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News of Bayfield
Ontario's Champion Country Correspondent
.Miss Ethel Blair, London, was
home over the weekend.
William Parker, Jr, Windsor,
was home over the wekend.
Miss Marion' Makins, London,
was. home over the weekend.
mottle Miss Martha ,Corrie went
to: London on Sunday to spend this
week with her aunt, Mrs. L. R.
To all our friends for 1
a happy holiday season.
WaliB^r°n"•a3r-A-`r7rr9Ya°eir9aMBIDIi`a'to3r9. Y 2
Closed Christmas Day,
Open New Year's Day
Milt and Mabel's
Ronald Poth, U.W.O., came
home on Friday for the Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heard,
spent the weekend with relatives
in the village. •
Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit,
came on Monday to spend Christ-
mas with her
hristmas'with•her mother.
Jack and ; Mildred Fraser, Lon-
don, visited their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Fraser, over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Munro, Lon-
doon, were at "Shangri-La" their
home in the village for a short',
time on Sunday.
Mr. and •Mrs. William R. Elliott'
Ieave on Friday to spend Christ-
mas with their son John and fam-
ily in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weston ;left
on, Sunday, to spend the Christ-
mastide with ,their son, Grafttn,
and family in. London..
Thin• baby daughter; of Mr. and
MrS, : George Adams • was taken to
Alexander Marine and General
Hospital, ,Goderich, last Friday, for
treatment for bronchitis.
Mrs. Dalton Smith came on
Saturday to be with her parents,
Mr. Arid Mrs, ',W..W.'Higgins, ow-
ing to the Tatters ill -health. She
returned to London on Sunday.
St. Andrew's United Church
Sunday School scholars with their
parents enjoyed a social evening
in the basement of the church, on
Friday. Mrs. Peter Renner con-
ducted games and bontests and
Mrs. D. Kingsbury was at the pia-
no for carol singing. The children
had had a gift exchange and Santa
Claus arrived to distribute these
off the tree. Each child also re-
ceived a bag of candy, the gift of
the Willing Workers.
The Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Out-
erbridge were called to London on
Saturday morning owing to the
critical condition of their small
son Peter. He had been rushed
to the War Memorial Hospital for
children late Thursday evening.
tgbe eel Netoee CijrtStrn4S .
'Twas the week before Xmas
When I looked at my car;
It was an old model, and
Had been driven too far.
The upholstery was ripped,
The seat was Joni;
The brakes didn't work,
And neither the horn.
' cried'' and moaned
• And started to cuss;
Something had to be done
About the old bus.
ThenI wentto
I was all awoe;
Their ad said I couldg et
Much more for my dough.
Now I laugh at the bumps,
I get mileage galore;
The car looks fine, and fi
Here is something more:
I bought any car from Murphy'siA
On an easy plan; dyI
My payments are small d�
And I am a happy man.
cup Ijvt5traA
Sales and Service
PHONE 465 Huron Street CLINTON, ONT.
Jr20-M2m'ii ram"60aSr2> i i'Dar'hfx MAIMi0 DunrIstIMI2trm`YDi-MAMM-2/DO
•'v,.,./t,n use lRatzmEtennglrs,urag r_ukruErttrvaudennewentgag ,mug _e.mF1. .?etg.egmg S
To our mini} friends: we wish
you theappiest
the Merriest Christmas, ever
—thanks for your patronage!
Modern Meat Market.
Well Known At Bayfield
are pictured following their wedding last month in Trinity Meth
.odist Church, Highland Park Mich. The .bride is "Martian
. Virginia, daughter of Dr. and Mas. John M. Atkinson, St Clair,
Shores, Mich., and Bayfield, . Ontario
Public School Pupils At Bayfield
Stage Christmas Party And Concert
(By our Bayfield correspondent)
On Tuesday afternoon, the pup-
ils of Bayfield School marked the
corning of Christmas. Yuletide
The wardens of St. James, Middle-
ton; St. John's, Varna, and Trin-
ity Church, Bayfield, .cancelled; the
services on Sunday to allow the
rector to remain in London. Peter
is now responding of treatment.
Willing Workers
The regular monthly meeting of
the Willing Workers Club was
held at the home of Mrs. Grant
Stirling. It was opened with the
Willing Workers prayer, followed
by St. Luke 2: 7-14, read by Mrs.
Fred Wallis. The Rev. P. Renner
led in prayer,
The secretary's report was read
and adopted on the motion of Mrs.
Robert Welsh. The roll call was
answered by 17 members with a
gift for the Children's Aid Society.
The Rev. P. Renner presided for
the election of officers for 1956,
which are as follows: president,
Mrs. Robert Welsh, first vice-
president, Mrs. Lloyd West-
lake; second vice-president, Mrs
Grant Stir 1 i n g; third vice-
president, Mrs. Edgar Rothwell
secretary, Mrs. George Heard;
treasurer, Mrs. Bert Greer; flower
and card committee, Mrs. Fred
Mrs. Fred Wallis resumed the
chair for the remainder of the
meeting. It was suggested that
everyone answer the roll call next
month with an account of her
cook book sales. The meeting was
closed with the Mizpah benedict-
ion. Lunch was served by the
committee in charge.
Anyone with money boxes for
the Cradle Band is asked to turn
it in to Mrs. Bert Greer by the
end of the year. The next meet-
ing will be held at the home of
Mrs. Robert Wright.
Goderich Township
Mr. and Mrs: Lloyd Picot and
farrdly ,Goderich, visited iwth his
mother, Mrs. Frank Picot.
The annual meeting of the Will-
ing Workers Club of the Bayfield
United Church was held at the
home of Mrs. Grant Stirling on
Wednesday, November' 24, with 18
ladies and Rev. P. Renner in at-
tendance. The meeting opened
with the president Mrs. Fred Wal-
lis inthe chair,
The pastor conducted the elec-
tion of officers which resultedas
follows: president, Mrs. Robert
Welsh; first vice-president, Mrs,
Lloyd Westlake; second. vice-pres-
ident, Mrs. Grant Stirling; third
vice-president, Mrs. Edgar Rath -
well; secretary, Mrs. L. Heard;
treasurer, Mrs. Bert Geer; flower
committee chairman, Mrs. Fred
• It' was arranged, to send gifts
to the Children's Aid Society at
Thenext meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Wright the
second week of January. Lunch
was served by the ladies. The
pastor closed the meeting with
Pence -Atkinson
(By ow- llayfield correspondent)'
'Ilhe chapel of Trinity Methodist
Church, Highland Park, Michigan,
was the setting for the marriage
of Marion Virginia Atkinson, dau-
ghter of Dr. and Mrs. John M.
Atkinson, St. Claire Shores, Mich-
igan, and Bayfield, Ontario and
Gerald Monroe Pence, Lansing,
The bride, given away , by her
father, wore a. street -length dress
of ivory velvet, trimmed with a
bertha collar of lace. She carried
a small bouquet of white roses.
Mrs. Barbara Sheppard, matron of
honor wore a street length dress.
of aqua silk and carried yellow
roses. The bride's' mother chose
a grey lace gown over pink with
a pink satin hat trimmed with
ostrich feathers. Her corsage was
of pink roses. Professor Leo
Merton, Lansing, Michigan, acted
as groomsman.
A family reception followed the
wedding and thereafter the bridal
couple left for Park Forest, Illin-
ois, where they will take up resi-
trees have adorned each class
room for a week. The one in the
senior room was the gift of Phil-
lip and Anne Gemeihhardt, and
Roy Telford gave the tree for the
junior room. The pupils' made de-
In the senior room, the students
held a Christmas party. First'
there were reports from. the Jun-
ior Red e Cross of which Stephen.
Scotchmer is president. Brenda
Blair gave the secretary's report
and Howard Scotchmer the treas-
urer's statement. Committees
were appointed for the afternoon.
Under the supervision of Mrs. Le-
Roy Poth, games and contests
were thoroughly enjoyed at this
merry party.
In the junior room, the little
folk presented quite a varied and
interesting program which was
very well done, and -which they
thoroughly enjoyed. -,-
It commenced with a recitation,
"Welcome," by Barbara Turner,
followed by a dialogue, "The
Train," grades 2 and 3; other rec-
itations were by Janice Merner,
"Settled;" Rosemary Turland.
"Decorating the Tree;" Susan Ad-
ams, "Christmas Signs;" Carol
Wallis, "School Days;" Pat Sid-
er, "Our Christmas Wish;" Myrna
Scott, "Long, Long Ago;" Douglas
Telford, "When Grandpa Was A
Boy;" Sandra Middleton, "Christ-
Jackie Weston sang a solo,
"Silent Night;" Rosemary Turland
and Susan Adams played a piano-
forte duet; Ray Leonard sang, "0
Come All Ye Faithful;" Rosemary
Turland gave a piano solo; a dia-
logue, "A New Year's Resolution"
was presented by Grades 2 and 3;
George Lindsay read, "Christmas
in Australia." A reading, Gayle
Turner, "Footprints in the Snow."
Pantomime, "The Little Red
Hen;" starrred Shirley Darnbor-
ough as the little red hen; Sharon
Middleton, Joyce Scott and Cheryl
Leonard, the chickens, and choirs
one and two of the junior room
told the story.
Grade four presented "The Nat-
ivity Scene, in pageant. Rosemary
Turland, the angel; Jackie West-
on, Mary; Michael Scotchmer,
Joseph; Garold Wallis and Sandra
Middleton, the shepherds; George
Lindsay, a wise man. Ray Leon-
ard did the solo, and Susan Adams
was narrator. There were also
Christmas songs by the whole
room, under the direction of the
teacher, Mrs. William E. Parker.
The children had previously
drawn names for an exchange of
gifts and this took place in both
rooms. The teachers gave each
pupil a gift and they in,turn were
generously remembered by the
children. '
Refreshments were served and
candy and oranges distributed to
the pupils.
In the middle of the affair, the
men came to hang the new drapes.
But the panty and the concert
went on in their respective rooms
despite the interruption. And
sometimes the men paused in their
work to enjoy the program. -
News of Londesboro
Correspondent — MRS. .11. DUILNIN
Phone ; Blyth 3 r 19
Mrs, Percy McBride, . Carlow,
spent a few days with her aunt,
Mrs. Laura Saundercock.
Mr. and Mrs. George Neil and
Marilyn, Kirkton, were with Mrs.
Beacom, Harold and Edythe, on
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas .Miller on Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs: Frank Potter and
Greg, and Mr. and Mrs. James
Wilson, Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Hooper,:
London, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Hoop-
er, Ailsa Craig, spent' Suzy,.'
December 11 with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Pipe and 'Barry.
Mr, and ,Mrs. • Roy Vodden Sea -
forth, spent Sunday with Mi. 'and:
Mix'.. Wesley . Vodden Barbara
and Roy. Jr.:returned, With r'thefl
Hensall United
Church Has,
Seasonal: Service
By our Heiman correspondent)
Special Christmas services were
observed in the churches Sunday
last with large congregations pres-
ent, churches lovely with festive
decorations, and messages approp-
riate to the occasion delivered by
the Ministers.
At the United Church the Sun-
day School held a special white
gift service. Charles Mickle read
sacred passages and Rev. C. D.
Daniel offered prayer. Mrs. Rob-
ert Cook told the Christmas story,
and the Nativity Scene was enac-
ted with Carolyn Smillie singing
"Away in a manger." Over $55
was contributed,
Rev. Daniel, for his morning
theme, spoke on the subject "Just
Before Christmas." A trio com-
posed of Mary Ann VanHorne,
Dianne and Mary Ann Rennie, and
a solo was contributed by S. G.
At the evening service the choir
under direction of C. Rennie with
Miss Greta Lamsmie at the organ
consol presented a inimical Christ-
mas Cantata, "Chimes of the
Holy Night." Soloists were Mary
Ann Rennie, Miss Mary Goodwin,
Mrs. Pearl Passmore, Mrs, H, Mc -
Ewan, Dr. D. J. McKelvie, H. W.
Horton. The lighting was in the
charge of Milton Lavery.
During intermission the Chur-
ch's White Gift service was held,
with over $400 (which included
the Sunday School donation) re-
ceived to be spent on "Food for
Hungry Children of the World."
Church decorations were arrang-
ed by members of the Evening
959 voters turned out on Mon-
day to elect reeve of Hay Township
for 1956, with the result that Mr.
Valentine Becker, Deputy Reeve
for 1955 defeated Councillor for
1955 Delbert Geiger by a margin of
191 majority. —Zurich Herald.
Township Of
To facilitate snow remov-
al operations, the public is
requested not to park cars
or vehicles on roadsides
during the winter months.
And notice is hereby giv-
en that the Township will
not be responsible for any
damages caused to such
vehicles as a result of snow-
plowing operations.
Township of Tuckersmith.
51.-tfb ,
tetFRSMviereur ?interEataterrigiat i;e?PFiIstute taimat.aviernenei'..!'im, tone.. areezeS,
after spending the weekend with
their grandparents '
Mrs.' J. L. White, Mrs 'R.' Town -
rend, Emerson Hesk, Willis and
Charlie Bromley' motored to Rich
mond Hill ' on Saturday, Decem-
ber 10, and called at the''Chikiren's
Home with Christmas• -gifts for
the children.
Londesboro: WMS.:...•
The regular meeting of '' the
Londesboro Woman's Missionary
Society was held Decern'i er' 5;: in
the Sunday School ' bf, the
church, with the president, 'Mrs.
J. T. White presiding.
The meeting opened with a
:hymn, Mrs. White giving•:a short
sketch on the hymn. Roll call; re-
sponded by giving gifts for the
41ichrnond Hill Children"s+ Home.
The program consisted of a 'read -
Poor Little
Robin Meets
Death At Last
(By our Bayfield correspondent)
This week it is our sad duty'
to record the death -of a robin.,
"Poor little Robin!" It was the
same one which P. C. Lloyd
Westlake picked up in the
woods. And while it apparently
lost weight in captivity, it seem-
ed happy enough and neer
missed a meal. It had taken a
bath and eaten a goodsupper
the night before -the Westlakes
found him dead in the cage.' 'So
they think that • he musthave
been, "not long for this world,"
ing by Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, "One
Christmas Star." Rev. J.,,.T. White
gave the Christmas message `'pen -
tering his talk on Mary Y -.the
Mother of Jesus. Another 1�0mm
was sung and the meeting closed
with prayer by Mrs. Clarence
Crawford :
' let
May a
v.ry morry
Chrisfma, season
flourish of your'hoyso
South End Cities Service
Wes Holland - - Dory Rutledge
To wish you Christmas Happiness
Arid all the Season's cheer,
With everything that's best in life
Throughout the coming year.
eattie A, ur
(For Best in Quality and
Phone 184W
iii`lhasarriar7r aitiraioYailar alai$ in'aSitiaiatatat312in"lairsrrar ishaitainei^nialiesiai
ells 44. au
Painters and Decorators
Huroir ',Street Phone 234W
To our many customers and friends --
May this Christmas be bright and gay
And filled with many, many blessings!
Public Utilities Colnlnision
11,4210 PD"43 ifViMdm131ia`V1W:hsDr'�t91 t" 1Dr h'#t;