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cl11'roN •PAWS-RL'COPD
THWIRSDAY, NOVENththR 24, 19511
4-H Clubs Are
Lauded At Blyth
4-H Cluib work in Huron County
is becoming well known all over
the Province of Ontario Jake
Terry, Lambeth, fieldman for the
Holstein Friesian Association of
Canada,, told the Huron. County
Holstein, Club at its annual ban-
quet in Blyth.
In encouraging the county club
to strongly support the 4-H Dairy.
Calf Club members, the fieldman
said that these 'teen-agers would
be the future breeders of the
Over 200 people attended .the
event which saw the presentation
of prizes made to the winners at
the Black and White Show. Thi$,
included six prizes to Ross Mar-
shall, Kirkton who was premier
exhibitdr' and premier breeder.
Certificates for production' ach-
ievement were awarded to Tom
Hayden and Son, Gorrie (two) ;
Bisset Bros., Goderich; 'George
Turvitt, Wingharn; Hume' Clutton,.
RR 5, Goderich; Baxter and Tur-
ton, Goderich; Ross Marshall,
Kirkton; and the Huron County
Horne at Clinton.
Diesels, so railwaymen say,, are
the most efficient form of railway
motive power, ye't developed, They
out -perform all others by a con:
vincing, margin.
Township of Tuckersmith
NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with
Section 9 of The Voters' List Act and that I have posted
up at my office at Tuckersmith on the 14th day of No-
vernber, 1955, the list of all persons entitled to vote in
the said Municipality at municipal elections and that such
list remains there for inspection.
AND I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate
proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected
according to law, the last day for appeal being the 29th
day of November 1955.
DATED this 14th day of November, 1955.
E. P. CHESNEY; Clerk,
Township of Tuckersmith
A Nomination. Meeting for nominating a Reeve
and 4 Councillors for the year 1956, and also for nom-
inating 3 Trustees for the Township School Area Board
for 2 -year terms will be held in the CLINTON TOWN
Friday, November 25th
between the hours of 1.00 and 2.00 p.m.
If an Election be necessary, it will be held on
Monday, December 5th,
between the hours of 9.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.,
at the following places, with the following DRO's and
Poll Clerks:
Ward Place D.R.O. Poll Clerk
1—Orange Hall V. Falconer H. Fuller
2—Reg. Sturdy's H. T. Sturdy James Young
S—Bert Schilbe's Chas. Wallis Wm. Mcllw•ain
4—A. Ratkwell's ...._ ......:E. Trick Don Middleton
5--H. McCartney's 33. McCartney Les Pearson
6—R. E. Bowden's R. E. Bowden Reg. Miller
Clerk of Goderich Township
"I know what I'm talking about. No
wise man or woman would be without
the services of a trust company in matters
concerning their estate—it's far too
important. So, take my advice, write for
the free booklet, "Blueprint For Your
Family." It will tell you a lot you should
know about estate administration."
372 Bay St.,.Teronto 1.3 Dunlop. St., Barrie
London Road Club
Eleven Members
Met November 17
The November meeting of the
London Road Club was held at
the home of Mrs, Bennett -on Nov-
ember 17,; with 11 members and
one visitor present.
The meeting was presided over
by Mrs. Watkins and was opened.
by. singing, "The Church in the
Wiidwood, ''followed, by the . Creed.
The roll call was answered by
telling what each one would like
for Christmas.
The mystery box was in the
charge of Mrs. Waddles and was
won by lvirs. Ft. Plumsteel. A
card was sent to Mrs. Clegg, each
one present signing her name on
The program was in the charge
of Mrs. R. Plumsteel and all took
part in a few games of bingo.
The treasurer gave a report of
the card party held on November
Ladies' first prize was won by
Mrs. M. Wiltse; men's high, P.
Livermore; ladies' low, Mrs. P.
Livermore; men's low, J. Watkins.
The draw was made on the quilt
and the lucky winner was Mrs.
William Moffatt.. Lunch was
served by Mrs. Watkins and Mrs.
LeBeau, assisted by Mrs. Bennett.
The next meeting will, be at
the home of Mrs. M. Wiltse. A
pot luck supper will be served.
Mrs. Monaghan will have charge
of program and there wil'L also be
an election of officers.
Canning Group
Holds Meeting
At a meeting of canning crop
growers held in Exeter town hall
recently a request for increased
prices for their canning crop was
endorsed by the 26 growers in at-
tendance and a resolution was dir-
ected to the Ontario Vegetable
Growers' Marketing Board.
A. Pilkey, Middlesex district di-
rector, and Huron Director Clar-
ence Down, complained that can-
ners did not buy the complete
crop grown by the farmer. Grad-
ing of peas by the processor would
benefit the growers it was agreed.
Directors Named
R. E. Pooley, Clarence Down,
Bruce Tuckey, Elgin Rowcliffe
and Elgin Thompson were ap-
pointed district directors. Named
as county directors were William
Ellenington, Bruce Tuckey, Oscar
Tuckey, Clifford Jory, Archie Et-
herington, Ross lVfarshall, Melvin
Traquair, Alf Moffat, Elgin Thom-
pson, Grant Ratcliffe and Elgin
The meeting was itt the charge
of County Chairman R E. Pooley.
H. H. Strang was secretary.
Aged Printer Dies
On November 11
George Henry Saints, of of Can-
ada's oldest printers, died in hos-
brance Day, November 11. He was
He was one of the founders of
the printing firm of Saults and
At the time of his death he was
Sudden Heart
Attack Cripples
Young father
Gets $150 a Month
And Free Insurance!
In 1949, a young. Montreal sales
manager suffered a severe heart
attack. Ile has been totally disabled
ever since. He has a $15,000
Confederation Life policy that car-
ries a Total Disability Benefit. As a
result, he receives aregular monthly
cheque for $150 while totally dis-
abled, until he reaches age 65—his
$15,000 life insurance policy
continuesin full force and
Confederation pays the premiums?
If he is still disabled at age 65 he
will receive 315,000 in cash or as
At any age, for any number of
causes, you may suddenly find your-
self totally disabled. That's why you
would be wise to include a Total
Disability Benefit in your life in-
surance,wherever possible. Askyour
Confederation Man about it today!
Con ederation
For Free Booklet,
"What About Disability?" calk
Divisional Manager,,
Royal Bank Bldg., London
ulYett Township Couple
were married in. the Ontario Street United Church manse on
Saturday afternoon, November 5, by Rev..A. G. Eagle, The bride
is Margaret Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dale, RR 4,
Clinton, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Flynn, RR 1, Clinton- They are living on the groom's farm at
RR 1, Clinton. (Photo by MacLaren's)
Kippen WMS
Has Lecturer
(By our Hensall • correspondent)
Dr. Judith Brigham, B.A.M.A.,
Grand Bend, analyst and lecturer,
daughter of a former United
Church minister at Exeter, was
guest speaker at the annual birth-
day party of the Women's Mis-
sionary Society of St. Andrew's
United Church, Kippen, on Nov-
ember 9, and cose for her subject
"How your attitude towards life
affects your physical health."
The speaker was introduced by
the president, Mrs. Emmerson
Kyle who chaired the meeting.
Guests for this occasion were
members of the WMS and Even-
ing Auxiliary of Hensall United
Church. Hostesses were Mrs.
Ross Love and Mas, Robin McAl-
lister. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot pro-
vided music at the organ consol,
The president extended the wel-
come to members and guests. Mrs,
William Caldwell read sacred pas-
sages and offered prayer. The
report of the visiting committee
was submitted by Mrs. Bruce Mc-
Gregor. Mrs. Ross Love and Mrs.
Robin McAllister" will form the
visiting committee for this month.
Mrs. N. McLeod and Mrs. R.
M. Peck were appointed a com-
mittee to purchase a gift for a
prayer partner, Miss Ada Zandell,
a missionary. Mrs. Clarke Ken-
nedy, Grand Bend, sang vocal
editor of the publication McLean's
Monthly, house organ for McLean
Brothers Ltd., trade compositors
and advertising typographers of
Born at Goderich, Mr. Saints
was apprenticed to the printing
trade at 15. He worked in job
plants and on weekly and daily
newspapers in Canada and the
United States.
During the Riel rebellion, before
the day of the photo -engraving
plant, Mr. Saints reproduced a
sketch showing the location of
the troops in the field, showing
proposed movements.
Ladies' Aid At
Hensall Name
1956 Executive
solos and Mrs. T. C. Coates and
Mrs. G. Hess, Hensall, sang a
duet, accompanied at the piano by
Mrs. L. Mickle. Mrs. Dave Kyle,
Hensall„ and Mrs, Winston Work-
man, Kippen, provided readings.
(By our 'Hensall e,or'respoudent)
Mrs. M. Dougall was appointed
president . of the Ladies' Aid of
Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hen-
sel', on 'November 14, and oth-
er officers named are vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. P. Campbell; secretary,
Mrs. J. Sold'an; assistant, Mrs.
Clarence Reid; treasurer, Mrs, W.
R; Bell; group leaders, Mrs. Arch-
ie Hoggarth, 'Mrs. A. Orr, Mrs.
John Soldan; manse committee,'
Mrs. It. Cameron, Mrs. W. R. Bell;
quilt committee, Mrs. E. Munn,
Mrs. E. Campbell, reception, Mrs.
S. Dougall," Mrs. J. 'Bonthron;
pianist, Mrs. E. Munn, assistant,
Mrs. W. Brown.
Mrs. A. Orr's group was in
charge of the meeting. Mrs. M.
Dougall read the Scriptural pas-
sages, Mrs. S. Dougall took the
meditation; prayer followed by
Miss Hannah Murray. Mrs. J.
Bonthron sang a solo.
Mrs. R, Cameron reported from
the manse committee on sundry
accessories needed at the manse.
Mrs. W. R. Bell made a report on
a suggested improvement project
which could be made in the manse
kitchen including modern cup-
boards, and on an offer made by
Rev. Donald MacDonald to do all
necessary carpentry work for the
project. Mrs. J. Bonthron made a
motion that the Ladies Aid should
accept Mr. MacDonald's offer and
look after all expenses involved
should it be approved by the
board 'of managers. Mrs. Alex
MacGregor seconded the motion.
Mrs. Wilmer Jones extended a
vote of thanks to the speaker and
those taking part in the program.
At the conclusion of the meeting
members and guests were invited
to the 'tea room decorated with
autumn flowers. Pouring tea were
Mrs. R. M. Peck and Mrs. N. Mc-
Leod. The birthday cake was cut
by Mrs. Harry Chesney.
Civil Suit Lost
In Clinton
Court Hearing
With Huron County Judge
Frank Fingland, Clinton, .presid.
ing, the third division court here
saw a civil action dropped in
which Gershon Johnston,' RR 1,
Wingham, plaintiff, sued William
Chowen, 'Clinton, for damages for
3130, as the result of a motor
accident on 'Clinton's main Street
a year ago.
Judge Fingland, in finding
Chowen not the cause of the acci-
dent, awarded him $25 damages
which he incurred in the accident.
A Clinton area man, Earl Gill -
cash, was committed to the Huron
County jail, Goderich, for three
days for contempt of court. Gill-
illcash had failed to appear here
on a judgment summons.
•In attendance at the court were
Clerk Thomas Steep and Bailiff
Frank Haines, both of Clinton.
of the
Clinton News -Record
in all news-stands.'
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Hensall WI Has
Regular Meeting
(By our Hensall correspondent)
The November meeting of Hen -
sell Women's Institute held in the
Legion Hall on Wednesday, No-
vember 9 was under the home ec-
onomics and health committee
convened by Mrs. S. Ronnie.
The roll call was answered by a
daily health precaution. After a
sing -song a delightful violin solo,
"A Shepherd's Dance", was players
by Miss Greta Laramie, accomp-
anied by Mrs. J. C. Goddard.
Mrs. W. B. Cross gave an ex-
cellent paper on health, introduc-
ing Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr.
Merriman, .three helpers for
health. A comprehensive report
of the 41st WI convention held in
Hotel London was given by Mrs.
James Kirkland and Mrs. Andrew
Dougall, of Hurondale WI.
An expression of thanks was
given by Mrs. George Armstrong
to those contributing to the pro-
gram. Lunch was served by Mrs.
A. Mousseau and Mrs. Fred Beer
and their committee.
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Is there someone in your family — a
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