS old; also car battery and tire, nearly new, $5 each.. Roy Cant- elon, phone Clinton 620x21. 2-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town, Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 1-10-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer Prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink' Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Coder- ich. 2btfb POLES FOR SALE HYDRO POLES AND FENCE Posts for sale at Stanley Steward, - son. 11.11. 2, Clinton, phone 9101'6. 1-2-p WOOD FOR SALE FELLED WILLOW LOGS AND wood, • reasonably priced. L. Houghton, phone Clinton 442W. 2-p FIVE CORDS OF FURNACE blocks. Arnold Dale, phone Clin- ton 810r3. 2-p WOOD CUTTING IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR someone to circle wood, call—Wil- liam Steep 554J, or Frank Ben- nett 619r14. 2-p WANTED TO RENT GARAOF IN VICINITY OF Mill St. Contact A. Cowan, tee Miss Lovett, Mill St., phone 171R. 2-p Rev, R. M. P. 3ulteel Heads Ministerial Rev, R. M. P. "Bulteel, Rector of St. Paul's Anglican Church, was chosen president of Clinton Ministerial Associationwhich was re -organized at a meeting eollow- ing the week of prayer service in Wesley -Willis United Church on Monday evening. Other officers elected were Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, secretary, and Rev. A. Forsyth, treasurer. HAY FOR SALE OR TRADE CARD OF THANKS for pigs. M. Vandermeer, R.R. 2, Mrs. Harvey Hunking, R.R. 1, Ooderich, phone Goderich 9321115. Auburn, who was a recent pat - 2 -x lent in Clinton Public Hospital, would dike to take this opportun- ity of expressing her sincere ap- preciation for all kindnesses shown by her many friends end for all kindly administrations by the doctors and nurses. 2-p HOUSES FOR SALE MEDIUM-SIZED BRICK HOUSE containing two apartments, Must be sold to close estate. Contact Jabez Rands, Clinton, phone 80. • 2-3-b POR QUICK SALE—NEV Five - roomed cottage, insul brick sid- ing, asphalt roof, oak floors throughout, three-piece bath, built-in cupboards, basement, all connected to sewer, water' and - lights, immediate possession. Ap- ply Bert Huller, King St., phone '319S. 50-tfb LOST AND FOUND LOST—IN VICINITY OF Clinton, on Friday, January 6, tan and white lox hound, Anyone know- ing whereabouts contact Frank Cummings, phone Clinton 186. 2-b 'STRAYED TO HOME OF under- signed on New Year's Day, black spaniel dog, wellkept and definit- ely a pet. Owner may have same by proving property and ,paying for this advertisement, Charles Cooper, arsne Clinton 905r15. 2-p s 14 '1'2MMOVI ANT Tlet CUT FLOWERS • FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion a FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j ...rpmftett....etC4014.1e1 VISIT OUR STORE for our A'• Q Electric Stoves Combination Stoves Gas Stoves at GREAT REDUCTIONS HARDWARE 244 wkins and PLUMBING CLINTON BIRTHS BUNKING — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, January 7, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hunking, R. R. 1, Auburn, a daughter. STRACHAN — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, January 10, 1940. to Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Strachan, R. & CS., Clinton, a daughter.' WAL,LIS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, January 11, 195Q, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallis, R. R. 1, Hay- field, a daughter. DEATHS COUNTY WARBLE FLY CAMPAIGN IS ADVOCATED (Continued from Page One) It was decidd3 that no claim of over $200, or any claim of any doubt, re livestock damage, should be submitted without the opin- ions of both valuators. I. Tebbutt waited on the Coun- cil to obtain, their opinion re a change in the boundaries of the Clinton and Goderich District Collegiate Institute areits, J. H. Kinkead, Goderich, also was present to speak out this subject. NOBLE—In Vapcouver, B,C., 051 . Bennett requested a grant December 31, 1949, Samuel to the Huron County Seed Fair; Noble, son of the 'late Jarrett $10 was granted. Noble and Ann Birney and clerk was Irish -voted to brother of John Noble and Dick apply to the Goderich Tovvnebip Noble, Clinton, and Mrs. M. Municipal Telephone System for Jackson, Stratford. Farieral . from the Chapel of Chimes, a refund on a telephone account d had been overpaid. ! Interment in Ocean View Burial that, Park, Vancouver, B.C. It was agreed to pay G. F. SCOTT — At Womne's College Elliott 70 cents per yard for Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, January 9, 1950, Elizabeth Tudor Gairdner, beloved wife of James Scott, mother of Katie, and daughter of Mrs. Gairdner and the late Rev. R. H. F. Gairdner, formerly of Bayfield. At the Chapel of Morley S. Bedford, 159 Eglin- ton Ave. W., at Lascelies Blvd., Toronto, far service Tuesday evening at 8 p.m; also service at Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield, on Wednesday, Jan. 11, at 2 p.m, Interment Har- purhep Cemetery, Seaforth. WILLIAMSON—At Toronto West- ern Hospital early Monday morning, January 9, 1950, Mabel Levan, formerly of Montrose Ave„ Toronto, beloved wife of Edward L. Williamson and sis- ter of Mrs. Minnie Levan, To- ronto. Service in Chapel of Turner and Porter „Funeral Herne, at 2.30 o'clock Wednes- dee- afternoon, January 11. In- terment in St. John's (Norway) Cemetery, Toronto, Consternation Among Local Hog Producers A few short keep steers and heifers have been marketed dur- ing the past week, reports R. Gordon Bennett, Clinton, Agricul- tural Representative for Huron County. patching roads, until a new con- tract for gravelling is advertised and let, Patrolmen Reinstated The sectional road patrolmen were reinstated, as it was felt that they could be of valuable assistance, especially so in erect- ing and removing snowfence. Appointed were Reg. Johnston, Harry Powell, Mel Sturdy, D. McDougall, Allan Beetles, Don Harris, It Welsh, C. McCullough, J. Connell, It Mcllwain, J. Bat - kin, W .Forbes, C. Tebbutt, W. Peel ousiR. Communications read and filed were: Cities Service Oil Co„ Alexandra.Marine Hospital, Whil- lier and Co., Salvation Army, Beck Memprial Sanatorium re an indigent patient, Provincial De- partment of Agriculture, Depart- ment of Highways, Central Mort- gage and Housing, Department of Planning and Development, Accounts presented and ordered paid were: Miss Acheson, use of home, $5; D. E. Glidden, relief account, $50.95; Registrar of Deeds, .65; Joseph Wilson, shoot- ing a sheep dog, $5; Municipal World, supplies, $21.34; Hedley Prouse, fox bounty, $2; R. G. Bennett, grant to seed fair, $10; H. B. Whitely, supplies, $3.24; superintendent's pay roll No. 1, $1,183.20. Council adjourned to meet at 1.30 p.m. on February 6. FREE!! ? Get Acquainted Portrait Offer! To any person submitting this advertisement to us, we shall give absolutely FREE, a 4x6 Portrait of any child up to five years, Don't forget to clip the advertisement GOOD TILL JANUARY 21 PORTRAITS TAKEN IN THE STUDIO OR IN YOUR OWN HOME. 24 -Hour Developing and Printitig Servke One 4x6 Enlargement FREE with every Roll of Film Developed and Printed CAMERA REPAIRS Bring us your Photographic troubles D. PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 263 -- -- Clinton Inside Elliott's Veterinary and Drug Store Nnumemsprzommorwmmcrasuuccamuomumulasocouvmmouneetaerumunamor ROXY THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE CLINTON OODERICII SEAPORT 1.1 -- Now Playing — Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. — ROBERT SHIRLEY and YOUNG . TEMPLE ADVENTURE IN BALTIMORE — MONTUES., WED. — Open 6.45; Commence 'tog GREGORY PECK in "The PAAADINE CASE" with ANN TODD — THURS., FRI., SAT. — GEORGE BRENT ANN BLYTH "RED CANYON" Jan. 23rd: JUDY GARLAND "IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME" NOW; Bobby Driscoll and "The Window" Barbara Hale in Mon., Tues., Wed. --Two Features Robert Montgomery - Van Beilln & Robert Taylor—Narrating one of the world's most daring ad- ventures into the unknown, Technicolor "The Secret Land" Stan LAUREL - Oliver HARDY send along their most riotous feature length comedy 'Nothing but Trouble' — THURS., PRI., SAT. — Maureen O'Hara, Fred MacMurray & Rudy Vallee—A popular fun team and a great supporting cast in the comedy hit eyeroyne is alking about. Father was a Fullback' — MON., TUES., WED. — Adult Entertainment A blue-ribbon award winner puts a new and hilarious angle to the old matrimonial tri "I WAS A MALE WAR BRIDE" — THURS. - SAT. Dick Powell - Marta Toren and Vincent Price — Featuring the world's most colorful fighting unit in a strange and deadly conquest. "Rogues' Regiment" Coming: Gregory Peck, Ann Todd in "THE PARADINE CASE" HOSPITAL AID CLOSES VERY EXCELLENT YEAR (Continued from Page One) all sources a gross of $1,733.59 had been taken in during the year. Mrs. Finglend, in taking the chair for her second term, stat- ed that the past year had been very pleasant and harmonious. She was pleased at the en- thusiasm and work the accomp- lished by all the committees a n d thanked all who had worked faithfully including many outside the Hospital Aid. She mentioned especially the gentle- men who had given fully of their time in the play. Mrs. Fingland was appointed Hospital Aid representative to the Hospital Board, with Mrs. Lane as alternate, A motion was pas- sed to join 'the Hospital Aid As- sociation of Ontario. AUCTION SALE of 30 YOUNG -COWS at Lot 31, 6th Concession Goderich Township, 1 mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, January 17 at 1.30 p.m., consisting of 20 Durhams and Herefords— balance Holsteins and Jerseys; two freshened,some springers, bal- ance due in February and March. These cattle are young, of good quality T.B. tested and are elig- ible to enter any tested herd or area. TERMS—CASH A. E. TOWNSHEND and SON, Proprietors EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer H. W. Colquhoun, Clerk. 2-b 11,444+ 140.°4+.14444.4.8-0.44.4.:44,4-1K.:44.4444-4.44:-4-444.4.1-7:44,-ol 1: "A WAY" OR "THE WAY" •, WHICH WAY ARE WE GOING? it • There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but, et$ the end thereof are the ways of death—Proverbs 14:12; 16:25. 414 The Lord Said:' ' I are THE WAY, the truth and the life; no man cometh 41 unto the Father (God) bet by Me.—Jobn 14:6. CHAS. E. FULLER Box 1123 Los Angeles 53, Calif. J e. limeeems••••••••• The Annual Meeting of Huron Central Agricultural Society will be held -in the Agricultural Board Room Sat., January 14 1950, at 2 p.m. to hear reports of 1949 show, and to elect Directors for 1950. All interested in the show are invited to attend and bring any suggestion you might have that would be beneficial to the Society. E. J. "DICK" JACOB, President 1-2-b A. J. MaILIRRAY, Secretary tariAar 4rh? EN' See the P 0 E JU Fileeet,e •.'ealeeer -14. eteaaa ar Beauty Economy — Reliability PRICES REDUCED Sedan — $1,525 complete No Better Value Anywhere in 'Canada! LSE, CA SPECIALS! 1949 AUSTIN Coagh, new car gupranice, only 9,500 miles. 1941 CHEVROLET deluxe Coach. Loaded with esti•as, bieluding back-up light, radio, fan and heater, 1940 DODGE Coach, in. good condition, • • • AND OTHER CHEAPER CARS Austin Sales and Service Jon tha ugil1 El Sons Phone 784W Residence 616r34 a IT "•le, WORSTE IS SERGES SHARKSKINS GA ARDINES BROWNS BLUES GREYS sizes 35 to 46 et I Special Selection — 75 Suits from our regular stock, values up to %59,50, priced to suit you at one price, Take your choice for 39.50 te eteeteeee eeneeteeeeteeteeeeeeeeeeeereern reseteateneeteelete54+,eareeee 'eine 444 1.-Ttott.tto .4,t* t JANUARY CLEARANCE 5: EXTRA PANTS FREE MEN'S and BOYS' OVERCOATS t.,!: 4: With every. made -to -measure + PARKAS, JACKETS, SHIRTS, I: Y suit ordered through one of Can. SWEATERS, ETC Y ada's Leading Manufacturers. 41- rt. 44.0 kt.4 st*14-044.44-4.44-44,0•444+14:4:4",.. ....*4444:+tt!-04:44,444-4:44014. leatiee leteleinteetee. • Pic e t 1,1 Campbell THE DOORWAY TO A MAN'S WORLD PHONE 25 CLINTON '1=0=0=0 =101= =01=01=0 l=""