HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-12-22, Page 16IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111HIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111 WAGE 'SIXTEEN CLINTON N;r,'WS.R,EC(5RD 11I1URSDAY, DECEM13Elt; 22; 195 Colts Win LastPerio t11-6 On d Surge It took Clinton Colts one per- iod to get into high gear last night but when they got rolling there was no stopping them and they skated off withan 11-6 win over Zurich Flyers. It was a timely victory' for the Colts as they are now firmly entrenched in third place four.points.over their near- est rival and just two points out of second. Malt Edgar working on right wing instead of his. customery de- fence position, was the top trigger rnan for the locals with three goals, Murray Colquhoun, Bob Garon and Bill Hanly each click- ed for two and Rick Elliott and John Hartley flashed the light once. Harry McEwan picked 'up five assists for his night's work. Speedster Benny Gignac led the Flyers with the hat trick; two tal- lies going to Don O'Brien and one to Frank Ellwood. . Gignac started the Flyers off on the right foot with a neat goal at the 4.30 mark of the, first period. Hanly tied the count two minutes later on a pass from McEwan. Gignac, Don O'Brien and Ellwood gave the Flyers a 4-1 lead as the period ended. -Clinton took charge of the game at the start of the second. They pressed to the attack and after missing several big chances Edgar whipped a high screen shot that caught the top corner of the net. Edgar scored again with another sizzler four minutes later, Lee setting up the play. Murray Col- quhoun pulled the Colts back on even terms at 18.25 only to have Don O'Brien put the Flyers one up just before the period ended. Zurich tried desperately to stave off the Colts attack in the third but in the last five minutes they wilted. The Colts quickly took. advantage of the tiring Flyers to score, six goals for the victory. The draw for five turkeys spon- sored by the Colts was held be- tween the second and third per- iod with the following' holding the winning tickets: T. "Wib" Martin, George Campbell, W. L. Elliott, J. "Doug" Thorndike and Mrs, Sam Riddick. • Zurich -goal, 11/Lerner, defence, McKinley, Teiman; centre, Hesse; wings, Gignac, Doug O'Brien; Subs., Ellwood, D o n O'Brien, Muir, Dale, Doig. Clinton --goal, German; defence, Elliott, Carter; centre, McEwan; wings, Hanly, M, Colquhoun; subs., T. Colquhoun, Dan Colquhoun, Garon, Strong, Hartley, Lee, Mc- Donald, Edgar, sub -goal Denom- me. First Period 1. Zurich, Gignac (Hesse) 4.30 2. Clinton, Hanly (McEwan) 6.30 3. Zurich, Gignac (Hesse, Doug O'Brien) 9.45 4. Zurich, Don O'Brien (McKin- ley) 12.07 5. Zurich, Ellwood (Don O'Brien) 13.20 Penalties, Carter (tripping) 2.38 Second Period 6. Clinton, Edgar (McEwan) 6.25 7. Clinton, Edgar (Lee) 10.29 8 Clinton, M. Colquhoun (Mc - Ewan) 1825 9. Zurich, Don O'Brien (Ellwood) 19.20 Penalties, Tiernan (tripping) 9.10 WOAA INTERMEDIATE • BIG" EIGHT (as of Dee. 20) W L T Lucan 10 2 0 Mitchell 8 0 , 0 Cl.nton .,...•, . 6 11' 0 Ilderton 6 6 0 Zurich` ...... 5 5 0 St. Marys 4 5 1 Blackwell . 1 9 1 Watford 1 8 0 F 20 16 12 12 10 9 3 2 Games This Week Wednesday - Zurich at Clinton Mitchell at St. Marys Friday -Clinton at Zurich Iiderton at Mitchell Blackwell at Watford Tuesday Watford at Mitchell Wednesday --Mitchell' at Black- well (in Watford) Thursday --St. Marys at Zurich (in Hensall) Friday --Mitchell at Clinton Zurich at Watford Last Week's Scores Luean 3 St. Marys 1 Clinton 13 Ilderton 6 Zurich 8 Blackwell 6 Mitchell 8 Watford 6 Mitchell 7 Zurich 4 Ilderton 9 St. Marys 2 (Clinton at Blackwell, post- poned). Third Period 10. Clinton', Elliott 0.41 11. Zurich, Gignac 2.59 12. Clinton, M. Colquhoun (Mc - Ewan) 6.14 13, Clinton, Garon (Hartley) 15.12, 14. Clinton, Hartley (Strong) 15.25 15. Clinton, Edgar (McEwan) 18.35 16. Clinton, Garon (Hanly) 18.55 17. Clinton, Hanly 19.45 Penalties, Garon (tripping) 4.15; T, Colquhoun (cross-checking) 6.40. FITTED TRAVELLING CASE -(scissors, nail file, tweezers, brush, toothpaste h aste holder, soap holder, all in waterproof leather case) $22.95 BEVERAGE SET-(coppertone troy and 8 glasses) complete 7.25 BEVERAGE SETS -(assorted designs and sizes) $2.95 to 4.95 3-D PICTURES (12"x16", made of bark, moss with oil painted background) 3.95 DEVONWARE FIGURINES per pair $3.00 to 8.00 ICE BUCKET (insulated, hammered aluminum) 4.75 NUT CRACKER SET (wooden bowl, picks, nut cracker) 1.98 WATERMAN'S CF PEN SETS $10.00 to $25.00 BOX STATIONERY (fancy, plain and coloured, 59c to 3.50 31.75 REMINGTON ELECTRIC SHAVERS Table Decorations SUPER FLAME GLO (internal burning candle) each $ 1.25 JUMBO CANDLE (17" high, in green, red, or white) 1.85 TABLE CENTRE (evergreen, cones and candle) each 1.98 CHRISTMAS PARTY CRACKERS 49c, 89c, TABLE COVERS (poinsetta or Santa Claus design) 1.35, 1.50, 1.65 .39 Tree Decorations FANCY TREE DECORATIONS SNO-SPRAY TREE LIGHTS ICICLES, TINSEL SNOW, LIGHT REFLECTORS, WREATHS, single, 1Oc to 19c; boxes 69c, 98c, 1.49 per tin 98c and 1,39 Iper set 129 to 8.00 etc. Books We have the largest selection of CHILDREN'S BOOKS in town: CUT-OUTS - COLOURING - STORY - BURGESS BOOKS RAINBOW CLASSICS - And Many More. CHILDREN'S BIBLES (White or Black) $1.50 to $5.75 REVISED STANDARD VERSION (in cloth and leather) $6.50 to $10.00 Toys BLACKBOARDS (wall or desk type) $1.79 - $5.95 PLUSH TOYS -TEDDY BEARS $1.98 to $4.95 MUSICAL CAT OR DOG $6.95 DOLL HIGH CHAIR (all metal construction) $1.75 DOCTOR and NURSE SETS • 98c to $1.98 CINDERELLA CLEANING SET (6 only) - reg. 2.98 for $1.98 BOXING GLOVES per pair, reg. $7.50 for $5.49 HOLSTER SETS (one- and two -gun style) $1.50 to $4.95 Greetings It adds much to the enjoyment of the season to extend to our friends and customers our hest wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS. ir3iblrsr�•rrai rd Medd w; AN'S plate&r&t'or&ib:ifiabn��txrbrIDi��r�+� 5 44 0 Ken Arkell May Be Picked For Blue Bombers (By our Bayileid correspondent) "An Indian Scout went to tine twin city football territory buying out prospects for a talent raid on behalf of the Winnipeg Blue Bom- bers, Indian Jack Jacobs, a for- mer U.S. pro star and big name, 'n the Bomber circle for a long, long time, is looking over the Eas- tern settlements for his mid-West- ern id West- ern masters. • • "Jake called' on the Dutchmen yesterday to see if the defending O.R.F.U. Senior Champions had any prospects kicking around. A little bird whispers that his birch bark message to the home wig- warn will carry the namesof full- back Cookie Gilchrist and Steve Fochuk; half back Bobbie Kuntz; tackle . Ken Arkell and centre, Gerry Oliver. "Arkell is probably available. He is picking up some subjects at Waterloo College but his eye is on a medical course. A city where they play football that can give him the kind of education he wants might be able to pick up a pretty fair sort of Canadian tack- le. Not too many Canadians come at his sizeand with his talent," (So writes the sports editor of the Kitchener -Waterloo Record.) During his two years at U.W.O., Ken played with the Western Colts and Mustangs. Last summer he trained with the Ottawa Roughriders, but was weeded out at the last minute, when he went to the Kitchener -Waterloo Dutch- men. Bayfield is proud that Ken Ar kell comes from this district. He is an example of what any young man can do whether he lives where there are opportunities for advancement or seeks them for himself. And although every boy cannot make the Big Four, still perseverance and determination will carry him to unknown heights in any walk of life. --o Third Place Colts Drub Wildcats 13-6 After snatching Ilderton Wild- cats' five goals in -the first per- iod Clinton Colts went on to score eight more times in the second and third to take an easy 13-6 win here last Friday night. The win kept the Colts in third place two points up on the Wildcats who have played two more games. The game was very cleanly played, on- ly two penalties being handed out, both in the third period. From a scoring point the line of Murray Colquhoun, Bill Hanly and Harry McEwan had a field day collecting 14 points between them. Jerry Holmes scored twice, Elliott, Lee, Hartley and Garon each scored once. Don Denomme replaced Bill German in the nets for Lhe Colts at the end of the first period and turned in a standout game hold- ing the Wildcats to one goal. D. Urbshott was the top per- former for Iiderton scoring three times and- assisting in another. Ilderton: goal Scarborough; de- fence, Charlton, Simpson; centre, Evans; wings, D. Urbshott, B. Urbshott; subs., Henry, McNair, Taylor, Hewson, Thirwall, Leitch, Tambling, O'Neil. Clinton: goal, German; defence, Elliott, Edgar; center, McEwan; wings, Hanly, M. Colquhoun; subs., Carter, T. Colquhoun, Hartley, Garon, Lee, Hugill, Holme s, Strong; sub -goal, Denomme. First Period 1. Ilderton, D. Urbshott, 2.12 2. Clinton, Holmes (Lee Hugill) 6.53 3. Ilderton, Evans (D. Urbshott) 7.07 4. Clinton, McEwan (M Colqu- houn) 10.35 5. Ilderton, D, Unbshott (Eva.ns) 11.37 6. Clinton, Lee (Hugill) 12.43 7. Ilderton, . O'Neil (Hewson) 16.10 8. Clinton, Hanly (McEwan, M. Colquhoun) 16.50 9 Clinton, Elliott (Garon, Strong) 17.43 10. Ilderton, McNair (O'Neil) 19.13 Penalties, none. Second Period 11. Clinton, M. Colquhoun (Mc - Ewan) 2.40 12. Clinton, McEwan (M. Colqu- houn) 3.20 13. Clinton, Hartley (Strong, Gar - on) 9,37 14. Ilderton,15.40 D. Urbshott (Taylor) New Year's Eve DANCE FISH & GAME CLUB HOUSE Sat., Dec. 31 d NOVELTIES 0 0 NOISE MAKERS 0 0 Etc, 0 Scotty Possum and his POSSUM HUNTERS AD'MISSION: 75 cents 111111111111111 I I I H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 CLINTON ` LIONS ARENA SCHEDULE 'Thursday, Dec. 22 -- Minor Hockey Doubleheader 7.30 p.m. -Bantams, St. Marys at Clinton 9.00 p.m. -Midget, St. Malys at Clinton Friday, Dec. 23- 8.15 p.m -10.00 pan. - Public Skating Saturday, Dec. 24- 9.00 a.m.-11.00 a.m. - Figure Skating 11.15 a.m.-12.45 p,m.-Adastral Park L00 p.m. -2,30 p.m. -free 'Skat- ing -Clinton, RCAF and Rural Public School Children. -spon- sored by Clinton Lions Ciub. 3.00 p.m. -4.30 pm. .•Public Skating 8.15 p.m. -10.00 p.m. - Public Skating Monday, Dec. 26- 2.00 p.m, -8.80 pan. - Public Skating 8.15 p.m. -10.00 p.m. - Public Skating Tuesday, Dec. 27- 1.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. -Kinsmen Pee Wee Hockey 8.15 p.m. -10.00 p.m. - Public Skating Wednesday, Dec.. 28- 2.00 p.m. -3.30 p.m. - Public Skating 8.15 p.m. -10.00 p.m. - Public Skating Public School Children (No free skating for Tuesday, Dec- ember 27 and Thursday, Decem- ber 29, during holiday season.) Three Fined Here In Magistrate's Court Sitting Two men were fined $25 each. and costs in magistrate's court here on Tuesday afternoon, by Magistrate D. E. Holmes, Fred Fowler, Mitchell, pleaded guilty to a charge of selling a punch board to a local garage op- erator, and he was given until January 30 to complete payment of the fine of $25 which Holmes described as "very low under these sections." Gordon Hamilton, proprietor of Melva Manor, was charged that between December 1 and 6, he had kept a common gaming house. The Toronto anti -gambling squad (working in plain clothes) had confiscated the machine, which was described in court by Crown Attorney Hays, as a converted "one arnn bandit." Fined 525 and costs, Hamilton said the machine was owned by Donald Brush, Stratford. Charles, Cunningham plead guil- ty to a carge of careless driving in Clinton, and was fined 515 and costs, 0 With The Farm Forums FRIENDLY FEW (By Mrs, Frank Riley) The Friendly Few Farm Forum met at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. William Dale with a good attend- ance. The discussion was on de- fence in time of hurricane, floods and war attacks. The Forum thought it would be a good idea to have some understanding on methods of protection in time of war attacks, but for hurricanes "they are so unexpected that may- be we could not reach our protec- tion." Progressive euchre was played and the prizes went to Mrs. V, Dale and Charles McGregor, Mrs. J. Dale and Reg Lawson. Mr. end Mrs. Ross McGregor invited the Forum to their home for Jan- uary 2. 15. Clinton, Garon (Hartley, Lee) 16.55 Penalties, none. Third Period 16. Clinton, Hanly (M. Colge- houn) 3.53 17. Clinton, Holmes (Lee) 6.41 18. Clinton, M. Colquhoun (Mc - Ewan) 9.50 19. Clinton, McEtvan, 14.30 Penalties, Denomme (served by Hartley); Charlton. E�1 4 J ekkalmas kJ. , z! CLINTON BOWLING ALLEY Reg.. Cudmore, Prop, a word, mlnkmum 75e The place for dancing on Friday night in at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell, Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks in attendance, 45-56 Friday, Dee. 23 -Dancing, Can- adian Legion Hall Kirk Street. *Beautifnrl floor; "'Ample parking; '"Refreshment¢. Music by Huron Ramblers. 51-b Thursday, Dee. 29 -Binge, Leg- ion Mernorial Hall, Kirk Street, Clinton, commencing at 8.30 p.m.; 15 regular games for 55.00; three special share -the wealth games; 550.00 jackpot on 50 numbers, in- cluded in all the share -the -wealth games; one special game for $25.00. Admission: 15 regular games for 50c; special games 15e, 2 for 25c, 5 for 50e. An evening of fun for all bingo players. 51-2-b Saturday, Dec. 31-A big New Year's Dance with hats, horns, ete. at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell. Dancing begins. at 9 o'clock with Petrie's combined bands. , 51-2-b More than 15,000 cancer pa- tients in Canada received welfare services from the Canadian Cancer Society in 1953 at a cost of $260,000. The cause of cancer is not known, nor is there any . known way of preventing it. But many types of cancer can be cured in their early stages by radiation and surgery. Mae r, ACAI. 'MAIM AMA l , For the "east" word in Insu r•-. anee . . see us! We've the, tong experience, the wide variety of programs to help you select trme type of Insurance fitted to year needs. Do it NOW! SUN LIGE ASSURANCE Co. OF ?ANAPA REPRESENTATIVE Q'b4.w 703 W 2 • • Biteuuea, S O CLI NTON, ✓�.'?.R,�'+B?�':ta�:6t�{P+�g�P.��6�Q. �gery , �tP,����P,+'$l�+�R,�.�t�' CASH SPECIALS For Dec. 22-23-24 -P GARDEN PATCH NIBLET CORN -14 oz. tin 2 for 25c E. D. SMITH (HOME) CATSUP 18c; 2 for 35c WESTON'S ASSORTED CHOCOLATES -3 ib. box $1.98 E. D. SMITH MINT JELLY -9 oz. jar 21c WESTON'S SHORTBREAD COOKIES -16 oz. pkg., 35c FLORIDA CELERY STALKS -36's 2 for 2'7c CALIFORNIA GRAPES 2 lbs. for 25c We Have: MIXED NUTS -- PEANUTS -- BRAZIL NUTS ORANGES -- CANDIES -- CHOCOLATES GRAPEFRUIT -- and the Freshest of VEGETABLES for kite Festive Season. marsermemetetweicrs We Wish Everyone A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR W. L. JOHNSON & SON PHONE 286 -- -- -- -- FREE DELIVERY .lri3}&arleSisiZrzie72ri enerinegierSiS bratelea arm`^:;3rn`riarmemea x5312 Disa2rlr h,? t€r. +ere+ lalgitieleiew+a vele nm re*Kiel is +vexes ts,sr,,; A jeE 1 44 .1:49ain cot extend ouz yteeflnps and gest tvialsa fol the gayest eJoltday aysz. (Wu 9sa&sful Toa gout /atzona9sdu't(n9 this /mait yeas and Polis gnat it will IE out fileaaut.E to sew you Pt long ',tau to corns. LQR E BROWN MOTORS LTD. CHEVROLET -- OLDSMOBILE PHONE 367 amill ebilelO;Srarleer-eiailat bi�97r5?w!�'g4"�i`�' T°hS'D CLINTON r, ACAI. 'MAIM AMA l , For the "east" word in Insu r•-. anee . . see us! We've the, tong experience, the wide variety of programs to help you select trme type of Insurance fitted to year needs. Do it NOW! SUN LIGE ASSURANCE Co. OF ?ANAPA REPRESENTATIVE Q'b4.w 703 W 2 • • Biteuuea, S O CLI NTON, ✓�.'?.R,�'+B?�':ta�:6t�{P+�g�P.��6�Q. �gery , �tP,����P,+'$l�+�R,�.�t�' CASH SPECIALS For Dec. 22-23-24 -P GARDEN PATCH NIBLET CORN -14 oz. tin 2 for 25c E. D. SMITH (HOME) CATSUP 18c; 2 for 35c WESTON'S ASSORTED CHOCOLATES -3 ib. box $1.98 E. D. SMITH MINT JELLY -9 oz. jar 21c WESTON'S SHORTBREAD COOKIES -16 oz. pkg., 35c FLORIDA CELERY STALKS -36's 2 for 2'7c CALIFORNIA GRAPES 2 lbs. for 25c We Have: MIXED NUTS -- PEANUTS -- BRAZIL NUTS ORANGES -- CANDIES -- CHOCOLATES GRAPEFRUIT -- and the Freshest of VEGETABLES for kite Festive Season. marsermemetetweicrs We Wish Everyone A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR W. L. JOHNSON & SON PHONE 286 -- -- -- -- FREE DELIVERY .lri3}&arleSisiZrzie72ri enerinegierSiS bratelea arm`^:;3rn`riarmemea x5312 Disa2rlr h,? t€r. +ere+ lalgitieleiew+a vele nm re*Kiel is +vexes ts,sr,,; A jeE 1 44 .1:49ain cot extend ouz yteeflnps and gest tvialsa fol the gayest eJoltday aysz. (Wu 9sa&sful Toa gout /atzona9sdu't(n9 this /mait yeas and Polis gnat it will IE out fileaaut.E to sew you Pt long ',tau to corns. LQR E BROWN MOTORS LTD. CHEVROLET -- OLDSMOBILE PHONE 367 amill ebilelO;Srarleer-eiailat bi�97r5?w!�'g4"�i`�' T°hS'D CLINTON