HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-12-01, Page 12PAGE TWELVE , . Ntixes-rigcon- . , • THURSDAY,. DECEMBER 1; 1.955', liome Residents Say "Thank You" To' Mrs. M. Jacob Residents of the Huron County Horne gathered in the TV room at the Hornelasi Thursday night for a last "get-together" in hon- our of 1VIrs. Martha Jacob who has retired after 33 years as matron at the Home.. , Nearly 100 residents were on nand to hear an address read bY • Mrs. Mildred Butler and Chester Hodgson, while Remain Butler, an orderly, presented Mrs. Jacob with door chimes and an electric heating pad. Little nine-year-old Patsy Flet- cher, whose mother, 'Mrs. Eunice Fetcher is a cook at the home, presented the matron with a dozen red roses. Among the gathering were four residents who were at the Home when *Mrs. Jacob took up her duties. They were Wesley Sut- ton, formerly of Exeter; Miss Ada Cunningham and her step -sister, Miss Annie Glidden, both former- ly of Elimkille and Miss Ameilia Schroeder. Burns ViTMS-NYA Meet Thursday The Woman's ,1Viissionary Soc- iety and Woman's Association' meeting of Burns Church was held at the home of Mrs. Leslie Reid last Thursday with 25 lad- les in attendance. The opening hymn was followed by prayer by Mrs. Wesley Roe, who then led the Bible study. Scripture readings were given by Mrs. George Watt and Mrs. Ernest Knox. Mrs. T. J. White, president, took the business session. Mrs, Ernest Knox took charge of the W. A. meeting in the ab- scence of the president, Mrs. John Riley. Two thank you cards were read followed by the baz- aar. Mrs.Watson Reid and Mrs. Art Solson auctioned off the articles and a sum of $25 vvas_re- calved, Bazaar and Chicken Pie The Ladies Aid of Carmel Pres- byterian. Church sponsored a suc- cessful 'bazaar and chicken pie supper on Saturday, November 25, and cleared $325. 1,,,wavvantommemovemwmtzmov,wwwweew,.. FOR THE BEST IN CHRISTMAS GIFTS GIFT BOXES .MEN'S Gift ROBES • THE FINEST SELECTION EVER! AUTHENTIC TARTANS, MKS, PLAIN GIFT Certificates Use Our LAY -AWAY PLAN FORSYTH WHITE SHIRTS .ALL COLLAR STYLES SINGLE or DOUBLE Lu1 S 3.95 4.95 - 5.95 Fine PULLOVERS ' By "Tony Day" LAMBSWOOL and ORLON "V" NECKED PULLOVERS In your choice of several shades - The Ideal Gift for a Man. $8.95 See Our Large Selection BLAZERS - JACKETS SPORT SHIRTS - PYJAMAS - SOCKS CUFF LINKS Herman's Men's Wear Sunday School Class Of 1953 Has`Reunion Meal The Young IVIen's class of 1923 at Ontario Street United church gathered on SUndaY, NoVember 27, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray, for a re -union dinner. There were fifteen of 1VIr. Mc- Murray's former boys present. Six of the class have ,died and eight others were unable to at- tend the gathering, mostly be- cause of .distance. Several . of these sent letters of good wishes to their much -admired teacher. It was interesting to find that six of the men are grandfathers and the gathering was filled with laughter and much "reminiscing". E. S. Livermore, Q.C., London paid tribute to Mr. McMurray on behalf of the class, for his church work. He recalled the number years Mr. McMurray as a Sun- day school teacher and the years of devoted work he has and is contributing to Ontario Street Church. Mrs. McMurray was algo thanked for having served a de- licious meal and in turn wished the gentlemen success. The gath- ering will be remembered by all those attending as a most en- joyable and pleasant re -union. 0 at DiA A PHONE 224W CLINTON .4smons4s2rograrrsmonanzzszsistraaateMeMbtreaa MeWAXDataDarreVs09.0Mig. Mrs. G. H. Elliott Franlc-.A. Norman Services for Frank A.INorman, 81, .ho died •Friday at his home in Goderich !Township were con- ducted on Monday, in the Beattie funeral home, by '11.ev. H. C. Wil- son. Interment was made in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were H. J. and E. J. Trewartha, Fred Mul- holland, Frank, Baxter, Allan Berg and Steve Roe. After coming to Canada from London, England, at the age of nine, he lived at Millbank. -When a young man he became a cheese - maker and worked at Wellesley until. retiring and coming to this district in 1948. He was a mem- ber of Holmesville United Church. Surviving besides his wife, the former Margaret Dewar, are four sons, Dewar, William and Bruce, Holmesville; Dr. Franklin Norman V.$. Parkhill; and two daughters, Mrs. Agnes Gerber, Toronto;, and 1VIrs. Herbert Hinz, New Hamburg. .Bert Dunn Named Funeral service for 'Bertha Ev- elyn Graham, beloved wife of the late George H. Elliott, was held in the Ball and Mutch funeral home, here on Monday afternoon by the Rev. A. G. Eagle, assisted by Rev. G. G. Burton and 'Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, both former min- isters of Ontario Street Church. Pallbearers were Fred, George F., Jack, Bob, Norman and Mervin Elliott. Flower bearers were Roy and Bob Elliott, Alex Whitfield; Kenneth Mercer, Hugh and Don Ladd, Joe Corey and James Turn- er. Mrs. Elliott- passed away in Victoria Hosjiital, London, on Fri- day, in her 72nd year. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Graham, Goderich Township, where she resided until she married the late George H. Elliott in 1910. She continued ixt the township until 1921, wheri she moved to Clinton, where she has lived ,ever sifice. Mrs. Elliott was a member of Ontario Street United Church, the Woman's Association and Wo- man's Missionary Society of that church, and of the Clinton Wo- men's Institute. Surviving are two sons, Dr. George S. and Edward Elliott, both of Clinton, and three daugh- ters, Mrs. J. (Edna)' Little, Clin- ton; Mrs. James (Pearl) Haskett, London, and Mrs. George (Jean) Cooper, Middleton, N.S., and seven grandchildren. 0 ONTARIO STREET GIRLS TO. MEET ON DECEMBER 8 The Ontario Street Girls' Club will hold the December meeting on Thursday, December 8, in the church parlour. Guest for the evening is Mrs. Mary "Nott, who will show pictures of her visit to Bella Coola, B.C. Please bring a white gift for the Fred Victor Mission. All groups are in charge of the meeting. t .44esegaimemitersievareetserersi1 BLACKBOARDS-easel type $5.50 - $5.95 - $7.75 MAG-NAJECTOR--reproduces in actual colour DOLL CARRIAGES DART BOARDS $5.95 $4.95 - $6.50 - $9.75 - $18.95 $1.95 is $3.29 - $4.50 - $4.95 $3.49 ARCADE SHOOTING RANGE ELECTRONIC RADIO STATION $9.95 $8.95 DUMP TRUCK -hydraulic operated 70444.4v=temtoomomfoompoomtmogtowemtclogialempitAtm 8xed Cards "PARCHMENT MAJESTY" -exquisite designs highlighted with silver - Box of 12 for $1.25 "YULETIDE MAJIC"-steel engraved cards - Box of 12 $1.25 "COLORFILM SNOW SCENES"-lareathtaking color photographs by • Winston Pote - Box 11 $1,25 "CHRISTMAS .MANGER SCENES" -a quotation of Scripture on each card - Box of 12 for ,,, ,,,,,,,,,, $1.50 VALUE BOXES 25. for $1.00 18 for $1.00 50 for $1.00 .--- 21 far 89c 21 for $1.00 goevog-EvAtworomoormocteeammtergomitwoctzimtollc 8 • i 1 President Of Holstein Club A Bayfield man, Bert Dunn, was Tuesday night named the new president of the Huron County Holstein Club at its an- nual meeting held in the agri- cultural office board rooms in Clinton. First vice-president will be Ed Bell, Blyth and Will- iam Haugh, Clinton will serve as second vice-president. Hume Clutton, R.R. 5, Goderich, is the re -appointed secretary-lreasurer. Directors will include for North Huron: George Tervitt, Wingham; George Hayden, Gorrie; Huron Central: Glen Walden, Lucknow, Dick Proctor,. Belgrave; Huron West: Alvin Betties, R.R. 2, Bay- field, Howard Feagan, Goderich; Huron South: Peter Simpson, Sea - forth and Carl Decker, Zurich. Auditors will be Simon Hallahan Blyth and William Sparks, Bay- field. The new president succeeds Simon Hallahan, well-known Blyth area farmer, who held the position of president for the past two years. • G. W. Montgomery, agricult- ural representative for Huron County, who presided for the election of officers, presented honour lists certificates to Alvin Betties and Allen Betties, both of R.R. 2, Bayfield; James Brad- ley, R.R. 2, Goderich; (two) G. R. McKiel, Clinton; (two), George Hayden, R.R:: 1, Gorrie, (two), Baxter and Turton, Goderich, (five), Sandy Elliott, Exeter, and Ross Marshall, Kirkton, (two). Jake Terry, Lambeth, Western Ontario fieldman for the Can- adian Holstein Friescan Associa- tion, complimented the club on Its splendid progress, J. E. Blake, Brantford, direct- or of publicity for Western Ont- ario for the Canadian Friescan Association was guest speaker, HAPPY WORKERS CLUB WILL MEET DECEMBER 8 The regular meeting of the Happy Workers Club will be held on Thursday afternoon, December 8, at the home of Mrs. George Glazier. Roll call will be answered by, "What I Would Like for Christmas." Group one led by Mrs. Cliff Glazier and Mrs, Charles Bran- don will be in charge of lunch. Please be sure to bring used clothing for the bale. • 4e a word, minimum 75e' Thursday, Dec. 1 - Turkey Bingo, Legion Hall, Kirk Street; 15 games for turkeys; three share - the -wealth With jackpot of $58 on 58 numbers, one special for '$25; admission card 50t, extra cards 25e, 5 for $1.00; special cards 15e, 2 for 25c, 5 for 50c. Door prize for one turkey. 47-8-b Saturday, Dec. 3 -Bazaar, Town Hall, Clinton, 3 to 9 p.m, Aus- pices; Christian Reformed Ladies Aro, 47-8-x Saturday, Dec. 3 -Bazaar and tea, church hall, Ontario Street United Church, 3 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Auspices; WA and Girls' Club. 47-8-b Sat., Dec. 3 -Football dance at CDCI. Students, parents, grad- uates and friends invited. Advance sale tickets from players, 40c; at door, 50c. Air Force not allowed. 48-x Tues, Dec. 6 Euchre Party, above the Library. Sponsored by LOL and LOBA, 8.30 p.m. 48b Thurs., Dec. 8 -Bayfield Lions Club Fowl Bingo, 8.00 p.m. Town Hall, Bayfield. Bingo for turkeys, chickens and ducks. 48b Thurs., Fri., Dec. 8 and 9 -Com- mencement at CDC.I. Tickets from students: 75c; may be reserved at McEwan's. 48x Friday, December 9 - Dancing Canadian Legion Hall, Kirk Street. *Beautiful floor; *Ample Parking; ',Refreshments, Music by Huron Ramblers. 47-8-b Sat., Dec. 10 - Bazaar, baking, rummage and tea.. Council Cham- ber. 2.30 to 5.00 p.m. Proceeds to hospital. Auspices: Eastern Star. 48-9-b The place for dancing on Friday night in at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell. Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks in attendance. This Friday night, December 2nd, a hard time dance. Cider. 45-56 0 WESLEY-WILLIS WAIS WILL MEET THURSDAY The Women's Missionary Society o( Wesley -Willis United Church will hold their December meeting on Thursday, December 8 at 8 p.m, at the home of Mrs. George Beattie. Mrs. Norman Holland's group will be in charge, and each member is asked to relate some- thing she remembers from a for- mer Christmas concert. The roll call is to be answered by a "Cliris-tmas custom," Get Your Winter Tires Now! SPECIAL! While They Last RECAPPED TIRES 2 for $33 RAY'S . C . . • CI I Ill-Lites. The football team is sponsoring a dance on Saturday, December 3, from 8.30 to 11.30 pan„ and students; parents, graduates and friends are cordially invited. Air Force personnel will not be al- lowed. Tickets May be purchased from football players. c Motion picture films taken of the high- lights of the football games this year and last, will be shown. Re- freshments may be putchased at the dance Commencement After a two year lapse, Com- mencement at CDCI Will be held this year on •Thursday and Fri- day, December 8 and 9. Tickets are now being sold by the stu- dents fof this event. I TOWN OF GODERICH A vote will be necessary in Goderich on December 5, as ratepayers will be asked to cast their ballots on the authorizat- ion of $125,000 in town deben- tures as the town's share in a proposed $370,000 addition to Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. • Acclamations Mayor J. E. Huckins, Reeve John H. Graham and Deputy Reeve E. C. Fisher, councillors Reuben Besse, Frank Waikom, C. M. Robertson, Frank Skelton, 'Donald Vincent, and Tames M. !Donnelly. School board mem- bers and members of the Public Utilities Commission were also returned by acclamation. Cities Service, Cities Service, ,,P119ducts Raymond Hoggarth, Prop. "The Place Where You Nover Have To Blow Your Horn" • • Ontorio sisisis.:lon.i410...008raztsreeddintirailra*trollassnrkario...!4,wrarmasartreemoalurssrarzirenstraniboarzmarsmartsairroriona .44444,44.44:4,.....;444.4.404.44 11111 Vo ACT LOCM, TIlAU11.1110.k. "Treed" by replacement costs? Higher pries of materials can make your present Fire Insur- ance out of date should you have a. fire. We've the Insur- ance to give you complete cov- erage. K.W.COLQUNOUN 0„,g .5444 c144244.c.,-.. SUN.LIFE ASSURANCE CO. of - .NA0A REPRESENTATIVE 70"„3 W2 CLNTO,2e4'0- CDCI ANNUAL Commencement IN COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM Thursday and Friday DECEMBER 8 and 9 TICKETS: 75 cents SEATING PLAN AT MeEWAN'S 48-b • PrAl INti4 NEW 1956 "DUMONT" Famous Quality Television At History -Making Low Prices. SEE IT TODAY AT Merrill Radio and Electric WISE-RUY FROM, A SERVICE DEALER" Clinton Phone 313 ODDS N. ENDS ., W'ondering, what to buy, Dad for Christmas? Take• ' a peek in our: showcase. i Something • for the cat' . always appreciated. 4:......-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•÷4-•-•-•4. Does, Your Blood .1 - l' Pressure Go Up , As The Battery Goes: Down? . $4100 allowance for a, limited time on new and " peppy G.MBattery. A' style far- most cars I stock. 'I ti Thinking- of- a. Different Car - or a Good' Used ' Truck? See our selection. Get our prices. -.-...-4,-..-..-._._.....-...-...._ Want to Get More I For- Your Car hi The Spring? • Preserve the finish now! Keep out winter's ' rust with regular WAX WASH treatment. Avail- able only at our Car Laundry.. Want To Sell Your Car? We're buying clean Chevrolets -- 1949 to 1 1952 models only. See 1 us if you really want to sell. Want To Keep Your Car Mobile? Buy your GOODYEAR Suburbanite Tires now-. the oestest thing in a snow tire! Of course, we have them! 4................... Lorne Brown Motor's Ltd. Chevrolet -Oldsmobile Sales and Service 'CLINTON - ONTARIO O.M.L.‘ Service