HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-12-08, Page 12PAGE TWELVE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, D17CEMBIR 8, 1955 News of Bayfield BY MISS LUCY R. WOODS Ontario's Champion Country Correspondent PHONE BAYFIELD 45 r 3 Mr: and Mrs. E. Si Sturgeon spent last week hi Clinton. William Parker, Jr., Windsor,' Was home over the weekend. Miss -Barbara Bassett, London, was home from Friday to,Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William . Moran, London, were at their cottage on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Turland and family visited in Kincardine over the weekend. Mrs. J. McClure left on Satur- day to visit her, daughter, Mrs. Howard Blanchard, Uxbridge. Mrs. J. Davidson was able to return home last week'fxom Scott Memorial. Hospital, Seaforth, Miss: Mildred Fraser, 'London, was with -her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. 3. Fraser for the weekend. Mr. and,Mrs: L. R. Gray, Lon- don, visited the letter's 'mother, Mrs. H. A. Lawson, on Saturday: Mr., and Mrs. R. S. Roddick, Mr. and Mrs, J. MacKenzie and Mrs. J. H. Cobb spent Sunday in Lon- don. Mrs, Keith Leonard and family visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherston, London, over in Cobalt, joined her on Sunday and they returned to their home in London. Mrs. William Reoch, Toronto,. spent a.few days recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W..Hig- gins. Mrs. Higgins who has been, ill is improving in health... Miss Donna. Murray, Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs. W; J. Mc- Leod last week. She carne to be with her mother, Mrs. D. Murray, who underwent an appendectomy in Clinton Public Hospital.' Corp. and Mrs. John F. Wilson and family who have been occupy- ing J. E. Howard's house on Louisa Street, moved to Adastral Park, RCAF Station Clinton, on Monday. Mrs. Piper who was visiting her daughter and son-in- law accompanied them. Harold Weston' and daughter, Susanne, Ferndale, Mach., motor- ed to the village on Monday. On their return, Tuesday, they were accompanied by,his father, George Weston, who will, visit with him, anti aunt, Miss Elizabeth Weston Sunday. Mrs, Eric Earl and Miss. Betty Ann Beard, London, were guests at the New Ritz Hotel over the weekend. Charles Guest, Misses Ethel and Helen Blair, London, were with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Blair over the weekend, Stuart and, Gerald Sturgeon, Preston, spent the weekend witis their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. 3, Sturgeon. Mrs. J. M. Stewart and Mrs William R. Talbot lett on Wednes- day to visit in San Diego, and oth er points in California. Mies Helen Blair; who is atten- ding London Teachers' College, is doing practice teaching nee? Grand Bend this week. Mrs. Gordon' Heard, spent the weekend with her father, H. N. Brandon. Gordon, who has been Bayfield Trio Home From Vacation In Scotland And England Cities who will ,spendthe winter :with her sisters. Christmas supper for the child- ren pf the congregation of Knox Presbyterian Church was held on Friday; December 2, in the church basement. It was Well attended and'enjoyed by the adults as well as the Sunday School.. scholars. Mrs. H. H. Ormond played merry little tunes on her accordion which delighted all, There were, games and balloons and at the close each child received bags of , candy and an. orange. The Rev. Donald Mc- Donald, pastor, expressed thanks to the ladies who had arranged it. GET YOUR: SUPPLY OF PAPER NAPKINS From The CLINTON NEWS -RECORD (By our. Bayfield, correspondent'). One stayed with one's job. Neith- Mr. and Mrs..Thomas Blackie and. son Murray who sailed from Montreal on September 25 for Scotlan'd' returned aboard the, "Saxonia"" which docked at Mont- real on November 25. They .were accompanied by, Mr. P.lackie's. niece, Miss Allison: Sprott, Ball- och, Loch. Lomond. • Atter -spending a few days in Toronto, they returned to the vil- lage on Saturday. Mrs. Biackie, Murray, and ` Miss" Allison Sprott spent the` weekend with Mr. and Mrs Milton Poi pek, Goshen Linc, Stanley Township. It was sixteen and a half years since Mrs, Blackie had seen her home in Paisley. ,They also vis• steed Largs and other points. And, although. She hated to leave her folks after the happy time spent with them, yet Mre. Blackie Is glad to be back in her own home, "The Old Forge," again. She hes always liked Canada. en was it common for married we - men to work then. Now most married .couples work, especially the younger folk, -just as'they do in Canada, (Perhaps it is a "hangover" from the war days when all the women were con- scripted, and those who were' able had to work for the survival of Great Britain.) But the wages are not so high as in Canada—not by a long shot! For example the average weeldy wage of. a labourer or store Clerk in Scotland is about $24 per week. On the' other hand, some things are cheaper, such: as rents. T. Blackie came from Bridge of Weir and they visited his . reins -lives there. He served overseas with the Air Force,` returning sto Canada hi 1945, so the changes were not so noticeable to him. Mrs. Blackie saw many chan- ges hapges in. Scotland. For one thing there is lots of work and one can go from one job to another. It was not so in her young days. LOCAL UCLA ATTEND BREEDERS ANNUAL BANQUET The annual banquet Qf the Grey -Bruce -Huron A b e r de en Angus Association was held Thurs- day evening, December 1, at Und- erwood. Padre Young, Guelph, was the guest speaker. Present from this district were G. W. Montgomery, agricultural repre- sentative, Clinton; Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Klapp, Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton; RR 3, Clinton.. The Record Speaks for itself IT WILL PAY YOU, TO GET THE FACTSI For the latest portfolio . of securities Cali Vic Dinnon • Phone 168 P.O. Box 190 Zurich, Ont. Managed & distributed by roves ors Syndicate of AZALEAS - POINSETTAS - CYCLAMEN POTTED 'MUMS - BEGONIAS MIXED PANS - Roses - Carnations - 'Mums Ke C. (OOKE FLORIST Hensall, Goshen,' WMS Members At Zurich Church (By our Hensall correspondent)' The Women's Missionary Society and • Women's Association of the Evangelical United Brethren Church, ' Zurich, entertained as their guests, societies front Hen - salt and :Goshen United Churches onDecember 1. 150 ladies attend- ed. to enjoy a delightful evening. President -Mrs. L. Erb opened' the meeting with Christmas read- ings. Mrs. Orville Witmer read sacred passages. Prayer' was. of- fered by Miss Olive McBride, Mrs,' Lee Hoffman extended the wet- come to. members and guests. Mrs, E. Desjardins, Mrs. A. Gas- clio and Mrs. C. Mitchell. present- ed a Christmas story of the life of Jesus. Mrs, Ward Fritz gave a travel- ogue enhanced with pictures of a four months trip taken this' sum- mer in European countries, visit- ing England, Scotland, Germany, Italy, Holland, Belgium, France, and other countries. Contributing to- the program were vocal duets by Elizabeth Johnston and Gail :Seibert, Zur- ich; Mrs. E. Hayter and Mrs, R. Peck, representing Goshen, and a reading by Mrs. Earl Rowe, Hen- sall. When Leeds, England, Was men- tioned, the writer learned , that when he baled out of; his plane, T. .Blackie parachuted, to safety, landing on the cobblestones of Leeds. All the rest of the crew was lost, so he is not apt to for- get Leeds. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Blair Mark Suver Wedding Day At Home (By our Bayfield correspondent) I Miss Ethel Blair presented her Relatives and a few. [parents with gifts in silver, which friends. included a cream and sugar set numbering 35, surprised Mr. and and 'spoons from their daughters, Mrs. Robert E. Blair on the oc- Ethel, Helen and Brenda, and a casioii of their silver wedding an- teapot and cold meat Cork from members of"the Lindsay family. niversary on Saturday evening. Mrs. Blair opened the many beaut- Miss- Ethel Blair had arranged iful gifts and both she and ' her a beautiful bouquet of snapdrag- husbandexpressed thanks and ae- ons and 'mums in the living room predation to all. for her mother before the family Court whist and euchre was en - went to the Albion Hotel for din- ' . joyed. Winners of prizes for ner hi celebration of the event. Court Whist were Charles Guest Mr. and Mrs. Blair had planned and Margaret Howard, fo attend a movie afterwards but Charles Guest drove them home Miss Ethel Blair was assisted first. And there Mrs. Blair found by her sister and aunts in serv- that her sisters and other relat- ing lunch. ives had been busy. On the table The bride and groom of 25 years was a beautifully decorated wed- Were married in Victoria Street di ia; cake and pink streamers dec- United Church Parsonage, Goder- crated the room. When the lights ich, on November 3, 1930, by the were turned on the guests appear- Rev. M. C. Parr. Mrs. Blair was ed to offer congratulations. formerly Miss Jessie Lindsay, and the late George Lindsay, and her husband is the youngest son o PORTER'S HILL aMR. Correspondent Following a honeymoon trip to MRS. DON iIARRIS . Niagara Falls and other points Phone Clinton 197J 3 . they took up housekeeping at the VARNA Harvey Turner is at present under the doctor's care. A. Keys was taken to the Clip= ton Public Hospital last week af- ter suffering a stroke. Mr. and Mrs. Themes Pitt, Tor- onto, - spent the weekend at the home oP Rev: and Mrs. T. J. Pitt, WITH Ttre.ston t TO. N & COUNTRY "FACTORY METHOD" NEW TREADS Gord. Radtord's Garage LONDESBORO Phone Clinton; 803 r 41, Phone Blyth 24 r 5 • 1--5 5 0 5 * $ *+-*-s-l.$- nesse-$- • The Sunday Sohool concert will be held in the church basement on Saturday night of this week, Dec- ember 10. The pupils and teachers of SS 5, are busy, preparing for their Christmas concert whichwill be held on Wednesday evening, Da - ember 21. groom's home in the village. 0 The number of .tractors: in use on Canadian farms increased from 159,752 to 399,686 in the 1941,- 1951 941-1951 period. A Single Skid FARMERS Wo are shipping cattle every Saturday for United Co-operatives of Ontario, and solict your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Friday nights. o - Farmers C oPelCati.V. � Seaforth H. S. Hunt, Manage Phone—Day 9, ng Evenings 481w 39 -tet can wreck your car . and send you and your passengers to hospital. If—it happens you'll be glad you have CIA collision coverage and CIA medical payments too. Drive carefully insure wisely .. . W. V. ROY Res. 324J -- Bus. 557 CQ,OPERATORS _ INSURANCE ASSOCIATION 49-b Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association ion . "Where Better Bulls Are Used" QUESTION: P 9 l TION: Will .offs rin of the bulls' used on the Unit sell well at Auction? ANSWER: N. September, George G. Mussehnan of Flotadale dispersed his registered Holstein_ herd nearly all sired by Unit bulls. The top price was $400.00 for a daughter of Macdonald Supreme Ajax, V.G., sold to Dolton Shantz of Elmira. There were several others over $300.00. in November,, Eli B. Martin dispersed his herd with the majority sired by Unit bulls. Ed Belt of Blyth purchased the top :cow at $510.00, a.,two-year-old daughter of Glenafton Milestone V.G. There were many others sold between $300.00 and $500.00. - On November 29th, 'Herbert S. Feick of Kitchener dispersed his herd mostly by Unit bulls. A V.G.. daughter of Elmoroft Monogram Duke V.G. and Extra, with a two-year- old record -of 12,267 milk, 463 fat, 3.77%, topped the sale at $800.00, selling to Mr. Dobson of Brampton. There were f nany other prices approaching the above. A Jersey cow produced from artificial breeding by Mettno Shantz of Ayr, classified excellent, was ,sold ht the Sale of Stars for $1,400.00 and the next day she was Reserve Grand Champion at that great show. These are only a few examples which could be cited and the herds 'mentioned are simply good fanner breeders. Th ,first two cases did not use the benefits of testing for production and classifying for type. Regardless of which breed, grade or purebred, You can benefit by using our services if you are not doing so now. The cost is low: $5.00 Life Membership $5.00 per cow for members $6.00 per cow for non-members. 4 services aro given without extra 4barge if needed. For service or more information, phone collect to: CLINTON ,515 Between: 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on' Sundays & Holidays Cows noticed in heat later than thetime mentioned should be bred the following day. 49-b Set elate a SIOtsseetg cea3L' .2 t`esesetese 131313. a,eio ieSOIMvt te+:MOVOMseselats WA Annual Tho annual meeting of the Woman's Association of Grace Church was held last Thursday, at the home of Mrs. John Torr- ance. The president was in char- ge of the meeting which opened with singing "0 Little Town of Bethlehem" and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison, The 'Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Molly Cox. Roll call was answered with a 25 cent gift for a child, which will be sent to the Salvation Army. During the business meeting it was decided to forward $25 to the Missionary and Maintenance Soc- iety and $100 to the .Board of Stewards. Mrs. Phyllis Cox presided over the election of officers which re- sulted as follows—president, Mrs, Mary Manning; first vice-presid- ent, Mrs. Beth. Cox; second vice- president, Mrs. Bessie Townshend; third vice-president, Mrs. Madelon McIlwain; .sec-treas., .Mrs. Phyllis Harrison, card conveners, Mrs. Phyllis Coxa and Mrs. Molly Cox; organist, Mrs. Molly Cox; assist- ant organist, Mrs. Blanche Cox; visiting committee, Mrs. Leila Mc- Dougall and Mrs. Marjorie' Har- rison; work–committee (for crib quilts), Mrs. Mary McCown, Mrs. ,.Bessie Townshend, Mrs, John Tor. ranee, Mrs. Grata Torrance, ,Ms, Margaret Torrance, Mrs. Annie Kettles and Isabel Harris; (for, large quilts),,Mes. Marion Harris, Mrs. Verna Harris and Mrs. lea - bet Barris; buying committee, Mrs. ;Phyllis' Harrison and Mrs. Mary Manning. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction and a delic- ious lunch was served by the hos- tess. - > I11111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111 111111111U 1111IIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 APPLICATIONS For DRIVER for Stanley Township Truck Are Hereby Requested. Applicants to state 'age and ' experience. Applications to be in the hands of the . Township Clerk by December 14, 1955. FRED WATSON, Clerk - 49-b I�NIICIIPoNINNf�llnllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111fllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll moatemetotem leateeteleteSS Q MN U� ME... 1 ialiVeleeteaeleeese Give the whole fain ly a treat this Christmas, with a new • TV Set from Merrill Radio and Electric TABLE MODELS and CONSOLES Priced as low as $199.95 o.eae+!a*+s +H0i 4 MANTLE RADIOS - by PHILLIPS PHILCO . GENERAL ELECTRIC CROSLEY from $22.95 up RECORD PLAYER Music you want when you want it. $13.95 up FOOD MIXERS Mixes, mashes, whips, beats, stirs, blends juices, etc, $19.95 up ' •Automatic ELECTRIC IRON oat Control Dini, has copiete,. range of fabric settings. • $1095 up Automatic TOASTER Perfect Toast Every Time. POP -TIP MODELS with Automatic • browning controls. $15.95 up Combination SANDWICH TOASTER and WAFFLE IRON $12,95 up Automatic ROASTER OVEN Cooks and Bakes $54.50 MerrUl-RadiO- and EleCtric PHONE "Be Wise . - Buy From A Service Dealer" 313 CLINTON ONTARIO >a