HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-12-08, Page 3THUIIS AY, DECEMBER 8, 1955 'CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Lincoln Debaters Win At Seaforth In a Junior Farmer debating eompetition held. in Seaforth Dist- rict High School, a team from Lincoln County upholding the af- firmatiie, were successwul over the Huron -County team of James Scott, Blyth, and Robert Broad- foot, Brucefield. The subject debated, "Resolved that a policy designed to encour- age the 'establishment of larger farms would be in the best inter- est of Ontario farmers", was up- held by Ed, Brubacher, Beams- viile and Phyllis Wismer, Vine- land. Judges were George Eaton^ Vineland, fruit and vegetable field - man for Lincoln County; Robert Allan, Brucefield, past president' of Huron County Junior Farmers and now on the provincial board, -and L. P. Plumsteel, principal of Seaforth District High School. Arnold Alton, Lucknow, chaired the meeting; Lois Jones, Clinton, president of Huron County Junior Institute was timekeeper and Ar- thur Bolton, a.cfetant agricultural representative for Huron, was scrutineer. . That's w at always happens when men's shirts come back from Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaners. And perfectly finished shirts mean so much to a man in business where Tie wants to pint his best "appearance" forward. For, thrifty service, call 312W today. o-.-�-e-e-.-o-o-.e•o•.-o-e-e-e•�.-q-o-a+e• WE NOW RAVE A Down Town Office on King Street (formerly Simpsons -Sears) for the coriyenience of our customers: -s-o-o-oa•e- LAV t: i'R,1'',., Q LE*N EIt5 ^-. LE'r ONE CALL DO IT ALL: f' C',INTON,' i Big New; 'Teen -Age Literary Contest Open to Canadians Canadian high School students can now enter the biggest high school literary competition in the United States, it has been' -an- nounced by Leon H. ;Black, presi- dent of the W: A. Sheaffer Pen' Company of Canada, Ltd., which sponsors the Scholastic Writing Awards in this country. More than 45,000 American high school student competed in the Scholastic Writing Awards last year, Mr, Blaek said, The 1955- 56 competition, open to Canadian students for the first time, is ex- pected to attract 60,000 teen=age entries, This year 60 cash awards total- ling $2,000 will be given for out- standing short stories, short -short stories, essays, expository articles, dramatic scrrpts+'and poetry. About 100 Sheaffer Snorkel fountain pens will be awarded to honorable mention winners, • "Until recently, youngsters' taste for literature was stimulated almost exclusively by books, news- papers and. school work," he said, "Now teen-agers are exposed to the classics and good writing through radio, television and oth- er media, also. The high quality of work submitted in last year's competition sponsored by Sheaf- fer's shows that exposure is pro- ducing better young writers/' • Herefords:Average $253 At Clinton An average of $253 was paid tor 35- head of registered TB - 'tested Hereford cattle at the fair grounds here last Thursday at the fourth amnia' fall sale sponsored by . the Huron Hereford Association. This shows a distinct drop in price from the average paid at last year's sale when 31 head averaged $273, and for 1953, 31 lots average $337, while the: first annual sale in 1952 saw 26 animals sell' at an average of $325. Top Bull Top -price of this year's sale of $455 for a bull was received by Hertzel Brothers, Crediton, with George Hawtin, the buyer. Top Trice last year was $355 for a bull. Top priced female, also sold by I•Iirtzel Brothers . for $340, to V, R. Bird, RR 2, Clinton. Ten Bulls Ten bulls sold at an average of $339 while 12 bred females brought an average of $250. Seven caws with calves averaged $211 while six open heifers averaged. $166. James R. Coates, Belgrave, was sales manager, and W. S. O'Neil, Denfield, auctioneer, S t a n1 e y Jackson, Kippen, is president of the association. CLINTON MEMORIAL SHOP - OPEN FRIDAY AFTERNOONS At other times contact- Thomas Steep, phone Clinton 186W; residence, `Shipley Street. , T.,PRYDE and SON, CLINTON - EXETER - SEAFORTH - PHONE CLINTON 1620 - �• ., WHO'S MAD ? 1 1" "Me? Not on your life! I'm just shouting Loud enough so's everybody, can hear what I have to say. And what I'., have to say. is this: Never overlook the importa"nce of your estate," Our Tigerish. friend is so right, Fortunately, today, many wise men and women rely on the experience and co-operation of The Sterling Trusts Corporation in matters concerning their estate. Our free booklet, "Blueprint For Your Family," covers many aspects of estate administration. Write for yore' copy today, THE STERLING w, STS C Q'R'P O RAT ION HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE 972 Boy S1., Toronto - 1.3 Dunlop 5t., Barrie .. RCAF Officials Visit Station Clinton Schools Students and instructors from from the RCAF Staff College, To- ronto„yisited RCAF' Station Clin- ton recently, to familiarize the. group with the Air Force tele communications training program. The 'delegation was welcomed by the Station's Commanding Of- ficer, Group. Captain' '11. 'C. Ash- down and Wing Commander R. B. HoodSpith, OC of No. 1 Radar and Communications School. The visitors toured represent., ative classrooms where rdcruits are'.taught; the electronic skills necessary to keep the RCAF in a state of readiness. •';Both operator and technician training was stud- ied. After lunch in, the Officers' Mess; the group was conducted on a general tour' of. the Station. Other defence and industrial establishments will be visited by members of the Staff College to assist them in developing the broad background knowledge. -re- quired of a modern staff officer. TOWN OF SEAFORTB Seaforth's entire town council was returned by acclamation Re- turned to the mayoralty for his sixth term `was Dr. E. A. Mc- Master. Reeve, Norman-Scoins; council- ors, acclaimed, John Kellar, Scott Habkirk, B. F. Christie, James T, Scott, H. H. Leslie; public utilit- ies commissioner, Frank Kling, Concentrated Milk Group ' Re -Elect . . 1955 Officers At Clinton on November 17, members of the I iolmesville Con- centrated Milk Producers re-elect- ed the present officers to carry on fir' 1956. . They are: president, Arnold Rathwell, RR 2, Bayfield; vice-president, Lorne Bodges,' RR 1, Goderich; secretary -treasurer, Robert Welsh, RR 2, Bayfield Directors elected were: Graham Whitely,: Goderich; Ross ''Prewar- tha; RR 4, Clinton; Fordyce Clark, Goderich, and Lindsay Eyre, Brucefield. Robert Stirling, Bayfield, •was named auditor. George Lowry, Almonte, presi- dent of the Ontario Concentrated Milk Producers' Association, as guest speaker reviewed the price situation in the past year, and the proposed stabilization fund, "We, along with all. farmers must synchronize our efforts; we must never collide," said Mr. Lowry. Referring to the announcement on Thursday that 10,000,000 lbs,.. of .butter had been sold at 37 cents a pound by the federal gov- ermrient to East Germany, 'Mr. LcWry said that the loss of 21 cents per pound will no doubt- bring criticism: "But what is it costing the taxpayer of Canada to support other industries?" he ask- ed "To support the country's gold industry has cost $16,000,000 per year, and $10,000,000 per year for the coal industry -while to date it has cost the taxpayer of Canada, only a fraction of a cent to support the price of butter," he remarked. He said that it was vital that the duty on imported milk powder he increased, and that by doing so, the industry would' be put on a more competitive basis with countries where cattle run 12 PAGE 'FBF months of the year; and where there are no winter feed problems or warm stables to, provide for. He concluded that ,the present duty on imported powder Was not fait, especially when it compared t0 the 40 per cent_ dirty on im- ported refrigerators, 25 per cent on vacuum cleaners and the high duty on automobiles. tstetltatelMaty StatisateteataataWelee l ' Canada has seven standard time zones, namely: Yukon, Pacific, Mountain, Central, Eastern, At.' lantic and Newfoundland. Do You Need A Place to Live? 1, Try a Want Ad. ts+tc+4kme. " SPRUCE and SCOTCH PINE J. W. Counter. Builders' Sup.plies • C -L -I -N -r -0N -PHONE 120 ° r ALBERT STREET ra.'"t ' mt'rirt, Disisinw1-` `risioi-`ssioivioaioix'tgis"tdmoi r tsn&i$rS7sais'r simotSroisdssistousgoomi,•iiii7's°'r�7$i isatsirsasa Flt * GILLETTE GIFT SET • Super -Speed Razor Set, 10 Blue Blades in dispenser and tube of Gillette Shove Cream, -$2.20 1(111 * Pall Mall Shaving Bowl A wooden * bowl of lav- ender scanted concentrated shaving lathe 89 4. Gift packs of Blue. Blades 2.50, 5.00 • 114. Other Razor 4' Sets 3.79. 3ir 5.00 * / SCHICK "25"FOR THE ,SHAVE 'OF HIS LiFE FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE Tho new Jubilee Schick by the inven- tor's of electric shay. ing, to give him the. new, close shave. 14 DAY FREE TRIAL C" MENNEN His freeTrlal period be- gins Christmas Day - $S TRADE IN For Men in 14 days or Tdo elraectriceto his shaveldr * GIFT SET complete satisfaction Skin Bracer, After Shave Talcum and Large Tube of Men. thot Lather Shave all in gift box, - r $1.50 money e• when Trial ends, funded. Johnson's BABY GIFT SETS "HAPPY BABY" SET (shown) contains 4 oz. powder, soap, 5 oz. oil and Cotton Buds $2.25 "BABY CARE" SET. $1.25 "NURSERY NEEDS"SET 53.50 �: R®rrm�oi TOTS r Moulded rubber toys - c washable, attractive yfs� fated with whistle from 59e up 'TA. FLEECY THE LAMB (as shown) 79e Hankscraft BOTTLE WARMERS Values in** r'app' g We have a fine range of ribbon, wraps, seals and tags. SCOTCH' Brandi XMAS TAPE 1I3ILLFOL88S m English Moroc- co -all-around zipper & other featurei-$2.50 value - $1.79 Automatically maintain baby's milk at just the right temperature, Model shown, complete with Vaporizer top in ': * pink or blue. ' $3.95 A $4.00 value 4"CHARNNA-TOT" , English. Morocco � * HOT PLATE Billfold 44,4!'" FOOD WARMER $2.50 * Clear plastic top, V-shape Gaily decorated cellulose tape_ assorted colors -2 sizes. Makes lovely gift wrapping so easy. 10c 25c food comportments. Base has hot water compartment-gssorted colors ,., 51.98 FROSTY SNOW SPRAY BOMB Harmless chemical "snow" to decor. (Etat, ate windows, miry. iR (mew ors, etc. -complete • ,�y with stencils, $1.29 Special Value y: /r Pf�iofograp1,iC. rs Men's Club Or Brownie Holiday FLASH OUTFIT *Brush tHr * Brush & Comb )4i * U �tl Nylon bristle brush; set in : ,* reafioyery �.. 1 I and comb, lucite back - aid Pe`ss. $1.65 Value Gage Stuart Hall 'fes 98c * PRIVATE AFFAIR * 60 Sheets and 30 Envelopes of 'r14*' fine quality paper plus a coupon entitling the sender to 12 samples of famous perfumes. 51.50 Value for .. 98e. PAPER -.MATE PENS Paper•Mate's new Tu -Tone - the same fine pen in as, sorted Tu -Tone colors - each in,gift box with acet- ate top. $1.98 d moiers ‘iffsh RONSON Windlite Always acceptable to any man - presentable indoors reliable out-of-doors. 54.50 Others at various . prices. Sylvania Suiporilash Flash Bulbs M2's, Bantam 8's, 25's etc. 51.44 to 52.00 per --carton. Flash camera, flasholder,' bulbs, batteries, films & instruction book for clear crisp snapshots 511.45. Browgle Holiday Camera $3.90 Brownie Hawkeye Flash Outfit... 516.45. Kodak Duaflex III 517.95,,$26.75 Kodak "135" $39.75 withflasholder 548,75 Special #� • LADIES! NAIR BRUSH ..'� A French made, 100% nylon bris• tles, professional type with plastic handle .. ... 59c Fragrance QEMEY• 8 "Magic Lantern" gift pack of i/, oz. perfume 51,75 C Eau de Cologne in a g4nerous 3 oz, bottle $1.75 Other Gemey Sets to . ., . $2,75 RELINE CYRTIS GIN Sot D An attractive acetate 'knitting bog containing 2 `plastic sponges, Spray Net, Shampoo Plus -Egg, and Suave. 53.45 Value for • . $2.95 "Artcraft" Photo Albums 52.50 Lanolin Plus Gift Set featuring Lanolin Plus"For the Hair" and Hord Water Shampoo, in gift box $2.50 F Taylor Soaps - several fine assortments Including "Roses" as shown 3 cakes . $1.00 G Dresser Sets by Algen and Malsen - assorted shades in lovely gift boxes` $3.98, x$4.98, etc, H "Jewelite" Ladies' Hair. Brush, by P%ro•phydao-tic .- crystal, ruby or sapphire colored handles in vanity holder 54.00 Auer "Champion" Matching LIGUTER and CASE A fine lighter and case combination in .a choice of designs, together in a gift box - looks like much more than the very low price. $1.98 "FIRE = LITE" GNI Pack A triple - gear - action, guaranteed lighter in a gift box with room to include 50 cigarettes. Each (less' cigarettes) $1.00 I Shalimar Perfume by Guerlain of Paris, 6 cc purser flacon in black leather case $4.00 J Cutex Heart- Box - with clear plastic top contains Culex Polish, Polish Remover, Cuticle Remover and accessories $1.00 THERMOS BOTTLES The new Polly Red Top Thermos in assorted attractive designs. 15 00. 51.98 30 oz. $3,95 Bunting NUTS dish Supreme A delicious assortment of cashews,Almonds, Pecans, Brazils, etc. sealed in for freshness - in golden gift box. $2,25 Unique Photo Service DRU;GlST Phone 14