HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-12-22, Page 3THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1955 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE THREE Lions Ladies' Night Proves To Be Well Attended "Barrel -Of -Fun" A every good crowd of Lions, and of the program committee, who produced a barrel et fun for every- one, with Frank Herron actingas emcee and pianist throughout. Gladstone Grigg, W. r. 'Miller and Caryl Draper entered wholeheart- edly into a hat trimming contest and their creations were gaily don- ned by Mrs. 11, C. Lawson, Mrs. George Levis and. Mrs. John Midd- leton. Mr: Miller's hat proved the best one, andhe received a prize for his efforts. their; ladies attended the annual Ladies! Night held in Hotel Clin- ton last Friday evening. President K.B.,McRae was in charge of fes- tivities at the turkey banquet, dur- ing which Ii C. Lawson proposed a past to the ladies, which was replied to by Mrs. K. B. McRae. J. E. "Dick" Jacob was a most genial "tailtwister", and managed to part the Lions from a fair share of quarters and dirties before the eventing leas:through. Lorne Brown was the chairmen A balloon •blowing contest among the .three ladies, was won by Mrs. etrineeereeneesezezereenteletereeennetenneterinenteeemereteeneun Atm Chrifitinao Beef wiebes for a Joyous Loliday from our staff. FAIRHOLME DAIRY Phone 157W — Clinton biz'? iaerea'seweanst`r}meneeia"eeenynereMtc7l9t"a° nenioia`y'ai$Ynty` ernetet'2r`diei' zezene Lavin, who also was rewarded. A special 'Champion' badge was an award to new Lion E. Beecher Menzies as a result of his efforts. in a complicated quiz. Santa Claus (S. Middleton) dis- tributed presents amongst the lad- ies present and Ross Middleton acted the part of a professor from Koo Koo Kollege in a specially conducted class in the Art of Romance. At the supper hour ,token fines were levied on the Club's four sees of brothers: Charles and Lorne Brown, John and Wilfred Parker, George and John Levis, John and Ross Middleton, RCAF Announces Commissions To Fifteen Officers Air Force Headquarters recently announced the commissioning of 15 airmen to Telecommunications Officers at RCAF Station Clinton. At present these airmen are on course here and upon completion at the end of January they will proceed to London to attend Of- ficers' School. From London they will be posted back to Clinton to take the Technical Telecommuni- cations Officers' course. Some of these airmen have spent a large portion of their car- eers at this station and are well known in the Clinton district. Commissioned to the rank of Flying Officer were: P. D. Mills, G. Edgerton, IL L. Mayhew, S. M. Estwick, D. A. Lambert, A. R.. G. MacGirr, E. N. Dirkson, J. a Guindon, F. C. Ling, E. T. D. Kea- sey, A. T. Fletcher, R. W. Caifray, G. C. Pratt, J. A. P. Hopkins, H. R. MacAulay. The death rate from lung cancer in males doubled in the ten years between 1943 and 1953. There was no change in the lung cancer dea- th rate among women. TOWNSHIP of TUCKERSMETH Notice of Nomination ° eeting A Meeting of the Electors of.the Township of Tuckersrn[th will be held In TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH Mon ec. 1955, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of Reeve anal Councillors for 1956 and School Trustees (2 to be elected) for the years 1956-51. Nominations 'will be received from the hour of one o'clock to two o'clock in the Afternoon. In the event of more being nominated than are required to fin the positions, AN ELECTION will bo held on Monday, January 2nd, 1.956 Polls will be open from a.mto 6 p.m., at the following places: PSD No. 1—Mrs. Sheila King's DRO—Harry Chesney House, Egrnondviile PC -William Cameron PSD No. 2- 55 No. 8 DRO—Roy McGeoeh PC -William Scotchmer PSD No. 3—SS No. 4 DRO—W. P. Roberts PC—George Turner PSD No. 4—SS No, 3 DRO Norris Sillery PG—JohnBroadfoot PSD No. 5—SS No. 1 DRO—Melville Traquair PC—Glenn Bell PSD No. 6—SS No, 9 DRO—W. S. Broadfoot PC—Robert Gemmel) E. P. CHESNEY, Returning Officer 50-1-b e May the day be merry with you in your most gala holi- day frock or formal. Why not let us get it ready for you NOW — beautifully fresh, spotlessly clean, care- fully pressed! Then you con just slip into it with no last-minute worries. WE NOW RAVE A Down Town Office on King Street (formerly Simpsons -Sears) for the convenience of our customers. CleiAt°4. LAUNDRY g. CLEANERS Lf:T ONE C4.4l, DOrt AL.L''' G'..1'I4TQK ' taw Installation Of Dial Equipment Now Underway At New Building A . vital step in the extensive telephones, So that telephone users preparatory work for the intro- here will be able to dial their duction of dial telephone service local calls immediately following in Clinton—the installation of the the cutover, dial equipment—is under way in Actual time and date of the cut - the recently -Completely dial ex- over will be announced well in change building on .Rattenbury advance of the change so that Street. The dial system will go telephone users will be prepared into operation next spring. for the inauguration of the new W. W, Haysom, Bell Telephone and modern telephone system, Mr, manager for this region, said that. Haysom said. the installation is a Complex job o and will take months to complete. ere The dial switches and associated, 1 wo Airmen Are apparatus will take over the task tip of connecting all local' calls in the Hurt when. car Clinton exchange area: Skids Off Road IIEquipm SwitchesSet, knowpn as lineent-finders, Two RCAF Station Clinton per - selectors and: connectors, are be- sonnel are in the station hospital ing set up in, long 'columns in the with injuries received in an acei- equipment rgom. With their metal dent four miles east of Clinton on covers, they look somewhat like Highway 4, Saturday afternoon rows of canned; goods' on a groc- when the car they were in ram- er's shelves, The switches act mel into a tree after skidding off when they receive electrical inn ' the road, The car incurred 2650 pulses sent out by the turning of damage. the dial. As the digits are dialed Lawrence Coy suffered shock. by a telephone user, the switches and cuts to both legs and Ray seek out the line of the called Garbutt has knee and chest in party and make the connection. juries, The equipment was specially de- , Three other persons in the car signed and manufactured to meet were not hurt. They were Elmer the telephone needs of the col- Hogan, Bryan Miller and A, J. unity it will serve. Skilled Maelntyre, all of the station. Northern Electric craftsmen are Corporal Harry Sayeau, of the busy installing and tenting the Goderich provincial police detach- delicate etachdelicate mechanisms, which must merit, investigated. be kept in air-conditioned rooms because even a few specks of dust Assembling and connecting the Couple To Mark can interfere with their operation. intricate apparatus are specialized' , # tasks. By the time the dial .ex- Sixty -Fourth Year change is ready for operation, thousands of Individually -soldered connections will have been made Of Married Life and miles of connecting wires put in place. (By our Hensail correspondent) All telephone lines in the area The home of Mr. and Mrs will be connected with the dial Jarvis Horton, Hensall, will be equipment well in advance of the the setting on Christmas Day for cutover, but the switches will be Yuletide festivities and an added kept out of operation during the painstaking testing period by means of plastic insulators called "blocking picks". At the time of the cutover these picks will be removed simultaneously, so that all telephones can be converted to dial operation in less than two minutes. Can Serve 1,800 Dial equipment initially instal- led in the new building will be sufficient to serve 1,800 tele- phones, enough to meet the tele- phone needs of Clinton for some time after the changeover. There is enough space in the building to permit the addition of more dial equipment to handle future grow- th of telephone demand in the area, and the building is so de- signed that an extension can be built to house even more equip- ment when the need arises. New Numbers Co -incident with the cutover, all telephone numbers will be changed to consist of two letters and five figures, to conform to the uniform numbering plan which is becoming standard throughout Canada and the United States. Telephone users will be advised well in advance of their new num- bers, which will also be contained in a special supplement to the telephone directory. The supple- ment will be issued shortly before the cutover. Mr. Haysom pointed out that in Clinton it would be sufficient to dial only the final four digits to make local calls. However, he stressed that it would be import- ant to use the complete number- two letters and five figures—when using long distance service, or on letterheads, signs, vehicles or ad- vertising material where the, tele- phone number normally appears. Referring to the overall cutover project, Mr. Haysom said that the work is progressing according to schedule. The wire -and -cable network is being adapted for use under the dial system. Special crews ,of Bell Telephone installers have almost completed their visits to Homes and offices in Clinton and vicinity to ,install new dial man's best frjend A B of M passbook My BRN showing a nice little balance makes a big hit with the youngsters ell will" tar,DM"N$ C's at Christmas ... saves last-minute shopping, too. Gift, -wrapped with a Christmas cover. "MY BAND" in your neighbourhood \ will gladly take care of your needs BANK OF MONTREAt ?eta' V. WORK t Clinton Branch: WILLIAM MORLOK, Manager Loadcabocough` (Sub•Af ency): Open Mon, & Thurs.• WITHH CANADIANS I N :'. `E VER Y WALK OF t.r 1' E SINCE 1 8 Y 7 lensall WI Has Fine. Christmas Time Gathering The Hensali Women's Institute held their Christmas meeting on Wednesday evening with a fine and varied program. Conveners' were Mrs: N, Cook and Mrs. J. Goddard, while the hostesses. were Mrs. G. Armstrong and Mrs. W. Stephenson. Roll call was answered by -a donation to London War Memorial Children's Hospital. A beautiful medley of carol tunes as a piano duet was played by Mrs. J. God- dard''and Mrs. Pryde, '"If Jesus had not come" was the theme of the message given by, Rev. D, MacDonald, of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church. "If He had not come;" said the speaker, "our outlook would be the same as those who as yet have not heard the good news." Carol singing was enjoyed by all, conducted by Miss Greta Lammie, accompanied by Mrs. W. Brown. Mrs. E. Rowe contributed a reading, "The Courtship of Larry O'Dee." A film entitled "The Night Be- fore Christmas" was shown with Jack Drysdale's kindly help. Re- freshments served 'by the lunch committee brought a delightful evening to a close, Regular thorough medical cheek ups by your doctor may help to find cancer at a time when it will respond favorably to treatment. ceneentatenneventneretenzentemzeneventezenteneenzezigeseetentene el • ., .•J, •• . • • • • .. to our many friends and eusfotners. May your Christmas be merry land brigbtl A,� J. W. COUNTER Builders' Supplies • BILL LOU COUNTER DUT07 jd s°r r; ,wet am,,, ria i> ,;hr&ria'mmiparr v,,,,,ammoYaw"m izomrars r2sam,20.74. IIIUIIIIIIIUUIflIU1111111111U1111111U11111111U1!Illfllllflilillllllllllllllliilllllllllllllflllllllii(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIn1Up11n11111n11111111111111Ui1111111fglllllo nlfllnllillllllllflllfdliiliVllllliillll!tiller NOTICE attraction will be the celebrating re: of the 64th wedding annversart , of the latter's parents, Mr, and.R Appreciation Day Mrs, J, T. Mitchell, Henson. Mr. Mitchell (89 in February) and Mrs. Mitchell (85 in March) were married at the home of the bride's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. John Race, Hibbert Township on December 23. Fallowing their marriage they lived in Tucker- smith Township where Mr. Mit- chell farmed, retiring to Hensali 26 years ago. The snow which has fallen this In case there are still misunderstandings as to who is eligible and who is not eligible g to win a share of the Treasure Chest on Ap- preciation Day, we hereby quote an amended = Rule 9: Any merchant and/or his wife and immediate family, who is participating year presents a much different E in the Appreciation Day draw, and any story today than it did 64 Yeats merchant and/or his wife and immediate ago. They recall while driving with Pe a horse and buggy to take train at: family, who is in. business similar to a Dublin for Toronto to spend then 6 participating merchant, are NOT ELIG- ideals with every farmer busy or ' ID>LE to receive part of the Chest. honeymoon, that the day was the land ploughing. Mrs. Mitchell does not enjoy Any merchant or business man and/or good health, but Mr. Mitchell is = his wife and immediate family who do not w tip town every day to do the X. come in the above category are therefore family shopping and to get the = daughters, Mrs. Carl Stoneman, _ 0- Mrs. M. Traquair, Mrs. J. Horton 0 mail They have a family of three = eligible to win. ' (Signed) THE STEERING COMMITTED Hensall; ane son, Stanley, Tucker -APPRECIATION DAY FUND. E. smith; seven grandchildren and ria ten great-grandchildren, nllilililillffilililllllllllllllliillllitilllllglllllllllIIIIIMNIIIIIIIUIIIIVIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIInINIIIIHVIIVIVINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIVI illiIIIIIIII 1111iINIIWI(lg tnezen renzennze etezetnentezez 2 t e{teee ezezenzeeeeetnete: eneetn ' "Ot zezenz setezezneeezeeerGt ntetnezentee4 W COSTl'S ['jre ctffi s The brightest light of the Christmas season is the opportunity to express our thanks for your confidence and loyalty and to wish to each of you the many joys of a Merry, Merry Christmas ... PHONE 14 "Your I.D.A.. Druggist' CLINTON -`.1lai. x -.ia"+muittwzm°•3mt'7,A fah:Ja-iptrom,t5^ia:D vis`YtEinterenr"` entre `clL°'r?k?S1L�i