HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-12-01, Page 7IURSDAY,-DECE)M FER 1, 1955 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD CLASSIFIED RATES • CASH RATE Of paid by the "Wednesday followlug, pnbliea- 'tion) ' — Two cents per word, 'minimum "50 cent's. 11/2 cents a word for. each .following rinser-. .+tion, minimum 35 cents. BOX NUMBER -15e extra. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES and :DEATHS -no charge. ENGAGEMENTS, CARDS OF 'THANKS & IN MEMORIAMS --Two cents per word, minimum 50 cents.. CHARGED -15 ,cents extra. 'DEADLINE -12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, ACCOMMODATION for RENT 'HOUSE TO, RENT, FURNISHED, 'three piece bath, furnace. Posses - :skin by osses-:sign-by December 15. Phone Bay- field 53r2. 48b THREE ROOM, ' FURNISHED, heated apartment; suitable for •couple. Phone Clinton 145J. 48b 'MODERN FOUR ROOM apart- ment, unfurnished. Available December 1, W. N. Counter, • • "phone Clinton 230. 48p MODERN, SELF-CONTAINED, two bedroom apartment, available December 10. Lloyd Batkin, phone Clinton 61. 48b TWO ROOM FURNISHED apart- ment, use •of frig. and washing machine. No extras. Suitable for couple. Phone Clinton 731. 48b APARTMENTS and Small Home :to rent. Apply L. G. Winter, High Street, Clinton, phone Clinton 448. 48b FOUR ROOM DOWNSTAIRS furnished ,apartment on Victoria Street. No children. Phone Clin- ton 795J after six. 48p :FIVE ROOM HOUSE for RENT, ant Maria Street, Clinton, Mod- ern conveniences. Available De - ember 15. Phone Harvey Ashton, Clinton, 268W. 48p SEVEN ROOM HOUSE for Rent onVictoria Street, three piece .bath, garage., Available December -7. • William J. Vodden, Orange `street. 48p FOUR , ROOM APARTMENT, private entrance, private bath, ground floor. Bill Grigg, phone Clinton 94W after six. 48b -UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, large oil heater supplied. Suitable `for couple with one child. Phone Clinton 139J. 48b • 'FURNISHED HOUSE in Seaforth •with all modern conveniences, in - "eluding oil heating. Phone Clin .•ton 382, local 236. Mr. Clark. 48p Se -IF -CONTAINED COTTAGE, ;partly furnished, oil burner and electric cook stove. Mrs. Pears Straughan, 186 St. David. Street, ,Goderich, phone Goderich 3781. 4813 'HEATED APARTMENT, utilities -paid, living room with fireplace, "bedroom, oak flooring, built-in 'kitchen cupboards, heavy wiring, private bath. 59 North Street, 'Goderich, phone Clinton 71711.48b TWO APARTMENTS IN FARM house, mile and a half from Clin- ton. Hydro and telephone. One 'furnished apartment, share bath, Phone Clinton 72713. Lorne 'Tyn- dall. 46tfb NEW FIVE ROOM HOME, oil -heated, with all modern conven- r lences. Within walldng distance of RCAF Station. Available after 'December 15. For full information phone either Clinton 783 or 334 after 6 p.m. 48-9-p ARTICLES FOR SALE 'COLEMAN OIL SPACE Heater. ':Phene Clinton 741J. 48b •ACCORDIAN, 12 Bass, beginner's $35 RCAF Station, AC1 Helie, 236164. 48p WILTON- RUG, good condition, -:size 9'x12'; also wardrobe trunk. -Phone Clinton 269W. . 48p WALNUT DINING TABLE, pric- •ed reasonable. Phone Clinton 652W. 48tfb :.NINE CUBIC FOOT Refrigerator, heavy duty stove. Apply apart- ment above Stedman Stores. 48b SEVEN ALUMINUM VENETIAN 'Blinds, various lengths. $20 for, the lot, Phone Clinton 191W. 48b. "OIL SPACE HEATER; nine cubic foot refrigerator; fleece lined wo- man's winter coat, size 14. Phone Clinton 155W. • 48p WE HAVE FOR SALE — One ;:,beautiful, walnut console, large ::screen Philco TV set for 5100. ..Apply Arnold Makins, 'Bayfield, phone Bayfield 25. 48p ELECTRIC TRAIN, Switches, un- couplers, etc., 34' track on 6'x4' -plybo'ard. Total cost $80, will sell for $48; boy's skates, size 5, $3. All like new. Jerry McClinchey, phone Hensall 1471. 48b MAN'S OVERCOAT, SIZE 38. Trombone. Victor record player, 45 rpm with records. Also skis, :r6% feet. Phone Clinton 6331;13. 48x TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We Rent — Move — Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna. " All work fully g' uar- •anteed.. Huron Tower Installation. phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb RCA 10 cu. ft. REFRIGERATOR, model R1.OET. List, price $499.95, yours for.5349.95. Slide out shel- ves, butter keeper, zero• separate 'freezer, separate unit for•refriger- -ator. Galbraith Radio and Tele- vision, TV Service Specialists. Ca11 Clinton 482. 47-8-b 'QUANTITY OF WELL Matured corn; also army trucks, Chev- rolets, 60 . hundredweight with four-wheel drive; Fords, four- wheel drive with trailing axle;' ::•several large. "V -type" snowplows •-for truck mounting. Laister Trac - 'tor Ht arveser Company, No. 3' Highway, Tillsonburg. '48-9-0=1b, BOARD AND 'ROOM -ROOM AND BOARD for 'gentle - mien. Phone Clinton 261.34. 48p -ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE ;:.gentleman, Phone Clinton 193W. ARTICLES WANTED CHILD'S 'LARGE .SIZE. D -Le buggy,} in gond condition. Plane Clinton 68M. • 48b BABY CHICKS WANTED TO PURCFIASE, pul- lets all ages and breeds, Highest ,prices'' paid. State .breed and number for sale. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, FERGUS, .Ontario 45 to 49b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN .BUSINESS. Contacf L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 448. • 13t'fb ,CLOTHING FOR SALE MAN'S GREY TWEED Topcoat, good as new, size 38. Phone Clin- ton 652W. 48-tfb GREY WINTER COAT, box style, practically new. About size 20. Phone Clinton 594r4. 48b CUSTOM WORK ' ALL KINDS .of SAWS sharpened, Leave at David Elliott's home, Fulton Street. Phone Clinton 263. 47-8-9-p SNOWPLOWING OF SERVICE stations, parking lots, driveways and lanes. Ken McKenzie, phone Clinton 552W. _ 48b HOME AND AUTO RADIOS and appliances repaired, electric motors rewound and repaired Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dun- lop. Phone Clinton 138W. 40n-tfb FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE GEESE, DRESSED for Christmas or New Year's and any other oc- casion; also Hereford ,heifer calf, one month old. Apply George Wise, phone 'Clinton 64511. 48b FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments. 33-tfb IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A good farm in Huron County, con- tact John Bosveld, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, God-' erich, phone Goderich 1108. 39p-40tfb FARM EQUIPMENT For Sole STAN -HOIST TRACTOR, Load- ers, Pax Hog Feeders, McLean Silo Unloaders, Booms self -un- loading Feed Trucks, Portable Feed Mixers, Wagon Unloaders. Used and new Grain Grinders and Hammer Mills. All farm equip- ment with information on request. New Idea Distributors, Goderich, Ontario. Phone Carlow 2821. 47-8-9-50-p FURNITURE FOR SALE T W O -PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite, re -upholstered. In excellent condition. Reasonable price. Moore's Upholstery. Phone Clin- ton 62. 48b Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 39p-tfb FUR .REMODELLING and REPAIRING • COMPLI 111 FUR REMODEL - ling and repairing service. Esti- mates gladly given. Also New Fur Coats, made to order. Searle Ftirs of Stratford. Representative at Lovett's Specialty Shop, Clin- ton, every Saturday night 7.30 to 10 p.m. with samples., 33-tfb HELP WANTED—Female WAITRESS FOR PART TIME' evening work. Apply to Bartliff Bros„ Clinton. • 48b GOOD RELIABLE SECRETARY with typing and shorthand. Apply in writing. W. G. Thompson and Sons, Ltd., Hensall, Ontario.' • 47-8-b BOOKKEEPER, to take complete charge of office in Goderich. Write Box 216, Goderich, stating age and salary expected. 48b HOUSEKEEPER WAN•1'Li) FOR modern home in Goderich. One adult. Please write • Box 216, Goderich, stating age and salary expected.' 48b FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Modern equipment, good Working condi- tions. Phone. Clinton 312W or a3 - ply in person, preferably, to A. Garan, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. 44-tfb HELP WANTED—MALE CARETAKER REQUIRED FOR Legion Hall, Clinton; only vet- erans need apply, in writing to Box 480, Clinton News -Record. State age, qualification and hour- ly wage required. 48h DRAFTSMAN GRADE 1 (ARCHITECTURAL) SALARY up to $3240 per annum Required for the ~ Dept. of National Defence (Air) at Clinton, Ontario High school education; three years experience in a drafting office, Application forms obtainable at 'Pest Offices.and National Etnploy- ment Services should be filed with the Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, NOT LATER THAN DEC. 12, 1955, a"" - Salesmen Wanted FULL, TIME FOR s DISTRICT TRICT s To enroll applicants topin Can- adian a - adian Mot Club The en we want must have direct selling ex- perience and he determined to work hard for the most profitable and satisfying job they have known Must have a car. Personal inter- views given to applicants- with complete resumes only. Please include phone number. Box 481 Clinton News -Record. CARDS OF THANKS We wish to sincerely thank our friends, neighbours and all who assisted in'. any way during our mother's illness, and our sad be- reavement—The ELLIOTT FADJ- ILY. 48p LOST and FOUND FOUND—Black and Brown; male hound, strayed to lot 29, Goderich Township, on Saturday evening. Owner may have same by paying for this advertisement. Phone Clinton 702W4. 48b LOST — HOUND, mostly white, black 'markings, tan head and ears' lost two miles up river from Bayfield.. Finder please contact Robert MelVlillan, phone Seaforth 844r4. 1: will pay all expenses. ' 48n LIVESTOCK FOR SALE-. 26 PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Tam- worth and English York cross. All white pigs. Apply to Wes and, Ross Hoggart. Phone Clinton 802r33. 48b 19 CHUNKS OF PIGS. Mervin Falconer. Phone Clinton 629112. 48p PUREBRED HEREFORD BULL calf, three months ' old. • Would make very promising club calf. Two of his brothers showed .well up in the Queen's Guineas. Fred Buchanan, phone Seaforth 841r4, 48p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle, Gilbert . Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 1483J1, or 148314 9ptfb HIGHEST CASH •PRICES PAID for ' dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cows. Phone promptly, Atwood 133 collect. 32to46b MISCELLANEOUS VARIETY GIFTS — Art Supplies, Pet Supplies, Budgies, Canaries. Eric Milner Flowers, Seaforth. Open Wednesday afternoons and every evening. 48-9-50-1-b WILLIAM KING, JUNK Dealer. We buy junk, we buy anything. Top prices paid. Get it picked up betore the snow arrives. For pick- up call Clinton 680. 47-8-9-50-p VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY store for best. values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clintdn 230. W. N. Counter. 48p S. RIDDICK and SONS have available .Pioneer Poultry Con- centrate, Dairy concentrate for mixing,, Big 3 Laying Pellets for noon feeding. Try thein. 45 to 48p WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone, Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 and 10.0(.m. on week days and 7 30 and lM30 a.m. on Sundays. 6-tfb EGMONT MINERALS for Cattle have proven to supply all minerals cattle need to maintain good heal- th. At $7 per 100 pound4 it sup- plies these essential minerals very economically. Always available at the farm, or a phone call will bring it to your door. 3. W. Van- Egmond, phone Clinton 805r13. 46tfb PIANOS FOR SALE UPRIGHT PIANO, ingood con- dition. Apply to Mrs. Eph Snell, RR 1, Clinton, phone Clinton 805r12. 48p PERSONAL WOULD THE MAN WHO GOT my paint striper, please return it at once. D. A. Kay and Son, Clinton. 48b PET STOCK FOR SALE HOME WANTED FOR MALE, one -year-old tom cat, healthy con- dition. 1 Victoria Blvd., RCAF Station Clinton. 48b Cottage For Rent Furnished with hot and cold water on tap; three-piece bath, linoleum and oil heater; five minutes drive from the Radio School or situated on - new Highway 8. Phone at odce: 616x13 Clinton or 667r13 Seaforth JONATHAN HUGILL 47h memeeesammommaire FOR SALE 5 ROOM DWELLING with about • 1 acre of land. Price: $1,600, $400 down, balance in month- ly installments. lt/y storey, six xoom . dwelling, modern conveniences, small stable on property, early pos.. session. Price $6,500. ONE -STOREY FIVE -ROOMED Dwelling, two bedrooms, sun porch; .modern cbnveniences; garage. Price $4,800. Down payment $1,500. 1 %x -STOREY, SEVEN -ROOMED Dwelling, consisting of double living room, with fire place, dining room, ldtehen, bed room and two-piece bath down; 2 bed rooms and bath en, fully furnished. Garage; *$ let st�'&7'.' • Suitable for duplex. Price $9,000. ONE STOREY DWELLING, con- sisting t w osolf-cont self-contained • four -roomed apartments; oil heated; modern conveniences; good location. 0 11. C. LAWSON Complete Insurance Service Real Estate Investments Bank of Montreal Building Phones: Office 251W; Res. 251J CLINTON, ONTARIO `BIRTHS. BAIELAAR= In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, November 27, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bakelaar, Clinton, "a'daughter. CRITTENDEN—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tueeday,• November 15, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Crittenden, Clinton, a son (William Keith). DAWSON=Mr. and /Vbs. A. 3. Dawson (nee Gertrude Heli:nes), Beaurepaire, Quebec, announce the arrival of their ,chosen son (John Albert). FIELD In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Monday, November 28, 1955, to Mr. and MIS. Frank Field, RR 2, Hensall, a son. GIBBINGS - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, Novem- ber 26, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gibbings, Clinton, a daughter. TREBNER In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, November 27, 1955, to Mr. and.Mre. Stuart liebner;, RR 1, Exeter, a son. MARRIAGES F'ISOHER-POIRIEIR—I,i the Ro- man Catholic Chapel, RCAF Station Clinton, on Saturday morning, November 19 1955, by F/d, Wardell, Jeannette Marie Poirier, RCAF, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Boudreau, Fitchburg, Mass„ to Frank William Fisch- er, RCAF, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Moses, Kirriemuir, Alta. RUSTON-PARKER—In St. James' Church, Seaforth, on Saturday morning, November 26, 1955, by Rev. E. F. Webber, Margaret Wilhelmina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Parker, Hensall, to Clarence Allan Ruston, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ruston, Eg- mondville. TALBOT-REID — In Victoria St. United Church parsonage, Gode- rich, on Saturday afternoon, November 26, 1955, by Rev. S. A. Moote, Margaret Jean, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Norval Reid, Hensall, and Robert Mel- vin Talbot, son of Mr. and Mrs, Leopard Talbot, Bayfield. DEATHS BRIOKENDEN In London, on. Monday, November 28, 1955, Elizabeth • Brickenden, formerly of Clinton, in her 89th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mut- eh funeral home,, High Street, Clinton, by the Rev: A. G. Eagle on Thursday afternoon, Decem- ber 1, at two p.m. to Clinton Cemetery. ELLIOTT—In London, on Friday, November 25, 1955, Bertha Ev- elyn Graham, beloved wife of the late George H. Elliott/, in her 72nd year. - Funeral from the Bali and Mutch, funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, November 28, by Rev. A. G. Eagle. NORMAN — In Holmesville, on Friday, November 25, 1955, Frank Albert Norman, in his 82nd year. Funeral from the Beattie funeral home, Ratten- bury Street East, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, November 28, by Rev. H. C. Wilson. MEDD—At his home in Auburn, on Tuesday, November 29, 1955, James W. Medd, widower of Ethel Duff, in his 87th year. Funeral from St Mark's Anglican Church, Auburn, this afternoon, December 1, commencing at two o'clock, to Ball's Cemetery, Hul- lett Township. OSMOND — In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Monday, November 28, 1955, Miss Emily Osmond, Seaforth (formerly of Bayfield), in her 87th year. Funeral from the Ledge Fun- eral Home, Goderich, on Wed- nesday afternoon, November 30, to Bayfield Cemetery. NOTICE TO CREDITORS' IN THE ESTATES OF JOHN JOSEPH ZAPFE & ELIZABETH JANE ZAPFE, deceased. All persons having claims against the estates of John Joseph Zapfe and Elizabeth Jane Zapfe, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 10th day of February 1955 and the 3rd day of August 1955 re- spectively, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 10th day of De- cember next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claimsof which notice has been feceivec�. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter - Ontario 47-8-9-b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements At Lot 24, Concession 14, Hull - lett Township, %i mile west of Blyth on County Road, on Saturday, December .3rd at 1 p.nr. • Cattle: One part Ayrshire cow, due Feb. 24; Durham cow, due March 8; Durham and Guernsey cow, due April 6; Ayrshire cow, due May 15; Durham cow, due in June; 4 Polled Angus spring cal- ves; 1 Hereford spring calf. Hogs: 23 chunks of pigs. Machinery: • Oliver 70 tractor, recently overhauled and equipped with excellent rubber; Oliver 3 - furrow plow; rubber -tired wagon and hay rack; McCormick mower; M -H side rake; M -I-1 seed drill, 13 disc with fertilator; 1 trailer with racks; hay loader; 13 -tooth cultivator; double disc; four 80 - Ile milk cans, milk pails & strain- er; forks, shovels, chains, oil -bath pump jack, rotary pump; 1937 1.1/2 -ton stake Chev. truck; 1936 Chev. coach. Hay and Grain: 850 bales of choice mixed hay; quantity of loose hay; 500 bus. mixed grain; 2.5 . bus..barley. Terms --Cash No reserve as the farm is sold. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer John Creighton, Proprietor • EMMA LAMS Clinton -ton Genual Insurance LOW RATES, ON TELEVISION AND ANTENNA INSURANCE Phone Clinton ,1,381 IN 'MEMORIAM 2 Cents per word, Minimum 50e ADAMS—In loving memory of a dear husband and father,., Thomas E. Adams, who passed away De- cember 7, 1954: "Somewhere back in the sunset, Where loneliness never dies, He lives in a land of glory ..XVfidst the gold and blue of the skies. And we Who loved him dearly Whose passing has brought many. tears ,„e Will cherish his memory To brighten the drifting years." Ever remembered and sadly mis- sed by his ,wife and family, 48p Nanette Bingo Winners Listed Mrs, Lillian Newman, and Mrs. Frank 14eBargne shared the spec- ial $50 winnings, at the bingo sponsored by the Clinton Kinette Club, in the Legion Hall, last Thursday evening. The winners of the three share -the -wealth games were, Mrs. J. R. Murphy, RCAF Station; Mrs. Hartley Managhan, and Mrs. Lillian New- man. Otherwinnersof the regular games for turkeys -included: Mrs. Robert Fairservice, Londesboro; Mrs. Norman Baird, Brucefield, Mrs. G •C-rigg, (shared); Mrs. F. Hickman, Stratford, Alex Pat- terson, Blyth, (shared); Norman Livermore; Mrg. J. M. Elliott; Mrs. • Norman Baird, Brucefield; Mrs. Don ` Smith; Jack Tervitt; Wingham; Mrs. Herb Fairserviee; Mrs. Herb Fairservice, Mrs. Ray McGee, • Staffa, ` Clarence John- ston, Byth, (shared); Mrs. Rich- ard McWhinney, Goderich; Miss Dorothy Sterling; Mrs. Hartley Managhan,; J. A. Hiidgbrande, Goderich.. AUCTION SALE of Bell Grain Separator From the farm of Elgin jesting, Lot No. 30, Concession 11, Hullett Township, 1 mile west of Londes- bore on Monday, December 5 r at 2 p.m., 1955. Bell 24-40 grain sephrator with 18 foot elevator, straw cutter and mounted on steel wheels. For further particulars apply to the undersigned auctioneer. Sale conditions and terms -will be read on sale date. Any claims against the above mentioned machine to be in the possession of the auctioneer before sale time of 2 pm., Dec.' 5, 1955. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 47-8-b EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Reg. Short- horns, Tractor, Implements Hay, Grain, and Miscellaneous Items On the premises, Lot 19, Con. 7, Parr Line, Hay Township,. 21, miles east of Zurich or 3% miles west of Hensall, & % mile south. The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by Public Auction on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 1.955, commencing at 12.30 o'clock p.m. sharp: Real Estate: Consisting of 'Lot 19, Con. 1, Hay Township, 100 acres of choice clay loam on which is situated a well built 8 -room frame dwelling, with all modern conveniences, consisting of new kitchen with built-in' cupboards; large living room and den; has full basement and new furnace; pres- sure system throughout; large driving shed and garage; large barn and straw shed. All buildings in good state of repair. Farm well drained with ample water supply. Inspection invited before day of sale. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale; balance in 30 days. Offered .for sale subject to a rea- sonable reserved bid. Registered Shorthorns: Crimson Lady, born 1947, with calf at foot, Flora Ann, born 1947, bred June 22; Anchovy Clarion, born 1946, bred Feb. 22, due before sale date; Strawberry Blossom 49th, born 19+17, with calf at foot; Clarion Fiera, born 1946, bred April 8; Strawberry Blossom '50th, bred Fete 28, due before sale date; An- chovy Clarion 2nd, born 1949, with calf at foot; Laving Rosebud, born 1948, bred June 20; Helen Laving, born 1952, with calf at foot; Par- recho Flora, born 1952, with calf at' foot; Parrecho Calrossie Jilt, born 1952, with calf at foot, re - bred Aug. '15; Parrecho Rosebud born 1952, with calf at foot, re - bred July 14; Marigold Ann, born 1952, with calf at foot, re -bred June ,27; Strawberry Blossom 52, born 1952, with calf at foot; Par- recho Anchovy, born 1952, pried April 15. All cows and heifers carrying the services of Aberfeldy Orchid. A very outstanding sire, Nine yearling heifers; 10 steers, rising 2 yrs. old. This is an extra fine herd of cattle. Top quality and blood lines. Tractor and Farm Implements:* 1950 Ford tractor, fully equipped, in A-1 condition, extra equipment including. 2 -furrow plow, cultivat- or, manure loader, dirt bucket, scraper, etc.; M -I3 hinder, 7 ft. cut; Cockshutt 13 -run hoe fertiliz- er drill; 30 -plate tractor dise; 2 sets of 3 -section harrows; 3 -sec- tion lever harrows; Mc -Deering power take -off mower, 7 ft. cut, like new; Cockshutt drop head hay loader, like new; horse drawn Cockshutt • spreader, on rubber; ribber tired wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; Mc. -D. side rake; cultipack- er; bean puller; oat roller; set of sleighs; root pulper; 2,000-1b. cap scales; aluminum wheel barrow; dump rake; quantity of tile; quan- tity of posts, steel and cedar; 2 sections of roofing 10x10; circular saw; colony house; pig crate; shelters;, brooder stove; Vega cream separator; 2 wheel trailer; stoneboat; logging chains; forks, shovels, barrels, and many articles too numerous to mention. Hay and Grain 300 bus. Abe- gweit see oats; 200 bus. mixed ram 50� bales alfalfa hay; 10 tons loose mixed hay; quantity of ensilage; quantity of alfalfa and timothy seed. Household Effects: White enam- el sink; cupboard, tables, chairs, chesterfield suite; small' wardrobe; etc.,' ete. Due to'large sale, selling will start sharp -on time. No re- serve, Terms: Cash. MRS. ROSS DICK, Proprietress Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer , Ross Love, Clerk PAGE SEVEN, FOXY THEATRE V L I N T O N NOW: THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "RIDING SHOTGUN" Randolph Scott, an innocent man accused of outlawry holds an en- tire town at bay—with a single gun. — RANDOLPH SCOTT Wayne Morris — James Millican MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "SPECIAL DELIVERY" This charming comedy makes pleasant sport of the Russians. It has a love story, and a cute baby —all adding up to an entertaining evening. — JOSEPH COTTEN Eva Bartok — Niall MacGinnis Coming: "PRIDE of the BLUE, GRASS" Lloyd Bridges — Vera Mites" AT TELEPHO THE'PARK 1150.NE, Goderich NOW: THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "TALL MAN RIDING" — In' Technicolor -- The The Montana land rush of 1870 saw this manin the saddle, six feet tall and a six-shooter in his hand, ashe made law enforcement a private and rugged enterprise. RANDOLPH SCOTT Dorothy Malone & Lane Chandler MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "MY SISTER EILEEN" In 'Scope & Color by DoLuxe Ruth McKenny'sgreat story of two ambitious. sisters is even greater as a wide-screen musical comedy; the sort of bright and cheerful entertainment YOU will enjoy. — JANET LEIGH Jack Lemnron & Betty Garrett Coming: "THE BROKEN LANCE" BE SURE Of Your Fuel Supply BUY From your Local Dealer MUSTARD LUMBER and COAL BRUCEFIELD Phone Clinton 634 r 11 Also Dealer for ROE FEEDS St. Andrew's WMS Names Officers For Next Year - (By our Bayfield correspondent) The VMS of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church held their annual meet- ing on Thursday of last week at the parsonage, conducted by the president, Mrs. Jack Scotchmer, who led in the devotional exer- cises. Reports were heard from all the departments and all were good, the treasurer's being particularly gratifying, showing that the al- location of $235 had been reached and passed by $17. The election of officers was con- ducted by Rev. Peter Renner, a slate of names having been al- ready prepared and only needing Clinton Communi _ Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. ' W. ELLIOTT' Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk ratification by the votes of the members. The list was as follows and. all. officers were unanimously; elected: Past president, Mrs. Gladwin Westlake; president, Mrs, Jack Scotchmer; first vice-president, Mrs. Harvey Helmer; second vice- president, Mrs. Renner; third vice- president, Mrs. Albert Dunn; sec- retary, Mrs. Robert Scotchmer; treasurer, Mrs. Gladwin Westlake. Birthday box, Mrs. Charles Toms; associate helpers, Mrs. Gladwin Westlake; Christian citi- zenship, Mrs. Robert Scotchmer; Christian stewardship, Miss Maud Stirling; supply, Mrs. Malcolm Toms; Mission Band leaders, Mrs. Charles Scotchmer and Mrs. John Lindsay; Baby Band, Mrs. Bert Greer; Missionary Monthly, Miss J. Stirling; literature, Mrs. Lloyd Makins; friendship, Mrs. Dewar, Mrs. J. McKenzie, Mrs. Len Tal- bot, Mrs. Roy Scotchmer and Mrs. Ivan Steckle. OODERICH PAVILION DECEMBER DANCING NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY AND DANCE DECEMBER 31st — Dancing 9 p.m. to ? Dress Optional — Admission $2.50 per person Write Goderich Pavilion or phone 675 or 419 for table• reservations. SATURDAY NIGHT'S MUSIC by PAUL CROSS and His Orchestra, WEDNESDAY IS SQUARE DANCE NIGHT with. Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawks or 956 • • the fine new Model 211(40 ' Handsome 5 -Star 21" console. Exclusive Power Panel for precision performance. Finest wood finished cabinet, available in glowing walnut, stained mahogany, modern blonde. GALBRA ITH TV Service Specialists CALL 482 CLINTON