HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-12-22, Page 12PAGE TWELVE Mrs. Snider Made Life Memeber Of St. Andrew's WMS 'Mrs. John Snider was presented with a life membership in the Woman's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church at the annual meeting held in her home. Mrs. D. J. Lane spoke of Mrs... Snider's long term of faithful ser- vice as secretary and Mrs, George Roberton presented .the certificate. The officers for the forthcoming term are as follows: honorary pre- sident, Mrs. Neil Fox; president, Mrs. R. W. McKenzie; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. George Roberton; sec- retary, Mrs. William Shaddoalt;. treasurer, Mrs: J. A. Matins; lit- erature and glad tidings, Mrs. Ed Farquhar; home helpers, Mrs. Norman Ball and Mrs. John Snid- er; pianist, Mrs. Snider. Mrs. J. A. Makin, absent through illness, sent a fine reading on the composers of Christmas music. • Carols were sung. Mrs, McKenzie, president, fol- lowed the arranged program on "Good Tidings of Great Joy to all People," assisted by other mem- bers. She expressed thanks for the co-operation of the members making possible the best year in the history of the society. Refreshments were served by the hostess and her daughter Miss Kay Snider and Mrs. William Shaddock. IN HOSPITAL Shown wearing her nun's habit is Marie Dionne, frailest of the four surviving quintuplets, who has left the Quebec City convent for the Notre Dame D'Esperance hospital in Montreal. Her father said it was unlikely that she would return. He said she had been very homesick for her sisters and had not been able to eat. It was the second time to 18 months that Marie has left the convent, utimmeeteiteentemememetemememseemetermmetemzeteteie • 1'; • e • • 1,1 m irs To our many friends: best wishes for a verb, Diern u Christmas! go tln, George Runiball and Staff ..am mzra`mryl}Yar$3i°r.'i or ire.-a7iYz`iJr.'✓h9rmiczA^si `aizr€Ie1scraY.#r . :`o1'cm27dmm, vemcmc cmcm anal r, cmocu ee to kmtauttesza=t •wp • CLINTON NEWS -RECORD' Wesley -Willis WMS Members Meet For Party; 1956 Officers Named The December meeting of the Woman's Missionary 'Society of Wesley -Willis United Church was held at the home of Mrs. George Beattie and took the form of a Christmas party. With Mrs, N. Shepherd presid- ing the meeting was opened by a call to worship and a hymn, fol- lowed by prayer. All secretaries gave good reports. Mrs. Addison, supply secretary told of the bale of_good used clothing valued at $135 having been sent, The roll call was answered by telling of a Christmas custom, and the Jan- uary roll call will be the paying of fees, Mrs. Wilson took the chair and after congratulating Mrs. Shep- herd for her good work as pres- ident, called on Mrs. E. Epps, con- vener of nominating committee. The following is the new slate of officers for 1956: honorary pres- ident, Mrs. H. C, Wilson; past president, .Mrs. N. Shepherd; pres- ident, Mrs. Charles Nelson; treas- urer, Mrs. B'. Hearn; recording secretary, Mrs. F. Fingland; cor- responding secretary, Miss Ida Walkinshaw; vice-presidents, Mrs, N. Holland, Mrs. Lorne Jervis, Miss B. Melloberts; Community friendship secretary, Mrs: Ruth Jenkins; Christian Stewardship secretary, Miss M. A. Stone; supply secretary, Mrs. M. Addison; associate members sec- retary, Mrs. N. W. Trewartha; Christian citizenship and temper- ance, Mrs. J. W. Nediger; litera- ture secretary, Miss E. Jamieson; membership secretary, Mrs. E. Epps; press secretary, Mrs. P. Livermore; ettlt3tett rELC `"Slettirent,Zetr tqt A This jolty snow man is helping us say; Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our patrons! a 4 Gliddon Cleaners$ Mission Band leaders, Mrs. Har- old Wise, Mrs. H. C. Wilson; Baby Band leaders, Mrs, W. C. Jervis, Mrs. E. Magill; pianists, Mrs. N. Shepherd, Mrs, J., A. McGill. Mrs. Nornnan flatland then took charge of the meeting. The Christmas story from Luke was repeated in unison, A .hymn and prayer by Miss M. Davies was fol- lowed by singing Christmas ' car- ols, A film "The Huron Indian Christmas Carol" was shown by. Mrs. W, C. Jervis, Faeh member was asked to relate something she remembered from a former O1nistmas. A trio composed ' of Mrs. Reg. Shipley, Adell Jervis and Mrs. Innes, with Mrs. Shep- herd at the piano sang, "There's a Song in the Air." Mrs. Hearn and Mn. F. Andrews each read a Christmas story. The meeting was closed by the Mizpah benediction. A social hour followed. Mother's Group Holds Party In Church Parlour The Mothers' Study Group of �' "F�1eY Willis United Church held a Luristnas party in the church parlour last Thursday, with Mrs. GIen Wise and Mrs. Bagnall in charge of the meeting.' After Christmas carols sung by the group, Mrs. L McCall read the Christmas story from Luke 2, and Mrs. G. Wise led in prayer. Mrs. Bagnall presented articles on "What I Learned at Sunday School"' and "The Annual Visit to Santa Claus," and Mrs. Wise gave one on "William Goes to the Carol Service." Collection was taken, _ and the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Bagnall. "The Littlest Ang- el" was read by Mrs. Wise, and contest were conducted by Mrs. Bagnall. After more carol sing - THURSDAY, 'DECEIVIEE'R 22, 1955 Personals Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bouskill, London, visited over the weekend with Gladys Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. Francis and dau- ghter, Royal Oak, Mich., spent the weekend at Roy Connell's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon " Cuning- hanne are spending the Christmas- tide among relatives and friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. James A. McGill' are spending the Christmas seas- on with members of their faimi,,y in Bolton and Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Epps, Mr. and Mrs. Wade, and children, all of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Epps, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Taylor and Bonnie went to Barrie last Friday to attend the annual Christmas Trey Party at the I,O.O.F. Home. Harris and David Oakes, both students at University of Toronto, are home for the holiday season, with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Oakes. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Rlumsteel and Miss Eleanor Plumsteel will spend the Christmas weekend with Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Snell and family in Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Marks 100 -Mile -House, B.C., spent the week before Iast with her mother Mrs. George J. Connell and broth- er Roy Connell and Mrs. Connell ing, the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. During the social half hour, Mrs Vic Doyling, Jamaica, a visitor to the meeting, answered questions about the island, which proved very interesting. Mr. Doyling is stationed here with the Air Force The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 24, at the home of Mrs. Howard Currie, Mrs. Bialy Hanky will be in charge and Mrs. F. Miller and Mrs. Bagnall will be hostesses, Good Will Club Have Hard Time Party And Appoint 1956 Officers The December meeting of the Goodwill Club of Wesley -Willis United Church was held in the church parlor on Tuesday even- ing, December 13. 'This meeting took the form of a hard -time par- ty, many ladies coming in very interesting costumes. The president Miss W. O'Neil was in charge of the meeting with Mrs. Hearn at the piano. The Scripture lesson from Psalm 46 was read by Miss L. Walkinshaw and Mrs. M. Steepe led in prayer. Carol singing was enjoyed during the meeting, A reading "A Little of Everything" was given by Mrs. E, Epps. The minutes were read by Mrs. M. Steepe and financial report given by Miss L, Walkin- shaw. It was decided to order the us- ual number of carnations for the church for Christmas. 1 Phone 692 - Clinton A duet "When You and I Were Young Maggie" was sung by Mrs. arrArPramrmr<h2r9rmr€a��r4a�rArmrmr2rAra R. McDonald and Mrs. G. Grigg, i The president declared all offices vacant and Mrs. Paisley took the chair. Mrs. Grigg brought in the new slate of officers which was ap- proved by all. The new president took the chair and asked for co operation of the members In the coming year. The Mizpah bene- diction was repeated after which all enjoyed games in the Sunday School room. A delicious lunch was served. Officers are: honorary president Mrs, H. C. Wilson; past president Miss W .O'Neil; president, Mrs. G Manning; secretary, Miss E. Jam- ieson; treasurer, Miss L. Walk- inshaw; pianist, Miss M. Torrance; assistant, Mrs Hearn; flowers Mrs. H. Jenkins; social committee, Mrs. E. Epps; current events, Miss M. A. Stone; group leaders, Mrs Riddick, Mrs. R. Jenkins, Mrs. L Ball, Mrs. A. Bond, Mrs. H. Jenk- ins, Mrs. G. Grigg, Mrs. L. Jer- vis, Mrs. A, L, Bodges, Mrs, W. Pinning, Mrs. M. Steepe. To wish you, every one. A MERRY. MERRY CHRISTMAS Martin's Department Store PHONE 36 CLINTON .4278iiTn r3•DDI:9rrir8r2rsm4r DI rami'arAa' }#URDf2a tVarItZerTA9rmAXIrteu VVVVES EIZZIMECIMME-1-egOet•EMMIMEnsumtEnaltuarzunmormrm.,•,....:,,,,,,,. Our entire staff wishes you all the blessings of this holy season and joy and happiness in the years t� come ... BALL & MUTCH FURNITURE and HARDWARE Phone 195 -- -- Clinton SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1955 St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. EUY.,TEBL, Rector MRS. THEODORE FREMLIN, Organist MPS. J. M. ELLIOTT, Choir Leader FEIDAY,i DECEMBER 23 4.00 p,m.-I%o1y Communion for. Semi Shut-ins CHRISTMAS EVE 11.00 p.m. --3 oly Communion CHRISTMAS DAY 11.00 a.m.-Holy Communion - No Evening Service ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "T];IE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR -REV. A. GLEN EAG -LE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST-31ES. E, WENDORF 9.45 a.m.---Sunday School 11.00 a.m.=Morning Worship 730 p.m, --Annual Christmas Pageant "The Second Christmas" Turner's Church 2.00 p.m. -Worship 3.00 p.tn.-Sunday School �eSCepm�l�lC Flt l ttiteb eljurcb REV. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENN5E. Choir Director 11.00 am. -Morning Worship "The Christmas Message Christmas 1VIusic Anthem: "And the Glory," front Handers Messiah. Solo; "Star of God," by Coates, Mr. William Andrews. Maleoras: "Cahn on the Listening of Night." 1120 am. --Primary School 12.15 p.m., -Church School. Evening Service Withdrawn. HOLMESVII.r tm, 1,30 p.m, -.Christmas Service Sunday School. Come to the Ilona of Prayer Cth PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Vietoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor /Friday, Dee. 23- 8.00 p.m.-Carql Singing Sunday, December 28- 10,00 a.m.-Open Sunday School, presenting t h e Christmas Story by Fiannelgraph and abject lesson. Giving Scriptural settings of Jesus birth. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Tues., Dec, 27-8,00 p.m. Regular ' Prayer and Bible Study Ser- vice, Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister -REV. J. E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service 12.15 p.m. -Sunday ballad 7.00 p.m. -Evening Service ALL WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, December 26 CHRISTMAS SERVICE Carol singing and Christmas i1 Anthems: Full choir "The Birthday of the Ring" "The First Christmas Morn" -Newton The Christmas Sermon: "Emmanuel, God With Us" Christ by highest heaven adored Christ, the Everlasting Lord Let all join in adoring Him All Welcome Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11.00 a.m.-Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m. -Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m. -Gospel Meeting ALL WELCOME Maple Street GOSPEL HALL, CLINTON Sunday School 9.45 a.m.. Breaking of Bread 11.00 a.m.; Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. TUESDAY, 8 p.m, - Prayer and Bible Study. "A Hearty Welcome Awaits Yon" BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH L BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Services. 7,30 pm. -Gospel Service You are cordially invited to these services, :tAt•rar far s�•ams,�ss bansaaaankliak;sr> a`lakpr.`"e ineaadp ilhat9attn MR. AND MRS. R, N. IRWIN FLORENCE CIIOWE'N MARION WATERS SPECIALS For DECEMBER 22,23,2C DATES --Dromedary Pitted 1 lb. box 29e'' CRANBERRIES LETTUCE ---firm heads Ib. bag 15e f: CELERY HEARTSeach 1e. TOMATOES --Cello Tubes bunch .�9c; GRAPEFRUIT -Indian River --96s p cfor 499cc ORANGES --New Crop Navels -252s doz. 45c' MIXED NUTS Ib. 45e 0 May I take this opportunity to thank you for the privilege of serving you in the past year; it has been a real pleasure, Wishing you one and all A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. -T. R. THOMPSON. THOMPSON'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliver j 5 t3IX*61S1rlea entetKr8 4+6tftCletete@ eM6 las peacefulAntiaibaaalaannibTOMnatribrOtratbbatDarainZatbaalbetratO spirit of Christmas :' May the evaithroughoutseasoo, and long the holiday family• after, for you and Your 9 'hone 2 CI' PUT THESE ON YOUR SHOPPING LIST; Christmas Cake Shortbre Fancy Cookies Dinner CHOCOLATES by Mains Smiles 'n Galan. CHOOSE... Silverwood's FOR AN IDEAL BARTLIF BAKERS and CO PHONE.1