HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-12-15, Page 7tSKIRSSPAY, DEC BEIR'15 195$ ACCOMMODATION 'for RENT .FOUR ROOM HOUSE, FULL bath. Availaible . January 1st. Phone Clinton 428. 50-b SIX ROOM HOUSE wi'rH bath - 'room, furnace and all convenien- ces, Fulton Street, .Clinton. Im- mediate 'possession. Phone Clin- ton 703W1, 50-b ' /MEE E ROOM ` APARTMENT and bath, tarnished, available now. Phone Clinhan 641. '' 50-b 'MODERN' FOUR ROOM apart- :uzent, unfurnished. Available -December 1, W. N. 'Counter, phone Clinton 230. 50-p SMALL APARTMENT, furnished, suitable for two. Phone Clinton -29. 50-b HOUSE ON ISAAC STREET. /Italy modern. Forced air furn- -am. Tiled floors throughout. M. McAdam, phone Clinton 694J. 50-p FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, pri- vate entrance, private b a t h, ground floor. Bill Grigg, phone :Clinton 94W after six. 50-b UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, large oil heater supplied. Suitable 'for couple with one child. Phone Clinton 1393. 50..b 'THREE R 0 0 M FURNISHED 'apartment, centrally located. Priv- ate bath. -Private entrance, Avail - Me December 15. Phone Clinton 199W. 50-p FURN]'SHED APARTMENT, lar- ge, comfortable; modern. All con- veniences including refrigerator :and TV. Phone Clinton 62, 50-b AR/ARTNI ENT FOR RENT. Mod- ern in every way. Two bedrooms, private bath. Vacant January 1, X956. Central location:, Phone Clin- ton 646. 50p NEW, THREE-BEDROOM house, all modern conveniences. In Clin- ton. Immediate possession, Phone Clinton 465. 50-b GROUND FLOOR. APARTMENT in Clinton. Oil heated. Self-con- tained. Private entrance and priv- ate bath. Unfurnished. E. J. Wel- sh, Victoria Street. Phone Clinton 1273. 50-b 'NEW FIVE ROOM HOME, oil heated, with all modern conven- iences. Within walking distance of RCAF Station Available now. 'For full information phone either Clinton 783 or 334, after 6 p.m. 50-1-p ARTICLES FOR SALE "WALNUT DINING TABLE, pric- ed reasonable. Phone Clinton 652W, 48tfb 'GREY CONVER•1'IBLE BUGGY and small crib. Both for $15.00. Aiso violin, Stewart Dale, RR 4, Clinton, phone Seaforth 847r21. 50-p REMINGTON RAZORS — $7.50 trade-in allowance on any old electric razor, regardless of make or condition. John A. Anstett, Clinton 50-b ROLL -A -WAY COT, COTTON f11 - led mattress, like new, Regular $18.95 for $12.00. Small trunk, nylon travelling bag holds six suits, zipper side pockets. Phone C'Linton 1643. 50-p MEN'S SHOCKPROOF, dustproof, antimagnetic watches. 517.95, with expansion bracelet 519,95, et 3. A, Anstett's Jewellry Store. 49-50-h AS A CHRISTMAS GIFT SUG- gestion for the whole family on your list—why not a hamper of 'fancy Northern Spies. Phone Stewart Middleton, Clinton 437J3. 50-b CLEARING OUT SALE OF TWO electric grain rollers, two pressure 'systems. All in perfect , working condition and guaranteed. Five new Duo -Therm space heaters. Special prices for December and .January. 3. H. Brunsdon, phone Clinton 15. 50-b 'TV FIT FOR A "KING — We /Rent — Move — Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation. phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb 'QUANTITY OF WELL Matured awrn; also army trucks, Chev- rolets, 60 hundredweight with four-wheel drive; Fords, four- wheel drive with trailing axle; several large "V -type" snowplows ffor truck mounting. Laister Tree- -tor Harvester Company, No. 3 Highway, Tillsonburg: 48-9-0-1b TYPEWRITER Clearance — An :Ideal Lasting Gift: Remington, -Underwood, Royal, Smith Stand- ard, reconditioned, regular .l y $79.50, reduced $39.50. Also, New 1956 portable with case, reduced :$59.50. Adding Machines, adds to $99.999.99, subtracts, only $19.50. Each fully guaranteed. Deposit '$5.00, balance C.O.D. Immediate shipment. Crown, 1011 Bleuty Montreal, Que, 49-50.1-1) ARTICLES WANTED SPRING FILLED MATTRESS, large size, with or without bed. -Larne Tyndall, phone Clinton 72733. 50-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1949 MONARCH, BEST Ole' "h R. -Needs motor work. Phone Clinton '572W. ' 50-h 7:953 FORD, AUTOMATIC IN good condition. Apply Clinton News -Record, Box 501. 50-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 448. 13tfb CUSTOM WORK HOME AND AUTO RADIOS and appliances repaired, electric motors rewound and repaired Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dun- lop. Phone Clinton 138W. 40p-tfb STOVES FOR 'SALE `DANBY RANGE,i'ri,, Three bur- ner, good forapartment; also cook stove (ere -3,m enamel) silent glow wick burner, Can be con- verted for coal and wood. Cheep for quick sale. Phone Clinton. 50-p CLOTHING'. FOR SALE MAN'S .GREY TWEED. Topcoat, good as new, size 38. Phone Clin- ton 652W:. 48-tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, EXPERIENC- ed in farm work.. Phone. Clinton 616r31. 50-b HOUSEWORK BY THE DAY,. Mrs, Wilbert Crich, phone Clin- ton 802r34. 49-50-b FARMS. FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments. 33-ttb FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale. STAN -HOIST TRACTOR Load- ers, Pax Hog Feeders, McLean Silo Unloaders, Booms self -un- loading Feed Trucks, Portable Feed Mixers, Wagon Unloaders, Used and new Grain Grinders and Hammer Mills. All farm equip- ment with information on request. New Idea Distributors, Goderich, Ontario. Phone Carlow 2821. 47-8-9.50-p Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. .0. Pinkett, phone Clinton 76133. 47-p-tt'b FUR REMODELLING and REPAIRING COMPLLi n F U R REMODEL - ling and repairing service. Esti- mates. gladly given. Also New Fur Coats, made to order. Searle Furs of Stratford. Representative at Lovett's Specialty Shop, Clin- ton, every Saturday night 7.30 to 10 p.m. with samples. 33-tfb HELP WANTED --Female WOMAN OR GIRL F011 TWO weeks, for house. Phone Clinton 373M. 50-b UPSTAIRS GIRL. Apply Hotel Clinton, phone Clinton 793. 50-b FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Modern equipment, good working condi- tions. Phone Clinton 312W or ap- ply in person, preferably, to A. Garen, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. 44-tfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 10 YORK PIGS, SIX WEEKS old. Phone Clinton 620r24. 50-p ANYONE WISHING TO OBTAIN Holstein cows, grades or pure- breds, from accredited herds. Con- tact John C. Middleton, phone Clinton 437W3. All cows guaran- teed. 50-1-2-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich, Phone collect, 148331, or 148334 9ptfb - MISCELLANEOUS VARIETY GIFTS — Art Supplies, Pet Supplies, Budgies, Canaries, Eric Milner Flowers, Seaforth, Open Wednesday afternoons and every evening. 48-9-50-1-b WILLIAM IIING, JUNK Dealer. We buy junk, we buy anything. Top prices paid. Get it picked up before the snow arrives. For pick- up call Clinton 680. 47-8-9-50-p VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY store for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton 230. W. N, Counter. 50-p WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association, "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 and 10.0 -.m. on week days and 7.30 and :x.80 a.m. on Sundays. 6-tfb EGMONT MINERALS for Cattle have proven to supply all minerals cattle need to maintain good heal- th. At $7 per 100 pounds it sup - piles these essential minerals very economically. Always available at the farm, or a phone call will bring it to your door. J. W. Van- Egmond, phone Clinton 805r13. 4611b PET STOCK FOR SALE • PAIR OF BUDGIES, APPLY TO Mitcheal McAdam, Phone Clinton 6943. 50-p PIANOS FOR SALE MASON AND REICH PIANO, in first class condition. Apply to Mrs, D. Kay. Phone Clinton 234W or 3. 50-b GRAND ACTION UPRIGHT pia- no, in good condition:, Apply St, Paul's Rectory, Rattenbury Street, Clinton. 50-1-2-b POULTRY FOR SALE TURKEYS Bronze breasted, live, dressed, or odea ready. Call at Williarn Jenkins, 1/ mile north of Clinton on Base Line nr phone Clinton 802r21, 49-50-1-p GEESE — Dressed or alive, avail- able new. Bert Brunsdon, Londes- bora, phone Blyth. 25r19. 49-50-b If You Want Tobi Your Farm For Dependable and Capable Service List Your Property with JOHN• BOSVELD REAL ESTATE BROKER. 40 Wellesley St. PHONE 1108 GODERICH ' 49-6,b +•+++-r•+a CLASSIFIED RATES'. CASH RATE (If paid by the Wednesday following publica- tion) — ' Two ' tents per word, minimum 50 cents. 1n cents a ' word for eaeh'following inser- tion, minimum 35 cents. • BOX .NUMBER -15e extra. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES'., and DEATHS—no charge. ENGAGEMENTS, CARDS OF THANKS & IN MEMORIAMS —Two cents per word, mininuun 5Q cents.. CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. Cards of Thanks We wish to thank our many friends and: neighbours for 'their kindness tows in our recent ber- eavement, for flowers sent, cars loaned, and all acts of kindness, also thanks to the nursing staff, Doctors Oakes an d Newland, Keith Westlake and Rev. Outer - bridge — MRS. MARKS, JOHN, MARGARET AND MARX. ' 50-b I wish to thank my friends for the cards, flowers and treats I received and also special thanks to the nursing staff, Doctors Thompson, Oakes and Addison. while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital: — MRS HAZEL MURRAY, Bayfield, 50-b I wish to thank my friends and neighbours of Brucefield and corn- munity for their many cards, flowers and gifts while I have been ills at home. ---MRS. CHAR- LES SNELLING. 50-b The family of the late Robert (Fred) Stirling wish. to thank their friends for the beautiful floral tributes the use of cars, and the many kindnesses extended during their recent bereavement, especially thanking' Rev. R. se. MacMillan, Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, for his comfort- ing message. I would like to thank all my friends and neighbours who call- ed on me andsent cards and treats while I was in the hospital and at home. Also, thanks to nurses and Dr. Oakes, who were so kind to me while I was in Clinton hospital.—EDITH DOW - SON. 59-b HENSALL COUNCIL SEATS NOW ARE ALL FILLED Hensalrs village council posit- ions have been filled following a special nomination meeting held last Friday evening. Elected by acclamation to the fourth and fin- al vacant council seat was James R. Sangster. The second nominat- ion became necessary whenonly three of five council nominees qualified. Council now includes Reeve Wil - ham Parke and councillors Lorne Luker, Harry Hoy and Norman Jones, as well as Mr. Sangster. Geese for. Sole ALiVE or DRESSED Bert Brunsdon LONDESBORO Phone Blyth 25 r 19 50b Help Wanted Applications will be received by SS 8 Hullott, for a MUSIC SUPERVISOR Duties to commence in Jan- uary, 1956. Applications to be in by Deeember 24. Stanley Lyon, Auburn, Ont. 50-1-b STANLEY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA No. 1 Sealed Tenders will be received by the under- signed up until 12 o'clock noon, December 20, 1955, for the installation of a satisfactory OH Heating Unit at SS No, 10 Stanley; same to be installed during Christmas holidays. Contact Victor Taylor, RR 1, Brucafieid, when leaking' over the school and kindly mail tend- ers to T. B. BAIRD, Secretary -Treasurer Stanley Township School Area No. 1, Brucefield. 50-b CLINTON NEWS-RECJRD BIRTHS COX In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, December 10; 1955, to Mr, and Mrs, 'James Cox, Clinton, a daughter, EAST -1n ChntonePubllc Rosnit-, al on Thursday, Deeemiber 8, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs, Murray East, RR' 1, Clictton, a .son H,UNKING — In Clinton , Public Hospital, on Saturday, Decem- ber 10, 1955, to IVlr, and 'Mrs. Edmund' Bunking,, RR 1, :Aub- urn, a daughter. LUCAS—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Saturday, December 10, 1955, to Cpl and Mrs. James Lucas, Clinton, a ,son. SCIIWARn'ZENTRUBER -- I n Clinton Public' Hospital, on Wed- nesday, December 7, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schwartzen- truber, RR 2, Zurich, a song. DEATHS MARKS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, December 7, 1955, Charles Tudor Marks, beloved husband of Johanna Galbraith,' 81st year, Funeral from his late residence, Stanley Township, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Friday afternoon, December S'1�kHHENSON — At his home int - Lannon, on n4,5John Read Stephenson (native o Clinton) beloved bus- band of Pearl McDonald, in his 74th year, Interment was at Dorchester, STEPHENSON-In Virden, Man., on Friday, November 11, 1955, Ralph Millard Stephenson, (nat- ive of Huron County) beloved husband of Eleanor Stephenson, in his 83rd year. Funeral on Sunday, November 13, at Vir- den. Night School Term Ends Till Jan. 4 Last night saw the close of the first term of the rural community night school being held at Clinton District Collegiate Institute. In- structors and students joined to- gether following lecture sessions, for a social time in the auditorium of the school. Following dancing, lunch was served, "Classes at the school resume next year on January 4, for the concluding term of the 'courses. HENSALL nen. Wins Draw Mrs. Harold Bell was the lucky winner of an electric food mixer valued at $24 at a draw Saturday night sponsored by the local hard- ware store. Christmas Party The annual Christmas party for the children of Hensall and com- munity will be held Saturday, December 17. Santa will arrive at the town hall at 2 p.m. and dis- tribute treats to the children, after which films will be presented in the town hall. This event is spon- sored by the Chamber of Com- merce and Hensall Branch No. 468 of the Canadian Legion, Secretary Retires W. R. Dougall, secretary of Hensall Lodge 1.0.0,F. 223, for the past 35 years, having retired from that office, was presented with a pen and pencil set in re- cognition of his valued and faith- ful services, John M. Glenn read the address to Mr. Dougall, and the presentat- ion was made by John Mehurtrie; Bro. Dougall was installed in 1920 with Alf. Clarice, D.D.P. IIIIIIINVIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111IIVIIiIIIRIlIIIMllllllllllli@ Say • it with Auto Accessories This Christmas See our assortment today! DRiVE IN TO RAY'S FOR O BATTERIES ® LUBRICATION O GAS O OIL and SERVICE RAY'S Cities Service Cities Service Products Raymond Hoggarth, Prop, "The Piece Where You Never Rave To Blow Your Born" Clinton : : : Ontario €IIIIINIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillilflllllNIIIIIIIOI�llllllillllllliillilitllill ` ' 4;tg-talt0a!: Zit aRF616•t4.(9 E-LVIOC4'"cne"mao ;m.Mta-MAZI P.etr...m cep Oven -Ready TURKEYS DELIVERED . TO YOUR HOME Order NOW For Christmas Delivery Phone or Write: ALEX WELLS, Londesboro �imt±haafiri9il,+rBr�r�Bibr" PHONE BLYTH 25 r 17 "Dent nealtecensien a Commencement Held At CDCI (Continued from Page One)', Marie LeBeau, Donna Hayter, Gloria- Rumball, Annette Rau,. Jean Etue, Gwen Campbell, Anne Ducharme, . Eleanor Yeor Audrey MacDonald, Pat Pegg,; Gwen Shor- ey,' ALTOS: Ruth Anne Moore, Bar- bara Jones, Theinra, Dale, June Goldsworthy, Sharon "Cook, San- dra Addison, Barbara Pecldtt, Arlyne Powell, Marilyn Johnson, Joan n Triebner, Ethel Machan, Pat Murch, Donna Murch, Jane Bat - kin, Shirley Jackson, Pat Irwin, TENORS : Ron- McClinehey, Murray' Lobb, Fred Lobb, David Beattie, Larry Powell, Ron Jew- itt. BASS: Jim Howson, Bruce Lobb, Siebolt Siertsema, John Shaddick, floss Crich, Wayne Har- ris, Ron McKenzie, James Mane- ghan PIANIST: Ola Griffiths. Senior Choir SOPRANOS: Margaret Howard, Marie Lee, Joanne Hodgins, Lou- ise Hyde, Mary Dymond, Claire Taylor, Jan Hyde, Marilyn -Pot- ter, Jane McCool, Lenora Hamil- ton, June Richmond, Marilyn Medd, Conroe Scruton, Ila Grigg, ALTOS: Carol Tyreman, Rhea Hall, Donna McDougall, Marjorie Goldsworthy, Brenda Powell, Lor- na Barrie, Glenyce Bainton, Shir- ley Brandon, Pauline Taylor, Pat Seruton, Marlene Walsh, Barbara Holland. TENOR: Gordon Johns, Ken Gaunt, Ian Griffiths, Gordon Teb- butt; Neal McGregor, Jack Nor- man, John Lobb, Ken Potter, Bev. Boyes. BASS: Dennis Weymouth, Ken Porter, Glen McDonald, Dick Snell, John Siertsesna, Jack Tyre - man, Barry Kelsey, Jim Howes, Steven Brown. PIANIST: Marguerite Lyon. Gymnastic Team BOYS: Murray Meliiwan, Morris Medd, Douglas Norman, William Morris, Gordon Jenkins, Albert Clifford, Gordon- Tebbutt, Jack Norman, Robert Johnston, Jerry Hoytema, Robert Read, Jack Fin- ley, Ronald McKay, Robert Mc- Lean, Kenneth Farquhar, Douglas Batkin, Ronald Cunningham, Al- lan Finch, Paul Schoenhals, Wjll- iam Trick. GIRLS: Marilyn Medd, Pauline Taylor, Constance Seruton, Ina Taylor, Victoria Cluff, Betty Jean Ross, Kathleen Turner, Darlene Stanley, Marjorie and June Golds- worthy, Gloria Cooper, Katherine MacGregor, "Life 0' The Party" Members of the cast for the one -act comedy "Life Of The Par- ty" were: Peter Hoodspith, Peggy Dymond, Willis Walpole, Margar- et Finlay, Paige Phillips, Jack Finlay, Larry Walsh, Garth. Mc- Knight, Gordon Tebbutt, Iva Glazier, Jane McCool, Mary Helen Yeo. Stage crew; Frank O'Brien, Douglas Mann, Murray Hill, Doug- las Cantelon, , IN MEMORIAM FISHER -In loving memory of Aaron C. Fisher, who passed away December 20, 1954: "The dearest dad the world could hold, A cheery smile, a heart of gold, To those who knew him, all will know How much we lost one year ago." —Sadly missed by Aaron, Ruth, Jim and Larry. In loving memory of a dear hus- band and a loving father, Noble Holland, who died December 13, 1954: He had a smile, a pleasant way, A helping hand to all he knew, He was so kind so generaous and true, On earth he nobly did his best. Grant him Jesus Heavenly rest. —Sadly missed by his wife Ruth and family, Dorothy, Bill, Eva and Marie. vatetcate BOXY' THEATRE CLINTON NOW: THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY • "THE RAID"' Civil ,War drama, based on a highly suspenseful true incident Van Heflin -- Anne Bancroft Richard Boone FREE Saturday Matinee for children of Public School age and under. Sponsored by Service Clubs. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, "BRING YOUR SMILE ALONG" NG -Technicolor Ton recording~ star FR.ANKIE LANE in a song -packed musical With Keefe Brasselle -- Constance Towers -- Lucy Marrow Coming: "THE NEBRASKAN" Phil Carey -- Roberta Rennes MINISTER OPENS CHRONIC WING AT WIlV'GHAM Han. Dr. Mackinnon Phillips, minister of health for the Province of Ontario officially opened the new chronic patients' wing of the Wingham General Hospital; in a ceremony at the hospital last Thursday afternoon, — Wingham Advance -Times, Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.m.TEH J. CShales O Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk 'W AUCTION SALE Of Rotel Contents From the Clinton Sales barn on FRIDAY, DECEMEBER. 23 at 1.30 p.m. Along with the usual offering of stock, the contents of a hot- el will be offered for sale, in- cluding: Newcombe piano; 22 metal tubular beds, being full size; three quarter size and single size; 22 inner spring mattresses; dressers; small tab- les; wash stands; electric ran- ge; 20 wool blankets, dishes, etc. etc. • TERMS CASH Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer THE PARK TELEPHONE Goderich - NOW: THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "DRUMBEAT" In Cinemascope & Color -' One of the year's greatest outdone spectacle dramas-_tremesidous in its scope—swift in its action -u saga of California's warring 1Vladbc Indians, Alan Ladd -- Audrey Dalton and Marisa Pavan . MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Ida Lupine - - Barry Kelly Howard Duff & Phyllis Thaxter This story deals with one a the few prisons thatAstill confines niers A and women, tense and gripping story of prison reform, "Women's Prison" — Adult Entertainment — Coming: Yvonne De Carlo & Joel McCrea, "BORDER RIVER" In Technicolor GODERICR WOMAN WINS GIFT OF GROCERIES Miss Lerma Wilson, Goderich, won a basket of groceries donated, by. a Clinton grocer to the LOBA and LOL at a card party here on December 6. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CATHERINE NEWELL, late of the Town of. Clinton in the Couny of Huron, Widow, Deceased, theAll t Espersons ofhthenabo a declaims ceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 28th dray of December, A.D. 1955, after which date the assets will be dist- ributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of whichnotice shalt - have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 3rd day of December, A.D. 1955. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 49-50-51-b BE SURE Of Your Fuel Supply BUY From your Local Dealer MUSTARD LUMBER and COAL BRUCEFIELD Phone Clinton 634 r 11 Also Dealer for ROE FEEDS GODERICH PAVILION DECEMBER DANCING NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY AND DANCE DECEMBER 31st — Dancing 9 p.m. to ? Dress Optional — Admission $2.50 pererson Write Goderich Pavilion or phone 675 or 419 for table reservations. SATURDAY NIGHT'S MUSIC by PATJL CROSS and His Orchestra, WEDNESDAY IS SQUARE DANCE NIGHT with Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawks 1;;, i/1,`1116 VI}:$1/1.1! 1 GIFTS GALORE GIFT OYES GIFT , CERTIFICATES Check these suggestions SHIRTS -- TIES -- SOCKS PYJAMAS -- SWEATERS GLOVES -= JACKETS Etc. Personalized Gifts Initial Scarves, Belts, Cuff Links, Handkerchiefs, Ties LET .HIM KNOW YOU CARE OPEN EVENINGS 1TNTiL CHRISTMAS 1 RESSING GOWNS PLAIDS PLAINS FANCIES from 7.95 up Pickett & Campbell Ltd. ARROW SHIRTS -- -- STETSON HATS Phone 25 Main Corner Clinton SalgbalgA4As rneinineni t3i`,b r abr7a Pti 22rhr 3 ib t 3r wratbrInla l r 2aN til rent t