Clinton News-Record, 1950-01-05, Page 6PAGE SIX
Items Frorn
Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Bayfield 45r3
Mr. and'Mrs, J. O. Miller, Lon -
Inn, spent Oast "week at their
Mr. and Mrs. J, Fraser a n d
family spent Sunday at Holmes-
Robert Reid, Clinton, spent a
few days last week with his sis-
ter, Mrs. Ida Menery.
Mr. end • Mrs. - B. Burt, London,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Baker.
Meas Sharon Young, London,
spent last week with Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. McMillen,
Donald McLeod, who has been
working at Port Dover, spent a
few days at his home,
George Castle, Kitchener, spent
the holidays with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Castle.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Atkinson, St.
Clair Shores, Mich„ spent New
Year's . Day at their home.
Mrs. George Reid, Varna, spent
a few days last week with her
mother, Mrs. Charles Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irwin and
Baby, Seaforth, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Willard Sturgeon,
Misses Maude and Josephine
Stirling left on Saturday to spend
three months at Bay City, Mich.
Miss Beverley Merner, Gode-
rich Township, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Mrs. Keith Pruss, London, spent
a few days last week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Parker. '
Mr. and Ilfrs. Allen and daugh-
ter Ruth, Toronto, spent, the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs'. J. Mc-
Miss Jacqueline Cluff, Code -
rich Township, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Scotch-
mer, J`r,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Pollock, Lon-
don, spent Wednesday of last
week with Mr. and Mrs. R. B.
Miss" Gloria Westlake and Bev-
erley McClinchey, London, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
W. Westlake.
Mrs. Robert Clark and daugh-
ter Roberta, Cleveland, Ohio,
spent the weekend 'with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Berry.
Anniversray Dinner
A dinner was held on Wednes-
day evening last at the New Ritz
Hotel, sponsored . by Ivan L.
Kalbfleisch, manager of ' T. C.
Kalbfleisch and Son Planing
Mill, Zurich. The members of
tie staff, with their wives and
friends, were present.
Group singing was led by John
Tuerkheim, accompanied by Mrs.
Tuerkheim at the piano. The head
table was beautifully decorated
with a large cake, marking one
hundred years since the Kalb-
fleisch family came to Canada.
Clayton Ortievein lit the
candles and Miss Catherine Kalb-
f1(isch cut the cake.
Films were then shownby the
principal of the Zurich Public
Mrs. M. E. Jacob and Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Jacob and, the staff of Huron County Home
wish to take this opportunity of expressing
their sincere appreciation to all organizations
and individuals who did so much to make
Christmas 1949 such a memorable one for
the "boys and girls" at the home.
Your co-operation and interest is very
gratifying at all times.
Happy New Year to all!
I -b
Euchre and Dance
Friday, January 6
8 P.M.
Admission: 50 cents
Auspices L.O.L. No. 24, , Bayfield
'q!t'`✓<f +�+�+:»�;a!,'s..�+t!+k+Ao;7�:.'lt+�4!+S;I!•'.�»_'r_Ivtr�e+:»#�r,S»$d»S:�!I»: :r,»,+#.:.;�*
Used Car Bargains
equipped with air-conditioning
New 1949 CHEVROLET deluxe
Sports Five -Passenger Coupe, f
equipped with air-conditioning,
maroon in colour.
1949 CHEVROLET deluxe Coach,
green in colour, less than .5,000
1948 CHEVROLET Coach, with less
than 16,000 miles. Priced to
sell at $1,595. '
1947 PLYMOUTH Sedan, special de-
luxe, with radio, sun visor,
heater, and many extras.
1947 CHEVROLET Fleetmaster
1947 CHEVROLET Coach, priced to
sell at $1,395.
1938 DODGE Coach
1937 GRAHAM Sedan
1936 DODGE, Sedan
1948 CHEVROLET One -Ton
Pick-up Truck
1937 CHEVROLET half -ton pick-up
truck, With racks
And Many Others
As low as 850 will drive a car away
from Brussels Motors. All the above
vehicles equipped 'with heaters.
Brussels Motors
Convenient Terms
Open Every Evening
Hallett Couple 50 Years Married
MR. AND MRS: JOHN J. HUGILL, Constance, Hullett,
Township, celebrated their' golden, wedding anniversary at their
farm home on December 27, 1949. They were married at Har -
loch, Hallett Township, by the late Rev. Mr. Copeland of the
United Church, in 1899. Mr. Hugill will be 85 on August 10,
and Mrs. Hugill will be 74 on March 30.
Engraving courtesy The London Free Press
(School, Catherine Kalbfleisch I'
(entertained with a drum major-
(ette drill. A vote of thanks was ' VARNA
tendered Mr. Kalbfleisch by Al- t
fred Milick.
(Intended for last week) to. spent the holiday at her home
Jack Pounder, Stratford, spent
Christmas day in the village. (here,
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys, Bruce -
are spending this week in Ottawa field, were renewing acquaint -
Juan Brandon, London i s
lances in the village Friday.
spending the Christmas holidays Miss, Maud Keys, Stratford,, has
at her. home. I returned efter spending the holies
days at the home of her parents.
Robert Holman, London, spent
a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. I Floyd MaA ,h, Toronto, spent
B. Johnston, , Chirstmas at the home of his par -
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mack and eats, Mr. and 'Mrs. John McAsh.
family spent Sunday and Mon- I James Stephenson celebrated
day in Embro, ,New Year's Saturday, at the home
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Geenein- :Of Mr. and Mrs. George Steph-
hardt and family are spending enson.
a few days in Orillia. l Mr. and Mrs. E. Chutor ,cele -
Miss Lola Elliott, Detroit, is brated Christmas with Mr. ) and
spending this week with her
'Mrs. Walter McBride and family,
mother, Mrs. M. Elliott, Exeter,
Gordon Heard, Brantford, is 1 R v Reba Hern hes returned
home after spending the
spending a few 'days with his ; holidays
parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Heard. • at the home of her parents, Sault
Mrs. L. M. Burt, Buddy and ,Ste. Marie, Ont.
MMr. and Mrs. W. McClirrchey
a few days with Mr. and Mrs. and family, Greenway, were
F. W. Baker, 'guests at the home of their aunt,
Miss Betty Lou Larson, Land- Mrs. William Hart, one day last
on, spent Monday and Tuesday week,. ,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Charles Reid, Ivan McClymont,
R, J. Larson. , Grant Webster, George. Keys, and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and John Dowser, Jr., are attending
family, London, spent the Christ- (the OAC Short Course at Guelph
sees holiday with the former's this week.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. I Mr. and Mrs. A. Horner, Exe-
Baller, t ' ter, Mr. and Mrs. G. Horner,
Hamilton, Mrs. John Rathwell and
Mr. George'Johnston, celebrated
CONSTANCE I Christmas at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, A. Iugs.
' Mr. and Mrs. W. Heard and
Mr. and Mrs. B. Brown and family, Stratford, and Mr. and
daughter Joyce were in Toronto Mrs. M. Elliott, Clayton and Roy
recently, !celebrated New Year's, Monday,
Milton Moore, Toronto, spent a !, at the home of Mr. end Mrs,
few days with his brother, Wil- Harold Elliott and Mrs. Mossop,
Hem More.Family Gatherings Held
Mr. and Mrs. Kelso Adams Several families in the village
spentMthe holiday with Mr. and 'homes
family gatherings at their
Mrs. Ernest Adams, homes during the holiday season.
Pageant Presented
Donald Stephenson, Ottawa, The pageant, sponsored by the
was home with his parents for. WA of the Ulu a Church, was
the Christmas holidays. , presented at Huron County Home
I for the benefit of the inmates
S. Alcock and J. Alcock, Bras last Friday evening.
Bels, visited on Sunday with Mr.'
and Mrs. Charles REley,
Mr. end Mrs. Fred Riley, Kit-
chener, and Mr. and Mrs. A. S.
Riley, Seaforth, spent :New Year's
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Riley.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Riley
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Riley. all of Kitchener, spent a
few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Riley.
Mr, and Mrs. Austin Dexter
entertained Mr. and..Mrs. William
Jewitt and family, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Dexter, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Ball end family, and Mr. and
Mrs. John Sanderson, on Satur-
HORSES 44$2.50 each
COWS $2.50 each
eves' 250 c
lbs. ea. J ewtt`
according to size and condition
CLINTON - 910r16
SEAFORTH - - 655r2
(Intended for last week)
Members of ondon Road
Community Club the
at tile home
of Mrs. M, Wfltse for their Dec-
ember meeting with Mrs: Clegg
The meeting was opened with
the singing of "Joy To The
World" followed by repeating of
the club creed.
Roll call was answered by 15
members and four visitors with
a gift of clothing for children's
Correseandem* was read,. A
"Thank You" note was read from
Miss Jeanne Fitzsimons. Treasltr-
• and flower convener gave reports.
It was decided that flower con-
vener send boxes to shut-ins for
the holidays.
The traveling apron was re-
turned which brought in the
amount of $5.45.
The mystery Box was won by
j(qrs. H. Plumsteel.
Election of officers was then
held, Mrs. Swinbank taking
� charge with the following results.:
past president, Mrs. Clegg; presi-
dent, Mrs. W. Managhan; 1st vice,
Mrs. Bennett; end vice, Mrs. H,
Plumsteel; Secretary, Mrs. Scott;'
• assistant secretary, Mss. Watk-
ins; Treasurer, Mrs. B. Plumsteel;
I flower convenor, Mrs. Manning;
buying convenor, Mrs. M. Wi'itse;
social convenor, Mrs. Jackson;
pianist, Mrs. Bennett; press sec-
retary, Mrs. Scott.
'A short program was held con-
sisting of el -wise -nes readings by
Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. J. Nott.
Carols were then sung accomp-
anied on the piano by Mrs. Benn-
The meeting was brought to a
close with "Cod Save The King".
The nest meeting is to .be: held at
the home of Mrs. Manning; at this
time the program for the year
will be made out. Roll call: pay-
ing of fees,
The Hostessts, served lovely re -
etpgtn Lone eons, UI1
PHONE 73-X, BRUSSELS . °� r 's' : '' � e� + FOR FINE PRINTING
., _ K i :!"' ..... max_
+ l t»#A 4 +k?>$t i€jil i 5 '.•• + THE NEWS -RECORD
BR111B11 '--
Bob Allan is in Guelph this
Don McKay spent the weekend
with his mother at Kintail.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Griffiths. Strat-
fodr, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mre H. Berry,
Mr. land Mats. Allan , Esieler,
Lloydminstex, Alta., are visiting
with the latter's sister, Mrs. C.
Miss. Marion and Messrs Ron
and Jim Paterson have returned
to London, rafter spending the
holiday at their home,
Jack Rathwell spent the holi-
day week in BelIeviile, visiting
his brother-in-law and sister, 'Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Lazenby and
Miss Evelyn Howard, Toronto,
has returned there after spend-
ing the holiday with Mrs. C.
Haugh, Jean McIntosh, Marlene
and Peter Haugh returned with
Teachers Return
Returning 'to their schools af-
ter the holtday are Miss Betty
Allan to London; Miss Janet
Watson to Aylmer; Miss L. Allan
to Hamilton; and Miss Blanche
Zapfe to S.Ss No, 5 Stanley. Miss
Phyllis McBride has returned
front her home to teach at S.S.
No, 10.
WA Elects' Officers
The first regular meeting of the
Woman's Association of t lr e
United Church, Brucefield, was
held on the afternoon of January
3, with: Mrs. Gordon Elliott, the
newly -elected president, inthe
The Devotional part of the
meeting, conducted by Miss M.
Swan and Mrs. H. Dalrymple was
as follows: repeating the Lord's
Prayer; Scripture reading b y
Miss Swan; singing of hymn 399:
poem read by Mrs. Dalrymple,
entitled "Another Mile Shone
Passed", and giving the topic, for 1-p
Allow Stanley Couple
Claim Against Estate
In an action heard by Judge
T. M. Costello at Goderich, a
ellaim..•for $492 and costs was al-
lowed Samuel and Mary Oesoh,
Stanley Township, against the
estate of Henry ' hederd, father
10i Mrs.. Oesch.
The claim was for board, ledge
ling and nursing of Mr. Bedard
;while living at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Oesch; in whose favor
lie made a will. After he left
'them, he made a new will
which he left his estate of $220
to 'a nephew, Thomas Jones,,
Afternoon Teas make
friendly entertainment
I wish to convey my sincerest thanks to
all those who supported me in the recent
Wishing you all a 'Happy and Prosperous
New Year.
Wm. Rogerson
the, day "The Master Key, ee 4/4.0 •44~4,1 1ieN14 •
- FO'
Faith," followed by prayer.'A
feeding by Mrs. R. Allan, "Cour-
age for the New Year," was
much appreciated.
The minutes of previous meet-
ing ,and roll call were read by
Mrs. L. Wilson, secretary. The
secretaries of the various com-
mittees reported a successful
year in 1949.
rills. W. Moffatt assumed the
duties of first vice-president in
lieu of Mrs. W. Haugh for the
year 1950. It was decided that
the association be divided into
four groups with the following
leaders: Group No, 1, Mrs. G,
Henderson; Group No. 2, Mrs. T.
B. Baird; Group No. 3, Mrs: A.
Ham; Group No. 4. Mrs. G. Rich-
ardson. The meeting closed with
prayer. • ,. I
I wish to express my sincere appreciation
to all who supported me at the polls ore
Monday, January 2. I would also like to
express my best wishes to the Council for 1950.
Happy New Year to all!
Harold Jackson
Canadians are thinking
of tomorrow
1940 1941
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HAVE Ls dk(�j 4d eft 10 V
This huge sum is a tribute to Canadians'
foresight and thrift,'
Ten years ago, B of M customers kept a
total of $848,000,000 in their savings
and current accounts. During the war
years, these people took the opportunity
to boost their 'Fund For Tomorrow' to
Their habit of saving for the years ahead
has not only persisted since the ivar but
has gained in strength. Today, their de-
posits stand at more than two billion
dollars — an all-time B of M record and
the largest Canadian deposits of any bank.
Of this money, well over a billion dollars
is in savings.
The fact that the B of M's resources also
have topped the two•billion mark during
the past year proves one thing clearly --
that the size of a financial institution such
as the Bank of Montreal simply reflects the
measure of confidence a million and a half
Canadian men and women share in it.
And by thinking of tomorrow, these
people are helping to build the Canada of
today and tomorrow. For their savings de-
termine the support the Bank can bring —
through investments and loans —to the
enterprise of men and businesses across
the nation. Indeed, this year, loans made
by the B of M are the highest they've
ever been.
Working with the people of Canada for
the past 132 years, the Bank has kept
continually before it these two guiding
purposes — to assist actively the nation's
economic development and to justify al.
ways the confidence of its depositors.
G%KKel4 t stat l a rk
Clinton Branch: W. H. 'ROBINSON,, Manager
Londesborouab (Sub.Agency) ; Open Mon. and Thurs.