HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-12-08, Page 10, pAGE TSN Exeter 'Nurse xns Lucky llxaw field Tn Hensall. THURSDAY, "PEOEMBER., 8, 955. (By pin Ilensall correspondent) Miss':Marion Learn, iin ae at South Huron Hospital,; Exeter, -was.theWelty winner of a living room rocker in a draw at'a'apeeial social evening staged .by'. Amber Rebekah Lodge,' Hensall, NoVern- ber 30. The winning ticket was sold by Mrs. Edna. Corbett, niem- ber of the lodge, and employed on : the staff at the hospital.. Warden d Earl Campbell drew the ;winning ticket. • Seventeen table were in play for progressive euchre and "viinmers were; ladies, Mrs. Archie Mac- Gregor, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. L. Jacobi; gentlemen, Lindsay Eyre, Lloyd Ferguson,, Thomas Baird, The C.P.' endT. committee was in charge of `tile affair. Approx- imately $145 was realised from "•the saleof tickets to be used for welfare work in connection with the C.P; and' T. Fund. Luncheon was served. Incidently, this is the second winning ticket sold. by Mrs. Cor- bett in the last three months, The first 'was on a vacation mobile home, also won by a nurse in the hospital. Yuucant go ALL»DOTi 11 you feel ALL1M These days most people work under pressure, worry more, sleep less. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose -harder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered resistance, overwork, worry -any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "'tired -out" heavy- beaded eavybeaded feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Piils. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better -sleep better -work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at sea drug counter. 53 rom Our Early F les 40 Years .Ago CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ' Thursday, December 2, 1915 Bert Langford has bought .the lot west of the Commercial Hotel on which there was a 'marble. works for several years, and pur- poses beginning the erection of , a garage at once. Ray Rumball, .local manager of the Bell Telephone, who has been engaged far some time as tele- phone inspector for the Clinton. district, has ,received the - appoint- Mept of local manager at Goder- ich and commenced Ms duties yes- terday. Miss, Jennie Grant hasre-en-- gaged with the trustees -of No. 4, Tuokersmith for 1916. Miss Grant is a good teacher and the seotion 11 well aware or the fact,' John'i31yrin returned Home last, week after a three month absence in Saskatchewan, 1 25 Years Ago CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Thursday, Novesnber. 27, 1930 Congratulations to U, Canttelon on his birthday. This is his 82nd; and bees stilt going strong: Mrs.' W. H, Bal'l High. Street, has gone to spend the winter with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and' -Mrs, W. S. R. Holmes. Miss Knox, Clinton, was injur- 'ed in a motor accident -on the highway near .Mitchell the other day.- She received some cuts and bruises. ' Miss Hazel Watkins, who is at- tending Stratford Normal, was home over the weekend. Miss Harriett Hawkins, who re- cently Araduated from Stratford General Hospital, has been spend- ing a little holiday at her home in town. 40 Years Ago CLINTON NEW •.ERA Thursday, December 2, 1915 Recruiting has now commenced -for the Huron Battalion and the first Clinton boy to `offer himself for service was Fred Thompson,. son of Dr. and Mrs. Thompson. Three retail stores were broken into Monday night by petty thiev- es who robbed,tills and carried off some loot, The stores of -V, C. Brown, F. T. Jackson and W. T, O'Neil were the ones ransack- ed. W. Layton •and F, Layton are finishing the threshing of beans and grain in Stanley Township this week. Mr. Reid, superintendent at the Jackson factory had the misfort- une to have a sliver run in under the thumb nail of his left hand. He had to have the nail split to remove the sliver. t'WINGfIAM HOSPITAL'S NEW WING OFFICIALLY OPENED The official, opening of the new chronic wing of the Wingham General Hospital will be held on December 7. Hon. MacKinnon Phillips, Ontario Minister of Health, will officiate at the open- ing ceremonies. -Advance -Times. 10 Years Ago CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Thursday, November 29, 1945 Hullett Township 1945.council hasbeen returned by acclamation for 1946, reeve John' Armstrong; councillors, George Brown, Will- iam Jewitt, W. J. Dale and J. Ira Rapson. Members'of Goderich Township council have been elected by ac- clamation for 1946, reeve, George Ginn; councillors, J. R. Stirling, Robert G. Smith, Ben Rathwell, Gordon Orr. Clinton's population in the past year has grown from 1,991 to 2,017. Mrs. Gordon R. Ross and son, John Shaw, spent the past week- end with friends and relatives ,in London. CQMS John L. Peckitt, Hamil- ton: Light Infantry, son of Mrs, Martha Peckitt, Clinton, arrived at his home here on Friday. CQMS Peckitt has seen five year's service in the army and has been overseas two -and -a -half years. Frank Cook has received his discharge from the Royal Canad- ian Navy and is again associated with Glenn Cook in Glennie's Restaurant. Ken G. Waters, Toronto, form- erly of Clinton, has been elected first vice-president of the Ontar- io Minor Hockey Association. Exeter �uu g Man .Killed In Car Mishap, Nov. 26 `~ oulto (Jake) Iiar:Mg, 29,: e^. ter, died shortly after his car Was reported by police, to have Smash-. ,ed into., the rear of another 've- hicle in Forest on Novenaber 26, He died in the ambulance which took him to V i c tori a Hospital, London. A post mortem was held there Sunday morning, Mr.' Koning was driving north on Highway 21, going through Forest when he struck the rear of a parlted car, police reported. 'No one else was hurt in the accident. The funeral service was. con- ducted Wednesday by Rev. G. J. Hoytenne, Clinton: New at Bea t ti e'as. _- Just Arrived -- TV SWIVEL ROCKER LOUNGE CHAIRS - In Frieze Covers -Reg. $05.00 For Christmas Shoppers (6 only) $54.00 10% Off All Tricycles In Stock Large Assortment DOLL PRAMS b.�0 to $17.95 New Saran Covers :S'Piece - CHROME KITCHEN SETSr - Special 63.00 Beattie Furniture uality service Goderich. ` Kinsmen. Entertain At County Home Residents at Huron County Home gathered Sunday afternoon in the auditorium for : a program arranged by the. Kinsmen. Club of Goderich. D. J. Patterson, chairman of the Octogenarian Club, sponsored by the Kinsmen, was master of ceremonies. Taking part ;in the program were a male choir, under the direction of George Buchanan; Bill Bettger and Bill Stiles, vocal duets; Judy Patterson, piano solos; Nancy Schutz, Shirley Ma- loney and Dianne Bannister, mem- bers of the Goderich Girls Trum- pet Band, drill; Bert McCreath, bagpipe selections; Jane Ford, vocal solos, and Robert Fowler, accordion solos. hTlie-imas et: to dii1vdelve u e .. clI. amQ 99 ENJOYS- HAYFIELD NEWS The Editor, " CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, Enclosed please find cheque for renewal of your paper. I enjoy reading the Bayfield news and the articles contributed by Miss Lucy Woods. Sincerely, E. MARGARET FURVIER 24 Grosvener St., London, Ontario. FROM THE WEST DEAR NEWS -RECORD: Once again it is time to send along a money order to keep my paper coming. It's almost too cold here to bother about papers. We've had three Weeks of very cold, sunny, windy weather for this 'time of year, though in our 50 years here, we have come through all kinds of weather -but I am always glad when I go for my mail on Monday to see the News -Record with its news of Clinton and district. This summer we had visits from Mrs. Wilmer Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. Jack ,Pepper, Roy Pepper and his daughter Mrs. Elliott and her two daughters, which we enjoyed very much. This has been Jubilee year in Saskatchewan and great times have been the order of the day. We had a whole day of celebrat- ion here last week, and had a great time renewing acquaintanc- es with old friends; enjoyed a turkey supper with all the trim- mings and an old time program of speeches, music, etc., and of cour- se an old time dance for those who wanted to dance- and really, some of those old 70 to 80 year old folks could still step it off. Well, I must stop. With best wishes, MRS. ROBERT M. DOUGLAS Strasbourg, Sask. Nov. 29, 1955 \,-`Every year it was the same. Presents to buy and cash at low ebb. Running up bills, .. then I got smart, T started a special Christmas account* at the Royal Bank, adding something each pay day. and leaving it there. This year I'm all ready for Christmas, with cash to pay for all the thing that mean so much at this season of the year.", * You can Have cash next Christmas, too. Decide now to open a special Christmas account early in 1956. It pays to do your Christmassaving early: THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Christmas Headquarters FOR Kodak Cameras. Films • Accessories Make Your Christmas Shopping Easy OUR SELECTION WILL FILL THE NEISD F011 ALL YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS.' MANICURE SETS - Nail Polish and Accessories 1.00 to 5.00 Instruments in Zipper Case 1.85 up HAIR BRUSIIES-, Roil Wave Nylon Bristle, Three Shades .. 2.00 to 4.50 SOAPS - Boxes of 3's 89e to 1.50 by Yardley - Tiffany - Clifton 4711 - Coty - Adrienne and Tussy. DSIESSER SETS - 3 Pieces in Floral Colors to match your vanity....4.95 up PERFUMES $1.00 to $7.50 By Tiffany - Tabu Coty Tussy - Yardley - Evening in Paris. COLOGNES 75c to 6.50 By Chanel - 4711 - Tussy Shutter' Old --Spice - Coty Tabu - Tiffany - Adrienne Yardley. BATH SALTS BUBBLE BATH BATH POWDERS BATA MITTS SOAP MITTS 50e to 1.50 ripPHONE 51 ,,f To Help You Buy for IUM and HER FIRE -LITE eirr PACK $1.82 includes Lighter and your fac- ourlte Cigarettes. • PIPES -to suit any man- $1.00 to 5.00 SHAVING BRUSHES SHAVING SEAS ELECTRIC RAZORS - Sunbeam, Schick;, :Ehilishave. UTILPIY. CASES - WALLETS - ItEY CASES - FITTED TRAVEL- LING, CASES :1;1.00 to $10. AND MINIATURE CAMERAS REMEMBER: This Christmas -- Use COLOR FILM. 120 and 620 size $2.70 127 size $2.45 - 35. mm $4.25 FLASH BULBS --carton of 12 $1.14, $1.60, $1.80 See The New BROWNIE HOLIDAY CAMERA Complete Flash Outfit Only $11.45 ELECTRIC HEATING PADS $4.95 up BOBGE SCALES $10.95 COMPACTS $4.00 MUSICAL POWDER BOXES 4.50 to 8.95 PLAYING CARDS -Plastic Coated Singles $1.25 Doubles $2.50 SIIEAFFER PEN and PENCIL SETS $2.95 up CIGARETTE LIGHTERS $1-$7.50 CIGARETTE ROLLERS - makes 5 cigarettes at once 3:98 See Our Display of CHRISTMAS CARDS Boxes -50 cards 980 50 cards 1.98 Boxes --Religious Cards, 7fle Other Boxes 49c to 1.50 Single Cards 50 to $1.00 SEALS - TAGS FANCY WIIAP 50 to 50e Children's FANCY SOAPS Bubble Bath Plastic Purses with Bubble Bath 50e to $1.00 COSMETIC SETS for the LADIES -by Tiffany 2,50 to 10.00 Yardley 1.50 to 10.00 Tussy 50e to 4.50 Coty 1.50 to 6.50 Smiles 'n Chuckles Chocolates ALWAYS FRESH 1 lib. 1.25 - 2 Ib. 2:50 OTHER ASSORTMENTS 1.50 to 5.00 CHRIST11iAS STOCKINGS for the Kids - Filled wth candy ....26e and 65e W. C. Newcombe, Phm.B. tRaskr a^ratftaNiblaWiDs Chemist and Druggist CLINTON, ONTARIO praBlrEa Bit-riot,;5t;7msasisms rr2r msess llbr&arrasamstsrm e•..•..•.• •• looking for something different 00 • a • give an s Extension Telephone clli wrapped op and ready far the Christmas tree This Christmas, why not give something different yet strictly practical -the time and step -saving convenience of ae. extension telephone? Imagine the surprise of such an original gift on Christmas day and the months of pleasure and comfort this service will give. * Yes, the actual telephone itself, attractively wrapped and ready to go under the Christmas tree, can be ordered from any Bell Business Office. * We will arrange to connect it at your convenience. * You may pay for it now or we will bill you month by month. * A gift you can buy to suit your pocket book (We suggest one year's service as an ideal gift) * You can pick up your gift -wrapped telephone at Our Business Office or we will be pleased to deliver' it for you,. * Gift telephones are available at the standard rate of $1,00 a month in the smaller centres and $1.25 in the larger, plus the usual $2.00 installation charge. * Inquire about coloured telephones. New available in Ivory, Beige, Crew, and Red, fat do additional colour charge. ..,send so easy to order... just give us a call w • • • • . •• i •w • • • 0 • • • • • s • s a • • .o •. • •• s 0 • • FOR GRANDMA'S BEDROOM FOR MOTHER'S KITCHEN FOR HIS OR HER ROOM FOR FATHER'S WORKSHOP THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA