HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-11-24, Page 8'',AGE EIGii1: ;IN'PON"NEWS=RF.do Nevus of Bay!ieid BYI i SS i.vcr i, Ro; WOORS Ontario's Champion' Country Correspondent PHONE,BAYFIELD 45r3 Miss Ethel :Blair; London; was home over the weekend. Mr, and Mss. Leslie R. -Gray, London, spent Saturday With Mr. and. Mrs. Maynard Corrie. Miss Anne Drouin and 1VIrs: T. E. Mullen, Detroit, were at -the formers: cottage for a few 'days this week.,; Mr. •and Mrs. Dalton Stbith ' and Janet, London, visited Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and, Mrs.: W. W. Hig- gins on Saturday. J. Schram; Detroit, entertained Scout Master Gus Kalber and eight scouts from Detroit at his Mr, and Mas. Keith (Brandon and babe have moved into Ni'rs. George King's house for the win - Guides and Brownies The annual meeting of the local association for Guides. and Brown- ies was held at the home of the president, Mrs. R. H. F. 'Gairdner, an Monday afternoon. .Alf ter all responsibilities had been met, a small balance remain- ed iii the treasury. ' The following were elected to office: president; Mrs, J, Lindsay; vice-president,, Mrs.- Don Kings cottage over the weekend, bury; secretary, Mrs. Fred. Walks; Jackue Cleave, son of Mr. and treasurer, Mrs. J. Cluff; badge Mrs. Logan Cleave, Bronson Line, secretary, Mrs. Fred :Weston. visited his grandparents, Mr. and Retiring officers were Mrs. R. Mrs. Paul Cleave from Saturday IL F.' 'Gairdner, president; Mrs. until Monday. James A. Cameron, vice-president George Little and Spencer Er- a r d Mrs. Charles Scatchmer, vine returned home on Thursday treasurer. evening after a hunting trip to The meeting was attended by a the Parry Sound District. They group of interested women. It camped near Britt. George Little hoped that the Association in Hay - 'bagged a deer.,field will have more members Harry Lawson, Kingston, whnext year to join in this patriotic came to'see his mother, Mrs. H. A. Lawson, in Clinton Public Hos- pital, visited his sister, Mrs. May- 22 Boys Enroll For Scout And Cub . Training (By our Bayfield correspondent), Nine Cubs :and 13 •nee Scouts; registered at: the first meeting held in the basement of the Town Hall on Friday evening last, The Rev. W. S. Outerbridge wel- comed the bays and pointed out that the Scout law included their - Duty to God, expressed in attend- ing church. He introduced the Scout. Master, George Simons,' and the Cub . Master, Art Turland;-`. D. Carswell, District .. Scout Master, introduced L. G. Winter, Assistant Commissioner for this district, Mr. Winter addressed those present 'on the principles of scouting -the scout law, and stress- ed honesty and integrity, The Rev. W. S. Outerbridge is president and the Rev. Peter Renner, secretary -treasurer of the local group committee of the Bay" - field and District Boy Scout As- sociation.' The movement is being supported by the churches and the Lion's Club. It is hoped that the mothers will form a ladies auxiliary in the future. ,-Cubs and Scouts will meet in the 'basement of the Town Hall on Friday evening at 7.30 p.m. Any other boys who wish to register . are invited to attend. riard Corrie and family on Sat- urday and Sunday. He was ac- companied by a friend. Mrs. Kenneth Brandon and Lynn, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Denby in Buffalo, returned home on Sunday with her husband. Ii. N. Brandon. ' .amour/pained his son on the motor trip to Buffalo. Mn and Mrs. W. H. Little, Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark, Union, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Char - leg Torus. �ddllllllNlt111IIIi�IQ�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIINIIII�lllll When is YOUR Subscription Due? Ci ECK THE DATE NOW. If paid by Nov. 30 You Can Save 50c SII IIIIIIIIIIIBBIIIIInpllhlllllllllnlllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllfllllllllfll P +1MN PLUMBING ILL UR - ;1_ ;AND WE SEND i NO TOP -HIGH BILLS work. Mrs. Gairdner was assisted by Mrs. H. H. Ormond in serving tea Great EIm Laid, Low By Strong Winds; One Of The Last Pioneers (By our Bayfield correspondent) Due to the discrepancies of old age, one which had seen the com- ing (and escaped the axe) of the pioneers was laid low on Thurs- day night of last week. On Friday morning, it was dic- coveredthat the tall :old elni tree which graced the north end of the Poth property had crashed in the gale. Fortunately, it fell to the east. Situated almost, opposite (perhaps a little to the west) across the sideroad .from Percy Proctor's Cottage, it would have done great damage to the building had it fallen in that direction. This tree of the primeval forest was there when Mrs, LeRoy Poth's great-grandfather, Charles Middleton, purchased the property For many years, before instru- ments were in general use or ship- ,O.LECTR-ICIAtt*.e.FtUMBER `. CI.INTON -t;147 'ERVICE AFETY ECURITY AVINGS Thousands are Joining the NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE LEAGUE OF CANADA Local Representative Jack A. Webb Tel. 'MN CLINTON ONTAR4IO • Small Town ILas 'Televsioi' 1.11MIMZ NOVEMBER 24,`1;Y3f tatoln dreamed of, this stately ehn was the sight by which fishermen set their course for Bayfield Harbour. It stood out as a great hump on Megreyshoreline. And the fish- ermen knew that steering a little to the south of that hump would bring them to Bayfield. The elm was 16 feet in circum- ference and about 80 feet in leng- th. Like that of many human be- ings its heart was ravaged by age. And so it was not strong enough to stand up ,against the terrific force of the wind on that night. One strong gust must have twist- ed it, for the tall tree was splint- ered up the trunk. And in falling it smashed other smaller trees, Thus another familiar and beauti- ful landmark, a link with the ear- ly days, has gone. Huron Women At Annual Give RumbaII's " IGA Market Meat Specials Flt Sg . PORK LOIN ROASTS lb. 37c PORK SHOULDER Roast .lb. 29c FRESH PORK BUTT ROAST • lb. 43c 3Ff1.ESH LOIN PORK CHOPS' . ib. 57c FBESH PORK LIVER ib. 19c FIt�ESH SIDE PORK .. lb. 39c Wird) SIDE BACON .. t/2lb. ,.31c Grocery Savers YGr.i FANCY TOMATO JUICE -20 oz. tin 2/21c ICA FANCY APPLESAUCE -15 oz. tin FLUFF() AXLIVIER, OUT MIXED PREY, -8 oz. pkg. AYL1lhlR, CUT 'MIXED FRUIT -8 oz. pkg. HEINZ KETCHUP -11 oz. �btl. SIMONIZE UQUID—pt ..,'.... ....... . 63c INSTANT 3 1b. 35c QUAKER OATS, OGILVIE FLOUR Central Prete Caandlaa Wingham, Ont., has a population of only 2,802 persons, and when its television station went on the air on November 18,. it became the smallest town with a TV station in North America. Reason for the station's entry into the expensiveenterprise is shown by the may being studied by Audrey Gilmore and Sally shown by the map being studied by Audrey Gilmore and Sally persons occupying Canada's richest agricultural market. It is one of the few station that has a majority bf rural spectators. News of Auburn Correspondenthone ngannon 9 FRED ROSS Ilu IeWS of Biuceiield Correspondent -- MRS. H. F; BERRY Phone Clinton 618 r 22 or Se$ orth 659 r 22 Mrs, C. ,Ilam and Miss Mary Mr. and Mrs, Charles I{ovack,- Swan . are visiting ' in Hamilton with Mrs: (Dr.) Swan. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Allan, Jr., were ,attending and assisting ,at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Must- ard, Weston, visited with the for- mer's parents over the weekend, Alex Mustard had. the misfort- une to fracture his ankle while assisting with cattle last Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Don McKenzie, St. Thomas, visited with Mr. MCKen- zie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Mc- Kenzie, 'Visiting with Mrs. Douglass and Mrs. Consitt; were their sisters, Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Logan, Hensall. Friends of Mrs, Johii Grainger are pleased to know she. was well enough to return home from Clin- ton linton Public Hospital. Port Dover, visited with Mrs. Ko-- vack's parents,. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Snelling, on Friday. Group 'rwo of the Woman's As- so'ciation,, under the direction of Miss M. McDonald, held a very successful run -image sale in Clin- ton Town Hall fast Saturday. The many friends of Mrs. Char- les Snelling were sorry to -hear= that she became suddenly ill while - grading eggs in the Egg Grading; Station here, and continues in bad health. Mr. and. Mrs, .Jaynes Hill, Strat- ford, spent Monday with Mr. and' Mrs, J. K. Cornish and Mrs. Will- iam Sinclair. The many friends. or Mr. Sinclair, are pleased to,. know that he is improving in, St.. Joseph's hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. G. Beecroft, Eel - grave, spent the weekend with Mrs. Beecroft's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and family, with Mrs. H. Berry, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin D. Smith at Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Davies Thomas Haggitt; ladies low, Mrs. have moved into Mr. F. 0- Mc- Herb Govier; men's- sow, Ernest Ilveen's house. Hickingbottom. Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Ross, Carl Govier was the holder of Oakville, were weekend visitors the thucky ticket ettfor a held turkey the ick and with Mrs. Fred Ross. t Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mcllveen for a goose. left on Friday for Niagara Falls The Hall has recently been to visit their son prior to going painted and a new roof put on it. to Florida for the winter. Rev. B. DeVries Honoured The local Orange Lodge held a At St. Mark's Anglican Church, Euchre party in their hall, Friday Auburn, last Sunday morning the night when 14 tables were played. congregation honoured their rec- The winners were: ladies high, tor, Rev.'5. DeVries, on the occas - Pars. Donald Plunkett; gents high, ion of his recent Ordination, Fordyce Clark, People's Warden on behalf of the congregation and The Ladies Guild, expressed the love and affection held for Mr, DeVries and his family and pre- corn 2 lbs Special Steer Fatena should be fed. sented him with a cheque. Lawrence Nesbit, president of e r— Nom am ma riar $2,000 Into Fund (By our Hensall correspondent) The Huron County Women's Institute held its fourth annual rally at Grand BendrUnited Chur- ch on Tuesday, November 22. South Huron District sponsored the meeting. Mrs. Kenneth Johns, Woodham; district president, pre- sided. The Grand Bend members served tea to accompany the box lunches at noon. The highlight of the meeting was the presentation of the che- que for 82,025. to Mrs. Gordon Mc- Phatter, Owen Sound, provincial president to be invested as the Huron County Ontario Women's Institute Scholarship Fund. This was followed by an inspiring ad- dress by Mrs. 1VIcPhatter who stressed equal rights, equal priv- ileges and equal responsibilities for all members. Mrs, Filsinger, •Belgrave, Home Economist for Huron was in troduced and she spoke briefly on behalf of the junior work. Col- oured slides to Inspire the pro- gram of beautification of home and. Huron County were shown. VARNA A special rally day service will be held in the United Church next Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. A junior choir will assist with the singing. The mother,,and daughter ban- quet put on by the W.A. of the Uiiited Church last Friday even- ing was attended by a large crowd. The guest speaker was Mrs. Fraser, Exeter. Mips. Lyle Hill proposed the toast to the. daughters and Miss Margery Web- ster replied. SV.M.S. Meeting ••-• •••••-•-•-•-•++4 GOSHEN LINE. H Margaret Porter, Bayfield' spent the weekend with Gwen McBride. The Young People met at the home of Berne McKinley. on Mon- day night.. Mrs. David Stephenson, Eg- mondvil'le, was with Mr,' and Mrs. Russell Erratt. Mission Brom The Goshen Mlsslon Band met on Sunday morning with Mrs. A. Keyes and Mrs. C. McBride as leaders. Joan Elliott was at the piano. Marlene McCiinchey read the Scripture followed With a poem by Gwen McBride. Gail McBride read the minutes and 17 answered- the roll call. "Tippy Finds Friends" was, read, The Mission Band purpose was re- peated in unison followed by the Mission Band hymn. The, pro- gram ended in a game. II(IIIAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIn111111II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111tlf111 CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs, Charles Riley and' Ronnie spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mfrs. Fred Riley,. Toronto. Beef Breeding Programme Ir t 1 Commercial Steers and Heifers t 1 ` Fattening with Good Roughage* f HAY -3-4 lbs,, plus full feed corn** - - plus 2 lbs, 1 Special Steer Fatena or 3 lbs. Steer Fatena G. CORN SILAGE—Full feed, plus 3 lbs. Special Steer Fatena or 41/2 lbs.' Steer Fatena G. 1 GRASS SILAGE—Full feed, plus 5 lbs. grain, plus 2 lbs. Special Steer Fatena, or 3 lbs. Steer Fat ens G. weight plus full feed of grain, plus 2 lbs. Special ' 1 * GOOD ROUGHAGE includes good quality,' leafy legume or mixed hay, tush green grass and/or legume pasture; and properly ensiled good quality 1 corn or grass silage, • ** When barley, wheat or oats are used instead of 1 1 SILAGE -(Restricted intake) 1 Ib. per 100 lbs. body Steer Fatena or 3 lbs. Steer Fatena G. 1 the A.Y.P.A. read a short address and Miss Mary Clark presented him with the gift of a "Topical -Bible' on behalf of her fellow members. Mr. DeVries suitably replied, e The Varna Woman's Missionary Society held their November meeting inthe church, with 19 members present. Mrs. Robert Taylor had charge of the bible study period with Mrs. J. McAsh and Mrs. F. McClymont reading from St. Luke's Gospel. Mrs. Tay- lor led in .prayer. The roll call for December will be a "Christ-' fries Thought". There were 22 calls to shut-ins reported. Mrs. T. J. Pitt invited the ladies to the parsonage for the December meet- ing. Mrs. S. Keyes gave a talk on Dr. Sweitzer, and read a poem from the missionary monthly. Mrs. Pitt gave an interesting talk on the new study book. HARRY W;LCIAMS ,-e ids ITs COLD ENOUGH TO FREEZE YOUR WIDE, BUT WITH OUR OIL ITS WARM INSIDE 4 Ut n LOCAL T,ASENM 15. Inc. --Hrr FUEL OW' �` 64SOLINE: MOTOR01(t; p .,416111CAIPt George F. McCall Funeral service will be held on Saturday, November 26 for Geo- rge Franklin McCall who died on Tuesday, November 22 at his home, Victoria, B.C. He was in his 77th year. The deceased was born in Mor- ris Township, attended school in that area and farmed there for several years. He moved to Lon- desboro where he resided until moving to Victoria; some years ago He was a life-long member of the United Church. • He is survived by his wife the former Bessie Wells and one daughter Jean (Mrs. Joseph Ven- turin) all of Victoria, two broth- ers, Arthur, Walton; Harold, Ham- ilton. He was predeceased by three sisters, Emma, Hattie and Annie- and three brother, Wililarn, James and. David, 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111HINNlilllllilli11111j WINTERIZING of Cars and Trucks is now in full swing! You may think that winterizing is an inevitable occurrence and you grudgingly give ,in to it — truth- fully a good winterizing job is one of the best things that can happen to your car. We believe happy customers are better customers and therefore do our best to -give you the best winter- izing job obtainable, ra We recommend the following check points: V Cooling System Battery V Lights V Exhaust Sysiem V Windshield Wipers V Tires V Brakes We check the engine, transmission, rear -exhaust, and air -filter for winter grade lubricants; spark plugs, distributor points, high tension wiring - everything to make your car start and run properly regardless of how severe the winter. AUTO WELLS ELECTRIC "The Original Tune -Up Shop' ('!HONE 7624 CLINTON • - intoe arm SippIy 1 1 and Machine Shop 1. Chas. Nelson, Prop. 1• ® m® mom Sl. =ZEN OM mill ma encu BAKING and ROASTING CAPACITY THAN ANY OTHER STANDARD SINGLE SUPER DELUXE TAKES ONLY„ 30" OF FLOOR SPACE! GIVES YOU ALL THESE BIG RANGE FEATURES( * Automatic Cooking * Look -in Oven Door Controls* Automatic Appliance * King -Size Miracle Outlet Seal Oven * Super Corox Surface Unit Red Hot in 30 Seconds! Clinton Electric Sha . D. W. C0BNI'SII "YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER" PHONE 479 CLINTON • , .�.`4-G-0-44,4"4-4.-6-4-04-P-04. 44 4-6